the Affinity Factor: Questions and Answers Page 2

CAREY: Can I ask one thing, Mike before you go on?

MIKE: Yeah, go ahead, please.

CAREY: Is there any physical connection then say, it's in the knee region, the mobility of the Chakra? The Third Chakra? Is there anything that can impede it physically?


CAREY: So if you had a knee injury or...

THERRY: Every time you want to walk from one place to another, you're making a change. If the Third Chakra tells the Affinity Factor that you may not make a change in that position, then you can't walk.

KAY: Physically?

CAREY: You mean temporarily or...?

KAY: You physically can't walk?

THERRY: Uh-hmm...

PAUL: He's talking about...

THERRY: Remember, the Third Chakra deals with mobility and change. Now every say, you want to get up. See, the change in position...your Third Chakra was contacted and it allowed change in that area, so you were able to stand up.

SANDY: So you could end up in a wheelchair?

THERRY: That means that uhh, your knees and your ankles will allow no change but your hips will allow very little change. But the rest of your body will allow change.

CAREY: Well, like...

THERRY: Well, if you're a quadriplegic then it will allow very little change, hence you're seemingly paralyzed.

MIKE: What if you have x-rays which show your vertebra is smashed or something and your nerves are all smashed to bits and...?

THERRY: Well, that may be one of the reasons why it won't allow change.

MIKE: Yeah cuz what I thought of immediately when you said that was it sounds like the Third Auric Chakra is the cause and the root of all mobility and lack thereof mobility. You know but if you...

THERRY: Not the cause, it's the effect.

MIKE: So does it just record whatever's going on in your body? Cuz physiologically, if you have some damage to your spinal chord and what not and you can't move because of that, how ...

THERRY: Well, there has to be a reason for that to occur.

MIKE: So you're...oh...

THERRY: There's no accidents.

MIKE: Oh, I see now. So you're saying it was predestined?

THERRY: Right.

MIKE: And that ties right back into this whole thing.

THERRY: Correct.

MIKE: Hah, okay.

SANDY: Or it's a Free Will choice based on learning. It's not always Predestiny.

THERRY: Correct.

SANDY: If you choose for learning purposes to be slowed down.

THERRY: Correct.

SANDY: So other areas of development...

THERRY: If it will allow you to.

MIKE: So it's like Free Will within a predestined range.


MIKE: You have a variance of some sort.

THERRY: Yes. But even there, the Third Chakra deals with it becuz sometimes it will not allow you the Free Will to chose uhh for learning's sake.

ANDY: Once you've chosen for learning's sake, have you not evoked Predestiny now?

THERRY: I don't know. It would appear so.

FRANK: Evoked...or you evoked an effect...but you don't know if it's not written in stone so if it might not necessarily be Predestiny.

ANDY: Getting back to Carey's question, I had a thought. I'm going to ask what I thought she was asking and that is, is there any correlation between the physical knee area of the physical body and the Third Auric Chakra?

THERRY: Yeah, it's located there!

ANDY: So now if you...

KAY: If its hurting...?

SAM: Yeah by that factor, I can have my knees and my legs cut off at my thighs and ...

CAREY: Amputated...

SAM: I'll still have a Third Chakra or...

THERRY: See but...the difference...Yes you do.

SAM: So it's not related to the knee?

THERRY: Yes it is. Uhhm, you're thinking strictly physical and when you're dealing with Chakras, it's not just physical.

SAM: Well, it seemed that way. It wouldn't be physical at all.

THERRY: It's all 9 levels.

SAM: The Chakras is not physically connected to your knee in any fashion.

THERRY: Yeah, it is. Remember, everything's a Matrix.

SAM: If it cut off my leg at my thighs, my Third Chakra's still intact.

THERRY: Yes, it is.

SAM: It has nothing to do with my knee physically.

THERRY: But it doesn't change the fact that there is a connection.

KAY: Did you say that if it hurts, the knee hurts, it has something to do with maybe you shouldn't do something or...?

THERRY: I don't think so. Probably it's because there's something wrong somewhere's.

KAY: So it doesn't have to do with the Third Chakra?

THERRY: Okay, you guys seem to be mistaking something. The Third Chakra deals only with mobility. It doesn't deal with contents and causes and effects. It deals only with mobility -will it allow a change to occur?

KAY: Yeah but if it hurts, you can't move, let's say...

FRANK: The Third Chakra's never going to hurt.

THERRY: Right.

FRANK: Your knees might hurt but your Third Chakra's not going to hurt.

