Alliance of the Rule: Questions and Answers page 1

PAUL: Let's start on the left side here and tell everybody what you think.

CARLA: Uhm, when I read this entry I felt sad when I read the last paragraph because it made me think made me hope that I'm not one of those souls that has to come back and do the same thing. Because it's very sad. I don't know why - it just made me very sad. And that's it.

PRISCILLA: I, I didn't understand all of it, although it was one of the easier things that I've read. But uhm, I, kind of dawned on me...the enormity, the responsibility of the Alliance and what you have to agree to and uhm, what the trade-offs are and uhm... I don't know, it's just, you know, it was really heavy duty, that there was so much in the way of responsibility and I don't know, it's hard to explain, but it' was very mind-opening to me.

KEN: Let's see...the last paragraph that Carla's talking about, I recognized the Alliance of the Rule uhh does force us all to play games so that we can get the experiences we need to learn how to free ourselves from Maya and uhh, although it seems like a pretty cruel system, it's actually perfect in its beauty and precision and I'm glad it's in place. Not that anyone cares that I think it's in place. That's all. [Chuckle]

TOMMY: I was mostly interested in finding out why would the specific conditions to fulfill the Alliance of the Rule be different for everybody and also to get a comprehensive list of all the agreements that you make that comprise the Alliance of the Rule. That was my primary interest in reading this.

HARRIS: He speaks for me as well becuz my interest was the tour guide says, Here, have a nice time on Earth. It'll be great! But what all...where's the fine print? It mentioned in the reading several points but we know there's a lot more than several points so I also would love to know the comprehensive list of all that we must agree to to be here or that we did agree to, knowingly or otherwise to be here.

ANDY: Anyway...uhm, it was ...what I understood from reading that the Alliance of the Rule is a contract that you have with the Universe or you know, the powers of Creation. Uhm about your contract entering into the Earth Experience, my question was whether or not the Alliance of the Rule is a contract that uhm extends all the way up to the furthest Double Gate from between outside Creation and inside Creation and then every other level of Double Gate that you have on lower levels.

CINDY: I wondered what caused me to sign up such an intense agreement that I have no recollection.


CINDY: So then I thought, Oh, I had a First Thought that you said it was an Arkashean thought. So I'm thinking What was that First Thought? because that First Thought is the best link that I could have to being part of the Alliance of the Rule. So I'm looking for it if you can tell me.

PRISCILLA: I have a question. What exactly are...or could you explain to me the uhm levels and sublevels?

