Amplifiers: Questions and Answers Page 3

MARC: So Happiness is a Condition?


RICKY: Does it have an emotional component?


RICKY: So how do you know or is there any value in trying to determine, let's say, you're in some mental state, is there any value in trying to determine whether it's a Condition or an Emotion or a State or a psychic power or you just accept it...

THERRY: It depends on...

RICKY: ...for what it is and continue...

THERRY: It depends on what the individual's trying to do and who they are. If the individual's a true Seeker, then the value is they come to learn the Laws of their Illusion on a conscious level. If the individual is not a Seeker, then I doubt that he will ever be able to discern those things and he will be too confused within the Games.

RICKY: So if you're trying to determine this, is it important to know, let's say you feel it important to know that it's 80% fear, 10% loneliness, 10% rage or is enough to know that you feel emotions?

THERRY: It's enough to know that you feel it. In order for you to be able to put percentages to each, you have to understand the graphing process of Creation. It's like a recipe.

RICKY: So it's not important to know.

THERRY: Usually, no.

RICKY: In that case, is it actually true that these five things that we call basic emotions are actually five separate things or is it just one Force that just manifests in different directions?

THERRY: Both. When the Life Forms become human, before they become human, it's one Force. Once they become human, then it's five separate things.

RICKY: Is it like colors or it's...


MARC: Is there a corresponding color to each of the five basic emotions?


MARC: Will you tell us what they are?

THERRY: You can find that out for yourself. Go read the Lexicon.

MARC: Under the Aura?


MARC: I don't remember seeing the Color of Fear.

THERRY: 'Cause it has many faces. Again the confusion lies in that many Conditions mimic some of the basic Emotions. But it's just a mimic and a Condition, not a basic Emotion.

RICKY: Do all the Conditions have an emotional component?


RICKY: And it's one of the five basic Emotions that's the emotional component?

THERRY: Repeat.

RICKY: And it's one of the five basic Emotions that make up the emotional component?

THERRY: I'm not understanding the question.

RICKY: My first question was, does every condition have an emotional component?


RICKY: That emotional component is made up of one of the five basic Emotions or a mixture thereof?


RICKY: Then why do we consider...if we consider Happiness to be a positive thing, why do we consider the Emotions to be negative if they're an essential component of Happiness?

THERRY: You have to remember that in humans it's all a Continuum.

RICKY: So it's only negative if they're too much of them?

THERRY: Or uncontrolled. Remember that's 50% real and 50% not so. So it's 50% positive and 50% negative. So it's the basis is "All good does evil and all evil does good." It's the balance in the Chi. The Affinity Factor determines where it's going to fall.

MARC: These five emotions control you or propagate into conditions by interaction with the Continuum of Expectations and Demands...


MARC: ...and value systems.


MARC: So I guess it's all seems psychological.


MARC: Psychological is after that stuff?

THERRY: Psychological, most of the time, it doesn't exist, if you're talking about an Emotion.

MARC: A person's psychological state will determine what they experience.

THERRY: Yes-s-s!

MARC: Which means that...

THERRY: It will determine their level of awareness. But just because they are aware of something doesn't necessarily mean that they're really truly aware of something. Remember, if you're talking about the negative side of Emotions, then everything is distorted. Everything! The more distorted it becomes, the less awareness is there to serve you.

MARC: As far as the interaction with Emotions...the psychological state, that's...can we quantify that to be based on X number of things such as value systems, self-image, the Continuum of Expectations and Demands?

THERRY: Among others.

MARC: Can you state some of the others?

THERRY: Not really. Go read the Lexicon.

MARC: Then you'll change it?

THERRY: Somewheres there. You got to remember that you're talking of the logical component that rides on the carrier of Emotions. The logical intelligence, for lack of a better word, is very distorted. And it's based on serving the self; it's based on self-gratification, self-achievement. The positive side is Self-actualization, Understanding, Joy...

MARC: Where does self-expression fit in between the positive and the negative side?

THERRY: They exist on both sides. That comes because you don't live in a vacuum. You live in the midst of many of your own kind. So it's a communication to them. It's the face you want them to see.

MARC: Are these five emotions ruling throughout all Maya?

THERRY: Yes. The physical aspects at least. But remember, you made reference to the Emotions as being independent, separate things. That automatically places you just within the physical. It's on this side of the Curtain.

MARC: When you say physical, we're talking about the nine levels of the Earth Experience?

THERRY: Yeah. So long as you're in the human condition, yeah. On the Other Side of Earth, the Other side of Life, then there's only one Force. It may have a lot of faces, but it's still one Force.

RICKY: On the Other Side of Life or outside the bubble.

THERRY: On the Other Side of Life.

RICKY: So what is that one Force?

THERRY: That's when you're no longer in the human condition.

RICKY: Meaning you're dead?

THERRY: No, even though you go through the Death Process, you still belong to the human condition.

RICKY: I thought that's what you called the Other Side of Life.

