Path To The Tree Of Life
(The Way Of Essence)

As the TwinSpecies: Human (often called Man) descended into The Earth experience, Man discovered that the path to the coveted Tree Of Life was, indeed, a downward plunge into the nothingness of an illusion... an illusion that allowed Man to believe that he had succeeded in separating himself from being but a part of the whole... that he had succeeded in leaving The Universal Nest... that each was now an individual unto themselves (see Fig. #4).

Indeed, Man lives in the brightly lit world of his own illusions... wherein the only guiding voice is the voice that agrees with his testaments of the new creation--the creation called Reality... wherein all that exists must either conform to his thoughts or be dismissed as being not real... not true.

Albeit far too little... far too late, Man's pain has seemingly awaken a part of the sleeper that resides within us all... well, within some of us... well, within a few of us. Although we are not fully awake, the sleeper has been forced to look upon the Magic Mirror that reflects the self as it truly is, as opposed to reflecting the veneer that hides us from ourselves. Needless to say, the veneer that hides us from ourselves has another name... it is composed of multi-levels of illusions... of veils of forgetfulness... of dreams of individuality.

Before we tarry too long, let he who has awaken within us again remember the original desire... the original Maya that lost us our beloved pure state.

What If And But

In the continuum of the spell of life, all is accorded freewill to do as one pleases. This freewill was given to each by the Goddess Isis, through the power of the Ruby Of Life. The interaction of freewill within each individual's mind, in each plane of existence, and the implications that result from the exercise, are those things which keep diversity in a constant state of change.

Behold the journey of Man to The Tree Of Life, as seen through the eyes of The Hound Of The Hell Of Their Own Thoughts, as each comes to experience this sometimes gift, sometimes curse called freewill--The Walk Of Freedom. Behold the freedom of Man to experience his own beginnings... to experience but one of the many possible ways that their universe has unfolded.... We shall call them by their effectiveness of force: WHAT IF and its nemesis, BUT.

WHAT IF... each of us were given freewill by the eternal creator?... WHAT IF we could use this free will to gain the illusion of leaving Primedial Force, called the Universal Nest?

BUT... the Universal Nest is everywhere. The creator is everywhere and in everything. It is impossible to leave Primedial Force.

WHAT IF... there were a way?... A way to leave, yet truly not leave at all? WHAT IF... in our minds, we could pretend we have left the nest?

BUT... how can we do this? We could pretend all we want... but we will always know that we have not left the nest. Besides, why would we want to leave anyway?

WHAT IF... we pretend hard enough... think hard enough... so as to fall asleep?... to actually lose consciousness and dream about anything we desire.

BUT... is that possible? This freewill that we possess... would it allow us to do all that?... And, if it did, if we could do that, what should we think about?

WHAT IF... we could think about a physical universe? A place where our thoughts are held prisoner in a grosser matter... a place where we could have our own energy to play with... an energy inside a physical vehicle that has the power of mobility... a universe where we would have total dominion over what we want to experience. Think of the possibilities. We could play the game of sick, the game of war, the game of death, the game of pain... it would be a playground with infinite possibilities.

BUT... even if we do think about such a place, and even if we could fall asleep, it would just be an illusion. It wouldn't be real... only our imagination.

WHAT IF... we could pretend hard enough to... We could create a new thing called reality... a place that was neither real nor not real... we can make a reality that was only true to us... unless others decided to use their free will to dream our dream too. The Creator would only see us as being asleep. From creation's point of view, we would be but an awareness dreaming fantasies... and living within them. Besides, our freewill would protect us from any outside interference by the Creator... after all, it was given to us as a gift to do with what we please. Think of the endless possibilities we could experience with our freewill.

BUT... what if the fact that while experiencing this so-called Maya we could stop it at any given moment... knowing full well we could return to the awareness of the universal nest... Where is the trueness of leaving the nest while knowing this.

WHAT IF... this freewill was so powerful that we could make up any rules and any laws that we wanted? We could decide for ourselves how things should work. We could even install veils to keep us from knowing about our true God- like abilities. They would keep us from knowing how to do certain things... and, therefore keep us from knowing the truth of it all. We could transfer our awareness factor into the illusion itself... you know, as a part of trapping our energy of thought into matter, and law could keep it there so it wouldn't fall out when we weren't looking. This way we could experience the full sensation of separation from the universal nest without actually leaving it.

BUT... if freewill is that powerful and it can prevent us from knowing how to return to the awareness of the nest, won't we become forever lost?

