The Big Bang: Is It Really The Beginning
(Did it really bang... or, did it just ooze into being?)

The Big Bang Theory is one of a few scientific theories which seeks to tell the story of how The Universe began, albeit a very limited point of view (To make matters more interesting, we must also understand that every religion that has ever existed has/had its own version of how the Universe began). It is to be understood that scientific theories, no matter which theory we speak of, believe that the Physical Universe is all that exists, and, that this physical Universe is the only known physical dimension. Furthermore, scientists believe/admit that this physical dimension has at least three aspects to it, maybe four--length, width, breadth, and maybe, time.

Scientists speak of the possibility of the existence of dimensions other than length, width, breath, and maybe time, but none of their theories, thus far, seriously considers the existence of these other dimensions beyond the fact that they might exist.

It is important to note that the scientists of today have not given a specific name to their state of existence beyond the title of Physical Dimension, or, The Universe--perhaps, in their thinking process, one is not needed. However, in a system of thought wherein there is more to creation than what is readily seen/touched/heard/experienced, a specific name is required--we believe the scientists of today speak only of what Arkasheans call The Astral Plane of Common Reality.

We, the Magi of Arkashea, do not believe, as do the scientists of today, that this physical Universe is all that there is to Creation. We believe that the illusion of the creation of this physical Universe began with a level of Creation which was, and still is, outside the illusion of physical creation. More specifically, we believe that creation, as we know it within the physical Universe, had its seed in the thoughts of the residents of Deluge--the first spark of independent awareness [See the What If/But Manuscript for more information].

While Arkasheans believe that a Big Bang occurred, we do not believe that this Big Bang created the Physical Universe [the Carbon Universe] in exactly the same way as do many of the people of today.

We believe that, originally, the many layers of Time and of Space had independent dimensions to them. The many layers of Time and Space were not intertwined as they are now. Time was FabricTime (it was not linear as it is today) and Space (space was and still is undefined), at one time, were but independent threads of the weave of the Fabric Of Creation. Like all other threads of creation, they were independent... Continuums unto themselves. While they were connected by an unseen force, they were not intertwined (the affairs of time did not represent themselves as a part of the affairs of Undefined Space). Both Time and Space were independent dimensions, each having its own subset of creative existence, each totally apart from one another. Time and Space were as they presently are in Orthodontiks. Furthermore, we believe that Orthodontiks, to be the first level of existence, to be outside the limits of the Physical Universe (we believe that the state of being called Orthodontiks is/was the very boundaries between That which is Physical and That which is not Physical... between reality and illusion).

When the Big Bang occurred, its effects rippled throughout physical creation; that is, all which was within the Illusion of Matter became modified, or completely changed. As with all aspects of change (change being a continuum unto itself), the change followed very specific laws--the laws of frequency governed change.

To understand this [the continuum of change] modifier, we need only look upon a vibrating string. While both the string's ends seem to vibrate at the same frequency as do the other points along the string, their apparent movement (the actual mobility of the endpoints through space) is much less than is the movement in the center, or focal point, of this changing Matter.

If we consider The Physical Universe to be but another example of a Magic Circle (as shown in Fig. #1)--a form of creation wherein its beginnings and its ends have a common point along this Magic Circle, then, Orthodontiks [the beginning of all illusions] would be affected much less than would the deeper, center layers of The Grand Maya. In fact, as the ends of a vibrating string are not affected by the process of vibrating, Orthodontiks [being the beginning and the end of our Physical Universe, as we know it] would not seem to be affected at all by the force of change during the vibrations of the Big Bang.

Arkasheans believe it was the movement of The Great-Force which caused the two independent dimensions of Time and of Space to spin about the other. Furthermore, this single act of intertwining the two dimensions of Time and Space changed both. They became intrinsically combined--fused together. The original two dimensions of Time and of Space continued to exist un-changed in Orthodontiks. This new creation followed two great Laws:

The Creation Of The One Is In And Of Itself The Implication Of The Creation Of The Other.
That Which Exists Within The Chi Of Creation Shall Be Dual In Its Nature, and Triune In Its Effects.

