Accepting A Savior From Within You:
(The Brothers Of The Chain Might Be Your Only Hope)

It is a very common belief that without some divine outside help [such as a savior of a type] the members of the TwinSpecies:Human--Man is doomed to either remain as he is, or is doomed to destroy himself and the planet that he lives on. If we consider that people in general are individualists, to say the least, the common belief has quite a bit of merit. There is just one small error--the thought that a savior must, or will come to save Man. The truth of it is that this mythical savior has already come, and, is already doing what is necessary to help Man.

While it is true that many would like to see biblical-type magic [the clouds opening etc.], it is not in the order of things. The very laws of Creation which maintain Planet Earth would prevent such a thing from occurring. No, the change that is happening is happening in such a way that few are aware of it. Our special saviors have come in the form of an extremely evolved race of beings called Delusians--The Brothers Of The Chain.

The original Brothers Of The Chain are an association of Delusians who have descended from the Earth Experience's ninth spiritual-energy level onto the Earth Experience's third physical level's Astral Plane Of Common Reality to aid the TwinSpecies:Human-- Man. While it is true that Delusians, in their natural state, are residents of a pure-energy state of being who are among, but not of The Grand Maya [The Grand Maya is Man's dream of separation from the all. This dream of separation is how Man gets and keeps his individuality.], it is also true that it was out of love that they chose to descend among the TwinSpecies:Human--Man.

The process of descending was such that they formed a psychic-type connective link between themselves which started from the very beginning of Man's Illusions [the beginnings were a state of being/existence called Orthodontiks] and extending down through all the many layers of The Grand Maya until they reached their objective--The TwinSpecies:Human--Man. The purpose was to help free The Trapped ones [Man] who have become lost among the reflective illusions of the hell of one's own thoughts.

The symbol of a chain was used because of the chain's many links. Each link of the chain could represent a single Brother Delusian who chose to teach upon a different level of The Earth Experience. As there are many links in a chain, so too, are there many levels to The Brothers of the chain. Each level of the chain of freedom, as the Brothers of the chain are often called, seeks to aid the residents of The Grand Maya who are trapped on a specific level of awareness. However, because of the limits placed upon all who descends, The Other-world Teachers could not over-ride anyone's free will. The nature of the limitations of The Astral Plane Of Common Reality forced the aid to come in the form of a demonstration of an alternate thinking process, a seeming change of attitude, or, the listening to a different point of view. Again, because of the limitations of the free will of each individual, the special teaching may take place in the individual's dream states, or it may take place during his everyday awake state. In special circumstances, The Other-world Teacher would cause either an Astration or a Projection. The best way of explaining the Cause & Effect aspects of the special descent is to re-tell a tale that is now almost as old as the TwinSpecies:Human--Man.

The Tale Of The Brothers Of The Chain

The Sons of Oneness looked down upon their counter-parts; and they did perceive the nature of the cycles of Life and Death that did bind them unto Matter. For, indeed, they were trapped in The Hell of their own thoughts. They were hopeless, and sightless of the Law in their graves.

Through the powers of Love, and, driven by the unison of will, much did the Sons of Oneness suffer as they did create a great ladder of themselves, to reach the very core of Darkness--the grave called Earth.

Armed with the knowledge of the veils of forgetfulness that divided each level of descent, fortified with their ability to remain slightly above the law that governed each of the nine levels of Matter, certain were they of the subdivisions within each level, and, secure were they in their ability to communicate, The Sons of Oneness did arrange themselves such that a great Chain of Beings was forged from the highest to the lowest levels of the face of the Earth.

Each link of the chain [each individual Delusian, depending upon the level of awareness he chose to work on] remained far enough above the effects of the Law which governed each level that he retained continuity of the whole, but not so far above the law that each link did not experience the trap of the cycles of Life and Death that did bind Man to his grave.

Soon The Ladder [the great chain of beings] of forces discovered that as it also followed the descent of Man, less and less were the residents of the ladder able to influence the residents of each level. Until, finally, the darkness veiled all things.

Though Man had eyes, they were, indeed, turned inward; he could see nothing but himself!

Though Man had eyes, he could not see the brightness of his origins--the vision of his own illusions blurred all before him. Though Man had ears, he could not hear the yearnings of his highest self which echoed the teachings of The Ladder--All Man could hear was the sound of his own voice as he wept for want to be freed from his own desires. Though Man could feel, he could not touch, nor be touched by the Ka of another--all Man could feel was the ever growing emptiness of separation from The All. Uniqueness had, indeed, claimed its prize.

