Arkashean Q&A Session -- 062
ERIC: So you said that when you're in the Now, you, you're not aware of time, and you're not aware of awareness either?
THERRY: Well, see the awareness factor is different. The whole phenomenon of creation is different when you're in the illusion because, when you're in the illusion, you're using only language --that's where the awareness factor comes into it. But when you're outside of time, outside of the illusion--
ERIC: Is that being in the Now?
THERRY: Yea, language doesn't exist in that same way, hence the entire phenomenon is different.
ERIC: Oh, so you're out of the illusion when you're in the Now.
ERIC: That means that there is a chance to have understanding of all these things you're telling Skie you can't have understanding of while you're there.
THERRY: That is correct.
ERIC: But when you get down here you lose it.
THERRY: That is correct because of the veils of forgetfulness.
JOEL: Ohhhh.
ERIC: Okay, but--
THERRY: You have to go back to the What-If, But. In order to understand it, you have to go to the What-If, But.
ERIC: Yea, okay, you got to get to the windows.
ERIC: To understand it.
ERIC: Alright, while you're in the illusion, and you're not at the window, or in the window, is there any residue left over ever?
ERIC: From the experience?
ERIC: Okay.
JOEL: So you'll know you know, but you won't know what you know.
JOEL: "I know." " What d'you know?" " I don't know!"
THERRY: But, when you get back down into the illusion, you'll know more than the others who are in that same illusion. You won't know why or how but you'll know there's--you'll know more.
JOEL: Yea. So the whole reason why we can't just go ahead and do this now is cause we'd get destroyed if we went out there by various forces?
THERRY: What do you mean?
JOEL: Well--
THERRY: I'm not understanding your question.
JOEL: Why can't you just take out into the Now and show me the whole thing and explain it so that I know the whole thing and I come back happy. Is it because you don't want to or because I'd get destroyed in the process?
THERRY: I already have, and all you remember from it is the long tunnel.
JOEL: Naaa. You got to be kidding me! (Laughter) That's all?
THERRY: That's all you remember.
JOEL: You told me everything, everything there is to know?
THERRY: Showed you.
JOEL: Everything!
THERRY: That's correct.
JOEL: Oh jeeez.
THERRY: The only thing that you remember is that long tunnel, that long traveling.
JOEL: It wasn't that long.
THERRY: Because I knew that that's all you would remember once you got within the illusion `cause that's in the order of things. It's the way things are.
JOEL: So it doesn't matter.
THERRY: That's why inside you have a lot of information that you don't realize you have that you do speak of. How often have you come up and told me that when you begin answering a question, I mean, you come out with a whole lot of things that you don't know where they come from. That's because you know, but it's on the other side of the illusion, and it's your higher forces bring it down. So all of the things that you seemingly bring into this level, that's where it came from because you guys were in the Now. You've touched the thread of Creation. You've seen the loom upon which the fabric of Creation comes. But once you get back down to this level you can't remember any of it.
ERIC: Is it possible to be aware in the Now?
THERRY: Of course. I've already said you have awareness, but it's so different that--
ERIC: Oh, that's right.
THERRY: --once you're in this level there's no awareness of it.
ERIC: Okay.
JOEL: So if I can get dual awareness can I maintain a link?
THERRY: Ah, it's possible, but I've never known anybody to waste a gift that way.
JOEL: Why would that be a waste, or is that a silly question?
THERRY: Well, again, I don't expect you to understand it, but if you gain success with your independent dual awareness, you're going to use it to understand the illusion, not to understand from where the illusion comes. That's just the way the order of things are. You can't hope to return to the Now until after you've mastered the illusion. So it doesn't matter how far you go along the Path of the Grand Awakening, you will still use all your aspects to understand the illusion, `cause that's the only way you can break free from it.
ERIC: Now, if I mention an experience, can you help me to--can you label something for me?
THERRY: I can try to give you the language, yes.
ERIC: It's pretty simple. Way back, I was in some kind of awareness factor that I seemed to be in some great void tumbling totally disorientated, and I felt as though the only way that I got back here is that someone, like yourself saved me from wherever I was at. It was like the awareness was totally different, and I was wondering if that, if I somehow became aware of the Now that I shouldn't have done at that point in time.
THERRY: No, that wouldn't be the Now, even though it was a different awareness factor; it was probably one of the outer dimensions. `Cause if you have an awareness factor of a void, that's usually an outer dimensions where you're in the darkness of Non-Creation. It's a state of potentials rather than--
ERIC: I thought the darkness of Non-Creation is the Now.
THERRY: Not necessarily. There are whole dimensions that are yet void.
