Continuums: The Basic Building Block of Creation
(Differences within sameness and sameness within differences)

The Continuum is the unit of Creation. It was, from today's point of view, one of Pharaoh Akhenaten's most important discoveries. The Continuum is the primary building block for all states of reality. A continuum is, itself, a fabric like condition wherein the union of two or more forces cause the solidification of energy, bringing a manifestation of Matter, or state of being into existence. This manifestation is then used to satisfy a creative purpose. It is changed slightly, then reused to satisfy a related purpose, changed again very slightly, then reused once again to satisfy another related purpose. The process goes on seemingly without end.

The pattern of a continuum (Fig. #1)is used not only to create physical matter, but by the laws of Repeated Patterns, it is also used as a guiding force to create on all levels.

For the purpose of understanding what can be a very complicated concept, whenever we use the term Fabric, such as the fabric of creation, fabric of awareness, or just the fabric-like nature of something, think of a normal fabric that is so thick that we could not imagine the beginning nor the end of space between its two surfaces. Think, also, of an uncountable number of threads to the weave. Think, also, to make up the thickness of the fabric, there are threads going in all possible directions. And finally, think that each thread is, somehow, connected to every other thread by some unseen connection. The unseen connection is so strong that if any thread of the weave is disturbed in any way, it also disturbs every other thread of the entire weave.

It is important to remember that it is not the presence of the threads of creation which drives a Continuum. While the presence of these threads is important--a continuum could not exist without them--it is the Triunity of Illusion (Fig. #2), the unseen force which binds or otherwise connects the threads of creation which drives a Continuum. The continuum gains its power over creation by utilizing the effects of the combined power of the three Forces which the Broken Cross represents. The Triunity of Illusion [Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency], so to speak, is the cement which holds a continuum together.

This unifying effect, rightly called the Triunity of Illusion, powers a Continuum by limiting the nature of the changing of Matter, and by limiting the purpose for the usage of that which was changed. In so doing, by using another aspect of the power of a continuum--The Pairings--it, and it alone, creates the distinctive placental type barriers [the placental type barriers will allow only certain creations to pass] which keep the levels of creation from spilling out of their own boundaries into the neighboring levels of creation.

Again, for better understanding, when we use the term fabric of creation, we are having reference to the fabric-like aspects of the continuum of Creation, and all its implications. Likewise, if we use the term fabric of awareness, we are having reference to the fabric-like aspects of the continuum of awareness, and all its implications.

An example of a continuum which was taught by the Magi of Akhenaten's Temple of Light can still be used today. It is the similarity of the flesh between all life forms of the same kind. The flesh of a tree, a bush, or any other member of the plant kingdom is more similar in nature than are the differences between the individual members of the kingdom. Likewise, the flesh of an animal such as a chicken, a cat, a dog, a monkey, or a man is more similar in nature than are the differences between the individual members of the Animal Kingdom--specifically, the Mammal genus.

A good modern day example of a continuum might be the continuum of the Electromagnetic phenomenon. On one end of the continuum we have matter which we call the insulator. It will not allow electricity to pass. On the other end of the continuum we have matter which we call a conductor. It will allow electricity to pass freely. Thus, while one end of the continuum prevents electricity from passing through, the other end allows electricity to pass freely. Of course, between the two points lie the passage of different degrees.

On a different level, we might consider the Continuum of our belief-system (Fig. #3) as another modern day example of a simple, yet far-reaching continuum that effects our lives greatly.

It is important to remember that Continuums are not limited to purely physical phenomena. Continuums are pervasive in all aspects of the human condition--the sexual continuum goes from being heterosexual, bisexual, to homosexual. The continuum of human emotions ranges from hate and sadness to love and happiness.


A dual continuum is a type of master builder, in that it is composed of a type of double cross, where two or more threads of creation cross themselves such that their effects are combined (+). Specifically, the double cross is the symbol for any two or more continuums which are combined, yet kept separate in their effects as they control the creation and/or the manifestation of a creation.

An example of the double cross would be when Primordial Force and GreatForce combined to create LifeForce. Another example would be when GreatForce and LifeForce. combined to create MindForce. Still, another example of more than two forces in the double cross would be when GreatForce, LifeForce., the He and the She combined to create life-forms in the form of the male and female upon the Earth experience (See Fig. #2).


The Continuum of Belief is that continuum upon which is grafted the degree to which an individual either believes or disbelieves in something. Example: If we were to create an arbitrary scale starting from #1 to the #10 (as shown in Fig. #3), and, if #1 were to be representative of complete disbelief, and, if #10 were to be representative of complete belief, then, this example would, indeed, be our own creation of a Continuum of Belief.

The Continuum of Belief (belief systems, among other concepts) contains: (1) belief, (2) disbelief, (3) skepticism, (4) truth, (5) proof, (6) judgment, and (7) reality.

  1. BELIEF: It is said that when one believes, no words are necessary.
  2. DISBELIEF: It is said that when one disbelieves, no amount of words can change that fact; therefore, no words are necessary.
  3. SKEPTICISM: It is said that if one has skepticism, he can seldom be convinced either in favor of or in favor against your argument.
  4. TRUTH: Truth is very relative; there are no absolutes. Truth only applies in situations that it finds itself in. In each matrix truth is relative.
  5. PROOF: It is said that proof is relative only to he who hears it. Proof, like truth, is relative with respect to each situation it finds itself in, in that while truth applies to a decorum of data, proof, on the other hand, is specific to each individual. Because of this situation the basic law of truth comes out reading: If an individual believes in his heart, then proof is unnecessary. If an individual is a skeptic no amount of truth will suffice. But if an individual is using the Braille system (touching for himself before being able to accept it) then, the necessity of proof will be balanced by his degree of skepticism.
  6. JUDGMENT: The due process which a person uses to make valid his truth. To remain valid in all circumstances the judgments are divided into four categories--good, bad, inappropriate, and neutral.
  7. REALITY: The envelope within which an individual experiences his games. An individual's reality depends solely upon his language, his level of observation, his needs, the content of his Automatic-pilot, the specific limitations of his physical body, the limitations of his mind, and, among other things, the limitations of his history.

To understand the nature of an individual's good, one must first understand every individual, as an individual in each circumstance. It must be borne in mind that for each individual, the circumstance (the complex situation within which the individual experiences the moment) is composed of a matrix in which he must either behave or experience. For the individual, this matrix also contains needs, wants, desires, and goals. To the degree that the target behavior aids or otherwise allows the individual to achieve his goals, we may say it is good. To the degree the target behavior prevents the individual from achieving his goals, needs, or wants, to that degree we say that it may be bad.

There are two other categories which are neither good nor bad; they are in between. To the degree that a target behavior will allow an individual to achieve his goals or satisfy his needs, but make it more difficult to achieve those same goals, or satisfy his needs, to that degree we call it inappropriate.

The final category, being neutral, is not absolute in and of itself; in that, depending upon the situation, it can be classified as either good, bad, or inappropriate.

If the situation demands that action be taken immediately, and if your target behavior is procrastination, then that is classified as being bad because it prevents.

If a situation demands that a target behavior be performed and that behavior is not performed, resulting in a situation that makes it more difficult for the individual, then that is classified as being inappropriate.

If the target behavior is designed to give the individual rest and relaxation, and because of this relaxation the individual is better able to complete his goal, then that is classified as being good.