The light of each man became less and less bright as each lined his own grave with lies, deceit, falsehoods, murder, rape, pillage, war, and other games that served to further divide Man from his original greatness, setting each the other's nemesis.

The prime law which governed the nature of Planet Earth became Eat And Be Eaten, Kill, And Be Killed. Indeed, it echoed the symbol of its being--Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here! And, thus was it writ upon the door of the grave called Earth.

As The Ladder lowered its rungs of beings into the levels of their graves--the grosser Matter, more and more it became impossible to execute its task; for the darkness was sore upon the face of the Earth. Finally, at the end of The Ladder, it became necessary to give mobility to the last and most powerful link of the Chain--The Hound of Hell came into being.

As the Brothers of the chain linked themselves to help free the trapped ones, they discovered that the method they had to use to help each of the trapped ones was different. This difference came because each individual traveled a different path into the illusion of The Astral Plane Of Common Reality--the level of their grave. It was therein that Man claimed the prize of individuality--a seeming gift, but, in the same self moment, the great game which hid the curse of many traps--The law which was evoked to create became the self-same law which maintained the creation within the boundaries of its original creation. If the Chain of Freedom were to have any effect upon the residents of The Grand Maya, it [the Ladder] would have to find a way of reversing the path which led to the original descent of the individual.

This, of course, meant that the individual would have to, of his own free-will, reject the values which he held upon his descent. It was discovered that the best way to accomplish this task was to have each individual, in turn, seek to become a member of The Brothers of the chain--a process which takes, at the very least, seven years.

During this process of seeking to become a part of the Chain of Freedom, each individual was given a rare opportunity--he was allowed to remember forgotten information about the laws of Creation, and, he was shown how it was the forgetting of those laws that trapped him within his present illusion.

Again, it was discovered that the members of the TwinSpecies:Human-- Man could learn faster if they held the responsibility of teaching others of their own kind. Thus, although he was, himself, still trapped within The Grand Maya, each was elevated to being a teacher--each postulate had to take the time to counsel others who also sought freedom from the Hell of their own thoughts (sometime this teaching came as a willing interaction between friends, sometime the teaching came as an unwilling interaction between enemies, and sometime the teaching came from a self-appointed preacher). This had the effect of having each individual save himself by saving another. It was discovered that during the process of teaching others, in the self same moment, he taught himself.

A teacher they might have been, however, they became teachers of limits, unknowingly--cautioned were they not to override the laws of Life. Warned were they that Life is a cycle wherein a life forms has the opportunity to enter into an illusion of its own making. The law is such that the life form's chosen illusion will allow that life form to live a complete life according to the limitations which are contained within The Alliance of The Rule [a special subset of law that allowed each human to come to Earth]; or, to relive, via the cycles of Life and Death, a complete life over again; or, to experience just a part of a life, called an A Happening, which would allow that life form the opportunity to correct any misdeeds it might have either committed or omitted during a previous life, or during a previous cycle of experience.

Training any of the people of Earth to be teachers after their own kind became almost impossible, each could not turn away from the vision of their own creation.

Training the new teachers, however, was not so simple! Since The Other-world Teachers were limited to The Presence [one of the two possible paths leading downwards into The Earth Experience wherein all were governed by LinearTime/LinearSpace] point of view, as opposed to The Absence [the second of the two possible paths leading downwards into The Earth Experience where in all were governed by FabracTime/FabricSpace] point of view.

Indeed, it was difficult to have the new teachers understand why the good Karma an individual had formed a trap for the individual that was just as limiting as the traps of bad Karma. The new teachers refused to accept the concept that the whole continuum had to be taken into account. Still in the Hell of their own thoughts, they chose to believe falsely.

"Since good Karma has no trap, we will not consider good Karma from life's point of view. Even though it still applies to the individual's cycles of experience, good Karma is not a troublesome karmic debt; in that, it is not a trap which would condemn an individual to re-experience life."

However, this did not imply: that if a life form didn't have negative Karma there's no point in life, or that there's no point in being born into life. If a life form doesn't have negative Karma, which I suppose is possible, albeit unlikely, when that life form comes to Earth, if it comes to Earth, it will have a pretty good existence. Practically everything it seeks to attempt it will succeed. Still another point to consider is that a life form with no karmic debt always has the opportunity to return to The Grand Maya to act as a "light" for others; in which case, that life form would become a member of The Brothers of the Chain.