ERIC: Oh, okay. It was somewhat disturbing.
THERRY: Yea. See, when you're in such a place, because it is non-creation, there's no reference points.
ERIC: Yea, I, absolutely none. I was just totally out of control, in a void.
THERRY: Yea, and the only way you can find yourself there is if you don't try to find a reference point from that point. You have to follow the threads of creation.
ERIC: Okay, now, if people wind up --if an individual winds up in a state like that, is it because a teacher brought him there to experience it, or because they did something stupid? Generally.
THERRY: It could be both, but usually it's part of a lesson.
JOEL: So let's go back to the experience where I was the Sentinel.
JOEL: You told me that that was sitting at the borders of the Now.
JOEL: So that awareness factor I had at that time, that was still of the Illusion?
THERRY: Yes, because remember, you had both.
JOEL: Yea, I was in the middle.
THERRY: Yea, so you had more than one type of awareness.
JOEL: So, if I had been totally on the other side, I wouldn't remember it now?
THERRY: Correct. You were at the spot where the Veils of Forgetfulness normally are, so for all practical purposes, however inaccurate, you WERE the veil, which separates the two. That was when you were one with the Ankh. How'd you like that?
JOEL: What you just said, or the experience?
THERRY: The experience.
JOEL: Well, I don't know if this really is the answer to your question, but I wish I had the chance to do it again now that I know what I know. (Laughter)
THERRY: Who knows, maybe one day you will when you're ready to ascend the next level.
JOEL: I was telling Tim the other day; I could sit here and think about it for a while. I don't get much in terms of understanding, I don't think, by thinking about it, but still--
THERRY: Yea, it's the same thing as if you go to a store, or you go to a movie. It's a fabulous experience but thinking about it afterwards is not going to gain you any more than what you already have.
JOEL: Yea.
THERRY: If it does anything at all, it helps you obtain validity for alter-realities. You know what's funny? I'd like to see you try to explain that to the average person.
JOEL: Well I could do it; I could explain it, they just couldn't understand it. Wouldn't mean anything.
THERRY: Yea, they'd simply say," ah, you just had--let your imagination run away with you. What are you, on drugs or something? Just a hallucination." You were saying Tim?
ERIC: What's the due process and/or the nature of having a thought of awareness when you're in a state or reality where you are just going with the flow and are just dragged along by Karma? What's the nature of coming up with the conclusion of `hey, I'm here. This is an illusion.' What's the nature and due process of how that thought comes to the mind?
THERRY: Language won't allow you to understand that. There are no words in the English language to explain such a phenomenon. Now you're trying to understand the nature of the threads of creation themselves, and in order to have that explanation, you have to get out of the illusion, and you wouldn't gain it once you returned anyway.
ERIC: I see. So the important thing is how to bring it about, not why-where it comes from.
THERRY: Yea. It's either there or it's not there. Once it's there, then you accept it as the axiom, and you go from there.
ERIC: Right, but is there methods to bring it to the for-front of your mind at will?
THERRY: No. That's like the concept of nature/nurture. Does one come from the other? Where does man's intelligence come from? Does it come from nature? Or does it really come from nurture?
ERIC: Probably both.
THERRY: That's the big battle that Science has.
JOEL: Nurture's part of nature, so it would have to be nature. Which is molded by nurture in different ways.
THERRY: No, it's by both of them because they are one.
JOEL: Oh, okay.
THERRY: Each has their own respective influence, which cannot exist without the other because each has the other as borders, or each controls the other in its own way.
ERIC: There's a catalyst at work that causes you to have these thoughts.
THERRY: Yes there is.
ERIC: What's this catalyst?
THERRY: Recursive Dialusion.
JOEL: It's everywhere.
THERRY: You've got to bear in mind that to understand how or why things appear seemingly out of nowhere, you would first have to accept that there are illusions on each level.
ERIC: I do, I do.
THERRY: And the only reason why you have the illusion on this level is because you're using the interface between the Ka and the Ba, respective to each level, and hence it filters down. But, because the interface is not perfect, things get changed, and when emotions enter it, they become amplified and confused. Hence, bemusement.
JOEL: So I got a good idea. Since you took me into the Now and showed me everything there was to know, though I don't remember any of it, can't we just go and learn all about illusion and remember all of that?
JOEL: Why not?
THERRY: It's not in the order of things.
JOEL: Could you do it?
THERRY: Does it matter?
JOEL: Ah, yea.
JOEL: Because that way at least I know what it is that I'm capable of, and what I should and shouldn't waste my time with, like we talked about levitation--
THERRY: Just because I do it doesn't necessarily mean you'll come to do it.
