Arkashean Q&A Session -- 064

THERRY: Ah, in case it was missed, the varying patterns of fear is like the bumps and valleys of the key, as those bumps and valleys' positions and timing changes, it makes for a different lock.

TEAK: Is that what, like, from my own personal experience, some of the early experiences that I had with Astrating --


TEAK: --were almost strictly to learn about fear and how to deal with it.

THERRY: Yes. It's also what drove you away from various things too. It also drove you further away from Arkashea and drove you more into the outside world `cause there's less fear there; there's less stress, even though you felt more contented in Arkashea. When you run from fear, you run towards your dreams.

TEAK: I don't feel as though I was running from fear, though.

THERRY: I know.

TEAK: I feel more as though I was holding on to my individuality and my freedom and my freewill.


TEAK: But I'm still --

THERRY: If you think back, you were afraid of losing those, and if that isn't fear, what is it?

TEAK: Yea, but that's not fear on the level--

THERRY: Wrong. Fear is fear is fear is fear.

TEAK: So the fear of losing something on this level is just--

THERRY: It's still just as viable.

TEAK:--it's the same as the fear you encounter as you enter onto other levels.

THERRY: Yes, repeating patterns. Anytime an individual does things because of fear, regardless of the level, he is in the realm of Predestiny.

TEAK: Because of fear?


TEAK: The fear drives you --

THERRY: Fear removes your free will.

JOWL: What if he does something in spite of fear, is that the same thing?

THERRY: Nope. `Cause remember, fear is a double-edged sword. Some phenomena are created because of the presence of fear; some phenomena are created because of the absence of fear.

TEAK: So is fear kind of like this fence, like this--the imagery --

THERRY: Let's just say barrier.

TEAK: Huh?

THERRY: Let's just say barrier rather than fence.

TEAK: So the imagery that I'm seeing in my head now is a person or a soul walking along the path, and this path is bordered by fear, by these tall walls and these tall walls are fear, and as long as you give into fear you're going to stay along this predestined path. It's when you stick your head or your hand or any part of you through that barrier, then you start, then you can break--

THERRY: Well that's one way of looking at it.

JOWL: Are the situations that are caused by the absence of fear, would they generally be regarded as somebody who is trying to escape Maya, would he generally regard those as negative or positive situations?

THERRY: You can't make those blanket statements, because in some cases ah, the positive is looked at as a negative, and the negative is looked at as a positive.

JOWL: Really?

THERRY: Uh-huh. That's what makes things so confusing.

JOWL: Yea, well it's true. It's a little hard for me to understand then.

THERRY: You got to remember that all seeming evil does good, and all seeming good does evil. It all depends on the point of the continuum that you happen to be on. You got to remember the first law. That the first manifestation of duality is the absence and the presence. So in this particular case, since we're discussing the force fear, a phenomenon is present as well as absence.

TEAK: But the moments of absence of fear, aren't those interpreted by an individual as being a positive or pleasurable moment, or a moment of freedom?

THERRY: That's not necessarily true, because quite often the absence of fear drives a person into an illusion, and hence they fear death or they fear the ending of their illusion or they fear the game or they fear the ending of the game, but the illusion continues until the cycle is finished.

TEAK: Yea, but if they're fearing those things, then there's not an absence of fear.

THERRY: Well that's not true again, because if you look at it from a graft, the absence of one is the presence of the other. This is where the confusing area gets into it. Every time you say yes to something, you in fact say no to many other things, and vice-versa, hence the positive is looked at as negative, and the negative is looked at as positive.

TEAK: Ugh.

THERRY: It depends on the level.

TEAK: How does that work in terms of the absence and presence of fear? If fear is present--

THERRY: Well, let's say you're working in a time zone, okay? And let's say arbitrarily--this is not true so don't try it out Timmy, `cause if you do you're going to come against that wall again.

ERIC: Should I close my ears?

