(Nature's Receipts)

The Pairings is a Royal Steering Current which, in effect, is seed for the bringing together of two or more controlling aspects, two or more laws of creation, to create still another different creation that has properties which are different from the two or more creations which combined to create it.

The Pairings is a subset of Recursive Dialusion (the universal set of laws) which makes life, as we know it, possible. As a matter of fact, The Pairings is a very special subset of Recursive Dialusion. This is especially so for the creations which we recognize as having life, as we know it. This is so because the subset of law called The Pairings is that part of the Continuum of Force which guides The Continuum Of Change during its process of creation, seemingly, endlessly. It pairs, if you will, other creations with the creation called Matter to create what we know as existence in the physical Universe.

First of all, one must understand exactly what Matter is. That which is Real is another name for Matter. Matter, like every facet of Creation, is a continuum. On the one end of the continuum we have the Gross Matter--made up of atoms and molecules. On the other end we have extremely fine Matter. It is so fine that we call it by another name--energy!

What we usually consider Matter is really just a small band of the Matter-energy continuum. Therefore, all the following are Matter: rock, wood, water, air, radio-waves, and even thought!

The nature of Creation is such that when anything is created, all its possibilities and all its potentials are created at the same moment. It must be so, for the creation of anything implies the existence of all the possibilities that go with it. The specific law that governs this phenomenon is:

The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other.

Matter is no exception. With Matter, the possibilities are:

  1. Animation;
  2. Size;
  3. Shape;
  4. Malleability;
  5. Form;
  6. State;
  7. Density;
  8. Pigmentation;
  9. Non-matter (Antimatter);
  10. Combining to make compounds.

1. Animation:

The first potential of Matter is animation. Knowing that animation is one of the prime potentials that is associated with Matter helps us to understand the meaning of the statement When the GreatForce created Matter, the LifeForce and the MindForce were created in the selfsame happening. The LifeForce is what holds Matter together, and the MindForce is what animates Matter. Thus, when Matter was created, the LifeForce and MindForce sprang into being as a part of the same creation.

Remember, there are always at least three prime forces involved in the creation of life:

  1. Recursive Dialusion;
  2. That Which Is Real;
  3. The pairing of LifeForce with MindForce

1. Recursive Dialusion sets the laws that are involved in motion as it sets the limitations of the laws in question.

2. That Which Is Real is the raw material, the Matter that was created from the interaction of the laws that brought forth the creation.

3. The LifeForce / MindForce Bonding. LifeForce gives the bonding agent to get and keep the creation together, while MindForce animates That Which Is Real. It is the animation that allows self-controlled motion to exist, no matter what the level.

Just as Matter implies the existence of the LifeForce, so too does the LifeForce imply the existence of the MindForce. This is so because within the continuum of animation comes the possibility of intelligent animation, or self-controlled animation, and therefore language and mind.

Thus, if we drop down one level, Recursive Dialusion becomes transparent. Since Recursive Dialusion is a Royal Steering Current, and, as such, governs all Creation, there is no need to consistently list it with the other threads of the creation of a happenstance. From this point of view, Recursive Dialusion is never spoken of even though we know it is always present; it becomes transparent to the list of forces which unite to create a happenstance. That is, its effects are present but they are experienced via the limitations set by the Royal Steering Current which controls it all-- The Pairings.

Thus, on this lower level, we can say that the three prime forces which are present in the creation of Matter are That which is real (Matter), the LifeForce (the bonding agent that keeps things together), and the MindForce (the world of Illusion). Thus, this is one of the first examples of Repeated Patterns. It is also one of the cycles of Creation.

It is written that it took seven cycles to create the Universe as we know it. The Christian Bible corrupts this information into God created the heavens and the Earth in seven days.

