War amongst the Angels:
(The Creation of Cause & Effect)

And it came to pass that there was great stillness upon the voice of the deep. The Great Sea of Uncreated Futures lay still, a sanguine sea of possibilities... a great creative power that was at rest... that was at peace with itself.

Then, no one knows how or why, there came a great disturbance in the stillness of being. The ancient Magi teaches us that this was the moment of the awaking of the Creative Powers of God. This was a moment in creation wherein even Heaven took notice of the on-coming change.

And it came to pass that the great stillness upon the face of the deep was no longer still. The Great Sea of Uncreated Futures erupted with GreatForce, issuing three great thoughts that became seed for all that was to be.

  1. That Which Exists Within The Chi, Shall Exist Dual In Its Nature, But Triune In Its Effect.
  2. The Creation of The One Is, In And Of Itself, The Implication Of The Creation Of The Other.
  3. That Which Exists Shall Be Governed By The Law Of Repeating Patterns; such that Recursively, What Came First Shall Be Last, And What Comes Last Shall Be First.

And it came to pass that the very foundations of Heaven shook as the ripples of the three great laws of Cause & Effect created a change that would forever be felt among the residents of Heaven. Now it was during those times that Lucifer was the first angel... said to be loved above all others... said to be closest to the Throne of God... But, this could not remain so... as the great Laws of Cause & Effect were yet unfulfilled.

The ancient Magi of old teaches us that no one knows exactly where the first great law ends and the second great law begins... nor is it known where the second great law ends and the third great law begins... still, nor do they know the difference between the first great law and the third. All that is known is that they exist as a Great Unity that is Dual in its nature, but Triune in its effects.

The ancient Magi instructs us to think of the Triunity as a single force... a GreatForce of Cause & Effect whose Duality is both, THE CAUSE of the creation of a thing and THE EFFECT that limited its creation... that limited its future... and, whose Triunity brought forth the three faces of the continuum of Creation that places limits upon that which exists even before it comes into creation. It is not unlike the pattern of the number 2 being present and modifying the creation of the number 1... and, the pattern of the number 3 being present and modifying the specifics of the limits of the number 2... and, the pattern of the number 4 placing limits upon the number 3 during/and before its very creation... etc.

The ancient Magi teaches us that The first of the great laws demanded that the Unity which existed in Heaven must be divided. Indeed, a great change swept the peace of Heaven. The Pattern demanded that all unity must be divided into duality... Where that was peace, War had to come into existence... Where there were creations who had no free-will, creations who did have free-will had to come into existence... Where there were creations who existed within the illusion of Heaven, creations who existed separated from the illusions Heaven had to come into existence... While Lucifer was the first angel... in that He came first, the great laws of Cause & Effect demanded that Lucifer must come last.

To fulfill the demands of the GreatForce of Cause & Effect, a great war erupted in the peace of Heaven causing at least many of the angels to be cast into the illusion of the separation from Heaven--The Oblivion.

The ancient Magi teaches us that as there were angels who were immortal, a creation had to come into existence that was mortal... that knew the events of Birth and Death...

As there were angels who knew no pain and sufferings, a creation had to come into existence that knew full well the pains and the sufferings that the processes of Life and Death bring.

As there existed beings who knew only love, a new creation had to come into being who knew not love... who had to suffer the pains of learning how to love...

As there existed only angels who had no souls, a new creation had to come into being who had a soul... who knew the pitfalls of Individuality... who knew the pitfalls of free-will...

As there were angels who knew only peace, there had to come into existence a creation who knew only war... who had to suffer the pains of learning how to have an understanding heart that he may learn to forgive, and finally, come to know love.

All these things and many, many more changes came into existence at the sameself moment that the passiveness of the sanguine Sea of Uncreated Futures erupted into the activeness of the powers of the GreatForce of Cause & Effect.

