Repeating Patterns
(Cause & Effect Of Continuity)

Repeating Patterns is but one of the prime Royal Steering Currents which govern the laws of creation. It is a process wherein what once was is changed then reused. It is seed for the creation of continuums, themselves.

One outcome of Creation, via continuums, is the existence of Repeating Patterns. Thus, due to the Royal Continuums, we see the phenomenon whereby everything that exists on the very highest levels also has an expression on the lower levels.

One must bear in mind, however, that this expression is affected by so many Royal Continuums, so many Royal Steering Currents, and so many Universal Laws, all showing effects through multinous levels, and all interacting with each other, that from our present point of view it may be difficult to see that they are Repeated Patterns at all. Remember, the differences between any two points along a continuum become greater than the similarities between any two points along a continuum as we go from one end of a continuum to another--as an example of this, consider the difference between the two life-forms--rabbit and chicken--as opposed to the similarity of their flesh.

One example of a Repeating Pattern, although somewhat simplistic, is that of the atom. One scientific picture of the atom is that of many particles (electrons) circling about a center (in this case, a core of protons and neutrons). On another level, we can see this same pattern in our own solar system--planets whirl about the central sun. On yet another level, we see the spiral arms of galaxies spinning around their respective galactic centers.

While it is true that all of the above examples exist on the physical level, it is also true that the law of Repeating Patterns remains valid when traversing the multinous levels of Creation.

As an example of a pattern which repeats itself from the highest level of Creation to the lowest, let us look at the Triunity Factor of the Holy Trinity of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency. These are the three qualities that make up Creation. On the highest level of creation, Conductivity has to do with the active aspect of the Creative Force. Receptivity has to do with the passive, the nurturing aspects of Creation. Frequency has to do with just that--the various interchange of energies of creation, including that force called change.

On a lower level of creation, the Triunity expresses itself as Conductivity being expressed as the various types of Time. Receptivity expresses itself as the different types of Space. Frequency expresses itself as Motion.

This ability of Law to continue an expression of itself upon different levels of creation is, in itself, the highest manifestation of the Six Points of Power which give rise to the Chi of Creation. The Six Points of Power are as follows:

  1. Unity: The unity of PrimedialForce;
  2. Duality: The first of the dual aspects of GreatForce--specifically, the aspect of being passive;
  3. Duality: The second of the dual aspects of GreatForce--specifically, the aspect of being active;
  4. Triunity: The first aspect of the Triune nature of Triunity--specifically, the nature of Conductivity;
  5. Triunity: The second aspect of the Triune nature of Triunity--specifically, Receptivity;
  6. Triunity: The third aspect of the Triune nature of Triunity--specifically, Frequency.

A most important expression of the six points of power upon the World Of The Physical, as said before, is that on a lower level, this trinity expresses itself as Time, Space, and Motion. This is the level wherein the LinearTime governing LinearSpace Continuum came into being. That is, LinearTime (time as we know time to be) had its beginning here. Thus, the unitary nature of PrimedialForce, the dual nature of the GreatForce, the recursive nature of Recursive Dialusion, and the Triune nature of Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency are all outside of the effects of LinearTime (knowing a past, a present, and a future)--They are governed by FabricTime (knowing no past, no present, and no future... knowing only the now)!

Being governed by FabricTime, they have no beginning and no end, because both of these concepts imply LinearTime, and these forces are outside the controlling factors of LinearTime! The true meaning... the true ramifications... the many implications of seemingly eternal concepts such as these are mostly beyond the ability of the human mind to grasp. Or, perhaps it would be more correct to say that the average human mind cannot truly realize such concepts as long as it is trapped in this level of Reality.

For us, the average man, LinearTime exists-- we do know of a past, a present, and a future. Our entire existence is within the sphere and within the influence of the LinearTime governing LinearSpace Continuum. We may be able to psychologically manipulate LinearTime, but we are still subject to its laws. Once inside the effects of LinearTime, certain concepts become meaningful, albeit confusing. One of these is Eternity.

The true meaning of Eternity is however much time there is; a good way of looking at it is however much time actually will pass before LinearTime, itself, ends. Eternity is not, as many conceive, time without end. Time without end does not exist within the borders of the bubble of LinearTime-- it exists only within the bubble of time called FabricTime. LinearTime was created; it had a beginning, and therefore, it will have an end.

Eternity is a relative term. We call something Eternal when the time span is so great that we cannot conceive of it ever beginning or ever coming to an end. Thus, most people would think of the Universe as a whole as being Eternal. The truth is, however, that it had a beginning in LinearTime, and thus it must have an end in LinearTime--it is within the bubble of LinearTime --thus it knows a past, a present, and a future.

From the point of view of a creature with a very short life span, for example, one day, Man would be viewed as an Eternal being--deathless and unchanging throughout generation after generation of said life-form. We, however, do not necessarily consider ourselves as being Eternals.