Duality showed itself upon Time: Where that was FabricTime there now came into existence its opposite nature LinearTime.

Triunity showed itself upon Space: Where that was undefined Space there now came into existence LinearSpace within which there could be experienced a Past, a Present, and a Future.

However, on the level of experience which exists within the Astral Plane of Common Reality (as opposed to other Astral planes of existence where Time and Space are different than they are in Common Reality), the independent dimensions of Time and of Space existed in a totally new fashion. Neither Time nor Space was constant in its new nature--both Time and Space were in a constant state of change (in Orthodontiks both Time and Space are unchanging in their natures). In fact, the new creation was cyclic in its nature--The cycles depended upon the frequency of the level of the experience. Because of the intertwining aspects of the new creation, Time sought Space, and Space sought Time. Each became the boundaries, the borders of the other.

Thus, the nature of Repeated Patterns within Recursive Dialusion [Recursive Dialusion is the united power of the Universal Set of the laws of creation] continued in all areas of the weave. On a much lower level, we see this intertwining, this spiraling aspect of creation, repeated in the spiraling nature of the helix of Man's DNA. We also see it in the tunneling movement of a tornado, and, the pattern is again seen when the water runs down any drain.

Furthermore, the Magi believe it was the power of Recursive Dialusion's choice of a change-vector (specifically, a point along the continuum of change) which created the Physical Universe [the Carbon Universe] in the shape of a gigantic bubble. If one wanted to see for himself how a force (such as the force of a human hand) could create the bubble of existence we call our Universe, so to speak, he need only fill any rubber balloon with a little air and then squeeze it, allowing the fabric of the balloon to protrude between the fingers. That part which is filled with air and protrudes between the fingers represents the That which can be seen parts of the Universe. That part which is still in the hand represents the That which cannot be seen parts of our Universe. It represents what is on the other side of the Black Holes of the Universe.

In the above example, it is interesting to note that the first of the Royal Steering Currents (That which exists shall be dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects), and the second of the Royal Steering Currents (The creation of the one is, in itself, the implication of the creation of the other) are both in effect, as they are in effect in the process of Creation, itself. The duality aspect of the Royal Steering Currents is represented by that which is within the hand, which is not visible to the observer, and that which is not within the hand, which is visible to the observer.

Furthermore, if we assume that which is within the hand, and therefore not seen by an observer, as being the thread of creation called The Absence, and that part which is outside the hand, and therefore seen by all observers, as being the thread of creation called The Presence, we then get a fairly good basic pattern of just how the two [the two threads of creation] can effect the nature and the limits of all which can be created--according to this pattern, our physical Universe exists along the surface of one of the bubbles which extruded itself out of the hand by being forced to move between the fingers.

The Magi believes that the source of movement for the great force that disturbed the Fabric of Creation was a cyclic, wave-like, frequency-type disturbance in that part of Primedial-Force which extends beyond the first of the Double-gates--the Double-gate of Isis/Anubis. This creative force of change was said to be the creative thoughts of the residents of Deluge--specifically, the residents of Deluge who, by the power of their thoughts, journeyed into The Oblivion. And, having journeyed into The Hell Of Their Own Thoughts, they then created a dream world within which to live--This Orthodontiks' dream world is our Physical Universe (Upon the upper levels of creation, it is the thought that bind the individual unto destiny, while upon the lower levels of creation, it is the deed that bind the individual unto destiny).

The Magi believes this cyclic, wave-like frequency-type disturbance created, in the same self-moment, the first and most powerful of the three threads of Recursive Dialusion. It was, and still is, the most powerful because it is seed to all Mobility. To this day we call it Frequency (Mobility), the potential seed for The Continuum of Change.

It might help understanding if the reader brought into mind the Royal Steering Currents [prime laws of creation], each in its respective chronological order, although the actual combining of the steering currents is not chronological in nature, but, in a fabric-like order [time, itself, as time exist within the time/space continuum is not a factor in creation; in that, all creation existed within the same time, at the same time].

