Earth: Just One Of Many
(Home for Man, Or is it a karmic prison)

Earth, the planet within this solar system, is the prime stage upon which this branch of the TwinSpecies:Human chose to evolve in this cycle of experience within The Grand Maya (see Fig. #1). Earth, the symbol, is more than just the stage upon which acts of stupidity abound. The symbol called Earth represents, upon the lowest level, the stage which gave birth to life as we know it, in all of its manifestations, and, it represents a repeating pattern wherein life has its chance to evolve towards its Destiny.

Many would argue that planet Earth was/is not the birth place for life, as it is often told in the myths and in the stories of the aged who were about to die; many would argue that planet Earth was/is merely the prison which holds the TwinSpecies:Human until it grows, until it reaches the possibilities that its Destiny has ordained. Some would argue that while every seeker longs to unlock the mysteries of the universe, while every seeker seeks to travel to far-flung dimensions, while every seeker wishes to communicate with other life-forms, and, in thus doing, have great adventures, the more mundane problems of dealing with one's own negative patterns must take priority. Earth seems, indeed, to be man's prison.

As we all know, the TwinSpecies:Human has many faces; in that, it is just one of the branches from the tree called The Family Of Man (see Fig. #2). In cosmic terms, because different problems are being worked on, there are more than one branch from the tree of The Family Of Man upon our planet--planet Earth. And, needless to say, this is not the only Earth-type planet in existence. However, this planet is one of five that is designed to deal with The Family Of man's emotions; specifically, for this planet, the negative emotions which result in the game of war!

Before any life-form from this planet can travel to the stars, that individual must come to grips with the laws which govern his own illusions. He must understand and control both, the laws of his respective illusion as those laws govern his, as of yet, Un-created future; and, the ramification of those law's effect upon the environment within which he finds himself. In addition, he must also accept that other life-forms, other branches of The Family Of Man, who share his environment also have just as much of a right to the benefits of life within that level of experience as he. Then, still, he must guard not only his behaviors and relationships, he must also be on guard for the behaviors and relationships of individuals from other life-forms, and the relationship between himself and other individuals of his own kind.

There are many positive behaviors and thought patterns which must be understood. Only then will the pilgrim have the ability to program or reprogram his Automatic-pilot (See Fig. #3). Likewise, there are many negative patterns which ought to be eradicated from his Automatic-pilot. Once this is accomplished, or even set in motion, these patterns will enable the seeker to lead a much more contented life upon physical Earth, and to be far more successful in his alter-reality experiences.

First, and perhaps foremost, one must learn to control the emotions. The emotions must never be the source of behavior. Logic must always rule. Emotions have their place, but that place must always be when the mind, through logic, allows them to come to the fore. When emotions come to the fore because of the inability of the individual to control them, or in response to some inappropriate patterns, trouble is sure to follow.

Happiness in this life, or in any other life, depends upon having the ability to control one's emotions. The man who looks to his emotions for happiness looks to outside circumstances. If these circumstances turn sour, so will his emotions. The man who retains inner peace regardless of outside circumstances carries his happiness within him. If his emotions bring him happiness, he indulges in them, but not to the degree of unaccountability. If his emotions bring sadness, he changes his attitude, and thereby the control of the emotions. If one is truly seeking tools to help him learn to control himself, look toward the following dos and don'ts:

  1. Never let the emotions be the source of behavior.
  2. Never have any expectations of another individual.
  3. Never assume about another individual.
  4. Never try to control another individual's behavior.
  5. Never judge another individual.
  6. Understand, forgive, and love.
  7. Strive to drop the excessive ego.
  8. Strive to lose self-importance.
  9. Never interfere with another's free-will.
  10. don't deny the truth when you hear it.
  11. Always place your shoulds above your wants.
  12. Strive to hold your spiritual values sacred.
  13. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  14. Mind your own business.
  15. Be silent and learn from the speech of others.
  16. Hold your language sacred.
  17. Be aware of the image you portray to others.
  18. Take the time to address others' emotions and concerns.
  19. Always be ready to help should someone ask you.
  20. Don't let laziness get in the way of your shoulds.
  21. Be as honest as possible, not withstanding the needs of the situation.
  22. Never trade off your spiritual values.
  23. Let each man bear the fruits of his own labor.

No man is without fault, that he may judge another.

There has been much speculation in certain fields of intelligentsia that Humans, as we know them to be, are not native to this specific planet--planet Earth of the star Sol. Some would argue that Man has been Puddle-Jumping from planet to planet (some think that Man is just a baby. Being just a baby, Man makes many mistakes. Some of the mistakes have a way of destroying the planet upon which Man lives. Furthermore, it is said that man's time cycle also forces Man to move from planet to planet; as the sun which warms each planet gives out, another move gives another new chance for growth). If we assume that this could be true, then how have we humans come to be upon planet Earth?