COREY: He's talking about all Life on all levels.

RICKY: Then that's outside the bubble then or outside the Double Gate, isn't it?

THERRY: It's uhh, it's outside the Soul of Man. If you're outside the Soul of Man then there's only one force. It has many faces but it's still just one force. But once you get into the bubble, the Soul of Man, now it has a lot of independence, a lot of separate stuff...

COREY: Therry, would these emotions have the power to effect change and bond cells?


TONY: Some of it is change, some of it is genetic uhh make-up, would you say or...


TONY: So we're not beholden to what we might think we are?

THERRY: Reality is not what we always claim it to be. Case in point, multiple personalities. The various emotions that...or conditions that brought out the need for a split is a perfect example of that. They've changed...they've changed their...they no longer have a single flowing mind recognition. Another example might be if a certain trauma occurs, you get locked into a moment and that condition is so strong that you don't age, there's no future and there is no past, except for the limits of that moment that you're stuck into. There have been cases where an individual has lived twenty years in one moment and never grew old and once they were freed from that moment, age caught up to them so quickly that they died.

TONY: It sounds like the ring of power.

THERRY: Pardon?

TONY: It sounds like Bilbao [character in The Lord of the Rings] and the ring of power.

THERRY: I don't see the recognition.

TONY: Well when Bilbao finally gave up the ring he got old very quickly but as long as he held on to the ring....

THERRY: Ah right.

TONY: So can you kinda liken the ring to this moment that you were talking about.

THERRY: Oh, alright.

MARC: Sounds like the sixties to me.

TONY: I don't quite see the link between that I said, I think the people I asked about the biology of [...]

THERRY: Yeah you asked about...can your emotions affect your genetic make-up, your human processes. Yeah! It locks you into a moment. You gotta remember that the process of life, the process of living is a long string of moments that are ganged to one another where the enertia moves you from one moment to another. But if something occurs and it stops that inertia, then the whole normal process stops. In order for you to age, you have to go from one moment to another. But if there's no inertia to drive you into the next moment, then nothing occurs except what is.

TONY: What form would this inertia take and what would cause it to cease?

THERRY: That I don't know. That's beyond my understanding.

SAMANTHA: Clarification. Are you talking about humans in the Soul of Man? 'Cause it sounds like we're talking about the same trap we got into the last conversation like this. When you were saying they're trapped and their aging process stops for twenty years that seems to go against all the laws that exist down here.

THERRY: No it doesn't.

SAMANTHA: Sure it does.

THERRY: No it doesn't because it's an illness. It's one of the games that people can play.

SAMANTHA: Their body and their cells regardless of what their mind is telling them...if they're trapped in a traumatic moment, their cells are on physical, cellular time and they're going to do what they're going to do.


SAMANTHA: You've heard of an example of this?

THERRY: Yes. It's a's on medical records some place. Some young lady from Key West, she was caught into that state. I don't know what brought her there and I don't know what released her, but anyway, she died soon afterwards.

RICKY: I think there's all sorts of examples where the mind overrides the basic laws of matter such that your biology is altered by your mind.

THERRY: Correct.

JEAN: I mean people get cancer from stress.


JEAN: You poison your body with stress.

LENNY: I've even heard of people that were deeply caught up in Christianity and they...whatever triggered it...that stigmata


LENNY:...and they brought that on themself.


TONY: I've also heard of people spontaneously supposedly curing themselves from cancer because of the strength and their belief of being able to overcome it.


TONY: But it's got to be within their Karma to do that.


TONY: But it's possible?


SAMANTHA: It's a great planet. You can hear all kinds of things.

TONY: I don't think Samantha believes this.

SAMANTHA: Not all of them. Some things I believe. But I don't believe that you can be sitting there stuck for twenty years and not have aged and then when you snap out of it all of a sudden your body ages twenty years and then you die.

THERRY: Well obviously the aging process is not instantaneous. But their age does catch up to them simply because of the Laws of the Alliance of the Rule.

SAMANTHA: I'll investigate.

THERRY: I mean that's like a rubber band, if your inertia stops and the life processes go on, well then, you've created a stress in that rubber band point, so that when the inertia is released, there's going to be an accelerated growth. But it's not instantaneous.

SAMANTHA: I'll put in on the back shelf and I'll investigate.

JEAN: So if you go through more moments, do you age faster?

THERRY: Well most humans cannot elect to go through more moments. Most humans are caught and they flow with the current of time that runs them. They can't go faster and they can't go slower, except for when the condition is that their inertia is somehow disturbed.

JEAN: Is this a part of being aware of the moments going by or something else?

THERRY: Yeah that's one of things...when you're caught into a moment, then there's no awareness of the moment passing.

JEAN: So if a person sleeps all day and they're aware of fewer moments, do they age slower?

THERRY: No. Sleep is just a part of the Life Process, even if you're not consciously aware, you're still aware.

