Arkashean Q&A Session -- 045
SHIELA: I...about the world-and maybe, and I'm sure the MS helps kick it in too because I don't feel safe. The world has actually begun to horrify me.
THERRY: That's not surprising.
SHIELA: You mean because--
THERRY: The world horrifies most sane people.
SHIELA: But you can't live like that. That's the problem. Well, how do you live?
THERRY: Can't you cope?
SHIELA: Cope? How do you do that?
THERRY: You play little games.
SHIELA: I feel like I'm in an insane asylum.
THERRY: Yeah. And the inmates are the ones that are running the place.
SHIELA: How do you cope with that?
THERRY: You play little games.
SHIELA: Like what?
THERRY: Like, well I'm not going to worry about it. Or, if it happens, it happens. Or, uhh, do you believe this stuff? These guys are fucking ridiculous. (Laughter) You play games. That helps quiet down the fear. And then you realize after a while that--ehh, the world's been threatening for so long-
THERRY: -so that I'll be pushing up daisies by the time by the time anybody can do anything about it.
SHIELA: Well, what is that yeah I don't know. You know, living in New York city, too. New York city-I mean the crime there is incredible. I stopped reading the newspaper-'cause it fed into my little game.
THERRY: New York City's going to be destroyed you know?
SHIELA: While I'm there? (Laughter)
THERRY: How soon can you leave?
SHIELA: Actually, this is one of our visions-like the movie Escape from New York, it's going to become like a hell on earth.
THERRY: That was a futuristic, uhh, a prophecy. New York City is going to be-
SHIELA: It's going to be deserted then.
THERRY: Well, I don't know. I don't think that's going to be true because-have you-are you familiar with the phenomena 'the dam is breaking, the dam is breaking--What again? Go away.' Everybody rush into New York and then the dam breaks.
SHIELA: Oh I see. My vision is more that the Federal government won't be able to-
THERRY: They'll hide it. If they ever did know that it's going to happen they won't say anything -they're afraid to create a panic. It's going to be an election year pretty soon.
SHIELA: Yeah. Did you tell me that it's a natural disaster?
THERRY: No. It's going to be nuclear disaster.
SHIELA: Shall I move?
THERRY: I don't have that information. I have the fact of it but I don't, as of yet, I can't place it within time. I just know for sure that it will happen. It could happen anytime between now and a hundred years from now. Who knows?
KAL: Maybe while you're in Florida. It's happening as we speak.
THERRY: I doubt that. We'd feel the tremor. New York sits upon a hard bed, a shelf, and that whole shelf is going to move.
SHIELA: I believe it. It deserves it. If you look at cause and effect, in my mind, it deserves it. That's my attitude with the whole world. I had never thought I would see myself thinking like I think now.
THERRY: There are many people-
SHIELA: Everybody needs to be put out of their misery so we can just start all over again.
THERRY: There are many people in New York who's feeling it coming. Many people has the premonition that it is a doomed city. They don't care-they just keep on keeping' on.
THERRY: So, it's not paranoia from the sense of insanity. It's prophetic. The only thing is there's no way to place it in time, in its proper sequence.
SHIELA: So now, part of all this that upsets me -it's not just New York, it's all over the world. People, especially a lot of children, are becoming, for lack of a better word, evil, malicious, murderers.
THERRY: That's because of the parents.
SHIELA: The parents? So-
THERRY: Too many people are bearing children that are not qualified to be parents. Because they don't know love, they raise their children by bullying them. While a child will take just so much of that, then after a while they will rebel to such an extent, and it will be too late for the parents to have any effect on them whatsoever-they'll be out in the streets and that will be their priorities. And that's what's happening.
SHIELA: Is that because the scale gets tipped?
THERRY: Yeah, there's a point where you can't go any further because then it's beyond the point of no return.
SHIELA: Is that true in numbers of people on the earth?
THERRY: It's true for the whole pattern.
SHIELA: The whole thing.
THERRY: It starts with a specific individual then it multiplies.
SHIELA: And is that a case of where evil has to implode on itself? You know, you've upset the balance with too many people.
THERRY: Don't look at it from the point of view of evil. Look at it from the point of view of the responsibility of the individuals.
SHIELA: I don't understand that.
