Song Of The Soul
(The Creation Of Man)

Kim: Therry, as we study the Arkashean Lexicon, we come across many new terms... some of them are completely new to me, while others are not so new. The most strange is the concept of The Soul. Can you give me more information about exactly what the Soul is, and how it fits into the eternity of one's life?

Therry: Hmmm. For me to sing the Song Of The Soul I have to take you on a journey backward in time, as we know time to be. Imagine that we have entered into a ship of the imagination that allows us to travel back to a time long before the realm of the physical was created... As we continue to travel backwards in time, we approach the first of the DoubleGates -- the Isis/Anubis DoubleGate.

As we approach Anubis' side of the Isis/Anubis DoubleGate, we find ourselves changed as we pass through -- We experience a great wonder as we discover the extent to which we are changed. Indeed, we have traveled back to a time long before the LinearTime/LinearSpace levels of experience were created... Not only has all of our physicalness faded into a nothingness, we discover that we no longer have any memories of our past...

To our amazement, we do not have/know the meaning of future... We discover that our ship of imagination has taken us back to a time long before Orthodontiks' FabricTime was changed to meet the needs of the Great Duality that seems to govern all things about us... We have traveled back to a time long before The TwinSpecies: Human ever descended from the Pure State we know of as Deluge.

While we of earth know this Pure State as Deluge, there is another name that might be more befitting to our memories --God's residence-- Heaven. We have arrived from our very long journey from Lower, Middle Earth.

Indeed, we have passed through Lower, Middle Earth; Middle, Middle Earth; Higher, Middle Earth; Lower, Higher Earth; Middle, Higher Earth; Higher, Higher Earth; passed through the Isis/Anubis DoubleGate; wandered across Orthodontiks by passing from Anubis' side of the DoubleGate through the loss of all physicalness; passed through the nonphysical realm of Isis' side of the DoubleGate; waded across The Sea Of Uncreated Futures; and, finally, arrived on the other side of creation... we arrived at God's residence--Heaven.

Deluge, from earth's point of understanding is indeed a strange place. We, while still looking through the magic windows of our ship of imagination, spy upon a state of being wherein existence is populated with the supreme force that is the source of all which exists and a multitude of angels. As we continue to look on, we see that there is a very special relationship between GreatForce and the seeming creations--the angels.

We are reminded of a huge swarm, wherein, the only purpose is to serve the needs of the GreatForce. All that seems to exist is a tranquil peace. Then, there is a change... a change that we, at first, cannot understand. GreatForce starts to think:

Upon the face of purity, upon the face of non-darkness, upon the face of all things, even upon the six points of power, my mind shall conceive. With the power of the lights of the illumination of illusion, peace shall walk my heart and seven rivers shall flow from my mind; and, issued forth from each river shall come all things high and low, each unto its own level, after its own kind.

With the first of God's thoughts, we discover a great wave of change emanating from GreatForce as the process of creation was set into motion. From our vantage point from within the great ship of imagination, we see the angels scatter in all directions, and come together again, as bees would leave the hive and return to serve their queen. There seems to be no set patterns of the comings and goings of the swarm of angels until the first law came into being.

The Creation Of The One Is, In And Of Itself, The Implication Of The Creation Of The Other.

With this great thought, the entire nature of the swarm seemed to become agitated. Though the members of the swarm continued to serve the needs of GreatForce, it became obvious that what was once a peaceful state of coexistence had become strained, to say the least.

As we watched from our magic windows, God's second great thought became the catalyst for even more upheaval.

That Which Exists Within The Chi Shall Exist Dual In Its Nature, But Triune In Its Effects.

We notice that the great swarm seemed to divide into two parts--the one part continuing to serve GreatForce, the other refusing to serve. Again, from the safety of our magic windows, we see each side naturally choose a leader. While the part of the swarm that continued to serve GreatForce followed the Archangel Michael, the other part of the swarm that refused to serve GreatForce followed the Archangel Lucifer.

From the protection of our ship of imagination, we could see there would soon be confrontation, as peace was quickly vanishing from Heaven.

That Which Exists Within The Other Shall Exist In The Nature Of The Former.

