Arkashean Q&A Session -- 116

MANDY: So that feeling of remorse that you should feel is more when the person was affected by it directly and they knew about it?

THERRY: No, anytime, regardless of if they know it or not.

MANDY: Well, I'm sure this woman doesn't know all of this, that I was mad at her for years.

THERRY: It doesn't matter, you put all that hatred in the bank. That hatred's not for free, you know. Somebody has to pay for it.

MANDY: But I should feel bad for the harm I did to her? I don't comprehend how that it was harming her. I guess that's why it's hard for me to feel remorse for having harmed her. You know, because I don't...

THERRY: Did you harm the specie? Did you put all of that hate...?

MANDY: Oh, yeah, I see how it was wrong to behave in that manner in general.

THERRY: No, no, no. Not in general. You put all that hate in the specie's bank, right? So not only does she, but the whole specie is going to have to deal with that hate. It's not for free.

MANDY: Okay, that I can grasp more than feeling remorse for having harmed her. Because that I can't see so specifically, but I can see if I've harmed the Universe so to speak.

THERRY: It's not the Universe. It's your specie. Okay?

MANDY: Anything else about that? Okay. If I feel any sense of remorse it's for having...

THERRY: That opens the pit top and let's that hate drains out.

MANDY: It's moreso for myself having done something wrong, than feeling bad for having harmed other people. That's what it feels like to me, you know.

THERRY: But when you do that, it opens the drain back.


THERRY: And the ...because some of the hate gets drained away, the time shortens.

MANDY: So that takes into the thing you had mentioned once long ago, about accepting the Karma debt about being mad about it, is not paid yet, it's not stopped? You have to stop being mad about it before it's finished?

PEGGY: That's sort of life though...I think the last time we had asked, uhm I guess again looking for degrees, if you do something...if you don't do something, that's one thing, then there's if you do it, but you do it begrudgingly...

THERRY: You may as well not do it.

PEGGY: Well, that's doing it begrudgingly as bad as not doing it at all or is it slightly better in terms of degrees?

THERRY: Well, in terms of degrees, it's slightly better, depending on what the deed is. But you remember, there are eight kinds of...there's more than one kind of deed. You have the twin omissions and the twin commissions. Then you have the reluctant omissions and the reluctant commissions.

MANDY: What are the twin commissions between...

THERRY: Well, if you commit a deed or if you fail to commit a deed, it's a case of if you commit a deed when you should have committed a deed or if you committed a deed when you should not have committed a deed, that's the twin commissions.


THERRY: Then if you failed to commit a deed when you should've committed the deed or if you failed to commit the deed when you shouldn't have committed the deed. So there's those four there and there's those same four only you add reluctance. Then it's still the same eight when you add resentment. So then you keep adding and keep adding, it's like a...geometric, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64...And each time you add one more negative or positive to it, so you started out with just one omission, then you had it's commission and thus you had the twin. And then you add reluctance, so now that gives you 4, 8, whatever it is. Then you add, the resentment and make it 16, then you add something else and you get 32 and it keeps adding to it, it's fabric. Everything's connected to it. That's why the world is such a beautiful trap.

MARK: Would I be right in speculating that the majority of people on this planet, if they're going to start to sort their lives out, the major thing they have to sort out first is their relationship with their parents?


MARK: It's a pretty prime mover and shaker for most people?

THERRY: Yes. You're correct to such a high degree that one of the oldest clichés is there's no such thing as a happy childhood.

MARK: There isn't?

THERRY: There isn't. Simply because childhood is spent primarily on...

MARK: ...the young. [Snicker]

THERRY: Actually, it's spent getting away from the young and as the young test their limits and forever seek power and autonomy. It's a three-way contradiction.

SANDY: So you're supposed to come and help a child?

THERRY: No, a child needs a parent, it doesn't need a friend.

SANDY: But even as an adult?

THERRY: The only thing a child needs is to know that he makes a difference for his folks. If the parents are either not there or if they ignore them, the child grows up starved and he ain't going to easily get rid of those thoughts. He usually ends up resenting and hating his parents until he finally has the opportunity to become them. Then if he's lucky...

SANDY: So there's resolution prior to that point? You can resolve prior to being in that situation?

THERRY: No, you usually must ...because the law is, you become the things that you hate and you walk towards the things that you fear. But, not all is lost, because if you're lucky, one day you can wake up and realize... "Whoa!!! I am my father!" Simply because you have now done exactly what he has done that you hated him for so long for.

SANDY: Even in the same life time?

THERRY: Sure! And then at that time, you can reverse things.

SANDY: Can you do this without having a child? Can you do this realization without actually bearing a child?

THERRY: It's not necessary to bear a child, it's only necessary to you to be responsible absolutely for a child. It doesn't matter if that child is 10 years old or 310.

SANDY: So it can be yourself or another person who has...?

THERRY: No, it has to be another person, it can't be yourself.

SANDY: Can it be somebody in the form of an adult in this life or a peer ?


SANDY: That you'd be responsible for?

THERRY: Yes, absolute responsibility...The same way absolute power corrupts, absolute responsibility stifles.

SANDY: That's right.

THERRY: Yeah, you can't get away from it.

SANDY: So that's why you do the deed, you do the job, take care of the responsibilities.

THERRY: Now you bring in the triad between wisdom, knowledge and mobility.

SANDY: You know that you're responsible for this person you take responsibility for so that you created the knowledge part.

THERRY: But see, in order to take absolute responsibility for anything or anyone, requires that there's not enough time in your life for the things that you really want to do.