GEENA: Don't call it evil, call it responsibility.
THERRY: No, no. I said nothing about calling it. I said don't look at it as. In your mind, don't just chalk it up to evil. Because, by doing that you relieve yourself and the parents of the responsibility of them doing what they're supposed to do as parents. But too many children are going around hating their parents. So, consequently, they have no reference points of who to imitate, so they imitate the guy on the street.
KAL: Well, the other side of the coin is what we were talking about last night which is if all you know from the point of leadership is that you used to get the supreme hell beat out of you in the name of Jesus Christ that's what you're going to believe. You're going to go out and beat other people.
THERRY: Not only that, but bear in mind that the biggest reference point that kids have is TV. And, obviously the only thing that sells is violence and evil, so, obviously that's where they're going to go. That's their hero.
GEENA: What did you make of Mutant Ninja Turtles yesterday?
THERRY: Truth? I wouldn't want my children to get hooked up on one of those. Simply, because while the concept behind it is great, it's out of reality.
SHIELA: What makes it-
THERRY: It's still a good-you know, if they going to have anything because of today's superheroes I'd rather that they have them than what the rest of the world uses. So, it's - you don't have much of a choice.
SHIELA: I wonder about that sometimes. He's not allowed to watch TV, he's not-we just don't allow him to be put around certain situations where there's other kids. Then of course, you get people who say 'well what's going to happen when he's out in the world-he won't know what the hell's going on, he won't know how to protect himself.' So, how-what's the best way-
THERRY: I think what you're doing is ok. But, along with that you have to accept the natural urge for the children to
When the mice away-the cat's going to play. So, when you're not around, he's going to find some way of finding out for himself.
SHIELA: So, just forget about it?
THERRY: No. The only thing you can do is minimize the damage. Besides, the first 7 years are more important in terms of him achieving his values. Once he gets 9 or 10, it's going to be troublesome, but at least his real values will have been-
SHIELA: They'll be set by then?
THERRY: Yeah. So, if you give him values of honor as opposed to 'hey, if I can get away with it' then at least he'll have that to fall back on.
SHIELA: That makes me feel good. Because I was under the impression from watching these kids that they-something happens to them at 14 or 15-
THERRY: Yeah, but see that all depends on how honest you are with him. See, if you play this religious bullshit game, sex is bad, you're sinful, you're going to go to hell, well you guarantee that he's going to be on the streets. But, if you can truly sit down with him honestly, without pounding his head because he decides he's horny, he wants to masturbate, or because he wants to sit down and talk to you because he's troubled about sexual urges or sexual orientation or this guy says, or, she says. And, if you can truly sit down and talk to him without none of this parental bullshit, then the draw of peer pressure won't be that bad. Because, he will end up having more information than the kids in the street will.
THERRY: They usually bend to peer pressure when there's tyranny at home. If the home life is free and informative, instead of taking the things out in to the street, they'll take the streets into home. They'll come to you guys for definitions and understanding. The only thing that you're going to have to watch for is don't ever forbid him because he's going to do anyway. The thing to do is to have him or help him to understand or try to reinforce concept of what is right and honorable and then let him make his decision. That's the real biggest problem. From very, very young try to teach him what is right, what is wrong, what is appropriate, and what is not, and let him make the decision. That way when it comes time for peer pressure, then he'll normally come seeking to you guys for information, and you will have first whack at it, so to speak. To get him to understand things.
SHIELA: Sounds good.
THERRY: Because he's going to get information from other people. You're not going to be able to stop it. So, if you sit there and badmouth other people, then you're losing him. The only thing that-what is wise, is to simply say, 'well, yeah, that is one way of looking at it. Personally, I have a different way of, a different way that I like better.' That way you're not telling that what he heard is wrong. And, you're not putting him on the defensive, but you still can get to put in your few honor. Now, so long as your view is not dictatorial, then you won't drive him away.
KAL: If I think back to the way I was brought up, regardless of what my mom had to say I still went out and did what I decided I was going to do.
THERRY: Exactly. Every child does that.
KAL: You, you get uhh, it's the situation where as long as you know the cause and effect-I mean everybody does stupid things but the worst you can get out of it is 'I told you so.' Rather than being banished for life, or locked away in the turret, then I don't think the kid's ever going to get that out of control. Certainly, not the out of control that you're talking about, which is just absolute havoc.
