Arkashean Q&A Session -- 081

DUNCAN: None. But I was just answering your question.

THERRY: Would you not have the same questions or would you not have the same point of logic if it were used, the word appear.

DUNCAN: Yeah. But I guess when I look at it for meaning more than one level it makes it easier to understand. So I guess its not that bad.

THERRY: So obviously it is saying that things were believed that were not so--or not necessarily so. It depends on the individual, their values and their purpose.

DUNCAN: Well, I took it to mean the people who didn't become trapped were looking at them from their point of view. They just seemed to be doing whatever they were doing but the people didn't really know what was really going on.

THERRY: Noooo. There's one thing that you are missing in that. The implication that those who were not trapped saw something and those who were trapped saw something totally different. There's a difference between perceiving and knowing or knowing and understanding or knowing and realization. Its one thing to look at something and say "Oh yeah, this is this and this is that. But its quite something else for somebody to live through it themselves. Those who look down saw that all was of free-will. Everything came of free-will. It was of free-will that you can do this and you can do that. But it is something else to be caught in an illusion where you can no longer break away. Okay.

DUNCAN: Alright. Akhenaten selected a few individuals and taught them in that wisdom. He guided them through the method that was used to teach him as the true wisdom of the GreatForce's commandment within his heart to receive the laws of reality. What does that mean, the true wisdom of the GreatForce's commandment?

THERRY: What does it mean?

DUNCAN: I would say that they already mean Universal laws?

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: So you pick the ones that he already knew?

THERRY: In other words, you pick ones that are not caught in the stubbornness of their own ways. They are willing to learn.



DUNCAN: Alright, now, as far as I was concerned I was happy with this part on the pairings, but I didn't know what to say.

THERRY: Well, you left out a hell of a lot.

DUNCAN: What did I leave out?

THERRY: You left out--remember we've been showing you nature programs. We've calling attention to certain states and quality of life that came about as a direct result of pairings.

DUNCAN: I thought I did. I had all kinds of things.

THERRY: Alright we shall see next time we read it.

DUNCAN: I mean to my understanding pairings is in everything, not just the LifeForce, right? But Uhhm, in this thing I only applied it to the LifeForce more or less. It mattered generally. I got a question about this. It says that as the pattern of diversity continues, the levels of creation also continues. Matter became more gross. Finally, the physical Universe as we know it came into being. I thought the physical universe came into being right with the creation of matter and not necessarily with gross matter. I thought the physical universe was from the bottom of the gross matter all the way up to just below Orthodontiks.

THERRY: Obviously, it is making a differentiation between the physical matter that you would call a radio wave versus the physical matter that you walk upon. Also, there is a difference between the existence of matter and organizing that matter to create a bubble that will support life, do you think?

DUNCAN: So for this matter, for this specific case the physical universe means this part of it?

THERRY: That's what the continuum is, isn't it? It starts on the stuff that you cannot walk on and goes all the way to the stuff that you do walk on. Thing is--

DUNCAN: They're using the same words a lot of the time and they mean more than one different things, so I never know-- I never know which way we're using it.

THERRY: Okay. The thing to do is not to look at the individual words but to look at the paragraph of the statement of the whole. and that tells you how its being used. You get your usage from the context.

DUNCAN: I still have to make sure of this. Asides from the pairings which either you will be satisfied or I guess I'll have to change later, I guess that's about it.

THERRY: Do you want to discuss anything else?

DUNCAN: Yes. The one where we had the first word of freedom? And then the same situation arises again and again. In simple terms I am trying to find out how many times you have to do something before you create Predestiny.

THERRY: Three time. Once on the thought level and twice on that which is real level.

DUNCAN: So even though...

THERRY: So we did get into it. Yeah.

DUNCAN: The first one, on the thought level, might be the first word of freedom.


DUNCAN: And the second one, the first on the that which is real level, would be the first word of Karma?

THERRY: The third time, really the second time on the that which is real level, becomes second thought. Its the second word. At that point you have left freedoms and have gone into Predestiny. They're not totally condemned. You still have a measure of freedom but are you condemned to that deed.

DUNCAN: In Orthodontiks is there unlimited freedom?


DUNCAN: What's it limited by? So, games implies free will.

THERRY: Yes, games implies freewill, to a degree.

DUNCAN: Why is it--I don't know--This might be a stupid question, but why do they use the word games? Is it good?