THERRY: Okay, first let's give a mini-history. While all the Angels were in the Singularity, whatever you want to call that singularity, when the disagreements occurred, everybody had different emotions, different reasons, different causes. So that was the very first Steering Current as to how the Alliance of the Rule was going to be formed. In order for the Angels to return to Singularity, they have to work on their own specific reasons, their own specific causes, their own specific nature of the disturbance that caused them to go awry. That was the second Steering Current for the Alliance of the Rule. Now, as to where does it extend, when the Soul of Man was created, it allowed a vehicle for the Angels to return to Singularity - but they had to pay a price. They could not remain as they were because the Angels as they were did not know forgiveness, they did not know understanding, they did not know anything at all about those things. So they had to be changed or they had to change themselves so that they learned a lot new abilities such as forgiveness, love, understanding and the cause of their wars and so on and so forth. Now so, when they descended the first barrier that they come up against was the Isis/Anubis Double Gate. Now in order to pass that Double Gate, they had to submit to the Alliance of the Rule. Now the Alliance of the Rule is different for everybody simply because everybody had a different cause or reason for becoming discontented. Now in order to care for all the many different angers or discontentments that so many Angels had, there needed to be formed one method, one path that all of them had to go through but yet it was able to handle all of the differences that existed within all of them. That Path was the Soul of Man. Now in order to enter the Soul of Man, they had to...the Angel had to die and the human had to be born. Now, it's not an accident that all of the different humans on earth are different. They're different because each had a new...different beginning; each had a different history. But each in his own time has to come to deal with their private hell. And it is a Hell of Their own Thoughts! Because it is a hell created by their own thinking process, their own system of understanding, their own desires, their own demands. Now whilst in Singularity the one thing that they all demanded vehemently was that no change would occur. Obviously, that's against the law. So when change did occur, they found themselves in a new void that they were totally unfamiliar with, totally uncomfortable with and angry. But everybody's experience or everybody's anger or discontentment was different in different ways depending on where they were within their hierarchy of whatever. So again on Earth, the Soul of Man had to be able to take care of that. It had to take care of all of those differences. So the Game came into being so's that some people played...Well, there were so many different types of games in order to handle the many different disagreements that the used-to-be Angels had. However, there were limitations. The Soul of Man was closed or barred off to all the Angels who refused to submit to the Alliance of the Rule. Now the prime demands if we do not consider the many different games that people have chosen to play, the prime Steering Current is first the Angel must die and the human must be born. That means the Angel lost his eternity and the human became such that he experienced the cycles of life and death. Now, it wasn't really a death. It was simply the end of one illusion and the beginning of another. The second Steering Current for the Alliance of the Rule was that where the Angels were not held accountable for anything they did - they were Karma-free - the human was held to task in that everything they did created maat that pulled themselves into the Illusion or their illusion or their game and at the same time, tied them solidly to whatever level of experience their games resided in. The third Steering Current was that we could not have it so's that everybody was in their own little bubbles because all that did was created a whole lot of little singularities and we couldn't have that. So it came to be that in order to descend into your chosen Game, you had to become a pawn within the Games of others, the same way as others become a pawn in your Game. Now, we understand that while we use the word Game, it's not one of these games like children play. But it is...but it's not. Games people play are not really real. They're temporary games of the mind whereas in our case, the Games are the proponents and the parts of the reality that each of us experience. It's the everyday world that we live in and it's the roles that we play in that reality in order to experience one another and ourselves. Does that help you understand?

PRISCILLA: Yes, thank you.

KEN: I got a question here. Say, way, way back in Singularity, you had those Angels who were discontent, they were angry, they were whatever you say they were experiencing. Those were all emotional-sounding terms.


KEN: And yet you say there was no love, no understanding, no forgiveness. To me on that higher level, it just seems counter-intuitive that you would have all these negative emotions flying around, without them having any sense of the others.

THERRY: Well, the Angels always had their emotions, but ...they were not like ours. It wasn't like the emotions that they shared were not the same as the emotions that humans had. But they still had them.

KEN: So if they're?

THERRY: It was the counterpart of human emotions.

KEN: So if they're inherent in the Singularity, what's the problem? I mean?

THERRY: Anything that's emotional can become negative. And when it becomes negative, it works against the Singularity and the only effect is destruction.

KEN: Yeah but the law is-

THERRY: And that cannot be.

KEN: But the law says you're going to have Duality if you have there's no way you can?

THERRY: Wait a minute! You've gone beyond something there.

KEN: Uhmm?

THERRY: The first part of your question dealt with a state where before the change came into being.

KEN: Yeah but in Singularity you're saying there was alternate states of negativity and whatever. That implies that?

THERRY: No, no, no, no! No! In the uhh beginning, before the discontentment, you had a certain arrangement. What that arrangement was, is beside the point. It's not important. And what or where each person was in their place in their social structure, if you want to use the word...

KEN: Yeah but?

THERRY: That doesn't matter either.

KEN: Right, yeah but if you even start with that, if you even you have a hierarchical or social structure equivalent, you're already talking about major differences amongst people, entities or whatever you say was there.

THERRY: Yeah but there were no errant emotions. Everyone was quite satisfied and quite contented to be in whatever station they were in.

KEN: Right, but at this point, there's no personalities, no private entities or anything else like that.

THERRY: Yeah they had it but it was never expressed because there was never any need to. They were simply dormant.

KEN: Okay, well, let me ask you?say, some of them, for whatever reason, a change came, they became negative. Well, those ones that were left there, would still, in order not to be like that, would have to have love, understanding and all those other qualities. They were already satisfied so they had to have those qualities within them.