This brings us to another governing moment in our lives... the moment of choice (seen in Fig. #4). This moment is important because it is the driving force behind the Continuum of Beliefs; in that, it is the moment when all our possibilities are changed to impossibilities. In other words, it is not possible for an individual to follow a path in which the target of the path is not believed in. The continuum of belief, in a large way, does determine what is possible in our reality and what is not.


The Continuum of Creation (seen in Fig. #5 and in Fig. #16) is but a subset of Recursive Dialusion [the universal set of laws] as it applies to the building-block of creation, itself--The Continuum. The most difficult obstacle to overcome in the understanding of The Continuum of Creation is not the terms used therein, it is the thinking process of how Man uses the terms; specifically, it is the species' natural tendency to think in a linear fashion as opposed to thinking in a fabric-like fashion. If the reader uses linear thinking, he will surely fail. In any case, before attempting to master the Continuum of Creation, let us take a brief moment to discover the differences between linear thinking and fabric-like thinking.

Linear thinking is a thinking process which considers that creation happens only one step at a time. It has a guiding force which states that step two cannot occur until step one is completed--step two depends upon the nature of step one.

Fabric-like thinking is a thinking process which considers that creation happens recursively, wherein all threads are occurring at the same time. Step two does not, directly, depend upon the nature of step one. The unseen connection called the Triunity of Illusion guides step two even before step one has started. It is the recursive nature of creation which makes it possible for step two to be both, dependent upon step one and independent from step one.

The perceived moment in linear-type thinking is not the same as a perceived moment in fabric-like thinking. While the very basic attitude of creation when seen from linear-type thinking is that of one step at a time, the basic attitude of creation when seen from fabric-type thinking is that of created all at once. The point of confusion here then becomes the question: just how does each type of thinking allow creation to enter the level's perceived reality? Since all methods of creation must be interpreted by an individual's mind-force, regardless of the fact that all the laws of creation stem from the Universal Set of Law--Recursive Dialusion, then, we must accept that it is still the level of observation which creates the reality in question. For our present purpose, this level of observation boils down to the basic law:

The First Law of Illusion:

It is the world of Illusion which is the driving force for Reality; and, within that Reality, it is the level of observation which creates the phenomenon; and, within each phenomenon, it is the law of the moment which dictates the needs of the situation which brings forth the stage upon which we play our games; and, within these games, it is the interaction between the needs and the acquired needs of the law of the moment which determines the roles we play in any given life.

This law becomes important to our discussion because of the limiting aspects of the phrase:

It is the interaction between the needs and the acquired needs of the law of the moment which determines the roles we play in any given life.

Before we turn our attention to an example, let us go on a small aside. We must accept, and remember, that there is a difference between what actually happens in any given moment and what is perceived to have happened during the moment in question. To make this distinction, we will use the wording perceived moment, as opposed to the wording moment. That which actually occurs during the creation of a moment is never perceived by any individual; because, the interaction of the laws which go into the creation of the happenings of the moment in question occur upon an alter-reality, a reality which is not accessible to 90% of the people. Therefore, it becomes important to understand that upon the level which creation takes place, time and space, as we know them to be, do not exist. While time and space do exist upon creation's level, their respective natures are quite different. This brings to mind the need to understand a seeming trickle-down factor to the process of creation [the process of allowing any creation to become visible to the residents of any of Maya's levels of experience, depending upon the limitations of the observer]. This is where a possible confusion enters the thinking pattern; because, this trickle-down factor gives any observer the illusion of a movement through space, while, in fact, in most cases, the real movement is not a movement through space, it is a movement through time. Hence, from the fabric-like thinking's point of view, upon creation's level, that which is created is created all at once; it is the trickle-down factor which seems to suggest otherwise.

An example of this difference might be seen in the perceived movement of linear-type thinking--it is not unlike the perceived movement that takes place during the process of the creation of a frozen lattice when water turns to ice. Here, because of the limiting aspect of linear-type thinking, it appears that there is a seeming movement through space. However, in fabric-type thinking, this perceived movement of a motion through space is an illusion. While there is, indeed, the perception of movement, it is not a movement through space, it is a movement through time. The creation of the lattice actually occurs all at the same time. The perceived movement is the movement of change doing its thing--the water is being changed into solid ice crystals. It is this process of change from water to ice which gives rise to the perceived movement through space [when seen through the eyes of linear-type thinking] or through time [when seen through eyes of fabric-type thinking] as the lattice ice crystal grows larger.

Another example of linear-like thinking, as opposed to fabric-like thinking is the confusion which might come when reading the differing points of view between any level and its sub-levels. This point of confusion presents itself because of the limitations of language--specifically, the fact that the component parts of each respective sub-level of creation are described by using the same labels that were used to describe the component parts of the respective sub-levels' main level. Here, it must be remembered that although a sub-level has reference to a part of the main level, it [the sub-level] does not perceive that component in the same light as it would if that component were to be seen upon the main level. Remember, each level, regardless if the level in question is a main level or a sub-level, is unique unto itself; as such, it is modified only by its internal steering currents and by the external Royal Steering Currents.

Now that we have a better understanding between the two types of thinking, let us begin. Firstly, if we think in a fabric-like manner, we will instantly see that, by Recursive Dialusion, the first point of the Continuum of Power is also The First Manifestation of the Power of Creation. Secondly, we will see that The First Manifestation of the Power of Creation is also the first of the Royal Steering Currents. This is so because creation is happening on more than one vein at the same time. This first great law, the first of the royal steering currents, is responsible for the creation of The Chi of Creation--The God-Head (see Fig. #2). It states:

That which exists within The Chi shall be Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

The diagram shown in Fig. #2 outlines some of the sub-levels of the Chi of creation--the Unity factor, the Duality factor, and the Triunity factor upon the process of creation. It is interesting to note that the first manifestation of power is also the first time that limits were placed upon the process of creation.

As shown in Fig. #2, the God-Head consists of:

  1. Primordial-Force, seed for The She, recursive mother of Receptivity;
  2. Great-Force, seed for The He, recursive father of Frequency;
  3. Conductivity, seed for the Continuum of Space, one of three aspects which serves as recursive governor for the Continuum of Force;
  4. Receptivity, seed for the Continuum of Time, one of three aspects which serves as recursive governor for the Continuum of Force; and,
  5. Frequency, seed for the continuum of change, seed for the Triunity of Illusion, one of three aspects which serves as recursive governor for the Continuum of Force.

As we implied before, there are many royal steering currents contained within The God Head. The first of the royal steering currents is the first of the threads of creation which allowed the Fabric of Creation to combine two or more laws, in a recursive manner, to create a totally new creation.

As we might expect, the first new creation was The Second Manifestation of the Power of Creation, also, the second of the royal steering currents. It governed, and still governs, the very Fabric of Creation, itself. This second royal steering current was, and still is, seed to both, Continuums and Repeated Patterns. The second Royal Steering Current states:

The Creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other.

It is interesting to note how the recursive aspects of creation exist even at this early stage of creation. Notice how this second royal steering current is ganged with the first; in that, recursively, not only does it place limits upon the first, it is also seed for the creation of Duality which is found to be a part of the first royal steering current--The First Manifestation of the Powers of Creation. This unusual aspect of the process of creation is due to the fabric-like nature of creation. From linear thinking's point of view, it is as though the second step of creation not only knew the nature of the first step of creation, it actually began to control it even before it was itself created.

