House of Judea vs. House of Egypt:
Twin Paths Into Destiny
(To speak of one is to speak of the other)

While it is true that we do not deny the truths of a people, we simply see those truths from a different point of we, too, lived during those times...and we say: it is thus it was, in those times, that the people who knew the GreatForce in their hearts were corrupted.

When Aten's people were forced to leave Egypt [during the uprising of the priests of Amen Re against Pharaoh Akhenaten, which led to his murder], many went into the land of Hebron and there lived with a wandering people called the Hokites. In the event of time, a great judgment befell the land--the waters that flooded the land from the vault of the sky were receded. The land was sorely oppressed by famine [This was a time when the weather patterns of the world changed].

A noble of the land--a man called Jacob--sent his sons unto Egypt to purchase grain that the people would not die of hunger. First Minister of the House of Egypt welcomed the men of Hebron. He bid the sons of Jacob to return to the land of Hebron and to tell the Hebrews to enter Egypt, that all were welcome. He bid the sons of Jacob to tell the Hebrews that a partnership is in the offering.

The first minister of the House of Egypt--a man called Joseph, himself an Hokites--did bid the sons of Jacob to barter with the people of the land of Hebron. Egypt did need people to construct its cities. The Hebrews did need all manner of sustenance. The bargain was struck. The Hebrews re-entered the land of Egypt, the land of their union with the GreatForce, to serve as builders of its cities. The House of Egypt did barter land, sheep, goats, grain, silk, and other trade-goods in exchange for the labors of the Hebrews. All was well. The GreatForce did, indeed, look with favor upon the Hebrews.

Now it was the custom in the land of Egypt to offer up the blood of animals unto their many Gods--a custom remaining from the beginning when man himself was the original sacrifice. The people of the land of Hebron were forbidden to take part in the wanton destruction of Life-- the GreatForce is not, has not, and never shall demand blood as a condition of favor toward its creation. The fruit does not demand the death of the tree.

With time, the people of the land of Hebron took to wife the women of Egypt. More and more the custom became the source for wives even though it was frowned upon, but not forbidden by Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood. However, with the advent of time, and with the great numbers of Egypt's women taken into the Hebrew's bloodline, the men of the land of Hebron could not, or would not control their wives from the practice of blood letting in sacrifice to the Old Gods of Egypt.

The people of the land of Hebron became corrupted in their attitudes toward the Aten. Bloodletting became the usual rather than the exception. Soon, the Hebrews even sacrificed the very life of the animals. They were not satisfied with just the blood. Then, with the advent of time, the people became more and more corrupt. They took to the empty ritual of feasting upon the Death of their sacrifice by eating the flesh of the dead animal, and did hold revelry as a part of their worship.

There was great abomination before the eyes of the GreatForce in the land of Egypt. Its people became dust in the face of justice, in the face of charity, in the face of righteousness, in the face of honor, and in the face of good workmanship.

The GreatForce was pained at the sight of the perversity that became within the House of the Aten. Totally avoiding the teachings of Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood, the Priests of the Temples of the Aten were empty in the face of understanding, and in the face of the GreatForce.

Those who refused the perversity of the Hebrews were soon forgotten in the face of the society. Excluded were they in all things. Those who were responsible for the souls of men were corrupted for the sake of political power. They turned the temples of the Aten into a market place of blood-sacrifice. They did set money changers in the outer halls of the Temples. And, they did, themselves, barter in the GreatForce's greatest gift--Life. Life became not worth the living if a man did not share in the perversity of the Hebrews.

The House of Egypt was dishonored by the bargain struck between Egypt and the people of the land of Hebron. Neither would they take counsel from the Priests of Amen Re, nor would Hebrews take counsel from the First Minister of the House of Egypt to honor the bargain. Work in the cities all but stopped, and the workmanship was sorely lacking. Carvings were shallow, shorings did fall, killing men.

