Sexual Continuum
(The Door Into The Physical Realms)

The sexual continuum that governs all life-forms is not as clear cut as the religions of today would like. It is no accident (in a society which is so sexually based) that confusion, rebellion, and even prejudice should exist. Again, it is no accident that both, governments and religions seek to join in condemning what they call the confusement of the sexual roles and sexual permissiveness, in general.

However strongly the governments and the religions of the day seek to keep sexual habits and sexual roles unchanging, change they will. The unfortunate part of the judgment which is made against the changing of sexual roles... of sexual behavior by the guardians of society (be these guardians the stiff-necked politicians seeking votes or the self- styled, self-appointed messengers of God), is that none seem to understand the pain involved when an individual is trapped into a level of existence that is not the norm... still worse, none seem to care.

It is likely that the guardians of society do not understand, or do not care, about the pain of being called un-natural because they feed upon the prejudices of others to get their votes. These guardians of society refuse to believe that Creation exists only in the form of a continuum... they refuse to believe that as a part of existence, sex, and the sexual roles which the members of any species are forced to experience, are normal... are also a part of that continuum.

The pain comes when individuals prejudge rather than seek to understand what it is like to be a man trapped in a woman's body, or what it is like to be a woman trapped in a man's body. It is then that the individuals come to know the pain of rejection, the pain of truly being trapped in what today's society calls an unnatural situation, the pain of not being able to share their inner feelings with the people they love, and the biggest pain of all, the pain of loneliness. It has been written that loneliness is the only pain that is capable of killing an individual's true essence (their soul, if you will).

The diagram of Fig. #1 seeks to explain the many different points along the continuum of sexuality--specifically, beginning with the Descent Of Man upon the physical. We have listed only the major points. There are, of course, many unlisted points, some of which can be seen in Fig. #2 and in Fig. #3.

Terrible is the pain of an individual who happens to be on one of the points of the sexual continuum which is neither recognized nor accepted by the average society members. The only refuge is to seek out others of its kind; usually, that means the individual must seek out a hidden subculture that is so far out of sight that it is also out of mainstream society's mind. In many cases, the Harpy which drives individuals to find others of their kind is so strong that new churches have come into being... a new fraction... a new splinter-group was created within existing churches. One such splinter-group came into existence within the Christian Church as a result of negative acceptance. The new church was a place where individuals could still worship the Christian God without having to be condemned by the Christian church.

The Magi of old recognized that while there was a place for the celibate human, there was also a place for those who chose to continue the practice of sex. Furthermore, they recognized that it was pointless to expect that both should follow the same requirements, with respect to sex, or with respect to sexual preference--it was recognized that each point along the Continuum of Sexuality would have a completely different set of needs, each requiring a different level of sexual contact, each requiring the satisfaction of a different level of emotional attachment... attachment not only to the level of need, but also to the specific individual or individuals who were willing to satisfy those levels of need.

To say that sex, itself, was the practice of evil, as many of today's self-styled preachers still do, the Magi of old considered stupid, when compared to the strength of the sexual needs of Man. The ancient Magi recognized that many humans actually needed sexual contact as a part of life's satisfaction.

To care for the difference between an individual who was totally spiritually minded, and therefore only had sex for children's sake; and, the not so spiritually minded individuals, who enjoyed sex for the joy of it, there came into being two levels of acceptability for sex--one of which was the living of a lie. This double standard is readily seen in Fig. #1-- via Marriage and/or via The Joining.

Even in today's society, many individuals choose to enter The Joining... a status wherein the society views them as being married, although children are not a part of the couple's future.

In Fig. #2, and in Fig. #3, fourteen points of the Continuum of Sexuality are listed. How sad that only points 13 & 14 are accepted... are called normal in today's society. While points 11 & 12 are becoming accepted, within small groups, the greater sadness comes with the knowledge that points 9 & 10 comprise a huge part of society... and, that group receives most of the negative acceptance, especially from religion's control of the government.

As an example of the extent of negative acceptance, when, at birth, points 5 or 6 appears, they automatically are subjected to a sex-change operation, regardless of the parent's choice. Points 3 & 4 are seldom seen... however, when they do come into being, they are usually placed under the watchful eyes of psychologists and other scientist's probings.