Again, as would be expected, there are quite a few royal steering currents contained within this second manifestation of power, this second royal steering current. Not only does it recursively seek the first manifestation of power for a set of instructions, thereby placing limits upon it, it is also seed for the very law which will limit itself--the third of the royal steering currents, The Law of Opposites. Basically, the law of opposites states that if you create, that very creation automatically brings into existence the opposite state of that which was created, and with it, everything that could exist in between the two states. In a nutshell, the Law of Opposites is what sets the limits to the laws of any continuum, the very nature of Duality, itself.

The second manifestation of the powers of creation was and still is, in fact, the very creation of the first of the Double-Gates which separated existence from nonexistence; it is the Double-Gate which separated, and still separates, the purity of Deluge from the non-purity of Orthodontiks (the non-purity of Orthodontiks is wherein the seed for all Illusions lie). How sadly, come we, to the knowledge of the nature of Oblivion. It is via the laws which govern an Oblivionite that we passed through the Double-Gate of Creation to descend upon the Maya (seen in Fig. 13).

Today, because of the high level of this particular Double-Gate, we call the opposite sides of this Double-Gate Isis and Anubis (the Double-Gate, itself, is called The Double-Gate of Creation). Isis is said to be Sentinel of the door which leads into Illusion and Anubis is said to be Sentry of the door which leads out of Illusion.

Thus, if the first creation was a state of nonexistence, such as The Zone of Non-Darkness, then, by the very nature of the second manifestation of power, second of the royal steering currents, second law of creation, the opposite state of existence also came into being; it was the existence of the Double-Gate which stood between the two levels of existence which kept each level of existence contained within itself. In other words, that which existed on one side of the Double-Gate could not pass through to the other side unless it did so by law. One of the governing laws which rule this situation repeats itself upon many different veins of creation. This level's version of the law in question states:

The Force which is evoked to create a phenomenon is that same force which maintains the created phenomenon within the limits and the boundaries of the necessities of that created phenomenon.

Furthermore, because of the recursive nature of law, the first manifestation of power joined with the second manifestation of power to fulfill the needs of The God-Head. Thus, we have as the first creation, Unity . And, with the creation of Unity came its opposite state, the state of Duality [more than one].

The second of the royal steering currents states: Any time there is a manifestation of creation, such as a continuum, or the creation of a life-form, that continuum or creation must have two equal but opposite states of creation within it. The same holds true for our first perceived continuum, the Continuum of Duality. The two parts of Duality are, respectively, The Presence and The Absence. We specifically used the wording perceived continuum because the real first continuum--The Continuum Of Change--was created, and still remains, in the unseen levels of creation.

For we mortals, it is unimportant to understand which of the two (The Presence or The Absence seen in Fig. #5) is the Unity factor for the Fabric of Creation; as each will result in the creation of the other. But, for those who would find such things important, logic demands that we must have The Absence before we can have The Presence. In any case, The Whole is the same regardless if the Unity factor begins with The Presence or with The Absence. We call this Royal Concept The Chi.

The third manifestation of power, also the fourth of the royal steering currents, is the Continuum of Change. There must be a change in the original State of beingness if its opposite is to be created. Again, it matters not which of the two parts of Duality we wish to start with--The Absence or The Presence. Change must exist if one is to become the other. It is interesting to note that because this continuum was created upon the unseen levels of creation, change not only knew the nature of the first step of creation, it actually began the process of controlling its creator [the creator of the continuum of change was the first step of creation] even before it, itself [change], was created. We call this Royal Steering Current by the name of Frequency.

However confusing it might be, it is interesting to again note the recursive nature of the fabric of creation. To recap the process of creation thus far, the first creation created itself by creating the recursive nature of creation via the creation of laws which were to come. The second creation placed limits upon the first creation, and, at the same time, created a set of limits for itself by creating the third creation, which, itself, had to seek the fourth creation to satisfy the needs of all which came before it--it created a Royal Steering Current upon the unseen levels of Creation, the Continuum Of Change.

The fifth of the royal steering currents, recursively an implied law which is contained within the first manifestation of power, is the concept of Law, itself. Wherever change exists, there must be some type of limiting-factor to limit the nature of the change. Thus, the universal set of law, the master of all Law, if you will, came into being; this master of all law is called Recursive Dialusion.

The sixth of the Royal Steering Currents, also an implied law which is contained within the pairing of the first and the second manifestations of power, is the concept of something acting upon something. Anytime there is a state of change, something is causing that change--that is, something must be acting upon that which already exists. It does not matter if that something is acting upon itself, or if it is acting upon something else. It is still active in its nature. We call this Royal Steering Current (which implies activity), The Great-Force, seed for The He, recursive father of Frequency.

The seventh of the Royal Steering Currents, also an implied law which is contained within the pairing of the first and the second manifestation of power, is the concept of something being acted upon. Anytime there is change, there is something that is being changed. Exactly what is causing the change is unimportant at this time. By the nature of what is happening, that which is being changed is passive in its nature. It is allowing itself to be changed. We call this Royal Steering Current (which implies passiveness) Primordial-Force, seed for The She, recursive mother for Receptivity.

The eighth of the Royal Steering Currents, also an implied law which is contained within the pairing of the first and the second manifestation of power, is the First Law Of Frequency, which states:

The force which is evoked to create a phenomenon is that sameself force which maintains that phenomenon within the boundaries of its creation unto forever.

This same law is again repeated as the Second Law Of Frequency as:

The Law Evoked To Create Is The Selfsame Law Which Maintains, Unto Forever.

It is, again, repeated as one of the laws of Illusion:

The law which is evoked to place a creation in an illusion is the selfsame law which maintains said creation within the proper boundaries of that illusion for the full measure of the nature of the game.

The above law became very important on a much lower level of creation; because, it is a prime delimiter when dealing with, or when governing the very span of, the points of the Continuum of the spell called Life. As a matter of fact, the overall impact of the above law was conceived to be so important by the Magi of old that the ancient ones gave it [the above law] two very special labels--Isis and Ptoh. We call this eighth of the royal steering currents the seed for--Continuity.

The ninth of the Royal Steering Currents, also an implied law which is contained within the pairing of the first and the second manifestation of power, is that of Repeated Patterns. Anytime there is a change which brings about the creation of something new, the entire process of having the effects of the Royal Steering Currents modify the new creation must be repeated upon that new creation. The creation of that which was new implies, in the sameself moment, the creation of its opposite. In other words, all new creations must become a Chi in and of itself; as such, it must be dual in its nature but Triune in its effects. None can tell when this process will stop.

Thus, created within the first, the holiest, level of the Continuum of Creation is the Godhead from which flows The Seven Rivers Of Creation. This first level of the Continuum Of Creation became seed for all which would follow according to Repeating Patterns.

We are now ready to discover, and to trace, The Seven Rivers Of Creation which flow from The Chi of creation--The God-Head.

Upon the face of purity, upon the face of nondarkness, upon the face of all things, even upon the six points of power, my mind shall conceive. With the power of the lights of the illumination of illusion, peace shall walk my heart and seven rivers shall flow from my mind; and, issued forth from each river shall come all things high and low, each unto its own level, after its own kind.

However, as we descend along the path of creation, it will help understanding if we look at our progress as following a path which is not unlike the up-side-down letter 'Y'. It is the perfect example of coming upon Duality from Unity... a perfect example of how our individual choice (seen in Fig. #4) changes our possibilities in life.

