(The Breakdown Of Law)

Possession comes in two forms--When one is born into a Ka, and when one life-form takes over the physical body which Karmically belongs, by right of birth, to another life-form. Possession, itself, cannot exist apart from the phenomena called individuality; they are ganged.

An individual who is caught in the continuum of individuality, depending upon the point along the continuum within which he resides, has lost his memory of being but a part of the whole. Again, depending upon the point along the continuum within which he resides, he experiences the draw of The Claim To Uniqueness. This draw toward The Claim To Uniqueness will force the individual to experience all manner of uncertainties within his respective levels of reality. These new experiences, the levels of uncertainty within his relative realities, will act as a prime steering current for the various illusions within which he must play his games; and, within each illusion, the games, via The Law Of The Moment, will drive the roles he must play upon the stage of the specific level of reality within which he finds himself in any given moment.

To these ends the individual will experience the many faces of fear; it is this fear which will be seed for the individual's need to possess people, places, and things. This possession of people, places, and things is the driving force behind the individual's relative, however illusionary, experiences of security. He will, because of his illusions, experience still another illusion--the illusion of the relative continuity of ownership of these people, places, and things.

To the degree that the individual can rise above his Claim To Uniqueness, to that degree does the individual not have the need to possess that which is within his circle of awareness; his lack of security does not force him to seek to possess the people, places, and things which comprise his circle of awareness. He finds peace within himself. He does not have the need to seek peace outside himself.

If this is not enough to complicate things, we must also take into account the first manifestation of Duality--the presence and/or the absence. In this case, the presence and/or the absence has its effects via the basic seed for the fear which drives the individual's lack of feeling secure. When the individual loses sight of being a part of the whole, a whole wherein eternity exists for all things, eternity no longer exists for that individual; one of the faces of fear is that the individual, apart from his illusions, will not continue to exist but forever. For this individual, the term forever implies only however long it takes for him to lose possession of his people... of his places... of his things. For him, time passes. He will not live for eternity. With this face of fear, the individual experiences, on a first hand basis, the face of and the emotion of Death. What's more, the collection of his illusions, the illusions' games, and the games' roles, force him to extend his fear of non-continuity, be it a single fear or many fears, to all the people, places, and things which make up his relative circle of awareness. In a way, the individual's illusion of possessing people, places and things has a way of relieving the fear of non-continuity, for a time.

The most feared form of Possession in today Christianized Western world is when one life-form (usually an evil one) takes control of the physical body which Karmically belongs, by right of birth, to another life-form. However, as said before, Possession, itself, cannot exist apart from the phenomena called individuality; they are ganged.

Another use of the word Possession is to describe the state wherein the responsibility for an individual's actions and behaviors are ascribed to the will of another life-form. Specifically, another life-form has entered the individual's body and is controlling his deeds. Now the game of "It's not my fault" can be played.

While Possession may be a popular subject for Man's horror movies, let it now be known, in no uncertain terms, that Possession, the taking over of one's body by any outside entity, is impossible! Possession is impossible under any circumstances. The phenomenon does not exist.

For Possession to be possible, the claim to uniqueness would have to be violated. If one entity could coexist with another in one body, where is the uniqueness in that? For weal or for woe Man has claimed uniqueness... the dream of separation. Thus, he is condemned to live in isolation... he is condemned to live alone in his own body. He may only touch others with his behavior. The Blood Mendella, discussed elsewhere, would also have to be violated for one Entity to be possessed by another. This cannot be done. The laws of the Universe are not like the laws of Man. Man's laws can be broken; that is why he must devise punishments. The Universe's laws can never be broken. They are absolute limits. Not even if a Man wished himself to be possessed, or invited an entity to possess him would it be possible. Not even an individual's freewill can alter the limits set upon Man by Universal Laws!

Your body is yours to experience the lower levels of Lower Middle Earth... but, you cannot give it away. The most another life-form can do is to affect your body from the outside... the worse that can be done by another life-form is to commit murder upon you by destroying your physical body. No one can take your body from you... no one can enter your body to reside there unless they were admitted into your body via the birth process, according to the laws of the Earth Experience. No one can feel your body's pain... it's pleasures. Such is the claim to uniqueness. Therefore, Possession need not be one of Man's fears... unless the individual chooses to play the game... unless the individual chooses to create yet another illusion wherein possession is possible. However, it will be only an illusion of self-imposition. It will not be within Common Reality.