As spoken of in other areas, the human species is truly a TwinSpecies (the sub-species Male labeled Y and the sub-species Female labeled X.) that is so closely linked to each other that it [the TwinSpecies] is often thought of as being a single species. What is important is that each half of the TwinSpecies must be identified independently if we are to understand the real karmic relationship between the two. For easy understanding consider that the most important level of Man is the energy level; as such, the opposite ends of the crossed continuum are: Male (considered to be of active energy, because they give the gift of life from within themselves) and Female (considered to be of passive energy, because they receive and nourish the gift of life within themselves).

There are, basically, sixteen (16) points along the crossed continuum. they are seen  as the outer circle in Fig. #2. It is because of the unresolved circular nature of the creation of the TwinSpecies: Human that the two opposite ends of the circle of Man must be present for the species to replicate itself (to have children) Fig. #2 shows the arrangement of the circular nature of the crossed continuum.

Needless to say, gaining a true understanding of the creation of Man is not very easy... there are so many levels and sub-levels involved. A good way of understanding the crossed continuum called Man is to imagine three sets of five sixteen-pointed stars. Arrange the five sixteen-pointed stars one over the other with ample space between them. The space that separates them will symbolize five levels of creation upon The Astral Plane of Common Reality (the second circle) The five important levels in our case are called, respectively: 1. Ka; 2. Alfa; 3. Beda; 4. Thada; and 5. Astral.

  1. Ka: The Ka represents the physical bodies within which we experience our illusions... it is with our Ka that we play our games upon/within Common Reality. It always resides upon and within The Astral Place of Common Reality; as such, it knows (is locked in) LinearTime and LinearSpace. It is the action and the interaction of LinearTime  with  the relative place of   Common Reality's LinearSpace that gives the illusion of LinearTime's having a past, a present, and a future. All LinearTime, regardless of which planet or galaxy is governed, is considered to be LinearTime interacting with LinearSpace. The most important single point is that the K in never outside of LinearSpace.. it [the Ka] is totally governed by LinearTime within LinearSpace. Still, we must also remember that because of the above law, the Ka can travel across LinearSpace, but cannot travel in LinearTime, as it were. A good way to understand the limitations spoken of above is to think of LinearSpace as a solid platform that is floating down the river of LinearTime. While there is an illusion that LinearTime is passing us by, it is just that... an illusion. It is not time that is passing us by, it is we who are, on our platform, passing the different points along the river of time as we play out the script that Karma, via our own choices by past deeds, has given us.

  2. The World of Alfa: The World of Alfa  is a level unto itself; in that, it always has only one resident--the individual (it is the creation of The World of Alfa that made possible individuality). It is that world that is within each of us... it is home for our mind's processes... it is where each individual does its thinking, its feeling, and it is the only place that decision-making is possible. It is within the World of Alfa that all one's values and hidden agendas are stored and accessed. The individual's view of himself/herself and the view of the world is seeded from this realm. The important law that governs The World of Alfa is that while this level knows both LinearTime and FabricTime, is does not know the limits of Space... Neither does it know the process of death--it only knows the changes which the process of death brings (during the process of death, The World of Alfa begins to dissolve... begins to mix with the A Happenings of the In Between Time. As the individual goes deeper in the In Between Time, the effects of the A Happenings of the illusion that served the dying Ka slowly becomes replaced the the illusion of the In Between Time's A Happening. As more and more of the World of Alfa stops governing the dying Ka, the illusions... the dream that governed the existing life stop). Once all  the A Happenings of the In Between Time have stopped, the individual is said to be dead... the In Between Time is over.

  3. The World of Beda: It is within the World of Beda that our second body resides. Our second body is often called our higher-self... and, it is what survives the individual's death process. It is important to understand that The World Of Beda and its resident--The Ba  is very interactive with the individual's Ka's In Between Time. The In Between Time serves many functions. Besides being a time of self-evaluation, The In Between Time  is also a transition platform between the illusion that  once belonged to the individual's dying Ka and the individual's still very much alive Ba. As the Ka's World of Alfa becomes less and less effective... becomes less and less useful to the dying Ka, it is replaced by a new World of Alfa that serves the individual's Ba. When the process of transferring the dying Ka's illusions (and those illusion's cares) into the Ba's new World of Alfa, the Ba will make whatever changes it is allowed. When all the changes that can be made have been made, reincarnation will take place. With the rebirth of the individual, the new Ka will become the governor of the Ba's World of Alfa.... or it might be better to say that the mind of the new Ka will move in and take over the new World of Alfa to claim it as its own.

