Management of Creation: A Matter Of Time
(Serial Time vs. Fabric Time)

"It has often been said that there are many levels to Creation. We, being a simple people who reside on The Earth Experience's Lower, Middle Earth's Astral Plane of Common Reality, like to call ourselves Man. We are a twin species wherein each twin (the male and the female) is dependent upon the other for existence," said Bob, to one of his workers.

"Man does know the meaning of having levels; however, he knows, also, that if there are levels to anything, there has to be some type of management system that keeps everything in its proper place. Man knows that without management [upper, middle, and, lower] the job doesn't get accomplished," continued Bob, in a low whisper, as though he were telling a deep secret to a trusted friend.

"In a way, the same can be said about the process of Creation--without subsets of laws [Royal Steering Currents, Steering Currents, and, law], the job of Creation doesn't get accomplished," continued Bob, in an even softer tone, not wanting to have those around him overhear their conversation.

"The biggest job in any starting position is the first job. This is true regardless if that first job was creating law, itself, or, if that first job was assigned to a child--sweeping mother's kitchen floor; or, if that first job was simply minding the family store while the manager [in this case, dad] goes next door to get a cup of coffee," continued Bob, as he leaned back in the straight-back chair of the Company's diner.

"Again, if we think about it, it really doesn't matter where we are working... or who we are working for, because all jobs, regardless of the job's level, are divided into two basic categories--Management and workers," said Bob with an air of possessing special knowledge that others did not have.

"Management has the responsibility of making the big decisions [such as where shall I go for lunch] while the workers have the less important responsibility of actually doing the work," said Bob, sarcastically and having reference to his new promotion at the same time.

"Another way of looking at it is that management has the responsibility to stand over the workers so he'll (in this case you), have something to do, while the worker has the responsibility to accomplish the task at hand, in spite of the needless interruptions of higher management... or so it sometimes seems... well, business is business, and, that's the way business works," said Bob, leaning forward to take a sip of his quickly getting cold coffee.

"The business of running the Universe is not so different! While on Earth Man: The TwinSpecies:Human has The Company to contend with, in the process of Creation there is The Master Plan to contend with (albeit, it is sometimes difficult to accept that there really is a master plan... and, if there is-- by the looks of what's going on on Earth, a new manager seems to be needed)," said Bob, with his hands animating the point that he could be a better manager.

"In reality, it doesn't much matter from which camp you're coming from, the management will always wonder where the worker lost his brains, and, the worker will always wonder why management is so unnecessarily stupid--there's always a better way of doing things, you know!!!...," said Bob, raising his hands above his head as a jester of hopelessness.

"Well, on second thought, you've got to give management credit, and, you've got to give the worker what is rightly his. The facts are that management's job is in the brains department, and the worker's job is in the grunt department; and, each is useless without the other-- it would seem that in many cases, management wouldn't be able to tie his shoelaces without the worker, because brains need hands; and, workers wouldn't know what shoelaces were without management's brains. It is a pairing that is made in heaven... give or take a couple of million years of evolution for Man to put it all working as it should," said Bob sneering at the possibilities that Man might ever get his act together.

"Come to think of it, it was, indeed, made in heaven... so to speak. First, there was Unity [I don't care if you want to call it The Company, or if you want to call it The Master Plan]. Then, with the infusion of time, it was discovered that Unity by virtue of the first law, (The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other) was, in fact, divided into two parts [management and worker]," confided Bob in a slow drawl betraying his southern leanings.

"Wait a minute,... let's go back. I think I just missed something. First, you think that all you have is one,... then you discover that you really had two... Well, if that don't beat all. First, I was satisfied to have just one; and, now, I'm just as satisfied to have two," complained Jim, who had been lost throughout the entire conversation. "No, wait! I'm not thinking right! Even though you have two, all you really have is one,... I think... I confused. Us workers... we's aren't meant to do such heavy thinking. let's go see what management has to say about this mess," said Jim, looking intensively at Bob, who was just promoted to the department's management.