MIKE: Then it would be...if her knees hurt, then it would be written in Predestiny that her knees hurt for whatever... Is that the relationship?

THERRY: It's possible, yeah.

CILLA: Could it be an indication that you uhm aren't supposed to do something or are supposed to be doing something? Having that physical sensation?

THERRY: Not necessarily. It's possible but...

FRANK: Not via the Third Chakra. I mean, if you're doing deep knee bends and your knee starts hurting, yes, it's an indication that maybe you should stop doing deep knee bends.

THERRY: But it's not the Third Chakra. The Third Chakra would only be checked to see if it will allow you to do deep knee bends.

ANDY: Becuz there's some correlation between the actual physical knees and the Third Chakra, is there any way to utilize that correlation to improve the mobility capabilities that are written in your Third Chakra?

THERRY: I don't know.

CAREY: Well then, what...just in general, you know, Chakras are located throughout our body. What is the relationship between the physical region they're supposedly assigned to and the Chakras itself?

FRANK: I know that you can feel certain Chakras if things happen to you. You can feel them in your body. Like I don't know which one is in your stomach but a lot of times, if something happens to you and you get scared and you get that feeling in your stomach, that's from the energy of your Chakra.

CAREY: That's not just physiology then?

FRANK: No. It comes all the way down the levels of the Chakra. But it doesn't mean that if something happens to your stomach or if someone cuts your knee off, it's not going to affect the Chakras. If you didn't have a stomach, which is kind of ridiculous to think of, you'd still have that Chakra, you wouldn' wouldn't have that tense feeling within your stomach.

SANDY: We met someone who uses his musical instruments in therapy. Whether it's valid or not, I don't know. But he claims that by holding the instrument and...and...over various Chakras of the body, he helps the person who has energy blocks and it helps unblock them and possibly heal them.

THERRY: It's possible. They're a lot more things that are available in the world than what we have in our limited illusions.

SANDY: More twixt Heaven and Earth?

THERRY: I heard that some place before!

SAM: You say the Third Chakra deals strictly with mobility. That's just not physical mobility if I change your mind, there's a change in mobility going on there?


SAM: So it's just not physical movement?

THERRY: Yes. I didn't put a codicil saying that it was just physical.

SAM: Yeah, I'm sorry.

THERRY: It's not physical and it's not psychical, it's not whatever. It's strictly mobility. You can't even go from one experience to another without the Third Chakra coming in.

ANDY: The Third Chakra's tired!


SAM: He's just thinking!

FRANK: So out of all the Chakras, is there any one Chakra that has to do with the Alliance of the...the Affinity Factor than the other ones?

THERRY: No, they all work together.

FRANK: So each one...any time you put a cause in motion...

THERRY: Look at it like...

FRANK: It checks all 9 of them?

THERRY: Yes, look at it like a specialized database where you're filing information in order to keep things straight and to keep things on schedule, it puts it in different places and it gives you a different cause and effect.

FRANK: Is there any one Chakra that can overrule the other ones? Or do they all have to say "Yes" to happen?

THERRY: No, they're all semi-autonomous from one another.

FRANK: So then, what happens if one Chakra says this is not possible and another one says, this is possible?

THERRY: No, there's no contradiction. Even though they're all semi-autonomous, they still all are linked as a matrix. The third Chakra rules. If the third Chakra says its not possible and all the other Chakras say it is, then it is not because you won't have the mobility to change.

FRANK: So then why does it have to check each one? Why doesn't it just check it at the top level?

THERRY: That's just the way it goes. I don't know why.

FRANK: Okay.

MARIO: I have a question. Speaking about language and the Affinity Factor, if somebody doesn't believe in reincarnation, they don't necessarily reincarnate, right?

THERRY: It depends on what their Predestiny is. It could be that in one life, they play that game, they don't believe but in other levels, they do believe, so it's...

MARIO: I was going to say, who pays for their misdeeds, if they don't reincarnate?

THERRY: They do.

MARIO: Okay.

THERRY: Everybody reincarnates regardless. Just because you don't believe in the law, that doesn't free you from the effects of that law.

SAM: When you came down with the Alliance of the Rule, you gave up your Free Will to not reincarnate?

THERRY: You can't. Once you decide to come to Earth, there are certain things that are "must do." Reincarnation is one of them.

ANDY: And that's until you've equalized all your Karma?


MARIO: I thought you had told me once because of language, if a person doesn't believe in something, it doesn't exist for them.

