Change: The Only Guarantee
(The Continuum Of Change Created Life)

Not unlike the Death Process, change, too, is a process--one which follows the same pattern; in that, it (the process of change) also has its relative in-between time. It is because of The Continuum Of Change's in-between time that the process of changing [the changes that forever go on within an individual] cannot, itself, be seen directly by he who is in the process . Only the effects of the on-going change can be seen.

Example: Because of the nature of the creation of Man, each individual must submit to the great law that demands that each must be dual in its nature and triune in its effects. In Man, at least, duality expresses itself by way of the sexual continuum -- male vs. female. However, Triunity expresses itself by forcing each individual to be divided into three parts -- the Mental Plane, the Emotional Plane, and the Physical Plane. (see the Pairing)

The nature of the Pairing becomes important for the individual who is seeking to understand the Cause & Effect relationship of their everyday action/thoughts. Firstly, we must come to understand that each individual has only limited control over their Triunity aspect... in that, the Triunity aspect is strictly under the control of Predestiny. Secondly, we must understand:

  • that all our thoughts (such as embarrassment) come from the Mental Plane;

  • that all our mobility (such as the ability to move or to make changes) comes from the Emotional Plane;

  • that all our deeds (such as walking, eating, fighting and sex) come from the Physical Plane.

When the Emotional Plane is paired with the Mental Plane, the Physical Plane is not active to commit any action--the deed is committed only in our minds (The Mental Plane becomes the Driving Force for the mental action).

When the Emotional Plane is paired with the Physical Plane, the Emotional Plane gives mobility to the Physical Plane (The Physical Plane becomes the Driving Force for the deeds that we commit every day). A change in the nature of these pairings becomes the Cause that brings forth some type of change.

An observer knows that change has visited a creation only when that creation appears to be different in some way; the effects of the continuum of the Time/Space Continuum, specifically the relationship between the future, the laws which govern an individual's Now Zone, and the past. This relationship becomes important because of the serial nature aspect of Man's makeup--specifically, Man is not permitted, on the average, to see into the future, and, Man cannot conceive of, or recognize patterns of existence unless those patterns lie in his past. It is the very special laws governing an individual's Now Zone that transforms and/or translates the goings-on of the future into the recognizable patterns and/or the recognizable specifics of the past. For Man to see into the future, he must use that part of himself that resides within that part of the Time/Space Continuum called Fabric-like time. Few have achieved that ability. As a general rule, individuals are seemingly limited to living their lives governed by serial time.

However, because Change is, itself, one of the Royal Steering Currents, it must obey (be modified by) the Six Points of Power from which the Seven Rivers of Creation stem; therefore, there must be at least six proponents (the six points of power) present if a change is to take place--all are catalysts. They are:

  1. Desire;
  2. Purpose;
  3. Motivation;
  4. Values;
  5. Attitudes;
  6. Interest.

All six must be present to effect a real change. Without all six, a change in behavior may be affected, but it will not be permanent.

According to the law which creates opposites [The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other], if there are six threads of creation which cause change, there must also be six threads of creation which fight against change. In this case, they are:

  1. Fear;
  2. Lack of understanding;
  3. Desire to play a game;
  4. Defense mechanisms;
  5. Lack of purpose;
  6. Lack of a reward.

It must be remembered that change, itself, is also a continuum of many threads. An example of the many threads of the Continuum of Change is the fact that while behavior can change to meet the needs of the present situation, attitudes and values do not necessarily change with it.

In a task oriented situation, it is possible for an individual who holds prejudiced thoughts against another individual to effectively work with that individual for however long it takes for that task to be completed. During the performing of the task, it might appear that prejudice has been eliminated; in actuality, this need not be the case. While prejudice, itself, appears to be eliminated on the surface, internally the prejudicial attitudes and values could continue to exist. An individual's surface behaviors have changed to meet the needs of the situation, but that is all that has taken place.

On the other hand, a change in attitudes, as opposed to a change in behavior, has the potential to affect a deeper (more permanent) change in an individual. If we were to continue to use the above example, if circumstances were such that the above individual had gotten to know (and to like) the person he had to work with during his task, there could be, because of this new situation, an internal difference (a change). This change of attitude could have created a new level of observation which not only controlled his behaviors, it also controlled the change in both, his emotional state and his thinking process. However, this change of attitude may be limited to just that specific individual, or, it might have caused the more permanent state of having this change extend to the individual's entire ethnic group.

