Abandon All Hope Q&A page 3

CHERRY: So the phrase that, "We are All One," but we're all in our claim to uniqueness, billions and billions of entities, but the Chi...

THERRY: Each one of us has a Chi...

CHERRY: And then all of us returning to our source, is the Chi.

THERRY: ...is the Chi.

ANNA: But wouldn't it be the thought, the Chi?

THERRY: No, the subject matter.

PAUL: The Chi can be different things, that's the problem. Like if you want to say, everything that exists in the Universe, the Chi is the Universe, everything that exists in the Universe is dual in its nature but Triune in its effects. But what if you just want to talk about humans, you don't want to talk about the Universe.

ANNA: Oh okay, so that's like ...

PAUL: Everything that exists within humans is dual in its nature and triune in its effects.

ANNA: Okay, I got it.

JOSE: It's a superset.

PAUL: Then you can talk about females, the Chi of females...

ANNA: I got it!


PAUL: The Chi of annoyance!

JIMMY: The Chia pet.

THERRY: The Chi of what?

JIMMY: [Funny sound] That's who...! I actually had a question that I thought of...The whole, the whole...Well, what I got from the reading was that you really do need help from a Teacher to be able to escape the trap Maya.


JIMMY: But for some reason I also had this impression going along my whole spiritual journey that you must learn to trust your Higher Self and that we look within for our answers.

THERRY: That's part of figuring out the Laws of your Illusion, so you form an introduction, "Hi, how are you? My name is the Higher Form of Jimmy, come let's go play for awhile."

JIMMY: [Laugh] And frolic!

CHERRY: Isn't that tied into there's a Path that you cannot Walk Alone? and there's always a Path that you Must Walk Alone?

THERRY: Yes, they're one and the same.

PETER: Can your Higher Self perform as your Hound of Hell?

THERRY: Yes. More often than not, that is what becomes your Higher Self for now or your Hound of Hell.

ARLENE: Tina has a question.

SAM: You're getting messages from Tina?


JIMMY: You've got mail!

ARLENE: It says, "The entry A01 says that the Other World Teachers help the individuals serving as an internal mirror, a mirror that always reflects our own thoughts back into our value system."

THERRY: Correct.

ARLENE: "Would you please help us understand better this sentence? Maybe an example would help us. We would like to better understand the concept of a mirror and an internal mirror."

THERRY: Okay. There's another name for internal mirror. We call it our Maat.

SAM: What did he say? Our Maat?

JEAN: Maat.

THERRY: Now contained within our Maat, is all our past, all our present and what we hope to be in our future. When we look at our Maat, basically we're looking at the blueprint of who and what we are. The same way as when you look into an earthly mirror, the image that you get back is still just you. And it's based on your level of observation in terms of what you think and what you see. Few people are whizzy wig.

DOREEN: That's good!

JOSE: What does that mean?


JOSE: What does that mean?

CHERRY: What you see, is what you get!

JOSE: Thank you.

THERRY: Is that it?


THERRY: Got another question?

ARLENE: No, that's it, thank you.

JIMMY: I actually have another question on ....actually I didn't ask with the other thing. How far can your higher self take you in this whole thing?

THERRY: It can wake you out of a sound sleep, kick your ass and prevent you from sleeping for the next three, four days. That far enough?

JIMMY: [Laughter] That's good, thanks!

THERRY: Whatever's necessary. In the Universal scheme of things, you always get what you need, not what you want.

JIMMY: So it can take you as far...

THERRY: It has taken Peter's six million dollar business away from him. I say that's a pretty good kick in the ass, wouldn't you?

JIMMY: So is that all it's good for, is ass kicking? [Laugh]


JIMMY: 'Cause if that's it, I don't want it!

THERRY: No, it's also good for self-actualization.

JIMMY: Okay. Hmmm.

JOSE: Can you define self-actualization?

THERRY: I get up in the morning and I look into a mirror and say, "Wow! I like that guy!"

PETER: Isn't that narcissism?


JIMMY: That's aware!

CHERRY: He is aware!

THERRY: [Laugh] To a big degree, yes! That's what self-actualization is, which means that you are motivated independently of someone else. You're more autonomous. You have a greater sense of autonomy and your private interests motivates you to keep learning, keep changing.

SAM: Your awareness grows, yes?

THERRY: Yes, if you're smart, you get smarter. If not, well...!

DOREEN: You get dumb!

JIMMY: So it's like a self-motivated, kinda thing?

THERRY: Well, that's what self-actualization means.

JIMMY: Okay, I didn't ever know that, 'cuz I was thinking of Maslov.

THERRY: Maslov's got nothing to do with self-actualization. Yes it does, yes it does.

CHERRY: The Hierarchy of Needs.

THERRY: Hierarchy of Needs, yeah.

JIMMY: But I never, I just figured, okay you know. It's the best, that's the top of, that fleshes it out.

THERRY: You just put something on top of the cupboard and leave it there for awhile.

JIMMY: Exactly!

DAVID: Can I go back a step?


DAVID: When an individual, through their Higher Mind, gets to the point where...gets in contact with an aspect of their personal Maat such that they know something to be true, do they still have to reference that against the Universal Maat before they can actually claim it as their own?


DAVID: Okay. Is there a process where there's a validation period that solidifies it, that won't happen unless you compare it with Higher Maat?

THERRY: Well, somewhere's else in the Lexicon it explains to you how language becomes more powerful. It's not part of this particular one, so we won't get into it. But remember for the future, it has to do with, first there's an idea, then that idea gets attached to a desire. It gets attached to a yearning, it gets attached to a desire, gets attached to the emotions and so on and so forth as you tumble down, until finally your emotions become activated and you can now perform a deed. But that's not part of this one, so we won't get into it. Oops!