THERRY: In their illusion, but it doesn't change the fact that it's limited to just one life.

SAM: Like in Dr. Strange, when the guy said, "I may believe that it's not raining outside, but if I go out and it's raining, I'm going to get wet." It doesn't matter what your belief is, it's still going to run and you're still subject to laws.

ANDY: Although the mobility within an individual can be greatly altered by what they believe.


MIKE: You have time for one more? Can I ask you a question? I was just...wanted to...I didn't understand this example. Sorry. I didn't understand this example here...uhh of how the Affinity Factor might be the relationship that exists between the various aspects of the different life forms that share the same environment. With the example of the Man and the water bug? Do you remember that or should I...?


MIKE: Could you just clarify that a little or have you...

THERRY: Well, remember, the Great Circle of Life is part of the illusion of the whole. There are life forms that other life forms depend upon in order to fulfill their life cycles. You can't get away from that. Like for instance, if you destroy shrubberies everywhere, trees, Man dies becuz there's no longer a food chain for Man. So they're not separated, they're all part of the matrix. Also, there are forms of life that are too small to be recognized. Now, if you put your arm under a microscope, you'll find that you have dust mites or little animals that are eating away at the dead skin. Take those away and you start having skin problems cuz they sort of like act are little farmers that cultivate healthy skin and some...different life forms depend upon other life forms for certain parts of their living.

MIKE: So that's what that was referring to? Okay, thanks.

SAM: Can I get Sandy to pay for my bankcard?

SANDY: I've been paying!


CAREY: With interest...

SAM: Actually, I was semi-serious on that. Is it possible to make an agreement or alliance with your own soul mate that they take on some of the payment of Karma that you did?


SAM: Even though it's the same entity, you can't shift back and forth?

THERRY: No, no.

SAM: Not even by agreement with people they can't use their Free Will to ...?

THERRY: No, the Affinity Factor will forbid it. It's a one to one ratio. What you do becomes a cause and you must have the effect.

SAM: So every story...

THERRY: You can't kill your dog because your cat ate the canary.

SAM: So every story in mythology where a person makes a pact with the devil and all that...

THERRY: That's crap!

SAM: Exactly

MIKE: You mean you can't borrow a country...

THERRY: But it's a good story!

JENNY: But does your soul mate feel the effects of...I mean cuz if they're the other half of you?


JENNY: Oh, okay. Alright.

THERRY: There's total autonomy.

ANDY: Is there never a connection where they would feel such a thing?

THERRY: No, not until they've joined.

FRANK: Yeah but it would still affect them though, wouldn't it?


KRISTIE: I have a question.

FRANK: I don't see how it could possibly not affect them. If everything's a fabric, I don't see how...

THERRY: Well, everybody is affected becuz everything's a fabric but we're speaking of specifically with each's illusion. There's total autonomy.

KRISTIE: Is it possible to create Karma...let's say, for me right now. I create Karma, any Karma and then I split into two different entities and then those two different entities need to go through that Karma to equalize it?


KRISTIE: So it has to within the level where I created that Karma?


ANDY: So on upper levels, some in other upper levels, all of us share the same Karma?

THERRY: Yeah, pretty far up, yes.

MIKE: That reminds me of Group Karma and Planet Karma and stuff like that, right?

SAM: Getting back to calendars or schedules - I once had a discussion where if you have Karma you must experience but you can...say you learn the lesson you were supposed to learn before that Karma actually comes back to you, then you can reschedule it at a time where the event is going to happen or the effect is going to happen but the result is going to be different because you've learned...

THERRY: Well, there's a phenomenon that's sort of strange in that while Karma and cause and effect says that you have to experience everything, you really don't, again, because of the first, Abandon All Hope Need not Be. Uh you don't need to actually have experienced the experience of Predestiny. You only need the wisdom as though you had experienced it.

SAM: Okay.

THERRY: Becuz it's Abandon All Hope Need Not be. Again, you're talking about a person that's pretty highly developed.

SAM: Right, but that actually goes back to something where it almost sounds like it's an impossible task to equalize all your Karma one for one, each event. Yet if you could do it in the process of learning it and mass awareness then...

THERRY: Right, right.

JENNY: Isn't that synthesis learning? Is that...Was he talking about synthesis learning?


JENNY: Okay.

SAM: So theoretically, Sandy can experience my Karma for me cuz if I can learn from her, then I've learnt it by watching her go through what she was going through.



MIKE: Keep trying!