JOEL: Can a man aspire to do that?
THERRY: Yes. Man can and will, if he survives long enough, master the illusion.
JOEL: But right now it's not in the order of things?
THERRY: Right now it is not in the order of things.
ERIC: He may master this illusion but then when he transmigrates, he going to have to deal with the next illusion.
THERRY: That is correct.
JOEL: Yea, but I want to do them all at one fell swoop.
THERRY: Can't. That's not in the order of things either.
JOEL: You can go into the Now and know everything about it and the other side, and all the unknown aspects --
THERRY: What good is that?
ERIC: You didn't descend that way, so you probably can't ascend that way, all at once.
JOEL: I don't want to ascend; I just want to write it down.
THERRY: You can't. (Laughter) Even if you could, you wouldn't be able to read your writing, `cause it's from a different language. Look how much trouble you have reading the language of the alter.
JOEL: Yea, I have a relatively large amount of trouble.
THERRY: And the language that you'd be writing in is even more confusing.
JOEL: So if I understand what you're telling me, it's easier to understand everything that's outside illusion than it is to understand illusion?
THERRY: What I'm telling you is according to law. You can see everything that is below you; you can only see your own circle of awareness on par to you; and you see nothing that is above you.
JOEL: So what does that have to do with my--I don't see the connection.
THERRY: You're asking to see something that is above you.
JOEL: Well, let's forget about that; I'm going to stop asking that. Now I have a new question.
THERRY: Alright.
JOEL: If you told me you took me into the Now and showed me the whole workings of it and the only thing is I can't remember it, and then if I say, well, why don't we do the same thing in illusion, you say, you can't; it's not in the order of things. That gives me the impression that once you're outside, you're in the Now, that's all relatively simple. It's when you get into Maya, and everything's all screwed up, that it becomes ten times more difficult to understand.
THERRY: That is correct because now Karma enters it.
JOEL: So with that in mind I could see why if you have dual-awareness, you would spend it inside the illusion.
JOEL: Okay, well, that makes sense now.
THERRY: See, I would not have been able to take you out into the Now if it not had been written in your Karma. Because even I cannot destroy the Golden Tally.
JOEL: Wait a minute. If it had not been written in my Karma?
THERRY: Yea, if it were not for the fact that your Karma allowed me to, I would not have been able to take you on those joy-rides.
JOEL: Joy rides! So how do I go about being better able to understand other languages?
THERRY: Well, this may sound crazy, but you have to use understand, forgive, and love. Plus--
ERIC: That's the Universal translator, yes?
THERRY: Yes. Plus, look to the What-If, But. There are keys in there that will go a long way towards helping you understand things. Remember the phrase `in case we get too lost we can have windows there, etc., etc.?
JOEL: Um-hum.
THERRY: I believe some windows were pointed out to you; you were taught how to use some windows. Which could be used from within the Illusion.
JOEL: D'you mean TV and country music? Or are you talking about other ones?
THERRY: Well, those two can be used as windows, but it doesn't change the fact that you were taught the phenomena of windows and how to use it.
JOEL: I was.
THERRY: So it's a matter of holding it sacred. Or at least the process.
JOEL: And that's going to allow me to understand other languages?
THERRY: In order to make use of it, you don't realize it but you are using other languages.
JOEL: I'm confused. Or perhaps I'm just taking--I don't know.
ERIC: You understand emotions to a great deal, that's a language.
JOEL: Emotions?
ERIC: Sure. You understand psychology to a degree. That's a language. Patterns of people, just patterns period is another language. And they manifest differently.
THERRY: Plus you're beginning to understand the language of the alters.
JOEL: I don't know if I agree with that. The only thing I--
THERRY: I see you use it, so I guess you have to, even though you're not aware of it. You got to remember also that there's going to be many aspects that you will not realize that you have but you do use other languages. I mean if I stand there and see you using them, you don't really think I'm going to accept the fact that you don't believe that you understand them.
JOEL: I, I mean I, I understand the words, but that--I don't know what you're talking about. From my point of view I just sit in front of it and I do the same thing I would do if it wasn't there.
THERRY: Uh-huh. That simply means from my point of observation you have the awareness of it; it's simply not within your consciousness just yet. But it's enough there so that you do use it. How else can you come out with some of the stuff that you do?
JOEL: What does that have to do with the alter?
THERRY: A lot. Cause it's the same patterns, the same phenomena.
JOEL: I don't know what you're talking about.
THERRY: Right, okay. Let's change the subject then.
JOEL: I was hoping you would teach me more of the language of the alter.