JIMMY: [Whisper] We just did!

DOREEN: Therry, who came up with that phrase, "Abandon All Hope all Ye Who Enter," and who decided that was the first thing you would see?

PAUL: Dante. I looked it up on the internet.


PAUL: It's from Dante's Inferno.



JIMMY: I thought it was written on some sign, as we're driving down... "Hey, what was that?"

THERRY: Yeah it's on the door to Earth.

JIMMY: "What does it say?" "Oh, I don't know! The hell with it! Full speed, man!"


SAM: So it's some phrase that Man made up, it has nothing to do with when you enter the descent into this level there's a door there that says that, right Therry?

THERRY: Yeah there is.

SAM: There's a door there that says that?

THERRY: Yeah it's placed there by Man.

JOSE: And we still decided to come in?

JIMMY: Well we couldn't read at that point!

SAM: Is it a wooden door?

DOREEN: It's a wooden banner.

THERRY: Just because you have a brain doesn't mean you're going to use it!

JIMMY: With a neon flashing sign!

PAUL: Is it really like a door or is it an operation of law, like a force?

THERRY: It's an operation of law.

DAVID: 'Cuz you wouldn't have language on that side. It would have to be just feeling it emotionally.

THERRY: Correct.

SAM: It would have to be an understanding.

THERRY: Correct.

SAM: It's not written on some door.

PAUL: Well you could say...Why not?

SAM: Unless you want to make an illusion...

PAUL: Yeah.

DAVID: Exactly, right.

CHERRY: If door is in your language.

JIMMY: Where are the translators when you need them?

SAM: If you say...if my illusion is that I'm going to enter that door and I don't want that illusion doesn't change the fact that I'm going to wind up...

PAUL: Yeah, you're still going to be subject to that force.

THERRY: Regardless of whether you want to believe in the existence of the law, that does not change the fact that you have to deal with the existence of that law in your everyday introduction to life.

PAUL: So some people when they descend to Earth could actually, because of their language see that...those words on a door whereas other people would go through it and they would never know, but they're all subject to it regardless.

THERRY: Correct.

SAM: And some people will see, "Enter here to a happy place."

THERRY: Well a lot of people looked down and saw how the residents of Earth were having so much fun, so they decided, "Hey, I want to play too!" Obviously, they were passing that door much too quickly.

PAUL: Can you stop before you go through that door? Or is it already too late at that point and the dominoes are going to push you through?

THERRY: It's usually already too late.

JIMMY: Then what good is the sign there? You need to move it up!

PETER: If you grab the doorframe with both hands! Just to let it stop you....Whaaah!!!!!


THERRY: Time to pull a parachute!


JOSE: Since we talked about...

SAM: I'm...Sorry.

JOSE: Since we talked a little about transferring knowledge into wisdom, where is the point where there's a life review? And is...

THERRY: That's not part of this one.

JOSE: But is well...I mean isn't ...

THERRY: 'Cuz you're talking about the mechanisms or the operation of the interaction between the three borrowed bodies...

JOSE: Okay.

THERRY: ...and their triune worlds.

DAVID: As a clari...

SAM: Go ahead.

DAVID: As a clarification, since all knowledge is left behind, would all of that same information still be available for review or anything else, it's just coded in a different form?


DAVID: Okay, so it's...So you do have access to almost everything, if you know how to access it.

THERRY: You have access to the understanding of it.

DAVID: Right, which would include all the particulars if it was needed in order to pick a next channel or to review or to grow or ...

THERRY: That is correct.

DAVID: ...or deal with their Karma.

THERRY: That is correct.

SAM: Here's a visual about entering the door into Earth. Did everybody see that movie, Contact? You know, when Jodie Fisher, is that her name?


SAM: ...Foster was on that other planet and it was time to go home and how she got sucked back home without...and there was no way she could stop it? That's kinda how it is.

THERRY: Yeah that's a good analogy.

PAUL: Analogy for what?

SAM: For getting...for you get close to that door and your life's essence is pushed there because of Karma, when you get close enough, Bang! You get sucked, sucked right out of time.

PETER: I had no idea! I had no idea! I had no idea!

SAM: No, that's the wrong saying.

PETER: It's a good phrase for it!

SAM: [Laugh] There's nothing that's going to stop it.

JIMMY: "Hey, they put the sign there too late! It's not my fault!"

CHERRY: He was speeding!


JIMMY: I was in it before I could even think about it, pal.

DAVID: By the way, if you go back twenty (20) years, that same analogy of the car, you'll hear it on the transcript the same way.

JIMMY: It's a Klingon! Aw duck! Oi! It seems like a good stopping point, you know. Is everybody...I don't know...

THERRY: Don't make that judgment for them.

JIMMY: True, true!

THERRY: If you think it's a good stopping point for you, just...

JIMMY: Pop off?


JIMMY: Oh, button up?

THERRY: Zip it!

JIMMY: Zip it! Zip it, Scotty!

THERRY: And then when everybody has zipped it, then...

JIMMY: I gotcha. I thought...

THERRY: Renee, anything?

RENEE: Uhm, no.

THERRY: Okay. Doreen?

DOREEN: I wanted to know how come we're such a small group? If everybody on the whole planet has a chance to meet a Hound of Hell, I figured we'd at least have half a million people, because you know I just...

THERRY: Not everybody lives in the same house.

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