THERRY: Well, the phrase was coined by Dr. Barnard or something like that. The people who wrote, Games People Play.


THERRY: And incidentally, we use his definition of games, because games must be unconscious and they are designed for destruction's sake.

DUNCAN: Do they have to be unconscious, or can they be not truthfully? You know, like an ulterior motive--like you might know but you won't let the other person know it?

THERRY: We use it that way, but he does not.

DUNCAN: I thought he did, but I'll have to check I guess.

THERRY: We have broadened his definition.

DUNCAN: So what's our definition?

THERRY: Games?


THERRY: The interaction people chose out of their freewill.

DUNCAN: So it has to be for destruction's sake?

THERRY: But it has to be for destruction's sake. So in that case, in order to be a little more accurate, you'd have to say that reality's interactions are divided into three areas: Predestiny, freewill and growth.

DUNCAN: Freewill being in this case a synonym for games? So you don't consider growth games?

THERRY: No, I consider growth behaviors which are designed to release you from games.

DUNCAN: Now, I'm confused because it seems like I'm getting information that I didn't get before.

THERRY: Why should that confuse you?

DUNCAN: Because its in direct opposition unless I'm misunderstanding.

THERRY: How so?

DUNCAN: Because I remember when I first got here and we talked about games and I asked you about growth and you said "Yeah, its a game. Its just that its a positive game, but it still a game."

THERRY: That's the general pattern. All life's interaction is a game because you are simply swapping a lower game for a higher game. Same way as in life you are swapping a lower illusion for a higher illusion. So long as there is a physical plane that you are in, regardless of what dimension or regardless of what level you're still swapping one illusion for another, so in that grand sense, your original information is still correct. But now we're getting into specifics, so you have to set aside that and go within the boundaries of the original definition.

DUNCAN: So this is another level of being.

THERRY: Yes. The original definition is still correct.

DUNCAN: Well--

THERRY: You have to understand that we have prefixed this particular conversation by saying that within the framework of this particular reality, that limits us to the common reality, the common awareness of the physical planet earth. Obviously, there's a hell of a lot more to reality than just that. So we've set limits, we've set boundaries, and it is within those limits that we are speaking of now.

DUNCAN: Well, in this definition that I have, in the broader sense, where it says that a game is any scenario wherein there is an interplay between life and its process--

THERRY: Well, that definition and stuff does not have these limitations.

DUNCAN: Right, I understand that.

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: But, this is what I had in mind, but maybe I didn't communicate that to you.


DUNCAN: But that's what I had in mind.


DUNCAN:--games from that sense. Now, so any scenario--that's why I asked you in the beginning


DUNCAN: Almost anything you do from this definition-- agrees--


DUNCAN: --with any interaction.

THERRY: Yes. Because its always a thing of swapping one illusion for another.

DUNCAN: So they call them games because it is arbitrary which one you choose, is that why its called a game? I'm trying the understand the significance of describing why it is called a game.

THERRY: On that level we call it a game to make it easier to handle, but its really not a game, its really an illusion.

DUNCAN: Alright, that's enough of that unless--

THERRY: See, we really should differentiate between the two, because when we speak of games, we are really speaking of within those limitations that were set.

DUNCAN: See I never knew that until right now.

THERRY: Okay. Now you know.

DUNCAN: So how about this, going back to the definition of reality.

THERRY: Reality is still the same, regardless of what level you are in. It is the interaction between that which is real and that which is not real.

DUNCAN: Right, but within that, within these things, what about reality. It says that illusions are the components of a game.

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: --well in which sense is the word game being used there?

THERRY: In the proper sense.

DUNCAN: Well both are proper.

THERRY: Yeah, but there are games on this level and there are games on that level. And if you want to differentiate between the two, you can call one games and the other illusions, because it all depends on what point of view that are you are looking at. If you're on this particular level and you're looking at the A Happenings that occur on other levels, they have to be called illusions and the ones that you're on here is games. And so it is vice versa. You have to use the awareness factor as your point of reference. It is obvious that if you're laying here and thinking about something that occurred here or in an alter-reality, because from that particular reality's reference point, its not real. Therefore its an illusion. The only thing that is real to you is the things that you have done while awake, in that particular awareness. Can you see that?

DUNCAN: Yeah, but I don't know what that has to do with the question I asked.