THERRY: No, just don't try it. Let's say you're working in the time zone, and you're traveling along a time tunnel. And let's say that a blue hue wraps one time, one space zone. Well, if you look at that blue hue as the presence of fear, then you can adjust yourself to go through it. But right next to it, the blue hue is not there. That would be the absence of fear. Then the next one again, the blue hue would be there, that would be the presence of fear, so therefore each time frame has its own borders which guard it so that you can't accidentally pass through `em. So with one, you'd look at it as positive, and the other one you'd look at it as negative, `cause every time you pass a border or a barrier, the laws reverse. So what is looked as the presence of fear in one area is looked at as the absence of fear in the other. Cross the border. But in both cases, fear is present. Can you understand that?

TEAK: Not completely.

THERRY: Alright, let's see if I can explain it to you using mathematical terms. If you take an expression x plus (-y) - 2x - (y + x), well, you see that inside a zone you have a plus, but that whole zone is really negative.

TEAK: The negative negates the plus.

THERRY: But it doesn't. It only negates it if you look at it from the entire perspective.

TEAK: So within the parenthesizes you're in a negative.

THERRY: Right.

TEAK: But in terms of the equation, it's a, you're adding, you're just adding a negative.

THERRY: Right.

TEAK: So it's--

THERRY: The same way as in one, in another area, outside of the parenthesizes you're in a negative zone, but inside the parenthesizes, everything inside is positive. That's an example of the reversal of laws as you pass barriers.

JOWL: So if you were looking from the outside and you saw the blue and the absence of blue, whatever; the blue and the white--

THERRY: No, blue and the black.

JOWL: Blue and the black and the blue was the presence--

THERRY: No, let's look at it as the presence of blue, or the absence of blue.

JOWL: Okay, if you saw the presence of blue and that signified the presence of fear--


JOWL:--so you decided okay, I'm going to walk through this other door so I can have the absence of fear. Once you got inside, inside there would be the presence of fear.

THERRY: You'd suddenly discover --boy, would it ever be present.

JOWL: Now if you went through the blue, that was the presence of fear, once you got on the inside, that would be the absence of fear.

THERRY: That is quite a possibility.

TEAK: So it's a matter of being able to break--

JOWL: So that just goes to tell you, whenever there's anything good, don't go for it. Go for the bad one.

THERRY: Nooo! (Laughter) That's terrible. The point is, if you don't know what you're doing, you can get hurt real bad.

TEAK: Well I see--from what I can tell from the way he just described it, is that you want to break through the barrier of fear in order to get to the point of non-fear, not go through the point of non-fear `cause that's just going to lead to you're going to get the reverse of that which is fear.

THERRY: No, that's the worst thing you could do. You're speaking from the point of a lack of understanding of what happens when you time travel.

TEAK: Yea.

THERRY: Because in fact it don't work that way during the process of time-travel. Even as you approach an area that you would look at as the absence, you'd still feel the presence, simply because, as you crossed into the zone, you and everything that is part of you has also shifted and reversed such that continuity exists throughout as you travel. That's what make it confusing when you try to explain it to someone. If they haven't themselves experienced it, then they can't know of the continuity, that even though the reality shifts, continuity is not lost, because that which is you also shifts with the medium, hence the presence of fear remains all the time.

JOWL: There's no escape.

THERRY: Or the absence of fear remains all the time.

JOWL: That's what they say, isn't it?

THERRY: Right.

JOWL: Can run, but you can't hide.

THERRY: Yep. That's one of the reasons usually we don't allow people to listen in on our conversation because they don't really understand, they go out and they try something, and boy, can they get hurt.

TEAK: Well it seems as though any time you're going out, going out and trying something, you're being pulled out there by guides, so it's not like you're on your own.

THERRY: That's not true. That's not true at all.

TEAK: We each, we each individual have the ability to--

THERRY: To fuck up on your own, yes.

TEAK:--go out on our own?


JOWL: You start taking acid or something; you can get pretty far up there. Something like that.

TEAK: Oh, I mean, totally naturally like in, I don't mean doing drugs.