Still, again, because of God's first and second great laws, the unity of the members of the swarm would also be changed. To meet the needs of God's first great law, a new creation had to be created. While the angels of the swarm knew not Karma, the new creation had to be such that it was ruled over by the cause & effects of its deeds--Karma also came into being with the creation of this new form of life.

With the advent of God's third great law, hostilities created a great clash as each side sought to do battle... as each side sought to return Heaven to the state that existed before God's GreatForce began to think.

Much seemed to be happening at the same time. Already, without the members of the swarm knowing, the GreatForce of God's laws were having their effects upon the swarm of angels... upon all of creation.

God's first and second laws demanded that where a creation existed... wherever a situation existed, it should be changed such that its opposite would also exist. As a result, the unity of the great swarm became divided.

Again, because of God's first and second great laws, the unity of Heaven, itself, would be changed. While a part of the swarm would continue to reside within the Pure State of Heaven, a part of the swarm would be cast out from Heaven's peace... they would be cast out into the trackless void of uncreation.

Again, because of God's great laws, where the members of the swarm knew not emotions and feelings, the new creation became fraught with an entire continuum of emotions... half of which were to be considered positive, half were to be considered negative. While the members of the swarm were even-tempered... in that they were without change, the new creation's emotions became the cause of constant change within the new creation.

Furthermore, the great laws demanded that where the members of the swarm operated only by the law of God's GreatForce, the new creation had the ability to direct creative energy for its own desire... to satisfy its own needs. While the members of the swarm knew not Free will, the new creation experienced the duality of Free Will and Predestiny. Where the deeds of the angels had no effect upon them, the deeds of the new creation created Triune bonds between he who committed the deed and he to whom the deed was committed upon. At the sameself moment, the new creation was governed by the Law Of The Moment. It was because The Law Of The Moment was Triune in its nature that the new creation satisfied God's second great law which stated: That which exists within the Chi shall exist dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects. As this great law took dominion over the new creation, the following three effects were brought forth:

  1. The effect was to ratify the new creation's past deeds; such that, the Affinity Factor would guarantee a one-to-one ratio between the individual's deeds and the deeds' Karma;

  2. The effect was to care for the needs of the present; such that, depending upon the extent of the bondings between the deed and the individuals involved, he who committed the deeds had a choice, if free will allowed, to control the errant emotions such that the effects of the deeds and their Triune bondings would / could be lessened over time;

  3. The effect was to write the script for the future; such that it solidified the Triune bondings between he who committed a deed and the far-reaching effects of that deed; such that, the script became the source for future experience that condemned the individual who was bound to the Triune bondings unto Predestiny. In such a case, it became the limitations and the nature of the script to judge the amount of Free Will that would be allowed during the Predestined experience.

Still, because of God's great laws, while the angels of the swarm were not bound by the laws of the world they resided in, the new creation became limited by all the laws of the environment within which they lived. While the angels flew, the new creation could not. While the angels did not have to breathe in order to live, the new creation would have to... and, the requirement to breathe limited the new creation's ability to travel only to places that allowed the new creation's atmosphere--at least until the new creation learned to bring the required atmosphere to the intended new residence.

While the life of the angels of the swarm was endless, without cycles, the new creation knew the cycles of life and death. While there was nothing in the world that could harm the angels of the swarm, there existed many things that could cause the new creation to experience the death process. We discovered that while the angels of the swarm needed no rest, the new creation had to sleep a certain amount each day.

Indeed, from the protection of our magic ship of imagination, many wonders were witnessed that seeded our understanding of who we are, and how we came to be that way. The magic of the drama continued to unfold as we silently watched from behind the windows of our ship.

Lo, and behold, the changes were many... and as the changes continued, the intensity of the battle between the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Lucifer intensified as the new creation was all but finished. Being without the support of God's GreatForce, that part of the swarm that followed the Archangel Lucifer, with great pain and suffering, were being defeated.

Rather than face the retribution of the Forces Of Light for their arrogance... for their rejection of God's thoughts... thoughts which changed all that was, the Archangel Lucifer and many of the Archangel Lucifer's followers made the decision to abandon their residence in Heaven rather than submit to the new changes. They chose to descend into the lower realms, there to set up their own Heaven... a Heaven that knew not the Grace of God's GreatForce.

