The Astral Planes:
Lower, Middle, and Upper Earth
(The Triune Layers Of Reality)

An Astral Plane is an envelope, a bubble of creation (The Astral Plane of Common Reality), which is so constructed as to allow life, as we know it, to exist in a much greater bubble (The Carbon Universe's Carbon Galaxy) that would not.

Just as the continuum is a major unit of creation, so, too, Triune planes of existence is another major unit of creation within the cocoon of The Grand Maya. Just as we often use the seed pattern of a continuum to understand many aspects of creation, so, too, must we use the Triune planes of existence as a seed pattern with which to understand not only various levels of creation, but to understand the seeming relationships between said levels of existence, as well. This is quite a tricky task.

We are introduced, for the first time, to the Triunity aspect of the Royal Steering Current: That which exists within the Chi shall be Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects. Secondly, we are prone toward looking at this Triunity factor as being three separate things which are seeking to merge together, thus forming only one force. Looking at the Triunity factor as being three separate forces trying to become one is an example of linear thinking. If we hope to understand the implications of the Triune factor, we must think in a fabric-like manner. Thinking in a fabric-like manner requires that we look at the seed pattern of Triunity as being just one force, albeit a Triune force... It's not trying to become one Force, It is one Force!

The next obstacle is to accept that, like any other seed pattern, the Triune planes of existence is a pattern that is, itself, a continuum; it is a continuum because it has many levels to it. On one level, the pattern represents a single Triune plane of the Earth experience--called an Astral Plane--, while on another level the pattern represents the pattern of the divisions of the Nine Ruling Planes of that part of The Grand Maya which is known as The Earth experience. Likewise, there are many other meanings which lie beyond the scope of this writing.

An astral plane of existence is said to lie beside/tangent to other astral planes--on this part of creation, there are usually a repeating pattern of nine astral planes to the cluster (See Fig. #2). It is within these bubbles of creation called astral planes, if you will, that special laws are combined to allow the visiting pilgrim to experience awareness while still within the sphere of influence of a specific layer of the cocoon of The Grand Maya. Notice that The Earth Experience's Astral Plane of Common Reality (at the very center of the diagram) shares its green bubble (green for change) with eight other small bubbles of experience...making nine bubbles in the center green bubble. Notice, also, the repeating pattern of having the center repeated in the center Purple bubble, and it, as a whole again repeated in the still larger Blue bubble.

To understand the recursive nature of creation and how this recursiveness limits or modifies the very fabric of creation, itself, we must use the many bubbles within a bubble type repeating pattern, as seen in Fig. #2..

If we imagine any three of the many threads of creation uniting to form a creative rope--for example, Time, Space, and Change--, the image might look not unlike the image in Fig. #1.

As the constantly twisting creative rope spirals in its efforts to create, it creates three interconnected bubbles which unite, remain in existence for a while, then returns to being a constantly twisting creative rope. Since it was created, and hence, had a beginning, it will, in time, have an end; when this end does come, all residents within will cease to exist; in that, those who are ready for the transmutation onto the next higher plane of existence will transmute. Those who are not ready will be forced to suffer the judgment of The Oblivion.

The three bubbles which were created from the twisting of the creative rope unite to form a Triune plane of existence, as seen in Fig. #1. The arrow represents both, the powers of the twisting rope of creation and the directional time-element's time line which this creative force takes. Furthermore, if we were to look upon the unit of creation (specifically the Triune-planes-of-existence) from another view, it might look like the diagram in Fig. #3.

An Astral Plane, a basic unit of creation which allows the illusion of both time and space to exist, is but one of the subdivisions of the Cocoon of Earth's Experiences in The Grand Maya. It is upon the many astral planes (all of which are Triune in their nature) that the pilgrim Ba is forced to seek perfection, via his various cycles of reincarnation, as he journeys in and out of different Universes, or, as he experiences the different threads of the fabric of creation.

In Fig. #2 & #3, it will be noticed that the law of repeating patterns also applies to planes of existence--yes, even Astral Planes. It would further help understanding if we looked at the pattern indicated in Fig. #1, Fig. #3, and Fig. #4 as a single unit---a single image that is being looked at from differing points of view, and from differing levels.

The diagram shown in Fig. #1 is merely a basic Triune pattern of a bubble within a bubble, wherein each bubble, although contained within a larger bubble, is, in itself, not only self-contained, it is also completely self-sufficient and self-governing; forgiving, of course, the interplay which constantly exists (especially in Man via the Emotional Interchange Interface) between levels and between bubbles.