THERRY: Totally naturally you can do it. You have the free will to fuck up any way you choose.

TEAK: I just know from my own experience I've never been able to achieve any level of alter-realities or Astrating without the feeling that somebody is there, or something is there helping me or pulling me along.

THERRY: That's because you're not forcing it; you're doing it as the lessons come. But it is possible for you to try to force it and go beyond, or you can outreach yourself. You can have a lot of problems. The insane asylums are filled with people who went too far.

TEAK: Can you die from that?

THERRY: Seemingly so, yes.

TEAK: Like you could leave and not be able to come back.


JOWL: What does that mean, `seemingly so'?

ERIC: Well, from one level it would look like death, and another level--

JOWL: Isn't that what death is, from one level?


TEAK: Well your body, your physical body would die because--

THERRY: Not necessarily. Your physical body could become so comatose that it would be difficult to even perceive --

TEAK: Your body would still be alive but your mind would be gone.


JOWL: So could you actually die or not?

THERRY: Yes, you can.

JOWL: Okay, so why seemingly?

THERRY: Heh, just because you can seemingly die, that doesn't stop all the others.

JOWL: It just seems strange if somebody asks you can you die, why would you answer seemingly if the answer is yes. I don't get it. What's the hidden--

THERRY: Because it's not limited to that.

JOWL: So the answer --

THERRY: What happens if the awareness gets back, but the mobility doesn't?

JOWL: Then you haven't died. You've done something else that mean seem like dying.

THERRY: Bingo. Seemingly die.

JOWL: Okay.

THERRY: That would be the number one biggest things that occurred. Thus you're viewed as being catatonic. That happens more than anything else. Either that or else you're viewed as comatose.

JOWL: What's the difference between comatose and catatonic?

THERRY: Comatose, you have no vision --well, you have no mobility of any kind. If somebody places you in the position, you stay there. It's like a living statue.

JOWL: That's comatose?

THERRY: Oh, I'm sorry. That's catatonic. Comatose is when you're in a coma.

ERIC: Yea. You have no awareness or--

THERRY: No, quite often you have awareness.

ERIC: Oh, but none knows it.

THERRY: Right. But it's also possible that you don't have awareness. It's like being dead, but somebody, or some machine is keeping your body alive. Something like that. Okay.

JOWL: What is the relationship if any, between the Now and Castlekeep?

THERRY: They're more or less one and the same.

JOWL: What do you mean, more or less? Where's the less?

THERRY: Well, if you consider that Castlekeep is the vessel, which contains all of creation, and if you take in consideration that the Now is that area of creation where creation exists, I guess you might say that they're the same.

JOWL: Castle-keep we say is the seed of all illusions or the seat?


JOWL: Seat. Alright. You can turn it off.

THERRY: You're on.

JOWL: Okay, if Time, as I now understand it, is intimately related to the frequency, where or what effect does conductivity and receptivity have on those?

THERRY: That's what allows illusion to exist within Time. It is the interaction of all three is what makes Time the nature that it is.

JOWL: Well at this point I can have a pretty good picture of what the frequency aspect does but not really the conductivity or receptivity.

THERRY: Well, you have to remember, space is nothing but a still-shot of time.

JOWL: Okay.

THERRY: And the illusion exists within the space which is Time. See, nothing can exist unless it exists within the Chi. In this case, within the medium space which is Time.

JOWL: Okay, so space being a still-shot of Time, really just implies that it's a different time, a different aspects somehow, because I remember you told me when you look at Space, you're really looking at Time. It takes time to go from one point to another.

THERRY: Well, while all that is true, in its own way, why not look at it from a point of view where three forces unit to create a different phenomena.

JOWL: Different from the original three?

THERRY: No, different from what was.

JOWL: Okay.

THERRY: So if you have time, then you have time, or conductivity, receptivity, and frequency uniting to create space or the illusion of the choppiness of Time. `Cause see, from Time came Space via gravity, but within Space, time must still continue.