  4. The World of Thada: It is within The World of Thada that resides the great Triunity we know as the Soul, the Script of Predestiny, and, the script of Free-will. All the laws of an individual's Karma reside here.  The World of Thada is home for the individual's Alliance Of The Rule contract. It is from this level that an individual's Affinity Factor comes. It is from within The World of Thada comes the laws that allows or dis-allow the many possible levels of changes that governs... that modifies an individual's choices as life is experienced... as life is enjoyed or rejected from within the individual's World of Alfa. While it is true that the deeds of each take place upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality, all that is human comes from the individual's World of Alfa... all satisfactions... all dissatisfactions are experienced within the individual's World of Alfa via the individual's Emotional Interchange Interface.

  5. The Worlds of Astral: The World of Astral is home for the door that allows, depending upon the individual's karmic scripts, travel to and return from any level of experience... any level of observation... any plane of existence. Among other limits, the power of  the individual's Ankh resides here... as do the individual's Blood Mendella (the key that allows the individual to leave and to reenter the physical body). The individual's seat of Mobility, the individual's seat allowing for language, the individual's Maat and the individual's Genesu all reside here. It was once written that the most important treasure of this level  was... is that  it is seed for the individual's spiritual nature.

If we, again, descend into the diagram of Fig #2, we come upon The Inner Circle. Upon this level we find the laws governing / limiting the individual's physical limits vs. the individual's physical potentials; the individual's logical limits vs. the individual's limited awareness; and, the individual's emotional limits vs. the stability potentials.

  1. Physical Plane: The laws that limit and the laws that govern the referenced level's physical body reside upon this level (we must remember that not all levels have the same limits... and, what is seen as being solid on one level is not necessarily solid when referenced from another level).

  2. Emotional Plane: The laws that places limits upon an individual's relative state of emotional stability resides here. We must remember that all of the other aspects of creation will interact, and thereby, modify the possibilities of our emotions. The basic continuum of emotions is that of one stabilizes through time and experience. Another point to remember is that regardless if one is XXXX, YYYY, or anywhere in between, just because we find one state of stability on one level of experience does not mean that same state will reside on the other levels of experience... nor upon other levels of observations. In most cases, the stability of an individual will largely depend upon the A Happening of the moment.

  3. Logical Plane: The referenced level's logical body resides upon this level. It must be remembered that the individual's logical abilities... the level of intelligence... the level of awareness, and the level of mobility will be different, depending upon the makeup of the whole.

It is because all four ends of a reference point of the crossed continuum must be present for active reproduction (the opposite ends of each crossed continuum) that the members of the sub- species  male carries the label YYYY and the members of the sub-species female carries the label XXXX. Another point is that each is mutually exclusive; in that, while the active energy we label male who carries the label YYYY is active (it is energy that serves as the cause of change... the giver of life), and while the passive energy we label female who carries the label XXXX is passive (it is energy that allows itself to be changed... the receiver of life... that which nourishes the seed of life), the limitations are such that the X energy will never become the giver of life and the Y energy will never know what it is to be the receiver of life, the X and the Y within life's equation is, indeed, mutually exclusive.

While the karmic code of an individual's descent into The Grand Maya is rather long, having many pairs of digits, only four of the digits are of interest to us at this time. The four digit pairing of interest represents the four levels of an individual's limits which allows them to experience life upon the Physical Planes.

  1. The makeup and limitations of the physical body that governs the individual's general carriage and mannerism. We must remember that there are many forms of limitations that must be addressed during the process of living. It has been written that the size of the body and its parts contributes much to an individual's stability... to and individual's well-being. While the male desires the larger body parts with well developed muscles, the female desires the smaller body with more curves. It is no surprise that an individual with a lack of self-confidence usually dislikes the makeup of their physical body. Indeed, it has been written that size governs self-satisfaction.

