Karma: The Power Of Justice
(The power behind reincarnation)

Karma is the word used to denote the Laws of Cause and Effect as they [the laws] relate to beings possessed of the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing. Karma, like everything else in Creation, exists in the form of a Continuum--On one end of the continuum we have The Walk of Freedom, and on the other end of the continuum we have The Walk of Predestiny.

If Man desires to come to understand the Universe, he must use his language to examine both, the whole and its component parts. To try to understand the whole, all at once, is absurd. The All cannot be grasped with the present limitations of the human mind. Still, to look only at the component parts, without applying patterns seen there to the whole, is equally absurd. This would be like having the key that opens every room in a castle, but only using it to open one or two of its many doors, simply because you never realized it could open them all.

The first thing to understand is that absolutely everything that was created, was created by using a system of laws. These laws control the entire Universe. Everything that exists does so because Law, itself, allows for its existence. Everything that exists is a manifestation of Law--Recursive Dialusion is the label for the Universal Set of laws.

The prime law is that of Cause & Effect. Cause and effect is in force throughout all of Creation. Due to the presence of cause and effect, other laws came into being. These include the law of creation via Repeated Patterns. These Repeated Patterns are brought about by the use of Continuums. As we develop our picture of the Universe, we shall see the existence of these Laws in every aspect of Creation.

If we look at the Universe as a whole, the first label we must apply is either physical or nonphysical. Primedial-Force is nonphysical (remember, there is a difference between Primedial-Force and Primordial-Force. Primedial-Force is the energy which is found within the Zone of Non-Darkness, also known as the sea of un-created futures. It exists outside of Creation as we know it; it is outside the double-gate of creation, while Primordial-Force is the material, if you can call it that, from which the physical universe was made), while Orthodontiks, The High Energy Planes, and The Lower Astral Planes of existence [wherein Earth resides] are physical.

Thus, using logic, we can conclude the following: If the Universe is divided into a duality of physical and nonphysical, and if the law of Repeated Patterns holds, then both the physical and the nonphysical parts should be further divided into component parts. As we begin to travel to other realities we come to know that this is true.

There are at least as many physical dimensions to the Earth Experience as there are elements. The law of repeated patterns holds true in all of these dimensions, and each dimension is further subdivided into levels, which are, in turn, further divided into sub levels.

This is not the most sophisticated understanding that language will allow, but for many seekers who are still mastering language, experiencing different realities, and overcoming limitations, it is adequate.

It would help understanding if the seeker would picture all the physical sub levels, the levels, and the many dimensions (and their accompanying laws) as threads. These threads intertwine to form a solid shape that is too large for man to recognize... a solid shape that is, itself, a continuum of solidity. At any point in the solid shape, threads intersect at every conceivable angle. This mass of intersecting threads is called The Fabric of The Grand Maya.

Just as pulling one thread in the solid shape would disturb all the other threads, since they are all interconnected, so, too, does every action in one reality affect the reality in all other levels, since they, too, are interconnected. Thus, although Man usually thinks in terms of uni-levels or separation between levels, it is more accurate to think in terms of multi-levels, all of which is interwoven and thus is mutually affecting all other threads of the weave.

As we travel from one level to another we learn many interesting things. Firstly we see that in order to experience any level, we need a Ka (a vehicle, or body, that is made up of the matter of that level). Just as every level is slightly different, so, too, will the Ka of each level be slightly different.

Still, we see similarities in the Ka. All the different Ka will have the capacity to store information that is necessary for the respective Ka to maintain its existence upon its respective level, and to retrieve this information without thoughts from the Eternal Ka intervening. On this [our physical] level, we call this capacity Automatic-pilot. A more encompassing term for understanding Automatic-pilot might be the programmable instincts.

Since there is a Ka residing on all levels of experience, and since each Ka needs to experience its reality without interference from the reality of neighboring levels, one purpose of the programmable instincts is to act as a placental-type barrier between respective levels of existence.

This has the effect of freeing the mind of all the multi-level Kas, including the Eternal Ka [the Ka that resides upon the very highest level of existence] from having to pay attention to tasks which are performed on the lower levels of experience and the tasks that are performed over and over upon its own level of existence, thus freeing it to experience the reality it is in. Of course, Automatic-pilot has other functions, also.

Both, the nature of the programmable instincts and what is programmed into them, will be different for each level of experience. Therefore, we would have to study each reality's programmable instincts separately if we wanted to understand a specific level. For our purposes, the only programmable instincts worth studying in depth, for the present time, are our own--Automatic-pilot.

If we look at all the levels as a whole, we can discern certain patterns which seem to apply universally. Since the programmable instincts exist on every level, this would seem to uphold the law of creation by Repeated Patterns. The original pattern used in every reality is the same; it is changed only slightly to fit the needs of the new level's reality.

Thus, we see that the only thing that is Universally applicable is change. You can absolutely say that when you go from one level of existence to another, things will change. Change is universally constant. The nature of the change is not constant, but the fact of change is. Change is the essence of multidimensionality.

Another interesting thing we see is that adjacent levels seem to oppose each other. That is, there is a seeming reversal of the laws as you cross the Placental-type barrier from one level to the next. Why and how this is so must wait for a later time.

In order to descend into this fabric of The Grand Maya, the entity must self-impose limitations upon itself. The prime limitation is that of the laws of Karma--the laws of Cause & Effect. Once the entity has descended into The Grand Maya, it loses its understanding of exactly how Cause & Effect weaves the web of The Grand Maya. It is this very understanding which we are now trying to regain; again, the tool of language is all we have to do so.

If we do not understand exactly how law works, in all its intricacies, we will not be able to escape Maya; this is especially true of the laws of Cause & Effect. One reason for this is because the laws of Cause & Effect is probably Man's greatest stumbling block. Another is because the laws of Cause & Effect are so complicated. However, the basic pattern for all those laws is quite simple-- If X happens, then Y will also happen.

Depending on what specific aspect of Cause & Effect we want to talk about, we create a different label, then we give it specific attributes. Only in this manner can we understand anything at all about the fabric of Cause & Effect.

One of the many laws of Cause & Effect is the Continuum of Karma. Causes and their respective Effects is how the Continuum of Karma operates. All Causes, regardless of the level of its source, have corresponding effects which may or may not be limited to the level of its source.

From the viewpoint of escaping from the Weave Of Maya [said to be good] or from the viewpoint of descending further into the Weave of Maya [said to be bad], some Cause & Effect patterns are good, while others are bad. Some will create further descent while others will aid the process of freeing oneself. Some deeds will force the individual into the Walk Of Predestiny while other deeds will allow the Walk Of Freedom. (What determines which patterns are good and which are bad is another question entirely and will be dealt with in a later section.)

Many students, mostly because of inexperience and the blinders of language, think in terms of descending into a specific level, or specific experience, such as Earth. This is, from the viewpoint of understanding the fabric, not the best concept. It is better to think in terms of descending into Maya, itself, than descending into any specific level. As they descend into Maya, they become involved with The Tree of Life as it is seen in Fig. #1. The Tree of Life is the seed pattern for the Continuum of Karma.

The Continuum of Karma is a measure of one's descent into The Grand Maya's weave of traps. It has two ends to it-- Predestiny and freedom. If one is descending further into the web of Maya, one is traveling toward Predestiny along the Continuum of Karma, and we call that The Walk of Predestiny. If one is ascending from Maya, one is traveling toward freedom along the Continuum of Karma, and we call that The Walk of Freedom (see Fig. #1).