The ancient Magi of old teaches us that it came to pass that God summoned the residents of Heaven before the Throne of Creation and called for a sacrifice... a sacrifice that the fallen angels... a sacrifice so those who were cast out of the illusion of Heaven could, once again, find their peace... find their love... find their way back into the Grace of Heaven. Now it came to pass that at that time in Heaven there was only one creation that had the ability to choose... the ability of individuality... the ability to act separate from the Laws of Cause & Effect... the ability to act separate from the will of The Throne of Creation-- that creation was The Soul of Man.

The ancient Magi of old teaches us that The Soul of Man did, indeed, come forth... It [The Soul of Man] used its free-will to become the sacrifice needed to fulfill the needs of the GreatForce of Cause & Effect.

According to the tale, God then took the new creation called Man aside and cast a special level of power over him. Immediately, the new creation called Man fell into a very deep sleep... and, in Man's dream, Man dreamed a dream of creation... a dream of a level of existence that was close to... but not within the boundaries of Heaven... a dream from which Man could not escape until the original CAUSE was fulfilled. Thus, the dream of separation became the cause for the creation of a level of existence that became known as The Earth Experience.

Now the laws that governed that level of existence was very new to the times... basically, there came into existence a number of levels of control... such as:

Of all the many laws of control that came into existence, the most binding was "It is The World Of Illusion which is the driving force for Reality; and, within that Reality, it is the level of observation which creates the phenomenon; and, within each phenomenon, it is the law of the moment which dictates the needs of the situation that brings forth the stage upon which we play our games; and, within these games, it is the interaction between the needs and the acquired needs of the Law Of The Moment which determines the roles we play in any given life; and, during any given life, it is the needs and the acquired needs of our dreams, of our hopes, and of our desires that will determine the interaction of the Six Points Of Power over our emotions within any given Illusion; and, with the satisfaction of our Illusions, The Magic Circle is fulfilled upon that level of experience."

As the dream of creation continued to unfold, Man discovered that each individual became a special vessel into which a fallen angel could reincarnate into; and, in this way, the fallen angel would give up his seeming Godliness of being eternal. Now, finding himself within a new creation... a creation that was trapped within a dream of separation,... a creation that was now heavier physical in nature... a creation that now knew the joy of life and the pain of death, the fallen angel acquired what he went to war for--a soul; but, since nothing is for free, the fallen angel was no longer an angel, nor did the newly reincarnated being possess any of the powers that he once had as an angel.

Yes, he now had a Soul... but, that Soul now demanded much from him... the Soul now demanded that the individual take responsibility for all of his deeds... both positive and negative. In time, the positive deeds became wisdom and knowledge as the new being grew towards a new type of spirituality. The negative deeds became ties that bound the new being deeper into the Earth experience... forcing him to reincarnate over and over until all the incurred karmic debts were equalize. Earth had, indeed, become a perfect trap. The Soul of Man forced the now reincarnated fallen angel to come to know that while it visited the higher levels of the Earth Experience, it was his thoughts that did bind him to his destiny... to his future experiences. Still, the Soul of Man forced the individual to come to know that while he was upon the Astral Plane of Common Reality, it was not his thoughts that did bind him to destiny... it was his deeds. Indeed, he found himself trapped within the Soul of Man... He discovered that his coat of skin was, indeed, the perfect trap... it was abandon all hope... so, Man learned to cry... so, Man cried loud, and long... but there was none who could, or would hear his cries.

The Great Law of Cause & Effect was now fulfilled.

And Lo, the ancient Magi taught a second lesson to help understanding:

WARRING ANGELS (The Creation of Cause and Effect and The Descent)

In the beginning, there existed a GreatVoid. Within the midst of the GreatVoid, there existed a Sanguine-Sea-of-Uncreated-Futures. This great sea brought forth a sea of possibilities that was power at peace with itself, at rest. Then, recursion caused a disturbance in the midst of the sea that was at rest. In the selfsame moment, a great force was created called Change; and Change brought forth the River of Law. And the Law was thus:

  1. That which exists shall be dual in its nature, but triune in its effect;
  2. The creation of the one is in and of itself the implication of the creation of the other;
  3. That which exists within the other shall exist in the nature of the former via repeated patterns.