The First River Of Creation sets the pattern for future creations. As seen in Fig #5, The Chi of the first river of creation is that special state of beingness called The Pattern Of Unity. This Unity is then modified by The Continuum of Change--the change is from Unity into Duality. In this case, the new creation is the creation of the prime building-block of creation--The Continuum, wherein each end is opposite in its nature, and, in between, all possibilities of that nature exists. Then, as the diagram of fig. #5 implies, Duality is also modified by the continuum of change--a change from Duality into Triunity. Again, Triunity is modified by the continuum of change--a change into that of Repeated Patterns.

The Second River of Creation [shown in Fig. #6], is that level of descent from the purity of Deluge, where we came upon the first of the Double-Gates; that which separated the Zone of Non-darkness from the created state called Primedial-Force--The Sea Of Un-Created Futures. Needless to say, we followed the path of The Pattern Of Unity down onto The Path Of Duality, wherein we find the first of the Patterns Of Duality--The Double-Gate of Creation.

It is interesting to note that the holiest of all the sub-levels of The Chi of Creation, from the fabric of Creation's point of view, is represented by a state of non-creation, The Great Void we call The Absence [It is said to be the holiest because it is outside of the Illusion Of Matter--The Grand Maya, although, The Absence is the closest form of creation to the double-gate which we call Isis/Anubis.]

It is also interesting to note that it is the very creation of the pattern of Duality which represents the first level of the law as being fulfilled--The Absence and its opposite, The Presence. Finally, again, the second aspect of the law fulfilled itself by bringing forth The Pattern of Triunity--The Absence, The Presence, and Recursive Dialusion.

It will now help us understand the process if we assume there to be a little black-hole called change between the single path and the double path, as shown in fig. #4. However, for our purpose, we will follow only one of the two paths--that of The Unity Of The Great Void, The Sea Of Un-created Futures. Discussions elsewhere will cover all the other paths.

The Third River Of Creation [shown in fig. #7], is also the third Sub-level of the God-Head of Creation [shown in fig. #2]. Upon the third sub-level of the God-Head of Creation, The Chi of the level became The Presence. Upon this, the third level of the God-Head, Duality represents itself by the creation of Primordial Force and The Great Force. The Pattern of the Triunity became The He, The She, and the ever changing Mobility.

The Fourth River Of Creation [shown in fig. #8], is also the fourth Sub-level of the God-Head of Creation [shown in Fig. #2]; and, according to the law of Repeating Patterns, as we follow the path ever downward into The Grand Maya of Illusions, The Chi of the fourth sub-level of the Godhead of Creation represents itself as the physical Universe--Matter. The Pattern of Duality represented itself by the continuum of animated and non-animated Matter. The Pattern of Triunity represented itself by the creation of the powers of The Ankh--The Life-force, The Mind-force, and Recursive Dialusion--specifically, Mobility.

There is a seeming contradiction with The Pattern of Duality on this sub-level of creation. It was believed by some of the ancient Magi that The Duality aspect of this level's Pattern of Duality was not between Animated and Non-animated states of Matter, as this level of creation suggests; but, it was more accurately described as being an interaction of a fabric of continuums [any time two or more continuums inter-react to form a creation, the whole interaction is called a cross-continuum]; in this case it is the interaction between the continuum of the Matter vs. Energy, and the continuum of Animated vs. Non-animated states of Matter. They believed that it wasn't the absence nor the presence of these two which was the point of duality, it was the interaction of these two which created the sub-level's continuum--The Continuum of Life, itself.

The Fifth River Of Creation [shown in Fig. #9] is also the fifth sub-level of The God-Head of Creation [shown in Fig. #2]. On this, the fifth sub-level, again, according to Repeating Patterns, The Chi of this level became, for the path which we follow, The Pattern of the Unity of Animated Matter.

The Pattern of Duality, for this sub-level of creation, represented itself by the creation of The Continuum Of Life; whose opposite ends are The Plant Kingdom and The Animal Kingdom.

However, there is another seeming contention between the Magi of old. While many believed that the Duality of this sub-level was, indeed, between the Plant and the Animal kingdoms, there were some who believed that it was, again, neither the presence nor the absence of the Plant Kingdom and the Animal kingdom that formed the level's pattern of duality; it was, instead, the interaction of the unseen energy of animated Matter [via the laws of The Ankh] and the form which life took [be that form of the Plant Kingdom or of the Animal Kingdom] which satisfied the necessities of the pattern of Duality.

The pattern of Triunity fulfilled itself upon this sub-level of creation by creating a system of steering currents which revealed myriad states and forms; observation of a specific form which the life of the level took betrayed the steering current that governed it--The Sex, The Neuter, The Hermaphrodite.

The Sixth River Of Creation [shown in Fig. #10] is also the sixth sub-level of The God-Head of Creation [shown in Fig. #2]. On this sub-level, according to the laws of Repeating Patterns, The Chi of the level represented itself by the Unity of the Animal Kingdom.

Upon this level, the pattern of Unity represented itself by the creation of The Continuum Of Births--one end of the continuum represents itself via the creation of The Path Of Birth Via Eggs, while the other end of the continuum represented itself via the creation of The Path Of Live Birth.

Again, there is a seeming contention between the Magi of old. Some believed that the true expression of Duality was not between the twin paths of births--The Path Of Birth Via Eggs, The Path Of Live Births--, nor was the expression of Duality in the presence or the absence of either path. Some believed that the true expression of the Pattern of Duality lay in the interaction between the seen and the unseen natures of the twin paths with their respective followers--the entity who expressed their life's essence in and by way of The Asexual and The Sexual natures, regardless of the paths they followed.

The Pattern of Triunity expressed itself in the forms of: The Male [that which gives the seed of life]; The Female [that which receives the seed of life]; The Bisexual [that which, during different stages of its life, has the ability to change its sex such that it does both, give the seed of life to itself, and receive the seed of life from itself], the hermaphrodite [that which possesses the ability to give seed and receive seed during the same cycle of its life. The hermaphrodite is self contained; in that, it has both a fully functioning male and a fully functioning female within itself].

The Seventh River Of Creation [shown in Fig. #11] is also the seventh sub-level of The God-Head of Creation [shown in Fig. #2]. On this sub-level, The Chi expressed itself as The Unity Of Live Births. It became a continuum unto itself--The Continuum Of Live Births.

The Pattern Of Duality expressed itself by creating the continuum of the sexual nature--specifically, The Male vs. The Female.

Needless to say, there is again contention among the Magi of old. Many believed that the expression of this level's duality was not the expression of the male and the female. What's more, they did not believe that this level of creation had a single expression of the pattern of duality. They believed that this level had many expressions of the pattern of duality, all of which cared little for the presence of and the absence of any particular life's form. They believed that the male vs. the female was but one expression of the pattern of duality upon this level of creation. They believed that the pattern of duality also expressed itself as a type of division, wherein each level of this system of division was occupied by a single point along a continuum of life-forms, all of which followed the path of Live Births. Furthermore, they believed that the pattern of duality expressed itself by way of an us vs. them type of consideration from within each respective level. They also believed that the us vs. them observation also expressed itself on every respective sub-sub-level of each sub-level of the system of sub-levels. This concept of various divisions which separates the different life-forms unto their own respective level of awareness becomes important, especially when viewed from the level wherein dwells the TwinSpecies of the Life-form we call Man.