  2. The makeup of the individual's emotional body that governs the individual's emotional stability. If one's emotions are that of a women's who is trapped in an unpleasant man's form, it is not unreasonable to expect that the individual will deal with the different levels of rejection and confusion differently. It is written that there is no hell greater than self-hate.

  3. The makeup of the individual's logical body that limits the individual's level of awareness. Regardless of other situations, no level will limit an individual's possibilities more than a slowness of thought. If an individual suffers from a low level of awareness, or an inability to remember, the opportunities for necessary education lowers greatly.

  4. The limitations that are placed upon the individual's spiritual nature are those which governs the interaction between the affairs of Earth and the desire for an end of the traps of Earth.

If we now turn our attention to Fig #3, we can get another example of the descent of Man into The Grand Maya--specifically, an arrangement of points along the crossed continuum that make up the TwinSpecies: Human.

1. Unity: The Unity of the TwinSpecies: Human is the true non-sexual neuter. This level reflects the point wherein the true Unity of the TwinSpecies:Human exists. At this point, physically and emotionally, there exists neither the male energy nor the female energy. However, this changes as the Descent Of Man continues. The physical body does not express any of the signs of maleness or of femaleness. While the chest of the male is flatter than that of the female,  it still expresses the presence of breasts, however flat... the true neuter does not. Its chest has no signs at all.. they have no nipples... they are truly bare.

2. Duality. The continuum of the sub-species: Male (Y) and it's opposite the continuum of the sub-species: Female (X) jointly expresses the nature of the Duality of the TwinSpecies: Human. Duality comes into being in the form of a continuum, wherein the Male resides on one end of the Continuum of Sexuality and the Female resides on the other end of the Continuum of Sexuality. This is the point wherein the forces of The Continuum of Change bring into existence the physical expression of the nature of both, the male's active energy and the female's passive energy, from the body of the Neuter. The important point to remember is that: out of the absence there came forth the presence... out of the nothing came the creation of the something and it came forth. It was written that in the beginning, all that existed was a great sea of passive energy that was at complete rest... it was a sanguine sea of uncreated futures. Then, there arose a great force from within its center. This active energy (Y) began to cause changes within the passive energy (X)--creation began.

3. Neuter: Male: The Neuter:Male comes into being at the third manifestation of power... at the third point along the Continuum of Sexuality. The yet undeveloped active male (the neuter male) resides upon the third level of the Continuum of Sexuality. While the physical body's chest reflects the seed of breasts, the body is flat-chested. The Male's sexual organs become fully developed, albeit they remain in a non-active state... hence, sex does not yet exist upon the level in question.

4. Neuter: Female: The Neuter: Female came into being on the fourth manifestation of power... at the fourth point along the Continuum of Sexuality. The body's chest reflect fully developed breasts. While the Female's sexual organs have fully developed, they are still not yet active... hence, sex does not yet exist upon the level in question.

5. The Hermaphroditic: Male: It is because the Law of Repeating Patterns demands that the basic pattern of the creation of Man continue on each level of creation that we find the Hermaphrodic state of being in the Male sub-species of the TwinSpecies: Human. This is the level of creation wherein Unity again repeats itself. Unity is once more expressed by way of having both, the Male and the Female present within the same creation-- the physical body. However only the Male's expression of active energy is operational... is fully functional. The Female's expression of the ability to accept life lies dormant. This is a case wherein the top part of the body is flat- chested, as would a Male's body... however, the bottom half expresses both,   the Male (Y) and the Female (X) sexual organs.

6. The Hermaphroditic: Female: It is because the Law of Repeating Patterns demands that the basic pattern of the creation of Man continue on each level of creation that we find the Hermaphrodic state of being in the Female sub-species of the TwinSpecies: Human. This is the level of creation wherein Unity again repeats itself. Unity is once more expressed by way of having both, the Male and the Female present within the same creation-- the physical body. However only the Female's expression of passive energy is operational... is fully functional. The Male's expression of the ability to give life lies dormant. This is a case wherein the top part of the body is well developed, as would a Female's body... however, the bottom half expresses both,   the fully developed but not active Male (Y) and the fully developed and very active Female (X) sexual organs.

