Arkashean Q&A Session -- 034

FAITH: Basically where do I go from here as far as with Arkashea?

THERRY: That depends up to you.

FAITH: Because I wanted to tell you that I have come to the decision that this is what I want to do, but since I feel like I have not advanced, I thought, well, what do I have to offer.

THERRY: What do you mean, since you have not advanced?

FAITH: I don't feel like I have made enough progress to benefit Arkashea.

THERRY: That's not your purpose for being here. Your purpose for being here for now is not so you can benefit Arkashea; Your purpose for being here now is to learn what Arkashea is all about, so that you can benefit yourself. We're not asking anything from you; we don't want anything from you. We simply want you to learn the laws so that you can better understand yourself, and what it is that you want to be when you grow up. Once you're qualified in that you understand yourself better, then we will accept you as knowing what it is that you want, and then we will accept you as a student of Arkashea because you know what it is that you want. Right at the moment you really don't know what you want, so therefore we don't look at you as being qualified to make a valid decision. Once you learn the laws of Arkashea, once you learn the laws of creation so that you understand what's happening, then you will be in a better position to know what it is that you want. Then, at that time, if you want to become a Sub-Pre-Observer, we'll say yes. And then, and only then, will Arkashea begin to benefit. Until that time it is the species who benefits.

FAITH: Why does it take some people, like they're twenty years old and they know exactly what they want, while some other individuals seem to kind of--

THERRY: Maybe it's their background; maybe it's their history. Maybe it's their Karma. In either case, it's unimportant.

FAITH: So, what causes me at this point not to actually know what I want to do with my life?

THERRY: Your history.

FAITH: History in reference to what?

THERRY: Family; the games that they play, and your value systems.

FAITH: Well, usually in the family you're supposed to be what daddy, mommy wants you to be when you--


FAITH: Now you don't question that. It's just a matter of fact you will go to college and that's what makes mom and dad proud of you and that's what makes them happy.

THERRY: YES. And, add on top of that the fact that the culture that you come from is different from the culture that you're trying to get into. So, there are cultural differences, and cultural values that you're still fighting with.

FAITH: Give me one example. Will one example be the fact that you do as your parents say and--


FAITH: Not think for yourself.

THERRY: Plus the extended family as opposed to the individual family. You're from Panama; they have a lot of ways that are different from ours. For one thing they are extremely emotional. We, on the other hand, are no where near that level of emotionality.

FAITH: I know my mother is very emotional.

THERRY: Yes. So, you haven't settled that war totally, either.

FAITH: You mean the emotions?


FAITH: I thought I had that almost under control.

THERRY: Almost ain't good enough.

FAITH: Total?

THERRY: YES. The reason why you assume so much is because of the emotions. There's more than one way of becoming emotional.

FAITH: Even when you think you're unemotional, you're emotional.


FAITH: Because you're playing the unemotional game.

THERRY: Right. Hence, you're dealing with the presence and the absence, and how each interact with the drama of the situation. That's the Now-effect.

FAITH: Well, why couldn't I have met you earlier? I mean, like when I was eighteen, or fifteen, or right out of high school? Right before high school?

THERRY: Isn't it kind of useless to cry over spilled milk?

FAITH: No, I thought, gosh, you know, I wouldn't have made all of these mistakes if I would have met you before then.

THERRY: Perhaps if you had, you wouldn't have appreciated it. Perhaps at that time your mind was on a different vein; perhaps you needed all of these experiences in order to be able appreciate what you have now.

FAITH: Just depends what I'm learning.

THERRY: Whatever.

FAITH: Well, have I been with Arkashea before, or is it just this lifetime?

THERRY: Does it matter?

FAITH: No, nothing, something like that, nothing really matters, cause a lot of these answers that you're telling me I have read, and it's just a matter of possibilities that you're throwing at me, and I thought, well, I've got all these other possibilities now--

THERRY: There called patterns.

FAITH: Okay, patterns.

THERRY: And therefore, it is not what somebody tells you that is important, it is what you tell yourself that is important. Because that is what's going to create your reality. You have to remember that nobody can do anything for you; they simply can offer you a different point of view. If there's going to be any changes, you're the one that's going to have to make them.

FAITH: But you always keep saying, what do you want to be when you grow up, and I thought, please, I'm already grown up, you know--

THERRY: Well, you're seeing that you ain't. You may have been grown up chronologically, but you're not grown up emotionally. You still have many areas of uncertainty.

FAITH: But I thought that the big thing in life when you grow up was being able to know exactly what kind of job you want to do.

THERRY: That's only along one thread. There's more than one thread to being an adult.

FAITH: So, which thread is--

THERRY: Vocation is only one. There's emotions, there's intellectuals, there's spirituality. All of them put together, interacting with the society that you choose to live in, all go together to form what your reality will be, and all together will determine your state of relative contentment.

FAITH: Is that, I thought, I had to start my foundation all over again.

THERRY: Yea; many people have to do that.

FAITH: So, basically what your saying, what you want to be when you grow up, don't you mean specifically job related?


FAITH: So in my case it would be emotional?

THERRY: No, it would be the whole fabric; what we just spoke of.

FAITH: So, basically, it's how you see your reality as a whole.


FAITH: Your total being.

THERRY: Yes. Up to and including your self image.

FAITH: I wish I could be good at one thing; really good at that. I thought that was one of the purposes for growing up, was actually being able to stick to something all the way through, but then I found out, like you were saying, my emotions, I'm spurned by my emotions, and then they die out, and the situation dies out; gets boring, or it fizzles out, or I'm ready to make a change.

THERRY: Because you're not grown up yet. Some people don't grow up until they're about sixty or seventy years old.

FAITH: Well, I can't wait that long.

