Deluge, Dialuge, and Dialusion:
(Multiple Levels Of Creation)

To understand the discussion at hand, let us use the law called Repeated Patterns. With Repeated Patterns we can, to a fair degree, predict what will be discovered upon the higher levels as we travel, even before we get there. Basically, we will find a repetition of what is present upon the level that we are presently experiencing--only the labels will be different. However, we do understand that the uninitiated will have a difficult time understanding and accepting the differences between the labels Dialuge, Deluge, and Dialusion. (see Fig 1.)The most important tool for understanding is the process of taking two of the smaller bubbles from the crowded larger bubble called The Earth Experience and placing them side by side to compare them... the one bubble (the pure-state called Deluge) residing upon a higher level of existence, the other bubble (our physical world we call planet earth) being the one within which we are living.

  1. Dialuge is the counterpart to the interactions that take place within Reality;
  2. Deluge is the counterpart to the World of Illusion;
  3. Dialusion is the local reality that exists within Deluge.
  • The Grand Maya (the dream of a separation from the all; the dream of the creation of our physical Universe, as we presently know it to be) is equal to Deluge; The World of Illusion (that aspect of reality, as we know reality to be, with all the laws which govern it) is equal to The World of Dialusion;
  • Reality (the state of consciousness wherein we are presently reading this writing, with all its awareness abilities) is equal to Dialuge;
  • The Common Illusion (The Astral Plane of Common Reality, upon which we play our games) is equal to The Common Dialusion.

Firstly, let's accept that within our present state of awareness (we are presently experiencing all our relative drama upon The Astral Plane Of Common Reality), we recognize that we are in The Grand Maya. However, if the reader could go to the other side of the Double-Gate of creation (if the reader could pass beyond the Double-Gate of Isis/Anubis--the Double-Gate of creation wherein exists our present Carbon Universe), the reader would find that there is The Grand Maya there, as well (We must remember the Triune Laws of Creation which state: Firstly, the creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other. Secondly, that which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects. Thirdly, that which exists shall exist according to the laws which govern Repeating Patterns).

It is directly because of the limitations that govern our existence within the bubble of creation (caused by the fact that we are modified by and limited by the specific set of local laws that govern the level in question, as we continue to live inside the bubble of creation called Isis/Anubis' Double-Gate of Creation) that we perceive the difference between the two states of existence as merely a difference in labels--we don't call existence outside the bubble of creation by the name of The Grand Maya. Instead, we call it by the name of Deluge--but, the experience of living is still the same. Once the reader has actually achieved the ability for Astral Travel, a greater understanding of this dual existence, this dual awareness shall guide understanding. The reader will then understand the falsehood of the concept of Death. Once Astral Travel has been achieved, the traveler will then realize that Death, at least as this world knows it, does not exist!

In addition, during the everyday experience, the reader is usually not aware of the interaction that is taking place between the two sides of his double world (specifically, the interaction that is on-going between that which is real and that which is illusion) because this interaction is, for the most part, transparent to the processes of life, itself. Still, while upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality this on-going interaction might be taken for granted, this is not the case once a traveler gains the ability to go outside the Double-Gate of Creation. In fact, the interaction in question becomes so important that it has a special name--Dialuge. It is one of those rare cases wherein the more knowledge... the more understanding of the nature of creation we have, the more humble we become in the face of Law... The more we can agree that all this did not come about by accident!!!

Still, there is a quality of life that cannot be escaped-- it is that feeling that makes everything that is experienced real. It is this feeling of realness that tells us that we do, indeed, exist, that we have life; and, because of that everyday experience of realness (that which is real), the reader has a certain awareness of a fabric that exists which we call Reality. Likewise, there is a reality that exists on the other side of the Double-Gate of creation, as well. Albeit, we don't call it by the label Reality, we call it by the label Dialusion. To totally grasp the awe of the creation wherein we speak, we must understand that there is a difference between reality and the feelings of realness that are experienced as we interact within the reality of the moment... it is when the physical, the logical, and the emotional A Happening come together to form something that cannot be explained, it can only be experienced.

Furthermore, our point of view from within the Earth Experience tells us that, at least on this level, the Astral Plane of Common Reality, there's a special one-to-one pairing which exists between our reality and our state of being. It is the very interaction between that which is real (the things that can be touched only with our physical bodies), that which is illusion (the things that can be touched only by our minds), that which drives our dreams, that which drives our hopes, and that which drives our unrealized desires. That relationship, that special one-to-one pairing also exists on the other side of the Double-Gate of creation; it exists between Deluge and Dialusion.