Within the TwinSpecies:Human there exists the most disturbing Continuum each individual will ever face in their growing cycles--The Continuum of Sexuality (seen in Fig. #17). The Pattern of Triunity upon this level expressed itself in the form of The Heterosexual, The Bisexual, and The Homosexual.

Another contention among the Magi of old is that some believed that this level of creation consisted of many sub-sub-levels, wherein each sub-sub-level contained a different expression of the pattern of duality. Furthermore, they believed that upon each sub-sub-level, The Pattern Of Triunity expressed itself by uniting the seen physical nature of each life-form with its unseen spiritual nature. An example of this strange crossed levels of duality on the Human level might express itself as the ganging of the sixth and the seventh levels of the path which we follow. This would, indeed, have strange effects. While the Duality of this level might express itself as the Chi becoming either the Male or the Female, the second level of Duality would become The Ba of the individual and The Ka of that same individual. If this belief system is, as many ancient Magi believed, true, then, The Pattern of Triunity would become The Ba's sexual nature, The Ka's sexual nature, and The Ka's physical sex (male or female).

The descent path shown in Fig. #12 is but one of the many, many paths of the Fabric of The Maya which The Fates followed during the creation of Man. Other paths might be the path which gave Man his mobility, the path which gave Man his level of awareness, or, the path which gave Man his particular set of pairings. Who knows the number of paths which went into the complete makeup of the species, much less each individual?


The Continuum of Force is the source for the power of all change upon and within The Maya. Without the Great Force's Continuum of Force an individual wouldn't even be able to change his mind.

To understand the nature of the Continuum of Force, we must first understand the nature of change itself. If there is to be a change in a creation, be that creation the mind of an individual or a simple creation like a rock, there must be something that is applying a type of pressure against that creation which causes it to make the change; without the presence of some type of force, there will be no change. Equally as obvious, there are many types and many different intensities of force. The Continuum Of Force has within it every possible type and every possible intensity of force with which to animate and/or otherwise change all levels of Creation.

The Continuum of Force has its seed in the recursive nature of that fabric of creation called the Great-Force. It must be remembered that the Great-Force becomes the seed of the fourth manifestation of Creation, and the fourth manifestation of power, because the nature of Creation (itself) is like a fabric, rather than a simple division of creation.

As a result of this recursive nature of the fabric-of-creation, one of the outcomes of the Creative Process is the Continuum-of-Force. This continuum contains within it every possible aspect, and every possible manifestation of force, along every possible axis of creation, recursively. The Continuum-of-Force becomes the seed of decision (if you will), the seed of the mobility of the Forceful-Spirit-of-Act. It is the pairing of thought with its mobility, which evokes the powers of change, itself.


From creation's point of view, The Forceful Spirit Of Act is that which causes change in creation. It is seed to Change, itself. It is an aspect of the Continuum of The GreatForce.


The Continuum of Freedom obviously limits many things in an individual's life. Among the many limits which are imposed by the Continuum of Freedom are:

  1. The Laws of Creation as they apply to the reality one finds oneself in;
  2. The past effects of the individual's mind as it attempted to control the creative forces throughout Man's ascent to predominance;
  3. The effect of Man's Mind as it interacted with the Continuums of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency--up to and including the level of Time, Space and Motion. This has to do with the Creative Forces in terms of Man's descent from Orthodontiks;
  4. The dictates of Creation;
  5. The respective limitations of each physical incarnation; specifically, the limitations of the body;
  6. The socioeconomic status of the individual within the drama;
  7. The prime steering currents that influence both Mobility and the Ability-To-Learn; one of these steering currents is Automatic Pilot and the other is the limitations of the physical body;
  8. Those Relative-Freedoms which are imposed by a direct, independent influence of the Affinity-Factor toward the Neutralization of very recent Karma.

The Continuum Of Freedom is one of few continuums that are dual in their natures. For every point along the continuum, you either have freedom or you don't; and, for every point along the Continuum of Freedom , there is a counterpart point along the Continuum of Predestiny. This is not true in the Continuum of Karma where the Affinity Factor links one specific cause with one specific effect.


The Continuum of Karma [using law] is the source for assigning judgments for deeds, committed and/or omitted, according to the needs of the situation within which the karmic debt occurs. This source is modified only by The Affinity Factor's requirements with respects to place, person, and time. The Continuum of Karma contains three proponents:

  1. The Affinity Factor;
  2. The Intent or purpose for which a deed is either omitted or committed;
  3. The effects of the commission or the effects of the omission of the deed upon the drama of the scenario.

1. The Affinity Factor: The Affinity Factor is the most powerful of the three aspects of the Continuum of Karma. It is the driving force for the Continuum of Karma, itself. It is responsible for many different pairings; but, at the very least, there are five different pairings whose results are usually totally unforeseen by he who is committing the deed. Among the many pairings are:

  1. The Binding of Causes to their respective Effects;
  2. The Attractions vs. The Repulsion's of the results of the deeds (deeds which cause changes to the individual's Karmic Chord);
  3. The fulfillment of Predestiny;
  4. The nature of the karmic bonds that are created;
  5. The type of bond that is created [for-bond, with-bond, against-bond] while committing, or failing to commit the deed in question.

These five usually, but not always, come as a single effect--they are but parts of one of the many forces which are Triune in their effects. Another is the evoking of the Law-of-the-moment as it traps the individual's yet Un-created-future into the very game within which the deed was committed, the writing of the individual's future life's experience, and Karmic limitations.

2. The Intent: The Intent or the purpose for which an individual commits or omits a deed becomes important with respect toward creating bonds and/or pairings which also change the recording frequency of the Karmic Chord. Needless to say, there are a number of reasons why an individual should omit or commit a behavior. Among them are: fear, greed, anger, malice, and, a good intention. The effects of each are different as they apply to both, Karma and the Law-of-the-moment.

3. The Effects: The effects, acting as a single force, which might or might not be Triune in its effects, is most always independent of the purpose or intention for which the deed is committed (the unforeseen implications of the deed). However, the effects of any deed, intentional or otherwise, always create bonds and pairings which change an individual's Karma. These Bonds often lay the groundwork for the future.


The Continuum Of The LifeForce is that continuum which modifies, or otherwise limits the relative natures, the relative size, the relative mobility, the relative intelligence, the relative form, and the relative awareness that any given life-form shall be allowed to possess as they journey downward in their paths of descent into The Maya.

Needless to say, as it is with every facet of Creation, the Life-Force is a continuum. All forms of Life occupy a point along this continuum; the form of life we call a rock is but one of the many points along this Continuum. Each unique life-form occupies a different point. As in any continuum, all the points (in this case, all the life-forms) repeat the same basic pattern. Still, the differences between the life-forms become greater than the similarities as the continuum unfolds its process of creation. A synonymous term is the Continuum of the Spell of Life.

While the average seeker usually thinks of the many different life-forms which exist upon his own planet when he thinks of a continuum of Life, the Continuum of the Spell of Life also extends to other life-situations. As an example, The Continuum of the LifeForce is, very much, connected with the judgment called The Oblivion. When the judgment of Oblivion has been visited upon a life-form, that life-form descends, for the lack of a better term, to a lower point along the continuum of life. However, while the level of the quality of life is different, the patterns which govern all levels of life are the same. To these ends, it is possible to have a slight understanding of what exists upon higher levels of life simply by seeking to repeat the patterns which govern the reader's level of the quality of life. Obviously, the labels would also be different.