JOWL: So you--

THERRY: So that's the recursiveness.

JOWL: Okay, so when you look at it as a film strip and each one of the little cells is space--


JOWL:--Time still permeates through that?


JOWL: So there is a time duration of the illusion before we enter the Now.

THERRY: Yes, everything is cyclic.

JOWL: There's no time outside of time then? ---Time begin.

THERRY: Um-hum.

JOWL: Well, I'm still confused because frequency in this case, in the case of the filmstrip analogy, that frequency really is not related to Time--

THERRY: Course it is.

JOWL: How so?

THERRY: If you want to look at the frequency--ah, at the filmstrip analogy, then the frequency becomes the speed at which the strip is flowing, and that's Time.

JOWL: It has nothing to do with the on and off between the Now in each cell?

THERRY: Of course; that's what makes the frequency.

JOWL: Yea, but I thought that once you're outside of the cell, you're outside of Time. So from Time's point of view, there is no frequency. Only from the Now's point of view is there.

THERRY: Okay, but now you're not looking at it from the filmstrip point of view. You're looking at it from Recursive Dialusion's point of view. If you look at it from the film-strip point of view, you're at a specific location, and the strip is passing by you, in which case you have a square wave in that you have the illusion, time, or no time, the illusion, no time, the illusion, which becomes a square wave.

JOWL: I guess I'm mixing levels.

THERRY: Yes, you are. That square wave aspect is what makes the frequency which governs the time. That's why Time, as it exists within the illusion, is different from that which exists in the Now.

JOWL: Wait a minute. Why is that? Why is that that it's different?

THERRY: Well, if you want to understand the difference between Time, as it exists within the illusion as opposed to the Time which exists in the Now, use the filmstrip scenario and it will allow you to understand. `Course it's not as accurate, but nonetheless it's sufficient to understand. Within the filmstrip analogy, the frequency of Time becomes a square wave.

JOWL: Right.

THERRY: And the speed at which it travels before you is the phenomenon of time.

JOWL: If that speed is different, you're going to have a different experience of time.

THERRY: That is correct.

JOWL: I still don't understand where conductivity and receptivity come into it. What's being conducted and what's being receipted?

THERRY: Well, there to understand it, you have to shift levels again. And you can't look at it from the filmstrip point of view.

JOWL: Okay.

THERRY: Now you have to look at it from Recursive Dialusion's point of view--

JOWL: Okay.

THERRY:--where the Great Force enters, gravity waves were created, the gravity waves acted upon a medium which we'll call the Now, pushed various realities out of their normal borders, and hence the Time/Space continuum, because of the gravity waves, came into being. Before this, Time and Space were two totally separate dimensions which had nothing to do with one another. But when the phenomenon occurred, then Time and Space were twisted around one another so that each became the borders for the other, and hence, the filmstrip.

JOWL: So Time and Space used to be separate.

THERRY: Yea, before the action of the Great Force.

JOWL: So which came first, Space?

THERRY: In a fabric, which is first? In a chain, which is first?

JOWL: Well.

THERRY: Where's the beginning of a circle?

JOWL: Wherever you cut into it and decide.

THERRY: Same thing applies.

JOWL: So let's cut into it and say that first there was--

THERRY: For understanding's sake it really doesn't matter which you choose first.

JOWL: So what was Space when it was unitary? Was there any motion in Space?

THERRY: No, there was no mobility.

JOWL: There was nothing; it was just like a void because you didn't have any time.

THERRY: Yes. But it didn't matter because it wasn't life either. All there was was law.

JOWL: Yea, I guess it could actually--that could be the first split. The Presence could just as easily--you could just call that space I guess.


JOWL: Since that's the potential.

THERRY: Uh-huh. It's the first duality.

JOWL: And time--see, it's easier for me to understand space then it is to understand time because everything in time always seems to be relative to something else.

THERRY: Only because you're looking at Time as it exists within the illusion.

JOWL: Right.