Using other words, Dialuge is to Deluge as reality is to illusion. Furthermore, on this side of the Double-Gate of Isis/Anubis, the pairing is Reality and the World of Illusion; and, its equivalent on the other side is Dialuge and Deluge. Deluge is like The Grand Maya--a state of awareness. Dialusion is equivalent to reality within that state. Dialusion is an aspect of Deluge as reality is an aspect of The Grand Maya.

Reality is an aspect of The Grand Maya; Dialusion is an equivalent aspect to Deluge. In other words, Dialuge, (the first three letters are d i a) is equivalent to reality within The Grand Maya. And, Dialuge, is an aspect of Deluge (the first two letters are d e). This same relationship exists upon this level of existence; in that, there is the illusion of The Grand Maya that exists within the Astral Plane of Common Reality (an awareness of creation separate from the awareness of being alive), and, within this grand illusion there exists within each individual who resides within/upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality two separate sets of illusions (smaller illusions, if smaller can be used to differentiate between levels of experience)--illusions that stem from being a member of a specific species, and individualistic illusions which are the basis of the games that are being played (the game is the ruling factor of each individual's many lives as it governs the different directions that each individual will take, with respect to the different paths into Destiny).

There is The Grand Maya (the aspect of being aware of an existence that is within the bubble of creation wherein exists our present physical, but Carbon-Universe), The World Of Illusion (the special aspect of being alive and having the ability to be aware that our future is created by our present choices), and Reality (the special aspect of knowing that an experience is or is not real, with respect to our over-all process of living).

Still, there is a sense of experiencing a Reality... no a realness which is the manifestation of the awareness of being in The World Of Illusion; which is, itself, but an aspect of being trapped, somehow by choice, within The Grand Maya (a small bubble of awareness within a larger bubble of awareness, within a still greater bubble of awareness). Albeit, it is more like a special type of awareness of The State of Being, itself, within the dimensional level of being; yet, it is the special state of awareness which is a part of the differing, ever-changing levels of Reality, itself, paired with the special state of awareness which comes when interaction takes place between an individual's changing reality and his common illusion.

Reality is a subset, a special type of awareness which allows us to understand that Reality, itself, is simply an interaction between That which is Real (limited to the things that can only be touched by our physical bodies) and That which is not Real (the things that can only be touched with our minds via our thoughts). We look at Reality as a subset of The World of Illusion. True, Reality is a subset of the World of Illusion. However, usually, when we speak of Reality, we take it for granted that we are limiting our illusions to speaking of the different points along the Continuum of Awareness, albeit few make that distinction.

Deluge is an equal to The Grand Maya, both being a state of being, a meta-place within the world of Dialusion and The World of Illusion. Dialuge is inside Deluge, and thanks to different levels of existence, the reverse is true, as well. The same way as Planet Earth exists within The Earth Experience, and, The Earth Experience exists within the carbon dimension--each level has its own state of Reality, its own state of Beingness. The only basic difference is where experience on that level allows us to set the limits of our games. There, it is the thought that bind us to Predestiny, while here, it is the strong emotions that are a part of a deed that bind us to Predestiny's Karma.

It indicates the pattern of the Grand Illusion--basically, that of Repeating Patterns. The whole process follows the laws of The Oblivion (the process of having the awareness factor descend unto a lower level of creation). We, of Planet Earth, are all Oblivionites; that is, we residents of The Grand Maya have all gone into Oblivion. We have descended from what we call the pure state of Deluge into the lower level of creation called The Grand Maya of the Earth Experience's Astral Plane Of Common Reality.

To make understanding more complicated, as though it were not complicated enough, as it were, it is also true that we residents of The Grand Maya descended from The Absence into The Presence.

To understand how this was possible, consider, as shown in Fig. #2, that we came from beyond Duality, from Unity--The Unity of the pure state of Deluge. During the process of The Oblivion, we came from The Absence (meaning, from the physical [as we know the physical to be] point of view, there is nothing here. And, from Deluge's point of view, all that exists upon the world of the physical are our thoughts, which have not yet solidified to create a reality) to The Presence (meaning, from the nonphysical point of view, we have created the physical Universe and have consciously descended into it; thus, are now here. Indeed, we have created our dreams of the separation from the whole; and, we have descended into them; thus, with the satisfaction of the realization of our emotions, we trapped ourselves within the limits of our dreams). In truth, we are still wrestling with a higher form of an In Between Time, wherein we follow the hell of our own thoughts into the world of the physical.