The first impetus for change (The creation of the one is, in itself, the implication of the creation of the other) is what fabrically brought about the very nature of that change (That which exists within the Chi shall exist dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects).

The fabric-like combination of the first and the second of the Royal Steering Currents was not sufficient to fulfill that level of Recursive Dialusion. The first of the Royal Steering Currents demanded that a change should come into being; specifically, the unity of what existed would have to cease being a unity--it would have to cease being unique. Thus, as Frequency echoed within Primedial Force, its bands beat against one another, creating the replication of its creator--Duality came into existence. In our case, the duality became FabricTime and LinearTime.

The reader must pay close attention, as there is a joker to be dealt from the deck of creation. Since there must be more than one level of existence if change, itself, is to exist, then, the first impetus for creation (The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other), in fact, created different levels of existence. This creation of different levels of existence, in turn, became the different vector-points along any single continuum, regardless of the nature of the continuum in question. Remember, it is not the fact that we are dealing with The Presence or The Absence of change that is important. It is what that presence or what that absence of change created which is important--It created multiple levels of existence; it created the very nature of The continuum, itself. And, the second law (That which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects) set into motion the very specific relationships which presently exist between the different points of The Continuum.

With this new understanding, we need only remember that all which exists within a single level of creation is the same [all creations within a single level of creation are created using the exact same pattern]. To have a difference requires that an additional level of existence be combined with the first to create that difference.

The real point is that there is a placental type barrier between any two levels of existence. And, whenever an effect crosses a barrier, there is a seeming reversal in the nature of the law which governs the new creation, to account for that difference. It is the presence of that barrier which allows the difference to exist.

It is this seeming reversal of law--the resetting of all respective pointers to their respective reference-points--which fulfills both, the first of the Royal Steering Currents (The creation of the one is, in itself, the implication of the creation of the other--the need for change), and, the second of the Royal Steering Currents (That which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects--the duality aspects).

Thus, as Frequency echoed within Primedial-Force [another level of the sea of Un-created futures], its bands beat against one another, creating the replication of its creator, bringing The Continuum Of Existence [which is nothing more than the mutinous levels of existence], into creation. However, this level of Recursive Dialusion was yet unfulfilled--we had duality, but not Triunity.

It was not until the fabric-like combination of the implications of the first and the second of the Royal Steering Currents with its new creation--multiple levels of existence--that this level of Recursive Dialusion became fulfilled. The fabric-like combination of Unity (the first and the second Royal Steering Current were fabrically combined with the new creation called the multiple levels of existence to form this level of Unity) became represented as The Continuum of Change, itself.

It [the Continuum of Change] was, truly, the second manifestation of power. On the one hand, the active force of the change vector caused The continuum of Change to create the level of Recursive Dialusion called Conductivity--the second thread of the Triunity factor. Conductivity was the force which bound the bubble of Space to the ever changing River of Time.

On the other hand, that same change vector caused The Continuum of Change to create the level of Recursive Dialusion called Receptivity--the third thread of the Triunity factor. The three threads of Triunity had, at last, been successfully created.

With the fulfillment of the implication of these respective levels of Recursive Dialusion, the God-head of The Seven Rivers of Creation came into being--the sacred Pentagramme (see Fig. #3), in ancient times called The Master Builder of Life, was complete; within it was the seed of all which could ever be.

We, the Magi of Arkashea, do not believe, as do the scientists of today, that this physical universe is all that there is to creation. We believe that the illusion of the creation of this physical universe began with a level of creation which was, and still is, outside the illusion of physical creation. We believe it was the process (the process of some of the residents of Deluge) of going into The Oblivion [The Oblivion is the illusion of the separation of one's self from all that exists] that was source for the impetus for creation as we know it to be upon this level of experience; specifically, this process of going into The Oblivion used the pattern which existed in Deluge as a starting point to create the bubble of illusion we call The Grand Maya [It was like building castles in the sand, then moving in the sand-castles; we now let the psychologists collect the rent].

