Duality: Differences Within Sameness
(Levels of Individuality)

Duality, from the fabric-of-creation's point of view, is the first of the effects (which come in the form of a Continuum) that are caused by the seed of creation's manifestation of Existence, itself. The two, specific laws that form this first great duality state (see Fig. #1):

The creation of the One is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the Other.

That which exists within the Chi shall be Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

The first effect of this Royal Steering Current--called Duality--is to bring into existence the two strongest of all Royal Steering Currents within The Grand Maya, with the exception of Recursive Dialusion, itself (the individual can determine that the laws in question are Royal unto all of Creation by noting the Master Builder symbol that is attached). They are the strongest because they are Royal Continuums in and of themselves. They are called, respectively, The Absence (all creation which exists outside the Isis/Anubis Double-Gate. Also, it is important to note that from within The Presence, that which is within The Absence is undefined) and The Presence (all creation which exists inside the Isis/Anubis Double-Gate (see Fig. #3). Also, it is important to note that when the label The Presence is used, there is a very special aura attached to it. It is the aura of being in the presence of that Force which changes the future into what Man calls The past so Man can perceive of it).

This Chi Of Creation is, as its name implies, dual in its nature. On the highest level, it is the Chi of Duality; and, it implies the existence of the first of the barriers, the first of the Double-Gates (the Isis/Anubis Double-Gate). This first Double-gate is that which separates the illusions of the State of Orthodontiks from the purity which is found in the State of Deluge, wherein illusions, as we know illusions to be, do not exist.

On another level, the level which exists deep within The Grand Maya, but not limited to the Against-bond effects, the For-bond effects, and the With-bond effects that are experienced upon the earth's Astral Plane of Common Reality, the level of the illusions of the species Man, The Chi of Duality within each life-form that has binding ties to the species Man (remember, a life-form need not be human to have binding ties to the species Man), is seed for what Man calls Free-will, by the power of the great law:

The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other.

It is because of the implications that are contained within the above great law that Man may now, with limited freedom, choose between one or more yet unwritten destinies, ever-changingly (see Fig. #2). The Chi of Duality has its affects known to the individuals of the species Man deep within his illusions, by having its presence (the ability to choose) or its absence (unable to choose) become the guiding force of the games, the roles, and the emotions which the presence of the ability to choose or the absence of the ability to choose elicits. For the individual who is caught in any given game, it is usually the presence or the absence of something (such as a behavior, a feeling, a person, a place, a thing, or an opportunity) which causes the problem, or which causes the joy of the game to exist.

Duality has its affects upon all life-forms that have a cognizant MindForce and a male/female relationship (it matters not if that male/female relationship is between two different bodies or the same body).

Seemingly, the limitations of Duality extend from the mundane to the extraordinary; Duality is all around us. We see the limitations as stop/go, black/white, light/dark, male/female and beginning/end--the list is nigh infinite.

The paradox of Duality is interesting. Each point along the Continuum of Duality is, essentially, the same; in that, only the specifics are different. For instance, in the duality of color, wherein the two endpoints are black and white, the continuum in question is very specific; and, it only exists to allow the myriad points of color between black and white to occur. If the end points were other than black and white, the same pattern would exist; and, it would exist for the same reason--to allow the specific colors in question to come into being.

Regardless of the color of the end points, the pattern of the whole becomes the same; the only difference is the specific continuum of color they represent. All points are the same, they are all points of color, yet the changing of the end points make them different.

Still, Man encounters yet another continuum of Duality, another irony during the process of life. It is written that Man can only get to his future by passing through his past. Perhaps this is so because the past, the present, and the future are all points that are linked via an invisible thread called Destiny; in that, each must be intricately traversed if Man is to find himself.

Man is trapped by Duality; and, the makeup of his trap is, itself, dual in its nature. During the moment to moment affairs of his life, Man is forever changing the different parts of himself--he is either angry or happy. He cannot be both. During any given moment, Man is either giving or taking. He cannot be both. Again, during any given moment, Man is either loving or hating. He cannot be both. The list is virtually endless and Man must manage all parts of it.

It is written that I have more than one face with which to face my world. Furthermore, it is written that I run from face to face to escape the very truths of my own thoughts. It is written that each of my many faces will, in an ever-changing pattern, agree with, and thereby make valid, the very hell of my own thoughts. It is written that as I escape from face to face, as I seek to rationalize my untruths into the physical world's ever-changing reality, I run into my Maat wherein I am stopped cold, wherein I must then look into the Magic Mirror that is truly myself.