THERRY: She's experiencing her own Karma and you're just a bystander uhh looking on as part of the audience. If she plays her part correctly, it'll move you.

CAREY: Synthesis learning isn't as common impression was that you could do something like that but it's really not common at this level.

THERRY: Correct. Actually, synthesis learning is rather's just not all the way across the board.

CAREY: Can you give me an example then...?

THERRY: There's too many.

SANDY: Would being an empath be an example?

CAREY: Okay.


MARIO: What's that?

SANDY: The ability to feel what another person feels deeply.

MARIO: You mean have empathy?

SANDY: Understand the pain from their point of view as opposed to your point of view.

MIKE: It seems to me that that person would have a huge advantage for spiritual growth because that, from my understanding, is at the heart of understanding - then you can have forgiveness and love.

THERRY: Yes. It's a wondrous gift.

MIKE: But I bet it's kind of a curse too.

THERRY: Well, every gift has a curse side to it because of the Six (6) Points of Power. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction.

MIKE: Paul, I was curious. You had a question, didn't you?

PAUL: Yeah.

MIKE: I was curious about Paul's question.

PAUL: Uhm, people through their own nature, their own interaction in life, generate their own Affinity Factor, yes?

THERRY: It's automatic.

PAUL: Right.

THERRY: It's part of the Automatic Pilot.

PAUL: Okay. As you're doing that, you're effectively involving yourself in the fact that "Illusions are the driving force for Reality."

THERRY: Correct.

PAUL: So if someone generates a cloak of illusions that are not in reality, then aren't there limitations to "Illusions are the driving force for Reality?"

THERRY: No because that law is simply based on illusions. "Illusions are the driving force to Reality," but remember what reality is, 50% real and 50% not real. So the real part is your language.

PAUL: Using Sam's example, if it's raining outside and I choose to illusionize myself into thinking that it ain't raining and I go out there and I get rained on...

THERRY: Well, let's make a difference between a decision and a delusion.

PAUL: A decision did you say?

THERRY: A decision as opposed to a delusion.

PAUL: Okay.

THERRY: If you decide something that's not within the sphere of your illusion's reality, then it's really not a decision, it's a delusion.

PAUL: Okay.

SAM: For the part that's real, it is going to rain, but the illusion part, what that rain means too could be a billion different things.

THERRY: Right.

SAM: ...With the Affinity Factor built on.

THERRY: Right. If you don't bring your umbrella out there, you are going to get wet! Is that it?

MIKE: I have one last question. Does the Planet...does the Planet have uh I guess the equivalent of a Third Auric Chakra? Do all life forms have this?

THERRY: I can't give you that, but I would say, yes. But that's only my opinion.

MIKE: Okay. Just based on patterns and what not?

THERRY: Yeah, based on inferences.

MIKE: Okay.

SAM: If a person seems to be trying to change, if they try and they try and they try and it just isn't working. Should they continue to try?

THERRY: That's because the Third Chakra will not allow change.

SAM: Exactly. So does a person keep banging their head against it or do they just sit and relax back and say, "Well, when I'm ready to change or things open up, I'll know it."

THERRY: That's Free Will.

SAM: Well, is there a better way?

THERRY: By right of choice.

SAM: Is there a better way to use your time?

MIKE: See, you have no way of knowing.

THERRY: You can't make that judgment for somebody else. We can only make that judgment for ourselves.

ANDY: Sounds kind of like trying to win the Lotto. If you don't try, you definitely aren't going to win.

SAM: Try and be gentle with yourself.

MIKE: I mean, Therry is it like you need maybe...the Affinity Factor has recorded in order to make this change, you need X amount of energy like 10 pounds or however you want to measure it and if you keep trying and trying and you haven't paid that requisite amount, it's going to look like you're just not destined to change? But we have no way of knowing that. We're just right over, you know...we're a hair's breath away from being able to change...could that be a reason for it?

THERRY: That's correct. We have no way of knowing what's written in the Third Chakra.

MIKE: So we can't use that as an excuse or nothing? Like, "My Third Chakra just won't make me change, I'm sorry! I can't put my dishes in the dishwasher."


MARIO: It's possible that people will have a feeling about it, right?

THERRY: It's possible.

PAUL: But that could be delusional too?

SAM: Feelings of...?

MIKE: It's murky. It's pretty murky, it seems like, you know, the whole deal...

THERRY: Well, that's one of the things about life on any Planet. It's basically a shot in the dark.


MIKE: That's a cherry note!

THERRY: Anything else? Okay.