THERRY: See, that's because of home life. When they turn to the streets that way, they do so to get away from the tyranny at home. See, there's 2 types of tyranny at home. There's the tyranny that's religious based where everything is sin, and there's the tyranny of 'do what you want-don't bother me.' There are 2 types of tyranny. Contrary to popular beliefs, children do like to limited. It is a very strong way of telling the child 'hey, I love you.' They may act as though it's a pain in the ass, but they do like that so long as it does not go too far. When its' done properly, they'll know, they'll feel down inside of their hearts that 'hey, I'm an important member of this family. They love me. They may be stupid and old-fashioned but they love me.' (Laughter) So, when families, when children come from families where they get the feeling that 'hey-they never know if I'm here or not. They don't care about me.', then they'll keep committing certain things to get somebody's attention. And, in today's society, by the time they really get anybody's permanent attention, it usually takes murder. By then it's too late.
SHIELA: There's something I don't understand, maybe you can help me with it. This 12 year old kid sets fire to this little boy, soaks him in gasoline, all the beatings and murder cases, I mean, they're not even killing for money, they're just killing you because you blinked at them, you know.
THERRY: Attention.
SHIELA: That's attention?
THERRY: Attention. They're seeking to have limits put on them as the means for society or for whoever their prime reference groups is, so that they know that they are cared for, they are loved.
SHIELA: In this case, it would be jail-the limit would be jail-
THERRY: By that time it's too late. By that time it's pure rebellion, the time they reach that stage, they're so full of hate and resentful that they don't trust anybody. And they're going to do whatever it is they think they have to do to survive. Living out on the streets so obviously there's only one way you can survive-you steal.
SHIELA: Well, what about like, I don't know if you guys heard about it, these tourists came from Ohio, and he was out with his parents, and these kids and these kids going to, they wanted to go to Roseland Ballroom to dance so then they grabbed his mother, and he went to protect his mother and they stabbed him in the heart. So, they had the money already-that's what I was asking. When it's not even a money thing-
THERRY: Money never enters this.
SHIELA: It's pure hatred?
THERRY: Yeah. It's pure hatred and resentfulness. You see, it's never a case of strictly just money. It's a case of survival. Money is just an object towards survival. And, when you're already twisted up in your mind because you're so full of anger and resentment there isn't a hell of a lot of difference in the mind between anger and resentful rejection, survival, bread and water and murder, life. All one big blur.
GEENA: How much of it has to do with intellect?
THERRY: Very little. Because there's very little intellect there.
GEENA: See, that's what I mean. It seems the more rough and awful they are, they're pretty stupid.
THERRY: No, they're not stupid. They're far from stupid. It's a case where they have the intellect, but the intellect is not the one that's governing them. It's their unbridled emotions that are governing them. And, whatever the emotions say, that's what they're going to do.
GEENA: They have the intellect?
THERRY: They have the intellect. They're not stupid. It takes a wise person to become a successful criminal. Just that they serve the dark side because they have unbridled emotions.
GEENA: Uneducated isn't the same as stupid, right?
THERRY: Correct. You've got to bear in mind that when God created man, for the lack of a better term, He didn't create them stupid. He only created them unintelligent, or, uneducated, rather. You learn to become stupid when you enter the school systems.
GEENA: You learn to become stupid?
THERRY: When you enter the school system.
SHIELA: That's for sure. Does it teach you everything wrong?
THERRY: Well, I don't necessarily agree with the term teaching you everything wrong, but they certainly don't teach you what is appropriate for survival and for the betterment of the species. They don't have time for that. First of all, a great many teachers shouldn't be teachers. They're just frustrated parents. When they get back into a situation, the first thing that they remember 'well, when I was a kid, my father did this.' So, that's what they're going to do. The fact that they hated their father all of their lives, they never think of that.
SHIELA: So, back to my original question about paranoia and the way people are going. So, I definitely have this vision of New York City, but I have to say the whole world, I mean I see this place being all the way out-
THERRY: Well, yeah, it's prophetic.
SHIELA: For good reasons, too. It says to me that when it gets this bad you gotta'-
SHIELA: So it ends.
THERRY: Right.