THERRY: If you want to look at time in terms of Orthodontiks time, then you have to take into account the Magpie effect.

JOWL: Well, I understand --

THERRY: Because from our point of view, time as it exists in Orthodontiks and Deluge, as well as Castle-keep, is a true Eternal.

JOWL: Yea, but that doesn't help me to understand what Time is in absolute terms.

THERRY: How can you? All you have are the tools of these levels, and with the tools of these levels you're trying to understand something that has nothing to do with this level.

JOWL: But I can understand Space.

THERRY: Only because Space is of this level; Time is not.

JOWL: Why is Space of this level?

THERRY: Because the space that we perceive is exactly the same as the space that would have been at the time of --at the occasion of the presence. It's the same. It has not changed, but Time has.

JOWL: Except that Time has entered into it.

THERRY: Yes. But see, Time has not entered it in terms of affecting Space. Time has entered it, and has affected whatever life form or whatever changes that occur in space.

JOWL: I see. It doesn't affect the space itself.

THERRY: Correct, `cause it is independent of space. Always has been. It has no effect upon space. See, space is something like gold; it's inert. It's unaffected by anything else. The only thing that affects space is gravity, and that was there from the beginning because that's what made space to begin with.

JOWL: Gravity makes space?

THERRY: Yea. The fabric, it affects the fabric of space.

JOWL: What's gravity?

THERRY: The forceful Spirit of Act. It's a point along the continuum of Force.

JOWL: Well, the way people understand gravity at this level is that it is a force that pulls all matter together.


JOWL: So what, if any, relationship does that have to gravity the way you conceive it to be?

THERRY: It doesn't.

JOWL: What is gravity on those upper levels?

THERRY: Gravity.


THERRY: See, within our scenario, gravity is just one point along the continuum of force, and since we're talking about a fabric, obviously there's lots of different levels involved.

JOWL: It's freezing in here; close that door. Thank you. Alright, well, let me go on another track since I ain't getting anywhere in this one. You got time and you got space; somehow or other they get crunched together, twisted around each other.

THERRY: Right, and hence, because of this motion, each became the borders of the other. That's the important point. Here you have time which becomes an absolute border around space. And you have space which is the absolute border around time. Each in their own way. Hence, because the way things turned out, illusion, the life-force, the mind-force, the Great-Force, whatever, did its work within space allowing time to control the whole factor.

JOWL: Yea, so remember that picture we drew, the continuum of creation that looks like this--


JOWL: You said outside of that is just Primedial.


JOWL: What's the inside? Everything else?


JOWL: So that big bubble is Castle-Keep?

THERRY: Yes. It's the envelope of creation.

JOWL: And everything that's everything except--all of Maya's in there--all the dimensions and all the universes, everything?


JOWL: Or is there more than one of those little figurines?

THERRY: No, there's just one.

JOWL: So would it be like saying the Now is outside of that, or is it something aside from the Now?

THERRY: Let's simply say that the Now is the threads. Recursive Dialusion exists within the Absence, but the threads that create the envelope is both Recursive Dialusion and the Now.

JOWL: And the Now, or in the Now?

THERRY: Both, in and the Now. And everything outside is Primedial Force. And if you allow your imagination to further run away with yourself, you can follow the combined thread back to Deluge. And if you follow the combined thread after it has passed the envelope, who knows where it's going to lead. It is conceivable that it would end up back at the beginning. But since you're outside of time, it has no meaning.

JOWL: Got anything to add to this conversation?

TEAK: I'm not sure to jump in or wait.

JOWL: Well, so how does understand, forgive, and love supposedly affects the frequency?

THERRY: Well now you have jumped down about a million levels.

JOWL: Well, I'm not making any headway on the upper levels in terms of understanding.

THERRY: But I don't see how you can, `cause you're seeking to understand a phenomenon which has no representation on this level.

JOWL: Well the thing is, in the past however valid or invalid it is, through these discussions I gained what I think is some understanding. Like I say, I don't know how valid it is, but it seems like it has a purpose or a use.