7. SheMale: This is one of the most confusing levels of the Continuum of Sexuality, because not only are both the Male's (Y) active energy and the Female's (X) passive energy are expressed, but because they are expressed in a fully functional state upon and within the same physical body. In the SheMale, the individual's Male (Y) parts can successfully have sex with its Female's (X)  parts and produce another of its kind. The child, another SheMale, will become fully active, replicating the exact nature of its parent(S). If, however, the individual's Female's (X) parts mates with a normal Male (Y), or if the individual's Male (Y) parts mate with a normal Female, the child will be one or four forms;

  • A normal male;
  • A normal Female;
  • A Shemen,
  • A SheMale.

During the time that the physical body of a SheMale is not with child, the breasts will be a very well developed, muscular chest... but it will be flat, as befitting a fully developed Male (Y). Once the physical body becomes with child, the chest will transform into fully developed breasts, allowing for the physical body to breast-feed the child. Once the physical body goes dry... of no further use to the child, the breast will return to their former state of being flat.

8. Shemen: This is one of the most confusing levels of the Continuum of Sexuality, because not only are both the Male's (Y) active energy and the Female's (X) passive energy are expressed, but because they are expressed in a fully functional state upon and within the same physical body. In the Shemen, the individual's Male (Y) parts can successfully have sex with its Female's (X)  parts and produce another of its kind. The child, another Shemen, will become fully active, replicating the exact nature of its parent(S). If, however, the individual's Female's (X) parts mates with a normal Male (Y), or if the individual's Male (Y) parts mate with a normal Female, the child will be one or four forms;

  • A normal male;
  • A normal Female;
  • A Shemen,
  • A SheMale.

During the time that the physical body of a Shemen is not with child, the breasts will be very well developed, as befitting a fully developed Female (X). Once the physical body becomes with child, the breasts will transform into fully developed breasts, allowing for the physical body to breast-feed the child. Once the physical body goes dry... of no further use to the child, the breasts will return to their former state.

9. Lesberer: This is a tragic state of being, because the individual is usually rejected by the society within which he lives. While, during the descent, the Male lost its Female parts, the Male is still governed by the desire to experience himself. The Lesberer is erotically stimulated by its own sex... karmically, the Lesberer finds himself to be a Female that is trapped into a Male's physical body. This Harpy is karmically controlled.

There have been cases wherein a Male that was trapped into a Female's body could not longer accept the pain of the constant rejection that comes with being different... that comes with being Homosexual. The individual decided to have a sex-change operation to convert the physical body to reflect the internal urgings, and, in so doing, to become acceptable to society, at least in general. After much money... after many operations... after having successfully completed the many hormonal shots... after the long period of healing... after long hours of therapy to aid the adjustments, that same Female... the newly created Male awoke one morning and fell in love with his best friend, a man with great understanding. The Karma was such that when the physical was changed, the emotional attachments also changed. It was the individual's Predestiny to deal with the sorrows of being homosexual. Karma could not be fooled.

10. Lesbian: This is a tragic state of being, because the individual is usually rejected by the society within which she lives. While, during the descent, the Female lost its Male parts, the Female is still governed by the desire to experience herself. The Lesbian is erotically stimulated by its own sex... karmically, the Lesbian finds herself to be a Male that is trapped into a Female's physical body. This Harpy is karmically controlled.

11 & 12. Bi-Sexual: This is the state wherein the individual has need to experience both ends of the Continuum of Sexuality. The Bi-Sexual is comfortable having sex with both, males and females. While the Bi-Sexual makes for a good compatible friend partner, they make for a very poor life's mate... because they have a roving eye.

13 & 14. The Male (Y) & The Female (X): It is upon this level of creation that the TwinSpecies: Human is mostly divided. Each is, indeed, the complete opposite of the other--The Law which states: The creation of the one is, in and of itself, the implication of the creation of the other is fulfilled. The Male (Y) seeks the Female (X) as the Female seeks the Male.

Woe unto he who knows not himself and still refuses to be counseled by a mind that is at peace with itself. Indeed, woe unto the one who lives life at the commands of others, but is never counseled by himself, nor by his higher mind.