The Continuum of Karma obeys the law of Repeated Patterns. Thus, it is split into two distinct Continuums--The Walk of Predestiny and The Walk of Freedom. The Walk of Freedom has two ends to it: very little or limited freedom, and very much or near unlimited freedom. The point along the continuum that the individual occupies tells us how much freedom he has. The Walk of Predestiny has its own corresponding points--slight predestination to total predestination.

If we look at the Continuum of Karma and see that an individual is on the Walk of Freedom, we know that, for that specific circumstance, he is becoming more free from the traps of Maya--basically, the individual is learning to control their emotions. The point he occupies on the Walk of Freedom tells us how much freedom he has acquired-- Will the individual change before a target event, during the target event, of after the target event. However, this tells us nothing of how fast he is escaping. He may be growing very slowly or quite rapidly.

Thus, there is still another aspect to the Continuum of Karma. We call this aspect the Continuum of Freedom. It has, of course, its corresponding Continuum of Predestiny.

The Continuum of Freedom tells us how fast the individual is growing; how quickly and/or how often the individual is gaining the freedom to avoid Maya's traps. On one end of the continuum growth is slow. The individual is slowly growing. The individual is falling into more traps than they avoid. The individual is slowly gaining the ability to make changes within Automatic-pilot.

On the other end of the Continuum of Freedom the individual is growing fast. The individual is avoiding more traps than they are falling into. The individual is rapidly, gaining the ability to make changes in Automatic pilot.

An individual who is on the Walk of Predestiny is not growing; he is becoming more entrapped in Maya. He will be on the Continuum of Predestiny. The Continuum of Predestiny has two ends, quick and slow, just like the Continuum of Freedom. The point the individual occupies along the Continuum of Predestiny will tell us how fast he is becoming locked into negative patterns which have been programmed into Automatic-Pilot--how fast he is descending further into The Weave of Maya.

It is the laws of the Continuum of Karma that determine whether the individual is on the Walk of Freedom or on the Walk of Predestiny. How fast he is walking along the continuum, in either direction, is the continuum of either freedoms or Predestiny.

You can see that these are all arbitrary distinctions that we, as thinking entities using language, make. They are all designed to make it easier for us to understand how the laws of Cause & Effect manifest in the physical dimensions. Although they are arbitrary, they are absolutely essential. Without these distinctions we would not be able to understand nor manipulate Cause & Effect. Our minds are not designed, once in Maya, to be aware of everything, all at once, so, we must try to map the fabric of the Weave of Maya using one concept at a time.

When dealing with the laws of Cause & Effect, it is very fruitful to dissect the fabric into many components, but one must remember not to lose sight of the fact that it is just one force acting like the fabric as a whole. The fabric is our best picture of the Universe, and our eventual goal is to understand the entire castle, not just one or two rooms.

Another mental picture we can draw for understanding's sake is that of the box within a box within a box. One can think of the laws of Cause & Effect as a big box. Within that box (inside Maya) there are many smaller boxes, such as the Walk of Freedom, the Walk of Predestiny, the Continuum of Freedom, and the Continuum of Predestiny. Still, it is really only one box. We think of it as many boxes in order to make the immensity of it easier to grasp. When you leave Maya, you leave the box altogether. When you're in Maya, you are completely within the grip of the box, whether you prefer to think of it as many small boxes, one big box, or both, small and big boxes.

Each box represents a different aspect of the fabric of the laws of Cause & Effect. The lines between boxes show how the aspects are related to each other as are the boxes in the Tree of Life.

The Continuum of Karma has two aspects: the Walk of Freedom and the Walk of Predestiny. These two aspects, the Walk of Freedom and the Walk of Predestiny, are joined because they are really the opposite ends of the same continuum, as noted by the double ended arrows. As such, you can take either route: the road to Predestiny, which is along one side of the tree, or the road to freedom, which is on the other side of the tree.

The Walk of Freedom is joined to the Continuum of Freedom, which dictates how fast you are traveling along the Walk of Freedom. That is, how fast you are gaining the freedom necessary to make changes in Automatic-pilot.

Similarly, the Walk of Predestiny is joined to the Continuum of Predestiny.

Notice that the Continuum of Freedom, which is one side of the tree, is not joined to the Continuum of Predestiny, which is on the other side of the tree; there are no horizontal arrows connecting the left side of the tree to the right; there are only diagonal arrows connecting the different levels of the Walk of Freedom to the different levels of the Walk of Predestiny. These diagonal double arrows exist because the Continuum of Freedom and the Continuum of Predestiny are but the different sides of the same Continuum. Some of these double arrows also represent speeds along their respective walks, be it the Walk of Freedom or the Walk of Predestiny.

However, in order to get to the Continuum of Freedom from the Continuum of Predestiny, the individual must first go from the Continuum of Predestiny, which is on one side of the tree, to a special bridge, herein seen as a middle box, via the diagonal arrow to the Walk of Freedom, which is on the other side of the tree. This is because one first has to acquire a new direction in one's life; one must give up the old way of selfishness and decide to serve the species rather than themselves if they are to change from the Walk of Predestiny to the Walk of Freedom. Likewise, one must stop serving the species and begin serving himself if he is to change from the Walk of Freedom and travel along the Walk of Predestiny. In any case, one must be on a path before one can attain any speed in that direction.

Still, one more mental picture that can be drawn is that of a diamond. If I have a cut diamond, and I want to talk to you about one specific facet of the diamond, I have to give that facet a name that will distinguish it from all the other facets of the diamond. I cannot just say "look at that diamond" or "look at that facet" and expect you to understand which of the many facets is in my mind. If I say look at the facet I am pointing to with this needle, then we can both talk about the same thing. Still, we both understand that the facet has no existence separate from the diamond. We look at it and discuss it only in reference to the diamond as a whole.

This is exactly the same thing we do when we talk about the Universe. Because it is so immense, we point at certain things with words so we can isolate them from the fabric and talk about them specifically. Still, we must constantly remember that when we do so isolate them, we are making simplifications that do not really exist in the Universe-- we must incorporate the knowledge we glean from this isolation process back into our understanding of the fabric as a whole. Thus we have many terms dealing with the laws of Cause & Effect: Continuum of Karma, Walk of Predestiny, Walk of Freedom, Continuum of Freedom, Continuum of Predestiny, free-will, Predestiny, commission, omission, neutralization, and others. But, they all are talking about Karma.

We have stressed this point repeatedly because we feel it is so important. It is absolutely imperative that the seeker understand the power, the nature, and the limitations of language, and begin to treat their language as being sacred. Remember, language gets its importance-- Language gains its power not because it is a tool that is used to communicate to our environment and to others of our kind... true that's important; but that communication does not give language its power. Language gains its power because it is the only tool a seeker has to communicate to himself. This is the first law of communication.

The following passage restates many of the concepts we have been discussing:

Karma is the word used to denote the laws of Cause & Effect as they relate to beings possessed of the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing. Karma, like everything else in Creation, exists in the form of a Continuum.

To understand Life is to understand the laws of Karma. To understand Karma, the mind must think in terms of Cause & Effect. Karma is likened unto a scribe. Its force is simply an account of all the experiences experienced in all of the respective levels of awareness. Thus, Karma is called The Golden Scribe who keeps a watch upon the pattern used to weave the fabric of the experience of life's loom.

