PrimedialForce vs. GreatForce
(Two Sides Of The Same Door)

"Though we will speak of PrimedialForce, The GreatForce, and Recursive Dialusion as being separate Creations, they are, in fact, really just a single "Force." It is not unlike a circle in which each Force depends upon the other two forces to define itself. Thus, these three forces are sometimes referred to as the first level of a great Magic Circle whose effects reach all the way to the lower levels of Physical Earth.

"Before anything else existed, there existed a state wherein dwelled, if we can use the term dwell, the seed of the first manifestation of Duality--The Absence and The Presence.

"Within the Presence there existed the Zone of Non-Darkness. Existence within the Zone Of Non-Darkness is a state of creation which was neither active in its nature, nor passive in its nature... neither could we say it was masculine nor feminine; it just was. It is the Great Void which separates Deluge from Orthodontiks.

"It existed, if existed be a word which can be used, on the other side of the DoubleGate of Creation--Isis and Anubis. Within this zone of Non-Darkness lay the unrealized hopes of all uncreated futures.

"Then, there came into being what we call PrimedialForce. It could be described, though inadequately, as endless, boundless, power at rest. A great Force which was at Peace with itself; a great Force which was in complete homeostasis; it was the sanguine sea of possibilities; it was the seed of all there was, and all there would ever be.

"Then, there was the first creation--Recursive Dialusion. This first creation was... is the transformation of Unity unto Duality. Recursive Dialusion can be described as the axiom of law; it is, as its name implies, the seed of a Royal... an absolute controlling force that was, and still is, recursive in its nature.

"It was, and it still is, the first instance in all of creation whereby the created phenomenon totally took control of its creator; and, the repeating patterns continued ever downward; the first law of creation came into being; itself, the seed for all continuums and for the great law of Repeating Patterns.

"First Law of Creation

"The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other.

"And, because Unity became Duality, following The First Law of Creation, the Second Law of Creation came into being in the selfsame moment as did the first; it governed the nature of the Duality; it was seed for all which would ever be.

"Second Law Of Creation

"All which exists within the Chi shall exist Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

"Thus, the second law of creation, that which followed the law of repeating patterns of Recursive Dialusion, echoed the first great law of creation; because of the recursive nature of the first creation, the second creation became seed for all Continuums.

"It is interesting to note that while the process seems to be taking place in LinearTime... and in LinearSpace, in that there seems to be a step one then a step two, thus... a past and a future, there is the implication that the A Happening is controlled by FabricTime; such that, creation is happening all in the selfsame moment... recursively, step two seems to be presently governing the nature of the creation of step one.

"The first great and Royal Continuum of Creation--The Continuum of Change, a Duality in its own right, became the first of the Broken Circles.

"This great unfulfilled magic circle had, and still has, as one of its poles The Absence... (an A Happening that is governed by Fabric Time within Fabric Space), and, as its other pole, it had, and still has, The Presence... (an A Happening that is governed by Linear Time within Linear Space).

"Thus, Duality was fulfilled; the magic circle was complete; upon all levels of creation, the presence (with its Linear Time/Space Continuum) of and the absence (with its Fabric Time/Space Continuum) of a thread of creation would leave its mark upon the whole.

"However, being dual in its nature, the Royal... the great magic circle of The Presence and The Absence echoed itself by bringing forth its image. The second aspect of Duality became The one (PrimedialForce, seed for The She), and its lesser duplication, The other (The GreatForce, seed for The He). Combined, this great dual Continuum was the first cause of all causes; and, it was effect to its own cause. This aspect of being effect to its own cause became the seed which caused PrimedialForce to fold in upon itself; to draw forth from itself all that is, all that was, and all that shall ever be, according to the dictates of Recursive Dialusion.

"Behold, because of the recursive nature of the pairing (the interaction between, as opposed to either the presence or the absence of either forces) of the first creation with the second creation, The GreatForce became Triune in its nature; thus, forming The Most High And Holy Triunity Of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency.