THERRY: It has to do with how you determine if you want to call one a game and another an illusion. A game has to with absolute reality to you. Well things that occur in another awareness are not absolute reality, even though they are within the sphere of reality. In an A Happening or something, you want to be able to differentiate between the two. What happens to you in common reality as opposed to what happens to you in an alter-reality makes a big difference.

DUNCAN: Right.

THERRY: Well if you want to talk about the two of them, you have to have labels, so that when you are talking about just one of them, you don't get them mixed up with one another. If you're on this level, you call everything that happens on this level games, and everything that happens on other realities, illusions. Obviously, if you're in another thing then it switches again.

DUNCAN: Yeah, I think I can--

THERRY: --But in the grand total, its all games.

DUNCAN: Its all games. Well, I was going to ask you about, what is the relationship between values and purposes, are they synonymous or are they closely related.

THERRY: No, first go and look it up in a dictionary-- what value means and what purpose means. Now that you have looked up the two, re-ask your question if its necessary.

DUNCAN: Well, I guess its not necessary. The only reason I asked to begin with is because I heard you tell somebody in a conversation to look toward their purpose why he values his life source.



THERRY: No. Values are always going to determine purpose. You chose one's purpose according to one's values. I guess you might say that values are a steering current for purpose.

DUNCAN: Alright.


DUNCAN: We might as well leave that one alone.

THERRY: Which one?

DUNCAN: Language.

THERRY: Why, what's wrong with language?

DUNCAN: Well, I understand it, but obviously there's a lot more to it than this. So I don't know, I guess its so--I don't have a need for it now...


DUNCAN: Alright, it says here that the Golden Scribe's function is evoked here by the GreatForce.


DUNCAN: It is the same law that evokes its presence that keeps its tally.


DUNCAN: So what does that mean, that the GreatForce keeps Karma's tally?

THERRY: No. It means that there are certain laws that are put into effect, and those laws are what govern the Universe. Its cause and effect.

DUNCAN: Right. How about this one. The measure of how the Golden Scribe marks the stubbornness of your heart, to that measure does the mind travel to the hell of its own thoughts. But why is it the stubbornness of your own heart?

THERRY: What else would you call stubbornness?

DUNCAN: What else would I call stubbornness?

THERRY: Yeah, would it be stubbornness if it would be somebody else's heart to keep you trapped?

DUNCAN: No, but that's not what I asked you what else would you call stubbornness? I was asking why you would call it stubbornness at all.

THERRY: What else would you call it?

DUNCAN: I don't know.

THERRY: If you insist on doing things your way, what would you call it?

DUNCAN: Ignorance. To me there's something else--

THERRY: No, no, no, no. Ignorance is the lack of knowledge. A behavior implies the insistence on an action, the insistence on a chosen behavior. If that isn't stubbornness, then what is it?

DUNCAN: Well, I don't know, I'm having trouble, because--.

THERRY: Well, read the original statement.

DUNCAN: To the measure that the Golden Scribe marks the stubbornness of your own heart, to that measure does the mind trap itself into the hell of its own thoughts.

THERRY: If you investigate that it implies that you also have other information but you elect to disregard it and go your own way. If that isn't stubbornness then what the hell is it?

DUNCAN: That's what I was going to ask you about when you started talking about stubbornness, I was going to ask you to tell me if this implies that everybody knows that, either Karmically, what they are doing is wrong, or else it wouldn't be stubbornness if you didn't know that.

THERRY: It has to do with stubbornness.

DUNCAN: So do people in fact know when they are doing wrong?

THERRY: Yes. There is a point however that they shoot down their truths. There becomes a point where because they have shot down their truths, the lie becomes their truth and that is when the mind is already trapped. Prejudice is an example of it. When an individual first acquires the prejudice, he knows its wrong, but mama does it and papa does it so its okay, but he really knows its wrong. But he destroys that knowledge and throws it away because mama and papa does it and they want to be like mama and papa. They want to be like the people around them, so from that point on they don't know anymore. At that point, the mind is already trapped.

DUNCAN: So before the mind is trapped, there is something innate within individuals?


DUNCAN: Okay. Alright, well here it says, Understand that there are three judgments to the Walk of Predestiny. I'm having problems with this, because I thought that it only took twice.

THERRY: No. First is when you think about it.


THERRY: Second is when you do it. And third is when you redo it.