Thus, in the face of perversity, Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood took his people, took their herds of sheep, of goats, of camels, of kids, and all their possessions out of the land of Egypt. Sorrow was in the face of all hearts at the loss of all their brethren--the twelve tribes of the people of the land of Hebron. Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood, leader of the thirteenth tribe of the people of the land of Hebron excepted in his heart the news from a vision that the brethren of the twelve tribes would never again be reunited. For, in the face of the GreatForce, they did turn away from the path of righteousness. Condemned were they into the hell-of- their-own-thoughts. Their House shall be an empty House. Their abomination would continue for more than a thousand years.

In a vision, Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood was instructed to take his people out of Egypt (this was the second exodus from the land of Egypt). The GreatForce was soon to bend the backs of those who turned away from Him.

Lo, in the face of time, the House of Egypt became disenchanted with the affairs between the Hebrews and the affairs of Egypt. He set taskmasters over the people of the land of Hebron to complete their bargain to build the cities of Egypt.

The men of Hebron soon recanted their bargain with the House of Egypt. They did send a plea to the House of Egypt that the bargain had been fulfilled over the years. They had, indeed, built many cities in the land of Egypt. But, the House of Egypt fell deaf ears upon the pleas of the Hebrews. He and his sons did set greater cities to be built in the land of Egypt. The backs of the Hebrews were indeed bent under the taskmasters.

Thus, the people of the land of Hebron lost contact with one of their tribes. Lost also, was their Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood. The thirteenth tribe, the Essenes Of Arkashea, left Egypt in the face of the perversity of the twelve tribes of the land of Hebron. Ten years did pass and the Hebrews continued to dishonor their bargain with the House of Egypt with poor and sometime no work upon the great cities of Egypt. Thus, the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebron escaped the bondage under the House of Egypt.

Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood, in a vision was instructed that the GreatForce would deliver the Hebrews from under the yoke of the House of Egypt after a time of redemption, after all the people who turned away from the GreatForce, unto the twelfth generation, had been returned unto the LifeForce. Peace reigned within the hearts of the Essenes of Arkashea, the people of the thirteenth tribe of the land of Hebron. Though the twelve tribes of the land of Hebron (the twelve sons of Jacob), did condemn themselves into the Hell of their own thoughts unto thousands of years for having turned their collective face away from the GreatForce, they would, in time, gain the opportunity of returning into the sanctity of the Greatness of the GreatForce.

And, it came to pass the sorrows of the people of the land of Hebron were multiplied under the yoke of the House of Egypt. Brother turned against brother for the sake of favors. The GreatForce laid deaf ear on the people who had turned away from Peace. The Hebrews bent sorely under the yoke of its own people. Hebrews sold other Hebrews for the slightest favor.

It came to pass that twelve generations of the Hebrews who had turned away from the GreatForce rejoined their forefathers. The GreatForce had pity in heart for the wayward children of Pharaoh of the Great White Brotherhood. He heard Pharaoh Of The Great White Brotherhood's plea to deliver his brethren from Egypt. He sent a vision to the High Priest of the Temple of the Aten to have good cheer. He would set an Hebrew male child brother to the son of the House Of Egypt, to send the House of Egypt a messenger. As prince from the House of Egypt, the male child would return from the desert to cause the House of Egypt to bend before the GreatForce and send the Hebrews out from the land of Egypt.

And, it came to pass that a young male child was placed in a reed basket. Its mother sorely bent under the whip of the taskmasters wished freedom for her son. The GreatForce remembered His promise to Pharaoh of Great White Brotherhood to deliver the Hebrews out of the land of Egypt. He caused the deed to occur during the bath of a High-born of the House of Egypt. The High-born lady, herself without child, took the Hebrew to heart and raised it as her own son (thus, the prophecy was fulfilled--a Hebrew male child became a prince in the House of Egypt).

It came to pass that enmity existed between the Son of the House of Egypt and Moses, the Hebrew took to heart by the High-born lady of the House of Egypt. When it became known that Moses was Hebrew, Ramses his brother from the House of Egypt caused Moses to be banished unto the desert to die. Ramses could not control the heart of his queen by making Moses a martyr in her eyes (Again, the prophecy was fulfilling itself).