TONY: I'm curious about this inertia disruption.

THERRY: The inertia of life?

TONY: Yeah you keep saying that it's disrupted but how can it bring about the change that's it's disrupted?

THERRY: Well what happens is that there are many threads that lead off from every moment. When the inertia is disturbed, it often goes into the wrong thread. Sometimes it goes into a dead-end thread, in which case, there is no longer the next moment to go into.

TONY: That's like going into an infinite loop or something. Programming terms I guess.

THERRY: Yes but no. It's more like a freeze.

CANDICE: It's a border.

TONY: She said it's a border.

THERRY: Yeah, the life inertia is a border and you've frozen, except that it's a very small loop. As a matter of fact, there are other conditions where through some form of accident or something, a person's brain has been split and they go through that same loop, they can't...they have no short term memory at all. None! Everything that they see and experience is always for the first time.

SAMANTHA: But their body still ages.

THERRY: Pardon?

SAMANTHA: Usually in those cases, their body still ages.

THERRY: Yes, yes, yes.

JEAN: It's like Alzheimers.

TONY: Well I think if we could ever discover what inertial force would cause the body to body to cease aging then we could like market it and sell that and get really rich.

THERRY: Hah! Hah! [Chuckle]

TONY: Don't you think?

THERRY: [Chuckle] Ha! Ha! Why don't you just use your mind force infused into a titanium steel robot and it'll never break down.

RICKY: That's coming soon too!

TONY: I was thinking of doing that but I...

RICKY: Then we'd never have to worry about resources.

THERRY: Right.

MARC: From the five basic emotions, is Fear the most prevalent in human beings?

THERRY: They all have their own footing based on the cause and effect relationship to the moment.

MARC: 'Cause I can see Fear in just about everything a person does...I can't see Anger to the same degree.

THERRY: Of course you can 'cause in many conditions anger can come before Fear does.

MARC: What the hell you talking to me?

BARBIE: [Chuckle]

THERRY: That it?

COREY: Got more questions? Marc?

MARC: No more questions.

COREY: Lenny?

LENNY: No more.

COREY: Corey? Barbie.

BARBIE: I'm finished.

TONY: Yes but...I'll ask you off-line.

THERRY: No ask it now.

TONY: I can't because it's going to go on and on and on and we gotta go because people's butts are going to sleep.

THERRY: Either ask it now or don't ask it at all.

TONY: Okay I will never ask it.

THERRY: You can't do that 'cause the rest of us will lose...


TONY: I just wanted to know about the inertia thing. That's all, you know. What is it, what drives it.

THERRY: You asked that already and I already told you it was beyond my understanding.

TONY: Okay, it's moot.




CAROL: I'm finished.

THERRY: Ricky?

RICKY: So as you go from moment to you go from one moment to the next in your life, is it ever possible to ever have one single moment that has a complete absence of all five of those emotions?

THERRY: It's unlikely, but yeah it's possible. Most likely the emotions are still there but they're at such a low level that there's no recognition of them.

RICKY: Is there a certain minimum threshold that these emotions have to be at in order to amplify the situation or do they amplify by just being present at all?

THERRY: Well, it's the degree of amplification.

MARC: So I know have another question.

THERRY: Based on certain thresholds it is possible to amplify something so little that you don't even notice it that for all practical purposes there has been no amplification. But yes, there is a threshold for the emotions to becoming into control which is different for everyone.

MARC: If one of the Non-emotional Amplifiers is present does that mean that the Emotions have reached such a threshold or does the threshold ...?


MARC: Part B is if one of the Non Emotional Amplifiers states are present, does that mean...does that dampen the five basic emotions?

THERRY: Not necessarily. Depends on the games you play.

COREY: Okay, have more questions for him?


THERRY: Okay, remember guys. It is not cool to pass. Okay, don't forget to read the next one.

TONY: One question...what if someone generally doesn't have any kind of...anything to say about a reading? I mean, would you accept that that could ever happen? Or no...we'll always have....

THERRY: No, there's always an impression.

TONY: Even if it's one sentence?

THERRY: Even if it's one sentence.

TONY: Just whatever just pops [snaps finger] in your mind.

THERRY: Right, whatever it tells you.

TONY: 'Cause I think maybe some people, like myself I know, think it's such a small little thing, that it isn't worth mentioning, like "I liked it" or "I didn't like" or "It was cool" or something.

SAMANTHA: Ahhh! Emotions!

TONY: Like nothing really of importance. So just say it, even if it's that small, right?

MARC: One note, it seems there's a typo on the second line. It says "Within a happening." In that case it says "Within a happening." On the second line it doesn't say that 'cause A Happening isn't used as a noun.

THERRY: No, it isn't. You have made the change from A Happening and a happening. You separated them.

MARC: Well according to the italics the way it's used A Happening is its own...

THERRY: But it doesn't have to be preceded by the word "an."

MARC: I don't get it. It always has been. Just a thought.