For the uninitiated, there is great difficulty in understanding the basic differences between that which exists within the Double-Gate and that which exists outside the Double-Gate. This difficulty can, in a small way, be made to disappear when we apply a type of one-to-one relationship between levels of Creation. However, since the process of understanding is directly linked to the language that we use, the process of understanding falls upon the labels that are linked to form a counterpart type of pattern.

As an example, on our side of the Double-Gate (from within the Double-Gate of Creation), we use labels such as The Maya, The World Of Illusion, Reality, and The Common Illusion. To further the example, on the other side of the Double-Gate of Creation (from outside the Double-Gate) we use labels such as Dialuge, Deluge, Dialusion, The World of Dialusion, and The Common Dialusion.

If we can understand the labels which come from within the Double-Gate of Creation, then, we can infer what the nature of creation is like outside the Double-Gate of creation simply because the laws of creation teach us of Repeating Patterns. Thus, it is simply a case of choosing a word which we understand and assigning a similar pattern-type understanding onto the word's counterpart. Thus, we can make a logical equation in the manner of X is to Y as A is to B. To translate this logical equation we simply state that A has a special pattern-type relationship to B, and, this special pattern-type relationship also exists between X and Y. In other words, A has the same pattern-type relationship as does X, and, B has the same pattern-type relationship as does Y.

With this new understanding, let's make the logical equations.

  • The label The Maya is equal to the label Deluge;
  • The label The World of Illusion is equal to the label The World of Dialusion;
  • The label Reality is equal to the label Dialuge;
  • The label The Common Illusion is equal to the label The Common Dialusion.

Understand that within our present awareness state, you, the resident of The Maya, recognize that you're in The Maya (our physical Universe). However, if you could go to the other side of the Double-Gate of Creation, you'd find that there's also a counterpart to The Maya there, as well; but, it would be different. The starting difference is that we don't call it by the name of The Maya, we call it by the name of Deluge (the difference in label is to note the difference in illusion; and, of course, we who are within the illusion cannot know what the residents of Deluge truly call their Universe, as we cannot know their language).

In addition, you, the resident of The Maya, also accept that you live, you have a certain awareness of a fabric that exists which we call Reality. Likewise, there's a counterpart to reality on the other side of the Double-Gate. We call it Dialuge.

Furthermore, our point of view from within the Earth Experience tells us that, at least on this level, (the level of the Astral Plane of Common Reality), there's a special one-to-one pairing between our reality and our state of being. That relationship, that pairing also exists on the other side of the Double-Gate of Creation--between Dialuge (reality) and Dialusion (illusion).

We have a special problem in having the uninitiated understand that it is not the pairing of Dialuge to Reality that is important, it is the presence of an illusionary factor that is present within Dialuge's existence on this side of the Double-Gate of Creation which does not exist otherwise. With the understanding that there is an illusionary factor on this side of the Double-gate of Creation which does not exist in the same way as the other side of the Double-Gate of Creation, we can then say that Dialuge (reality's counterpart) is to Deluge (The Maya's counterpart) as The Astral Plane of Common Reality (reality, however different it is on each level of creation) is to The Illusion of The Grand Maya (The Maya).

Once a pilgrim passes through the Double-Gate of Creation, he encounters a repetition of existence of what he is familiar with, but, everything has an illusionary factor to it which changes everything according to the limits of the level of existence that he finds himself upon.

This illusionary factor seems to work upon the reality of the situation and not upon the illusion of the moment. We must understand that there is a difference between what really exists and what we are able to perceive as existence within any given situation. The limits of each individual, as that individual experiences a situation, is the steering current which creates and otherwise modifies the illusion of the moment.

It is not the presence or the absence of the individual as the individual plays a game, it is the limits of the individual which changes the perception of the game being played within any given moment. Again, the basic difference lies between the pattern of thinking linear and the pattern of thinking in a fabric-like manner. It is because of the seemingly built-in illusionary factor of any given situation that allows each individual within a single A Happening to experience different realities. This process is the basic law which allows for diversity within unity.

Furthermore, on this side of the Double-Gate of Creation (we call this Double-Gate of Creation Isis/Anubis), we have the pairing of Reality and the World of Illusion within its respective Maya; while, on the other side, we have its counterpart Dialuge within its respective Deluge.

The possible point of confusion comes from the fact that the presence of Illusion exists only on one side of the Double-gate; the effects of having illusion only on one side of the Double-gate results in having one side of the Double-gate being seemingly static while the other side of that same Double-gate is constantly changing. Thus, again, because of this ever-changing illusion of reality, this side allows for individuality and a seemingly greater degree of mobility than does the other side of the Double-gate.

Deluge is like The Maya, a state of awareness. Dialusion is equivalent to Reality within that state. Dialusion is an aspect of Deluge as Reality is an aspect of The Maya. Reality is an aspect of the Maya; Dialusion is an equivalent aspect to Deluge. In other words, Dialuge, d-i-a, is equivalent to Reality within the Maya. Dialuge, d-i-a, is an aspect of Deluge, d-e.

There is The Maya [the awareness of being a part of the new creation, from Deluge's point of view], Maya [the cocoon within which the Earth experience is constantly unfolding], and, Reality [the interaction of The Linear and The Fabric of awareness]. However, Reality, itself, is a subset, a special type of awareness which allows us to understand that Reality, itself, is simply an interaction between That which is Real and That which is not Real. We looked at Reality as a subset of The World of Illusion because Reality is a subset of the World of Illusion. When we speak of Reality, we're really speaking of the different points along the Continuum-of-Awareness. In fact, to the residents of this World Of Illusion, Reality becomes that which we have accepted as being real, from our limited point of view; and, that which we do not believe in is not looked at as being real.

Deluge is an equal to The Maya, both being a state of being, a meta-place within The World of Dialusion [a created state which stems from the interaction of the different parts of Recursive Dialusion, the Universal set of Law]. Deluge [seemingly the place] is inside Dialuge as The Maya is inside our thoughts of illusion.

It becomes easy to understand that the Planet Earth is in an individual's illusion just as much as the individual is upon or within Planet Earth. The same way as Planet Earth exists within The Earth Experience, and The Earth Experience exists within the Carbon dimension.

It indicates the pattern of the Grand Illusion--basically, that of Repeating patterns. The whole process follows the laws of The Oblivion. We, of Planet Earth, are all Oblivionites; that is, we residents of The Maya have all gone into Oblivion. We have descended from what we call the pure state of Deluge into The Maya of the Earth Experience.

To make understanding more complicated, as though it were not complicated enough as it were, it is also true that we residents of The Maya descended from The Absence into The Presence.

To understand how this was possible, consider that we came from The Absence (meaning there is nothing here) to The Presence (meaning we are now here). Existence upon this level of awareness didn't even exist before we descended from the heights of Deluge. Our journey forced us to experience the nothingness of existence outside the pure state of Deluge. It is from that standpoint that we descended along the path of The absence. It was our uncontrolled thoughts, the thoughts which we experienced while we were still within our pure-state of Deluge, which decreed that we should become a pilgrim via The Oblivion. Hence, it is correct to say that we went from the Presence to the Absence. However, it must be understood that, being Oblivionites, we descended from a higher level, a higher species into what can only be looked at as a lower level of existence. In fact, we simply changed from one point of the continuum of creation onto the next adjoining point of that continuum. This process of descent via The Oblivion holds true for The Brothers Of The Chain as well as for the residents of The Earth Experience.