We also believe this bubble, this illusion of creation we call the Universe, is still in the process of expanding. The process of the vectors of change pushed, and is still pushing, many of the layers of The Grand Maya out of their previous boundaries by the movement of The Great-Force--hence, the bubble is still expanding.

Furthermore, we believe the surface of the bubble is but the stillness of Time (Space). It is the true envelope which made life possible. To this day, Space is being modified by Time, as Time is being modified by the gravity of Space. Each is seeking the other. This new creation became known as The Time/Space Continuum.

To understand how Recursive Dialusion could create such vastness, one need only think of the many different laws of Cause and Effect. The way these laws combine (The Pairings) is not unlike the setting up of rows of dominoes, then pushing the first one against the second. The action of the first will evoke the actions of all the others. Thus, Recursive Dialusion created, and is still creating/modifying the Universe as we know it. In so doing, it used, and is still using, all the laws of Recursive Dialusion. If we reconsider the parable of a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble, we now come to realize that each bubble is self-sufficient unto itself, even as it is dependent upon the bubble which contains it; even as the many bubbles that it contain are dependent upon it [we are the bubbles that it contains].

Let us go on a very brief aside to give a few examples of how, via Repeated Patterns, Recursive Dialusion is still fabrically combining and recombining levels of existence. Among the laws that are still being used is the law which fabrically combines more than one force to bring into existence a totally new force. This new creation contains all that existed within the two forces which created it, plus attributes which are common to neither of the two forces which created it. An example of this process is the fluid we call water (H2O). It is created by combining two gases--Hydrogen gas (H2) and Oxygen gas (O2). The different properties, of course, are from gas into liquid. This process of the combination of forces to create still another creation is the seed of the continuum of Repeating Patterns. This combination of Forces upon Matter is what allows the creation of layers of the dream states which make possible the union of Life-force, Mind-force, and levels of observations.

Furthermore, The Magi believes that the inner space of this bubble is layered; and, within the illusion of Reality, this layered, inner space part of the bubble of creation, we call The Now Zone, cannot be seen, or felt by the residents of Reality--because, awareness, itself, as we know awareness to be, does not exist in The Now Zone [The Now Zone is that part of creation wherein the future can be/is converted into the past so Man can conceive of it].

The layering of the Now Zone being not unlike the many layers of the dream of the separation from The All, The Grand Maya. Its layers are residence for a creation which is not unlike a black hole (the Double-gate, if you will) through which flows the energy which powers both, Recursive Dialusion, and Universal Mind [The Great Ka--Mind-Force] upon its respective level of The Grand Maya. Universal Mind is the core which not only allows all Minds to touch, it is the only connection between all which live (The Continuum Of Life Forms).

The mystic believes any life-form who has the power to Astral travel would also have the power to contact Universal Mind. We must remember two things. Firstly, without being able to Astral travel, each individual is firmly locked within his respective Ka. Such an individual can perceive naught but his respective Circle of Awareness. As such, that which lies outside of his circle of awareness, such as the Now Zone, remains beyond that individual's conscious awareness. Secondly, we must remember that there is a placental-type barrier which separates all levels of creation. This becomes important if we consider that the same Mind-Force which flows through us also flows through all other life-forms. It is this placental-type barrier which allows all life-forms their respective individuality.

The Magi believes the surface of this bubble is, more or less, evenly sprinkled with Matter that is ever-changing [it is changing in both, form and position relative to itself and relative to that which exists around it]. In this ever-changing Matter, many Earth-type planets are in many different stages of creation--it is possible that Man has visited a few of them as he developed to where he presently is. It is also possible that in the near future, he will visit yet another.

Again, if we consider Law, specifically the law which states: All the power of all energy must return to its source, it becomes easy to understand why The Magi of Arkashea believes that although the bubble we call the Universe is presently expanding, one day it will stop expanding and begin to recede into itself. The reversal will also reverse all the laws of nature. When the reversal is complete, the Fabric of Creation will have returned to what it was before The Great-Force caused it to break its boundaries. It will, indeed, be the end of this particular journey for Man, the TwinSpecies... that is, if the species lives that long.