SHIELA: So, then my question became, well it can't be that the majority of people on Earth are bad because otherwise we'd all be dead and you couldn't even walk out on the street. I mean, don't you meet a lot of nice people, you know--very good-hearted people, religious in their own right, whatever they are.
THERRY: Ok. But you're missing something here. You're looking at it strictly from the blinded, limited point of view
Of just New York. It's not.
SHIELA: No, no. I meant--all over the world, aren't--isn't the majority still good people?
THERRY: Yeah, but New York doesn't have the option of being the only one that's going down the drain. There's a hell of a lot of other places that are in the same category.
SHIELA: I see.
THERRY: 'Cause this is a worldwide species level phenomenon. Basically, it has to do with the rejection of traditional authority. When traditional authority corrupts itself to such a degree that they go beyond the point of no return, then, you cannot expect anything different.
SHIELA: Is that the reason why good people get swallowed up in the disaster because of-
THERRY: No, no. Not all of them. There're some survivors.
SHIELA: Who would want to survive? I wouldn't want to survive--after they nuke this place.
THERRY: That's from your point of view. There are some people who want to survive. It all depends on the path that they have to perform within their lives.
SHIELA: But it will be like hell here.
THERRY: Well, it's not very far from that already.
SHIELA: I know, but after disasters...
THERRY: It's going to be a whole lot safer; at least you'll be able to walk out on the streets after a while. (Laughter)
SHIELA: The survivors will kill the people. I envision people running around killing anything in their paths to eat-
THERRY: That's only for a little while.
SHIELA: Really. Cleaning up to start all over again.
THERRY: Cleaning up to start all over again. When the pruning comes it is going to be a major one. One hell of a major pruning.
KAL: A major what?
THERRY: Pruning. In gardening you have this thing where every spring you cut off dead or no-good branches. That's called pruning.
KAL: Oh.
SHIELA: And then the tree grows better. It's the very word, Therry, to describe what's going on here.
SHIELA: It's a wonderful word.
KAL: Earlier, the fact that there's an election year coming up, although I'm almost sounding like Michelle here, um, is there really, is America at a point where the political game has just gotten so corrupted and advanced that there's nothing anybody could do to turn it around as far as the power base of politics.
THERRY: Correct.
KAL: So, it is going to continue to be just-
THERRY: Correct. Well, to give you an example of how corrupt politics is; a while back an encyclopedia came out before the election and the encyclopedia named Ronald Regan as the president. It was before the election. And when people pointed it out, they said 'oh, no, that was just an accident.
KAL: So then, is it a matter of there's going to have to be a point where the populace if we're going to get this shit together is just going to have to reject -
THERRY: It's already begun.
KAL: The whole political system? I mean, you're talking about storming the Bastille?
THERRY: No. It's more than that. It's not going to be a case of storming. It's a case of total non-cooperation. Where it's -
SHIELA: Is it to the point where the soldiers just lay down their arms?
THERRY: No, well, that's already happening, too. Yeah. But, it's going to be even worse than that. When, what's going to happen, like dominoes, kingpin societies all over the world is going to topple. And, law and order, itself won't exist anymore. And the planet is going to go repeat what it did in France, after the Bastille. It's going to go into a rein of terror for a little while. There's going to be a lot of death, a lot of bloodshed, and then it'll--some force will grab hold, and it will straighten out again. And, they'll pull back to the very early traditions. Because the traditions of justice has not been seen in this country since, oh gosh...
GEENA: The what's of justice?
THERRY: Traditions. Of real justice and honor. It's been so long that...unreal. Even after the storming of the Bastille, the world didn't know justice the way it was before. But, at least, after the rein of terror there was a semblance of justice.
KAL: Yes-don't you think we deserve it-mankind is responsible for, and-
THERRY: Of course you do. But it doesn't help very much when you look at a world that is destroyed then you sit back and say 'well, you got what you deserved'--that doesn't help. It is true; you do get exactly what you deserve.
JO: So, the point is not to deserve it, but to be responsible for it.
THERRY: Bingo. Yes. And, right now, the politics themselves, the people in politics are not responsible. They're not interested in justice and honor. Their value is money and power. So, so long as their values is money and power, you're going to end up down the drain. And, you can't blame it only on the politicians either. Because the only reason why the people, or rather the politicians, successful in getting money and power is because that's what the people want. The individuals, their life dream is get a lot of money and gain power. So, the government is always a reflection of what's in the people's hearts.