Understand and accept that the Golden Scribe's function is evoked by [the] GreatForce! It is the same law that evoked its presence that keeps its tally. Each, to its own due. What is incurred in the flesh must be paid in the flesh. Each unto its own kind, measure for measure... and, the ability to change while trapped within any game depends upon the nature of the game, and the limits of the chosen game. We must bare in mind that while the seeker can use their freewill to enter into a game of life, once the choice is made... once the seeker has actually entered into a game, the seeker no longer has any freewill. It is now the laws of their chosen game that will determine the Karma of that game. The needs of the moment become important as Triunity demands that change within any game can only take place before a target behavior has taken place, during a target behavior, or after a target behavior has taken place. It is the moment in question that rules the game. (see Fig. #2)

To these ends, understand the interplay between the Golden Scribe and Man's desires. To the degree that the Golden Scribe marks your favor, to that degree does the mind control the forces that recombine the tally to future's bind. To that measure does the mind have freewill to choose its own set of experiences with respect to each specific learning experience upon the face of Earth... limited only by the illusions that create reality.

To the measure that the Golden Scribe marks the Stubbornness of your own heart, to that measure does the mind trap itself in the Hell of its own thoughts. To that measure has destiny to rule the scepter of your awareness, of your experience, and of the measure of ease with which you pass or fail in your own plans of life. For destiny rules the illusions that form the basic law that the World of Illusions is the driving force of all the realities. All power must return to its source. It is, after all, the manifestations of the natural laws of Cause & Effect.

Know, therefore, that what has been can be swayed. The future can still come from a different Cause. The Effect of what has been does not, by Law, dictate the edict of what will be.

Know that what has been is but the first word of what could be. When the first word has been spoken, it is writ into the aura of the Ka to await judgment of the final deed. Know, therefore, that the first word is the thought. Within the world of the physical, it is not the thought that binds the Ka to Karma's justice-- It is the deed, itself.

Understand that there are three judgments to the Walk of Predestiny. The first is the judgment of desire! For, when a man so serves himself that he looseth his emotions, he will sell a part of himself and a part of his desires, a part of his ideals upon the altar of the blind, but raging, experience of self-fulfillment. And, having spent himself unto satisfaction, speaks the first word-- His thoughts are complete.

Deeds of the past cannot be undone. Be they for the benefit of the whole, or for the lust of satisfaction, the past has been. The Arc Of The Continuum has begun.

If a man has a beginning such that he has spoken the first word, let him repent unto the coming of the second judgment. For as surely as he has time, be it not to his liking, the white feather of the Ka shall be the implement of Maat. Truth will have its way. One can hide and lie to all others, but one cannot lie to one's self.

Behold, therein lies the next judgment! As a man was in the past, even to his cloak of travel, so shall he be again! Take heed therefore. If a man chooses to, in this second cycle of judgment, eat the fruits of the first word, he has but to repeat it. Given time, he will be placed in exactly the same situations that he was once in, and this is one of the ways in which he will have the opportunity to repeat the first word. ( see Fig. #3)

Be it unto whatever, his deed shall either ratify the first cause, and thereby give reign to destiny, or, he will have seen the error of his way of self's essence and turn away to a new Cause, to a new beginning. It is thus that what will be comes from a different Cause.

Thus the first judgment is when the individual thinks about Committing some action. The second judgment occurs when the deed is actually Committed. The third judgment, that which condemns one to Predestiny, occurs when the individual repeats the action a second time. Understand that this pattern is valid for all levels, not just the reality we are familiar with.

The Golden Scribe is the Tallyman, or that aspect of Karma that keeps an account of all the experiences. Karma, is what he does; the tally itself. The continuum of the Walk of Freedom versus the continuum of the Walk of Predestiny is how the tally has its effects.

The emotions are the prime Steering Current. The minor Steering Currents are the value systems, and the excessive ego. The value systems will fan the flames of emotion, but the excessive ego will create and or elicit them.

When we use the words stubbornness of one's own heart, we use it quite literally. Each individual has something innate within them that lets them know when they are doing something wrong. Thus, if one has this information but chooses to ignore it and to behave in his own chosen way, then that is purely stubbornness.

A good example of this is prejudice. When an individual first acquires a prejudice, he knows it is wrong. Mama does it and Papa does it so it is okay. But, he really knows it is wrong. The individual destroys this knowledge, throws it away, because he wants to be like his mother and father; he wants to be like those around him. This phenomenon has to do with the child's search for security, his search for reference factors, and the formation of value systems.

Once the individual has repressed this innate knowledge, he doesn't know it is wrong anymore; his mind is already trapped. In the beginning, however, he knew it was wrong, but he stubbornly choose to behave that way regardless of this knowledge.

In regards to the actual situation surrounding an event, predestination can occur in three areas: the first (shown in the chart of Fig. #2) is usually before the event; the second, and the most important condition, shown in the chart of Fig. #2 as being during the event; the third, usually called hindsight, shown in the chart of Fig. #2 as after the event. We shall define before a target behavior as any covert or overt behavior on any level which leads up to the target behavior. During a target behavior is while the target behavior is in progress. After a target behavior is when the target behavior is over. Thus, the individual can have freewill in all of the areas, none of the areas, or any combination of the areas. Look at the chart of Fig. #2 wherein 0 represents Predestiny and 1 represents freewill.

There are eight different types of patterns. The first (0,0,0) is that of total Predestiny. When an individual is trapped to this extent, he is truly without hope. Without freewill there is no possibility of change. Thus, this individual is headed toward Oblivion.

Patterns two through seven represent individuals who have freewill to a certain extent. They can begin to make changes only in the areas marked with the number 1. Thus, an individual under pattern two would definitely be drawn into playing the game. He would not retain freewill as to his course of action during the A Happening, either. Only after the A Happening would he have freewill to make changes. By utilizing this freewill, he could, eventually, escape the trap.

What usually happens in situations like this is that some time after the individual Commits the behavior, say two weeks after, he realizes that it was wrong. The next time the cycle comes around, the individual realizes the action was wrong after only one day. The next time, he realizes it is wrong during the A Happening. The next time he realizes it is wrong before the A Happening, but he does not have sufficient time to change his behavior. Finally, he knows it is wrong before the A Happening, and he has sufficient time to change his behavior.

Each pattern has its specifics, but they all follow these rules: the individual has freewill to make changes only during those times marked with a 1. If he does in fact make changes, he will begin the process of equalization and he will eventually have freewill before, during, and after (pattern #8). If he does not make changes, he will eventually have Predestiny before, during, and after, and be headed toward Oblivion.

Understand that the above patterns (one through eight) are valid for all situations involving Predestiny. Further, each specific debt which the individual must repay carries with it its own pattern. Thus, it is not a case of an individual displaying only one of the patterns for all of his Karma-- each situation has different specifics.

Thus, even if an individual has no freewill for one specific situation, he is not necessarily headed toward Oblivion. As long as freewill exists, for any situation, there is still hope. This is because Life is a fabric. What you do in one situation will affect the freedom you have to deal with all other situations.

The key to change occurs in two areas: equalizing Karma and freewill.

Aside from helping the student to understand Karma itself, one of our prime purposes here is to show how all the facets, or threads of Karma interact to create a fabric. Since all of Creation is a fabric, the fabric of Karma is a microcosm of the Universe. Understanding Karma will help the student to think in terms of a fabric, and to understand further lessons.

The second proponent of the Royal Steering Current of the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing is Freedoms: The concept of Freedoms is a force, or a form of limitation, that is Orthodontiksly self-imposed. As such, it is Universally self-perpetuated. To understand this, we must first understand the term Orthodontiks.

