Soul Mates
(The Other Half of Me)

Within the Alliance of The Rule, there is an unbreakable control mechanism (Laws of Maya, Recursive Dialusion), that requires each individual who wishes to descend into the illusion of The Grand Maya to submit to the laws of bonding. This pattern of bonding is very important to the life forms who descend into The Grand Maya, because it effects the relationships which can take place between any two forms of creation, not necessarily limited to the creation of a specific life form.

This is so because it governs the nature of the relationships between any two life-forms, and, the nature of the limits which are possible between these two life forms, with respect to the life form and an environmental situation and, with respect to the A Happening between any life form and that life form's alter realities.

There are a number of Royal Steering Currents which govern the A Happenings of an individual's LifeForce which is directly governed by the thread of creation which is, itself, governed by the Royal Steering Current of Life, itself. Among these Royal Steering Currents which are present on Planet Earth's residents are the Bonds of:

The For-Bond;
The With-Bond;
The Against-Bond;
The Love-Bond;
The Games-Bond;
The Illusion-Bond;
The Friendship-Bond;
The Soul-Mate-Bond;
The Business-Bond.

It is the scope of this entry of the Arkashean Lexicon to speak only of the SoulMate type of bonding--the other bonds will be spoken of in other entries. The best way to do this is to bring to mind a few of the laws which predicate the respective natures of the bonding, themselves; in that, if we remember that all things which exist must, in and of their existence, follow certain laws that govern their existence.

Firstly, consider the prime law of: All that exists will be dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects;

Secondly, consider the prime law's mirror image: The Creation of the One is, in and of itself, the implication of the Creation of The Other;

Thirdly, consider the prime law's Triune effects of:
The recombination of the Prime law and its mirror image shall bring into being the new creation of The Continuum of Change, itself, and, the new creation of States of Altar- realities, wherein each is independent of the other, based on the subset of Recursive Dialusion called Repeated Patterns.

Again, it is important to understand that it is neither The Presence nor The Absence of a creation, but the interaction of the different threads that go into the creation that governs the nature of the limits that the creation can experience. The law that governs this is: The Force that is evoked to create an Illusion is that same Force which maintains the subsets of that illusion into that illusion's boundaries and limits unto forever.

For our purposes, it is only necessary to understand that the nature of the SoulMate bonding is very special, because it [SoulMate bonding], itself, is a continuum in its own right.

Being a continuum, there are many levels attached to the concept. One of the easiest images that can be used as a tool toward understanding is the image of a faceted diamond. While all the facets are a part of the diamond, as a whole, it cannot be said that any one facet is the diamond, only a facet of the diamond. Likewise, it cannot be said that an aspect of an individual is the individual; it is only a part of the individual. It does not matter if those parts are called the individual's physical creation, individual's logical aspects, the individual's emotional aspects, or the individual's feeling aspects. Neither single part is the individual, it is still only a part of the individual. Again, it does not matter if the parts involved are the individual's awareness level, the individual's limitations, the individual's dream levels, the individual's environmental level, or the individual's physical level. All are only a part of what makes the individual's A Happening, as a whole. This concept is important to the understanding of all bondings that can take place within the scope of The Grand Maya's Soul of Man.

Firstly, because there are levels of a continuum involved, the strict definition of a SoulMate bonding will change; in that, it will depend on which level of the A Happening that is taking place for the definition that is in effect at the time. Needless to say, there are many levels involved, therefore, many different specifics to the many different definitions of the steering current called The SoulMate bonding.

Here, again, the image of the faceted diamond becomes important to understanding. If we imagine that a single facet is unique unto itself, it still has other neighboring facets which are, also, unique unto themselves; but, they do touch one another. This touching of one another cannot be avoided, nor can it be stopped, regardless of what is done. The only way to stop the touching is to destroy the original "whole" of the diamond. In life, this cannot be done, because it is against what is written in The Alliance of the Rule.

Again, if we thought of the area of the touching which exists between the two facets of the one diamond as a placental barrier, then it could be said that what happens on one side of that barrier can, under specific sets of circumstances, effect what goes on with respect to the future of the other side of the barrier. While it is unlikely under most instances, it is possible for one part of an individual to commit suicide; this, of course, would greatly affect the relative future of all other parts of the individual.

With this new level of understanding, we would have a fairly, but still inaccurate, idea of what a SoulMate bond is. It is a type of bond that exists between two or more forms of a creation that is karmic in nature; wherein, the A Happenings of one effects the limits, and thereby the future, of the other.

Another good image tool to use to understand the Continuum aspect of SoulMate bonding is the image of a tree; in that, it branches out from both ends--above the ground and below the ground. This above ground and below ground aspect of the tree is important because it represents the duality of life; in that, the above the ground parts of the tree represent The Holy Path, while the below the ground parts of the tree represent The Unholy Path of each life form's karmic nature.

