Interaction vs. Intra-action: A point of view
(The Double Path Of Communication)

Interaction vs. Intra-action is the relationship between two completely different sets of communication whose task is to limit or to define the use of power.

The first [interaction] limits the communication of power between possibilities that exist outside a given entity; be those possibilities on the planetary's level of power, the country's level of power, the state's level of power, the city's level of power, the group's level of power, or the individual's level of power. If the possibility in question is on the planetary level, then the communication is between two or more planets which may or may not be in the same solar system. Likewise, if the communication is on the individual's level of power, then the communication is between two or more individuals who may or may not reside in the same locality, the same country, or the same planet.

The second [intra-action] limits the communication of power between possibilities that reside within a given entity. The intra-action might be between the individual and his family values, the individual and his environment, or between an individual and his prejudices.

Law One:

Regardless of the type and regardless of the type's level, any power structure that exists has, as a part of its existence, a very specific sequential, step by step manner which must be followed if harmony is to be achieved.

Law Two:

No life-form shall achieve any degree of autonomy from any power structure stated in Law One until first all dictates/requirements have been satisfied (autonomy can only be achieved when harmony/homeostasis is used as the power base, the seat of power that gives divine authority to do something. It must be remembered that in the Earth Experience, it is Law--the divine authority--that gives reality to an illusion). If all requirements have not been achieved, then the natural state of Planet Earth will rule the situation. Remember the law of Earth: Kill and be killed; Eat and be eaten.

The most important equations to remember during any type of inter/intra-action are:

  1. Ability + Power + Authority = Peace;
  2. Ability with no Power, thus no Divine Authority = War;
  3. Authority but no Power, thus no ability = Frustration.

Needless to say, we have just spoken of one of the points that lay along the Continuum of Power that governs within a life-forms illusion; specifically, the Triunity of power--1. The Ability to rule; 2. The Authority to rule by divine right; and, 3. The Power to create changes within any given situation, limited only by the laws which govern the moment.

The Law Of The Moment states: Each and every moment of every day that an individual experiences Life, each thought, each desire, or each deed [it matters not if the deed be one of commission or one of omission], shall have one and only one chance within relative time to exert control over the individual's unwritten future. Once the moment has passed, it shall never again have the chance to rule. Regardless of the happenstances of the moment, an individual, regardless of the presence or the absence of his limitations, may become aware of everything which exists upon a lower level of creation, very little of that which exists upon his own level of creation, and, nothing which exists upon any level of creation which is higher than his own. However, each and every moment does do three things in the sameself moment of every happenstance--firstly, each moment shall ratify the needs of the past; secondly, each moment shall satisfy the needs of the present; and, thirdly, each moment shall write the script which will determine the individual's future.

Law Three:

Neither the power, the ability, nor the authority (which gives divine right) may be gained or achieved by usurpation. If the power or the authority is sought by usurpation the result will be universal resistance and/or abject rejection over time.

Law Four:

By the law of The Continuum Of Power, the Continuum Of Abilities is forever in flux; such that, each point of the continuum may or may not be different in various ways. However different each power base is, it is ganged to both, the power base above it and the power base below it.

In some cases, there is a positive correlation between power bases; and, in other cases there is a negative correlation between the power bases. Still, in other cases, depending upon the specifics of the situation, there could be first a positive correlation, then a negative correlation, or vise versa. This ganging of power bases is a part of the fabric which gives rise to a Royal Steering Current of the Earth Experience; specifically, the first law of Illusion.

The First Law Of Illusion states:

It is The World of Illusion which is the driving force for reality; and, within that reality, it is the level of observation which creates the phenomenon; and, within each phenomenon, it is the Law Of The Moment which dictates the needs of the situation which brings forth the stage upon which we play our games; and, within these games, it is the interaction between the needs and the acquired needs of The Law Of The Moment which determines the roles we play in any given life; and, during any given life, it is the drive to satisfy the rewards of our needs and the acquired needs of our dreams, of our hopes, and of our desires that will determine the interaction of the Six Points Of Power over our emotions within any given Illusion; and, with the satisfaction of our Illusions, The Magic Circle is fulfilled upon that level of experience.

However, because Change is, itself, one of the Royal Steering Currents, it must obey (be modified by) the Six Points of Power from which the Seven Rivers of Creation stem; therefore, there must be at least six proponents (the six points of power) present if a change is to take place--all are catalysts. They are:

  1. Desire;
  2. Purpose;
  3. Motivation;
  4. Values;
  5. Attitudes;
  6. Interest.

All six must be present to effect a real change. Without all six, a change in behavior may be affected, but it will not be permanent.

According to the law which creates opposites [The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other], if there are six threads of creation which cause change, there must also be six threads of creation which fight against change. In this case, they are:

  1. Fear;
  2. Lack of understanding;
  3. Desire to play a game;
  4. Defense mechanisms;
  5. Lack of purpose;
  6. Lack of a reward.

It must be remembered that change, itself, is also a continuum of many threads. An example of the many threads of the Continuum of Change is the fact that while behavior can change to meet the needs of the present situation, attitudes and values do not necessarily change with it.

