Akhenaten's Third Vision:
(Visions of Arkashea)

Thus, ARKASHEA--the first experience that came about because of independent thought--came into being. ARKASHEA, the first thought...ARKASHEA, the first experience was to be the 'seat' of cause and effect. ARKASHEA, truly the first time the mighty 'trinity' of Law came into being. The Soul of Man, indeed, came into existence.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was visited through his visions by the 'Trinity". Here therefore, the words as set down by the scribes of the Great White Brotherhood, the scribes of the Brothers-Of-The-Chain, the 'Priests' of the Temples of Light, servants of the Aten. Thus, ARKASHEA came into being--truly, the first experience of the Soul of Man as he descended into the Dream of Separation from Heaven. Truly the first creation where, for the first time, a mighty Trinity of energy combined to form a new force--a force having animation -- the seed of mobility, a force having awareness apart from the Great Force--the ability to think, to direct energy for its own sake, and a force having emotions--the ability to inwardly feel or know apart from knowledge and language, a force that with time, developed into nature's highest from of life--The Soul of Man. Now, God's sacrificial lamb was ready to receive its greatest treasure--a fallen angel.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was instructed that ARKASHEA, of course, was different for each individual--as each would have a slightly different first thought, a thought that was based upon his status in the rebellion. Each would also have a slightly different purity of emotions, limited only by the degree of hate that has corrupted his heart. And, each would have a slightly different degree of mobility, modified by the road that he had to travel to return to His Grace. Thus, even in the new creation--Man, the original pattern remained the same, but diversity remained the rule.

Pharaoh Akhenaten was instructed in all forms of meditations and reflections. He was instructed that the Force which brought forth the ability to think also brought forth troublesome communications from all other parts of himself or his state of beingness... between all other manifestations of his Karma... which, therein lies the forces of 'Trinity'. He was instructed that Language was, itself, the tool of mobility within Man. Language made possible man's ability to seek himself. The power of Language made it possible for man's ability to understand his circumstances... even though The Soul of Man would deny the wisdom of the entire matrix... It was the power of language that served the source of man's ability to understand the importance of accepting the necessities of Law, and , finally, The Soul of Man gave man the gift of knowing his creator--Great Force.

Pharaoh Akhenaten discovered that beyond language, beyond that ultra deep self-imposed archetype meaning, each symbol used to communicate also had a second set of meanings. Meanings that held special reinforcements for the illusions of each individual who beheld the symbol within the heart, within the mind, and within the awareness of the Soul. He discovered that this special set of symbolic meanings were so strong that it almost totally governed the thinking ability of the beholder.

Akhenaten discovered that far beyond the first, and the second set of inner meanings, each symbol also contained within its construction, still a third set of hidden meanings. He discovered that this third set of hidden meanings, to a very great extent, totally limited each holder's ability to have freewill, to have clear thinking processes, making it, the illusion, an attractive trap that keeps the beholder of the illusion trapped by giving him the false need for the everyday events, everyday emotions, and the every challenge of interacting with the creative force that directs the illusion of the beholder's state of reality. Indeed, The Soul of Man gave its treasure only limited freewill.

Akhenaten discovered also that these three sets of meanings, themselves, had inner levels of understanding forming a continuum of awareness; each forming an independent state of awareness for which The Soul of Man's treasure can experience life in all of its many manifestations, in all of its multilevel, through all of its alter-realities. And, that each specific level of meanings communicated using different levels of Man's mind. He discovered that the level called Life was but one point along the continuum of awareness. And, that if one experienced 'Life' one had to also experience its counterpart -- 'Death', the due process of returning the 'matter' used to form the vehicle with which we experienced the Life Illusion, to its natural form--the dust of the Earth.

Pharaoh discovered that each specific set of an-awareness-of-an-existence also had with it a mate that also had to be experience if the illusion were to be cast off. This, he discovered to be the 'duality' of creation...each action had an equally imposing reaction before the law completed its authority upon the individual who evoked the Force that created its illusion. Indeed, where his emotions were active, The Soul of Man forced its treasure to experience the calmness of passiveness.

Pharaoh Akhenaten also discovered that before one illusion could be cast off completely, the forces of awareness within that illusion had to be completely equaled... indeed, nothing was for free. He discovered that while the awareness of an individual could, for a brief time, seem to escape the laws of an illusion once said illusion was evoked by the beholder of said awareness, that seeming escape too was but an image within the mind. True escape was not possible.