The karmic SoulMate bonding can exist between each part of an individual [the physical aspects, the logical aspects, the emotional aspects and, the feelings aspect of the individual] and, between each part of another individual [the second individual's logical aspects, emotional aspects, and feelings aspect]. It can exist between each part of a single individual, and, each part of that same single individual's environmental [his assumed altar- realities and dreams], logical, and emotional limitations. It can also exist between each part of an individual, and, each part of another individual's parts. It is also possible to have a three way bonding which only effects two people of the three person triangle.

Perhaps the examples below will aid in a better understanding.

Example #1:
As an individual exits singularity, he exits via his world of Alfa. There he will stay until the pain of his errant emotions become too difficult to bear. At this time he will start looking for escape. In his wanderings within the Great Void, he will come across The Soul of Man. As he enters the Soul of Man, he is divided into his world of Alfa and his world of Common Reality (as the individual enters Common Reality that entrance into Common Reality becomes his first incarnation/reincarnation into that life). By default as he enters Common Reality, he is again subdivided into an unknown number of nested realities (wherein each nested reality consists of just one of his errant emotions) during each life he has an opportunity to equalize that Karmic debt. If, however, he fails to do so during that life cycle, he is reincarnated into another nested reality whose task it is to equalize the errant emotion in question. In every life that he fails to equalize that errant emotion (each time he is reincarnated), he is reincarnated into still another nested reality.

However, as he descends into the Grand Maya, he is forced into his first SoulMate bonding; that is, he is forced to split his LifeForce [which is now unity] into two parts [to satisfy the law that states all which exists must be dual in nature] such that each part that was separated has its own time cycles.

Each divided part of him is unaware of the other half of him [because of the veils of forgetfulness], but, because of the unseen connection between his two parts. They are unseen because of the veils of forgetfulness that come with nested realities (each nested reality is separated by a placental barrier making each a totally independent life). It is because the SoulMate bond on this level will affect the affairs of one part do, indeed, also affect the limits that are possible within the affairs of the other parts (other nested realities) of him.

However, which part affects which part is not indiscriminate. There are very specific rules as to the how and the when of how each part may affect the other parts of him. Among these rules is the process that each part will have its turn, within the karmic cycle, to be dominant over other parts. As an example, the best way to understand is by using the physical's DNA (XX for female and XY for male). While it is true that the DNA of an individual shows that the individual is divided into a duality of male and female, there is also a third possibility (to fulfill the triune in its effects part of the law).

When an individual enters into the Soul of Man he enters either as a XX or as a XY (male or female). As he is subdivided into nested realities (one nested reality for each of the errant emotions that are driving him away from Singularity), it is possible that within each nested reality the Affinity Factor can force him into reincarnating as a XX, a XX and XY, or just an XY (the DNA of the offspring need not be the same as that of the mother). When this occurs it is the offspring of the individual that bears this curse and not the individual himself. As such when a child is born it is possible that it does not share the same DNA factors as its mother. Further still, if an egg from one individual is transferred into the womb of another individual, while the mitochondria of the child will share its mother's mitochondria's DNA, the rest of the DNA of the child need not necessarily be the same as the creator of the egg that bore the child.

It is not unlike a computer program that might be written (by the Affinity Factor) as follows:

#include Affinity Factor
#include Alliance of the Rule
#include All karmic debts
#include All errant emotions
#include Veils of forgetfulness via nested incarnations
main (first life)

  second life;          
    third life;        
      fourth life;      
        fifth life;    
          sixth life;  
            seventh life;
emotion equalize;        
return to main life;        


This is an important concept because that part of a life form that is presently serving as the main life governs the limits of the other parts [the parts of himself that were separated from the awareness factors of the main life via the nested realities].

This could be a source of sadness, because of the ever present need to find himself, because of the strength of the need to again experience himself as being whole, it is possible that the part of him that serves as a nested reality would be so attracted to his lost half that in its life it would be forced to play the role of either a Lesborer or a lesbian (in that alter reality he was born with the possibilities of a XY physical and a XX psychological/emotional body). Within every nested reality every life has the possibility of being born as XX/XX and XY/XY. Within the scope of each of each possibilities of being born (as a XX, or XX and XY, or XY) we have to understand that the specifics within each category could be vastly different. This is one of the methods that Karma uses to have a new nested reality follow the same pattern as the reality above it and still increase the pain of growth, the stubbornness of the individual, the degree to which the individual follows the mundane path of life, or the degree to which the individual follows the spiritual path of life. To a great degree, a SoulMate bonding can govern the nature of the presence and/or the absence of growth for that other part's life cycle (every nested reality's is limited by the nested reality that is above his own). In a great sense, it could be said that the individual is, in fact, using his Freewill to create his Predestiny.