SANDY: True, so that's why you pick and choose something that you like? But then they never work out that way. Or they can, but with another individual.


SANDY: And so that might be saved beside for a specific lifetime for those who are solely responsible.


SANDY: And that cannot be altered by realization?

THERRY: No, because their realization won't come until you have realized that you are in fact the very first person that you disliked all that time.

SANDY: Are there lesser forms not so far down the line of emotions "dislike" or the variations of emotions? And each one I'm sure takes on a different responsibility. It doesn't have to be dislike or hatred, it can be a fear or a resentment. Those are all forms of anger?


SANDY: So what other emotions besides anger?

THERRY: It's a whole continuum.

SANDY: It's a whole ...the five emotions?


SANDY: Each one breaks up?


SANDY: But the most common is the anger which takes the form of resentment?

THERRY: Yes, it does the most harm and therefore it has the greatest power to trap and to stifle.

SANDY: So something that would be an appeasement of itself or a...?

THERRY: No, it's a way of sacrificing yourself.


THERRY: And you don't even realize it. You have no choice. And when you begin realizing it, you feel smothered and it's insufferable.

SANDY: Is it punitive?

THERRY: No, it's collective.

SANDY: Self-imposed?


SANDY: So there's no way to lessen the collectivity of it?

THERRY: Yes, there is. There's only one way.

SANDY: How so?

THERRY: Learn to understand, forgive and love.

SANDY: The self primarily? Or not the self primarily?

THERRY: It doesn't matter who you learn to do it with or against, you still must learn how to understand, forgive and love.

SANDY: So it's not important to start with the individual, the self and then have that as an understanding? You don't have to love know the old saying, you have to love yourself before you love somebody else.

THERRY: It isn't the presence nor absence of the triad. It is the interaction with the triad with your emotions.

SANDY: What would be a useful tool to initiate such a holding of a triad?

THERRY: [Laugh] Mother Nature automatically supplies that. It's complicated!

SANDY: So that is in itself a form of exuding or paying off the collective?

THERRY: If you can get past the resentment, yeah.

SANDY: So you can get to a point where you're paying it, although you feel no resentment. Is that the ultimate goal? That you know you're paying it, you know your understand, forgive and love and aside from that you still are in...

THERRY: Well, it sounds to me based on what you're saying, at that point, the lesson will already have been learned, hence the Predestiny that was involved would revert to Free Will. And then you would have the pawns to deal with.

SANDY: So by understanding, forgiving and loving, you're able to not're basically able to get past that?


SANDY: But aren't you still responsible, don't you still have to go through that...?

THERRY: Like we said, the pawns are still there.

SANDY: So you're still responsible, at least as far you claim your function?


SANDY: So that's all.

MANDY: When you say that you have to become the person that you're resenting...I assume that that's not like absolutely or...?

THERRY: If you hated your father because he slapped you on the side of the head, you will become a father and you will slap your kid on the side of the head.

GARY: That's like that Faberge commercial, I tell a friend and they tell a friend and they tell a friend and it's like this whole honeycomb effect with each telling another.

MANDY: That's like Karma in reverse! What was done to you, you're doomed to do it to other people!

THERRY: Remember the law, you become the thing that you hate and you walk towards the things that you fear.

MARK: Isn't it dangerously close to "An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth?"

THERRY: Dangerously close except for one small can negate it anytime. You need only Understand, Forgive and Love. Whereas, "An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth" cannot be negated.

MANDY: So you don't actually have to slap the kid? You can get to a point where you understand why your father slapped you?

THERRY: Right.

MANDY: Oh okay.

THERRY: If you understand everything that went into the situation and truly forgave, so there's no resentment, there's ...the only thing that's left is a sadness inside of you because for so long you've done him wrong hating him. Then it's equalized and all Predestiny that is attached to that deed will revert back to being Free Will.

MANDY: Right, so you don't have to repeat the deed and start the cycle all over again?

THERRY: Not unless you choose to.

MANDY: Okay.

THERRY: Because if there's no Predestiny there to force the Affinity Factor, then the only deed that will be committed is the one that you decide to.

MANDY: Right.

SANDY: This is individualistic to each...?

THERRY: Everything's individualistic.

SANDY: I mean, not to each person but to each...

THERRY: Except for the Karma that belongs to a group.

SANDY: Okay, we can say, this is one aspect, the father, then there's the mailman, then there's the dog, then there are so many different threads to watch out that...

THERRY: Each are parallel to one another.

SANDY: Each are parallel? Then you can break through the one and have the understanding expand out to the other?


SANDY: But isn't this happening more like to someone who is actively pursuing and working towards that and studying change?

THERRY: Not necessarily.

SANDY: It can happen to someone who's working down the street and never...?

THERRY: Yeah. It's possible it can happen to somebody that's walking down the street, hating somebody that you won't believe. They'll stub their toe, they'll break their foot, they'll fall and they'll be unconscious. And they'll be unconscious for all of three minutes or less. But during the time that they were conscious, they were in the in-between time for a hundred billion years where they learned the lesson, so when they wake up, they're a different person.

SANDY: So those guys have this tremendous absence and they come out of it like a new man! [Chuckle]

THERRY: Right! I've been reborn!

SANDY: I'm reborn!

THERRY: You know, there's a chapter in the Discovery that says it all. The title of the chapter is, "Just because you have a brain, that doesn't mean you're going to use it."

SANDY: [Chuckle] That's really a chapter in there? I just thought you made that up before. [Chuckle]

THERRY: No, it's really the name of the chapter in the book.