If the question how do you become what you are, were to be asked, the only true reply would be that each, in his own way, often without knowing what it is that they are doing, looks about them for images that attract them favorably. Then, via imitation, they start the process of becoming like the images of their choice. Again, without realizing it, as an individual is in the process of creating himself/herself, they follow the laws which govern the creation of a mythical personality [they build a castle in the sand, then they move in].

Among the many different possibilities for the Continuum of Change to have its effect, the most striking is the effect change can have upon the individuals of the species Man. Like everything else within creation, there is a specific set of laws which govern the how of change.

  1. Learn the laws of your illusions.
  2. Obey the laws of your illusions 24 hours a day.
  3. Be willing to change your attitudes of bemusement.
  4. don't blame anyone.
  5. Adopt attitudes that you would like permanently.
  6. Choose reference points you would like as yours.
  7. Manufacture behaviors that you would like as yours.
  8. Put all this together and create a game.
  9. Make and attach all the rules to that game.
  10. Fabricate a complete psychological structure for that game.

Make sure you decide and attach all required emotions to their proper behaviors; it is the pairing of these emotions to their respective behavior which brings forth a state of reality to the game. When all this is finished, step back and you will discover that you will have created a mythical personality. Look at that personality closely. Find out if that is what you would like to be. Make the necessary adjustments (to keep it in a framework of existing reality). Give that mythical personality a value system from which it can operate (In the process of creating the self, instead of imitating an older brother, an older sister, a parent, or a valued friend, it is this mythical personality that is imitated. As day to day activity occurs, the question What would he/she do, is often asked).

Again, step back. Look at the creation and again adjust it according to the needs of the reality in question's needs of the moment (does the present personality talk too much? Does the physical body not look right... is it too fat... is it too skinny? Make the necessary changes to satisfy the needs of reality, making sure the image is proper for the times; then, again look back).

When you are satisfied with the mythical creation, summon your heart's desire and evoke the magic of reality to give the mythical personality mobility (It is the magic which can only come to a creation by the channel of the emotions. It is the complete belief in the creation which gives it Reality). In short, put all your emotions completely into it. Make the whole thing yours. A little bit at a time, swap your aspects for its aspects. Make its value systems, its reference points, your value systems, your reference points, etc. (However, make sure the reference points are positive ones. There are enough prejudices in the world. There is a special problem when creating, for the first time, a new personality. The problem comes from the fact that men and women are two subspecies from the species human. As two completely different subspecies, the basics are different for both.

For the male, while the male will sometimes need to defend himself against attacks from others of his kind, then more then ever, he needs to remember that there is no need to fight to prove manhood. Going beyond the needs of defense will not prove him to be a stud.

For the female, while it might seem to be a time when being popular is important, more then ever, she needs to remember that she does not have to be loose to be liked. If a young man can bed you easily, you might indeed seem popular; but, it will not be because you are liked. It will not be you that they are after, it will be the fact that they can bed you easily when they are in the mood for bedding.

Next, be willing to make any changes within yourself to make your pattern fit this newly created entity. For example, if you create a college professor, you must go to school to become a college professor.

If you create an electrical engineer, you must go to school and learn what is required to become an electrical engineer. If you want to become a stable individual, you must follow the recipe which allows you to accomplish becoming stable. If you create a likable person, you must find those things within a personality that people like. In every case, you must create it, move into it, and become it. Everything must be created. Nothing happens on its own. The more you are allowed to create, the more free you are from the effects of Karma. The more you are not allowed to create, the less free you are from the effects of Karma. Always there is a struggle, a struggle between what you are and what you want to become. There is no escape from this condition. In any case, there are two laws which must always be obeyed, regardless of the situation at hand. They are:

  1. Within the concept of allowing yourself to learn the required new knowledge, always do your own thinking;
  2. Within the concept of allowing for necessary changes, with respect to the process of changing yourself into the newly created personality, never do anything that you, as an individual, feel or think is wrong.

The ganging effects of law four manifest themselves along multiple veins of creation. The veins could be with respect to time; with respect to space; with respect to emotions; with respect to priority; with respect to ability; with respect to authority; with respect to individuality; with respect to necessity; and, with respect to the necessities of the modifications of both positive or negative correlations of power bases. However, under all conditions, the laws which govern the moment rule the scepter.

As I approach The Earth Experience, I understand that I must create myself to suit the needs of the moments that will guide my path from one level of awareness to another, until I have successfully achieved the goals of my dreams, and, of my desires.

As I approach the First Level, I find that I encounter the first Duality: The species to which I am born is Dual in its nature--the Male and the Female... I must choose one of the two paths.

As I approach the Second Level, I find a strong attraction, a strong desire to have chosen the other path--I remember the law which states that as an entity descends into physicalness, each is drawn to the other half, as each is drawn to the others of his kind. I find Male seeking female..., seeking Male in a confusion that binds the emotions to deeds undone.

As I approach my self's other half, I meet the emptiness that drives me ever onwards towards the grave that is called life, and, so I weep!