Dimensions: The Divisions Of Matter
(Levels of physical reality)

A dimension is a major division of creation within the envelope of non-darkness. Matter within each dimension consists solely of a single base. While the form or the state of matter may differ within a single dimension, that matter's base will always remain the same; it can be carbon-based, as is our own Dimension, silicon-based, copper-based, or any unknown. Strictly speaking, a dimension is a sector of the Time-Space Continuum wherein all Matter that exists is of the same format. For the purposes of this reading, however, the important fact is that Creation is divided. Whether we call these divisions dimensions, levels, or planes of existence is unimportant for now.

What is important to understand is that this division of Creation is not a simple, clear-cut linear division. As said before, it is more like a fabric. Thus, we have a nigh infinite number of different levels (we call these different levels Universes). Just as each thread of a weave is separate and distinct from all others, so too, each level [each Universe] is separate from all others. Still, just as each thread in the weave is connected to all the other threads, although the connection may be through intermediates, and, because this connection affects all other threads of the weave, so too, is it with each level of Creation (to understand the nature of this connection, we must turn our thoughts to the pattern of a bubble within a bubble that shares its space with many other bubbles). All the threads of the fabric of creation are interwoven (it is the laws of the bubble that contain all the other bubbles, the many different Universes, that modify or otherwise control the possibilities that can exist within all the smaller bubbles [all the Universes]). The goings-on of each thread affects the goings-on of all the other threads; and, in turn, the original thread is affected by the goings-on of all the other threads of the fabric.

It is the existence of the Royal Steering Currents of Cosmic Law and the localized Steering Currents of Universal Law which both, allows for and maintains, the weave's union (whereby all threads are connected, creating a type of Unity), yet still allow diversity within each thread via the thread's limited individuality (thus, within the limited sphere of the specific thread in question, there can be found forms of Matter and localized Steering Currents which will not be found elsewhere in the union of the all).

Thus, for the first time, we see an application of the Steering Current of Cosmic Law interacting with localized Steering Currents of Universal Law (The force that is evoked to create a phenomenon is the selfsame force that maintains said phenomenon within its specific boundaries, within its specified level, as a part of its own kind, unto Forever).

This, however, brings to mind the question as to the possibility of an individual life-form from another dimension, such as the silicon dimension, traveling into a carbon dimension. The response is, of course, addressed in the above law--No, it is not possible for a silicon life-form to maintain its existence within a non-silicon based atmosphere, unless the life-form could somehow sustain its own required life-support system.

It must be remembered that while there is relative freedom within a level of experience [such as within a specific Universe], all life [regardless of the form, the type, or the State that the life-form may take] is still connected to, and therefore, is a part of the Continuum of the Life-Force; as such, as a child that is still in its mother's womb is connected to its mother by the laws of the Magic Circle [specifically, the umbilical cord from which it receives its sustenance and expels its waste by-products], so, too, are all forms of life connected in much the same way to the Continuum of Life's LifeForce/MindForce pairing.

While the response is no, on the average, it is only a qualified no. There is a level of creation wherein the Matter of creation is pure thought-form... that is, from our physical point of view, the thought-form has no physicalness to it...to us, it is not solid... it is not liquid... and, it is not made of a gas.

Therefore, if an individual from a silicon dimension were to first ascend from its silicon Universe, then ascend from its silicon dimensional level of existence and go to the thought-form level of creation, it could then take the form of Matter that is pure thought; and, from that thought-form level of creation, convert itself into a carbon-matter life-form as it descended into the carbon dimension, if it were allowed by the Royal Steering Currents of the Alliance of The Rule, and the localized Steering Currents of the interactions between The Magic Circle, and The Broken Cross [allowed by Karma] .

The diagram of fig. #1 shows us the Triunity aspect that we must consider when we seek to understand the relative pattern of the whole. When we consider the three bubbles of the smallest bubble, we must view them as being, in the case of Planet Earth: Lower Earth, Middle Earth, and Higher Earth--each is also similarly divided. Man resides upon Lower Middle Earth.

The diagram of fig. #2 shows us an example of how crowded creation really is. Each of the individual bubbles becomes a possible plane of existence for the traveler to experience, if Karma will allow.

The diagram of fig. #3 gives us still a different view of that seen in fig. #1. The pattern, though not necessarily the specifics of the pattern, of each level of experience is duplicated in all levels of creation. Any of the Magic Circles seen in fig. #4 might be the governor of the creation of Matter in any one of the smaller bubbles seen in fig. #1.