Orthodontiks has reference to time, or not so much to time as a state of existence, but, still, not so much a state of existence as much as time-- it's sort of a relationship between FabricTime/FabricSpace and LinearTime/LinearSpace in the Time-space Continuum as each uses the other as a prime Reference Point, but each is independent of the other. To understand the Cause of the relationship we must first remember the three prime laws that started creation, as we know it:

  1. The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the other;

  2. That which exists shall exist dual in its nature but triune in its effects;

  3. The creation of the other shall be in the nature of the former via Repeating Patterns.

It is a state where two types of time and two types of space exist within a special bubble of creation that is called Orthodontiks. The two different types of time/space are really the two sides of the same coin; where each's prime influence is the other. While the above three laws are the Cause, Orthodontiks, the bubble wherein the interaction of the three laws exist, is the Effect. It is not unlike lining up a row of blocks. The action of the first will set into motion the action of all the others.

However, because this special bubble of existence depends only upon itself for sustenance, the laws that govern it are very special. The first law demands that if white is created, then black must not be far behind in creation's time table.

Thus, the first law becomes the Cause that creates the first Effect--The Continuum wherein exists all manner of difference within sameness.

The first Effect now becomes the new Cause whose Effect is to bring forth Placental-type barriers.

Placental-type barriers then become the new Cause whose Effect creates multiple levels of existence. Thus, recursively, the demands of the first law was satisfied.

When the first law was but an Effect of a greater Cause, Orthodontiks came into existence. However, Orthodontiks came into existence as a bubble of pure unity. As a bubble of Unity, FabricTime ruled FabricSpace. Upon this level of existence, it was the thought that did bind the pilgrim to his Karma. It was the thought that did paint FabricTime's reality into the bubble of FabricSpace. And, within the bubble of FabricSpace the residents knew not differences, knew not independent thinking, knew not independent emotions, and, knew not individuality-- All residents of FabricTime knew only the unity of the now.

Then, the first law became the great Cause that worked its magic upon the unity of Orthodontiks. The Effect was that Orthodontiks was divided into two domains wherein each was opposite of the other. Wherein the domain of FabricTime/FabricSpace knew only unity, the domain of LinearTime/LinearSpace knew the Continuum of duality.

While the first law's effects recursively satisfied the needs of the first law; in that, Orthodontiks was now dual in its nature, the second great law became the new Cause whose Effect was to bring forth, among other things, a triune effect upon the duality of Orthodontiks.

While the residents within the domain of FabricTime/FabricSpace new only the now; wherein there was no past and no future, the residents of LinearTime/LinearSpace knew a past, a present, and a future.

While it was the unity of thought that painted FabricTime's reality upon the bubble of FabricSpace to create a single reality for all residents to experience, within the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain only a part of LinearTime's reality was painted upon the bubble of LinearSpace to create a common reality for all residents of LinearTime/LinearSpace domain to play their private illusions upon.

This common reality thus acted as a stage upon which the residents of the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain could finish painting their own illusion upon the bubble of LinearSpace, thus creating multiple realities-- one for each resident.

While the needs of the first and second great law were all but satisfied, the magic of the third great law came into effect-- the repeating patterns worked their magic upon the individual residents of the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain.

While within the FabricTime/FabricSpace domain the residents reflected the unity of their domain, the residents of the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain reflected the multidimensional divisions of their domain-- thus the great law Each unto its own kind was satisfied. The unity of each individual became divided into two dual domains. Firstly the species became the TwinSpecies: Human-- the male and the female. And, each individual reflected this dual nature by carrying the potential for each within the respective Ka. Secondly, the dual nature revealed itself by dividing each resident of the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain such that each expressed a mundane nature and a spiritual nature. Still further, duality expressed itself by the division between the brain and the mind. Again, still further, duality expressed itself within each resident as conscious processes and unconscious processes.

Triunity expressed itself within the very nature of the creation of the TwinSpecies: Human. Multiple levels expressed itself within each individual by the creation of a triune state of existence.

The first level of existence expressed itself upon the stage of common reality. It was a level wherein the individual, at birth, descended into a physical body-- called the Ka. Each individual used his respective Ka to experience the illusion that he painted upon the bubble of LinearSpace. When we speak of an individual's Karma, we are speaking of the individual Ka's past deeds upon all levels of existence.

For each individual, the second level of existence expressed itself on the mental level called The World Of Alfa. All of the individual's language process resided upon this level, as did the individual's belief-system, the individual's Maat, the individual's decision making abilities, and the individual's Genesu. It is the existence of each individual's world of Alpha that allows for the creation of individuality. While that part of the individual who resided within The World Of Alfa knew LinearTime, it did not know LinearSpace. To experience life, the resident of The World of Alfa had to descend upon the first level of existence-- the Astral Plain of Common Reality.

For each individual of the LinearTime/LinearSpace domain, to experience the illusions of life, there had to be the interaction of the first and the second levels of existence. Utilizing both levels of existence, the individual was born, grew old, and died upon the stage of Common Reality.

The third level of existence expressed itself upon a still finer form of matter called The World of Beta. The not so physical body of that level of existence was called The Ba. That part of the individual could be considered as the back seat driver of the Ka.

While the cycles of illusion that was painted upon the bubble of LinearTime's reality played itself out, the individual began the death process. As more and more of the physical Ka's systems began to shut down, the individual began to experience their In Between Time. This is a time wherein the individual appears to drift in and out of seeming dreams. As this process continues, to the individual who is caught in the dying process, more and more the so-called dream state becomes reality as more and more does the state that was reality become the dreams that govern the new illusion.

During that time, the individual's World of Alfa and the reality of the Astral Plain of Common Reality shifts from being a major governing force to becoming just a part of the new dream that is slowly taking over the dying Ka's world. Still, as the In Between Time draws to an end, OtherWorld Teachers seek to aid the dying individual to give up their attachments to the exiting life. It is interesting to note that to the degree the dying individual is willing to give up their attachment to the exiting life, to that degree do they see their OtherWorld Teachers as angels helping them along the path that will lead them into a new In Between Time-- the World Of Beta. And, to the degree the dying individual refuses to give up their attachments to the exiting life, to that degree do they see their OtherWorld Teachers as demons who rip away a part of their memories of the exiting illusion.

Finely, when it is discovered that the OtherWorld Teachers can no longer help the dying individual give up their attachments to the exiting life, then their last task... their saddest task was to force the individual to experience reincarnation; wherein the individual could equalize their Karma.

Needless to say, the Ka of the World of Beta is that part of the individual that survives the death process. The World of Beta, when referenced to the World of Alfa, is a strange world. Often, the ancients have called it Hades because the experiences therein span multi-levels of creation, not limited to just the past, the present, and the future.

The basic strangeness comes from the fact that this domain is governed by both, FabricTime/FabricSpace and LinearTime/LinearSpace. The resident of the World of Beta has access to every aspect, to every governing emotion, to every bubble of reality, to all past illusions that brought the individual to where they presently are. It is within the World of Beta that the individual truly judges all past lives, all past deeds, and all karmic debts.

After having reviewed all misdeeds that created the individual's Karma, a new plan of action is written... A new script is created for the individual to experience in the next incarnation. When the time is ready, the Laws that govern the cycles of life and death again weave their magic-- A new illusion is painted which the individual will use as a pattern when painting the new reality upon LinearTime's bubble of LinearSpace-- the individual again descends into the new World of Alfa wherein the painting of this life's reality upon LinearSpace begins.