Existence, as we know it upon this level of awareness, did not exist before we descended from the heights of Deluge. Our journey forced us to experience the nothingness of existence outside the pure state of Deluge. It is from that standpoint that we descended along the path of The absence. It was our uncontrolled thoughts (the thoughts which we experienced while we were still within our pure-state of Deluge) that decreed we should become a pilgrim via The Oblivion (Too late, we come to realize that within Deluge it is the very thought, itself, that binds us to our Destiny). Hence, you are also correct to say that we went from the Presence to the Absence. However, it must be understood that, being Oblivionites, we descended from a higher level, a higher species--a species known to us as a species of Angels.

However, not all has been lost (thanks to what Man calls The New Covenant). There are Angels that exist upon/within The Earth Experience. They are Delusians--we know them as Brothers of The Chain--with special powers that members of the TwinSpecies Man can only dream of. They have the ability to teach us how to free ourselves from the bonds of our dreams; and, in so doing, the new freedom can allow us to become a Brother of The Chain.

As there are benefits to being, or becoming a member of The Brothers of the Chain, so, too, are there aspects which some might consider to be not so good. One of the Not so good aspects is that for the purpose of aiding those within other levels of experience, the forces of creation cause some Brothers to become temporarily bemused, in order that he might fulfill his function of aiding The Trapped Ones.

Still, there is another, still more frightening not-so-good aspect of being a Brother of the Chain. It is the process of creating and becoming a false life echo, if you will. The process of creating and becoming a false life echo is the process of having a part of one's self descend into a level of experience, such that the echo of life becomes a part of that people's experience, but never a part of that experience, nor a part of that people. It is, indeed, another method of being among but not of. This aspect, this echo of a life is called just that--an echo of life, but, we most often refer to it by its function. We call it a probe.

The function of any probe is to, seemingly, live a life among a people, so as to gain a better understanding of that people's level of experience, to better understand the specific limitations that modify the possibilities which the people of the level must be governed by. It is a way of knowing what they know, experiencing what they experience, and being a part of them and their ways without actually being a part of, nor sharing a part of their Karma.

The basic difference between an individual who has descended into life via reincarnation and an individual who has descended into life via being a probe is that the probe has no future in that life--it does not have continuity; as it must, at the end of that life, return to its source, or go to The Oblivion (The probe will descend further along the Continuum of life-forms until it is again ready to merge with its creator. Regardless of the descent into Oblivion, the probe still has no future. It cannot reincarnate into life. The most that can happen is that it will become an elemental, a collection of an illusion's stray energy). The process of refusing to return to its source is indeed, a descent into the hell of its own thoughts.

However, again, not all is lost; there is a certain level of guarantee inherent in the creation of every A Happening. There is a certain guarantee that a life-form is going to have a certain propensity toward Predestiny, and a certain propensity toward Free-will. The lack of a guarantee which exists, exists in the foretelling of what will happen in the future. Even though there is a greater propensity towards the ability to determine what will happen in Predestiny, there is far less of a propensity to be able to determine what will happen in Free-will, by its very nature.

However, a probe has neither. At the end of its present life, be that life the first generation of its creation or the tenth generation of its creation along the process of The Oblivion, the choice is the same--either return to its creator or again go into The Oblivion. If, however, the probe succeeds in becoming an elemental, it will not be able to continue to descend via The Oblivion, nor will it be able to return to its creator until that cycle for which it was created has ended. In fact, its consciousness shall continue to exist, trapped in its state, until even the last blade of grass has freed itself from its binding illusions.

In any case, however lost the Brother of the Chain may become, he still serves a purpose in the scheme of creation. This is because it is inherent in the path that he chose to descend. However lost he becomes, there are always plenty of individuals [life-forms] on that same level, and, he will always serve as a light for them. It is inherent in his makeup (to the Universe, it matters not if the probe helps others because of private illusions, or if it helps others from the love that lies in its heart. All that matters is that the probe will help others, regardless of the state of volition that drives it.)