THERRY: No, no!

KEN: So they just?

THERRY: No, no, no, no! They simply did not become discontented. So they simply allowed the other Angels to be as they are.

KEN: If it were that easy, then, how come they had to bother doing anything like going into the Soul of Man? Like you said, there are some Angels out there who never came into the Soul of Man. So they're just out there discontented?

THERRY: Well, you had?yes, that's correct.

KEN: Why would they have the need to do anything other than be the way they are?


KEN: Or change it back to the way they were?

THERRY: The Angels were created for a very specific purpose and that's the serve the Throne of Power. Now what you want to call that power or what you want to call that throne whatever, is immaterial. It's not important.

KEN: Yeah, right. But how would?why would it need a place to serve it?

THERRY: Wait, wait, wait, wait!

KEN: Okay.

THERRY: They were created specifically to serve the Throne of Power. That's all they knew. That's all?there happiness was there. Now when a change came into being, they were disrupted from what they were, so to them, it was the first experience of hell, the first experience of rejection and everybody envisioned their own cause of why they were being rejected. So they became split-hearted. On the one hand, the center of Singularity was at fault, which was not possible, so they were ambiguous about that. And the other cause came when?well, it must've been within them, they were doing something wrong. And they couldn't see what it was and they didn't know. So in any case, those who were no longer contented had to leave Singularity.

KEN: Why?

TOMMY: It's like two poles of a magnet. They repulse each other.

KEN: But if it were opposite, it would attract to each other. You need both within there.

THERRY: No! You're talking?you're thinking Earth, you're not thinking?

KEN: Okay then, I'll ask one more question and I'll turn it over. Parts of this are a little hard to grasp clearly from this level of observation but it almost seems...we've always thought, okay, Angels are always there to serve Humanity, to help them. Why would the Seat of Power need something to serve it? I mean, it's already at a higher state where it's not even in a physical form. What needs could it possibly have?

THERRY: You're asking a question that there's no possible way that you could find an answer while you're alive on Planet Earth.

KEN: Yeah but we got to the point where you could say these things were created to serve this thing.

THERRY: Yeah but you gotta remember, from our point, we would only infer based on the information we have. Now your question begs one more question. Who created God?

KEN: That's always been a big question of mine. But why would God need any sort of servicing? I mean that's?

THERRY: Aren't you asking the wrong person?

KEN: Well, you're the one talking!

THERRY: Yeah but I'm not God.

KEN: Yeah, well, okay.

PRISCILLA: Therry, I have another question.


PRISCILLA: Was uhmm, this change that you speak of, was that the cause of the discontent? Or was the discontent the actual thing that changed them?

THERRY: No, neither.


THERRY: The change came about because of the three Laws of Creation, the Triune Laws of Creation, which were, That which exists shall be dual in its nature and triune in its effect. The Creation of the one is in itself the implication of the creation of the other and that which exists within the other, shall exist by the nature of the former via repeated patterns. Now, while those are three distinct laws which have an effect all their own, they also never work alone. It's always all three of them.

PRISCILLA: So, this change then was inevitable?


HARRIS: So it's stasis and non-stasis?


HARRIS: This might be slightly off the subject, uhm, but do different creatures besides Humanity have different Alliance of the Rules? Would different Angels as they're called in this conversation, would some of them become salamanders and aardvarks and tricerotops?

THERRY: Our rule is that we don't go beyond the subject matter that we're discussing. We have followed the path of humanity, so what other life forms have as Steering Currents is not part of this discussion.

GENE: I have another question. Is it possible for other Angels not to come down, not to submit themselves to the Alliance of the Rule?

THERRY: Yeah, they're a lot of them who have not. They're still somewhere on the road.

KEN: Even the negative ones? Or what you would call the?

THERRY: Well, they're all negative ones.

GENE: So how come?

THERRY: The positive ones are still in Singularity.

GENE: So how come some did decide and some didn't?