"When dealing with The Universal way of doing things, you must bear in mind that there are two ways of thinking--one belongs to The Company (you... the worker) and the other belongs to The Master Plan ( me... the Management). So as not to confuse them with one another, call the thinking process that belongs to The Company LinearTime (because it does all the real work of ordering the different levels of reality within any given plane of existence), and, the thinking process that belongs to The Master Plan call FabricTime (because of its recursive nature, it is the power that makes order possible and makes all the different creations work together without any two levels of experience being in contest with any other level of experience--it creates the fabric of time, itself, regardless of the level in question and regardless of the reality of the moment)," said Bob, with an air of confidence.

"Ouch! My brain hurts! I'm just a worker, so... don't make me think for myself, tell me the difference, already. you're management, do your stuff," said Jim as he spilled his drink all over himself. "Damn-it... That's the third one today... How clumsy can you get."

"Well, the real difference has more to do with the nature of creation, than the process of creation, itself. If you're doing Linear-type thinking, the process is that step one must come before step two, and, step three comes after step two, but before step four--it is a case where the order relationship of the steps of creation is more important than the existence of what is being created (what is important is that step two cannot happen until you've completed step one)," confided Bob, with an air of of-course-it's-so-simple.

"what's important in Linear thinking is that step one and step two are not related to one another, other than the fact that step two might be a natural outcropping of the events of step one," continued Bob, rambling on without seeing of Jim understood his meaning. "If we look at it from time's point of view, during the A Happenings of step two, you're in the present--the now; and, step three is not here yet, it's in the future, someplace... while the A Happenings of step one are also not here... they are someplace in the past. Notice that we have the present, the past, and the future to deal with in the Linear thinking process," continued Bob, promising to talk the lunch hour away.

"Now, if you're doing Fabric-like thinking, those limitations don't exist--while everything is really happening all at once, the limitations of the Time/Space Continuum which governs Middle earth's Astral Plane Of Common Reality makes it look like it is happening one step at a time. But, that's not the important difference between them. In Fabric-like thinking, step two is helping to determine how step one will create step two. Likewise, step three is present during the creation of step one and step two, even though it, itself, has not yet been created," continued Bob, making a face that told Jim that even he, himself, was a bit confused. "But, that's not the end of the complication. In Fabric-like thinking, step one must go to step three to get help on how to create step two, etc. Notice, there is no present, no past, and no future. That's because time, as we know it to be in the Time/Space Continuum, does not exist in Fabric-like thinking."

"Huh? Oh, my brain is thumping! Can you pass this time thing by me again?" interrupted Jim, holding his head between his hands.

"Ok, here it is. The best way to keep the two separate is to think that there are also two different types of time--again, one belongs to The Company and one belongs to The Master Plan. The type of time that belongs to The Company is known to Man as the Time/Space Continuum. It is Linear in nature; and, because of its limitations, it must deal with the present, the past and what is called the future. This type of time is basically controlled by the nature of the gravity waves that exist upon the planet you happen to be on during any given moment," explained Bob very badly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Wait a minute. What do you take me for? Time... is controlled by gravity?" complained Jim, insulted that Bob, a friend of many years could think him not too smart.

" No, no, no," interrupted Bob. "we're not talking about time being created and modified by gravity. we're talking about the difference between the two types of time," said Bob, feeling a bit frustrated because Jim, although being just a worker, should know better. "Now then, as I was saying, in Fabric-like thinking, the type of time that exists is called Orthodontiks' Time-- Before you say anything stupid, Don't go confusing the word Orthodontiks with a dentist's word. The dentist's word is spelled O-R-T-H-O-D-O-N-T-I-C. Our word is spelled quite differently. It is spelled O-R-T-H-O-D-O-N-T-I-K-S. The dentist's word ends with the letters I-C, while our word ends with the letters I-K-S. In any case, in Fabric-like thinking, the type of time that exists there does not have a present, a past nor a future--all it has is the now," said Bob, smiling, feeling quite happy with himself.

"I hate to have to tell you this, but... I forgot what we were talking about... This time thing lost me some track. what's the point?" complained Jim, shaking his head and his arms in opposite direction.