Plus, we must understand the limitations of the demands of each level, respectively. The laws which govern the process of the descent onto any level say: in order to descend upon that level, you must evoke certain veils of forgetfulness. So, it is conceivable that for a measure of time, a Brother may lose sight of the fact that he still is a Brother simply because so many veils have dropped. But, that doesn't change the fact that he is still a Brother; and, therefore, still serves his function as a Beacon for others.

This brings about a seeming circular cause and effect paradox; it becomes questionable if he [the Brother, the probe] has, indeed, become lost; or, if he is simply serving the demands of the boundaries of the level that he is on. And, it also makes good an academic discussion on the two possibilities--is it free-will [did the Brother freely agree to serve in that manner], or is it Predestiny [is it the result of having committed a karmic misdeed that is now being equalized? If so, we must remember that to he who has little, little is expected. But, to he who has much, much is expected. Since a Brother of The Chain has much in power, the error of this greatness brings upon the Brother the heavy responsibility that The Affinity-Factor brings unto Destiny's Karma]? Are the veils dropped because of Predestiny, in order for him to serve his function on a specific level; or, had the veils of forgetfulness dropped because of his bemusement? Since both end up serving the same purpose in any case, who's to say?

All good does evil, and all evil does good. That is a part of the laws which govern the many layers of The Magic Circle. The laws which govern the Continuum of Good and the Continuum of Evil cross themselves such that each creates a separate 'Walk'. The Walk of Good lies across the Path of Evil moment to moment-- it is the only chance that he who walks upon the path of evil has to again walk towards the Light. The Walk of Evil lies across the Path of Good moment to moment--it is one of many chances that he who walks upon the Path of Good has to turn to the Dark-side. Balance in all things demand it to be so. It is the same law.

The next question is what is good, and what is evil? Furthermore, what is it that makes good, good? What is it that makes evil, evil? Obviously to find that answer each individual will have to look deep within themselves, using Maat's reference to a specific level of understanding, and the relative scale of morality as that morality interacts with the values of the level in question.

A wise seeker might ask: using that logic, isn't it possible for anybody to rationalize any behavior as far as applying the appropriate level to support their assertions? Since the answer is Yes, what then distinguishes their good behavior from their bad? To discover the key to this puzzle, each must use the demands of that respective level. If an individual chooses to delude himself, that doesn't change the requirements of the level. Remember, there is still a process of Oblivion on each level, as well. If an individual wishes to delude himself and follow the path that will force him into another judgment of Oblivion, that is his free-will. Remember, just because an individual has a brain, that in and of itself does not guarantee that it will be used.

Perhaps a better question might be: "When does being a pawn for a karmic situation stop?" " When does it begin being just someone who is actually heading down the path toward The Oblivion?" " When is it an action just for the sake of satisfying our own prejudiced emotions?" Of course, we have now addressed a question which has been debated secretly by all religions for hundreds of centuries. The debate is the question "Does Man have free-will, or is all the evil simply a case of Man doing god's work of destroying others who are, themselves, evil?"

Firstly, it is not our wish to speak of the motives which might drive an individual into the condemnation which comes from sacrificing his honor unto the altar of self-satisfaction. But, we will speak upon the possibility of a Brother of the Chain choosing to go to The Oblivion. When a time cycle for a level or a species has ended, before the actual end, certain numbers of the Brothers of the Chain will, automatically, choose The Oblivion via becoming an echo of life in order to prepare the next level.

It must be remembered that there are two paths downward. There is the path of the descent via The Oblivion in The Grand Maya, then, there is the path of the Brotherhood. That is the duality of Life, as we know it to be. So, when the time cycle is finished, or at hand, there is going to be two descents: a descent of judgment, and a descent of love. The descent of love [as in the case of a probe] will be the descent of the New Covenant upon the new level of experience.

Another great puzzle is the time element involved between the two types of descent. On the one hand, they who descended via becoming an echo of life came before those who decided to help out those who descended via The Oblivion. This is true only from the earth's linear thinking point of view. Because, remember, the writings imply time in an area where there was no time. So, to understand the fine points, we have to look at it from the no-time point of view. From deluge's point of view, where time as we know it does not exist (hundreds of billions of chronological Earth years could have passed between the time of the descent of judgment [the descent via The Oblivion] and the time of the descent of the New Covenant [the descent via an echo of life]). In fact, from deluge's point of view (a state where time as we know it does not exist) it could have been less than the blinking of an eye. It is a case of the Magpie Effect (the magpie effect is where there is a differing in time within a single time zone).