WHAT IF... we made sure there were at least some hidden windows scattered about? Windows that would show us the way home. And, just to make sure we could return, in case we could not find the windows, we could evoke a law that would automatically return us to the source of our behavior, if our thoughts consisted only of the love for the all. All of our thoughts and all of our behaviors along this vein would automatically guide us back. The source of all things would be revealed to our higher minds and to our hearts. And, with this greater wisdom, our Ba would soar ever upward, toward the awareness of home.

BUT... What--/p>

WHAT IF... say no more, let us dream... Let us pretend... Let us descend into A Grand Maya.

Lo and behold they did. Like a child caught with their new toy, illusions were played upon and bandied about, without care of their un-thought of effects. Illusions became the focus of not one but of many. All seemed to experience the diversity of freewill. Reality had, indeed, become a prison of thoughts.

And likened unto a child, the games that were played, and the games that were dreamed of and fantasized soon became their new creation called Reality... a condition wherein that which was real ruled equally with that which was illusion. Rules were made without understanding that the very force that was used to place them within an illusion was also the very same force that kept them there.

Those who made up new games chose what would be experienced as they played... but, as in all rules which originate from the mind of a child, some things were left out... it was said to make the experience more fun... more individual. Certain concepts were not realized or remained un-thought of. Many implications of interactions were not completely addressed, or even ignored out of bemusement.

As a result, the experimenters of freewill fell deeper and deeper into a grave called sleep... into their dreams of reality. Veils of forgetfulness took their toll upon the descending Ka.

With universal laws eventually forgotten, set aside, or purposely misused, they found that they could not find any of their secret windows... nor could they remember their own rules. They were, indeed, trapped within The Hell of Their Own Thoughts. The new physical universe, the illusion of someone's desire to experience a grosser reality, turned into a place of separation and despair rather than a place of oneness and joy. The imagined playground had become a circus of horrors.

Unfortunately, those who perceived the reflections of others seemingly having much pleasure in their dreams, wondered about the pleasures and the reality of the dream. They, too, decided to dream the dream of a grosser reality... of a reality whereby their thought's energy was completely imprisoned in matter.

Behold, ye who sojourns unto the sacred Ruby of Life, opportunities will come once in the saga of Time. Eventually, the universe will share that which is mine. Our hearts have a dream which has begun, to give sustenance to the old and to shelter the young. As all are diminished or all are enhanced, what happens to just one will determine the dance. Throughout the eons again it's revealed that by our deeds of today, our future we seal. With each step of kindness, of sharing our wealth, we increase our own glory by the sharing of ourself. Each step that we take is a step for the whole. No greater gift can be given than the gift of our soul. So give of your ear and help all things rhyme. The young and the old will be served in their time. It's true that the fates have a way to judge souls, for each, in due time, will play the same role.

The ancient Lemurian Magi learned, albeit the hard way, that the reality that Man knows was not... is not what it was meant to be--layer upon layers of illusions, each modifying that which came before it... each limiting the future's possibilities of what could be.

We are reminded of a line from an old manuscript... the thought describes Man quite well: And they wept for want to be freed from their own desires. Their cries fell upon deaf ears. Their tears were lost in time as there were none who cared.

Fig. #1 tells us that because of The Alliance Of The Rule, Man had little freewill... and, he discovered that what he thought was freewill wasn't really all that free--everything had a price attached to it, regardless of what it was.

The Alliance Of The Rule is the set of special conditions that each pilgrim BaKa must agree to before being allowed to descend onto the yet undiscovered nine levels of the physical realms of The Earth Experience... which planet Earth is a part. Too late, the wayward traveler discovered that the physical realms of the Earth Experience were divided into three main parts:

  1. Lower earth;
  2. Middle earth;
  3. Higher earth.

Again, it was discovered that each of the three physical realms were, themselves, divided into three main divisions, making a total of at least nine levels for each Plane of existence to the trap of Maya:

  1. Lower, lower earth;
  2. Middle, lower earth
  3. Higher, lower earth;
  4. Lower, middle earth;
  5. Middle, middle earth;
  6. Higher, middle earth;
  7. Lower, higher earth;
  8. Middle, higher earth;
  9. Higher, higher earth.

Too late, the traveler discovered that the playground of desire was but, at least, nine levels of traps... nine stages upon which his TwinSpecies could play games, using itself as pawns to enrich the games of pain. Too late he discovered just how not free his games were. Too late he discovered that each deed within a game had strings that attached him to the pawn with which he played his game, and to the game, itself... because of the effects of the game upon the other residents of the stage upon which the game was played. Indeed, nothing was for free! Too late, Man discovered that before he did anything on his new level of experience... on his new level of observation, his first decision should have been to decide if he was to serve his TwinSpecies, or if he was to serve himself.