If an attitude changes, it can never go back to what it once was. It may be close, but it will still be an updated, and, therefore, a different attitude. This is so because during the updating process, the level of observation will have changed.

If an attitude changes, but values do not, it is possible that no lasting change will occur until the values catches up to the newly changed attitudes. Again, continuing our example, if the prejudiced individual's core values still hold the axiom: All ethnic groups which are different from mine belong to a different race, which is not a part of my race, and, therefore, they are inferior, the axiom will eventually override the temporary changes (the change of attitude and the change in behavior) which were accomplished during the performance of his task. The process simply underlines the fact that if a value changes, but no attitudes are changed, at most, a little change may occur. If both values and attitudes are changed, big changes usually occur.

If a catalyst comes around and the individual does not use it to affect change, that same situation can never again be a catalyst for that individual. However, a similar situation (the same pattern) could be a catalyst. Also, if a situation comes about which was not meant to serve as a catalyst at that time, for whatever reason, it (the same situation) may reoccur and be a catalyst at a future time.

Among the many different possibilities for the Continuum of Change to have its effect, the most striking is the effect change can have upon the individuals of the species Man. Like everything else within creation, there is a specific set of laws which govern the how of change. While it is impossible to list all such laws, we have included the process of change through the creation of a mythical personality.

  1. Learn the laws of your illusions.
  2. Obey the laws of your illusions--24 hours a day.
  3. Be willing to change your attitudes of bemusement.
  4. Don't blame anyone.
  5. Adopt attitudes that you would like permanently.
  6. Choose reference points you would like as yours.
  7. Manufacture behaviors that you would like as yours.
  8. Put all this together and create a game.
  9. Make and attach all the rules to that game.
  10. Fabricate a complete psychological structure for that game.
  11. Make sure you decide and attach all required emotions to their proper behaviors; it is the pairing of these emotions to their respective behavior which brings forth a state of reality to the game.

When all this is finished, step back and you will discover that you will have created a mythical personality. Look at that personality closely. Find out if that is what you would like to be. Make the necessary adjustments--to keep it in a framework of existing reality. Give that mythical personality a value system from which it can operate. Again, step back. Look at the creation and again adjust it according to the needs of the reality in question's needs of the moment.

When you are satisfied with the mythical creation, summon your heart's desire and evoke the magic of reality to give the mythical personality mobility (It is the magic which can only come to a creation by the channel of the emotions. It is the complete belief in the creation which gives it Reality). In short, put all your emotions completely into it. Make the whole thing yours. A little bit at a time, swap your aspects for its aspects. Make its value systems, its reference points, your value systems, your reference points, etc.

Next, be willing to make any changes within yourself to make your pattern fit this newly created entity. For example, if you create a college professor, you must go to school to become a college professor.

If you create an electrical engineer, you must go to school and learn what is required to become an electrical engineer. If you want to become a stable individual, you must follow the recipe which allows you to accomplish becoming stable. If you create a likable person, you must find those things within a personality that people like. In every case, you must create it, move into it, and become it. Everything must be created. Nothing happens on its own. The more you are allowed to create, the more free you are from the effects of Karma. The more you are not allowed to create, the less free you are from the effects of Karma. Always there is a struggle, a struggle between what you are and what you want to become. There is no escape from this condition. In any case, there are two laws which must always be obeyed, regardless of the situation at hand. They are:

  1. Within the concept of allowing yourself to learn the required new knowledge, always do your own thinking;
  2. Within the concept of allowing for necessary changes, with respect to the process of changing yourself into the newly created personality, never do anything that you, as an individual, feel or think is wrong.

In all cases, the emotions must be present to such a degree that complete belief in the creation must exist if that creation is to be infused with its reality. Put your all into it, but stay within the bounds of reality.

The most important concept that you must accept, if change is to occur, is that change will require much, especially in the realm of trade-offs. During and within the areas of the trade-off, allow yourself to be guided by the following set of laws:

  1. Think long and deep about what you want.
  2. Try to second guess what you would be like if you got what you wanted--from each part of the creation as well as the whole.
  3. Try to decipher the implications of the reaction with the fabric of reality.
  4. Is it a worthy trade-off?
  5. If you decide it is a worthy trade-off, then trade. But, once you have traded, never look back, never have any regrets--it's gone.
  6. Never trade anything that you still think has value.
  7. Be careful not to overstep the bounds of reality.

