Royal Steering Currents
(Cosmic Traffic Cops)

Royal: Aspects of creation that know no bounds; they pervade, control, and modify everything in creation within its respective domain.

Royal: Being in control of.

Royal: We use the term Royal to mean anything that affects all things on all levels. Thus, a Royal Continuum is a continuum that affects all things on all levels. So it is for a Royal Steering Current, or a Royal Delimiter. It is important to realize, however, that when we say all things on all levels, the implication is that these things are within Creation... they are subject to LinearTime, and they do reside within LinearSpace. PrimedialForce, the GreatForce, Recursive Dialusion, and Orthodontiks are all outside the influence of the bubble of Creation called LinearTime (they reside within the bubble of creation called FabricTime); as such, they are not affected by Royal forces.

There is also a secondary limitation to the word Royal. In the context of various definitions, when a steering current's or a delimiter's effect extends within specific borders or levels, those effects are said to be Royal to that level. An example of this might be the Royal Steering Current: Eat and Be Eaten, Kill and Be Killed. This Steering Current, because its effects are specific to Planet Earth's experience, it is said to be Royal to the Earth experience; as such, it has no influence outside the limits of the bubble called The Earth experience.

Royal Concepts: A tool of language that has, or that is, experienced on all levels, on all planes, and on all life-forms which possess the ability to utilize the tool called language.

Royal Concepts: The concept which exhibits the most control over the fabric of creation, with respect to the life-form's level of awareness.

Royal Concepts: The most powerful of all Steering Currents that govern the Continuum Of Life.

Royal Steering Current: Any law that can, or will, influence the LifeForce's process of creation as that process of creation applies to a chosen creation which will recursively have Royal affects upon the LifeForce, the MindForce, and the resulting Reality within which they will reside.

Royal Steering Current: A governing force which limits and modifies that which exists on all levels of existence, on all planes of existence, within all dimensions. A Royal Steering Current can govern all that exists within both, LinearTime/LinearSpace Continuum and FabricTime/Fabric Space Continuum.

Royal Steering Current Of The LifeForce: Somewhere in the Continuum of Creation the LifeForce interacted with Recursive Dialusion, creating a Royal Steering Current which, itself, became a prime cause whose effects were realized in what we call The Continuum of Predestiny, The Continuum of Freedom (together, they are called Karma), and The Influence of the Role of the Scenario (as that role interacts with the drama of the situation).

It is important to realize that while each of the three are, indeed, important, it is the true interaction of the three, and not merely the presence or the absence of any individual aspect of the three which paired together to create the new possibilities and the new limits that will be imposed upon the power of Karma to dictate the future script for any given life-form, and how each life-form's Karma is able to interact with the drama of any given happenstance.

As the pairing of these three aspects of creation became a prime cause for Karma's influence upon any given life-form, this effect extended its influence upon The LifeForce, The MindForce, and the resulting Reality which became Royal to the lower levels of creation.

The Royal Steering Current Of The LifeForce affects only The LifeForce, itself. Anything that can or will influence or affect the three proponents of the LifeForce (The Continuum of Predestiny, The Continuum of Freedom, and The Influence of the Role of the Scenario as that role interacts with the drama of the situation) becomes Royal to that chosen creation's point of view. It is Royal... but, on a lower level; these three proponents merely modify and/or otherwise limit the chosen creation--In this case, the creation at hand is the LifeForce.

A good method of understanding a law being Royal to a level is the following. The king of a kingdom is referred to as Royalty, not only because of his exalted position when compared with the others that reside in that kingdom, but because his royal decisions affect everything in his kingdom. Through his actions and edicts the king steers what is to happen within his kingdom because the currents he expels reach to the farthest boundaries of his kingdom. Such is the nature of Royal Steering Currents.

However, the Dukes and the Barons of his kingdom also exert Royal Steering Currents within their geographical areas. Hence, a Duke or a Baron may further limit or expand... may even alter the very nature of the edicts of the King. However, in so doing, he chances being accused of undermining the King... or, he chances being accused of treason against the Crown. In human endeavors these are examples of Royal Steering Currents directed by those in authority over the peoples of a land and the hierarchy in place which is charged to carry out the steering currents. Because humans are involved, Royal Steering Currents can become very corrupted. However, this is not the case with nature's creations.

Royal Steering Currents govern any given level of any given reality... within the limits of the karmic limitations of that reality... within the limits of many realities when the different realities interact to create specific karmic bonds for an individual. The specific pairing that governs the interaction of levels of reality to which karmic bondings are attached will depend upon which vantage point is being used... will depend upon the specific level of observation that governs the affairs of the moment... will depend upon which aspect of the Royal natures of which Royal Steering Current governs the needs of the moment's A Happening.

As an example, on Earth there is a Royal Steering Current at work called gravity. No matter where one travels on Earth, gravity is in effect. Thus, the force of gravity is Royal to Earth. However, let us change our vantage point. From our Solar System's point of view, does gravity work the same way? The answer is yes. From a Galactic point of view is it also true? The answer is yes. From a Universe point of view, again, does gravity work the same way? The answer is yes... as far as we know. To the best of our knowledge, gravity has its effects in the same way throughout the Universe. Subsequently, we can conclude that gravity is Royal to not only the planet Earth, but to everything in the universe.

But, are there variations within Royal Steering Currents? The answer is yes. The force of gravity, for instance, is different depending upon which celestial object one is standing on, or depending upon which parsec of space one might be in. In a black hole, the gravity is certainly exerting a different intensity of force than if one were standing upon earth's Moon... albeit, it is the same force. There are Royal Steering Currents which are specific to a realm, but still, also Royal within a larger context. This pattern is much like a box within a box, as has been described in many discussions about reality and illusions, and the nature of both.

Specific to Earth, specific to the Moon, and specific to a black hole, forces are in effect that are Royal to each, but not to one another, because of the differences between them. Yet, there is a Royal Steering Current affecting all three, identical to all three. These types of overlaps of steering currents are not only common within the universe, they are part of the very make up of creation itself. It is because of the limitations and the modifications that come into play as different points of a continuum govern.

Steering Currents are what drive life, as well. Patterns that exist within humans, for example, are the same for all humans, but, they manifest differently for each individual... again, it is the differences that become more important than the similarities as we travel from one end of the human continuum to the other. Fish, being of a different continuum, have their own steering currents to contend with. Plants, insects, and other animals too, have their own steering currents. Each have Royal Steering Currents specific to their species, but all adhere to the Royal Steering Currents of Planet Earth as a whole.

Royal Steering Currents cannot be changed or modified by natural processes unless nature, itself, dictates the change through law. Man may attempt to interfere, suspend, and even alter a Royal Steering Current, but in his efforts, he brings the wrath of creation upon him. Grave consequences occur when tampering with the Royal Steering Currents of creation--a hidden danger when playing with genetic engineering.

As far as the Currents of Earth are concerned, Man could possibly succeed in altering them, within certain limits. By doing so, Man does play God... and, through the process of being a God, it becomes almost acceptable for Man to be in the order of things to play this role. However, his altering of omnipresent Earth bits of creation will bear witness to what Man will have to answer for.

Man's endeavors with genetic engineering will allow him to have some of the necessary tools to affect certain Royal Steering Currents which are specific to a species. The ramifications of such actions are yet to be fully learned.

It is Written that I, even Myself, must follow the very Pattern that created my Creator... It is Said that, in turn, I Must look to that same Pattern to create Myself and My Illusions.... and, that I Glory in The Hell Of My Own Thoughts.