It is accepted by many that the creation process is on-going. Likewise, it is accepted that the label cycles has reference to the passage of time. The mystic, however, believes that, to a great degree, both are correct--the label cycle has reference to the passage of time, and, it also has reference to stages of creation. To the mystic, it is difficult to determine which of the two is the more important. On the one hand, it could be said that the more important reference to the label cycles alludes to the neoning (going back and forth) between LinearTime and FabricTime. LinearTime is the type of time that gives Man, and the physical creations the ability to have a past, a present, and a future. FabricTime, however, has no past, has no present, and has no future. In FabricTime, time, as we know time to be, does not exist.

On the other hand, it could be said that the more important of the two references to the label cycles is that of being composed of stages; some believe there are only seven stages (maybe the seven days of the Christian week) to the journey of the experience of Earth, while others believe there are nine stages (the nine levels of the Earth Experience... Physicalness being one of those) to the creation of the journey that comprises the experiences of the Earth.

The LifeForce and the MindForce are always intertwined with Matter which is said to be living. The Matter in question may be fine, or very gross. In any case, Matter is always that which houses or, to a lesser degree, is animated by the LifeForce, regardless if MindForce is present or not present.

The combination of the LifeForce, the MindForce, plus a collection of Matter can be thought of as a dual continuum. While we usually look at a simple continuum as being the accumulation of minute changes in a specific type of Matter, a dual continuum is very much more complicated. While the pattern of minute changes is the same, there are usually two threads of creation which are twisted about one another in a dual continuum--wherein, the limits of one become the borders of the other.

In this case, the two threads are the thread of the LifeForce and the thread of the MindForce. Both threads of creation unite, or fail to unite, to create the multi-stages of the animation of Matter. Needless to say, in a dual continuum, we must also understand that we are seeing the effects of the first manifestation of duality, itself--the presence and the absence. In this case, it is either the presence or the absence of the thread called MindForce which creates the phenomenon in question. At the lower end of the continuum, from our point of view, the Matter, while it has a lesser degree of mobility via the movement of its atoms, and thus, a certain degree of animation, it does not have MindForce. Rock falls into this category.

Again, from Man's point of view, at the intermediate levels we see physical life-forms--gross Matter animated to a high degree. Higher levels show finer Matter animated to a higher degree--Astral life-forms. At very high levels we have thought, itself.

Thought, while it is Matter, cannot exist apart from the MindForce, just as grosser forms of Matter cannot exist without LifeForce. Thus, the duality is that of animation / non-animation. Another way of looking at it might be if the creation has MindForce as a thread of its creation. Thought, while is has LifeForce (the body that is doing the thinking) as one of its threads of creation, it does not have MindForce as one of its threads of creation; it is the by-product of MindForce.

This dual continuum can be thought of as a helix. The helix has the same shape as the DNA molecule, wherein two strands intertwine with each other and spiral either upward or downward.

It is now important to go on a small aside, to gain more information about the repeating pattern that gives us the twin helix we know as the DNA molecule. It is important for us to recognize this pattern as a Royal Steering Current of Creation. We recognize the presence of this pattern in the concept of Linear-time--wherein Time and Space intertwine to form the helix we call the Time/Space Continuum. We again recognize the pattern in the creation of all Life-forms, wherein it is the intertwining of LifeForce and MindForce that form life's prime helix.

On one level, Matter extends from non-animation to high degrees of animation. Then, on the next level, Matter of a higher frequency (as an example, Matter that is encountered on a dream level) repeats this pattern--it extends from no MindForce and/or no mobility (like a rock) to high degrees of MindForce and/or a high degree of mobility (such as matter that is said to have life). The difference is that each level occupies a different frequency band than all others.

Thus, each level can be represented by one spiral, or one wrap, of the helix. Each spiral begins at the lowest point of the level--no MindForce--and rises higher as the degree of MindForce increases. The helix, as a whole, represents the fact that each level is of a higher vibration than the one below it.