That other part of his awareness [that part of him that is in another nested reality] is what is inaccurately called the SoulMate. It is inaccurate because it is not the beingness of the other part of him that is the SoulMate, it is the special relationship that exists between the two parts of him that is the SoulMate. The error is often made because the other part or parts of him have the ability to live, to have experiences apart from its other parts. To think of the people as being SoulMate comes more natural than thinking of nested reality lives as the relationship between two people as being the SoulMate. Perhaps, this is because of the term Mate. This term suggests that it is a person that is involved and not a relationship to or with a person. Again, the term Soul seems to suggest the same thing.

Example #2:
Let us say that an individual is trapped in a very special game that brings nothing but different varieties of pain. The individual is trapped because he cannot see any way out of the pain which he constantly brings on himself. Therefore, it is useless to think of offering this individual a teacher on the same level of his traps. Such a teacher would only be rejected, because the teachings would not support the nature of the individual's limits. Remember the law: The Force that is evoked to create is that same Force that maintains the creation within the boarders of the created illusion? This is strongly in effect. All OtherWorld Teachers are usually from the nested reality that is above his own.

However, because of the nature of The New Covenant [The New Covenant states that even the darkest spirit who is caught in the hell of his own thoughts, who is trapped in the stubbornness of his own ways, who is trapped in the stubbornness of his own heart, may find a way to retrace the road that led him into his condemnation, but, if, and only if, he is willing to gaze, deeply, into the eyes of his Hound-of-Hell; and, thereby, be led back from his own condemnation], there is a way to help the individual release himself from his self-created traps [but, if, and only if, he is so willing] without destroying the nature of his present self-created trap. His OtherWorld Teachers are usually his only hope for change.

This process is called: OtherWorld Teachers. It is possible for another individual [a highly advanced individual who serves as an OtherWorld Teacher] to enter into the nested alter-realities or the dream levels of the trapped ones. Here, in these higher levels of the trapped individual's awareness state (from a higher nested level's life), the OtherWorld Teacher could form a SoulMate bond between the trapped individual's lower state of awareness, the trapped individual's higher state of awareness, the trapped individual's lower awareness level, or the trapped individual's dream levels. Such a SoulMate Bonding would be so strong [the strength comes because of the SoulMate level of bonding] that the individual on the trapped level simply cannot brush the lessons aside and thus, continue the trapped behaviors of his trap [this is one of the magic windows that are spoken of within the manuscript: What If/But].

It is because of the strength of the SoulMate bonding that an Other World Teacher could use the individual's own needs to break the effects of his present trap... by changing the values that are attached to specific behaviors. The changing of values will usually result in a change in the like/dislike emotions that govern the limits of his trap. Once the individual comes to dislike what was once liked, the chances increase that the desired change will come about.

In the continuum of the spell of life, all is accorded freewill to do as one pleases. This freewill was given to each by the Goddess Isis (symbol for the forces that created all life), through the power of the Ruby of Life (symbol for The Alliance of the Rule). The interaction of freewill within each individual's mind, in each nested plane of existence, and the implications that result from the exercise, are those things which keep diversity in a constant state of change.

Behold the journey of Man to The Tree of Life, as seen through the eyes of The Hound of The Hell of Their Own Thoughts, as each comes to experience this sometimes gift, sometimes curse called freewill man calls The Walk of Freedom. Behold the freedom of Man to experience his own beginnings... to experience but one possible way/thread that his universe could unfolded.... We shall call them by their effectiveness of force: WHAT IF and its nemesis, BUT.

WHAT IF... each of us were given freewill by the eternal creator?... WHAT IF we could use this free will to gain the illusion of leaving Primedial Force, called the Universal Nest?

BUT... the Universal Nest is everywhere. The creator is everywhere and in everything. It is impossible to leave Primedial Force.

WHAT IF... there were a way?... A way to leave, yet truly not leave at all? WHAT IF... in our minds, we could pretend we have left the nest?

BUT... how can we do this? We could pretend all we want... but we will always know that we have not left the nest. Besides, why would we want to leave anyway?

WHAT IF... we pretend hard enough... think hard enough... so as to fall asleep? actually lose consciousness and dream about anything we desire.

BUT... is that possible? This freewill that we possess... would it allow us to do all that?... And, if it did, if we could do that, what should we think about?

WHAT IF... we could think about a physical universe that has nested realities? A place where our thoughts are held prisoner in a grosser matter... a place where we could have our own energy to play energy inside a physical vehicle that has the power of mobility...a universe -- a nested reality where we would have total dominion over what we want to experience. Think of the possibilities. We could play the game of sick, the game of war, the game of death, the game of would be a playground with infinite possibilities.

BUT... even if we do think about such a place, and even if we could fall asleep, it would just be an illusion. It wouldn't be real... only our imagination.