With this new level of understanding firmly in place, let's apply the Triune aspects of creation to the Cocoon Of The Grand Maya. That aspect of the Cocoon Of The Grand Maya which governs The Earth experience is divided into nine major subdivisions--called The Ruling planes [seen Fig. #2]--, which are themselves further subdivided in such a manner that they follow the Royal Steering Current: That which exists shall be Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

Here lies the first trap of linear thinking. On the one hand we have the Triune aspects of a single plane, which are, seemingly, three planes of existence called Animal Earth, Middle Earth, and Spiritual Earth. But, while each are, indeed, for all practical purposes, independent from one another, they are really, from a fabric-like thinking's point of view, just three parts of one force. However, on the other hand, the Triune nature of the many subdivisions, both major and minor, have the effect of dividing that part of the Cocoon of Maya which we call The Earth experience such that we have a seeming overlap in creation between Animal Earth, Middle Earth, and Spiritual Earth. The seeming overlap exists because all three are inhabiting what we would call the same space, but not the same time cycles, nor the same frequency cycles. Furthermore, the barriers which separate the Triune planes of Animal Earth, Middle Earth, and Spiritual Earth from one another are placental in nature; in that, there is a constant interchange between them, but that interchange is very limited; most interactions are one sided; the residents of Middle Earth could visit the lower Animal Earth, but the residents of Lower Animal Earth could not visit Middle Earth. This is not so for the interaction between Middle Earth and Spiritual Earth. Between these two, the placental barrier allows much more movement.

Humans, the TwinSpecies, is said to inhabit Middle Earth. However, while it is true that the individuals of the TwinSpecies:Human are said to have dominion over Middle Earth, they are not limited to Middle Earth. While the individuals of the TwinSpecies:Human, as a whole, seldom visit upon the lower realms of Animal Earth, the same cannot be said for the higher, more developed realms of Spiritual Earth--Many of our OtherWorld Teachers visit us from there.

Let us make a temporary aside to gain a piece of information which might, or might not, come in handy in the future. It is interesting to note that in ancient times the nine major divisions of that part of the cocoon of The Grand Maya which is known as The Earth experience were also known as The Nine Rings of Creation. It is also interesting to note that the TwinSpecies:Human didn't always have dominion over Middle Earth. The battle which gave the TwinSpecies:Human dominion over Middle Earth also, in the same self moment, separated the individuals of the TwinSpecies:Human forever, not only from the lower forms of life which still inhabit Middle Earth, it also separated most of the individuals of the TwinSpecies:Human from the Enchanted Kingdom-- the magical realms of creation.

Let us take another small aside. The information received thus far could suggest that all levels are simply composed of Astral Planes. Such an assumption would, indeed, be wrong. Remember, we [of Earth] have The Astral Plane of Common Reality as our home level of existence. If we were to accept the very small, white, center bubble (seen in Fig. #2) as the Astral Plane of Common Reality, then we would also have to accept all the other small bubbles which surround ours as also being Astral Planes. While the surrounding planes are astral in nature, they are simply astral planes that are not the Astral Plane of Common Reality.

But, also in Fig. #2, can be seen seeming duplications of Astral Clusters that are, themselves, contained within larger bubbles, thus fulfilling the Royal Steering Current governing a subset of Recursive Dialusion; specifically, Repeating Patterns. These larger bubbles are not Astral Planes [some are Alfa planes, some are beta planes, some are theta planes, and, some are energy planes, etc.]; but, they are, nonetheless, seeming higher planes of the Earth experience. These higher planes of existence are not referred to as Astral Planes because they are not subject to the same standard of law as are the Astral Planes (exactly how they are different does not fall within the scope of the explanation of an Astral Plane).

Still further, Fig. #2 shows that there are, at the very least, three subdivisions of the Ruling Plane wherein Middle Earth resides. The first would be the sister-clusters--the Astral Planes [some of the nine astral planes are mental in nature. Each has its own parallel requirement which compliment The Earth Experience's Astral Plane Of Common Reality, etc.]. From The Astral Plane of Common Reality's point of view, the sister planes might or might not be considered a higher plane of existence; much would depend upon the traveler, the purpose of traveling, the experience being sought, and the karmic bonds which are being addressed at the time.

As we address the second level, we also address what could seemingly be the epitome of confusion. To sort out this confusing mass of intertwining, spiraling pieces of creation, we must remember that, as seen in Fig. #1, each individual plane is Triune in its nature. Secondly, we must take into account that planes of existence which are tangent to one another also seem to overlap one another at some point. This holds true for Animal Earth (Animal Earth is divided into at least three levels called Lower Animal Earth, Middle Animal Earth, and Higher Animal Earth), Middle Earth (Middle Earth is divided into, at the very least, three levels called Lower Middle Earth, Middle Middle Earth, and Higher Middle Earth), and Spiritual Earth (Spiritual Earth is divided into many levels, among which are Lower Spiritual Earth, Middle Spiritual Earth, and High Spiritual Earth).