"But, because of the very nature of creation, whereas creation, itself, was not unlike a fabric rather than a simple division along mutinous levels of creation, The Holy Triunity of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency each continued the original pattern; they further subdivided into both, different levels of repeating patterns, and along different planes of existence. Thus, the two, PrimedialForce and GreatForce, fulfilled its implication of the third manifestation of Power, and the third manifestation of Creation--Recursive Dialusion (Universal Law), Continuums (Repeating Patterns of Change), and Mobility (Forceful Spirit of Act).

"It may be hard to understand why we say that Recursive Dialusion (Law), the GreatForce, and PrimedialForce are all one. We say this because none exists without the other. If none can exist without the other, then it is not possible that one created the other, because it would not have had the independent existence to do so--further implication that while Creation is an A Happening that is on-going in LinearSpace according to the limits imposed by LinearTime, the A Happening of Creation, itself, is being governed by FabricTime.

"The concept of Eternity is the best way to try to understand Primedial. Primedial was never created, with respect to Linear Time and Linear Space; it always was and always shall be--its seed of activity lies within Fabric Space being controlled by Fabric time, wherein awareness does not exist... it is an effect whose cause is issued from the absence. Since Recursive Dialusion and The GreatForce come directly from PrimedialForce, they, too, were never created, they, too, have always existed, and they always shall exist.

"The great Magic Circle, PrimedialForce, The GreatForce, and Recursive Dialusion are all outside the effects of Time as we know it (LinearTime). It is only once we descend into the realms where LinearTime exists that we can truly say that one Force creates another. Outside of the LinearTime/Space Continuum, the statement Force A created Force B has no meaning... because that implies that Force A existed before Force B, and the word before implies time.

"Thus, one must be led to ask that if PrimedialForce is the source of all things, what is the source of PrimedialForce? The only answer is that PrimedialForce is the source of PrimedialForce. It is its own cause and its own effect. Again, Eternity is the best concept Man has to explain it--PrimedialForce, as well as Recursive Dialusion and the GreatForce, is Eternal.

"Thus, within PrimedialForce, we see the root of two of the most important aspects of Creation: recursion or recursiveness and the phenomenon whereby the Creation completely controls the Creator.

"Recursion is a process whereby each new thing in a series refers back to its predecessors in order to obtain the patterns necessary to bring forth the new Creation.

"The best way to understand recursiveness is to think of the process in terms of repeating patterns. Thus, PrimedialForce brought forth Recursive Dialusion. Recursive Dialusion, in its turn, using the same pattern which PrimedialForce used to create Recursive Dialusion, creates the GreatForce. The GreatForce in its turn, using the same pattern which Recursive Dialusion used to create the GreatForce, creates other forces. And, the same pattern continues down to the lowest levels of physical reality; round and round it goes, like an ever increasing spiral of new creations, each dividing along its continuum.

"In terms of the phenomenon whereby the created Creation comes to take complete control over its Creator, we must again look toward Recursive Dialusion. PrimedialForce created Recursive Dialusion--while this is not accurate, it is the best way we have of describing the process right now. Since Recursive Dialusion is the axiom of Law, any further creations must be made according to the limitations and the allowances of that Law. Thus, Recursive Dialusion came to completely control the creative abilities of its own creator,--PrimedialForce. Again, the pattern continues unto the lowest levels of physical reality.

"While these forces may seem very abstract, gaining an understanding of them is important. This is true because in every aspect of Creation, from the highest to the lowest, they are present. Every creation is but a manifestation of this original pattern of Creation. All Creations must follow this original pattern. New forces and Laws are added each time the process repeats itself, as Creation continues toward the Physical.

"It is interesting to realize that the marvelous diversity of the Universe is created by energy (albeit an energy far beyond our present conception) that is guided by very few laws.