Likewise, if Man looks at a life-form with a life span much, much, much greater than his own--a life-form Man calls the Universe--then to Man, that Life-form will appear to be Eternal. Still, on its own level, it is not Eternal. We call this phenomenon of Eternities within Eternities the Magpie- effect.

The only thing that could truly be considered Eternal is something that has no beginning or end with respect to LinearTime, such as PrimedialForce or the state called Orthodontiks. Both, the state of Orthodontiks, and the unity of PrimedialForce are outside the bounds of LinearTime--they were before LinearTime ever came to be. They shall still be when LinearTime is no more. Still, they are not Eternal because Eternity is a concept that deals with LinearTime, and LinearTime has no meaning whatsoever in these states. Thus, true Eternity, the way the average man might conceive it, does not exist. Nothing within LinearTime is Eternal, and once outside LinearTime, the term Eternal can no longer be applied. It is a strange paradox of the limitations of language.

Most men use the word Eternal or Eternity to mean time without end, even though true time without end does not exist. Arkasheans use the word Eternity to mean that the subject in question is outside the bounds of LinearTime as Man knows it to be. There are very few things that fulfill this requirement. Some are: PrimedialForce, Recursive Dialusion, the GreatForce, Orthodontiks, the LifeForce, and the MindForce--all are governed by the FabricTime / FabricSpace Continuum, wherein there is no past, no present, and no future... only the Now.

Arkasheans also frequently use the word forever when discussing periods of LinearTime. The use of the word forever does not parallel the dictionary's meaning. According to the ancient Lemurian Magi, the word forever does not strictly mean time without end. Rather, it means for as much time as it takes, or for however much time will pass before a time cycle has its end.

So, if one asked us the question Will the Universe last forever?, the reply would have to be yes. The Universe will last until it ends; until its time cycle has its end, but no man can say how much time that will be. From the average human's viewpoint, it is the equivalent of time without end, but it is not Eternal according to our understanding of the concept of Eternity.

Likewise, if one asked us the question: Will Man be trapped in his illusions forever, we would again have to reply yes. Man will be trapped in his illusions for however long it takes him to change. This could conceivably take any length of time from seconds to eons and eons. Still, he is not condemned to illusions unto Eternity.

If we return our attentions to the recursive nature of the repeating patterns of the Creative Trinity, we have so far seen two of its patterns. The original, called Conductivity, Receptivity, and Frequency, and a much lower manifestation-- Time, Space, and Motion.

On a still lower level of Creation, the pattern is repeated once more, and the Creative Trinity expresses itself as Recognition, Communication, and Conceptualization. This is the level wherein life's limited awareness and mental capacities, within the illusion of Maya, came into being. It is the seed of Man's recognition of self, and, the awareness factor, however limited it might be, of all life-forms.

On a still lower level, this physical level, the highest manifestation of the Creative Trinity is Understand, Forgive, and Love. When an individual's mind expands to the point whereby he truly becomes a living expression of Understanding, Forgiveness, and Love toward all life-forms, under all conditions, then all doors connected to this level, including those doors which lead toward alter realities, will be open to him.

Turning our attention to the specific processes, it is easy to see the wonder of creation and it is easy to see why the average individual cannot comprehend what is happening. As an example, consider how just as embryos divide and multiply, so does creation divide and multiply. Still, on another level... on the highest levels of creation, specifically the creation of the first DoubleGate of Creation, there was first a state of nothing, with respect to our physical Universe, then there came into being a state of something.

How can something come from nothing? The same question could be asked regarding a lower level repeated pattern of creation. How does a zygote (a fertilized egg) become itself... how does it become, for instance, a child? How does a child come to be from nothing? The child had no existence, that we know of, before it was a fertilized egg. Yet, the child came to be... a repeating pattern of something from nothing.

In a similar way, albeit in some unimaginable way, this same type of pattern came together to bring about creation from non-creation. From our present level of observation, it is ludicrous to seek to know the exact due process. However, many things can be gleaned from seeing the patterns of creation repeated upon many other lower levels of creation--it can show how our thinking can be dubious, at best.

As an example, we know that any cause is tied to its effects in a special way... likewise, any effect is limited by its cause. As an example of this cause & effect ganging, logic dictates that a fish cannot give birth to a rock..., that a tree can't give birth to a rhino..., that regardless of how hard an orange is squeezed, the orange will not issue sperm... much less the sperm from which comes a rat. Certain patterns just become self-evident. Likewise, if all life is based upon cell division, then some similar pattern of cell division... of duplication... of replication must have been employed during the process of creating creation. However remote from our senses this pattern may be, at least our senses tell us that this is likely. After all, are we not created in God's image? It is, at best, unlikely!

