Commission: First Step To Predestiny
(Can it really be equalized?)

A Commission is the act of performing, or failing to perform some act, either on the physical, the mental, or the emotional level when that act is necessary to meet the needs of the situation at hand.

It must be understood that while upon the upper levels of creation it is the thought that binds, on/within the Astral Plane of Common Reality, it is the deed that binds us to Destiny... and, that deed is called a Commission; but, it is only one point, or one direction, along the bi-directional continuum of deeds which is ruled over by the Continuum of Karma (the bi-directional continuum of deed, itself, has The walk of freedom as one side of the continuum, and The walk of Predestiny as the other side of the continuum). While it would seem that the opposite point of the continuum of Commission would be called omission, this is not so. Within the continuum of Commission, there is only two states--a positive commission and a negative commission. More will be spoken of this at a latter date.

The process of incurring a karmic debt is not as simple as it might seem. This is so because all labels of language, by their natures, contain a continuum, in and of themselves. The label Commission is no different. The process of incurring a karmic debt is the process of either doing something that should not have been done, or by failing to do something that should have been done. Both are an act of commission. Also, there are, at the very least, nine levels of understanding to each commission. Some could be called positive while other levels could be called negative, depending upon the happenings of the moment. Confusion comes because the same act that was positive during one moment's A Happening could be negative during another moment's A Happening.

Thus, a positive commission would be represented by the incurring of a karmic debt by doing something that one should not have done. Likewise, a negative commission would be represented by the failure to do something which should have been done. What should have been and what should not have been done will depend greatly upon the needs of the situation during the A Happening in question.

As an example, let us assume that a member of the family is very, very ill, in that the doctors do not expect him to live. To further complicate the situation, let us suppose that this member of the family is calling for you, the reader. How will the situation incur a karmic debt?

A NEGATIVE COMMISSION: If each of the members involved did not like one another during the dying member's respective lifetime, that is, a war existed between the two, the reader could incur a karmic debt if he failed to appear at the dying member's bedside. This is so because by failing to appear, the dying member was denied the opportunity to end the existing war.

A POSITIVE COMMISSION: If each of the members involved did like one another, and, if the dying member wanted to be remembered in a condition other than as a dying loved one, and, if a condition of agreement had been reached before the dying process began that he would be left alone regardless of how he called, then, a karmic debt would be incurred by the reader by appearing at the dying member's bedside when he called. This is so because the appearance of the unwanted loved one caused the dying member more pain during his last moments of life.

Hence, both incur a karmic debt--by the reader's failure to appear when such appearance was wanted by the dying member, and by the reader's appearance when such appearance was unwanted by the dying member. The same act was both, positive and negative.

It can be seen that the simple concept of commission is, in itself, a crossed concept. On the one hand, we have the deed called commission which has both positive and negative aspects, and, on the other hand, we have its nemesis--an Omission, which is the opposite of the continuum of Commission, and, which also shares positive and negative aspects of the same magnitudes as does the continuum of Commission. However, we will not speak further of the continuum of Omission because it is not within the scope of this entry.

The greatest difficulty, however, is in realizing that an individual who is caught in the midst of his trap of illusions cannot readily see that his Walk of freedom has a negative correlation with his Walk of Predestiny, and, that they both severely limit his freedoms. In fact, in both cases, Predestiny (Predestiny always comes first when dealing with Karma) rules the scepter with an iron hand.

It must be understood that because of the interaction of the individual's Walk of freedom with his Walk of Predestiny, an individual is not completely free to commit or to omit acts within any specific trap, be that trap a game, the role within a game, or a momentary illusion of some type. As a point of fact, what an individual really does as he behaves within his respective game, and/or as he plays out his respective game's roles, depends upon the individual's position along the Continuum of Freedom. If we consider the following, it will be discovered that each individual, according to the laws which governs the affairs of the moment, has specific times in which he can free himself from the trap of either the Illusion, the game, the role, or the trap of Maya, itself.

In Fig. #1, the Law of the Moment divides an individual's opportunity to escape any given trap into three areas--before the target behavior, during the target behavior, and after the target behavior. Exactly what the target behavior is at this point in time does not matter. It could be as important as achieving a temporary release from the trap of The Maya by being given the opportunity to travel via Astration, or as simple as escaping an emotionally filled illusion, such as a war with a loved one.

Again, in the diagram of Fig. #1, the only chance to escape any given trap is when there is a number '1' in the time slot. If the individual finds the number '0', then, the moment is lost... Predestiny forbids the change; there will be no escape from the trap in question for the individual at this time. He will have to wait for yet another cycle of the trap in question. Remember, each trap, regardless of the illusions of the game, has very specific entry points and very specific exit points which are controlled by the individual's Karma as that Karma interacts with the nature of the game that is being experienced.

However, there is a seeming inconsistency in the diagram of Fig. #1. Firstly, the diagram seen in Fig. #1 indicates all the existing possibilities which exist within any given trap, but, it does not denote the time an individual might have to remain upon any of the given levels of growth, nor does it denote the number of times a level will have to be repeated before the next opportunity to escape the trap in question is presented by the laws which govern the trap in question.

Furthermore, while each individual will, in some way, have to experience each of the necessary levels of the diagram shown in Fig. #1 before he can be released from the trap in question, the diagram in Fig. #1 does not have to govern, exactly, the occurrence necessary to fulfill the needs of the trap in question. It is the trap in question which determine the necessary levels of experience, and not the chronological order as found in Fig. #1 (we must remember that we can use our freewill to enter a trap... to enter an illusion, however, one we have entered it is the nature of the game... the trap... the illusion that determines what is necessary). The exactness of the respective levels which the individual will experience is dependent solely upon how the law of the moment governs his specific trap.

Another seeming inconsistency which is seen in Fig. #1 is the ability to have a #1 during a happening, yet have a #0 after that same happening. There are many situations which would allow such seeming inconsistency. Among them are:

  1. An individual has not completely mastered the deed in question; in that, he is still inconsistent;
  2. An individual has mastered the deed with one person, but fails that same deed with another person;
  3. An individual has a special problem whereby his Karma prevents him from being able to master the deed.

It could be that the individual's Predestiny forces him to see a pattern only during a specific A Happening and never before and never after that same A Happening. This type of trap would refuse him exit regardless. This same type of inconsistency also appears in levels 5, 6, and 7.

In any case, the importance of the diagram shown in Fig. #1 is that in addition to satisfying the needs of the law of the moment's needs with respect toward escaping any given trap, it also serves the law of the moment's needs with respect toward expressing the needs of an individual's learning curve, the degree with which the individual refuses to learn to let go of a bad habit, with respect to his Karma, and the degree to which the individual has learned to understand, to forgive, and to love. In so doing, we must not consider that the law of the moment uses Fig. #1's chronological sequence. It has its own sequence which is governed by the individual's Karma.