THERRY: Nice try. I will not give you the powers of creation.
JOEL: Well, you gave me whatever you gave me so far.
THERRY: Only because it was within your Karma. I will not override the Golden Scribe just to make you more satisfied.
JOEL: Well, if that's your final word, I guess I might as well give up.
ERIC: Let's talk about gravity waves inside the head.
THERRY: No, let's not.
ERIC: Is that your final word? (Chuckles)
THERRY: Yea. `Cause you're not ready, and for us to speak of that would interfere with the lessons that you're dealing with.
JOEL: I have a good question. Remember how we talked about if you close your eyes you can see the waves.
JOEL: What else can you do so if you close your eyes?
THERRY: Are you fishing?
JOEL: Yea, why not? I like fishing.
THERRY: It's out of season.
ERIC: The pond's too big. (Chuckles throughout this)
THERRY: Yep. Too big, too deep, and it's out of season.
JOEL: Is it against the law though?
JOEL: Okay, good. Do I need a fishing permit?
ERIC: That's a good way to put it.
JOEL: I don't know what to ask you. What I want to know, here's a big question--is how come from the individual's point of view, he's always ignorant, and he hardly knows anything, and he's always struggling, but from your point of view everything's fine.
THERRY: Perhaps I see a little bit more than you do.
JOEL: Is that the way it's doomed to be forever?
THERRY: Yes. If you're hiding behind barriers, and I'm not, then it's conceivable that I have the advantage of a greater viewpoint.
JOEL: Yea, I would agree to that. I just--
THERRY: And all I can do is entice you to put your barriers to rest `cause you don't need them. But all my words are for nothing because you will come out from behind your barriers only when You're ready. So all I can tell you is everything's fine.
JOEL: That's too much of an eternal point of view.
THERRY: Yea, yea.
JOEL: It is. I mean, there must be a more, a better gage of somebody's progress then the fact well, you know --
THERRY: There is but you keep forgetting it. You used that yesterday, or last night. Remember our conversation last night? It went something like `Oh yeah, you know, it's strange, but when I --'
JOEL: That was two nights ago.
THERRY: Alright, then two nights ago.
JOEL: Yea.
ERIC: When I what?
JOEL: So what, it's just a measure of how content you are?
JOEL: Ah, that ain't enough.
THERRY: That ain't good enough, right? (Laughter) Even though when you look at it and you see the vast differences and how much better everything was, that's not good enough a gage to know your own progress, right?
JOEL: Well...
THERRY: (laughter) Nice try Charlie Brown. He was talking about he looks back in time and--
JOEL: All right! All right! (Laughter)
ERIC: And he sees he's much better off now.
THERRY: Right. He relives what used to be and the various changes etc., etc., and from that he has a scale of his own progress.
ERIC: Can we talk about the implications of RUTHE.
ERIC: Because I'd like to understand that one.
THERRY: But you're dealing with it, and therefore, you may create eddys of disruptions.
ERIC: I didn't realize I was dealing with it. Oh, yea, okay.
THERRY: So give it a little while more.
THERRY: I don't think he was aware of that.
ERIC: That's why I asked the question the way I did `cause I didn't know if--
THERRY: It's fine, there's no problem it he becomes aware of it or not.
JOEL: So tell me, tell me.
THERRY: What difference does it make if we pile on one more mystery.
JOEL: So, pile.
ERIC: You tell it in your words. I'd like to hear it from your point of view.
THERRY: It was your experience.
ERIC: But it was your point of view.
ERIC: (chuckle) I might have missed something. I'd like to hear it from you.
ERIC: Really!
THERRY: You're fishing; it's out of fishing season, remember?
JOEL: I'm waiting.
ERIC: A while ago I was traveling down the road in a--you want this on tape? Does it matter?
THERRY: It doesn't matter. People would never believe it anyway. And those who are of a sufficient level to understand or believe it, it won't matter if they have heard it or not.
ERIC: Okay. Um, I was driving in Florida from college down to Miami.
JOEL: In this reality?
ERIC: Yea.
JOEL: Okay.
ERIC: And it was like two AM, three AM in the morning; really late at night.
THERRY: It was three AM.
ERIC: Three AM. And it was semi foggy out. Not semi-foggy--
THERRY: The height of the bewitching hour.