KAL: That's why Regan was such a popular president.
THERRY: Yes. Even before the election he was the president. Encyclopedia Britannica, I think was the one.
GEENA: That's so ridiculous. That's one thing that kills me too-we're so stupid. I mean there it is in black and white.
THERRY: People don't care. Total apathy.
SHIELA: On the other side, while I'm thinking about this stuff I think--because we have people out on the street, following you around, there's food. I mean you can see why people do this, because it's fun. Even you can have fun sitting at a cafe, you can talk to them, the rich politicians, like you say, politics, greed and money, that's having a lot of fun.
THERRY: From their point of view.
SHIELA: From their point of view, of course. That's why this is all continuous, that's what I'm saying. I mean you're saying it's so stupid but it's not really stupid-
GEENA: But, it's stupid that they can put the next president in the encyclopedia before the election and nobody even cares or notices or does anything-
SHIELA: Oh that!
THERRY: Yeah, but they took care of that-it was an accident.
SHIELA: Yeah, an accident. But, everything today-the only paper I'll look at is the Times because it doesn't have all the horror, but even that, these articles, I read them and I'm astounded. I am living in an insane asylum. Everybody talks euphemisms, what's the word?
THERRY: Quantitatively.
GEENA: Double talk.
THERRY: They all talk quantitatively.
SHIELA: Euphemistically.
THERRY: That's quantitative.
SHIELA: Oh, same word? Oh, ok. Everybody's like--this is the age of bullshit. Everybody's full of shit. They're talking about daycare but the journalist who's writing about it, he's just as full of shit, and said where are you going to get the question to start the article off with, they done' want to deal with it, they're off on a million tangents-so it is, it's like insane.
KAL: But they're not there to answer questions, they're there to sell newspapers.
THERRY: Yeah. Plus you have to bear in mind, too, that in today's politics you never should never answer a question. Double-talk and confuse, but never answer questions. Heaven forbid they should know what you really believe in. It is true that if the government says that IBM is going to fail it's time to go out and spend all the money you have on IBM stock because they're going to skyrocket. Everything government says, do the opposite and you'll be ok.
SHIELA: So, is all this happening because of people and their actions or is there certain-the beginning and ends of cycle.
THERRY: It has to do with people's apathy.
SHIELA: Is there also some kind of-
THERRY: Everything runs in cycles but it's governed by apathy.
SHIELA: Is it conceivable then that you would have a world with people, who had their act together, was very peaceful, and eventually it would have to end.
THERRY: Yeah, but you have to get rid of the war mongrels first.
SHIELA: Yeah, but do you know what I'm saying-would the cycle have to end?
THERRY: So long as the predators exist you won't have a world of turmoil. Now, the state of ending the cycle ending what you're speaking about is the process of annihilating all the war mongrels. Kill all the lawyers. That's what Shakespeare did: kill off the judges and the lawyers.
SHIELA: But, they'll come back the same way, won't they?
THERRY: Of course, they'll come back the same way. Remember, the human specie is very young. It's in the process of having a tantrum. It'll grow out of it-give it a couple thousand years.
JO: Tantrum?
GEENA: Cry like a baby.
JO: Ok.
THERRY: Not so much the feeling of it, but the expression of it.
KAL: That's another scary thought, too. Not only the politics of politics, but also, and we've started to go through this now, with schools--some of the worst people in the world are teachers.
KAL: And they're teachers because they're trying to get back at their parents-
KAL: -who've treated them so miserably, so they're going to treat as many people miserably as they can to get their due. You know, and especially now with the competition, you get a kid in there at school who's not in area where--you may have to accompany this kid to and from the school, mugged on the way--
THERRY: If I had my choice I'd eliminate every single school there is in the country.
GEENA: Really?
GEENA: Isn't it important, though, to have an education?
THERRY: I didn't say anything about eliminating education. All I said was that I'd eliminate the schools. Get rid of all the teachers, all the principals, the buildings, the trafficking, the bussing. Get rid of it all.