As creation continued to unfold upon itself, there came to exist a GrandUnity (some call this unity Orthodontiks...and some call this GrandUnity Heaven).

As the great force of Change continued to act as a catalyst for creation, we discover that the GrandUnity was populated by a single lifeform (we use the term lifeform although this term is inconsistent with what we call life). As a resident of this GrandUnity, there existed no right of choice, no freewill, while each had the ability for self-expression.(Still, this self-expression allowed each the experience of a force which will later become known as emotions).

And thus, the First Law was fulfilled. Once more, the great catalyst of Change brought into creation a new cause to fulfill the needs of the Second Law. Where there was unity, the Second Law demanded duality. Since creation cannot allow singularity and duality to exist in the selfsame moment, the effect of the Second Law of Creation brought forth by Change was thus:

The residents of the GrandUnity found themselves divided (while these labels are not accurate, they will serve our purpose for the moment). One part we shall call the Faithful and the other part we shall call the Unfaithful.

And so the Unfaithful were cast down into the GreatVoid thus fulfilling a part of the Second Law (Creation will not allow a one-sided door; if you have a river of beings exiting the GrandUnity, the Second Law demanded that we also have a river of beings entering...Creation will not allow an in without an out).

Still, since Love condemns no one for eternity, to fulfill the demands of the Second Law, there must be created a continuity between the Faithful and the Unfaithful.

However, the Third Law effect was seen via its repeating patterns...Where there was but one force of beings which had no freewill and which knew eternity. The great force of Change demanded the creation of a new being that knew not immortality, but had the ability of the right of choice. To fulfill this new creation, the River of Law caused a new creation to exist called the Soul of Man.

And lo, the needs of the Second Law and the Third Law were fulfilled...However, to reenter the GreatUnity (called Heaven), the beings that were cast down (we know them as fallen angels) had to incarnate into the Soul of Man; and in so doing, they no longer were fallen angels, they no longer knew immortality and they possessed intense emotions of self-expression.

And through a series of re-incarnations, the new being, called Man, was given the opportunity to modify or to quell their intense emotions of self-expression.

The new being called Man, by the Laws of Change, was not allowed to continue his journey back to the GrandUnity until all karmic debts were equalized.


Homage to thee, Maat, Master of all Inner Truths.

I am come to you, Maat, Great Force of All Forces.

I have brought myself hither, that...

I may become conscious of thy decrees, that...

I may come to know the laws of my Creation.

I wish to know thee and

I wish to attune with thee, Maat.

In truth I have come for attunement,

I bring thee, Maat, in my mind and in my Ka's Ka.

I strive to destroy within myself wickedness for thee;

I strive not to intentionally oppress members of my family;

I strive not to do evil to Mankind;

I strive not to wrought evil in the place of right and good;

I strive not to have intimacy with worthless men;

I strive not to demand first consideration;

I strive not to decree excessive labor be performed for me;

I strive not to have my name brought forward for exaltation to honor;

I strive not to defraud the oppressed;

I strive not to willingly cause any man to suffer hunger or thirst;

I strive not to intentionally cause anyone to weep;

I strive not to willingly cause pain to be inflicted on man nor beast;

I strive not to defraud the temples of their obligations;

I strive not to diminish from the bushel;

I strive not to set hand upon that which is not mine;

I strive not to encroach upon the fields of others;

I strive, with my best intent, to give all their proper due;

I strive not to turn back the waters when they should have flown;

I strive not to extinguish the flame when it should have burned;

I strive not to repulse any Creations in any rightful manifestation;

Make me pure. I am pure. I am part of thee, Oh Maat.

My purity is that of thy holy temple.

Therefore, evil shall not follow me in this world, because I, even myself,

Know thy laws of Karma which are good unto all things.