The only inconsistency in this description is the fact that there are placental-type barriers between each level. If these placental barriers were not present, the differences between the two levels could not exist... as a matter of fact, there would be only one level. It is the presence of the placental-type barriers that allows differences to exist within sameness. Thus, the helix is not a completely accurate representation. Perhaps a helix with a small piece missing at the border of each level would be more accurate. (See Fig. #1).

If Life is to be experienced, it must be experienced on its own level. Hence, for instance, a radio wave can only be experienced by another wave of that same magnitude, or by a vehicle that is designed to experience it (such as a radio). Each experience can only be experienced by its own level. Hence, in this gross Matter we have a physical body which we call a Ka. The specific law which creates this is also dual in its nature. The first part of it states: Each unto its kind.

The second part states: The Force which is evoked to create a phenomenon, and to place the creation within an illusion is that very same force which limits and maintains that phenomenon within the borders of its creation.

The next level up, let's say we call it the Beta system, otherwise known as the world of our Ba, we have a Beta body, which we call The Ba (see Fig. #2). It is important to know that within the world of the Beta system, Matter is just as solid to the Ba as Matter is solid to the Ka of our level of creation. Furthermore, if we accept the concept of a bubble within a bubble, within a bubble pattern of creation, we must recognize that the world of the Beta system resides within the world of the Alfa system (the Alfa system is the world that we live in when we are awake). Still further, as we live our everyday lives, there is a constant communication between the world of the Beta system and the world of the Alfa system, via the individual's Emotional Interchange Interface (The Emotional Interchange Interface is a part of the Silver Cord that ties all of our bodies together).

The next level up, we find the world of the Thada system, wherein we have a different vehicle within which to experience, that which is solid on its level--The BaKa. One frequency is solid to another frequency of the same kind, and that's basically what we're talking about.

Along with animation are ganged other potentials. One of these is mobility.

Mobility is said to be the ability to bring about change. Change becomes possible when animation is present. If no animation is present, then there can be no mobility. Thus, each life-form, which is animated by MindForce as well as by the limitations forced upon the creations of LifeForce, has associated with it a certain degree of mobility. This mobility is influenced by many factors. We shall discuss them all later.

Mobility is a continuum. It acts in different directions. One direction is mobility in space. Thus, there are life-forms that have very little mobility in space, such as plants. Other life-forms have a high degree of mobility in space, such as mammals. Some life-forms, such as Man, have mobility in many areas. These include space, time, mind, and emotion.

2. Size

Size is the second potential of Matter. When dealing with life-forms, size is related to the function of the quantity, quality, mass, and purpose of Life according to the points along the food chain. Size, to a great degree, will determine many aspects of the life-form's Ka. Size is determined by The Pairings to serve the needs of the individual life-form's environment, etc. Needless to say, size is related to mass which is then related to environment. We cannot expect a life-form that is heavier than the tension at the surface of water to live upon the surface of that water--the life-form would simply sink below the surface and drown.

3. Shape

Shape is the third potential of Matter. On this level, we see myriad shapes. Squares, circles, spheres, cubes, triangles, pyramids, lines, hexagons, and all the other geometrical figures that are possible. These shapes, in turn, combine to form other shapes, and to help support the myriad vehicles that support Life. Wavelength and waveform must also be considered shapes. On other levels, there are other shapes which are beyond our present ability to conceptualize.

While Matter may be of any shape, there are other forces to consider. One of the laws of Recursive Dialusion is that if Life is to exist, it will do so in forms that are usually roundish in appearance, not square (this is not the law itself, but the effect of the law). Thus, when the LifeForce's limitations are bent toward the creation which will support Life, as we know it to be, it creates life-forms which are not square (conservation of energy is governing). Still, it is the limitation of Recursive Dialusion that causes this, not the LifeForce itself; the law which governs this is based upon the conservation of the energy of Life. Another example of this same effect is the fact that all bubbles are round. Thus non-MindForce matter may be molded into squares, but MindForce matter cannot exist as a square. Shape, when applied to life-forms, is controlled, again, by The Pairings.