Still, The Other-world Teachers cautioned that just because an individual might be a member of The Brothers of the Chain does not mean to imply that he will always do good deeds. The reverse was true as well; just because an individual does good deeds does not imply that he be a member of The Brothers of the Chain. It is not necessary to be a Brother of the Chain to do good upon the Earth.

If I can't understand, then I can't see! Why should good Karma be a trap? I don't understand.

Whenever an individual is doing something that is seemingly good for others, you have to consider if it's a gift, or if it's an ego boost. If it is, indeed, a gift, in that he is not doing it for the sake of his religion, and, he is not doing it for the sake of his ego, then, yes, he is serving as a "light" for others. But if he's in the service of his religion, or if he's in the service of himself in some way, then no; while the deed, itself might serve the light, the deed does not imply that it was committed by The Brothers of the Chain. It is simply the normal aspect of the duality of Creation; wherein good does some evil and evil does some good--perfection, itself, does not exist upon this level of darkness.

Still, if an individual were doing good deeds simply because, within his own being, he recognizes that it is the right thing to do, for love's sake and for no other reason, then it is possible to consider him a target for the special teachings of The Brothers of the Chain. Remember, however, the deed, in and of itself does not make him a member of The Brother of the Chain; in addition, remember that life forms who are not members of The Brothers of the Chain, and who are not being taught by The Brothers Of The Chain can also do good deeds just because it makes them feel good. Furthermore, an individual need not be aware that he is a Brother in order to serve as a Brother.

There is another aspect to consider, as well. If we consider that there is an ongoing war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness upon the face of earth, then we must consider anyone who are a target for the forces of light will also, in the same self moment, become a target for the forces of darkness. Needless to say, the forces of darkness does not always play by the same rules as do the forces of light. The forces of darkness offers the promise of self-satisfaction, while the forces of light do not always offer that in the same way.

Training any of the people of Earth to be teachers after their own kind became difficult, indeed! The visions of their own creations caused them to abandon being a Teacher in favor of being a preacher--Condemnation became their game of choice.

Men of Earth rallied about another self-styled confusion--they got lost amid the words and failed to get the prime of the message from their Other-world Teachers. Complain, did they, that it was an odd concept to accept with respect to being a member of The Brothers of the Chain; The term Brother, in their minds, required a physical male. In their minds, there were no Sister of the Chain.

Try as they might, the Other-world teachers could not make the men of Earth accept that the term Brother had, in this case, nothing to do with the physical body, it had to do with an association. The Other-world Teachers taught that this was because the state of being a member of The Brothers of the Chain is a special state of existence which has no divisions along physical or sexual lines. Whatever the sexual arena that comes into The Grand Maya as a result of being born of woman would have no bearing upon being a member of The Brother of the Chain.

The Other-world Teachers taught that an individual born in The Grand Maya as a lady can also be a Brother of the Chain, because, being a member of The Brothers of the Chain had nothing to do with the physical aspect of sex; it had to do with the high spiritual nature of a life form, and the mental state of non-sexuality. The state of being either Male or Female had to do with the mundane levels, the physical levels of The Astral Plane of Common Reality, and therefore did not apply to the level of The Brothers of the Chain. The male or the female body was simply a casing in which the Brother resided.

The Men Of Earth could not accept the new concept. They saw only their own desires.

Being a member of The Brothers of the Chain is not as simple as it might seem. While there is no direct pairing between The Grand Awakening [a special moment in the development of an individual when he gains a better understanding of the nature of Reality than he previously had] and being a Brother of the Chain, a Brother of the Chain does automatically experience a Grand Awakening periodically. We must bear in mind that regardless of what level an individual is on, the demands of that level will periodically take priority; under which condition, it is conceivable that a Brother could forget his origins and become temporarily trapped on that level as he responds to the cares of that level. In so doing, his natural propensity would be to steer him towards The Grand Awakening; in which case, he would re-experience The Grand Awakening over and over. Each time he did, it would re-introduce him to his origins and his purpose for being.

There is a big difference between being a Brother and being a resident Earthling. A Brother, while he can get lost in the darkness of Planet Earth, can descend only so far before The Grand Awakening calls him Back.