THERRY: Aren't you asking the wrong person? Which crystal ball would you like me to look into?

KEN: What would be an implied reaction of one Angel that didn't come down? What would their fate be compared to one that decided to enter the Soul of Man to return?

THERRY: Well, nothing happened to them. They simply accepted the change. The change didn't affect them because they weren't part of the other. Singularity ended up becoming dual. So the only ones that were affected were the ones that decided to leave Singularity. They're the only one basic ones that were affected. The ones that remained in Singularity were still within the aura of the Throne, so they were still contented.

ANDY: I have a question. You're talking about discontented Angels. Are these the same...are those the Brothers of the Chain?

THERRY: No, the Brothers of the Chain were the Angels that still remained in Singularity. They unilaterally formed, let's say, a chain to descend into the Void to sort of help to become Teachers within the Soul of Man.

ANDY: Okay.

THERRY: That's why you have, basically, you have psychics that know things that other people don't know and see things that other people don't see?because they're part of that chain that are Other World Teachers.

ANDY: Okay.

PRISCILLA: Therry, so if the Angels that are still in Singularity, if they're the ones that are helping Mankind or Humanity, uhm, the Angels that were discontent and left, what they interact with humans? Are they Teachers as well?

THERRY: Uhhh, yeah they can interact based on the Karma of the individual that's in his games.

PRISCILLA: But they're more on the level of just trying to deal with their own things? Like what we're doing on our level?

THERRY: Well, they're in the pits of anger, so they're not going to be very much use to the Angels that are in the Soul of Man.


KEN: Can I clarify something or ask for a clarification? You said whatever caused the disruption or change forced some Angels out into being discontent, right? Although, they're not...

TOMMY: No-one forced them.

THERRY: But there's something you're not taking into consideration. Let's use the other side of inferences for now. If you belong to a group and you suddenly were so unhappy that you didn't want to be any part of that group, would you want to stay with that group?

KEN: Well, right, then...possibly, but no.

THERRY: What do you mean possibly? No one...

KEN: People do that all the time. They stay in marriages and groups for al kinds of reasons even though they're unhappy there.


KEN: But we're getting off-track. I wanted to clarify something that I thought you said. I wanted to know that I heard it correctly.


KEN: You said once the change took place?


KEN: Then there were...because Duality came into effect, there were a class of Angels that were on the outside that didn't know or weren't part of Singularity but they're okay ...they're not having a problem with it, they're not at war with it. They just accept that a change took place.

THERRY: I didn't say that.

KEN: Well, that's what I thought I heard at one point.

THERRY: No, sir, I didn't say that.

KEN: So is there a class of Angels??

THERRY: The people that?the class of Angels that were outside of Singularity were all in the Hell of Their Own Thoughts.

KEN: Okay but not all?

THERRY: Seething with their own private little hell.

KEN: At one point, I thought you said that those that decided to enter the Soul of Man took that route but there are others out there that didn't and that there's no ill effect towards them because?

THERRY: I didn't say there's no ill effect for them, I mean?

KEN: You said they accepted the change and they were?

THERRY: No, they have not accepted the change!

KEN: Okay.

THERRY: That's why they're still at war!

TOMMY: I think they're three classes.

KEN: That's what I'm getting at. I thought you said they're three classes of things.

THERRY: No, it's only two.

KEN: The ones in Singularity, the ones that by law, when Singularity changed, were forced out and they were accepting, they didn't have a problem with the change?

THERRY: No, that's not true!

KEN: Okay, well, then, that's what I wanted to clarify. So did everyone that went out go into the Soul of Man if they were discontent?


KEN: And then I asked, what about those that didn't come down?

THERRY: They're at war. They're in their own state of war. They're in the Hell of Their own Thoughts.

KEN: And they're stuck there for Eternity?

THERRY: You're asking?

KEN: Unless they choose the Soul of Man route?

THERRY: That's correct.

KEN: Okay. And they don't have to do that. They could stay right where they are and everything's okay?

THERRY: You're asking the wrong person.

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