There are only two aspects of Recursive Dialusion which would seem to allow for square forms in nature. One aspect is the law of Frequency, specifically whereby the angle of incidence of reflected light is equal to the angle of reflection. This gives the possibility of right angles, and thereby, squares. But, it takes at least three laws to bring forth a creation and frequency is but one of them that lends itself to the creation of squares. Thus, we seldom see squares in nature, unless Man molds them himself.

The other aspect is, again, a parallel reflection of the incidence of light, but on a lower level--that of the lattice formation of various crystals.

All this goes to illustrate the hierarchy of laws. If we look at only one specific thing, say Matter, there are no constraints on it being square. In fact, that is one of the potentials of Matter. But, when we bring in other threads of the fabric of The Pairings, we bring in further limitations. In all cases, the laws of The Pairings are the Royal Steering Currents of all Royal Steering Currents. As such, they override the potentials of Matter. Further, the LifeForce obeys the laws of Recursive Dialusion when working with Matter. Thus, in order to understand the nature of Matter, we must not neglect its interaction with other Universal Forces.

Another way of looking at it is to say that what is possessed of the LifeForce has the ability to be square; but, if that same creation brings in the MindForce, such that the creation in question now becomes animated with what we call life, the new thread of creation--MindForce--removes the ability for the creation to become square.

4. Malleability

Malleability is the fourth potential of matter. Malleability is a continuum. Points along the continuum include fluid, pliable, elastic, and rigid. Malleability applies to both, MindForce animated matter and non-MindForce animated matter.

Malleability is what is responsible for one element, say Iron, being rigid while another element, say Mercury, is fluid. It is also what makes one form of matter bend under pressure while another form would simply break if placed under the same pressure.

Malleability affects Matter just as much on the LifeForce level--the bonding level--as it does on the MindForce level. Depending on the nature of the bond, be it swivel, elastic, or rigid, the matter will show different aspects of malleability. This is why malleability is capable of being a continuum. On the LifeForce level, this concept is easy to see--Matter will either bend or break. The pattern is not so easy to see on the MindForce level--some people can exist under more pressure than others; those who can take more pressure, can bend with the necessities of a job. Those who cannot take the extra pressure that come with some jobs simply fail to keep up with the needs of the job, get fired, or, not too quietly, go insane.

Malleability affects shape. You wouldn't expect matter that is quite rigid to lay in a shapeless mass. Matter that is highly pliable, such as gelatin, can assume almost any shape, depending on its surroundings. Thus, malleability and shape are ganged together. Again, there is the relationship between the creation's properties--a given amount of gas will change to fill the volume of its container; a given amount of liquid will only use the space necessary to contain it and leave the rest of the container's space untouched... but, it will take on the shape of that part of the container that it does use.

Also, malleability affects tensile strength of matter. This has to do mostly with elasticity. Thus a rubber band can be stretched and will reassume its original shape. A man's arm, which also has a certain degree of elasticity, can also be stretched, but to a lesser degree. A rock, meanwhile, for all intents, cannot be stretched at all. It will simply break if enough stretching force is applied to it. Still, the creation's shape memory is different--the more the creation will change, the greater shape memory it will possess.

Malleability is very important to life-forms. If malleability didn't exist, all life-forms would be rigid. This would mean there would be no, or very little, mobility in space. Thus, no animals would be possible. Plants also have malleability. They are pliable and elastic. Without malleability, they could not exist, either. So, in actuality, without malleability, life, as we know it, could not exist at all. Thus, malleability is a limitation of MindForce.

The malleability factor makes it possible for a creation to contain and hold energy. For example, electricity can be held in, and can flow through, materials that have valence factors, or free electrons. These free electrons are produced by the nature of bonding, and thus malleability.