Furthermore, we must understand that those areas which are called Higher can, and often do, overlap with a tangent plane's Lower aspects. This over-lapping has the effects of creating the illusion of having more divisions within the plane in question than it actually has [This effect is a direct result of the workings of the Placental Barriers which guard the borders that lie between them]. The overlapping also allows residents of a higher plane of existence to become An OtherWorld Teacher for a resident that resides on a tangent lower plane without having to leave the higher plane. Thus, An OtherWorld Teacher can enter a lower world creature's mind or dream level without actually leaving higher spiritual Earth..

The second level would be, from Middle Earth's point of view, a higher plane of existence; as such, it would be the lower aspect of the higher Spiritual Earth. The second level would be represented by the darker shaded ovals, each containing a cluster of Astral Planes. The third level would be represented by the single shaded oval which contains both the lower aspects of the higher Spiritual Earth, and the still lower sister-clusters of Astral Planes [See Fig. #3]. This would be represented of the higher aspects of the higher Spiritual Earth.

Within each of the astral planes of existence, including our Astral Plane Of Common Reality, the residents thereof are very limited or modified by The Alliance of The Rule--specifically, that part which governs the entrance (the births) and exits (the deaths) into and out of Lower Middle Earth. Upon our Astral Plane Of Common Reality, the Alliance of the Rule allows the individuals of the TwinSpecies:Human a varying degree of awareness with which to experience Earth.

From the point of view of an individual's home level, what we call the Astral Plane of Common Reality, is that which is perceived to be physical in nature. Upon this Astral Plane of Common Reality, we experience the Triune effects via our logical mind, our physical mind, and our emotional mind. The duality of this Triunity is experienced via The Presence and The Absence of awareness, as that awareness interacts with the Triune forces--the logical mind, the physical mind, and the emotional mind. The interaction of this God Head, if you will, is transparent to the individual who experiences it. To the individual, it is merely life.

Again, from the point of view of the Astral Plane of Common Reality, all which is experienced by an individual upon this level, or upon any other level, which is not physical, as we know the physical to be, is said to have been experienced upon an alter reality--an Astral Plane which is not The Astral Plane of Common Reality; such levels are simply called Astral Planes, while The Astral Plane of Common Reality is simply referred to as Common Reality. Again, we must take into account the limitations of the traveler. Most pilgrims will not be developed enough to determine which level he has visited. To him, it will most likely be just another Astral Plane.

Existence upon an Astral Plane is a level of existence that is far less obstructed (less obstructed such that one might be able to walk through walls). On the Astral Planes, both time and space are telescopic. On the Astral Planes, an individual can experience drama which can be so moving [an A Happening] as to effect a total and complete change in the individual's karmic lifecycle on the level that he is temporarily living; the complete change could even extend to his home level--his common reality. Although this drama might or might not have direct connection to said individual's experience on the normal everyday plane of existence, the change in the individual's lifestyle occurs nonetheless.

As a seemingly negative (negative only from today's limited point of view) but very important example: Let us say that individual "X" is a young, seemingly normal heterosexual (it matters not if "X" is a male or a female). Let us further suppose that "X" is absolutely normal in every way, except that "X" has experiences on an Astral Plane, even though "X" has never even heard of such a plane of existence. To "X", the only other experiences "X" has ever had beside being awake were the experiences which "X" had thought dreams.

It is possible for this young, seemingly normal, heterosexual individual to have an experience on a dream level where the individual falls in love with a dream person of the same sex. It is also possible for this A Happening to be so moving, that this love experience could filter down into "X's" home level--"X's" common reality.

The end result of such an experience could be that Karma's Affinity Factor determined that said individual is so changed by the moving power of the depth of this unexpected love experience [the A Happening], it could cause such confusion in "X's" life that "X" could become bisexual, even homosexual. However, this is not to say that everyone who has alter reality experiences will have experiences of the same type; nor does it imply that said alter reality experiences will have the same end. But, while such a possibility of change does exist, we must remember that change, itself, is a continuum.

In our example, we used a change which lies on the negative side of the continuum (the continuum in question is the continuum of the society's acceptability--specifically what the society in question would accept as being right or as being wrong). When an Astral Plane experience does create a seeming major negative change in an individual, and if that negative change extends to that individual's home level of experience, it is usually not understood, much less spoken of. Usually, the change which people do speak of is when an individual goes from the negative side of life's changes to the positive side of life.

The people of Earth have a way of recognizing and speaking only of the positive changes which people experience. In most cases, they simply skip over the negative changes of life with a simple comment of how much such-and-such has changed. In most cases, an experience upon an Astral Plane is transparent to the society within which the pilgrim resides. Only the individual who has had the astral experience notices the difference; and, this is only because his values have been changed from up-on-high, so to speak. In either case, said individual will never be the same.