With Triunity in existence, the needs of the great laws were recursively satisfied. Each individual was now able to experience FabricTime/FabricSpace, LinearTime/LinearSpace, Orthodontiks' Time, Sidereal Time, Psychological Time, Biological Time, Star Time, Galactic Time, and Universal Time-- indeed, the Weave of Maya was complete!

It is interesting to note that Man always measures time relative to something else. Most often, it is relative to changes he sees taking place outside himself; the prime example of which is the cycles of day and night. Still, Man can also perceive time relative to changes taking place within himself; the prime example of which is how many thoughts have passed through his mind. It is almost like saying that Man cannot perceive time directly; only indirectly. Man cannot feel himself aging minute to minute, but when he looks in the mirror, he knows that time has passed. Man cannot feel the Earth turning, but when he sees the Sun setting, he knows that time has passed.

As we said before, Orthodontiks' time is not relative to anything else. Thus, to be in Orthodontiks' time implies the perception of time, itself, and not the effects of time. We might call it Absolute Time. Or, conversely, since it is so difficult to perceive of Time that has no reference to anything else, we might say that Orthodontiks' time could not properly be called time, the way we define time.

It often happens that when an attempt is made to talk about the higher levels of Creation, we find that our words are woefully inadequate. Still, we must use them, since we have no others. This is one of those cases. We talk of Orthodontiks' time, but time, as we know it, does not exist in Orthodontiks. Still, the state that does exist can only be described as time with reference only to itself.

In Orthodontiks there are no barriers, no veils of forgetfulness to bar the way to understanding the way there are once you descend into the more physical levels. Down here, on the lower physical levels, all kinds of things bar the way. Veils of invisibility, veils of forgetfulness, selective forgetting are an example of the forces which prevent you from knowing everything there is around you. Up there, they don't exist that way. Time and Space doesn't exist the way it does down here. Up there, you are aware of everything, all at once. It's like being one with all things. There is no me, there is no you, there is no it, there is no they, it's just the all, indeed, time and space are not intertwined as they are here.

While there is Karma in Orthodontiks, there is also full awareness. There are also greater freedoms. Therefore, one knows exactly what one is evoking. Thus, Karma is not a handicap the way it seems to be down here.

There, in Orthodontiks, Karma is a tool to be used in the process of Creation, to make and control a vehicle (a body) within which to reside as you descend into the different levels. The vehicle of one level is ganged to the vehicle of the next lower level, thus expressing both karmic limitations and controlled freedoms.

It is this special connection between bodies that allows the individual entity to control the matter of a lower level, thus making that matter available and amenable for the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing to animate. Once this newly formed vehicle is assembled, according to the Laws of Recursive Dialusion, and it is animated by the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing, it is now a suitable host for the descending life's form. The ganged factor is an interaction between Recursive Dialusion and the tool, Karma via the Broken Cross and the Alliance Of The Rule. Again, these concepts are discussed elsewhere, so they will not be discussed here.

Still, there is not unlimited free-will in Orthodontiks. It is as close as you can get, but it is not unlimited. For instance, one can never violate or circumvent the Universal Laws-- the Laws of Recursive Dialusion. One can understand them, and use them, but never break them.

Thus, when that spark of creation which is the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing-- which is independent of all Time and Space, and just is--descends from Orthodontiks into Matter, or the Physical Universe, it voluntarily places itself under the rule that applies in the Physical Universe. As it descends, it builds obstructions or limitations, the first of which is the Time-Space Continuum as we know it, minus its corruption via descent. The second of which is multidimensional, wherein within each dimension the original pattern is repeated; it being only slightly altered to accommodate the difference in dimension wherein the Time-Space continuum has also changed proportionally to the change in dimension. The ratio being exact within Recursive Dialusion; i.e., there is a very specific ratio between the Time-Space Continuum and the aspect of Creation within each dimension, in that Time, independent from Space, and Space independent from Time becomes a greater barrier as Creation descends. It reaches the point where Time becomes the greater of the two barriers; and, there is a phenomenon that occurs in which the laws appear to reverse themselves as you cross each boundary. As the descent continues, more obstructions are created, giving greater boundaries unto illusions. Thus, reality is formed according to the original pattern that was received from the World of Beta before the new reincarnation, and the entity has Orthodontiksly imposed limits upon itself.

Now, in terms of the self-imposed limitations upon freedom, there is a seeming paradox. Strange as it seems, the only way to get close to Absolute Freedoms is to have Absolute Control. The more control there is in the environment, the more you know what to expect out of everything that you're dealing with. Hence, the freer you are to deal with those limitations. If you have not these controls, then you do not know what to expect, and, consequently, you limit yourself considerably more. Without some type of limitation, there is only chaos. The laws of Recursive Dialusion are the limitations that gives the LifeForce and the MindForce the freedom to interact and create alter-realities.

So, a limitation is the same as a freedom. Or, perhaps more accurately, a limitation defines a freedom. Understand that it is possible to create limitations, such as veils or illusions, and yet remain in Orthodontiks. It is only when the entity descends into his illusions--inhabits a body of some type--that descent from Orthodontiks occurs. An individual can create castles in the sand, but they do not have to move into them.

Once the entity has Orthodontiksly imposed limits upon itself, these limits are self-perpetuated. When the entity descends, the Laws of the Universe, or, the Laws of the Reality to which it descends, are the Laws that keep it there--the limits are self-perpetuated. Another way of saying it is the force evoked to create the limits, keeps those very limits in force.

The Continuum of Freedom is one of the Royal delimiters, as well as one of the nonemotional amplifiers.

The level of freedoms that we have is what creates our boundaries--it defines what we can do and what we cannot. Thus, we cannot live in the same body for eternity; we can only live in the same body but forever-- The length of time is dependent upon the illusion that was painted upon the bubble of LinearSpace. We cannot jump off buildings and hope to survive. But, there are many things we can do, such as travel all over the planet, and communicate with fellow humans to a high degree. These things, all made possible or impossible by the freedoms we have allowed or disallowed ourselves in our descent, are what defines or demarcates our reality. Thus, we call the Continuum of Freedom, which is, itself, Royal, a Royal Delimiter.

Another aspect of the Continuum of Freedom is that of a non-emotional amplifier. The discussion of this aspect will have to be put off for another time.

On the highest level, freedoms are directly influenced by the following eight aspects.

  1. The laws of Creation and their effects on that specific Universal dimension, as it applies to that specific Universe, and its dimensional boundaries along the Space-Time Continuum; we can sum this one up by accepting that it is the laws of Creation as they apply to the reality one finds oneself in, as opposed to simply the laws themselves.

  2. The past effects of the individual's mind as it attempted to control the creative forces throughout Man's ascent to predominance; this one has to do with the history of the individual. Since Man operates on more than one level simultaneously, what he does on this level affects all other levels. In the process of evolving, Man has gone through many changes. What has occurred during this time, both on an individual and a species level has affected the freedoms of both, the species and the individual.... For example, when the species gave up human sacrifice in religious rites, it gained more freedoms, more opportunities to grow. Likewise, if and when the human race ever puts to rest the lust for vengeance upon others, it will have taken another giant step forward. It is possible, however, for individuals who are more highly advanced than others to gain more freedom for themselves than most of their fellows have.