THERRY: Well, that's for you to determine.

FAITH: See, I thought I would be dead by then.

THERRY: Seems to me you won't be dead until you die. Equally, it seems to me it doesn't matter when you grow up, so long as you do. If it means it's not destined to happen until you're eighty, that's okay too, so long as it happens. The Universe doesn't put you on a time table where you have to do something at a specific time; that's not the way it works. Each game will last but forever. You know the definition of the word forever, don't you?

FAITH: Um-hum.

THERRY: What is it?

FAITH: Until, don't tell me until however much time it takes.

THERRY: Right. However long it takes. It's four words. However long it takes.

FAITH: However long it takes. I just can't see why things can't happen now (Therry chuckles) Why do we have to go through this slow process?

THERRY: Well, if you're in the whys, why not extend it and play a few more games such as why weren't we born rich instead of handsome? Why isn't the moon made out of green cheese, that way nobody has to starve.

FAITH: So, basically, I will know when I grow up when I feel it? See I thought a lot of things were based on your emotions. You know how people say, well you, know, if you decide to be a doctor, I mean you'll feel this great craving in your heart that that's truly what you want to be.

THERRY: It doesn't work that way.

FAITH: See, my emotions are not in with my jobs.

THERRY: YES. It doesn't work that way. Why don't you investigate seeing how you would like being a lawyer.

FAITH: That was what I was going to ask you, if the Universe was to chose an area that they feel I would be happier.

THERRY: I can't tell you that until you have grown up enough to become an Observer. Once you become an Observer then, by law, you have to accept whatever assignment we give you. And I can't tell you what those assignments would be until that day would come.

FAITH: So, looking into the possibility of being a lawyer for what purpose?

THERRY: Why don't you just investigate it. Who knows, you might like it.

FAITH: Another thing that I'm wondering about is my flying. There's no emotion to it. You know, I go out there and it's automatic, and, the emotions are not there, so sometimes the motivation might not be there. Am I placing my emphasis in the wrong--

THERRY: Not really. Perhaps you're simply recognizing that it is just a tool; you don't put attachments to tools; you use them.

FAITH: That's why I'm... I'm very detached. I don't have this--

THERRY: That's fine; there's nothing wrong with that. One should never fall in love with their tools. Tools, you use them when you need them; when you don't need them, you just put them away. There's nothing wrong with that.

FAITH: So, for right now, I'm going to ask you this question before I forget There's a, I call a hesitant, sometimes if I'm doing a task, I'll deviate. Why is that, my own energy that I'm using to put off what I should do, or is that my ego?

THERRY: Could be either.

FAITH: Playing priority.

THERRY: Could be either. Could also be that somewhere inside of you your telling yourself, well, I'm only going to end up throwing it away anyway, so why should I bother? Could be any of them. Investigate becoming a lawyer. Your life might become easier.

FAITH: Cause it's gotten to the point that at work I'm putting, I'm hesitating now, where before we did the work with three people, now I can barely catch up; I can feel like something, the energy just going urrrr. And I'm trying to see if I can get something different; I want to make sure the pattern doesn't repeat itself, that I will find that great job that's gonna make me happy. At least the knowledge that I'm learning will be also a growth process for me; that's the key. And that comes with interacting with people, Because I like doing that, And, when you talk about being a lawyer, you interact with people, and paperwork.

THERRY: You interact with the justice system in order to help people. You can serve people who otherwise cannot serve themselves.

FAITH: Did I still have any symptoms from the face of the cradle?

THERRY: Everybody does.


THERRY: It's a pattern that everybody deals with. It's the basis of the war that exists between an individual and their primary reference group.

FAITH: Because I felt I had to overcome a lot of information that was pounded into me from my mother. Why was that? Was that you're just going to say it's karmic or it's you're just going to go into all that--

THERRY: Uh-huh. That's correct.

FAITH: So, when people come and ask you specific questions--

THERRY: They don't always have specific answers. Depends on the level in which the game must be played. Obviously if you're a baby, you have to be acculturated, and you're going to be acculturated according to the values of your parents. Later on you may change that because you may have differences with it, but it doesn't change the fact that you're still going to have it, simply because they are your parents. Hence the face of the cradle comes in.

FAITH: Well, how long would the process between now to the point that I become an Observer, how long would that take?

THERRY: That depends on you. We don't have anything to say about it; that's up to you. It depends on your tenacity.

FAITH: To Ask you?

THERRY: No, to grow up. You see, Arkashea is not a place where you can come to run away from the world to. It is not our purpose to shelter people from their responsibilities.

FAITH: Yea, but who determines if the individual has grown up or not? That's you, right?

THERRY: No, you do. I simply read in you your state of contentment, and when I find that your state of contentment is proper; that you're no longer running away from your responsibilities, then I'll accept you in Arkashea. But so long as you're running away from life, you're running away from your responsibilities, I won't accept you in Arkashea.

FAITH: When you mean responsibilities, what do you actually mean, because to me that means--

THERRY: If you're going to find contentment, if you're going to be happy, you're going to have to be able to do it for yourself. You can't expect others to make you happy. You can't expect others to give you information; you have to go seek it out. You can't expect others to make you entertained, you have to be able to do that yourself. You can't expect others to do anything at all for you; you have to do it for yourself. And, you've got to be happy doing it that way. You can't expect others to support you; you have to support yourself financially. We, on the other hand, will support you morally; we'll give you counseling when you need it, we'll help you understand the laws of what's happening, but you can't expect us to manipulate those laws in order to make you happy; you have to do that for yourself.

FAITH: Then my weight patterns will change?

THERRY: Yes. And some of your compulsions will change.

FAITH: My what?

THERRY: Compulsions.