Why do we say unlikely? Why do we believe this? Why do we attack a religious belief that is held by millions? As was mentioned earlier, being from earth's level of observation, we can only glean imaginary concepts of how things really are upon much higher levels of creation--it is the cause & effect limitations that haunt. Therefore, if we use our imagination and mix in a little logic as well, we should come to an understanding that we humans, and all other life-forms, are made up of energy, energy which has manifested as a solid... the question arises: "Is God just energy?"

According to our vernacular, we also know of many kinds of energy which are not solids. Photons, gamma rays, X-rays, electrons, and protons are not solid. We also know that these forms of energy have a much higher vibratory rate than ourselves... another question arises: "Is God just a being of a higher vibratory rate?"

We, being solid... anything that is solid, from our limited point of view, is solid as a result of energy being slowed downed to a lower frequency rate. In so doing, we literally remove ourselves... we move further away from the stuff of creation, though the stuff of creation is still within us... still a part of us... still is us. The stuff of creation, in this paradoxical viewpoint, seems to be closer to "God" than are we. Remember, we have been created from protons, electrons, neutrons... the stuff that makes us physical in nature... a mere representative of our immediate creator... being, as it were, created from them. If we have been created from these constituents, than these constituents must be closer to "God" than are we... unless God too is a physical creation!

Since we glean from our awareness... from our logic that "God" is of a much higher creation than is ourselves, and, likewise, our immediate creator (someone or something had to create our constituents... the protons, the electrons), then we should also glean that "God" is of a much higher vibratory frequency than are we. Hence, if "God" made us... if "God' made the X-rays, gamma rays, electrons, photons, etc., then "God" must be of a still higher energy pattern that are His creations. If this is so, how can we, who have precipitated out of the energy, said to be created by God... how can we who precipitated into the solid masses of physicalness... how can we possibly, even remotely, look like... resemble... or, be anywhere close to being in "God's" own image? Again, it is the cause & effect haunting; in that the limitations that are placed upon the effect by their respective cause don't seem to be in their proper order.

In chemistry, where the object of the experiment is to pull something more solid from something which is less solid, the process is called precipitation. When liquids are put to a flame, some elements in the liquid are transmuted into gases, while other elements in the liquid settle out as solids. When a piece of wood is burned, some elements, like carbon dioxide, escape as gases while other elements like potash are trapped as solids.

Likewise, when a sun burns, gasses escape (like helium, hydrogen) and solids precipitate out (like physical matter that become planets, moons, and eventually life-forms). While gasses escape to become the solar winds, the solids become trapped in a cloud of cosmic dust, because of their gravity.

If we extend this pattern to a Repeated Pattern, we could say that planets and the life which lives on the planets, namely us, are just the byproduct of the sun burning and creating its own solid waste products, much like the piece of wood burning and creating its gaseous and solid waste products.

This could explain the creation of physical matter... we could refer to ourselves as the potash of creation, but remember, what is waste for one creation is fodder to another.

If we are the potash from the due process of creation, does that mean that being created in "God's" own image proves that "God" too is some type of potash?... just potash that is from some higher level of creation? We think not... again, there is that haunting of the limitations of cause & effect!

However, the Repeated Patterns of Law upon the lower levels of creation have fabricated a window for use as a tool that might help understanding..., however dirty and streaked it may be..., and, though we presently cannot open this window to get a clearer view onto the true process of creation, it, nonetheless, is a window that many did not have (this is the implication that LinearTime is governing the moment). And, from our limited vantage point, in our attempts to look through this window, we find, at least for the moment, that the vision of "God" may be some form of directed energy... maybe a self-directing type of energy... albeit, it is presently beyond our comprehension. However, the vision from the clouded window that is allotted to us is not one of the likeness of us... or is it? Is it true that Man creates its own Gods?

It is written that one day, a day when the Cycles of my Illusion have had their end, I will know the truth of what really is... I Fear That Moment.

It is said that each, in his own way, becomes the very thing that he Hates, as he walks towards the very things that he Fears... I Fear This Truth.

It is written that one day, a day when another can Teach me who I Am, I will not Reflect the Fears that my heart holds my Illusions to... I Fear That Moment's Truth.

It is said that each, because of his own necessities to Hide from himself, changes God's Truths That he may follow them... I Fear This Truth.

It is written that one day, when I have come to know the needs of another, I will, in the selfsame moment, recognize that need within myself's illusion... I Fear That Truth.

It is said that each, in his own way, places his illusion's Limitations where they can be easily found, and, in so doing, each uses those limitations as an excuse to not do what is known to be right... How I Fear That Truth.

It is written that as Each looks upon the limitations of others to justify the limitations that haunt his reality, the Justification of his Illusions becomes less and less true to the needs that drive the necessities of those illusions... I Fear That Truth, As Well.

It is said that as Each accepts, of His Own Accord's Hidden Agenda, the Harpy that drives his Illusions of Importance, that acceptance is a Rejection of Himself... How I Fear That Moment's Truth.

With all this Wisdom, Why do I Cry at the thought of Truths?