The GreatForce was with Moses in his travels across the desert. Nurtured by the GreatForce from within, Moses crossed the desert unto the land of Midian. There, Jethro took him as a son. Moses became protector of Jethro's flock, watching over his seven daughters. Moses took Jethro's oldest daughter to wife. When Moses knew his wife, she brought forth a son called Gershom, because he was a stranger in a strange land.

It came to pass that while Moses was watching the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, The GreatForce caused a deep sleep to come over Moses. In his sleep, Moses was instructed in a vision to return to the House of Egypt and there to cause the House of Egypt to let the Hebrews return to the home of their birth.

It came to pass that the Hebrews settled after a long journey across the desert. Forty years did they wander. Generations past and the people did not give up their corrupt way of Blood Letting in celebration of the Aten. Again did the people turn away from the GreatForce that brought them out from under the Yoke of the House of Egypt. The GreatForce resolved to again bend the backs of the House of Israel. The House of Israel was placed under the Yoke of many, finally under the Yoke of Rome.

Now there came from among the Essenes of Arkashea a new teacher that dwelt among the House Of Israel. A teacher who did not believe in the seclusion of the GreatForce. The new teacher, a Brother Essene [one parent from The House Of Egypt, the other from The House Of David], A master of Earth, a man called Jesus, born under the sign of the House of David. With the blessing of the Great White Brotherhood, the Master Jesus publicly taught of the need to love all men as brothers. Jesus, being also of the master level of The Brothers of the Chain of the manifestations of the LifeForce upon the Earth, He attempted to teach others who were less fortunate, who had less understanding that only by being brothers can each individual, in turn, find peace.

The Teachings of the Essene of Arkashea, Brother Jesus, fell upon deaf ears. The backs of the people of Israel were sorely bent in their captivity. A king was set over them by the power of Rome--Herod. A corrupt king, he killed his brother and took his brother's wife to his own bed chambers. His daughter Salome danced before the king for the head of John--the Baptist.

The, so-called, holy men of Israel further corrupted the people by demanding a sacrifice of pure offering--an animal that only the priests of the Temple could supply. They corrupted the meaning of offering in the face of the GreatForce. The original meaning for the term offering was to communicate from the heart to the GreatForce--a thanksgiving for the experience of Life. The priests of the Temple at Israel corrupted the meaning to being the blood and the life of a lower form of Life. The flesh of the murdered animal was to remain behind, so that the men of the temple could dine on the pain of the labor of others. They were, indeed, empty in the Face of truth.

The new teacher--Jesus--again tried to ward off the tempest of the people. He tried to teach the common people to ward off their ways of anger. He tried to bring about a reunion between Israel and its lost thirteenth tribe. The corruption of the people was great. Those who were responsible for the justice of the common man were also responsible for their souls. In great fear of the loss of their political power, they sought out a member of Jesus' band. The man, a Zealot called Judas, bartered for the life of the Master Jesus. Empty in understanding, Judas did not realize that the teachings of Jesus were not of the Roman infested land. They were teachings of the heart... A way toward peace.

In a fit of pity, Jesus again tried to ward off the tempest by revealing to the men of the temple the contents of a vision. Israel had, indeed, become a harlot. A harlot who worshipped in an empty house. Not until Israel learned to cry could their hearts allow the GreatForce to reenter. The temple of Israel would be razed to the ground. Israel would be no more. Change! Accept the teachings of the GreatForce while there was still time. All fell on deaf ears. The men of power wished to preserve their power more than their souls.

"Hear the justice of the GreatForce" cried Jesus, in the temple before the men of power, "The temple of Israel shall be cast unto the Hell of its own thoughts," said he, in tears of despair over the sudden pain of recognition that all in the temple were condemned unto oblivion. Only one man would be saved, if he would leave the temple of darkness and never return to public life.