  3. And, the effect of Man's mind as it interacts and/or interacted with the Continuums of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency, up to and including the level of Time, Space, and Motion; For now, let us just say that this has to do with the Creative Forces in terms of Man's descent from Orthodontiks. On a lower level, specifically, within each respective incarnation, the force called Freedoms is primarily imposed by:

  4. The dictates of creation--the effects of its limits;

  5. The respective limitations of each physical incarnation; specifically, the limitations of the body. Is it crippled? Is it well? Is it brain damaged?

  6. The socioeconomic status of the individual within the drama;

  7. The Prime Steering Currents that influence both Mobility and the Ability to learn; one of these Steering Currents is Automatic-pilot, and the other is the limitations of the physical body.

  8. And, finally, those Relative-freedoms which are imposed by a direct, independent influence of the affinity toward the Neutralization of very recent Karma.

The concept of Freedom is, itself, a Continuum. It is the only continuum that is dual in its nature. This is so because it is made of if-then conditions. The first of its nature is the Cause, and the second is the Effect. Each effect becomes the cause at the next lower level. Each point of the Continuum must deal with the presence as well as the absence of the target behavior.

Each point along the Continuum of Freedom could be thought of as following the path of an up side down letter Y (see Fig.#3).

The unity aspect (the path upon which the decision is being made) is thought of as being the target behavior. One fork of the Y represents having that freedom, while the other fork represents not having it. If you do have the freedom, then you travel down one side of the fork. If you do not have the freedom, then you travel down the other side of the fork. Once you begin to travel down one of the forks, you have eliminated all the possibilities which are associated with the other side of the fork. Each fork will lead to another fork, which will eliminate even more possibilities. Finally, you arrive at a specific situation; depending on the path of freedom you took, you will either be free to change things, or not. This is what we mean when we talk about the fabric of the freedoms.

While one might think that the Continuum of Predestiny might also be dual in its nature, since it too deals with cause and effect, this is not true. This is so because the Continuum of Predestiny operates differently than the Continuum of Freedom. For every point along the Continuum of Freedom, you either have that freedom or you don't. Thus, there are two paths, as we outlined above. The Continuum of Predestiny, on the other hand, using the Affinity-factor, links one specific cause with one specific effect. Thus, if you evoke Karma by doing something (a cause), you will get one and only one effect.

Still, cause and effect is not linear. That is, the causes and their effects don't stay nice, neat, and separate. Many causes may gang together to give one effect. Effects in themselves become causes. Additional causes may completely change existing effects. Thus, a better picture is that of many interacting threads, like a fabric or a spider's web; thus, the web of Maya. This is what we mean when we talk about the fabric of the Karma.

Being part of the Royal Steering Current, the Continuum of Freedom affects us on all levels, not just Orthodontiksly.

Freedoms are very, very important to life-forms. They are, in fact, one of the prime controllers of the LifeForce. A rock, for example, has very little freedom, and no opportunity to change that.

Man, on the other hand, can change his freedoms (the level(s) of freedom(s) are the individual points along the Continuum of Freedom; the many points give rise to different freedoms). However, the only thing that can affect the outcome of the Continuum of Freedom is the Continuum of Karma and Recursive Dialusion.

Remember, here we are talking specifically about the ability to change, and thus Automatic-pilot. If you have programmed something in Automatic-pilot it is possible that the Continuum of Predestiny will prevent you from updating this programming. Thus, the Continuum of Predestiny, again using the Affinity-factor, limits your ability to change--it limits your freedom. How and why the Continuum of Predestiny does this will have to wait for another time.

The third, and final, proponent of the Royal Steering Current of the Continuum of Karma is The Influence Of The Role In The Scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation.

The influence of the role in the scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation could also be called the Now-effect. The Now-effect is the power of the situation to determine the course the individual takes. For example, let us assume that you have decided not to sell your house. However, the next day, you are offered ten million dollars for it. On the spot, you change your mind and sell. The lure, or the draw, of the situation became a Prime Steering Current for you--this is the Now-effect. Even if you had not sold the house, this would still be an example of the Now-effect. The fact that the situation exists and has the power to influence you means that the Now-effect is present. Remember, it is royal to the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing, and thus, it is always present.

The influence of the role in the scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation is multifaceted. On the one level, it is greatly affected by the value systems, and the economic financial background of the individual. On another level, it is influenced by the individual's acquired needs and his interests, not to mention his desires. Still, on a third level, it is influenced by the interaction of his reference groups and his prestige type goals for power.

Note! We said the interaction between the last two. As such, it is not the prestige, itself, nor is it the reference group, itself, that are the Prime Steering Currents of the role. While it is true that both are equally important, they are not as strong a Steering Current as the interaction between the two.

Understand that the above describes a Royal Steering Current--a Steering Current which affects all things on all levels of creation, from the highest to the lowest! As such, it is rather intricate.

Understand, also, that the three proponents of the Royal Steering Current--The Continuum of Predestiny, The Continuum of Freedoms, and especially The Influence of the role in the scenario, each exert a Royal influence. They affect us on all levels-- the Astral Plain of Common Reality, the World of Alfa, and the World of Beta.

Equalizing Karma:

Equalizing Karma is a label used to describe the process of undoing the harm which was caused by our many misdeeds. Basically, it is the interaction of The Affinity Factor and Predestiny [in the form of each individual's Tally-Man] which allows, and in some cases forces, each individual to experience or to relive various A Happenings in which the individual created the bad Karma in question.

The Duality of equalizing Karma is mentioned above--The Affinity Factor and Predestiny. The Triunity aspects of equalizing Karma are The Walk of Freedom, The Walk of Predestiny, and The Laws of The Moment.

It must be realized that the term Equalizing Karma implies that it is an individual's misdeeds that are being paid back. The term Karma is, itself, a continuum which has a positive aspect and a negative aspect; but, only the negative aspects of Karma need equalizing. The positive aspects, the positive deeds, are what get translated into wisdom and are carried with the individual when that individual moves on to whatever their destiny brings. This is because while the positive aspect is already in the service of the Forces Of Light (the unity of the TwinSpecies: Human), the negative aspects are in the service of the Darkness of the Unholy Path (the forces of individuality). Also, some believe that the prime reason why good Karma need not be equalized is because good Karma is knowledge that has been transformed into wisdom. Bad Karma, on the other hand, has not been transformed into wisdom and thus needs more work, since it is written that one cannot leave anything behind; hence, what cannot be taken with you when you leave the domain must be equalized. It is not unlike a park, wherein each must clean up after themselves.

For each, there is a special recipe for entering into the process of turning from the Unholy Path (the path of excessive individuality) to the Holy Path (the path of the unity of the all). While there are different tasks [the different tasks are specifically related to the misdeed which needs equalizing] which are specific to each individual, the basic recipe is as follows:

  1. Cycle 1: Commission of the deed.

  2. Cycle 2: Neutralization (possibly)

  3. Cycle 3: Choice to re-Commit or to Omit. If you Commit, both you and the other party are trapped (the other party is, at the least, trapped in an Omit cycle). If you Omit, you release yourself into an Omit cycle, but the other party is still trapped (again, at least an Omit). You release yourself into the system of Omission Cycles.

  4. Cycle 4: Opportunity arises again. If you Omit, the Karma is one step closer to equalization. The other person is still trapped in his own cycle.

  5. Cycle 5: Opportunity arises again. If you Omit, the Karma is equalized. The other person still has his own cycle to deal with. Now that the omitted cycle has ended, Karma will allow the no longer misdeed to be translated into a pattern that can be the source for wisdom.

Every deed that is committed by someone starts this cycle. Each cycle is independent of other cycles. Within the cycle, the due process of Neutralization can exist for a short time, or, for many life times.

