
Fear: Man's only real enemy
(A Warning Or A Condemnation)

A discussion on how fear comes in many different ways. It speaks of how it was fear that prevented us from returning to our place of peace when Man first descended onto the Earth's Experience's Astral Plane of Common Reality (the world of the physical). It speaks of how, even today, fear does at least two things for us -- it acts as a warning system, and it punishes us for misdeeds.

Feathers: The Weight Of Our Words
(A Teaching Fable)

A short story about a method of teaching that was used by the ancients. This particular fable seeks to teach us the value of silence. Basically, it is an interaction between a student and a teacher. It teaches us that silence is golden, but, if and when prudence demands that the silence be broken, the, let the sharing be worth more than the broken silence

Final Judgment: Life, itself goes on trial
(A Judgment Against Man)

A discussion on how the twin path of free-will and Predestiny are really the two sides of the same door that leads towards one's destiny. It is a discussion on how every individual is not alone in his basic nature. Since s/he was born as a part of the twin species: human, s/he will always be a part of that twin species. It also speaks of how, when the true final judgment comes, it will not come against man, the individual. . . ., it will come against man, the species. It speaks of how, during the last days, Anubis will speak to Isis, judging the twin species (the males and the females) by listing all of the species man's karmic misdeeds.

Freedom: The Continuum Of Slavery
(Free-will vs. Predestiny)

A discussion on how the twin path of free-will and Predestiny are really the two sides of the same door that leads towards one's destiny. It is a discussion on how every individual is not alone in his basic nature. Since the individual was born a part of the twin species, the individual will always remain a part of the species. It speaks of how is matters not how hard the individual seeks to achieve independence from the whole (from the species of which s/he is a part), the degree of true independence will only be an illusion. It is written that a hand may not separate itself from the rest of the body that created it and continue to live in and of itself.

Frequency: The Continuum Of Change
(The Forceful Spirit of Act)

A discussion on how the Continuum of Change is really a part of the Royal Steering Current that was used to create the physical Universe as we know it to be. It speaks of how the different frequencies are separated into bands of frequencies; and, how as each frequency within each band interact with the other frequencies of the band, a new frequency comes into being. It also speaks of how as the different bands of frequencies interact, the interaction is what allows multiple levels of the fabric of creation, allowing for the different planes of existence -- it even allows for the continuity of life between the cycles of life and death.

Friends: The Continuum Of Friendships
(Man's Link To His Species)

A discussion of how the twin species (the males and the females) are linked together, regardless of how they wish to be individuals. It speaks of this link by calling it The Continuum Of Friendship. It speaks of the different types of friendships that bond, and thereby binds people together.