OtherWorld Teachers
(Angels or Daemons)

OtherWorld Teachers are the prime teachers of the Old Ones. They were very special teachers who knew of the two sides of Life.

Understanding The Old Ones becomes necessary if we are to understand the two sides of life. The mystic, because of the nature of reality, was able to travel to and from alter-realities. His thinking did not limit him to this level of awareness. To him, Astral travel was as common as common could be.

Most of the old teachings were dedicated toward getting the individual ready for his first journey into the other aspects of the wrappings of the multi-layered cocoon, as well as getting the individual somewhat familiar with the patterns and basic laws which govern the multi-layers of The Grand Maya. He had to come to know that each level of the cocoon might have a different subset of laws. The individual had to come to realize that how he thought was going to determine what was possible for him. If he disbelieved in something, or if he doubted something, then that something was not available for him. It was out of the boundaries of his existence. It was a simple case of out of sight, out of mind; out of mind, out of existence. Anything that was out of existence automatically brought another barrier which had to be broken down if the individual hoped to achieve on that level.

The belief was, if the individual was a man of peace, he could free his Ba, the eternal aspect, from its Coat Of Skin. Once freed from the effects of his Coat Of Skin, the individual could wander into other worlds. Once there, he could learn greater wisdom. If he chose to return to Earth, he could help others free themselves.

The only way he could do this was by acting as an unseen steering current for the individual he was trying to help. All he had to do was to implant ideas into the individual's mind from the other side of life. It was like an individual entering another's dream to give the needed information.

This, however, had many limitations. To be helped, the individual had to want the influences of an OtherWorld Teacher... a LightWorker. He had to know the path which mortal man may not walk alone. He had to want a special teacher. The individual could not have the attitude of being an island unto himself, regardless of his ego's state. In his dreams and in his wake state, he had to inwardly seek a spiritual teacher. This teacher could be either from the other side of life, or this teacher could be from his own side of life, although the teacher need not be from the same culture, or from the same time.

What is more important, the individual could be taught in either his awake state or in his dream state. If the teacher was from the other side of life, the teachings were limited to the not awake levels of the dream. If the teacher was from his own side of life, then it became much easier. The lessons could be taught in any of the levels in which the teacher had dominion... the student could be asleep or awake.

The individual could free himself from traps that were holding him back... that is, he could change by having his OtherWorld Teacher, or his LightWorker direct the LifeForce in the proper direction. He could walk toward the proper thinking process, toward a more acceptable behavior pattern. What made this most difficult was the LightWorker had to achieve the implant without the individual realizing he was being controlled by another MindForce. Still, the LightWorker could not override the individual's freewill.

Other responsibilities of OtherWorld Teachers involve the critical role they played during the actual In Between Time... the time when one life is ending and another life is beginning... the time when an individual is too dead to be called alive, but too alive to be called dead... the time between an individual's death and his crossing over to the other side.

It is the OtherWorld Teacher's task during this time frame to guide an individual through a transition which can be very effortless, pleasureful and full of heavenly bliss, if the OtherWorld Teacher is accepted as a friend... or, the time frame can be fraught with great difficulty, confusion, denial, and pain if the special Teacher is viewed as an enemy.

The choice for either is strictly up to the individual who is crossing over. Regardless of the degree of pain or pleasure, the OtherWorld Teacher will be there to help. If the OtherWorld Teacher is viewed as a friend, the image will be that of a special angel whose aura shines brightly.

If, however, the OtherWorld Teacher is viewed as an enemy, the image will be that of a malformed demon that rips away a part of his memories... a part of his life... leaving an uncertain hole where knowledge once was.

These special Teachers can take any fashion, form, or personality. They can appear as Monsters of Mayhem or Saints of Compassion. Angels... Demons... it all depends upon the individual's value system. What an individual sees within himself, he, himself, will bring these images into play. Not until the individual can truly distinguish his ability to move forward from his inability to move backward can he truly cross over the borders that keep him prisoner within the In Between Time in question. This is the process of letting go... realizing that what once was can no longer be... by realizing that we can never possess a moment. We can only share its content with self and/or with another, for awhile. Once it is time for the moment to pass onward, we must allow it to pass... to leave with love.

In the world of illusion, of which we are all a part, Angels can easily be mistaken for Demons, and Demons can be easily mistaken for Angels. Once an individual becomes in touch with the heart of his true nature, his true nature will discover the soul of his heart. This being so, the individual will set himself free, as he sets free the moment that he seeks to hold prisoner.

Once on the other side... once freed from his In Between Time, the individual can begin his next Sojourn... and, can then plan for the continuing lessons within the context of his Karmic condition; remembering that time is not the enemy of Man.

