Cosmic Man: The Twin Species of Humanity:
The Continuum Of The male and the female
(The real future lies in the past)

Cosmic Man, in Arkashean mythology, represents the TwinSpecies Man as a whole. In an older time, Cosmic Man was represented as a fool. That fool was so understood that its image [the fool] held a valuable place in the order of Man's future--indeed, the fool's image still exists in today's tarot cards.

In the Arkashean Tarraot [Arkashea's version of the ancient Lemurian tarot cards], Cosmic Man is represented as a pilgrim walking forward in life carrying all his possessions [the only possessions that were allowed Cosmic Man were his Karma and his wisdom] with him, toward his destiny; but, the Cosmic Man has his head on backwards--symbolizing that his future lies in his past, and, symbolizing that he cannot see into the future. Cosmic Man is thereby forced to be guided only by his past.

It is also symbolically stating that Man, the species, cannot perceive anything but his past; that the limitations of his awareness factor only function in in the past mode. To Cosmic Man [because he resides in Serial Time's past], there is no future and no present. To Cosmic Man, the future is but a concept which cannot be personally experienced; and, the present can only be experienced in the moment to moment A Happenings. This is because it does not matter how soon the now is to each individual, it still takes time for that individual to recognize what is happening. This passage of time places the now into the past, albeit, a very recent past, but, the past nonetheless. Hence, Cosmic Man is represented as a man with his head on backwards [the placement of Cosmic Man's head has reference to seeing in time and not seeing in space]. It is often symbolic of a man who, while continuing to live his life, is looking in his past to learn the continuing patterns, so he can see what the future holds.

There is another esoteric message in the symbol that was used to teach the students of old. If an individual was such that he was a man unto himself, such that he could not or would not allow counseling from others of his kind, then, it was said that such an individual had only his personal past experiences to guide him; and, that such an individual had the interaction of having a fool for a teacher and a madman for a student--where is the logic of refusing to accept the accumulated wisdom of the species' past?

It will be noted that Cosmic Man has very little baggage to carry. This is because Cosmic Man was said to carry only the experiences that were necessary, only the experiences that Cosmic Man had Karmically attached to himself, that Karmically, Cosmic Man attached himself to nothing. The law states:

He who chooses to possess nothing can be possessed by nothing. He who is possessed by nothing is possessed by the Great-force called love. He who is possessed by the Great Force called love is all things unto all peoples of the world.

The above great guiding law seeks to teach us that he who possesses much will be possessed by much! We humans are so constructed that we cannot live a moment in life without living in the past. The past is all that we see... the past is all that we know. For us who are limited to living in the Triune aspects of Serial time, the past resides in the past... the present resides in the past... the future resides the past.

How can this be?, you may ask. From a simple level of physics, we can see how this is true. Firstly, the sun in our solar system allows us to have life. Without the sun, we, of course, would all perish. The sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth. It takes nine seconds for the sun's life-giving rays to reach the Earth. That is nine seconds of time passing before we experience the sun's rays. We perceive the present as the present as we live moment by moment without truly knowing what will come next; yet, nine seconds of life-giving time have passed before we humans become aware of what we call the present. In order for us to truly live in the present, we would have to live in the sun, to avoid loosing the lost nine seconds of life that is given to us by the sun's rays.

Still, even if we did live in the sun, assuming one could live in the sun, the present would still be the past by virtue of the time it takes for fusion to occur on the molecular level before it can be experienced on a human level. Agreed, it is an unbelievably minuscule amount of time, nonetheless, time still passes.

Let us further add to the passage of time before we humans actually experience the passage of time. After the sun's rays reach Earth and subsequently us, it takes time for the sun's rays to be processed by the life-forms which receive the rays. For we humans, that involves the biological time scale which dictates our life-giving processes within our human bodies.

This means that via all our senses, which is what gives us the ability of awareness, there comes into play another time-delay factor--the time it takes for the brain to process all incoming energy. All our senses, which are an extension of our brain, receive input in many forms--i.e. visual input, sound input, touch input, smell input, etc. For the brain to receive these peripheral inputs, for the brain to process and translate these inputs into a form that can be understood by we humans, takes time. Again, however minuscule the amount of time which passes, it is still time that passes; thus reinforcing the observation that all recognition exists only in the past. If we add this time which passes to the time which passes while the sun's rays are making their way to Earth, we can see that there is no way we can possibly live in the present! It is an impossibility--it is written in the books of the Magi that The present/the now is that time aspect that the Affinity Factor utilizes to translate the future's A Happenings into the past, that Man may perceive of it.

To reflect an image that is closer to the truth, in the Arkashean Philosophy, we refer to The present (which does not exist) as The presence [the presence of the Affinity factor's influence at work] or, simply put, The now. [we humans truly know that we live in The past] As far as Cosmic Man is concerned, this knowing happens when the individual life-form realizes that the only way to plot a course into the future is to sight it from the past... this knowing happens when the individual life-form becomes one with the Universe, so to speak. When an individual life-form, such as Cosmic Man, becomes one with the universe that life-form becomes extremely aware of the fabric-like, connecting links that Karmically exist between all life upon the home planet and lives his own life accordingly.