Pharaoh discovered that all experiences, regardless of the state of alter-reality, regardless of the state of awareness, and regardless of the volition of the individual, to some degree, to some extent, influenced all other aspects of all other states of experiences. He discovered that there was a common connection between all levels of awareness that could not be eliminated from modifying all other states, because all was just a part of the matrix within which the individual found himself.

He was instructed--in his visions-- that the only way to eliminate an influence generated by another level of understanding, was to completely master that other state of awareness. He was instructed--in his visions--that to master such a state required complete awareness of all the laws governing that state as it inter-reacted with all other states that were of concern to the matrix of the beholder. But, most important, he learned that the only force in all of the creations that was forever constant was change itself. Indeed, the fallen angel that had reincarnated into the Soul of Man had no choice... he had to change.

Pharaoh was shown--in his visions--how it was change that brought about the many interactions of the Forces of Creation which brought forth the many aspects of the experience of the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing. It was change that brought about the entrapment of the beholder as he began to enjoy the fruits of their mind's control over the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing. It was change that was necessary if the individual was to free himself from the ravages of the created illusion. Change was the only force that could be depended upon. And, the nature of that change was up to the mind that evoked the forces of creation.

Pharaoh was mystified as he was shown how the law works. He saw that as one aspect of the illusion was worked up on by the beholder, all other aspects of all other levels of awareness was also changed dually. It was like a piece of weaving. As one thread was pulled or place into the whole, the entire weaving was to that degree disturbed or modified in some way. Thusly, Life is thought of as being woven into creation...and not just merely created as one would think. To Pharaoh's understanding, Life and its force became an interplay between man's desires, man's behavior, and the Law-of-cause-and-effect.

Akhenaten was instructed--in his visions--that because of the many different levels of the experience of life, the symbols used by man to interpret these experiences could, and did, come from the many different levels of his mind. Some even came from the individual's OtherWorld Teachers... some came from each of the many different levels of man's understanding, some from each of the many levels of awareness, regardless of the individual's state of beingness.

In an effort to retain the original communication in its original pattern, and knowing that language would not remain the same as time passed, Pharaoh used special tablets to set down the contents of his many visions. He divided these tablets into levels of control over the circumstances-of-man's-control, and, the circumstances-of-man's-lack-of-control.

  1. The Tree of Life...............................Aspects of the Law.
  2. The State of Awareness.....................The condition of the Mind.
  3. The Emotions....................................Attachments & rejections.
  4. The Keys........................................Unseen wisdom from unseen areas.
  5. Swords.....................................Behavior, Force of Justice, The Equalizer.
  6. Cups..............................................Receptive natures, Nourishments & retributions.
  7. Pentacles.........................E.S.P., Carnal knowledge, Psychic abilities, internal power, special understandings.
  8. Wands..............................Vengeance, War, Battle, Fights, conflicts, struggles, decisions of great importance.

The original writings were placed on clay tablets. From these tablets our people--The Essenes, founder of the great White Brotherhood, creators of the special few who serve the 'Great Force', the Brothers-of-the-Chain -- were taught. Among the higher teachings, they were taught that each of the many symbols used for communication by the various levels of man's mind had at the very least nine meanings--each governing a different aspect of the individual's reality, and touching the laws of the common reality's illusion. They were taught that each has at least three major sets of symbols that are used to become aware of what the individual calls existence--regardless of the level.

The three levels of meanings of each symbol deal with the major efforts required to descend into the Life-illusion, and the veils of the forgetfullness that life brings. The three minor meanings of each symbol deal with the three aspects of the continuity of conductivity with its illusions of the receptivity with all its limitations, and the effects of Frequency with its many dangers of unseen, unexpected interactions, un-thought of dangers. The three synthesis type meanings of each symbol deal with the situations of Life in Matter, as it is experienced and applied to the Laws of Karma.

Throughout the generations, students of The Great Understand Of Carnal Knowledge has attempted to translate [said] wisdom into the language of the day. Passage beyond the Arcane Curtain--through visions--lend itself towards helping a seeker understand the realm of creation governed by the same set of laws that were used to create the forces, the Life Experience, and the laws of Matter.