Yet, if Possession is not possible, why is Man's history, his movies, his beliefs, and his religions so full of accounts of Possession? What is really going on?

Firstly, in any case of seeming possession, it must be understood that it is the individual, himself, who is possessed and not the individual's physical body. The individual is possessed by the thought of absolving himself of the responsibility for deeds that the society would punish him for... however, it is he who is acting the way he is, and not some other life-form who took possession of his physical body.

Indeed, no other entity has the power to enter him. One possibility that exists when there is organic damage done to the physical body is where the individual is reacting to his own private nightmare... wherein the individual is caught in the hell of his own thoughts. The individual may seem possessed to us... his behavior may appear truly unnatural, but perhaps within the hell of his own thoughts... perhaps within the reality that presently governs him, it makes perfect sense. We must remember that the mind can do many things to the physical, when it has a need to.

Another possibility is that an individual has, through his own freewill, acquired the nature of another entity... or more likely, in the hell of his own thoughts, he has modeled himself after another entity. The mind can only go so far... once a certain point is passed, the individual's behavior may even enter the realm of Predestiny, but, it is still his behavior. Perhaps even here he, because of past games... because of a deep seeded need to be punished, he is forced by the laws of Karma to experience, to relive the game that drives him deeper into his own private... his self-imposed nightmare.

Still, if this is all that Possession really is, it is not too difficult to understand why these false explanations developed. It does not take brain power to see that an individual cannot be punished because of the actions of a higher power. To understand this, one must delve into two things: 1. man's attitude toward responsibility; and, 2. the state of Man's religion.

It is a well known fact of psychology (as well as being easily observable in daily life) that Man will often seek to relieve himself of the responsibility for his own actions. From the child's outright lie which is born of fear I didn't do it to the businessman's That's what you have to do if you want to get ahead to the drug addict's I couldn't help myself to the Preacher's claim that A demon is within him, life is full of Man's lies, rationalizations, excuses and pleas. All designed to shift responsibility from himself to someone or some thing else. Thus may he continue to play his games without looking into the mirror of his own heart. Why Man does this, and what his motivations are, is well documented in other parts of this lexicon.

The myth of Possession is just one more case of man trying to shift responsibility for his actions onto something else. In this case fault falls upon the Devil. I can't be held accountable. It wasn't me behaving that way... I was possessed by a Demon, for God's sake!

Man's religions have always been there, to stand right beside him and loudly proclaim that Man is not responsible for his own actions. If a religion is in the process of seeking to become the ruler of the known world, what better way is there than to absolve individuals from the responsibility of their own actions, when the need is at hand... if many people see and hear the good news, how quickly they will follow the new teacher, the new religion. All the new religion has to do is to proclaim to all that the individual was, indeed, possessed.

It is noted, of course, that only the Church could perform the proper exorcism... and, in the process, maintain their power over the common man. Since it is not our purpose to study religion, it is our purpose to discuss the claim of possession, let us just say that Man's religions, at least the vast majority of them, have not served Spirituality. More often they serve the needs of Earth, the needs of consolation, the needs of conscience relieving, the needs of rationalizations and justifications, the needs of politics. Indeed, religion has long ago traded its spirituality for political power.

Again, if any individual were to study religion in any great depth, he would see that the shifting of... the absolution of his responsibility for his own actions is, and has been, a dominant theme. The act of being absolved of one's action seems to be the source of religion's power over the people. A couple of examples might be:

In the Christian religion God's son is said to have died on the cross to pay for Man's sins. Thus, Man no longer has to pay for his own sins. He is absolved of responsibility for his actions. All he must do is sincerely believe, and he will be absolved by the sacrifice of Jesus.

In the Jewish religion, there exists a day each year, the day of atonement--Yom Kippor. It is said that on that day, if one truly repents of his evil deeds, then he has made his peace... he has gained atonement for his misdeeds. Again, he is absolved by the power of God.