Ever keeping a watchful eye on the winds of the past which drive him forward, Cosmic Man gingerly takes one step at a time into the future, toward his release from the Grand Maya. However, those that continue to keep their head and eyes looking forward to the future without regard to the past will be condemned to walk deeper into the past.

He who knows not his past knows not his future--the understanding heart can only shed sorrow for these lost souls; they know not what they do. Yet, on still another level of understanding, they do know what they do... more importantly, regardless of their stubbornness, they are responsible for what they do. It is because of bemusement that they do not realize the all-encompassing ramifications of their thoughts, their actions upon the future--this is the price Man must pay for his introgressions into illusions which serves the self at the cost of the whole.

Cosmic Man also realizes an important factor in his life. He comes to assume that he is in his 7th Sojourn. He comes to understand that all life upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality follows the cycle of The sacred seven steps toward Destiny. Cosmic Man comes to know, personally, that the Affinity Factor binds the deeds and the misdeeds of his first life unto The first word such that they are able to be equalized in a gentle manner; in that, if all [the misdeeds] are equalized during this first life, all experience gained during the first life is converted into wisdom before the life-form's in-between-time.

If, however, not all misdeeds are equalized during the first life of the cycle of seven, then the life-form must experience reincarnation to continue to work upon equalizing what is left of the first life's misdeeds during a second life. However, there is an additional cost which comes as a part of the reincarnation process--this special cost is stated as: The sins of the father are vested upon the sons. Basically, as the life-form searches for a vehicle [a body] within which to experience his new life, it will never be able to find one that fits exactly the patterns of his personal misdeeds. still... there is only a certain amount of time in which to choose... if the individual does not choose a body within a predetermined amount of time, a vehicle will be chosen for him by the powers of karma... in fact, to the degree that the individual's first life has good Karma, to that degree will there be enough time to find the vehicle of choice, and, to the degree that the first life's experiences generated bad Karma, to that degree will there not be enough time to find the vehicle of choice.

Still... there's more, during the second life of the cycle of seven, the misdeeds of the first life will serve as specific driving forces, specific harpies that will seek to trap him further into the games that caused the creation of the bad Karma during the first life. The specific law states:

Those who are, tend to want to remain.

Translated, the law states that those who are as they are tend to want to continue being as they are. It is because of this law that we can say that those who are good find it difficult to be bad, and, those who are bad find it difficult to be Good.

Still, there is more to the cost of having to be reincarnated. Specifically, the life-form must now seek the second word of judgment. While the life-form will have the chance to repeat the misdeeds of the first life, the attraction to repeating those misdeeds will be greater than it was during the first Life's experiences. If the individual succumbs to that attraction such that the misdeeds are repeated, then the above law is fulfilled--the second word of judgment will come to pass; the deeds equalization comes unto the domain of Predestiny.

If the individual does not repeat the misdeeds of the first life when the opportunity presents itself again, then the life-form enters an omission cycle which will carry the equalization of the misdeeds into the next life--each life that the individual continues to omit repeating the misdeed will place that misdeed toward complete equalization; if the misdeed is not repeated within the cycle of seven, then, during the 7th Sojourn [the seventh life of the cycle of seven], the experience of having committed the misdeed and the ramifications that come as a result of having committed the misdeed will be translated into wisdom, wherein the Karma for having committed the misdeed will no longer exist for that individual.

By doing so, he furthers his power over himself by assuming that he has the maximum amount of free-will and the minimum amount of Predestiny in the life he is presently living. This is an important assumption, regardless if it is true or not, because it is the assumption that allows Cosmic Man to operate under the illusion that he can gain the maximum amount of spiritual growth, if he so chooses in this life... right here... and, right now... not later, but now!

Again, we must remember that most, if not all, of the limitations that are found as a part of the games that we seek to play are found in the sub-game called responsibility--"It's not my fault!" Needless to say, if something is seen as being created by an outside force, then there is no possible way that outside force can be controlled. It is often translated into "The devil made me do it." By not arguing for his limitations, Comic Man does not find them--he discovers that he is responsible for everything that happens to him, both internally and externally; and, that is real power--the law states:

Life-forms place their limitations where they can find them; and, in finding them, the limitations can be used to limit ability, to limit understanding, and to limit responsibility.

If, however, because there is the assumption of living in The 7th Sojourn, Cosmic Man wishes not to exercise his maximum free-will for spiritual growth, he does have two other options. Remember: for every gift there exists a curse. If the gift is to really possess the maximum amount of freewill and the minimum amount of pre-destiny, then there could be a propensity for incurring the maximum amount of Predestiny through the maximum use of free-will!

The above would be option two. The third option is to take a vacation; in that, The 7th Sojourn is, depending upon the Karma of the individual, a life-cycle whereby a life of seeming rest is allowed before the next cycle of seven lives begin. If the individual elects to take a vacation, then the misdeeds of that vacation are added to the misdeeds that occur during the next first life.

It is important to understand that during each life of the 7th Sojourn, there are always three choices, three roads upon which to walk into Destiny. If Cosmic Man is truly in his 7th Sojourn, and when he makes the assumption that he is, then, at that moment of awareness, the power which is assumed becomes greater.

It is written that my past is not unlike a magic mirror that sees into my yet not written future. It is written that only I can perceive the writings that are reflected from the magic mirror called my past. It is written that fortunate is the one who can truly see himself in his magic mirror--in seeing himself, he sees the future.