"Well, because of the time thing [Linear thinking process] in the affairs of The Company, it is not possible to have just one [unity] when you really have two [duality]; but, again, because of the time thing [Fabric-like thinking process] in the affairs of The Master Plan, it is possible to have two things [called duality] and still have only one [called unity]--because time here has no future," explained Bob, smiling as though it all made so much sense.

"Again, I-- Hey, It's not my fault! My brain's pumping dry. I forgot the point again... can you... repeat that in a language that I know, say... in English?" said Jim, showing signs of being very confused and slightly angry.

"Remember, in the beginning we were talking about management vs. workers, or, The Company vs. The Master Plan? Well, it has to do with that. It has to do with why there must always be management and workers. Management does the heavy thinking before anything gets started, and, workers do limited thinking to kind'a keep things going according to management's plans. The shoestring thing was just to show that both are necessary to each other. Without one, the other couldn't exist," explained Bob, himself showing signs that he was wasting his time thinking that a mere worker should understand the knowledge of Management. "Now, let's see if we can do our job of management and put all this in its proper form. Myself being from upper-management, I think I know a little more than you do... so, just sit tight and try to get this through your 3% brain. What I'm gonna give you here is a couple two or three laws that come directly from The Master Plan boys, themselves, O-Kay?" said Bob, waving his hand in the air like he had all the knowledge that Jim wished for.

"The first law of Creation states that: The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the Creation of the other. This means that you can't have just one of anything! However, it doesn't limit you as to just how many you can have, does it? It just says that you must have more than one. Again, it, in no way, tells you the nature of what you will have, either. This is governed by other laws...

"Now, the second law of Creation states that: That which exists within the Chi shall exist dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects. This means that the one that you had only looks like one, but, is in fact more than one--, you will discover that the one is really two-for-the-price-of-one. It also means that the two will be opposite to each other. It is a case wherein law one determines the nature of law two. Law one states that if you have white, you must also have black. Thus, the combination of law one and law two implies many possibilities. Remember the law?... dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects?... remember, also, the opposites aspect?... if one is controlled by the presence of time (Linear-type time that has a past, a present, and a future--the Triune effect of time), the other must be controlled by the absence of time (Fabric-like time that has no past, no present, and no future. Instead, it fulfills the necessities of recursiveness wherein everything that comes into existence determines the possibilities that exist for the next creation)... also, remember that both types of time are just a paired half of one?... To illustrate further the difference between Linear time and Fabric time, let us take a critical look at the following scenario. Let us say that you are standing in the desert, where there is nothing but desert for miles and miles in all directions, except for the railroad track that runs from horizon to horizon."

"Wait, wait... You lost me with this railroad desert thing. How did I get in a desert?" interrupted Jim with frustration, showing that he didn't understand anything that Bob was telling him.

"How you came to be standing in the desert next to a railroad track does not matter, for the moment," answered Bob, wanting to finish his statement before the lunch hour was over. "Seemingly off in the distance, you believe that you hear a train. You perceive the train is coming toward you, because the whistle of the train is getting louder and louder. As the train comes into view you see it speeding toward you, and, like the critical viewer that you are, you stand by the tracks and watch it come closer and closer as the constant whistle becomes louder and louder until the train is practically upon you. Needless to say, it passes by at an incredible speed, again sounding its whistle as it continues toward the opposite horizon. The whistle becomes fainter and fainter as the train gets further and further away; and finally, the train seems to pass the viewing point of the horizon, taking itself out of view... into some lost dimension...," continued Bob, slightly excited.

"The moment's A Happening illustrates the effects of Linear time as it governs the interaction between time and space during any given moment of the space medium. In Linear time there is what always seems an arbitrary beginning, and its opposite, an arbitrary end to anything within creation," said Bob, stopping long enough to take another sip of his second cup of coffee. "Obviously, the train's sound was traveling faster than was the train, and, both were traveling through the same moments of space. Thus, there is a distinct relationship between the motion of sound, the motion of the train that was traveling through the space in question, and the ever on-going, governing factors of each moment of space. Can you see that?" asked Bob of Jim, not really caring if that was understanding.

Without stopping to hear Jim's reply Bob continued.