For understanding's sake, let us look at the following for a more detailed process of Karmic equalization involving person A and person B:

  1. During the commission of a murder, Person A commits some action upon Person B (by striking person B, an against-bond is created). Both are now involved--no ifs, ands, or buts. Person A comes under the rule of Commission while Person B may come under the rule of either Omission, or Commission.

  2. If Person B becomes angry or emotionally involved in any way, regardless of why, regardless of for how long, his situation changes to Commission Cycle.

  3. The individual caught under the Commission Cycle during the first SoJourn will continuously meet that situation over and over during the SoJourn; but, the misdeed will be encountered from every aspect. Examples: Person A, the hitter, will become Person B, the hittee; Person A, the victimizer, will become Person B, the victim; so, too, will it continue until every aspect of the against-bond is equalized into the pattern that can become the source for wisdom. During each cycle, if the aggression is repeated, the same karmic against-bond reoccurs, and, as he gains another Commission, the karmic misdeed is moved to the next first SoJourn in question, with an additional pain factor.

  4. If he does not repeat the same error, then he comes under the First SoJourn's Omission Cycle if, and only if, he has no other Commissions for the misdeed in question. If, however, there is still a related misdeed which is Karmically bonded to the misdeed that is being equalized, then, the individual in question does not go directly into the karmic Omission cycles. The related misdeed's commissions are next dealt with until they, too, are ready to enter the karmic Omission cycles of equalization of the Karma in question. The cycles of related misdeeds will continue bonding to the misdeed which is being worked on until they all are ready to enter their respective karmic Omission Cycles. Regardless of how many different misdeeds were committed during the murder (such as the misdeeds of commission-- the hitting, the punching, the kicking, the shooting, etc.; and, regardless of the number of misdeeds of omission such as failing to aid the victim when he calls for help, such as failing to stop when the victim cried out in pain, such as failing to get the victim the proper medical help when it was needed, etc..), each misdeed of commission and each misdeed of omission become a related misdeed that must, itself, be equalized before the original misdeed, the murder, or any part thereof, can be allowed to enter the Omission Cycle.

An example of related misdeeds might be the bad Karma of Murder, wherein there is an against-bond, a with-bond, and a for-bond that went into the situation which brought about the desire to commit the murder.

Once the individual who has committed the misdeed is in a state whereby he has all Omissions [all the related misdeed's commissions have also been dealt with], then the cycle will repeat itself again, giving him the opportunity to wipe away those Omissions one at a time.

Example for he who has committed a misdeed which has no related misdeed:

Round 1: 3 Commissions

Round 2: 1 Omission, 2 Commissions

Round 3: 2 Omissions, 1 Commission

Round 4: 3 Omissions

Round 5: 2 Omissions

Round 6: 1 Omission

Round 7: 0 Omissions

Round 8: Karma is equalized for the person who committed the act. With the equalization of all the Omissions, the laws of Karma now combines all the experience gained from the commissions and all the experience gained from the Omissions and creates a basic pattern that becomes a part of the individual's value system; as such, it [the new pattern] can become a source for new wisdom.

While the information up to this point is complicated, it is not complete. There is still another factor--time--which must be considered. Very specifically, the time factor enters by way of the Triunity factor of the misdeed [see Fig. #2]--before the deed (B), during the deed (D), and, after the deed (A). It is this Triunity factor of B, D, and A which knits the entire situation (the situation that caused the desire for murder) together. It is the bonds that are created that binds Karma to the individual. Since the Triunity factor of B, D, and A were directly related to the commission of the misdeed in question, it must also be considered during the process of equalizing that misdeed. The graph of Fig. #2 will illustrate how each--B, D, and A-- are related.

In the diagram shown in Fig. #2, the zero symbolizes the presence of The Walk of Predestiny; as such, there is no free-will to change the bad Karma into good Karma. Again, in the diagram shown in Fig. #2, the number one symbolizes the presence of the continuum of The Walk of Freedom, which is controlled by The Law Of The Moment.

The Law Of The Moment states that each and every moment of every day that an individual experiences Life, each thought, each desire, or each deed [it matters not if the deed be one of commission or one of omission], shall have one and only one chance within relative time to exert control over the individual's unwritten future. Once the moment has passed, it shall never again have the chance to rule. However, each and every moment does do three things in the sameself moment of every happenstance--firstly, each moment shall ratify the needs of the past; secondly, each moment shall satisfy the needs of the present; and, thirdly, each moment shall write the script which will determine the individual's future.

Now, for the person who received the act. If he does not become emotionally involved, in any way, regardless of the reason or, regardless of the amount of time, and, if he stays only on the defensive, and does not go on the offensive, regardless of anything, then he has only to deal with an Omit.

In the next two turns of the cycle, if he remains un-involved, then Karma is equalized. If he does become emotionally involved, in either of the two opportunities, then his situation changes; he has Committed [even though his commission is not of murder--it is that of anger or hate, and it is still a commission]; as such, it follows the laws of Commission.

Let us, for a moment, go on an aside. One of the better ways of understanding the basic nature of commissions vs. omissions is to remember the intent of the following law:

One can use the greatness of one's heart to forgive the real and the imagined harm done to him by others; and, in so doing, they release themselves from the turn of the wheel-- but, Karma forgives nothing.

Now that we understand the true nature of Understand, Forgive, and Love, in that by the act of understanding, forgiving, and loving others [love your enemies] who do you harm, you release yourself from bonding with the misdeed that is being committed against you, let us return to the original discussion.

From the information received before the aside, it can be noticed that it takes at least three Omissions to equalize one Commission. Thus, a onetime change in behavior is not enough to satisfy Karmic Law. A true change of heart is necessary to escape the web of Karma. Again, this is the universe's way of ensuring that the individual truly has learned. It also helps create stability within Automatic-Pilot.

In one sense, bad Karma can be thought of as emotionally evoking a negative attachment with respect to some other individual or situation (as we define it, a situation is the entire matrix within which a behavior occurs). In other words, to create a negative emotional bond with another being or situation. We are using the words bad and negative to mean anything that will condemn the individual to Predestiny--anything that will drive one deeper into Maya.

Understand, while good Karma also exists, it does not create Predestiny in the same sense as bad Karma. Good Karma gives the individual the opportunity to grow, to gain more freedom--to escape the trap of The Grand Maya with more wisdom than when he originally entered The Earth Experience. However, the individual retains Free-will to use or not use these opportunities.

Still, there is a paradox of sorts. While it is true that an individual who is always doing evil will find it difficult to do good, it also true that an individual who is always doing what is right will find it difficult to do evil. Perhaps it could be said that the only real freedom Man has, is who or what he is going to serve. Will man serve only himself, and thereby the darkness of the Unholy Path of individuality, or will he serve the whole, and thereby the light of the Holy Path?

Returning to the subject at hand, there are at least three ways to emotionally evoke a negative attachment. They are:

  1. Against-bonds

  2. For-bonds

  3. With-bonds.

These can also be thought of as three different types of interaction in which Karma can be created. The Karmic bonds created in each type of interaction may be different.

The against-bonds interactions are the simplest. They are a clear case of one person or group being at war with another person or situation. A war, for our purposes, shall mean any situation whereby a degree of unpleasantness exists between one or more individuals, or one or more situations.

