Galaxies: Man's final destination?
(Creator of Gravity, Giver of Time)

The galaxy is the fifth of the major bubble-type divisions of creation within the envelope of the fabric of creation as we descend into The Grand Maya.

Within the galaxy, new sublevels of law take hold to govern the possibilities that impact upon the continuum of change. As the many threads of Recursive Dialusion combine and recombine, the process creates a new creation--the time/space continuum.

While it might be true that a galaxy is a bubble of creation (see fig. #1) which holds many other bubbles of creation, such as star-systems [the Milky Way Galaxy is an example], which, in turn, holds other bubbles of creation, such as solar-systems [a star cluster is an example], which, in turn, holds planetary-systems [a system composed of one or more suns that have a collection of planets about it/them is an example] , we must remember that a galaxy's planes of existence are planes wherein Matter is made up of vibrating frequencies (see fig. #2); such that, each independent plane of existence vibrates at a specifically unique frequency (this difference in frequencies, among other changes, could determine the base of the galaxy).

It is the difference in frequencies that separate the different levels from one another; again, it is not the presence nor the absence of these frequencies that govern the existence upon these planes of existence, it is the difference of frequencies (as these frequencies interact with and against one another), which govern the nature of and the specific limits of existence upon the nine major energy planes of the carbon-based galaxy. It is important to note, however, that while the carbon-based galaxy has nine energy planes, galaxies of other bases could have a different number.

On each of the nine major planes of existence, it is both, the nature and the form of the interacting frequencies that exists within each separate band of frequencies, and, the nature and the form of the interaction that takes place between the different bands of frequencies, that give rise to the different possible life-forms that can reside upon the lower physical planes [Middle Middle Earth and Lower Middle Earth, see fig. #3]; specifically, the relationship between the differing frequencies within a single band makes possible existence within differing times that takes place within the same element of space; and, it is this difference of frequency from which mobility gets its power to animate, or to move the creations of the physical planes; and, the relationship between the different bands of frequencies is what makes possible the continuance of life, with respect to what man calls the life vs. death difference.

What is important to understand, from the human point of view, is that existence upon the higher plane is (from lower middle Earth to middle middle Earth), in and of itself, the highest energy state the twin species human can achieve within the Cocoon of The Grand Maya at this time in its development.

While it might be difficult to understand just how such a seemingly nonphysical thing [as frequency] can create solid matter, it might be easier if we look at the concept of frequency as simply being (the relative change with respect to the changing of polarities and phase), that which is governed by specific laws; such as, it is the relative difference of the molecular arrangements, their bonding agents, and the relative difference in the bonding's phase that determine the final outcome of what we call physical matter.

However, for the more scientific thinker, look at it as the types of enclosures and the restrictions that are placed upon energy while that energy is operating under the influence of specific laws. A possible example might be that it is the specific point along the Continuum of Force which makes energy seem solid; or, it is the force which, when controlled by specific laws, determines the state of matter [solid, gaseous, or liquid].

We are reminded of the law: The force that is evoked to create is the same force that binds that creation within the limits of its created boundaries, unto forever. When the beating of the different frequencies is just right, what was once movable, under the right condition, will now become solid as the gravity wave folds back in upon itself (it folds back in upon itself once it reaches the boundaries of its containment, much like the water waves in a pond when it reaches its containment wall).

In a domino-like action, this interaction will cause one of the frequencies of a higher energy-band to cause, in a lower energy-band, an implied frequency to vibrate in unison, causing a temporary shift of phase.

Again, we must bear in mind that during the original creation, the law that caused the creation of that specific plane of existence also set limits within that creation--the most important limit was the limit of mobility with respect to the state or form of matter within a given aspect of space, as that relationship (of matter vs. mobility and of mobility vs. space) was modified by the time element that governed that space.

It is the activation of this relationship between the triune forces of mobility, time and space that created a new plane of existence (a plane wherein matter is more gross than the matter from the next higher plane... until, finally, as we continued the process, as we continued to descend into The Grand Maya, matter became as solid as is our present physical matter), such as the lower physical planes of the Earth Experience.

However, we must remember that it is gravity that controls not only the time phase within any given sector space, it also controls the true speed (as opposed to the relative speed) that light can travel across any sector of space. Also, it is the waves of gravity that cause an excessive pressure to be applied to the little balls of unknown matter that combine to make up the space in question; thus, causing a solid, a more gross type of matter to exist within a seeming gas or fluid type of matter. More important, when the correct frequency ratio is reached between the three or more components that go into the makeup of a bubble of creation, a seemingly solid wall, or a placental-type barrier will exist across specific areas of the seeming space. This solidness could be more solid than normal solids, and, it could even be invisible to the naked eye. It is this that keeps the creations separated from one another.

We must remember that during the drama of creation, it is the world of the infinite, the vastness of the un-seeable, the solidity of the untouchable, the sensitivities of the un-sensible, and the reliability of the un-perceivable that is the driving force for finite mobility.

This new creation [the new plane of existence], being cyclic in its basic nature, is the major steering current governing the creation of a phenomenon which we call Recursive Space. However, because of the laws of Repeating Patterns, this effect upon the Time/Space Continuum permeates the entire Universe which seeded it.

The concept of bubbles within bubbles is important if we are to understand the creative aspects of traveling. It is important because each of the many different bubbles, although they exist within other bubbles, has its own subset of law which governs it completely. While it is true that many of the laws from the larger bubble repeat themselves within the smaller bubble, there are many laws which can only be found within the smaller of the two bubbles. Here, the claim to uniqueness is at work. Understanding the nature of creation becomes much simpler when we think in terms of a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble.

As an example, our Universe is only one of the many bubbles which exist within the larger bubble we call The Dimensional Bubble. Our Universe is called the carbon Universe because carbon is the basic building block. Other Universes, although still within The Dimensional Bubble, might be called the copper Universe, because in that Universe, copper would be the prime building block.

Still another example is the fact that our galaxy is but one of many galaxies which exist within the bubble we call the universal bubble. The pattern repeats itself all the way down to the smallest bubble that can be found in creation, a bubble within the the twin-species human bubble, a bubble called a man or a woman.

It is written that I am my own creator... that I create myself according to the thoughts that I choose to play with. It is written that I created my birth by choosing to descend within an illusion of my own creation... that I imposed upon two of my kind to stop their own dreams so I may have a vehicle within which to experience the lower levels, the lower planes of existence, that I may become one with the dreams that trap upon Lower Middle Earth. It is written that I have evoked the Law Of Karma to open the door that keeps me from my illusions upon and within The Earth experience... too late, much too late do I sit and think of my folly, and, so I cry. It is written that I have naught but my thoughts to guide me from my own desires... woe unto the day that I achieved my will. Too late, know I to take care of that which I desire... too late, know I that my desires bring me not but pain. It is written that though I seek to reunite with my heritage, my own dreams bar the way... for weal or for woe, I must first undo my desires.