As there are benefits to being, or becoming a member of The Brothers of the Chain, so, too, are there aspects which some might consider to be not so good. One of them being that for the purpose of aiding those within other levels of experience, the forces of creation cause some Brothers to become temporarily bemused, in order that they might fulfill their function of aiding The Trapped Ones.

However, not all is lost; there is a certain level of guarantee inherent in the creation of every A Happening. There's a certain guarantee that a life-form is going to have a certain propensity toward Predestiny, and a certain propensity toward free-will. The lack of a guarantee which exists, exists in the foretelling of what will happen in the future. Even though there is a greater propensity towards the ability to determine what will happen in Predestiny, there is far less of a propensity to be able to determine what will happen in free-will, by its very nature.

In any case, however lost the Brother of the Chain may become, he still serves a purpose in the scheme of creation. This is because it is inherent in the path that he chooses to descend. However lost he becomes, there are always plenty of individuals on that same level, and, he will always serve as a light for them. It's inherent in his makeup. Plus, we must understand the limitations of the demands of each level, respectively. The laws of the level say: in order to descend upon that level, you must evoke certain veils of forgetfulness. So, it's conceivable that for a measure of time, a Brother may lose sight of the fact that he is a Brother simply because so many veils have dropped. But, that doesn't change the fact that he's still a Brother; and, therefore, still serves his function as a Beacon for others.

This brings about a seeming circular cause and effect paradox; it becomes questionable if he has, indeed, become lost; or, if he is simply serving the demands of the boundaries of the level that he is on. And, it also makes a good academic discussion on the two possibilities--is it free-will or is it Predestiny? Are the veils dropped because of Predestiny, in order for him to serve his function on a specific level; or, had the veils of forgetfulness dropped because of his bemusement? Since both end up serving the same purpose in any case, who's to say?

All good does evil, and all evil does good. The laws which govern the continuum of Good and Evil demand it to be so. It's the same law. The next question is what is good, and what is evil? Furthermore, what is it that makes good, good? What is it that makes evil, evil? Obviously to find that answer you have to look with reference to a specific level of understanding, and the relative scale of morality as that morality interacts with the values of that level.

A wise seeker might ask: "Using that logic, isn't it possible for anybody to rationalize any behavior as far as applying the appropriate level to support their assertions?" Since the answer is yes, what then distinguishes their good behavior from their bad? To discover the key to this puzzle, each must use the demands of that respective level. If an individual chooses to defuse himself, that doesn't change the requirements of the level. Remember, there is still a process of Oblivion on each level, as well. If an individual wishes to delude himself and follow the path that will force him into another judgment of Oblivion, that is his free-will.

Perhaps a better question might be: "When does being a pawn for a karmic situation stop being just that and become someone actually heading down the path toward Oblivion, just for the sake of satisfying our own prejudiced emotions?" Of course, we have now addressed a question which has been debated by all religions for hundreds of centuries.

Firstly, it is not our wish to speak of the motives which might drive an individual into the condemnation which comes from sacrificing his honor unto the altar of self-satisfaction. But, we will speak upon the possibility of a Brother of the Chain choosing to go to Oblivion. When a time cycle for a level or a species has ended, before the actual end, certain numbers of the Brothers of the Chain will, automatically, choose Oblivion in order to prepare the next level.

It must be remembered that there are two paths downward. There's the path of the descent, then there's the path of the Brotherhood. That's the duality of Life, as we know it to be. So, when the time cycle is finished, or at hand, there's going to be two descents: a descent of judgment, and a descent of love, which is the descent of the New Covenant.

Another great puzzle is the time element involved between the two types of descent. On the one hand, those who descended came before those who decided to help out those who descended. This is true only from the Earth's linear thinking point of view. Because, remember, the writings imply time in an area where there was no time. So, to understand the fine points, you have to look at it from the no-time point of view. From Deluge's point of view, where time as we know it does not exist, hundreds of billions of chronological Earth years could have passed between the time of the descent of judgment and the time of the descent of the New Covenant. In fact, from Deluge's point of view, a state where time as we know it does not exist, it could have been less than the blinking of an eye. It's a case of the Magpie effect again.

Still, it seems that one came first and the other came after. Again, the question touches upon the process of thinking linearly. When we speak about the Magpie effect, all is viewed from this side's point of view, the side where time does exist; if the question is asked from this side of the double gate, then it is true that there is time, and one did come before the other. Exactly how much time passed between the two descents, and which of the two descents came first is beyond our understanding as long as we remain within the Grand Illusion of the Spell of Life.

Regardless of which point of view we choose, the event will occur fabrically, the same as it occurs linearly. This is because one epic is controlled via the judgment of Karma, and the other epic is controlled by the New Covenant. One is totally linear, the other is totally fabric.

Just from a practical linear side, when the end of the species' cycle occurs, the forces of creation will cause there to be Brothers of the Chain who are in the form that the new species is going to take as they fall into Oblivion. It is not a case of if, it is a case of: are we, Brothers already going to be there, in place, knowing the limitations of that new species? Of course, this is information which belongs to the future.

In any case, the most important of the Brothers who descended is he who is called The Hound of Hell. There's been many in the past. And, each has served as the many incarnations for the vessel of the New Covenant. Pharaoh Akhenaten was said to be The Hound of Hell of his time; certainly, Pharaoh was the vessel which made it possible for the revisiting of the New Covenant upon the planet. Because of the darkness of the land of the times, it was a case of Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter. This warning is still associated with the door leading into the Earth Experience. What is sad is that the time of Abandon Hope will come again--relatively soon, as chronological years go.

It is, in this day and age, easy to test the possibility of a dark age revisiting planet Earth. Consider, if you will, the following: Just because you have a brain, there's no guarantee you're going to use it. Just because you know the difference between right and wrong, there's no guarantee that you're going to automatically do what is right. There is such a thing called individuality. And, by the nature of individuality, there are the great possibilities that you will become excessively selfish; as such, you will not care about your neighbor. And, when sufficient numbers of a level succumb to that very nature, darkness is soon visited upon that level. It will be a time of Abandon Earth, a time when abandon all hope ye who enter will apply at that time. It can apply to all levels. It is limited only by the interaction between Predestiny and Free-will, which, of course, is the continuum of Karma.

It will be a time when there will be no active lights within the Astral Plane of Common Reality. It's not a case where they wouldn't have been reincarnated in that cycle. For instance, let's say, that this particular level is level one. If all the lights go to level two, then level one is in darkness; but, light still exists upon the Earth experience, even though they're not on that particular level. At one point they will reincarnate upon level one; and, as the numbers increase, the darkness will be driven back. The level will become less savage.

At present, there are three lights upon the next lower level. When there are seven, the cycle will have begun. The seventh seal will have been set. When there are seven lights the great pruning will take effect. The more lights that leave this level, the darker this level becomes. And, vice-versa, the darker this level becomes, the more the lights will leave this level to prepare for the coming of the new cycle. With the coming of the seventh seal, the circle will have fulfilled itself, and, the ending of a cycle shall come into being with the beginning of a new cycle. So, the question now really should be the same as the other question: Which is the predominating force? The darkness which drives the lights, or the leaving of the lights which bring on the darkness?

