Density: A Prime Placental Barrier
(The nature of creation)

Density is that property which gives a creation its seeming state of solidness. It is written that he who can destroy a thing, can better control that thing. The more mobile a force, the more easily that force can be controlled. Such is it with Matter's density.

Density, according to modern scientific theory, is determined by two factors: atomic radius and interatomic distance.

Atomic radius is, itself, determined by many factors. Chief among these are:

  1. The number of particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) present in the atom;
  2. The number of complete shells in the atom.

Different atoms hold their electrons more tightly, or less tightly, depending upon how many complete shells there are in the makeup of the creation in question. Thus, it is possible for an atom to have a higher atomic number and still take up less space; that is, they can still be smaller than an atom with a lower atomic number.

Interatomic distance also involves many factors. It is the state of the Matter in question which is the primary determinant here. Thus, any solid will be more dense than any gas, and , most solids are more dense than most liquids. When comparing solids to other solids, other factors become important; such as, how the atoms are arranged in the crystal structure. In other words, some solids become more dense than others because they more efficiently use a given volume of space. They may pack ten atoms into an area where another atom might only be able to fit five. There are three aspects that determine the density of a creation. They are:

  1. The ability to utilize the respective space more efficiently;
  2. The atomic radius of the atom, itself;
  3. The atomic weight of the atom.

However, there are some who believe [the Arkashean way] that there are only two forces [the Duality aspect of creation] which truly govern the nature of density in every atom---the two forces are: the activity of the atom's parts and the force of an atom.

For now force and it's continuum, will have to remain unexplained. Activity, on the other hand can be portrayed, to some extent, in the following example.

Imagine, if you will, that there exists two completely different atomic species. One is called DC current. The other is called AC current. In other words, think in terms of what you may know AC and DC current to be.

DC current is where the atoms flow in only one direction, with respect to a base reference point. It is quite stable in its movement; in that, the force [usually called voltage] remains unchanging.

AC current, on the other hand, is on the opposite side of the continuum of mobility; in that, the atoms' flow changes in both amplitude [the voltage, the force which drives the atoms on their journey down any given wire, changes from becoming zero voltage to some maximum voltage, then back to zero voltage again] and direction [from positive voltage to negative voltage, then from negative voltage to positive voltage again]. The changes are ongoing, in a circular manner, following one of the many layers of The Magic Circle Of Mobility.

With respect to the movement of atoms in their respective space [their respective orbits around their center] and density, it is not very difficult to discern that DC current would be more dense than AC current. This is because DC current is less active, and , because it is less active, it takes up less space to accomplish its orbit; because it takes up less space, more atoms can be packed into less space; thus, more atoms amount to more force utilizing less space.

AC current, on the other hand, because it travels in more than one direction at the same time, requires more space to do its thing; as such, from a space point of view, less of its kind can be packed into a given amount of space.

Density in scientific terms is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume. In the subatomic shells of an atom, the more shells there are the more dense the atom is, assuming the atom is not an isotope (an isotope is an atom is an atom which has more neutrons than protons; normally they are equal in number). It is possible for an isotope which contains 4 electron shells to be more dense than an atom with 6 or 8 electron shells. This happens because neutrons are far more dense than electrons.

As well, whenever a density of a substance is compared to the density of water, it is referred to as the "specific gravity" of a substance. This is a standard process in scientific circles so that an easy reference point can be determined about the density of a substance; i.e., is it more dense than water or less dense? Knowing this reference point can be a powerful focal point for doing many things.

To know this reference have the ability to use this standard reference point is quite important if an individual is to come to understand the limits of reality, and how those limits impact upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality's density---basically, it can be said that all creations that reside within the Astral Plane of Common Reality operate within a band of frequencies we call the Alfa bandwidth.

However, not all creations within the Alfa bandwidth hold their atoms in exactly the same tightness; and, not all realms of life operate within the Alfa bandwidth. For instance, some creations, such as water, do not hold their atoms very fact, an interesting aspect of water that is found within the Alfa bandwidth is how easily its atoms separate from one another when an object of higher density [such as a human body] is placed in the water, then recombine when the object is removed. It is this ability to separate its atoms that allow space for other objects that are more dense to exist within the water.

There are certain limits, however. Objects that have the quality of water are not used as building material because the atoms are too easily separated. Within the Astral Plane of Common Reality, the building material's atoms are held much more tightly. It is this holding tightly of its atoms that make matter solid, and thereby acceptable as building material.

While the human body of the Astral Plane of Common Reality has a certain density that will not allow it to travel through what we call solid objects [this is because the density of solid objects that the human body encounters lies within a certain bandwidth of density that prevents this from happening], there are other planes of existence that will allow the human body's Beta Body to travel through solid objects.

The Beta's physical body is just as human... is just as real as is the Alfa's physical body, but it is less dense. When an individual's consciousness resides within their Beta Body, the individual can and does pass through solid objects. In fact, in order for the individual to travel [to Astrate, to have an out-of-the-body experience], the individual's Beta body must first pass through the solidness of the Alfa's physical body.

It is interesting to note how the patterns of creation repeat themselves. Just as the individual's Alfa body finds limits within its sphere of operation, so too finds the Beta body--once the Beta Body successfully travels through and out of the Alfa body, the Beta body now encounters objects and substances that reside within its natural density level, upon all levels of experience.

As an electron can travel from one shell to another and continue to live the life of an electron, contributing to the atom as a whole, so too, can an individual's awareness factor travel from one level to another and continue to live the life of a human, contributing to the species as a whole--it is the law of Repeating Patterns that governs the very nature of creations that is at work here.

If any individual is to learn the art of traveling... if an individual is to learn how to remove the limits that keep him prisoner upon the Alfa plane of existence... if an individual is to free himself from the evoked forces that now bind him to his illusions, much must be learned-- a new method of thinking must rule.

Firstly, the would-be traveler must come to understand the laws which bind him to the lower planes of experience--the Alfa plane; specifically, to Lower Middle Earth's Astral Plane of Common Reality. The key... indeed, the point of all Arkashean teachings is to learn what standard... what reference point is at work... what change is needed to allow the individual to jump shells... to jump into the next bandwidth of densities.

Once an individual knows what is needed to allow the "jump" , that individual can manipulate himself through many realms of densities... it will become easier to travel from one karmic lesson to another as he seeks to become more free of The Grand Maya. Mobility is the reward for those who can master the gates between the Bandwidth of Densities; and, once having mobility, the Universe becomes a more accessible domain, for it now becomes less obstructive.

The determinant...the limiting factor that allows passage through the placental barriers that lead to the realms of other densities lies in the manipulation and the orchestration of frequencies. The vibratory rate of a substance will, and does, determine how dense that substance is. The Continuum of Frequency dictates how many protons, neutrons, and electrons that a substance will eventually contain; and thus, ultimately will determine its density.

The would-be traveler must remember one guiding point above all-- thanks to the many differences that exist within creation... thanks to the nature of the laws of Repeating Patterns... thanks to the nature of life's awareness... thanks to the laws which govern an individual's illusions, each life-form will exist... each life-form will experience life limited within its own density. Density is one of the many prime placental barriers that allow space, as we know it, to contain more than the unaided eye can see.