"The present day computer follows the same pattern as the Universe! Inside the computer chip, all information is represented by only two states--the presence of voltage or the absence of voltage. Yet, from this binary system, we are able to get (in what many would call a magical and incomprehensible way!) word processors, games, and all the other amazing things in the computer world.

"Obviously, the computer, while it may be a magical box, is not incomprehensible. So too is it with the creation of the Universe. It is not incomprehensible... Still, when one comes to understand the simplicity of its magic, it only makes us revere it all the more.

"For some, the beginning of wisdom comes in the necessity to as the most important question to date: "How does a creation take control of its creator?"

"On a people level, children (the creation) eventually take control of their parents (the creators). In the course of life, parents (in their youth) are strong and help or hinder the destinies of their children. When parents become old and feeble, the children quite often control the destinies of their parents.

"On a grander scale, the galaxy... really just a collection point for minute particles of the mass energy that is the beginnings of Matter, by way of the collection of huge quantities of Matter, creates gravity, which, in turn, creates... is the seeming source for the Linear Time/Space continuum, is controlled by the very same gravity and the Linear time/space continuum that the galaxy created.

"To us, these are the "magic circles"... the "recursive nature" of nature which continue vibrating unto eternity, as we know eternity to be. No creative pattern exists here on this physical level that does not also exist upon some upper level. Likewise the reverse is true.

"Man is responsible for his own nature, modified only by the limits of his understanding! We know the two sides of the door of creation... we know that Law does and will extend into all levels of the Universe. Therefore, the real question becomes: "How can we use this door to our advantage... and, to the advantage of all others?"

"Firstly, in our personal growth, we know that there is always two sides to a story... two sides to differing points of view... two sides to differing levels of observation. There may be more, but there is always at least two. Knowing this, each can learn tolerance and understanding toward the difference of others.

"Knowing also that there is always a door between these two sides, the seeker can conclude that there is always a special "space"..., a special "time" whereby these two sides can meet and become one. This place and time is within the door itself--it lies within Alfa, seat for individuality. Alfa knows neither rules nor controls other than those imposed upon the individual by his own illusions.

"Here, within the limited space of an individual's illusions, the two seemingly opposing forces, the two seemingly opposing ideas... the two opposing points of view may meet to mesh... to become still a third... something different... but, within that difference, with aspects of both, thus being neither one side nor the other.

"Portals of understanding lie in this very special area called The World Of Alfa... the Inner World of each individual. For a time, thoughts which come from two different people may meet. Within the limits of each meeting, they can agree to argue, to debate... even to fight. One thought may join the other... or, both may stand their ground.

"In either case, regardless of the outcome, once the A Happening returns to the individual's OuterWorld, it will be found that a bit of energy is always brought back to each side... energy which changes ... which diversifies that which was.

"That energy will either add to, or subtract from the validity of either side. It will occur in the presence/present, but the result, the creation, will be controlled by the future... as it, the presence/present becomes the past. Hence, the future controls the past just as much as the presence creates the future. This knowledge can be used as a pry bar for one's personal development upon all levels of one's self.

"Though the past cannot be changed, the past can be controlled by the future. For example: Let us say that you have an argument with a friend. Your point of view was completely different from his. Both of you become angry at the other... and, in that anger, you do not speak to each other for a few days. Obviously, you cannot change the past, but the past has produced much energy to be controlled by future actions which now become the present from moment to moment.

"It is up to you to decide to act upon the past, either negatively or positively. It is also your option to not act at all, in which case, life itself will control and direct. Either way, either life itself, or you will control the past one way or another through the future. The recursiveness of time becomes complete. It will continue this way unto eternity.

  • It is written that the needs of the future limits the possibilities of its past... But, there is confusion with the truth of it.
  • It is written that it is the Past that determines the Needs Of The Future... But, there is confusion with the truth of it.
  • How can each be the limits of the other?... How can That Which Is Not be the limits for That Which Has Been?... Indeed, there is confusion with the truth of it!