Akhenaten's Eleventh Vision
(Abandon hope need not be)

In the course of bemusement, the Golden Scribe marked tally against man's division into duality. For, in the course of the descent of The Soul of Man into the dream of creation, both halves--the male and the female loosed uncontrolled their emotions upon the altar of the blind, but raging, experience of self-fulfillment.

Bemusement begot bemusement such that the arc of the continument had begun. No form was sufficient in which to experience. Each bemusement condemned them to ratify their first cause, and thereby, gave reign each to his own destiny.

Bemusement begot them coats of skin to wrap them in their new creations upon the face of  Matter.  As the continuum continued its descent, myriad forms took they until each lost cognizance of the other, and of their origins.  The highly favored coats of skin which painted their beings soon became their mortal prison; for truly, with the loss of their origins, they became entombed in the flesh of Matter.

And, it came to pass that others of their kind were not bemused. The Son's of Oneness looked down upon their counter-parts; and they did perceive the nature of the cycles of Life and Death that did bind them unto Matter. For, indeed, they were trapped into the Hell- of-their-own-thoughts. They were hopeless, and sightless of the Law in their graves.

Through the powers of Love, and, driven by the unison of will, much did the Son's of Oneness suffer as they did create a Great Ladder of themselves. Armed with the knowledge of the veil-of-forgetfullness that divided each level of descent, fortified with their ability to remain slightly above the Law the governed each of the nine levels of Matter, certain were they of the subdivisions within each level, and, secure were they in their ability to communicate, the Son's of Oneness did arrange themselves such that a great chain of beings was forged from the highest to the lowest levels of the face of Earth.

Each link of the chain remained far enough above the effects of the Law of each level that he retained continuity of the whole, but not so far that each link did not experience the trap of the cycles of Life-and-Death that did bind man to his grave.

Soon the ladder discovered that as it also followed the descent of man, less and less free were they to influence the residents of each level. Until, finally, the darkness veiled all things.

Though man had eyes, he could not see the brightness of his origins. Though man had ears, he could not hear the yearnings of his higher self that echoed the teachings of the Ladder. Though man could feel, he could not touch or be touched by the soul of another. Uniqueness had, indeed, claimed its prize.

The light of each man became less and less bright as each lined his own grave with lies, deceit, falsehoods, murder, rape, pillage, war, and other games that served to further divide man from his original greatness setting each the other's nemeses.

The Law of Earth became 'eat and be eaten, kill, and be killed.'Indeed, it echoed the symbol of its being--abandon hope ye who enter here!

As the Ladder lowered its rungs into the levels of grosser Matter, more and more it became impossible to execute its task; for the darkness was sore upon the face ofEarth.  Finally, at the end of the Ladder, it became necessary to give mobility to the last and most powerful blind of the chain--the Hound of Hell came into being.

This, the highest of beings, became among, but not of, the residents of the face of Earth. With the force of the great love, with the freedom of mobility to commune with all levels of man's entombment, and with the mobility to detach itself from the sacred Ladder to move freely among man, the Hounds-of-Hell manifested itself in three faces. It disguised itself in coats of skin and walked upon the face of the Earth. In its own time, however briefly, it touched the soul of each life-form echoing the new concernment --"Abandon hope all ye who enter here", need not be!

For, it soon came to past that with the coming of the Hound-of- Hell, that a great Light had come into the world.  It shattered the powers of both, Isis and Anubis.  And, with it came a new way!

If a man be so bold as to gaze deeply into the eyes of the Hound- of-the-hell-of-his-own-thoughts, he could be lead to retrace his own footsteps which brought him into his earthly trap. If a man were willing to repent his past deeds, if a man were willing to change himself, change his ideals, change his goals, change his thinking process such that it reflected the teachings which were echoed by the sacred Ladder, he could be freed from the cycles of Life-and-Death by becoming a link in the chain of salvation whose only reason for being is the building of a great temple of light that the world can inwardly perceive...where, in turn, each would echo the teachings of the sacred Ladder if, and only if, the seer were willing to teach, and the human were willing to change.

For the new concernment, even the darkest spirit caught in the Hell-of-its-own-thoughts, if it so chose, could gaze into the hounds- of-the-hell-of-its-own-thoughts, and, thereby find its way to the path of redemption!