There is an old legend that speaks of a war between a rogue scientist (who was experimenting with the chemicals of life) and his culture--a very advanced race that existed long before Man, the species, came into being. The legend speaks of how the scientist was no more when it was discovered that he had created many life-forms that were crossbred. During those days, the species Man came in many forms--the family of man's Tree Of Life knew many branches.

Strange suns hosted even stranger planets upon whose surface roamed the creatures of which only legends of today can speak. There were creatures of half-man/half-sheep, half-man/half-goat, half-man/half-horse, half-man/half-oxen, half-man/half-snake and all manner of abominations. It was a time when breeding continued successfully between the many life-forms of the planet; and, with each cross-breeding, new forms emerged.

Strange, indeed, were the life-forms of Man's mother planet. Of the many different cross-breedings, there existed life-forms whose top half (and sometimes whose bottom half) was man, but whose bottom half (and sometimes whose top half) was either sheep, oxen, goat, snake, or horse; and, of them, there could be found six kinds--the two legged (who walked upright), the four legged, the male tops, the female bottoms, the male tops with the female bottoms, and the female tops with the male bottoms. All gave birth to its kind, plus or minus attributes of the mating pair.

Beilel, the dishonorable scientist, according to the old legends, went into Oblivion and was not heard of again, at least, not within the time of legends.

The Titans (the very advanced race that existed long before Man) appointed a great-being (If truth would speak, he really appointed himself) who was exceedingly honorable (such that, he did not interfere with the normal processes of life) to undo, as much as was possible, the harm that was done to the species Man. Many years passed, using many planets from many different suns before the un-naturals were absorbed, giving Man its present-day, symbiotic, twin life-form--the sub-species male and the sub-species female.

Needless to say, while the Un-naturals are no longer with us in the physical sense, they are still with us from an emotional and a sexual sense. Unfortunately, it will take many more suns, and many more planets before the various emotional levels and the still greater number of sexual levels can be absorbed, as was the physical. While the mish-mash of the physical are seldom seen they still exist, the mish-mash of the sexually governed modifications can still be seen, if the observer is willing to put aside his prejudices.

The emotional harm can only be seen by way of the actions that it brings, with respect to the ability of the so-called different races to live together in peace. This branch of the Great Apes, the species Man, are here to master their alien emotions, most specifically, the emotions which are seed to the necessities of war.

Still, there are others who would argue for the Old way. They would have us believe that the true beginnings of the dual continuum of the TwinSpecies:Human can be found in the ancient manuscript that chronicles man's descent upon The Grand Maya.

The Descent

"In the continuum of the spell of life, all is accorded free-will to do as one pleases. This free-will was given to each by the Goddess Isis, through the power of the Ruby Of Life. The interaction of free-will within each individual's mind, in each plane of existence, and the implications that result from the exercise, are those things which keep diversity in a constant state of change.

"Behold the journey of two Angels, as seen through the eyes of these two minds, as they come to experience this sometime gift, sometime curse called free-will. Behold their freedom to experience, in their own beginning, a possible way in which their universe has unfolded. We shall call them by their effectiveness of force: WHAT IF and its nemesis, BUT.

"WHAT IF each of us were given free-will by the eternal creator?... WHAT IF we could use this free will to gain the illusion of leaving Primeval Force, called the Universal Nest?

"BUT the Universal Nest is everywhere. The creator is everywhere and in everything... It is impossible to leave Primeval Force.

"WHAT IF there were a way?...A way to leave, yet truly not leave at all?...WHAT IF in our minds we could pretend we have left the nest?

"BUT how can we do this? We could pretend all we want but we will always know that we have not left the nest. besides... why would we want to leave anyway?

"WHAT IF we pretend hard enough, think hard enough so as to fall asleep?... To actually lose consciousness and dream about anything we desire.

"BUT is that possible? This free-will that we possess... would it allow us to do all that?... And, if it did, if we could do that, what should we think about?

"WHAT IF we could think about a physical universe... A place where our thoughts are held prisoner in a grosser matter... a place where we could have our own energy to play with... an energy inside a physical vehicle that has the power of mobility... a Universe where we would have total dominion over what we wanted to experience? Think of the possibilities! We could play the game of sick, the game of war, the game of death, the game of pain... a playground with infinite possibilities.

"BUT even if we do think about such a place, and even if we could fall asleep, it would just be an illusion. It wouldn't be real... only our imagination.