ERIC: I was going about fifty-five miles an hour and um, all of a sudden, out of a little fog area, there's a lady walking in the middle of my lane with her head down. And I'm not sure of the age but I can just say it was around twenty, maybe twenty, thirty? Apparently. I don't know if that matters. It was hard to say `cause I only --but she was walking and she was right on top of me before I knew it and I had to swerve into, almost off the road and continued and I looked back to see what had happened--I thought maybe I had hit her, and I didn't realize it or something, and when I looked back she was still walking down the road with her head down like nothing had happened. And, uh, by that time a fog bank came behind me and I was driving real fast and I was pretty far down the road, and I had a friend with me who was sleeping at the time and I shook him up, shook him up and told him what happened, and he really didn't believe me, so consequently I turned around--consequently I didn't go back to see why the experience happened. I guess I must have been too scared at the time. And I expected to--I thought maybe I had hit her, but I didn't think I did, so I checked the newspaper in the morning, and there was no, you know, information that someone had died from a car accident or something like that. And uh, it has affected me greatly because it wasn't just the fact that it was almost an accident. It was--there was some aura about her that was an extreme sadness I never felt before.
JOEL: So why do you use those letters to describe that?
ERIC: Because Therry told me who she was. Her name was Ruthe.
JOEL: So that's all you know, huh.
ERIC: Pretty much--
THERRY: Oh no, he knows more than that. But that's all that that little segment, for the time, had to do. There's still more to it.
JOEL: Does that have anything to do with the Ruthe of the Bible, or is that something separate.
THERRY: It's one and the same. Now, that wasn't the only time you met her.
ERIC: When was the other time?
THERRY: You have to use your own memory.
ERIC: Are you referring to on this physical level, or other levels?
THERRY: Period.
ERIC: Period. Alright. If you're including alter-realities, yea. Well, I only had a feeling. Now I've got to think in words what particular example you're referring to.
THERRY: Basically she roams the planet. She's still here. She's still looking for her children. For her children is man. When you meet her, the whole time frame around you changes to such a degree, and when you come anywhere close to her, in any form, you feel her, and that sadness is unbelievable. Once you have that experience, it never, never, never leaves you. Never.
JOEL: Well, I'm not all that familiar with the story, so I don't-I guess I'll have to read it. I mean, is there a purpose for her doing that, or is she just trapped in something?
THERRY: She's trapped. It is a force, not an entity.
ERIC: I'm trying to think what I --the exact experience where I met her on an alter-reality.
THERRY: See the thing that he doesn't realize is that you know, normally, when you swerve around somebody, you see them pass you as the car passes them. But that phenomenon didn't exist because as he was going around her, she was not there. She was only in front and behind. But when they were both in the same space, they didn't exist.
ERIC: Yes, I remember that. It didn't matter if I went straight or not.
THERRY: Right, `cause she's on a different dimension or different reality.
JOEL: Well, how can a force be trapped? I thought it was mind force that got trapped by forces. Not forces themselves that get trapped.
THERRY: Well, it is mind-force. Let's put it this way. It is a thought that incarnates.
ERIC: You say I'm still dealing with it in different ways?
THERRY: Yes. And Ruthe still cries for her children. We who walk the psychic road feel her as that black door which frightens us because it brings with us the possibility that we may be wrong.
JOEL: So the fact that somebody goes through an experience like Tim did, what significance does that have?
THERRY: Well, people don't go through those type of experiences unless they're on a special path. They're beacons, for the lack of a better label.
ERIC: It was beyond profoundness, the effect that it had was hard to describe.
JOEL: I think I can relate to it. Not that particular circumstance, but--was it just the effect of feeling that presence, or the whole thing of swerving and thinking you hit somebody?
ERIC: No that at all. The entity itself--the feelings that I got as a result from of apparently being close to her.
THERRY: You remember how through one of your experiences you were totally changed, totally rewired?
JOEL: Yea, but there are several that I--
THERRY: Okay, but it's one of those things. They're beacons that totally rewire you. Your entire psyche changes. You reweave a pattern in your awareness factors. Certain gates get opened that would otherwise not open. I don't mind having this on the library tapes because those who are not on that path wouldn't believe it anyway. To them it would be nothing more then one big ghost story. It goes back to the old cliché. If you don't believe, it doesn't matter what you say, but if you do believe, then it's not necessary to say.
JOEL: Well, this reminds me of what may seem to be an unrelated question. But how come, when you go to a lot of these alter-realities, where I usually go to, people very rarely speak to you. They just look at you. Is that part of learning other languages or something?
THERRY: Yes. It's also very big on those realities that you don't override free will. They will never speak to you unless you speak to them.
JOEL: Oftentimes I do and they just look at me. Yea, I guess it's true.
THERRY: `Cause they won't invade your privacy.
ERIC: Do you think that's just accidentally hitting the wall?
THERRY: Is that it for this time?
JOEL: I suppose so.