GEENA: How would that--
THERRY: Teaching machines in the home. If, by programmed teaching machines in the home and then once a week, or once every two weeks, or whatever, the child has to go to the public library and take a test. If the child does not pass that test, the long arm of the law goes out, and gathers their parents, and puts them in jail.
SHIELA: What a good idea. All I had at schools--I only remember being traumatized at school, a fight from start to finish.
THERRY: So what you do is if a child fails his test twice, he gets put into a school, a special school, a special prison-type situation, and he stays there until he graduates. And, the parents go to jail and they have to work to support that child why he's in there. I don't think that that's going to have to happen too often where the world's going to turn around.
SHIELA: It sounds like what you're saying is that the tantrum of the world has reached a point where it needs to be slapped in the face.
THERRY: Yes. It needs to be slapped where the sun doesn't shine. Because that's the only way that it's going to be saved. Let's face it; if you have something that it grows, like cancer, you have to cut it out. If you have a barrel of apples, you don't keep your rotten ones in there. You have to get rid of them. And, one of the things that is rotten in the world is the education system.
SHIELA: Was the whole thing with Atlantis and Lemuria as bad as it is now, or, are we more progressive now?
THERRY: Yeah, we're still far better off, yet. We haven't sunk low enough yet.
SHIELA: But, were they doing--
KAL: No pun intended.
THERRY: Right. We'll get there.
SHIELA: Weren't they more advanced civilizations, than us, technologically?
THERRY: In the beginning, yes. But, technologically has a way of destroying itself when the emotions--
SHIELA: So, how many times have we done this?
THERRY: Oh, let's see; one, two, this will be our third time.
SHIELA: Third time. Did it get better the last 3 times?
THERRY: That's the third time on this planet. Who knows how many times on other planets, because we've been puddle jumping across the universe? Right at the moment there are 2 planets being prepared for...within this solar system.
GEENA: It's in the solar system?
GEENA: Like one of the planets we know about already?
GEENA: Really?
KAL: But it's being prepared by the U.
SHIELA: government.
THERRY: Yeah, right. (Laughter) Secret agent.
KAL: Do you know somebody who could get me tickets tonight, man?
GEENA: Bigger apartment.
THERRY: Bigger apartment on those planets.
GEENA: Will we be different physical beings, then, to be living in such different environments. We won't be the same type of thing?
GEENA: We will?
THERRY: The body will have changed a little bit, but we'll still be basically the same. Not counting the mutants.
GEENA: What do you mean?
THERRY: You know what mutants are, don't you?
GEENA: When 2 different life forms--
THERRY: A mutant-
KAL: Changed by-
THERRY: Genetic changes.
GEENA: On the inside?
THERRY: Yeah. And, from experimentation. Because we're just entering the age of genetic experimentation. So, there's going to be a lot of changes there.
GEENA: The mutants will go to the other planets? They won't be here?
THERRY: Some of them. Remember, the military is looking for the perfect soldier. So, they're not going to give up that dream. So, you know what the world has to look forward to.
GEENA: Aliens.
THERRY: If you were to give a dramatization of the effects of that, look at the movie called Blade Runner.
JO: Try to fight this evolution, something like politics are more--
THERRY: The Laws of Creation state that you cannot fight evil in the world; you can only fight evil within yourself.
SHIELA: Were you saying that the mutants who are a result of the nuclear holocaust here would go to another planet?
THERRY: Some of them.
SHIELA: Via ship, you mean?
SHIELA: Not via rebirth?
THERRY: Physical, yeah.
GEENA: So, that time span is not that different, then.
SHIELA: Oh, I don't really know.
THERRY: It's called colonization.
SHIELA: Colonization? You mean, when you start colonies?
THERRY: Uh-huh. You colonize another planet.
JO: I think of guys, like, science fiction writers. I just anything like that--everything's in it?
THERRY: Yes. A lot of times--
JO: Some of these guys have--
THERRY: Yes. Visions of the future.
JO: I was thinking about just reading the books, Blade Runner, so--
THERRY: But, then there's also a Law of Creation that says 'the science fiction of today is the politics and religion of tomorrow.' It's one of the Laws of Illusion.
JO: One of the Laws of--
THERRY: Illusion. The Book of Illusion.
JO: What do you mean--books like this can be like Genesis?