" Well, If we assume that the three moments were in sync (the moment of sound, the moment of the speed of the train, and the moment of the space in question), each moment the train travels closer, it had to pass a corresponding moment of time in a previous moment of space. Hence, the train could not reach you, or continue pass you, unless each of the three point's moments along the track were traversed. In fact, it was the process of traversing each point's moment, point by point, that allowed the seeming motion of the train to become a reality, both toward you, and then away from you... with respect to the past, the present, and the future. To allow for this serial sequence to occur, there had to be a moment of space that would allow for linearity; i.e., linear space (a bubble wherein the work of a reality is done), seemingly independent from the necessities of the fabricness of creation (the level wherein the illusions of the past's, the present's, and the future's problems are all worked out before reality, itself, gets into the act--it is management's time, before the creation of a given reality can make any errors)," said Bob, totally fascinated with his level of knowledge.

It was clear that Bob was really talking to himself... and loving the response that he was giving himself.

"LinearTime... no, Serial time, by its very nature, is sequential time, i.e., LinearTime governing a moment of sequential space... wherein the only action possible within said moment of space is governed by the observer's past, present, and future observations within the A Happening of the moment. Linear time can only exist in LinearSpace. Both are intertwined... one cannot exist without the other," said Bob, clearly teaching himself that which he was hoping to teach Jim. "However, while we know there to be different types of space (such as linear space, fabric space, and the illusion of space), space, itself, is still, to a large degree, an undefined medium to the Magi. As an example, the Magi knows that linear space is governed by linear time... and, it is known that it is the relationship between the two that gives us the Triunity of the past, the present, and the future. What the Magi does not know is what happens when space is not linear... How does time flow if the moment of space is not linear... it's fabric in its nature?" said Bob, stopping awhile, showing signs of being deep in thought. he continued thinking out loud.

"While the Great Magi knows that within a bubble of linearity (where time flows freely through moments of space that are governed by the past's illusions, the present's illusions, and the future's illusions, without end) time must flow without end, according to the needs of the moment in question, the Great Magi also knows that within a greater bubble of creation called the moment of FabricTime, there is an interaction between FabricTime and FabricSpace, wherein time does not flow. The space of both is undefined," said Bob.

He stopped long enough to get himself another cup of coffee. He glanced at the clock a moment then continued. He didn't seem to care that Jim was lost. Being just a worker, Jim wasn't expected to know all this stuff.

"That's part of the point that is still unknown. It is a point along the continuum of awareness, of understanding wherein, because of a great Royal Steering Current (the creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other), two different and opposite creations seem to collide within a single moment of space without causing damage to any reality which it governs--Time does not flow in fabric space and, time must continue to flow freely, without end in linear space," continued Bob, really fascinated with the sound of his own voice.

Jim just shook his head, not even trying to understand what his friend was saying. It really didn't matter. Bob was just doing management stuff.

"It would seem that FabricTime just is, as FabricSpace just is. The seeming contradiction is that in FabricTime and FabricSpace there is no past, no present, no future, no beginnings, and no ends; therefore, there are no moments, or points in between moments. These conditions only occur in linear space and linear time... yet, both Linear and Fabric natures exist within any given moment of space.

"FabricTime does not flow in FabricSpace... yet FabricSpace can only be governed by FabricTime. Within the nature of the weave of FabricTime, time and space are either absent or present. If time is there, it is there all at once; all possibilities, all scenarios, all everything is just there without the experience of becoming--there is no awareness of flow, of growth.

"Again, if time is not there, then the absence of it dictates the absence of anything connecting with time... including the moments of the space in question.

"f there is nonlinear time in existence, then there has to be nonlinear space, i.e., FabricSpace and FabricTime. Space is there all at once, and so is time. There is no past, present, or future in a moment wherein time does not flow. It just is, much like a light switch. The switch is either on or it is off.

"The space we normally view in our daily lives is not FabricSpace, as science would have us believe. It is really LinearSpace which flows along with, and is governed by LinearTime. Both are intertwined with each other.