This can be confusing for some, because it is usually thought that, throughout the many cycles of reincarnation, life forms would improve or progress toward The Grand Awakening, as opposed to starting all over again each time they re-visited an Earth experience.

While it is true that some life forms must begin again with each new reincarnation upon The Grand Maya, it still doesn't change the fact that any individual, any life form who descends upon The Grand Maya must, to some degree, respond to the cares of The Grand Maya. And, if that individual descended upon The Grand Maya as a member of The Brothers of the Chain, he would automatically experience a Grand Awakening. However, if that individual did not descend upon The Grand Maya as a member of The Brothers of the Chain, then a Grand Awakening is not an automatic experience.

When a member of The Brotherhood of the Chain becomes bemused on a level, he would begin to automatically have experiences of the Grand Awakening. However, we must bear in mind that there's a whole cycle involved. If an individual is going to have a descent, there's an inclination toward a certain draw toward those experiences which present themselves during the descent process. The Grand Awakening aspect is simply the other half of that descent. It is conceivable that the magic circle called The Descent could be short; in that, an individual would be drawn to the Earth experience, or to the experience of The Grand Maya, and the demands of Maya, for a very short time; and, The Grand Awakening would be just the beginning of the rise from his Earth experience; in which case, the individual would begin the process of correcting his karmic debt quite quickly.

Resident Earthlings have the curse of Individuality keeping them within their own Creation. The Powers of The Grand Awakening cannot override their freewill by calling them away from their own stupidity.

A difficult concept for most people to accept is that The Brothers of the Chain, without having to strive endlessly, automatically experiences The Grand Awakening as the individual is becoming more trapped in The Grand Maya. This is not so for the residents of Maya. As the individual seeks to free himself from the traps of The Grand Maya, he has certain opportunities. Again, a good way to understand what is really involved would be for the reader to reacquaint himself with the manuscript called The What If/But.

The Descent

In the continuum of the spell of life, all is accorded freewill to do as one pleases. This freewill was given to each by the Goddess Isis, through the power of the Ruby Of Life. The interaction of freewill within each individual's mind, in each plane of existence, and the implications that result from the exercise, are those things which keep diversity in a constant state of change.

Behold the journey of two Angels, as seen through the eyes of these two minds, as they come to experience this sometime gift, sometime curse called freewill. Behold their freedom to experience, in their own beginning, a possible way in which their universe has unfolded. We shall call these two Angels by their effectiveness of force: WHAT IF and its nemesis, BUT.

WHAT IF each of us were given freewill by the eternal creator... by the very laws of creation?...

WHAT IF we could use this free will to gain the illusion of leaving Primedial Force,.. we know it as the Universal Nest?

BUT the Universal Nest is everywhere. The creator is everywhere and in everything. It is impossible to leave Primedial Force.

WHAT IF there were a way?... a way to leave, yet truly not leave at all?...

WHAT IF in our minds we could pretend we have left the nest?

BUT how can we do this? We could pretend all we want, but we will always know that we have not left the nest. Besides, why would we want to leave anyway?

WHAT IF we pretend hard enough, think hard enough so as to fall asleep? To actually lose consciousness and dream about anything we desire.

BUT is that possible? This freewill that we possess, would it allow us to do all that? And, if it did, if we could do that, what should we think about?

WHAT IF we could think about a physical universe... a place where our thoughts are held prisoner in a grosser matter... a place where we could have our own energy to play with... an energy inside a physical vehicle that has the power of mobility... a Universe where we would have total dominion over what we wanted to experience? Think of the possibilities! We could play the game of sick, the game of war, the game of death, the game of great fear, the game of pain... we would have a playground with infinite possibilities.

BUT even if we do think about such a place, and even if we could fall asleep, it would just be an illusion. It wouldn't be real... only our imagination.

WHAT IF we pretended hard enough? We could create a new thing called Reality... we could mix things up... we could make things different. We could make a reality that was only true to us, unless others decided to use their free will to dream our dream too. The Creator... the laws of creation would only see us as being asleep, an awareness dreaming fantasies and living within them.

Besides, our freewill would protect us from any outside interference by the Creator... by the laws of creation. After all, by the laws that govern the Claim-to-uniqueness, freewill was given to us as a gift to do with what we pleased. Think of the endless possibilities we could experience with our freewill!

BUT what if the fact that while experiencing this so-called dream... we could stop it at any given moment knowing full well we can return to the awareness of the universal nest. Where is the trueness of leaving the nest while knowing this.