THERRY: Okay, but in terms of understanding how the interaction of conductivity, frequency, and receptivity created the envelope of creation, you're speaking of a level that has no illusion, and you're trying to understand it within an illusion with the tools of illusion. Obviously the best you can do is create a parallel illusion.

JOWL: Yea, I'll settle for that.

THERRY: That's the best you can do. In which case, you can't ask the question how; you can only ask the question, or accept the statement `it is', and go from there. The minute you ask the question how, then you go outside of illusion again. You've reached the borders of the limitations of your language, and therefore the limits of your understanding.

JOWL: Well, yea, I can see that. All I'm really looking for is a self-consistent model that I can apply all the way down and see how it all fits in.

THERRY: That the only way that you can do that is to start out with the phrase `the time-space continuum exists', and go from there. Space is the place where illusions exist, and Time controls the illusion. You start with that as your axiom. If you try to go before that, you won't be able to.

JOWL: Okay, so Time-Space continuum is--

THERRY: How and why it exists is of little importance.

JOWL: Okay, so it's a continuum. So what exists on the two end points? Slow and fast? Or, I don't know.

THERRY: Again, that goes back to before its existence, and to understand it from the point of illusion, or from the point of where we are, doesn't matter.

JOWL: You mean we don't know what exists on the two ends of the Time-Space continuum?

THERRY: Not from this level. All you know is the fact that space exists, the same pieces of space existed many different times, and on each there's a different reality.

ERIC: I can tell you what the two ends look like to us. Looks like, in one direction, if you want to think in terms of ah, linear, which is not right, it's eternity. In the other direction, it's eternity the other way.

THERRY: Exactly.

ERIC: Beyond.

THERRY: See there's a crazy phenomenon, that when you look into the future which is Space or the illusion of Space, you reconvert your thinking back into Time, hence you use the phrases Eternity. Because time is what controls illusions. See, we are locked in time, but we can move freely through Space.

ERIC: Eternity is a diplomatic way of saying I don't know what the fuck is going on here.

JOWL: Well let me put it a little more bluntly--I don't know what the fuck's going on here. (Laughter) I don't know; maybe I should just quit now for the time being.

THERRY: Well, perhaps you should decide or try to understand what it is you're really seeking. If you're seeking information that has reference to what exactly controls the illusion, then you're wasting your time, because from this level which is within the illusion, you'll never understand anything that's outside of it.

JOWL: Well I still haven't understood conductivity and receptivity, but I kind of get the feeling that you're not telling me.

THERRY: But it's impossible for you to understand it; your language won't let you.

JOWL: Right now, or for human.

THERRY: On this level, period.

JOWL: Then how come I can understand frequency to whatever degree?

THERRY: Only because frequency exists on this level.

JOWL: And conductivity and receptivity don't?

THERRY: That is correct. The same way as you can understand Space, because Space exists on this level. It is an intricate part of the illusion.

JOWL: And time doesn't exist on this level.

THERRY: No, it doesn't.

ERIC: It doesn't?

THERRY: No, Time is the controlling factor. It isn't ah--it doesn't exist in the same way that Space exists. Your perception can perceive Space, and it can perceive Time.

JOWL: Right.

THERRY: But it--that's as far as it goes, and you never perceive time either; you only perceive the passage of time.

JOWL: Right.

THERRY: Therefore, how can you understand something that you may not, and cannot perceive?

JOWL: I don't know; I thought I had a pretty good understanding of time relative to three days ago.

ERIC: We could perceive Space?


JOWL: Can't you see all around?

THERRY: Yea, you work with Space all the time. You have mobility in Space.

ERIC: You can't perceive Time; just the passage of it.

THERRY: That is correct. The affects of time, and hence--

ERIC: Want some water?

THERRY: Yea. Hence, you can have a pretty good understanding of time, but you can't have a real understanding of it.

ERIC: Can we see the affects of conductivity, or ah, can we see the affects of the upper level patterns?