"If an individual were to truly experience FabricSpace and/or FabricTime, the individual would have to journey to a point in the continuum of undefined space where space, itself, folds back upon itself, thus allowing for a connecting point that does both, connect the two types of space together, and separates the two types of space from each other. This is the point within creation wherein differences can exist within sameness. If such a journey could be made by a living being, the individual would then be in two states of existence at the same time. It would, indeed, be the ultimate bi-location experience.

"In other words, the paradox of the folding of time in upon itself (thus creating an eddy in the normal flow of time's ability to create; thus momentarily creating a unique bubble that is both within creation and outside of normal creation... a creation of a special situation can exist wherein two states of opposite creation can meet without destroying either), and the folding of space in upon itself (wherein a door , a rend is opened between FabricSpace and LinearSpace, allowing for two distinct, and opposite natures to co-exist without each eliminating the other. It is not unlike Matter and Anti-matter existing side by side without canceling each other out) can allow one to experience two types of time sequences and two types of space sequences at the same moment. One does not have to move through space or time point by point to perceive movement (like in the example of the train).

"Going back to the train scenario, if you were again standing in the same desert, beside the same railroad track, and, if you were to hear a train coming, in FabricTime and in FabricSpace, it would not be coming, it would not be going, it would just appear to you out of thin air, then, it would just vanish as the time-space fold unfolds. The whistle, the train, and all things connected with it would, in a flash become real, then unreal. What we of linear space consider to be normal reality would have winked out for a moment, allowing a Fabric reality (a reality governed by FabricSpace and FabricTime) to occur. For an instant, a flash of time and a moment of space with no beginning, no end, no sequence, no steps, no points, nor nothing in between would occur; and then, "bang", back again to normal reality. Such an experience of having one's reference points shattered momentarily would un-nerve any observer.

"The only perceived beginning and end, and moments in-between, would occur as a subset of the conditions within the nature of the FabricTime/Space Continuum. This seemingly illogical reference point, this subset of conditions would be when LinearTime and LinearSpace nested within the FabricTime, FabricSpace bubble. This is the paradoxical nature of creation (The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other) wherein the true nature of the FabricTime and FabricSpace relationship can co-exist side by side, day by day, moment by moment with direct and indirect contact with and through the true nature of the LinearTime and LinearSpace relationship continuum.

"Expanding somewhat on the theme, if more than one linear speck of space being governed by a linear moment of time folded (such that there were an eddy in time, and a tear in the fabric of space), and, if all the specks of space that were folding touched at the same point in the fabric of linear space, and, if there existed a living being at and/or within that point of contact, then, the observer would know the true nature of the differing sequences of bi-location.

"If a seeker would experience such a reference point for understanding's sake, an overly simple and crude visual example can be accomplished by observing what happens when a flat piece of paper (representing LinearTime and LinearSpace) is crumpled into a crinkly little ball. What is still visible (the surface of the ball of crumpled paper) would represent the areas wherein LinearTime/Space governs the moment, and, the areas that are now unseen would represent the areas wherein FabricTime/Space governs.

"The points on the paper that could never have touched on their own are now points that touch many other points on the paper. This is an example of the folding of space.

"Imagine, if you will, the strange continuity for any observer, if they were a tiny little figure resting on the surface of that piece of paper at the time of its crumpling. If an individual were upon the surface of the paper when it was crumpled, the individual would have the ability to experience many linear Timelines and Spacelines at the same moment, giving the individual the reality of being in many places at the same time."

Is it Truth that binds us to our Destiny?... Is it Truth that our futures are governed by the Thoughts that bind us to our want for Pleasure?...
By some, It Is Written that Time is our only true Friend... That Time will forgive us all our Errors great and small... That Karma is not the Guard that imprisons us within the Hell Of Our Own Thoughts...
It is Written, by some, that It Is We, Ourselves, who stand guard against the Door that would release us from our Misgivings... That Karma is but the Promise of Salvation... The Promise that even the Darkest Spirit can find Forgiveness if He Is Willing to cast aside The Path which brought him to His Own Damnation unto the hell of his own thoughts...
It Is Written that For Man, In Linear Time shall he Create Himself... But, In Fabric Time shall he Untie Himself from his creations.