"WHAT IF we pretended hard enough? We could create a new thing called Reality--we could mix things up... we could make things different... we could make a reality that was only true to us... unless others decided to use their free will to dream our dream too. The Creator would only see us as being asleep... an awareness dreaming fantasies and living within them. Besides, our free-will would protect us from any outside interference by the Creator. After all, it was given to us as a gift to do with what we pleased. Think of the endless possibilities we could experience with our free-will!

"BUT what if the fact that while experiencing this so-called dream we could stop it at any given moment knowing full well we can return to the awareness of the universal nest... Where is the trueness of leaving the nest while knowing this.

"WHAT IF this free-will was so powerful that we could make up any rules and any laws that we wanted? We could decide ourselves, how things should work. We could even install veils to keep us from knowing about our true God-like abilities. They would keep us from knowing how to do certain things, and therefore keep us from knowing the truth. We could transfer our awareness into the illusion, itself, you know, as a part of trapping our energy of thought into matter,... and, law could keep it there, so it wouldn't fall out when we weren't looking. This way, we could experience the full sensation of separation from the universal nest without actually leaving it.

"BUT if free-will is that powerful and it can prevent us from knowing how to return to the awareness of the nest, won't we become forever lost?

"WHAT IF we made sure there were at least some hidden windows scattered about... windows that would show us the way home. And, just to make sure we could return, in case we could not find the windows, let's evoke a law that would automatically return us to the source of our behavior... if our thoughts consisted only of the love for the all. All of our thoughts and all of our behaviors along this vein would automatically guide us back. The source of all things would be revealed to our higher minds, and to our hearts. And, with this greater wisdom, our Ba would soar ever upward, toward the awareness of home.

"BUT, What if...

"WHAT IF... Shh... say no more, let us dream. Let us pretend.

"Lo and behold, they did. Like a child caught with their new toy, illusions were played upon and bandied about, without care of their effects. Illusions became the focus of not one, but of many. All seemed to experience the diversity of free-will. Reality had, indeed, become a prison of the hell of their own thoughts.

"And, likened unto a child, the games that were played, and the games that were dreamed of and fantasized soon became their new creation called reality, a creation that was half real and half illusion; with illusion having the greater force over all dominions. Rules were made without understanding that the very force used to place them there now was also the very force that kept them there.

"Those who made up new games chose what would be experienced as they played; but, as in all rules which originate from the mind of a child, some things were left out. Certain concepts were not realized or remained un-thought of. Implications of interactions were not completely addressed or even ignored out of bemusement.

"As a result, the experimenters of free-will fell deeper and deeper into their sleep-of-death, into their dreams of reality. Veils of forgetfulness took their toll upon the descending Ka.

"With universal laws eventually forgotten, set aside, or purposely misused, they found that they could not find any of their secret windows, nor could they remember their own rules. They were, indeed, trapped within the hell of their own thoughts. The new physical Universe, the illusion of someone's desire to experience a grosser beingness, turned into a place of separation and despair rather than a place of oneness and joy. The imagined playground had become a circus of horrors.

"Unfortunately, those who perceived the reflections of others seemingly having much pleasure in their dreams, wondered about the pleasures and the reality of the dream. They, too, decided to dream the dream of a grosser reality... of a reality whereby their thought energy was completely imprisoned in matter.

"BEHOLD, ye who sojourns unto the sacred Ruby of Life, seven times shall the wheel-of- life turn, unto forever... opportunities will come once in the saga of Time. Eventually, the Universe will share that which is mine. Our hearts have a dream which has begun, to give sustenance to the old and to shelter the young.

"As all are diminished or all are enhanced, what happens to just one will determine the dance. Throughout the eons again it's revealed that by our deeds of today, our future we seal. With each step of kindness, of sharing our wealth, we increase our own glory by the sharing of ourself. Each step that we take is a step for the whole. No greater gift can be given than the gift of our soul. So give of your ear and help all things rhyme. The young and the old will be served in their time. It's true that the fates have a way to judge souls, for each, in due time, will play the same role."

If we were to, also, believe in the old ways, then, we would have agreed with many of the ancients from Lemuria's Temple Of Lights. The ancient Magi believed that the original descent was a descent upon a planet having little resemblance to planet Earth, but having the same type of biosphere-type support for life. Albeit, while we accept that the many Un-naturals did exist, they were not a result of warring scientists --they were, as the manuscript states, from the descent into Maya. It is most interesting to note the relationship that exist between the different parts of the TwinSpecies:Human--the sub-species Male and the sub-species Female --two sub-species that are symbiotically linked.