Castle Keep:
(The Vessel That Holds The Carbon Universe)

Castle Keep is the label that is used to describe the mythical vessel which contains the effects of creation. If we accept the bubble within a bubble, within a bubble concept of creation, then Castle Keep would be the first bubble--the biggest bubble--of creation. Mythically, it is graphically seen as a huge castle (see Fig. #1). Again, mythically, an individual's paradigms will determine the true vision of the structure of the castle.

However, independent of his paradigms, the pilgrim traveler will see that the floors of this castle are divided from all the other floors of the castle by a dimensional placental-type barrier--each floor is a totally different dimension unto itself; wherein one, and only one, element is the prime building block in that dimension. While all the other elements are present in the dimension in question, they are usually combined in some way with the dimension's prime building block's element. An example of this might be our dimension. We humans live in the bubble (see Fig. #2) known as the Carbon dimension; and, in the Carbon Dimension, Carbon is the prime building block--it will be noticed that the element Carbon will be found in most, if not all, that exist within this dimension. Still further, it is said that there are as many floors to the castle as there are elements in creation.

Still another point to consider is that each floor of Castle Keep is said to be divided into many different rooms which represent the different levels of existence within its relative dimension. With this visual guide, it is upon the floor (the floor that represents the Carbon Universe) and within the room (the room that represents our solar system and its planets) called Earth (see Fig. #3) that all the many different Earth Experiences will be found.

According to the Continuum of Change, all which exists must exist in something. If change is to exist, multiple levels of creation are involved; specifically, there must be a barrier of some kind between any creation and the next creation--without this barrier, difference, itself, could not exist.

Lower forms of creation, such as water, a rock, a tree, or any other form of creation, for example, cannot exist without a boundary which separates that creation's nature from the nature of all other creations. So it is with the higher form of Creation--The Grand Maya, itself (see Fig. #4).

All an individual's experiences are said to take place within different areas of just one floor of Castle Keep. When an individual has achieved the ability to Astrate, that individual has simply gained the ability to wander the halls of a single floor of Castle Keep--however, he is usually limited to just the rooms that go into the makeup of his experience of birth. For humans, this would be the nine levels of The Earth Experience. An individual's different experiences are simply occasions when the Ba of the traveler has entered a different room of Castle Keep--albeit they are rooms which the limitations of his Karma have allowed. These rooms are rooms which, by their very nature, allow the individual to experience illusions which can only occur on a different level of awareness.

Though Castle Keep is thought of as being just a mythical representation of the vessel of the effects of creation, to the pilgrim traveler it is a real place in that within the illusions of Man it becomes a viable seed for the many possible alter-reality experiences, experiences within which to explore.

This is possible because of the very special relationship that exists between reality and illusion. They are, for all practical purposes, the same; but, the reality becomes true only when one becomes the other. In other words, it is within the order of things for illusions to become reality and for reality to become illusion. We are reminded of the law:

It is The World Of Illusion which is the driving force for Reality; and, within that Reality, it is the level of observation which creates the phenomenon; and, within each phenomenon, it is the Law Of The Moment which dictates the needs of the situation which brings forth the stage upon which we play our games; and, within these games, it is the interaction between the true needs and the acquired needs of The Law Of The Moment which determines the roles we play in any given life; and, during any given life, it is the true needs and the acquired needs of our dreams, of our hopes, and of our desires that will determine the interaction of the Six Points Of Power over our emotions within any given illusion; and, with the satisfaction of the needs of our Illusions, The Magic circle is fulfilled upon that level of experience.

Therefore what is illusion to one person may be reality to another and vice versa. On this cornerstone is where we enter the illusion and/or reality of Castle Keep. For those who believe in the paradigm and can imagine its existence, the special door that is guarded by the nature of our being is opened, and, Castle Keep no longer remains hidden within the enchanted kingdom--to the traveler, it becomes solid, real. For those who cannot believe in the pattern, the door that separates us from the enchanted kingdom will remain closed; no imagination available can make it [Castle Keep] solid or real.

If there ever existed a place that embodies the essence and depths of paradoxes, it's Castle Keep. What is up may be down, what is right may be left, what is real may be unreal, what is unreal may be real, what is you may be not, what is not you, may be you, what looks like a room, may not be a room, what may not be a room, may be a room. It goes on and on. From the simple to the most complex of paradoxical concepts, thoughts, visions, sounds, you name it, Castle Keep has it all. It makes sense does it not, for Castle Keep is the vessel for all the effects of creation that seem to exist, and the vessel for all the effects of creation that seem not to exist!

One may ask, "How do you get there?" That can be somewhat complicated. First, you must accept the fact that you are already there, you just don't realize it (no one has really left Unity). Secondly, in order to consciously see it, and experience it, you must guide yourself there through your own images. How this is done is different for each individual. The best place to start, however, is with the very concept of reality, itself. If one already has a belief-system that forbids alter-realities, then that belief-system will stand in his way. Once an individual can truly embrace the possibility of alter-realities, the next step is to discern what those possibilities could be... without placing limits such that they become blocks which bar the way. The best place to begin is with what we might call our dream states. Each would-be traveler must give himself an acceptable definition of the following concepts:

  1. What is a dream?
  2. What is a reality?
  3. What is the difference between a dream and a reality?
  4. What is a Laboratory?
  5. What is the difference between a Laboratory and a dream?
  6. What is the difference between a Laboratory and a reality?
  7. What is an Illusion?
  8. What is the difference between an Illusion and a dream?
  9. What is the difference between an Illusion and a reality?
  10. What is the difference between an Illusion and a Laboratory?

The need for the answers to these questions will become self evident once you've truly answered them--the answers will supply the would-be traveler with necessary reference points. Then, all that is necessary is to learn how to use the new reference points when he studies the effects of frequency upon creation, itself. In his studies, the would-be traveler will discover an important difference with reference to the frequency of the different states of consciousness.

Again, it is not all that simple. Be forewarned, there is an unlimited number of dangers you could encounter; you could become trapped in a state of being that could cause a catatonic condition here on the physical plane. Your body could become locked/frozen in a moment of the time that governs the room of Castle Keep that you chose to visit; as such, on Planet Earth's Astral Plane Of Common Reality, your physical body would not age, but you would have neither mobility nor consciousness on physical Earth--you would relive the same moment over and over again, until you freed yourself upon the higher level of The Time/Space Continuum.

This is just one of many incalculable dangers that haunt the traveler of Castle Keep. However, do not become too fearful, for there is help in the form of Other-World Teachers. There are ethereal guides which will direct you away from dangers, if your free-will wills it to be so.

The wondrous experiences far outnumber the potential dangers. However, one must be open to the right type of training in order to avoid that which is not desirable. The areas of Castle Keep that could really do you great harm are for the most part inaccessible. Energy barriers, locked doors, gates which cannot be opened, stairs which cannot be ascended or descended, windows which can not be looked through are just a few examples of protection which are built into one's Karmic Condition. If there is a place in Castle Keep where you are not allowed to go, there will be no way that you will gain access. These shields are built into the essence of your being; and, can only be changed by you changing. Still more wondrous is the fact that when you seek to visit a new place, a place that you have never been, only a great fear will bar the way... just pay close attention to that fear. It is a warning. If you master fear, the new area could be opened to you.

In any event, Castle Keep is not a place to wander without having some wits about you. For those who blindly wander its halls, the consequences can be quite alarming. Go forth, be careful, and stay aware!