DUNCAN: So its two commissions with respect to whatever level you are talking about and one--

THERRY: Its three.

DUNCAN: Well, I wouldn't consider thinking about it as an act of commission against the level.

THERRY: Yes, I would.


THERRY: Because it is.

DUNCAN: So you mean to tell me every time I think about doing something, like say hitting somebody I'm going to actually-- that's as much as a commission as actually going out and hitting somebody?

THERRY: Yeah, except its not on the physical, its on the level of non-mental... Remember, in the FabricTime domain, it is the thought that binds you to your destiny.

DUNCAN: Yeah, that's what I thought.

THERRY: Yeah. But that traps you just as much, only it does so on the mental level. Each unto his own level.

DUNCAN: Okay. Alright, how about this. For surely as he has time, though it is not to his liking, the White Feather of the Ka shall be the implementers of his Maat.


DUNCAN: What is the White Feather of the Ka is the Implementers of the Maat?

THERRY: Truth will have its way. You can hide and lie to everybody, but you cannot do it to yourself.

DUNCAN: Well, how about this one. Even to its cloak of travel so shall it be again?

THERRY: You're going to repeat, you're going to find yourself in the same situation again, for the first time.

DUNCAN: Okay, so cloak of travel is just a pictureous way of saying that everything is going to be exactly the same?

THERRY: As you travel through your experiences. Cloak of travel indicates that it might be an hour from now or two weeks from now, twenty years from now or next life. 'Cause you travel through your experiences, through your awareness, through your lives. You're traveling through time as well as space. It's another way of saying that time goes by and you're going to find yourself in the same condition again.

DUNCAN: So tell me why the Continuum of Freedom is a nonemotional amplifier. It's easier for me to understand why Love is, but I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why Freedom is.

THERRY: No not Freedom, the Continuum of Freedom.

DUNCAN: I--what's the problem?

THERRY: There's a difference. See each point along a Continuum becomes a drama or a source for a drama and they have the potentials to illicit amplifiers as opposed to magnifiers. But the continuum itself is a magnifier.

DUNCAN: Why is the Continuum itself a magnifier?

THERRY: Because it has the Wisdom of the whole intrinsically within it.

DUNCAN: Is this for Lesson Two cause I can't figure this out right now.


DUNCAN: Okay, let me see this and figure out--fortunately--How about "Till you reach the activity of frequency and the other manifestation is still purely on these levels." Should I read everything as it is?


DUNCAN: Talking about Astral Projection.


DUNCAN: By this method there is no dimension that is created within the Universe that cannot be visited within this scope of the LifeForce. Now to my understanding you cannot travel in between one dimension and another to do projection. Is that correct?

THERRY: Correct.

DUNCAN: Then what does this mean, No dimension that will be created that will not be visited within the scope of the LifeForce.

THERRY: It means that the LifeForce is not barred. It knows no barrier, neither alien nor barrier otherwise that hold up barring the LifeForce inside.

DUNCAN: So what does that have to do with individuals practicing Astral travel and/or Projection?

THERRY: The main key is that Astral travel and/or Projection gets its power from the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing. That's why it is capable of warping time and space. The important part here is not the fact that you are dealing with the LifeForce as the Seat of Power. The important part here is the difference between Projection as opposed to Astration. And that simply is that in Projection you never leave your body. Its like having a Magic Eye who can see into all areas. But you, yourself, are never there. So in a sense while you can see into other dimensions, you, yourself, are not there.

DUNCAN: So you actually can?

THERRY: You can see into them but you can't travel there.

DUNCAN: Oh, okay. Well, for that matter you're not allowed to travel in this dimension either are you?

THERRY: You're not traveling anywhere. You're simply seeing into it. Its where time and space moves before you as opposed to you moving through time and space.

DUNCAN: Okay, so you can do both--warp time and space?

THERRY: Yeah. But the difference is that its not you. Its the laws governing the LifeForce.

DUNCAN: In Astration its you?

THERRY: Yeah, in Astration you leave your body and it is you who is traveling through time and space... It's a case of there is a separation between that part of LifeForce/MindForce Pairing that separates and goes of to do its own thing. MindForce detaches from the pairing and goes traveling, leaving LifeForce behind.

DUNCAN: So what is it? In a projection the LifeForce/MindForce Pairing just paints a picture for you?


DUNCAN: How about this--only with Love can the Universe limit or exchange the components of Karma.