WHAT IF this free-will was so powerful that we could make up any rules and any laws that we wanted? We could decide ourselves, how things should work. We could even install veils to keep us from knowing about our true God-like abilities. They would keep us from knowing how to do certain things, and therefore keep us from knowing the truth. We could transfer our awareness into the illusion, itself, you know, as a part of trapping our energy of thought into "matter", and, law could keep it there... so it wouldn't fall out when we weren't looking. This way, we could experience the full sensation of separation from the universal nest without actually leaving it.

BUT if freewill is that powerful and it can prevent us from knowing how to return to the awareness of the nest, won't we become forever lost?

WHAT IF we made sure there were at least some hidden windows scattered about..., windows that would show us the way home. And, just to make sure we could return, in case we could not find the windows, let's evoke a law that would automatically return us to the source of our behavior if our thoughts consisted only of the love for the all.

All of our thoughts and all of our behaviors along this vein would automatically guide us back. The source of all things would be revealed to our higher minds, and to our hearts... and, with this greater wisdom, our Ba would soar ever upward, toward the awareness of home.

BUT, What if...

WHAT IF Shh say no more, let us dream. Let us pretend.

Lo and behold, they did. Like a child caught with their new toy, illusions were played upon and bandied about, without care of their effects. Illusions became the focus of not one, but of many. All seemed to experience the diversity of freewill. Reality had, indeed, become a prison of the hell of their own thoughts.

And, likened unto a child, the games that were played, and the games that were dreamed of and fantasized soon became their new creation called reality, a creation that was half real and half illusion; with illusion having the greater force over all dominions. Rules were made without understanding that the very force that was used to place them within their new illusions now was also the very force that kept them there.

Those who made up new games chose what would be experienced as they played; but, as in all rules which originate from the mind of a child, some things were left out. Certain concepts were not realized or remained un-thought of. Implications of interactions were not completely addressed or they were even ignored out of bemusement.

As a result, the experimenters of freewill fell deeper and deeper into their sleep-of-death, into their dreams of reality. Veils of forgetfulness took their toll upon the descending Ka.

With universal laws eventually forgotten, set aside, or purposely misused, they found that they could not find any of their secret windows, nor could they remember their own rules. They were, indeed, trapped within the hell of their own thoughts. The new physical Universe, the illusion of someone's desire to experience a grosser beingness, turned into a place of separation and despair rather than a place of oneness and joy. The imagined playground had become a circus of horrors.

Unfortunately, those who perceived the reflections of others seemingly having much pleasure in their dreams, wondered about the pleasures and the reality of the dream. They, too, decided to dream the dream of a grosser reality of a reality whereby their thought energy was completely imprisoned in matter.

Behold, ye who sojourns unto the sacred Ruby of Life, seven times shall the wheel-of-life turn, unto forever, opportunities will come but once in the saga of Time. Eventually, the Universe will share that which is mine. Our hearts have a dream which has begun, to give sustenance to the old and to shelter the young.

As all are diminished or all are enhanced, what happens to just one will determine the dance.

Throughout the eons again it's revealed that by our deeds of today, our future we seal. With each step of kindness, of sharing our wealth, we increase our own glory by the sharing of ourselves. Each step that we take is a step for the whole. No greater gift can be given than the gift of our soul. So give of your ear and help all things rhyme. The young and the old will be served in their time. It's true that the fates have a way to judge souls, for each, in due time, will play the same role.

A seeming contradiction is the fact that a Brother of the Chain would become more trapped than the normal residents of The Grand Maya. However unusual, it does exist. If a Brother of the Chain does get trapped, if a Brother of the Chain becomes bemused, forgets himself and responds to the draw of The Grand Maya, he will begin a descent into the Earth experience as seen in The Descent. At some point he will realize that he is on a descent path and will turn himself around; in which case, he will begin the process with a Grand Awakening.

The Grand Awakening process, by the time it has descended onto the physical level of the Earth Experience, has become a concept like any other concept; and therefore, it is in and of itself, a continuum. Like other Continuums, there are many levels and many points to it.

If an individual has dual awareness, or if he has an awareness of the existence of behavior being committed or omitted upon another level, a level upon which behavior is taking place simultaneously, these are all steps toward a Grand Awakening. In a sense, the process of being aware of these experiences are all forms of a Grand Awakening. Lucid dreaming is another form of Grand Awakening. Specifically, each level, each little bit more of awareness an individual achieves is like having a mini Grand Awakening.