THERRY: Yea, but you don't recognize them as such.

ERIC: Down here?

THERRY: Yea. See if you have no labels, and no definition to apply such non-existent labels, and understanding or awareness cannot exist.

JOWL: So why do we even talk about Primedial and all that then?

THERRY: Because when you speak of things within the illusion, it is possible to have an understanding by using the axiom of such it exists. And you can go from there and create an understanding of it.

JOWL: So how can we talk about --how can we try to describe what Primedial is? Say it's unbounded energy or passive energy. I understand what you're saying, but the seeming discrepancy to me is I'll do fine trying to understand certain things that are seemingly outside of the illusion, and then other times you'll tell me that it's fruitless. So I don't understand--

THERRY: Because you're trying to get too deeply into it. You're no longer accepting the axiom that it exists; now you try to investigate `it', and you can't do it. Language won't allow it.

JOWL: Is the LifeForce inside the illusion?


JOWL: MindForce?


JOWL: Great- Force?


JOWL: So if I stay under LifeForce, everything will be fine?


JOWL: Okay.

ERIC: What do you mean if?

JOWL: Got no choice.

THERRY: If you stay inside the bubble of creation, your understanding will be relatively okay, but if you try to investigate the nature of the bubble itself, you'll find areas where you'll get lost. For instance, you understand quite well the concept of a continuum, but if you try to investigate the nature of a continuum, that which created it, you'll get lost; it's impossible because you're now outside the illusion.

ERIC: Now if one encounters that outside--can one be outside the illusion on upper levels?


ERIC: Not really.

THERRY: Where awareness exists, you are within an illusion. Hence the law, you can see everything below you; very little that's on par to you. If it's par to you, all you see is your circle of awareness, but you see nothing that is above you.

ERIC: Okay, well you said that if you were--

MAX: Now this reminds me of how you said it was the Titans who taught us language. When they did that were they 'raising us' to the next level? As in when we raise, we will have to teach the monkeys language?

THERRY: Yes, but is not that simple. We must remember the law of recursion and how it applies to the chain of life. An example of recursion in the number line would be if we start with 1,2, and 3 zero must be present to limit the creation of number 1 and 2 must be present to limit/modify the creation process of the creation of number 1 even though number two has yet not been created now as recursion applies to the chain of life when one specie such as the Titans raise up one rung it can not do so until the next lowest species is also ready to move up and if we humans are the next specie, then , like wise, we can not rise a rung until the titans are ready to move up and until our nearest relative the chimpanzees is also ready to move up. So we can easily see that it is the prime law of recursion that both limits and modify the movement/promotion of the links of the chain of life.

MAX: Is it mandatory that the species above us raise a level before we can move up? Can we move up and inhabit the same level of earth as the Titans do? Is that what happened when they taught us language?

THERRY: No, but yes, again is not that simple because there are differences in terms remember that certain links of the chain of life are mutually exclusive to a specific species... if you get a chain and hold it up in front of you, you will notice the repeating pattern of a small overlap between any higher and any lower link of that chain. Now, this overlap comes when a lower link attaches it self to a higher link and where a higher link reaches down to support a lower link. This overlapping allows two species to reside, in a limited fashion, on the same plane. Thus, as a lower link reaches up to a higher link the residents of that lower link for that limited degree resides (is allowed to live) on the same level or link. With having reference to our specific section of the chain of life we as humans had limited residence with the Titans and the Titans had limited residence on the human level. Likewise, the same thing applies to human and chimpanzees now while it is true that there are many other life forms or species that reside with humans in our purpose (the lexicon) we follow only the links of the family of man...and yes, we are already teaching language to the chimps. Remember we are all in the same boat if the chain of life is to promote it self (via evolution) the final Judgment does not come against any specific species of that chain... The final judgment comes against the chain of life as a whole when you read final judgment entry in the lexicon where Anubis is talking to Isis the term man is used there that reference is to the entire tree of the family of man and not to a specific branch of that tree.