When the time is right, the Astral Plane of Common Reality will go into darkness. The pattern which exists between Deluge and reality will be repeated. A new life-form shall become the dominant species of the Earth experience. Everything that has a beginning must also have an end. When the end of the magic circle arises, there can only be a duality, and by the points of that duality, there can only be two happenings. Those who are ready shall return to the care of Delusians, or wherever their destiny shall bring them upward in growth. On the flip side, those who are not, the judgment shall bring them The Oblivion. The law of Oblivion shall demand that they loose all kindred to what they were. They shall descend to level one, where they will become a new species. That new species shall now have dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality within the Earth experience. As the life-form of the human species has had dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality during it's epic, so, too, the new life-form will have dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality during its epic upon the Earth experience.

All who descend must obey the law of the Oblivionite. To the degree to which they were dark, to that degree do they retain their darkness. To the degree to which they are light, respective to the species, to that degree do they have greater abilities. Thus, on this level, some were born in our life-form, and others were born in other life-forms. Some are predators, some are not. Some live off meat, others are simply vegetation. Some are food for others, they are the vegetation that is eaten, etc.

What governs all is the degree of darkness that is held, or the degree of light that is held at the time of the great descent (seen in Fig. #13). Those who were scavengers, those who were sharks, more or less, those who fed and satisfied their desires by preying upon others, will become those who are preyed upon, etc. It must be remembered that there is a great reversal of conditions every time a barrier is crossed.

When the time comes it will be a case of whatever is required to fulfill the needs of Karma. Each level has its own standard of retribution. As to who will go in which direction, that goes back to the Repeating Patterns of the same enigma. Does the removal of the lights bring on the darkness, or is it the darkness that removes the lights? There is a level of understanding from this level that escapes us. That's one of the enigmas. Obviously the operative is the needs of the situation. It's controlled by law. So, from that point of view, it is free-will, which is a seeming contradiction. You have to remember when you go from one level to the other the laws seemingly reverse, and the confusion lies in that reversal. This is so because it's not The Presence or The Absence of the target behavior that comes into question; it's the reversal, itself, that comes into question. That which is, in fact, a reversal comes about because of Predestiny. That which is a seeming reversal comes about because of free-will. Hence, even there The Presence and The Absence apply.

The true seeker need only care for the demands of the day. Tomorrow will take care of itself. If an individual takes care of the demands of the day with an eye upon tomorrow, he will be serving the whole, as opposed to serving the self. Tomorrow will take care of itself. If an individual takes care of the demands of the day with an eye upon the self, as opposed to an eye upon tomorrow, then that individual will receive the judgment of tomorrow.

However, since there will be a judgment in any case, it is well to remember that there is a difference between being along the end of the continuum which is governed by Predestiny as opposed to being upon the end of the continuum which is governed by Free-will. One can be said to be a judgment; the other can be said to be a choice. One is governed by the degree to which the interest is in the self; the other is governed by the degree to which the concern is with the species as a whole.


Of the most, seemingly, unusual continuums that Man has to deal with in his everyday life is The Continuum Of Pleasure, often called The Pleasure Principle. This is a most confusing continuum because it, in and of itself, is entangled with at least fourteen other continuums which govern the everyday experience of most individuals. The other fourteen continuums are:

  1. The Continuum of Karma;
  2. The Continuum of Wisdom;
  3. The Continuum of Awareness;
  4. The Continuum of Mobility;
  5. The Continuum of Experience;
  6. The Continuum of Emotions;
  7. The Continuum of Conditions;
  8. The Continuum of Feelings;
  9. The Continuum of Freedom;
  10. The Continuum of The Walk Of Predestiny;
  11. The Continuum of The Walk Of Freedom;
  12. The Continuum of Knowledge;
  13. The Continuum of Friendship;
  14. The Continuum of Death.

The difficulty arises because it is not a single law, or a single group of laws which govern the nature of the happenstance in question. In fact, it is not even the presence nor the absence of the above sixteen continuums that governs the pleasure principle. It is the interaction of the above fourteen continuums with the individual's reality that is the prime governing force which determines the individual's future experiences.

A simple method of understanding the above concept of the interaction being the prime force is to think of it as a composite continuum, wherein certain forces are required to be in a state of balance, wherein it is the individual's free-will, as that free-will interacts with the individual's Predestiny that is in control of the intensity of the experience, be that intensity positive or negative.

It has been said by many that Life Is Beautiful. If we really look at life as it should be looked at, there is no truer statement. Life is, indeed, beautiful. By the subset of law which governs The Alliance Of The Rule, The Continuum Of Free-will allows each individual to be in total control of all experiences, forgiving, of course, the control of Predestiny.

A good way of looking at this special set of circumstances is to look at it from the point of view that all individuals are young babies playing in a crowded sandbox (it is crowded because all other members of the baby's species are also in the same sandbox with him) Then, once we have accepted that all are but babies in a sandbox, we are better able to accept that the continuum whose effects are most evident in determining the individual's future would be The Continuum of Emotions.

It is just another way of saying that it is the baby's emotions that will determine the ease with which the baby will learn. To the degree that the baby does not have control over his emotions, to that degree will the baby's emotions distort and otherwise make it difficult for the baby in question to become aware of that part of him that needs changing.

Equally as true, to the degree that the baby is not in control of his emotions, to that degree will the wants, the needs, the desires, and the tantrums of the other babies make life, via the playing in the sandbox, more difficult. The babies must all reach an agreement to allow each his own difference. Once Man has learned this, then maybe the world, in general, will be a better place to live in.

To recap creation, if that is possible, we must remember that there are very specific sets of conditions that existed at the moment that creation came into being. It is not an accident that we use the phrase sets of conditions to describe the process of creation. In any case, each set of conditions has, at the very least, two conditions--the Yes and the No choice condition (see Fig. #4 and Fig. #14).

To understand how this basic set is used during the process of creation, we must think in terms of the number of possible choices that are available, then apply the respective yes or not choice to each. As an example, in Fig. #12, each crossing of a Timeline represents a possible yes/no choice for each of the two possible paths into the future.

It is easy to determine the choices along the 'X' axis of the first three levels, as they are stated in the diagram's path into the future--the choice is limited to either leaving the level or staying within the boundaries of the level; however, the choice along the 'Y' axis of these three levels is not so easy, as it refers to a choice between existence within The Presence and existence within The Absence. man's choice was existence within The Presence.

The choices that present themselves on all the other levels is somewhat more complicated--complication comes because of the nature of the set, itself.

  1. Deluge;
  2. Zone of Non-Darkness;
  3. Orthodontiks;
  4. Dimension;
  5. Universe;
  6. Galaxy;
  7. Star-system;
  8. Solar system;
  9. The Planet;
  10. The Divine Ka (BaKa);
  11. The Ba;
  12. The Ka;
  13. The Illusion;
  14. The Games;
  15. The Roles;
  16. Personality factor;
  17. Emotional Stability;
  18. Social Needs;
  19. Personal Belief-system;
  20. The Continuums' Necessities;
  21. Limitation's Necessities;
  22. Karmic Bondings;
  23. Level of Awareness;
  24. Level of Understanding;
  25. Level of Peace;
  26. Ease of Change;
  27. Basic Stability;
  28. Level of Acceptance of Self;
  29. Acceptance of the Needs of Others;
  30. Acceptance of the Need to Change Self.