While there are many levels to the reality that was created within the What If / But version of The Descent, and while few residents of The Grand Maya get to freely travel to all these levels of reality, without experiencing the limitations and the traps of the respective visited level, there are some life forms who are not so limited.

It is important to understand that the process of descent is different for The Brothers of the Chain than any other person who follows a time-line into mortality. While both, The Brothers of the Chain and the residents of The Grand Maya will, sooner or later, within the course of time, realize they're on the descent path, and have a Grand Awakening, the basic difference between he who descended as a member of The Brothers of the Chain and those who were not a Brother of the Chain is the ease with which a Brother can achieve The Grand Awakening. This is so because of the nature involved. A Brother of the Chain has propensities to be trapped... less in Maya than does a resident of Earth. They are more or less considered to be among but not of. They don't respond totally to the demands of the Maya.

During the process of trying to teach the residents of Earth, the ancient Magi compiled many manuscripts for the new teachers to use. The What If/But manuscript is but one of them.

Just because a person is a resident of Earth doesn't mean that he can't develop himself. To understand how a member of The Brothers of the Chain might help a resident of Maya, think of the Brother as being a college professor who takes students who don't have the same abilities that he possesses; and, over time, he teaches and trains the students so they can emulate him, specifically, the behavior. Thus, with their special training, the students learn to incorporate the professor's behaviors into their own lives; such that, eventually, they seem to take on the same characteristics as the professor. And, when these behaviors no longer seem borrowed, when the students have adopted the set of behaviors as their own, the students seem to have the same abilities as the professor. However, the limits are such that as long as the behaviors still seemed to be borrowed, the student remains very limited in his abilities.

The process is quite simple because there is a normal process in the growth of learning. It could start by a Brother telling a student something; such as, how to behave. For a while the student will say: "Therry says...", and for a long while it may stay that way. Always, it will be "Therry says...", because, during that time, the student doesn't accept the task as his data; he only accepts it as belonging to someone else. Then, after a while, a habit will be formed. The student will stop thinking "Therry says." Instead, he will begin thinking of it as being his own values. It will become "I think" instead of "Therry says..." It is at that point that whatever awareness level that behavior allows will also become the student's. That's how the growth process of change alters a resident of Maya. It is just one example of the cause and effect of the Magic Circle having its influences upon Maya.

It must be remembered that, people who are, tend to remain. Change follows the law of motion. Things that move in a direction tend to want to remain moving in that direction until a greater force changes it. Likewise, what is at rest tends to want to remain at rest.

Because of the laws of change, specifically that of Motion, if an individual is moving in a certain direction, he will tend to want to remain in that direction. The likelihood that a greater force will stop him from his own stupidity is not very great. Therefore, if somebody insists on playing a stupid game, the only force that is going to stop him is himself--his own level of pain. Therefore, he will have as many opportunities to change as he allows himself. Each individual is his own judge.

It is not a mere coincidence that the laws of what science calls psychology reflect the laws of Creation--Other-world Teachers have been here a long time. The only reason why psychology exists is because the TwinSpecies:Human-- Man is growing to such a degree that its members are beginning to automatically learn the laws of Creation during their growth cycles. And, because this is wisdom that is, more or less, on a species' level, those who have developed ahead of the other members of their species have, in their own wisdom, decided to give their special understandings of their own makeup a special name and a special science. They arbitrarily chose the label of psychology. Basically, it's simply a process of learning the laws of Creation.

It is unfortunate that, at the moment, the learned members of the human race haven't made the connection between the motion of an individual's attitudes and the motion of the physics of the planet. It is merely a different application of the same law; in that, one parallels the other.

The same force which is learned in the study of the laws of physics is the same force that is in operation when a life form changes its mind. Likewise, the force that animates a human is that same force which animates a blade of grass. Everything responds to the law of the Continuum.

People who are, tend to want to remain as they are, until a greater force like Pain causes a change.

Somewhere, I remember a thought that we are the creator of our own destiny...
Could that be true?
I remember something about... As We Think, So We Are... or some such nonsense...
Could that be true?
Hmm... If our language does control our illusions...
Could that be true?
Is it true that we believe only the things that agree with our biases/prejudices?...
Could that be true?...
Could all that be really true?... Hmm, I wonder!