WHAT IF... we could pretend hard enough to... We could create a new thing called reality... a place that was neither real nor not real... we can make a reality that was only true to us... unless others decided to use their free will to dream our dream too. The Creator would only see us as being asleep. From creation's point of view, we would be but an awareness dreaming fantasies... and living within them. Besides, our freewill would protect us from any outside interference by any force, even the Creator... after all, it was given to us as a gift to do with what we please. Think of the endless possibilities we could experience with our freewill.

BUT... what if the fact that while experiencing this so-called Maya we could stop it at any given moment... knowing full well we could return to the awareness of the universal nest... Where is the trueness of leaving the nest while knowing this?

WHAT IF... this freewill was so powerful that we could make up any rules and any laws that we wanted? We could decide for ourselves how things should work. We could even install veils to keep us from knowing about our true Godlike abilities. They would keep us from knowing how to do certain things... and, therefore keep us from knowing the truth of it all. We could transfer our awareness factor into the illusion itself... you know, as a part of trapping our energy of thought into matter, and law could keep it there so it wouldn't fall out when we weren't looking. This way we could experience the full sensation of separation from the universal nest without actually leaving it.

BUT... if freewill is that powerful and it can prevent us from knowing how to return to the awareness of the nest, won't we become forever lost?

WHAT IF... we made sure there were at least some hidden windows scattered about... Windows that would show us the way home. And, just to make sure we could return, in case we could not find the windows, we could evoke a law that would automatically return us to the source of our behavior, if our thoughts consisted only of the love for the all. All of our thoughts and all of our behaviors along this vein would automatically guide us back. The source of all things would be revealed to our higher minds and to our hearts. And, with this greater wisdom, our Ba would soar ever upward, toward the awareness of home.

BUT... What if--

WHAT IF... say no more, let us dream... Let us pretend... Let us descend into A Grand Maya.
Lo and behold they did. Like a child caught with their new toy, illusions were played upon and bandied about, without care of their un-thought of effects. Illusions became the focus of not one but of many. All seemed to experience the diversity of freewill. Reality had, indeed, become a prison of thoughts.

And likened unto a child, the games that were played, and the games that were dreamed of and fantasized soon became their new creation called nested reality... a condition wherein that which was real ruled equally with that which was illusion. Rules were made without understanding that it was the very force that was used to place them within an illusion was also the very same force that kept them there.

Those who made up new games chose what would be experienced as they played... but, as in all rules that originate from the mind of a child, some things were left out... it was said to make the experience more fun... more individual. Certain concepts were not realized or remained un-thought of. Many implications of interactions were not completely addressed, or even ignored out of bemusement.

As a result, the experimenters of freewill fell deeper and deeper into a grave called sleep... into their dreams of a nested reality. Veils of forgetfulness took their toll upon the descending Ka.

With universal laws eventually forgotten, set aside, or purposely misused, they found that they could not find any of their secret windows... nor could they remember their own rules. They were, indeed, trapped within The Hell of Their Own Thoughts. The new physical universe, the illusion of someone's desire to experience a grosser reality, turned into a place of separation and despair rather than a place of oneness and joy. The imagined playground had become a circus of horrors.

Unfortunately, those who resided within the Great Void perceived the reflections of others seemingly having much pleasure in their dreams. They wondered about the pleasures and the reality of the dream. They, too, decided to dream the dream of a grosser reality... of a reality whereby their thought's energy was completely imprisoned in matter.

Behold, ye who sojourns unto the sacred Ruby of Life, opportunities will come once in the saga of Time. Eventually, the universe will share that which is mine. Our hearts have a dream which has begun, to give sustenance to the old and to shelter the young. As all are diminished or all are enhanced, what happens to just one will determine the dance. Throughout the eons again it's revealed that by our deeds of today, our future we seal. With each step of kindness, of sharing our wealth, we increase our own glory by the sharing of ourself. Each step that we take is a step for the whole. No greater gift can be given than the gift of our soul. So give of your ear and help all things rhyme. The young and the old will be served in their time. It is true that the fates have a way to judge souls, for each, in due time, will play the same role.

It is Written that although I Am Divided, my twin self seeks both halves of me...
It is said that 'twas My Own thought's blame that I Am So Lost from myself...
It was Ordained that The Divided Half of me seeks self, as it seeks The Other...
It Is Truth that plays The Harpy that drives my Illusions of a Divided Self...
It is Sadness to Find Seven Points to my star that limit my Future's Bind...
Each Path must I Walk To Its End...
To The Ends of my Continuum Am I outstretched, The Unbound Circle of Self...
Tis The Limits of the nature of my Illusions That force The Awareness of Self...
The Truths Come from my Harpy's Hauntings...
If I Deny Individuality, Will I regain The Unity of Self?...