For the individual who has no science background, think of an atom as being divided into two ways; the first being in the number of electrons which circle about its core; the second being in the number of layers of these circling electrons which circle about the atom's core. Each layer, by law, can have no more than eight electrons circling in any one layer. If the outermost layer has only six electrons, then it can accept or receive two electrons from a neighboring atom. However, if the outermost layer has all eight electrons circling its layer, it can neither give nor accept electrons from its neighboring electron. This process of accepting or giving off of electrons to another atom is called the valence factor of that atom which makes up the material in question.

Different forms of energy use different aspects of malleability. Thus, photons could be contained in, or flow through, crystallized matter, such as diamond. Electricity, on the other hand, would use matter that has free electrons, like most metals. MindForce, or Life-energy, requires matter which is highly elastic.

5 & 6. Form & State

The fifth and the sixth potentials of Matter are form and state, respectively. We must now introduce an understanding using information about the myriad manifestations of matter as found in nature, without any life-forms' interference.

Example: Rock can be heated up by man, thus changing its manifestation. Likewise, a volcano can also heat up rock. But, the content of a volcano is called lava, not molten rock, as it would be in the case of man's interference.

The continuum of matter is, in its own sense, a mini-fabric. Anyone who is trying to devise a classification will be hard put to remain along a single line, or a single train of thought. Therefore, we will use the following:

The label form will apply strictly along the chemical makeup. Example: Fe, the chemical symbol for Iron, is matter that has manifested in a totally different form than that of H20 (Water). However, we must also recognize that while Fe, in its natural manifestation is said to be solid, or not fluid, you cannot say the same thing in regards to the manifestation of matter called H2O or Hg (Mercury).

Equally as obvious, while the form of matter called H2O and the form of matter called Hg are totally different forms, they have attributes of each other which cannot be ignored. This attribute we shall call the state of manifestation.

Thusly, the manifestation Fe and the manifestation H2O are different forms of matter. But, there is an additional difference. It must be remembered that some forms of matter are multi-manifestative forms, which are capable of manifesting in different states. Example: Iron (Fe) in its natural form, manifests as only one state--it is solid. This is not so for all forms of matter. Water (H2O) is a perfect example. Water happens to be one of the few that are multi-manifestative; having the ability to manifest in three different states: solid (ice), gas (steam), and liquid.

Another multi-manifestative form of matter is carbon. Carbon manifests as both graphite and as diamond in nature. While both are solids, they have distinctly different properties due to the fact that the bonding is different in the graphite state from that of the diamond state.

Obviously, the fabric of the continuum of the manifestation of matter has decreed that each place or spot, if you will, along its continuum, shall consist of a different form of manifestation. But, equally obvious, some forms of matter can manifest themselves in their natural environment along more than just the chemical properties. H2O is one of these, in that it manifests not only along the chemical lines but also along the bonding lines. The fact that H2O manifests along the bonding lines as well as the chemical lines makes it totally different from other forms of matter which are locked into or otherwise limited to manifesting along the chemical line. This is a very important difference that must also be acknowledged--another example of a limitation that is brought into the creation by the requirements of MindForce.

Multi-manifestative forms of matter, such as water and carbon, play a very important role when we bring in the additional factor of the MindForce's effects upon the LifeForce's interaction with matter.

All forms of matter that are multi-manifestative are utilized by the MindForce, without exception. But, not all forms of matter are utilized by the MindForce.

All multi-manifestative forms of matter have either the potential for mobility or are MindForce animated. Also, all multi-manifestative forms are either directly animated by the MindForce or have the properties to become a by-product of the MindForce's processes. Not so with all forms of matter.

Thus, multi-manifestative forms of Matter are both, animated by the MindForce, and they are a by-product of the presence MindForce. This is not so for just any forms of Matter. Forms of Matter are either animated by or are utilized by the MindForce, but never both. Seldom, if ever, are they simply by-products of the presence of MindForce without being used by MindForce.