Still, from our Earth point of view, it seems that one came first (the needs of the Trapped ones upon the Earth Experience) and the other came after (the descent of Angels [via the probes] who bring with them the New Covenant to answer the call for help from the Trapped Ones). Again, the question touches upon the process of thinking linearly vs. thinking fabrically.

When we speak about the Magpie effect, all is viewed from both side's points of view. But, during the process of understanding, it is well to first view from the side where time does not exist [to think fabrically]. Once that understanding has been gained, then view from the side where time does exist... where time controls all.

If the question is asked from this side [the side where time controls all points of view] of the Double-Gate, then it is true that there is time, and one did come before the other [the needs of the Trapped ones vs. the answering call of the Angels]. Exactly how much time passed between the two descents, and which of the two descents came first is beyond our understanding as long as we remain within the Grand Illusion of the Spell of Life. We who are still within the bubble of creation cannot know the happenings that exist outside the bubble which contains us. That is presently not in the order of things.

Regardless of which point of view we choose, the event will occur fabrically, the same as it occurs linearly. This is because one epic is controlled via the judgment of Karma, and the other epic is controlled by the New Covenant. One is time that is totally linear in nature [where there exists a past, a present, and a future]; the other is time that is totally fabric-like in nature [where time as we know time to be does not exist. There is no past, there is no present, and there is no future. All that exists is The Now].

Just from a practical linear side, when the end of our species' cycle occurs, when the time has come for Man to be no more, the forces of creation will cause there to be Brothers of the Chain who are in the form that the new species is going to take, as they, too, rise from their trek into The Oblivion. Already, another member of the great apes is being taught the art of language and communication [just as the species Man once learned to communicate from those who came before].

In the beginning of the new process, the individuals of the new species [who rise from their descent along the path of The New Covenant] will be in the form of an echo of life. It is not a case of if the echo of life will descend. It is a case of we are going to descend--that is the nature of The Brothers of The Chain--it is the New Covenant at work.

How long before the members of The Brothers of the Chain who are not an echo of life are going to be in place, knowing the limitations of that new species? Of course, this is information that belongs to the future.

In any case, the most important, the most powerful of the Brothers who descend is he who is called The Hound of Hell. There have been many in the past. And, each has served as the many incarnations for the vessel of the New Covenant. Pharaoh Akhenaten was said to be The Hound of Hell of his time; certainly, Pharaoh was the vessel which made it possible for the revisiting of the New Covenant upon the planet. Because of the darkness of the land of the times, it was a case of Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter. This warning is still associated with the door leading into the Earth Experience. What is sad is that the time of Abandon Hope will come again--relatively soon, as chronological years go.

It is, in this day and age, easy to test the possibility of a dark age revisiting planet Earth. Consider, if you will, the following:

  • Just because you have a brain, that, in and of itself, is no guarantee that you are going to use it. Just because you know the difference between right and wrong, that, in and of itself, is no guarantee that you are going to automatically do what is right for the whole--you might seek to serve yourself, instead, at the cost of the whole.
  • There is such a thing called individuality. And, by the nature of individuality, there exists great possibilities that you will become excessively selfish; as such, you will not care about your neighbor, much less your species and the planet upon which you live--Earth. And, when sufficient numbers of a level succumb to that very nature, darkness is soon visited upon that level.

It will be a time of Abandon Earth, a time when abandon all hope ye who enter will apply. It can apply to all levels. It is limited only by the interaction between Predestiny and Free-will, which, of course, is the Continuum of Karma for each. Remember the great law:

When the final judgment against Man comes, it will not come against
Man, the individual. It will come against Man, the species.

It will be a time when there will be no active lights [lights are individuals who have consecrated their lives to serving the whole, regardless of the cost to themselves] within the Astral Plane of Common Reality. It is not a case where they wouldn't have been reincarnated in that cycle. As an example, let us say that this particular level [our level, the Astral Plane of Common Reality] is level one, and Common Reality's Beta level is level two. If all the Lights from level one go to level two, then level one is in darkness; but, Light still exists upon the Earth experience, even though they are not on level one. At a future time, they will again reincarnate upon level one; and, as the number of Lights increase upon level one, the Darkness will be driven back. The level will become less savage.