It was soon discovered that no matter what they tried, their life was nothing without the need... without the direction to service GreatForce. It mattered not how much they tried to service the needs of GreatForce from their new residence, their efforts to service the needs of The Light were not acknowledged.

Indeed, their own little piece of Heaven became not Heaven, but Hell,... the hell of their own needs, the hell of their own thoughts. They discovered that when the Light's GreatForce was denied them, they could not fill the emptiness that constantly grew inside them... The pain was great... and, the greatness of the pain became the source of many attempts to, again, storm the gates of Heaven... to no avail. As they approached the the borders of Heaven, they discovered an impassable barrier.

Those who lost the battle... those who were actually defeated by the angels who followed the Archangel Michael, because they were immortals... because they knew not the death process, were cast out from Heaven. They were condemned to wander into the trackless void of the Sea Of Uncreated Future. It was, thus, that another of God's Great Laws became evident:

The Force That Was Evoked To Place A Creation Into An Illusion, In That Sameself Moment, Became the Very Force That Maintained That Creation Within The Borders Of That Created Illusion Unto Forever.

Indeed, under the present conditions, there was no hope of redemption for the defeated half of the swarm. Recursively, to satisfy the needs of God's great laws of creation, Heaven, itself, became divided. The nature of the division followed, again, the needs of the great laws. Where there existed only Heaven... only peace... only a great love, there came into existence Heaven's duplicate, having the nature of Heaven's opposite. The prime force that governed Hell became unrequited love... to oppose the love that existed in Heaven. To oppose the joy that love brings, Hell knew pain and emptiness.

Still, each half desired the unity of all... The angels that followed the Archangel Michael trusted in God's GreatForce to bring about a solution... to bring forth a path that would allow the redemption of the other half of themselves.

From our windows of magic, we see... we understand that path of redemption as the new creation. While the new creation seemed to be the source of all the division, it was, at the sameself moment, the solution. The magic of God's GreatForce took all the differences which the new laws caused and placed them in one living vessel and called this vessel The Soul Of Man.

With this new awareness, because of the great love from which it was born, Man accepted the task of becoming Heaven's sacrifice to save the residents of the lower realms... to allow the fallen angels the chance to, once again, find their walk the path of redemption. With the acceptance of the new creation--The Soul of Man--, in that sameself moment, The Brothers Of The Chain came into being.

To serve the needs of the Forces of Light, and the needs of the Forces of Darkness, Man's Claim To Uniqueness came into being. With the knowledge that they, in their hearts of hearts, served God's GreatForce even while within the Archangel Lucifer's realms of Hell, The Brothers Of The Chain began their descent into the lower realms of creation...into the Sea Of Uncreated Futures.

While it was Free Will whose gate lead to the path of redemption, it was also Free Will that condemned the individual unto Karma's bind. Thus, The Alliance Of The Rule came into being. To walk upon the Path To The Tree Of Life, a path that led to redemption, each of the fallen angels had to descend into the new creation--The Soul Of Man.

With full knowledge, each of the fallen angels who decided to walk the Path To The Tree Of Life, used their new-found Free Will to place themselves under the dominion of The Alliance Of The Rule. Indeed, having descended into The Soul Of Man, they ceased to be fallen angels--they now became a part of the TwinSpecies: Man.

This new vessel was perfect to deal with the continuum of emotions that each fallen angel brought with it into The Soul Of Man. With time, each individual came to understand that it was not their deeds that was the source of their great pain, it was the attitudes that fueled their deeds that was the source of their many deeds.

Also, each came to understand the value of the cycles of Life and Death, and the lessons which the death process taught. They learned that they were condemned to the lower realms by their attitudes of negativity. As the negatives were turned into positives, less pain entered their lives. It was discovered that the Veils of Forgetfulness was an even greater gift, as it allowed for selective remembering... thus, it allowed that each individual, limited by the needs of Karma, could equalize their Triune bonds--For-Bonds, With-Bonds, and Against-Bonds--at a pace that they could handle.

While the battle is still raging between the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Lucifer, many of the followers of Lucifer have abandoned him and have become absorbed into The Soul Of Man.

That is the Song Of The Soul Of Man. Does that help you to understand what the Soul is, and how it fits into the eternity of an individual's Life, Kim?