Understand that each element in the periodic table is a distinct form of Matter (see Fig. #4). These elements combine to form compounds, which are new, distinct forms of Matter. Every biological creature, because it is a unique combination of many forms of Matter, has its own unique properties. Life-forms have unique shape, size, mobility, malleability, and pigmentation. All of these aspects are created to serve the life-forms' specific needs and purposes of the Life process.

It is important to distinguish form from shape. If we have both, a cube of ice and a cube of gold, they both have the same shape, but not the same form. Each distinct form of Matter has unique properties. Water can be separated into Hydrogen and Oxygen, Gold cannot. Gold can be made into jewelry, Water usually cannot. Each is designed to serve a special purpose in its own level.

Likewise, in the biological realm, some forms of Matter can fly. Others can only walk. Still, others can only crawl. Some have even less mobility; they are rooted in one place, where they are condemned to live out their entire lives.

Another potential of Matter is state. Different states of matter arise when the same form has different manifestations. H2O can be ice, liquid, or steam--but in any case, it is still H2O. Matter can take on more than one manifestation, but it is the nature of the bonding that is holding the Matter together that determines the state.

7. Density

The seventh potential of Matter is density. Density, according to modern scientific theory is determined by two factors: atomic radius and interatomic distance.

Atomic radius is, itself, determined by many factors. Chief among these are: number of particles (electrons, protons, neutrons) present in the atom, and the number of complete shells in the atom. Different atoms hold their electrons more or less tightly, depending upon how many complete shells there are. Thus, it is possible for an atom to have a higher atomic number and still be smaller than another atom with a lower atomic number.

Interatomic distance also involves many factors. State is the primary determinant here. Thus, any solid will be more dense than any gas, and most solids are more dense than liquids. When comparing solids to other solids, other factors become important; such as how the atoms are arranged in the crystal structure. In other words, some solids become more dense than others because they more efficiently use a given volume of space. They may pack ten atoms into an area where another atom might only be able to fit five. This, along with the atomic radius, itself, and the atomic weight, is what determines density. It is important to note that different creations of Matter have different limits placed upon it.

As an example, with the creation of Matter called gas, it has a much greater degree of malleability... a greater propensity for change than do other creations of Matter. Since density is measured by mass/volume, which also implies pressure/volume, A given amount of gas that is placed in containers of different sizes would have the propensity for change along many lines of creation--There could be changes in pressures, depending upon the temperature changes of the gas, different densities depending upon the size of the container, different volumes depending upon the size of the container, etc.

It is possible for one form of Matter, say water, to have different densities under different conditions. Thus, steam, while it is still H2O, has a different density than ice. This is because of the changing needs of different temperatures for each to exist. Obviously then, density is ganged to state, as it is to mobility.

So, it is not so much form that creates density, as it is the respective level, the temperature, and the frequency. Temperature controls the vibratory rates of Matter. The higher the temperature, the higher the frequency of this vibration. When the Matter has a higher frequency, it expands, thereby becoming less dense.

Still, another way of looking at it is the Arkashean way. In this picture, the only thing which truly governs density is the activity and the force of an atom.

For now, force will have to remain unexplained. Activity, on the other hand, can be portrayed to some extent in the following example.

Imagine two atomic species. One is called DC current. The other is called AC current. In other words, think in terms of what you know AC and DC current to be. Now, if they were atomic species, which do you think would be more dense? The answer is DC current, because it is less active... it takes up less space to do its thing. AC on the other hand requires a lot more space to go from peak positive to peak negative and back again. For now, this is all that can be said upon the matter.

Astral Matter, while having the same form and shape of its Physical counterpart, has a different density. Thus, if one came face to face with one's Astral body, it would appear to be an exact duplicate of the physical body, in all respects but one--it would be non-solid! The density of the Astral body (which resides within the world of the Thada) is much less than that of the Physical body (which resides within the world of the Alfa). We could pass our hand right through the Astral body, and vice versa. Each could, if the thought occurred, call the other a ghost (see Fig. #3).

