Arkashean Q&A Session -- 044

KITTY: Now, my excessive ego--


KITTY: Is that just from this lifetime, or several, or, I mean--

THERRY: It starts from the beginning.

KITTY: Okay, so as far as the implements (not sure if that is right word) within this lifetime, it can either decrease or increase the ego, right?


KITTY: Well, you had mentioned I had to work areas in the excessive ego.

THERRY: Yes. In short, you're too in love with yourself. You're too much in love with your own thoughts, your own ideas. Too many times you think you are right, that you cannot be wrong, and as a result of that you make judgments, which are a little bit harsh.

KITTY: Uh-huh. Such as making assumptions based on what I believe is right--


KITTY: --within that given situation.

THERRY: Yes, and forcing others to apply by those judgments. You don't stop to think that they may have their own set of judgments, which differ from yours.

KITTY: Cause I know it's like I sometimes feel this urge to preach.


KITTY: And uh, basically, I had asked Wayne, and he said if someone asks you a question, you ask, I mean you reply according to the specific question that they're asking you--

THERRY: Yes, and you never go beyond those boundaries. Just because somebody asks you a question, that doesn't give you the right to get on a soapbox and start preaching. There's a difference between responding to a question, and becoming an evangelical preacher.

KITTY: See, what's the best way to stop that?

THERRY: The primary big difference in an evangelist is they have a need to preach; to tell others how they're doing wrong. Obviously they ought to clean their own houses first, because God said, go out and teach. He never said go out and preach. There's a difference between teaching and preaching.

KITTY: So, basically it's learning how to keep your mouth shut.

THERRY: Yes. You teach only when the student is willing to learn; you preach when they're not willing to learn. One is overriding the other's free will.

KITTY: Okay, let's go to the pattern in which I constantly change my jobs.

THERRY: Oh, that could be a number of possibilities. One could be you have an excessive ego, and therefore you're unwilling to make trade-offs, and follow other people's orders; you only want to follow your own. Another possibility is that it no longer serves your purpose so you seek another--what you would call improving yourself, and hence, you'd seek another job. Another possibility is that you don't make enough money where you're at; you want to make more money. Another possibility could be that the job that you have is not challenging enough, so you're bored, so you seek another job. Still, another possibility is you hope to get a certain reward from a job, and it's not fulfilling what you want; you expect too much from the job, so you go about changing again. Still another possibility is you really don't know what you want, so you keep changing, hoping that sooner or later you'll bump into what it is that you want.

KITTY: Isn't that the long way to go about it?

THERRY: Who cares?

KITTY: But I have to see the trade-offs before--


KITTY: Okay, `cause, see, that's um, for example, I'm making eleven dollars an hour, and that will take care of all my bills that I need to pay off. But, I've gotten to the point in my job that the knowledge I'm going to learn from now `'til about a year from now is constantly the war game, so there's a lot of new knowledge that will have to go to the library concerning weapons, and I thought, well, do I want to go ahead and put the effort on learning?

THERRY: Well, that I can't help you with. What's more, I don't even want to know what that knowledge is.

KITTY: See, it's because of what I know now, okay, I thought, well, do I want to go out and get more ingrained in this kind of game.

THERRY: I'm not involved in that. That I can't help you at all. I don't want to know anything at all about what it is that you're doing in your work; that's your affair, not mine. Arkashea doesn't get involved in that.

KITTY: Does visualization help?

THERRY: Yes. It is a tool.

KITTY: So, what I imagine, `cause I imagine a lot.

THERRY: Oh, really. (Laughter)

KITTY: I mean, my imagination just goes haywire.

THERRY: Sometimes.

KITTY: Why is that? I mean I feel like if I'm reading something, especially at work, I might create a situation within my visualization process, or my imaginative thinking--

THERRY: Perhaps it's excessive ego playing with itself.

KITTY: Entertaining itself? Even if it's just the thought of traveling through the Universe?

THERRY: You gotta remember that absolutely everybody has those little fantasies of self-grandizment. Everybody has it in their own way, but they do have it.

KITTY: I wouldn't call it self-grandizment of people; I think it's a way of them perceiving another reality that--

THERRY: I don't care what color you want to paint a rat; it's still going to be a rat.

KITTY: So, visualization process in which it's to help you change--

THERRY: It is strictly a tool; like any tool, you can use it improperly.

KITTY: What would be the proper way to use it?

THERRY: For growth; for understanding.

KITTY: So, if you visualize that you have a crystal body, and you heal it and cleanse it by having--

THERRY: Following the laws, which are appropriate for the purpose.

KITTY: For that specific visualization process?


KITTY: There are laws applies to that too?


KITTY: And what about the healing process?

THERRY: That's just a law for a purpose.

KITTY: So, if I want to heal myself--

THERRY: Within the limits allowable by Karma.

KITTY: So, you're saying I can visualize all day that I can heal myself, and that might not be so?

THERRY: You can do anything you want which is allowable within the framework of free will. You can do nothing within the framework of Predestiny except experience it.

KITTY: So, is there a proper way to visualize that is going to be effective?

THERRY: Well, there's a certain level of understanding that you have to accept. Within reality, you can imagine and believe yourself to be a tree all you want, and that's not going to make you a tree.

KITTY: Then what can we do?

THERRY: I already told you. Everything, which is allowable within free will.

KITTY: If I visualize--let's say I'm real sick and I visualize that I heal myself, and it does take place. It took place because I have the free will?

THERRY: That is correct.

KITTY: So, really, I won't know the due process 'til after it occurs?

THERRY: Yes. There's no guarantee; people seldom know the limitations of their free will, and the limitations of Predestiny.

KITTY: So, basically, the only guide I have right now are the laws that I have read.

THERRY: That's the only thing you can depend upon absolutely. Remember, there's much that you don't know about law yet.

KITTY: I know every time I pick a different book, there's another set of laws--I was thinking that's why I ask you how long I have left to read.

THERRY: Oh, you're a long way from accepting everything that is there to be had. You just began. Seems to me you're showing a little bit of impatience there.

KITTY: Ah, well, that's another question. How can I gain--I have a lot of patience, and sometimes it runs out and sometimes it don't.

THERRY: Uh-huh. The only thing I can tell you is when the pain's big enough, you'll change.

KITTY: I've already changed. I figure I have a solid job which I'm sure I can get out of, I thought, oops.

THERRY: Investigate being a lawyer.

KITTY: That's, that's where that knowledge came in, that's what I was now thinking the fact that sometimes I feel like well, I don't I'm smart enough to be a lawyer, How would it give, I mean, would that, would you give guidance to--

THERRY: You're good at memory. You're good at thinking; you're good at viewing varying differences. That's all a lawyer does. They--

KITTY: I'm good at investigating.

THERRY: Right, and researching, and they have--all they do is they see a problem and they remember and search out a law that will take care of that problem, and they take it to court using that law. That's all a lawyer does. It has all of the tools that you; you possess all of the tools that are necessary to be a lawyer. You possess the passion, you possess the tenacity, you possess the deductive reasoning, so you do possess the capabilities. Now it's up to you to decide if you really want to be or not. You keep saying you want to help others. Well, let's find out if that's true.

KITTY: They have a lot of areas within that degree.

THERRY: It doesn't matter what area, you're still helping somebody. And the only way you're helping yourself is by gaining money.