  1. At present [upon Lower Middle Earth's Astral Plane of Common Reality], there exists only three 'Lights'. The first Light to leave us was the Light of Innocence. With the absence of the Light of Innocence, the individual began to sell himself and/or a part of his Ideals and turned to seeking what he thought he needed from every situation. With the loss of the first Light, the First Seal was set.
  2. The second Light to leave us was the Light of Honor. With the absence of this light, brother turned against brother for the sake of self-satisfaction--the essence of 'Truth' was no more. With the loss of Honor, the Second Seal was set.
  3. The third Light to leave us was the Light of Brotherhood. With the loss of Brotherhood, there came a great war between the individual and the species. The unity of the species became no more. With the loss of the Light of Brotherhood, the Third Seal was set.
  4. The fourth Light to leave us was the Light of Sacredness. With the loss of the Light of Sacredness there came to Earth a greed which drove Man to value possessions over the value of higher values. Pieces of Gold became more important than the welfare of the planet upon which they lived. It did not matter how much a man owned, it was never enough. Since the loss of another Light has already made life cheap, it was no matter to kill off thousands if their deaths gave more riches, more power. Without realizing, with the loss of the fourth Light, the most important death of the thousands was the death of Justice, itself. The Fourth Seal had been set.

At present, the fifth Light is being dimmed. The LifeForce, itself, is being attacked. Species are being killed off each day, with no thought of the fabric that links us all. Those who hold the power care not that the Oceans [and the life therein] are dying. 'Individuality' is in the process of winning its battle against 'the whole'--without realizing that once it has won, it loses because it, too, will be no more. The Individual was born of the whole, and to continue, it must remain a part of the whole. We are reminded of the law which states:

The Law that is evoked to create a thing is the same law that is used to maintain that created thing within the limits of its creations, each unto its own kind, level for level, unto forever.

When there are seven missing lights upon this level of experience, the cycle will have begun. The seventh seal will have been set. When the seven lights have left our level of existence, the great pruning will take effect. The more lights that leave this level, the darker this level becomes. And, vice-versa, the darker this level becomes, the more the lights will leave this level, to prepare for the coming of the new cycle--Death will, again, prune his garden.

With the coming of the seventh seal, the circle will have fulfilled itself; and, the ending of a cycle shall come into being with the beginning of a new cycle. The question now really should be the same as the other question: Which is the predominating force? Is it the Darkness which drives away the Lights from our level... or, is it the leaving of the Lights which bring on the Darkness?

When the time is right, the Astral Plane of Common Reality will, again, go into complete darkness--Religion will again take total control. And, in religion's efforts to rule, they will make 'Good' seem like 'Evil' and 'Evil' seem like 'Good'.

The process is on-going, as can be seen in today's world by way of our present criminal justice system--in the process of seeming to protect the criminal's rights, they go so far as to protect the criminal at the cost of the victim. Hence, the law protects the criminal and prevents the victims from receiving true justice. In the end, this can only end with no justice but vigilante justice, which brings another new revolution, for the first time.

The pattern which exists between Deluge and reality is repeated upon this level of existence. A new life-form shall become the dominant species of the Earth experience. Everything that has a beginning must also have an end. When the end of the Magic Circle which governs this time, this era arises, there can only be a duality, and by the points of that duality, there can only be two happenings. Those who are ready shall return to the care of Delusians [the Angels who care for the servants of Light]. Those who are not ready shall suffer unto the Hell of Their Own Thoughts, wherein they will experience wherever their destiny shall bring them in either growth or further descent into Darkness.

Still further, those who are not ready, those who have chosen to serve Darkness for the sake of their own power, it is their own judgment that shall bring them to suffer The Oblivion from Man. The law of Oblivion shall demand that they loose all kindred to what they were. They shall descend to a lower level of awareness, where they will become not unlike a new species. That new species shall now have dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality within the Earth experience. As the life-form of the human species has had dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality during it's epic, so, too, the new life-form will have dominion over the Astral Plane of Common Reality during its epic upon the Earth experience.