While it has happened before, seldom is it allowed for a life-form to begin a new species when descending upon The Astral Plane Of Common Reality, the main reality that governs the physical realms of lower, Middle Earth... the stage upon which the TwinSpecies: Human plays their games.

It is because the descender did not take the time to learn the ways of lower, Middle Earth that the traveler did not know. If the sleeper chose to serve his species rather than his own desires, The Great Law that was evoked to travel to the lower realms of physical Earth would place the traveler upon the path which led out of the trap called The Grand Maya... the trap of being in and of the physical Planes Experience... the lower realms.

Instead, in his eagerness to partake of the seeming blue paradise before him, the pilgrim chose to serve himself... to experience all manner of exciting dreams... dreams from which he is still seeking escape. For weal or for woe, The Great Law that was evoked to place him upon the stage wherein Man plays his games, placed him upon the path which led deeper into the myriad traps called The Grand Maya.

How harsh was the judgment against Man! Indeed, woe is Man, because the great laws that govern the physical realms of lower, Middle Earth state:

  1. That which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.
  2. The creation of The One is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of The Other.
  3. The Force that is evoked to Create and to place a Creation within a specific Illusion upon the physical realms of Matter is the selfsame Force that maintains... that limits that Creation within the borders of its Illusions, unto forever.

However, being true to his fear, Man resolved to change the Commandments, so he could follow them. His veils of forgetfulness served him well.

He selectively forgot that which he feared the most--the very laws which created his illusions. Selectively, he forgot that minute by minute, second by second, each and every thought, each and every deed, each and every desire, and each and every emotion condemned him to reap the rewards of his deeds according to the Continuum of Karma. He forgot that second by second his every experience did, at the very least, three things at the same time:

  1. It ratified the karmic debts of the past, thus giving the opportunity to repeat them;
  2. It fulfilled the needs of the present situation to satisfy his present wants, which, in turn, either equalized karmic debts, or to created new karmic debts which would drive him still deeper into The Grand Maya;
  3. It, to a great degree, determined the writing of the script that will determine the limits and the specifics of the games that the individual would be forced to play in his future.

Most important, because of his fear, the wandering pilgrim forgot that the script that he was writing today would determine the nature of his future lives.

Sadder, still, is the fact that Man, to this very day, runs from his fear; the individual deals with that which he fears only in his dreams, and in games of war. He has forgotten that the only way to stop his pain is to face his fears with an attitude of understanding, forgiveness, and with love. Only then will Man realize he can love himself.

Is there no end to Man's folly? Still does man change his sacred Commandments; today, both, The Path and The Way are but picturesque terms representing an attitude, or a lifestyle.

How little it would take for Man to realize that an individual who is sincerely seeking wisdom, as opposed to seeking the power that knowledge brings, is said to be on the path that will free him from the trap of The Grand Maya.

How little it would take for the individual pilgrim to realize that in seeking higher wisdom, he follows the way of sacredness... he follows the way that will lead him toward the Thada and towards the higher spiritual Planes of experience.

The individual has forgotten that one who seeks to serve himself is also treading upon a path--it is the path to the Hell of one's own thoughts.

In his fear, the individual selectively forgot the pain of The Oblivion; how much less did Man forget that the path of self- service will lead to that Oblivion... is it not written that each will become the very thing that is hated as he walks towards the things that he fears--his illusions.

The First Law of Illusion

It is The world of Illusion which is the driving force for Reality; and, within that Reality, it is the level of observation which creates the phenomenon; and, within each phenomenon, it is the law of the moment which dictates the needs of the situation which brings forth the stage upon which we play our games; and, within these games, it is the interaction between the needs and the acquired needs of the individual's Law Of The Moment which determines the roles we play in any given life; and, during any given life, it is the needs and the acquired needs of our dreams, of our hopes, and of our desires that will determine the interaction of the Six Points Of Power over our emotions within any given Illusion; and, with the satisfaction of our Illusions, The Magic Circle is fulfilled upon that level of experience.

The greatest sadness is that Man has forgotten that as each lives his life, he will be given the opportunity to deceive himself... if he accepts, he will lie... he will steal... even unto murder... he will sell a part of himself as he sells his ideals for what he thinks he needs from any given situation. It is because the sleeper sleeps that many are still descending to the lower levels.

As Man descends, more veils of forgetfulness wrap themselves about man's mind... clouding... blurring the borders between the path that leads out of The Grand Maya and the path that leads deeper into the mire of pain that is Man's gift for his stupidity (Fig. #2 shows how far Man traveled to create his level of dreams). Fig. #3 repeats the information found in Fig. #1 from a different point of view. It seeks to cast understanding upon the nature of Man's dream levels and how those levels are the mechanism which keeps the traveler within the boarders of his illusion, unto forever.