Man's whole history up to this point shows that he is only interested in running away from himself... that Man is not interested in examining himself, even if by running he loses his honor... even if by running he loses a greater measure of truth. The sad fact is that Man is not yet ready to look upon the magic mirror that reflects his true self--to see himself as he truly is would require that Man give a punishment that is greater than he is presently willing to bear.

However, there is a place that lies hidden within each individual... a place within that hears Anubis, God Of Death, as He speaks His judgment against Man, The TwinSpecies, to Isis, goddess of life. If Man could find the good fortune to hear, each might dare to look into the magic mirror that reflects who and what he really is... in so doing, the change in self might avoid the judgment... at least, as it presently is.

"Ho, sister! We are of one face! Your gift of Illusions to the TwinSpecies called Man is not truly kind... it will prove to be a curse. They are less than true to their Illusions. In fear does man rush into his trap. Fear is Man's greatest scourge. Time is Man's enemy. The individual fears all that is about him.

"Man fears the very elements which created his nature, so he blames the deeds of the elements upon the Gods of his own creations.

"Man fears the pain of himself, so he blames his brother for the crimes that plague his world.

"Man fears the loneliness of his own solitude, so he blames others for his own lack of persona.

"Man fears the judgment of time, so he sets himself as judge over others of his kind, condemning his brother for deeds he, himself, has done.

"Man fears truth, so he corrupts the face of judgment by making truth look like falsehood, and falsehood look like justice, so he blames the deed upon language.

"Man fears the strength of others, so he sets others against that strength... using lies of omission and unspoken innuendo, thus, he blames the pestilence of his own deed upon the prejudices of others.

"Man fears the future, so he tries to destroy it by corrupting his own seed using love of seed, love of humanity, and love of God as his weapons.

"Verily, verily, I say unto man, the final judgment shall not set the man against the Golden Scribe! Be it true the Golden Scribe--Ptoh, shall mark tally against each for his crimes! Man shall not meet the final judgment as an individual! For, it is written, the final judgment shall mark tally against man--The Twin Species.

"Man, look ye, therefore, long and deep into the care of your Ka. If a man seeks salvation, let him look into the past to find the future!

"Verily, verily, if a single individual be condemned for the sake of a man's desire, then, so too, condemned is the entire species! For, it is writ, there is only one way! What is committed against the least of man, is committed against the most of man! According to the Golden Scribe, what is loosest in The Illusion shall be loosest in each's Reality!

"Ho, Sister! We are of one face! My face shall come. My face shall come... The Fifth Seal is being broken. Soon, it will be Set! Time grows short for Man!"

Man is changing, however slowly. Not until he rids himself of religion as it exists today, however, will his road to freedom be clear.

What Man calls Possession is nothing more than one more game to be played... one more road to be followed, one more force to be evoked. When the force evoked becomes uncontrollable... when the game gets out of hand, the results can be awful. Some games are much worse than others, obviously. The sadness is that because of the habit of absolving responsibility, it has become a very fearful thing to look upon another human who is playing the game of possession or insanity and not see judgment for what it really is. Mayhaps, we fear that the same judgment might be forth coming upon ourselves. Perhaps, to save ourselves the judgment of the future, when we see an individual who is caught in the hell of his own thoughts... when he is in the middle of depraved behavior, it is easier to blame it upon an external force...

When the final word has been spoken, deep within ourselves, despite the habit of masking over our rationalizations... despite the defense mechanisms we use against justice, to make falsehood seem like justice... despite the soft voice of our many religions telling us that all will be well, our sins have already been forgiven, we will go to heaven and be with Jesus, but only if we believe in their teachings... despite all the noise and the clatter of the excessive ego eagerly absolving ourselves as we listen to the men of the cloth... despite what we tell ourselves, we know.

We know that the potential for just such evil exists within us... we know such depravity springs forth at our leisure... we know that all manner of lies serve us... and, we know that we must ever guard against them. History tells us, however, that we make poor guardians of justice when religion seeks control.

We know that we, and we alone, are responsible for our actions, and that we must choose our actions with Love, with honor, and with respect for all life if we wish to walk the path to the Tree of Life as opposed to the path of the hell of our own thoughts.