In this type of interaction, the bonds created are primarily between the inter-actors, and not between the individual and the situation. Thus, the individuals may be linked together in ways that bear little resemblance to the original situation that linked them. Still, within this linking of inter-actors, the original A Happening will probably repeat itself. Understand that an A Happening is not the same as an A Situation. An A Situation as opposed to an A Happening, as stated before, is the entire matrix within which a behavior occurs. An A Happening, on the other hand, is limited to the immediate circumstance surrounding the behavior in question. An example will clarify this.

Person A, for whatever reason, starts a war with Person B by hitting him in some way. Previously, neither inter-actor knew each other. In the next cycle, Karma fulfills itself, via the Affinity Factor, by bringing the two together again. The two might be siblings, they might be married, they might be friends, they might be co-workers, or they might not know each other at all. The point here is that the inter-actors retain free-will to determine the situation in which they will work out the specific behavior that linked them together. Sometime during this cycle, the A Happening which linked the individuals together will probably reoccur. In this case, one of the individuals will have a plausible cause for, and the opportunity of hitting the other. The individuals will keep hitting one another until one, or both, learn better.

Going to war with another individual is inexcusable from Karma's viewpoint. Regardless of the circumstances, reasons, or justifications for going to war, negative Karma will be accrued. It is for this reason that the against-bonds interactions, which are always war situations, will always create negative Karmic-bonds between all involved individuals. We are reminded of the law that tells us that we cannot use the actions nor the words from another as a just reason for committing an against-bond against another individual.

The second way to create bonds are the for-bonds interactions. The for-bonds interactions include all interactions where someone Commits an action, not necessarily because they particularly want to, but more so because somebody else prompts them to, in one way or another. Hiring another to do something bad (again we use the word bad to mean any action which will drive one further into The Grand Maya) is an example. Coaxing another to Commit a behavior is another example.

For-bonds interactions do not automatically bring negative Karmic bonds. Let us say that someone wants you to do them a favor which you have no desire to do. They cajole you and finally you say to yourself: "why not?" You doing the favor does not necessarily create a negative bond. In fact, it is possible to create positive Karma through for-bonds interactions. Whether negative or positive Karma will be created depends on the nature of the behavior itself.

In the for-bonds interactions, the bonds created may be to the situation exclusively, to the other inter-actor(s) exclusively, to both equally, or any other combination. Understand that within the for-bonds interaction, it is possible to have more than one thing or circumstance going on at the same time. And, it is also possible that each of the A Happenings could be in contradiction to one another. As such, you could be dealing with a for-bonds, an against-bonds, and a with-bonds (discussed later) happening all at one time. The deciding factor in what type bonds will be created is how much of an against-bonds or a with-bonds interaction is present in the for-bonds interaction, and exactly where the coercion exists, to what degree, and against whom. It is a combination of the coercion and how much against-bonds and with-bonds there is, as well as the degree to which the purpose for the interaction is aimed against an individual or a circumstance or for an individual or circumstance.

The with-bonds interaction is the most complicated of the three. This is because all three interactions--for-bonds, against-bonds, and with-bonds--can be occurring simultaneously. Although this can also be said of the for-bonds interaction, it is evident to a higher degree in the with-bonds interactions.

In the with-bonds interaction, two or more individuals Commit some behavior together. By together we do not necessarily mean in the physical sense. All that is necessary to have a with-bonds interaction is to behave in a mutually agreed upon manner. It differs from an against-bonds interaction in that the inter-actors are cooperating in Committing a behavior. If the behavior is a negative one aimed at some individual or situation, then the against-bonds exist simultaneously with the with-bonds. It will lead to its own Karmic bonds. However, a with-bonds relationship could lead to good Karma.

In the with-bonds interaction, the Karmic bonds created are primarily to the situation, and not the individual. This is because all involved parties are Committing the behavior in question because they, themselves, want to; not because they are being prodded into it by someone else, as in the for-bonds interaction. Again, it is possible that a for-bonds relationship could exist side by side with a with-bonds. If this is so, then Karmic bonds to individuals may also be created.

A good example of a for-bonds within a with-bonds is this: Your friend wants to do something. You don't want to do it. You let him talk you into it, because of the relationship between you. This contains elements of both for-bonds and with-bonds. It is a with-bonds because you do, in fact, want to commit the behavior. Your reasons for wanting to may be different than your friend's, (in this case he wants to commit the behavior because he wants to reap the results of the action, and you want to Commit the behavior because you want to maintain the relationship in its present state) but, you still do the behavior because you want to. However, it is also a for-bonds because your friend did, in fact, have to talk you into it. Against-bonds may also come into it if the two of you go to war against another individual. At this point, there is no telling what kind of bonds are going to be created without going into specifics, and knowing specifics will only make it more complicated!

Thus, we see that there is a continuum along which Karmic bonds fall. On one side of the continuum are bonds to other beings, and on the other side are bonds to situations. Only if we know the specifics of a situation can we tell what bonds are going to be created. However, as general rules we can say the following:

  1. Against-bonds interactions usually cause bonds which fall on the beings side of the continuum. Needless to say, such bonds need not be limited to just a particular individual. They can also be against a group, such as a particular religion, a country, etc.. Recent history tells us that such bonds abound in today's world;

  2. For-bonds interactions cause bonds to both, beings and situations. There is no general rule. One must know the specifics involved. However, wherever there's a for-bond being acted on, there will usually be an against-bond, as well. In war, the people are fighting for their country, for their leaders; but, they are fighting against others of their own kind, regardless if they refuse to accept the enemy as being of Their own kind;

  3. With-bonds interactions usually cause bonds on the situation end of the continuum, but there are also possibilities of bonds to beings (such as group Karma). Again, it is difficult to say anything concrete without knowing the specifics.

One thing more must be added. In the final analysis, all Karmic bonds are bonds that are attached to patterns and not to specific individuals, nor to specific situations, nor to specific A Happenings. Karma tallies patterns, not specifics. Thus, if a specific person or situation that one is bonded to is available, Karma, using the Affinity Factor, will cause you to be drawn to it. If, however, it is not available, anyone or anything that fits the pattern will be used to fulfill the needs of the situation.

Aside from helping the student to understand Karma itself, one of our prime purposes here is to show how all the facets, or threads of Karma interact to create a fabric. Since all of creation is a fabric unto itself, the fabric of Karma is a microcosm of the Universe. Understanding Karma will help the student to think in terms of a fabric, and to understand further lessons.

It is written that I am the only judge over my Destiny; yet, why am I forced into situations of my own creations? Where is the truth in that? It is said that the Truth lies within my illusion of individuality!

It is written that it is I, myself, who created the path upon which I must now walk, for destiny's sake. Where is the truth in that? It is said that all my truth lies within my illusion of individuality!

It is written that it is I, myself, who commanded that I should equalize my own karmic misdeeds upon destiny's walk, as I share myself with others of my kind.

It is written that as I chose to descend upon The Grand Maya, I used the Force of my Free-Will to evoke the very illusions to which I am now bound, unto forever. Prey tell, where are the protections of the illusions of my individuality now, when I need protection against myself most?

Woe unto me, for if truth would speak its name, again I should look within the illusions which bind me, the illusions of my individuality.

Who am I, that I should surrender my freewill unto the Karma of my own making...
Who am I to be trapped within Illusions of my own making,..
Am I not free to create according to my need of the moment?

Who am I that I should be forced to reconsider the harm done to others while I am in the process of satisfying the needs of my moments?...
Indeed, am I not alone in my world?

Who am I that I should be ignored by those around me....
Are we not ONE?

Indeed, why should my past misdeeds bar the way to what I truly seek?
Indeed, Who Am I?