The Mystics of Old believed the greatest curse Man could suffer was to have the cycles of life and death stop... was to suffer either a birth without a death, or a death without a birth.

If such a curse were to befall an individual, there would always be two possible versions of the curse. What was the most frightening part of the curse was that there was no way of telling which of the two versions the individual would be forced to endure.

The first version of the curse, a birth without a death, would be that the individual's body would continue to grow old, but regardless of how old the body got, the individual would not die--being a prisoner of a level means that not even the death process can release a prisoner from his prison. This, in time, would bring about a set of experiences which would be far more painful than anything the other version of the curse could possibly create. Because the body continued to grow old, it would continue to become sick, and it would continue to deteriorate. The speed of the aging process would determine everything. Most of all, it would determine how many active years the individual had before he could no longer move.

The second version of this curse, a death without a birth, would be that the individual's body would stop growing old. The individual would remain the same age for the rest of the time he had to spend on that level of existence. Under this version of the curse, the individual's body would not get sick, nor would it deteriorate. Any damage done to any part of the body, regardless of how that damage was done, or regardless of why that damage was done, would heal itself so very quickly, it wouldn't really matter if the individual were hurt. If there were any broken bones in the healing process, they would automatically set themselves without any outside aid, and without the need of splints, depending upon the necessities of the Karmic debt.

Furthermore, if that was not bad enough, there was no way of telling if either of the two versions forced the trapped individual to feel his body's pain. If the particular version of the curse allowed pain, the individual, as he grew older, would be in a constant state of pain. If the version of the curse didn't allow pain, then the individual wasn't even allowed to have feelings... of any kind. He'd be like walking stone.

If the cycles of life and death stopped while the individual was still in the awake state of the physical level of existence, his Karma then would force him to remain on that level in the awakened state of the physical level of existence of Earth. In such a condition, the power of the Ankh would change the original recording of his Karmic Chord such that the Double-gate would be forever closed to him. In this state of Karma, the individual would live until all his misdeeds were equalized. He could even live for all eternity on that physical dream level. The residents of all other levels of existence would see the individual as being awake... as never going to sleep.

If, because of a specific misdeed, the cycles of life and death were to stop while he were on the other side of life, he would then find himself in a seemingly endless In Between Time, wherein the world of his In Between Time would take on all the attributes of the physical Earth experience wherein he had the specific misdeed to equalize. All the others would see him as being either asleep, in a coma, or in a cataleptic trance.

In this condition, the power of the Ankh's Silver Cord that is attached to his many Kas would force him into the reality within his In Between Time that has the most attraction for him Karmically... the attraction of the misdeed that required equalization. There, his Karma would keep him until all attributes of his specific misdeed were equalized... the individual would become a seeming Oblivionite of the third class--a prisoner of that In Between Time. Again, as a prisoner of that In Between Time level, the individual could remain on that level of existence unto forever... even for an eternity; in that his Karma could force him into the Oblivionite of the second class--an Elemental of that level of experience.

In either case, the curse was considered more frightening than The Oblivion of the first class--Banishment from one's origin--because of the limitations of no travel it would impose upon the individual while he remained a prisoner of that In Between Time level of experience. Not being able to travel from a level of experience to gain needed wisdom from other levels of experience is a lot to endure, because it makes the growth process much slower.

Another difficulty is that the individual might not recognize a friend that resides on that level of experience as a friend. If the friend is accepted as an enemy, there is little hope for learning.

The feared curse was that in the process of equalizing his Karma as a prisoner within the borders of that In Between Time, the individual would only have a certain amount of time in which to remain un-trapped... a certain amount of time before his Karma would reclassify him as an Oblivionite of the second class--an Elemental of that level of experience. If the individual were such that he refused to change... were such that he refused to accept the necessary communications from those he viewed as an enemy, or if he were an island unto himself so as to refuse help from an outside source, the chances of him achieving his goal of equalizing the specific misdeed that condemned him within the allotted time would be slim, indeed.

Once reclassified as an Elemental of that level, he could count on being trapped on that level of awareness for as long as it took to pay the debt of all his misdeeds, and not just the specific misdeed that had condemned him. However, if in the process of freeing himself he should deceive himself, and thereby gain the field over Anubis, the man would remain in the Earth experience for all eternity. Not until all other life-forms had released themselves from the trap of Maya could the Forces release him.

This is why the ancients paid so much attention to the Trinity Of Life. The Trinity Of Life was the core of their belief-system. In relatively modern times, when the religions changed, they called the Trinity Of Life The Three Graces.