However, that is not the end of judgment. All who descend must obey the law of the Oblivionite. To the degree to which they were dark, to that degree do they retain their darkness. To the degree to which they were in service of the 'Light', respective to the species, to that degree do they have greater abilities. Thus, on this level, some will be born in the life-form of Human, others will be born in other life-forms. Some will be predators, some will not. Some will live by eating its own flesh, others will simply dine on vegetation. All will be food for others, as they, in turn, eat others--indeed, it will once more become Eat and be eaten, Kill and be killed, needlessly.

What will govern all will be the degree of darkness that was held, or the degree of service to the Light that was held at the time of the great descent. Those who were scavengers, those who were sharks, more or less, those who fed and satisfied their desires by preying upon others, will become those who are preyed upon. It must be remembered that there is a great reversal of conditions every time a barrier is crossed.

When the time comes it will be a case of whatever is required to fulfill the needs of Karma. Each level has its own standard of retribution. As to who will go in which direction, that goes back to the Repeating Patterns of the same enigma. Does the removal of the Lights bring on the Darkness, or is it the Darkness that removes the Lights? There is a level of understanding from this level that escapes us. That is one of the enigmas.

Obviously the operative is the needs of the situation. It is controlled by law. From the needs of the situation's point of view, it is the law of free-will that controls, which is a seeming contradiction.

To understand, we need but to remember that when a traveler goes from one level to another, the laws which govern seemingly reverse; and, the confusion lies in that reversal. This is so because it is not The Presence or The Absence of the target behavior that comes into question; it's the reversal, itself, that comes into question. That which is an in fact reversal comes about because of Predestiny. That which is a seeming reversal comes about because of free-will. Hence, even there The Presence and The Absence apply.

The true seeker need only care for the demands of the day. Tomorrow will take care of itself. If an individual takes care of the demands of the day with an eye upon tomorrow, he will be serving "The whole," as opposed to serving "The self." Tomorrow will take care of itself. If an individual takes care of the demands of the day with an eye upon "The self," as opposed to an eye upon tomorrow, then that individual will receive the judgment of tomorrow.

However, since there will be a judgment in any case, it is well to remember that there is a difference between being a part of the end of the continuum which is governed by Predestiny, as opposed to being a part of the end of the continuum which is governed by free-will. One can be said to be a judgment; the other can be said to be a choice. One is governed by the degree to which the interest is in the self; the other is governed by the degree to which the concern is with the species and the whole.

It is written that as one uses the greatness of his own heart to forgive others the harm that was done, it is he who is forgiven from the wheel of pain. However, Karma forgives nothing.

Anubis, God Of Death, Speaks Its Judgment Against The Species Man To Isis, Goddess Of Life

"Ho, sister! We are of one face! Your gift to man is not kind. They are less than true to their Illusions. In fear does man rush into his trap. Fear is man's greatest scourge. Time is Man's enemy. The individual fears all that is about him.

"Man fears the very elements which created his nature, so he blames the deeds of the elements upon the Gods of his own creations.

"Man fears the pain of himself, so he blames his brother for the crimes that plague his world.

"Man fears the loneliness of his own solitude, so he blames others for his own lack of persona.

"Man fears the judgment of time, so he sets himself as judge over others of his kind, condemning his brother for deeds he, himself, has done.

"Man fears truth, so he corrupts the face of judgment by making truth look like falsehood, and falsehood look like justice, so he blames the deed upon language.

"Man fears the strength of others, so he sets others against that strength using lies of omission and unspoken innuendo, thus, he blames the pestilence of his own deed upon the prejudices of others.

"Man fears the future, so he tries to destroy it by corrupting his own seed using love of seed, love of humanity, and love of God as his weapons.

"Verily, verily, I say unto man, the final judgment shall not set the man against the Golden Scribe! Be it true the Golden Scribe--Ptoh, shall mark tally against each for his crimes! Man shall not meet the final judgment as an individual! For, it is written, the final judgment shall mark tally against man--The Species.

"Man, look ye, therefore, long and deep into the care of your Ka. If a man seeks salvation, let him look into the past to find the future!

"Verily, verily, if a single individual be condemned for the sake of a man's desire, then, so too, condemned is the entire species! For, it is writ, there is only one way! What is committed against the least of man, is committed against the most of man! According to the Golden Scribe, what is loosest in The Illusion shall be loosest in each's Reality!

"Ho, Sister! We are of one face! My face shall come. My face shall come... The Fifth Seal is being broken. Soon, it will be Set! Time grows short for Man!"