Time passed as the Sabbath approached. Jesus was to enter into the city of Jerusalem. The men of the temple were indeed caustic in their judgment. They resolved to bare false witness before the power of Rome, and before their king--Herod.

The Essene of Arkashea--Master Jesus--was later found in a garden with his followers, and there brought to the power of the Sanhedrim. There, He was accused of trying to overthrow the power of Rome. They twisted His words to new meanings--a meaning of their own creation to serve their corrupted purpose. Not wishing to further anger the masses, and finding themselves without power, they, under cover of night, took Jesus to be judged by their king, whom they hated--Herod.

Herod, too refused to bend to their ill wills. He returned Jesus to the power of the men of the temple. They, in turn, entreated the Power of Rome to judge Jesus. Pilate, trying to free the innocent rabbi, left the choice to the people of the city. The men of the temple did take force into the crowd to force a judgment against Jesus.

He was, as was the custom of Roman justice, crucified upon a cross which he, himself, should carry to the site of His death. Lo, it may have been a Roman cross upon which He died, but it was not Rome's justice that killed Him. The force that killed Him was the state of justice in Israel.

Today--the second Friday of the fourth cycle of the moon since the new beginning of Earth's journey about the Sun--is a day of mourning. Today, the fools of Earth have again repeated their folly. Today, the son of our blood--The Master Jesus of Bethlehem, born to Joseph of Nazareth, seeded of the House of David, suffered The Birth by Mary, is put to death upon a Roman Cross by the power of Rome, but, is placed upon that cross by the treachery of Caiaphas of the Sanhedrim. As it was written, so shall it be done--where power is great, error will serve that greatness. Jerusalem, indeed, worships in an empty house. Not until Jerusalem learns to cry for all her misdeeds shall she learn the meaning of Peace.

Today, we--descendants of the White Brotherhood--shall forever mourn this misdeed. The House of Jerusalem shall be razed to the ground. As Jerusalem's seat lives in Treachery, so shall she be reseeded by her deeds. Her people shall be placed in bondage as was our blood placed in bondage. Her people shall be scattered by the Force-of-darkness as our blood was scattered along the path of Calvary. Her people shall be scourged and the flesh flayed as was our blood upon the Sanhedrim's Roman cross for the same sake. The GreatForce shall not look upon the people of Jerusalem until the deed is amended. The Laws of Creation shall demand blood for blood. It is said that a man may use the greatness of his heart to forgive the wrong done against him. And, in so doing, he releases himself from the turn of the wheel. But! Karma forgives nothing! Blasphemy against The LifeForce can never be forgiven within a single life's cycle.

Today, and on this day each year's end, our people shall remember. They shall, in their hearts, seek understanding of the occurrences of the times. They shall seek to understand the misdeeds of their own creations, as no man is without misdeeds that he can judge another. They shall seek to make right the wrongs done to others. Today is a day of mourning--mourning for the blood of our people, mourning for the temptation that brings misdeeds to ourselves, and mourning for those who walk in the stubbornness of his own heart, for he surely shall not know peace until he learns to cry. Great, indeed, is the power of The Grand Maya over Man--both the male and the female!

I saw myself in a dream, a dream called Life;
I saw myself upon the face of Earth, and knew the wonders of Earth, of Sea, and of Sky;
I saw myself as Man upon the Earth and knew the sorrows of the pains of Earth as I ruled;
I saw myself at the end of life, as all who live must see;
I, at the end of life, knew the death of Earth was my death, the death of Sea was my death, the end of sky was my end; too late, I Cry.
I saw myself and in that vision I see this possibility.... maybe tomorrow.... maybe... tomorrow...
It is said that in my hurried want for satisfaction I throw away the very things that I work for when I think that I have successfully deceived others... Still, is that truly so? One day I will have to ponder that possibility.... maybe tomorrow... maybe... Tell me, if you can, why do I dread tomorrow so? Could it be that tomorrow will show me who I truly am, maybe... Some day I'll have to ponder this...