The frequency of vibration of the Astral Matter is much higher than that of the Physical Plane; therefore, Astral Matter is less dense than is the Physical. In this case, the higher vibration is not linked to higher temperature, but to the higher level--to the finer quality of Astral Matter.

Actually, form, state, density, and frequency are all intimately related. Form determines what states are possible in the natural environment. Thus Iron (Fe) is always found as a solid, Helium (He) is always found as a gas, and Mercury (Hg) is always found as a liquid. State is controlled by frequency, which affects the bonding of the matter in question. Density changes as the state does. For example, the density of solid Hg would be greater than liquid Hg, which would be greater than gaseous Hg, notwithstanding the fact that these states would have to be produced in a laboratory.

Understand, also, that we are dealing with bandwidths here. Thus, there is a certain bandwidth of density that all solids must lie along. Thus, we have lead and feathers. Both are solids, but one is much more dense than the other. Still, they both occupy points along the bandwidth.

Now, look at smoke and lead. Lead is a solid, but smoke is not. The density of smoke does not fall within the required bandwidth for man to consider it a solid. We say for man to consider it a solid in order to give a reference point for comparison. For example, imagine a life-form called smoke and another life-form called fog. While they are both different, and both nonsolid, from Man's point of view, they would be solid to each other. Likewise, there are bandwidths that liquids and gases must remain within, to be considered liquids and gases, from Man's point of view.

When we go from level to level, we are dealing with another bandwidth--that of frequency. Thus, if matter is going to be perceivable on the physical level, it must remain within a certain frequency bandwidth, regardless of the form, the state, or the density it takes within the physical level.

8. Pigmentation

The eighth potential of Matter is pigmentation. Pigmentation is ganged with forms and functions, as a reflection of frequency. In the biological realm, pigmentation serves many purposes; these include, but are not limited to, camouflage, sexual attraction, warning symbols, and protection from the Sun.

9. Non-Matter (Anti-Matter)

The ninth potential of Matter is non-matter. Remember, the creation of something carries with it the implication of the opposite, or the absence, of that something.

Antimatter is the opposite of Matter. It cannot exist in this Universe. When Antimatter comes in contact with Matter, they cancel each other out, creating an absence of Matter. Both forms of Matter will then be returned to their source--cosmic energy. It is analogous to two light beams 180 degrees out of phase. They will cancel each other out, and the result will be darkness--the absence of light.

In today's world, and in this dimension, we look at matter as being either positive or negative. In fact, however, all of the matter in this dimension has a positive frequency base; all of the frequencies which went into the creation of the matter were positive in nature. We look at something as being negative only because in our limited scheme of things it is less positive than something else. To really be negative, the frequencies which went into its creation would have to be 180 degrees out of phase when compared with that same piece of matter from this dimension.

10. Compounds

The tenth potential of Matter is The Pairings ability to bring together other types of matter to form compounds. The pairing of the potentials, or qualities, of Matter brings forth entirely new creations. New forms, new shapes, new densities, new pigmentations, new states, and new animations are made possible by the combination, or pairing, of Matter. Thus, The Pairings affect all the other potentials of Matter.

Example: Hydrogen and Oxygen combine to form water. Hydrogen and Oxygen normally exist in the gaseous state, but water normally exists in a liquid state. Thus, water has a different form, state, shape, and density from the components which were paired to create it.

As there is a variation of the form, so too, there is a variation from the laws that govern each component used to create the new form. Example: The gases which were combined to create water would always fill the full volume of its container. Water, itself, always assumes the shape of its container, but it does not necessarily occupy the full volume of the container. Thus, the new form, water, shows a variation from the laws which governed its components.

Another example: Many different elements and compounds are brought together to create a biological form--say an insect. These pairings result in a totally unique combination, with unique shape, density, pigmentation, and state.