You cannot start this process of change, stop, and then start again, for it is a one time shot. If you stop, then you will have lost it, never to use again.

If an individual energizes the above process, and fails somewhere along its process, and if the individual tries again at a later date, he will find that Automatic Pilot will attempt to prevent him from allowing his emotions to be totally involved. To the degree that Automatic Pilot succeeds in this prevention, to that degree will the whole process be empty, and to that degree will everything fail. It is, indeed, a one time shot!

This is important to the species Man because it is the basis of the difference between knowledge and wisdom. When an individual approaches the Double-Gate seeking to leave a level of the Earth-experience, he discovers that a new type of change is required--all knowledge must be left behind; and, the only thing that he can take with him is the wisdom that he gained during his Earth-experience.

Furthermore, Change was the very first continuum a pilgrim traveler encountered when he chose to enter The Earth Experience. Specifically, to descend onto this level of awareness meant the individual had to make changes within himself--he had to play a game! Under the Law of the Medium of Earth, it no longer mattered which game the individual chose to play. The game(s) could be as unholy as the games of war and murder, or as holy as the game of doctor to the poor. It didn't matter if the individual played only one game, or if the individual's life was filled with nothing but games. It only mattered that the individual played a game.

Each and every individual who wanted to descend chose to play a game, even though the pilgrim traveler knew that once he had chosen that game, he and all other pawns of that game would, from that moment onward, lose a measure of their free-will. The amount of free-will that was lost during the game was determined by the nature of the game.

To the mystic, growth [considered as a positive change] was simply a matter of choosing to travel from the game you found yourself in, to a less destructive game. The less destructive game had the least attraction to Earth, and therefore pulled its player to the lower levels of Earth much less. Those who played more destructive games descended deeper and deeper into The Maya until they became eternally trapped--they became the working props and pawns of the level of awareness they found themselves in. This process of becoming a working prop--just a pawn for the level of awareness--is, in and of itself, a point along the continuum of becoming an Oblivionite--Change, itself, made all this possible.

Without The Continuum Of Change, the individual wouldn't even be able to change his mind!

The Continuum of Change experiences its influence upon many different levels of the Continuum Of Life and the Continuum Of Death. As an example of the long arm of the influence of the Continuum Of Change upon the mystical traveler, we have but to consider how often the more advanced mystical traveler found himself drafted--he had to be a pawn in another's illusions; in that, they often had to be a resident within the individual's in-between time (the in-between-time is that part of an individual's cycle wherein the individual is leaving one life; specifically, the individual is not really alive, but he's not dead, either. See Death), acting as an Other-world Teacher. As an Other-world Teacher, the Mystical Traveler often played the role of either a Harpy or a Demon for the dying who could not willingly give up the games which belonged to an ending life. A great part of their task as an Other-world Teacher was to accompany a pilgrim soul as it left one life's experience and entered into another. A good way of understanding the role they played would be to see them as a guide. However, one of the saddest roles the Other-World Teacher had to play was to force a pilgrim soul into a reincarnation which duplicated the life that the pilgrim soul was refusing to leave, using the laws of Karma to guide the individual's reentry into the Birth Cycles. To the degree that the individual had good Karma, to that degree could he choose his own new parents during the new birth process. However, to the degree the individual did not have good Karma, to that degree it was the Other-World Teacher who made the necessary choices, based upon the lessons that were necessary to bring about the necessary changes within the individual.

The Continuum of Change will often use Fear as a means to accomplish its goal. Fear is often considered to be many different things to many different people. On the one hand, fear is a passing emotion that is linked to a specific circumstance of the moment. In some cases, fear's effects are realized because of the presence of the emotion, and in other cases, fear's effects are realized because of the absence of the emotion fear. In either case, the experience is quite normal with respect to the situation.

Still, on another level of the fabric of the Continuum of Fear, the continuum has as its opposite points Illusion at one end point, and reality at the other end point. On this level of the continuum of fear, the individual's belief system (what the individual believes to be the limits of possibility within reality) come into effect. Another aspect of the individual's personality which comes into effect is the individual's propensity towards being honest/dishonest with himself. And, still another aspect that comes into play is the individual's level of education and the individual's command of his chosen language.

To understand the true nature of how the Continuum Of Change uses fear as a modifier, one need only look at one's own life. The Law Of The Moment is what orchestrates the modifier aspect of the Continuum Of Fear in an individual's life.