THERRY: Love is the only thing that is capable of changing automatic pilot, and therefore, it is the only thing that is capable of neutralizing or otherwise getting rid of the chains that bind you.

DUNCAN: What level of love are we talking about?

THERRY: Love only has one level. It just is.

DUNCAN: So if you don't have love you're not going to be able to change your automatic pilot?

THERRY: If you don't strive for it, yeah.

DUNCAN: So all that's necessary is that you are striving for it?

THERRY: Yeah. That's--again this gets into a tricky little area. Remember you can fool everybody but you can't fool yourself. So you can't make a game out of striving so then that's not striving and therefore automatic pilot will not be changed.

DUNCAN: But the individual himself doesn't have to recognize that, he just has to be willing to change more or less for a better way of life--

THERRY: Exactly.

DUNCAN: I got a question. When we talk about people's hearts and what's in their heart and so forth, are we talking about their heart of their consciousness or what?

THERRY: All levels of it.

DUNCAN: Excuse me?

THERRY: All levels of it. We're talking about them, themselves. The continuum of the walk of freedom via the walk of Predestiny and vice versa.

DUNCAN: So what's the difference between somebody's heart and somebody's mind?

THERRY: One is the walk of freedom and the other is the walk of Predestiny.

DUNCAN: And which one is which?

THERRY: You figure it out.

DUNCAN: I would say that the mind is the walk--of Predestiny.

THERRY: Nope it is the other way around. If its in your heart it is already committed... You've already decided that that is what you are going to do. The decision has already been made. The emotions have already been attached to it and given it mobility, and therefore, that's what's going to occur. If its in the mind, you haven't yet given it the mobility, the emotions are not attached to it yet. Again now you have to differentiate between your mind and your thoughts, because it is possible that the things that are in your heart are also in your thoughts. Can you differentiate the difference? See you have to have a method of differentiation with your things. That's why you have different labels. Your heart is already those things that already given them mobility. Your mind are those things that have not been given mobility. But you are still capable of thinking of both things independently of one another and therefore both things are in your thoughts.

DUNCAN: Alright. I have to think about it for a while.

THERRY: Well, see, that's an example of the power of language. Its the same thing if you have one diamond, but you only want to talk about one small part of it. Well, you have to have a label for each part of the whole. Those are the limitations of language. That's what they are used for. Okay?

DUNCAN: Okay. How about this? Arkashea for quite some time will be scattered. But when it is Arkashea's time for each individual, the world shall unite. What does that mean for each individual?

THERRY: Just what it says. When Arkashea's time comes, it will be like a wave that will sweep the earth. All the old ways shall be rendered asunder. All the old gods will die. It will be the Second Coming that you hear about. It will be the time when, indeed, the Lion will lay down with the lamb. It will be the time that will end war. Strife shall be no more. It will be the time when brother will look at each other with love, as opposed to with hatred and envy. It will, indeed, be the time of peace... and, through that peace many will be destroyed. Those who seek to live by the sword shall die by the sword and it will be their own swords that shall kill them. It shall be their own hearts that will imprison them. And it will be their own judgments that will condemn them. Does that explain it?

DUNCAN: I don't know. Maybe I don't have the language for it?

THERRY: It will be a major shift in the awareness of the world. There will be a very big separation. There will be a very big gathering. All the false gods will die.

DUNCAN: Well, I understand what you are saying but I don't know how it relates for each of these things for each individual.

THERRY: Because you have to remember that there is going to be a judgment there. Is not a judgment made against each individual?


THERRY: So can you not see how it applies?

DUNCAN: Well, maybe I'll look up the word each.

THERRY: Okay. Go look it up. So is it not saying that individually the entire people of the world will be judged?

DUNCAN: Yes, I suppose so.

THERRY: What do you mean I suppose so?

DUNCAN: I don't know. To me, it seems like you're using the first each to mean Arkashea's time.

THERRY: No. Well, everything has to do with Arkashea's time in that. What is your point of confusion?

DUNCAN: I don't know what that means--each for each individual.

THERRY: Read the whole thing. See you're stripping things apart to such a great degree that there's no continuity so obviously you can't understand.

DUNCAN: Arkashea, for quite some time will be scattered. But when Arkashea's time comes, each for each individual, the law shall unite.

THERRY: So isn't that saying each law for each individual?


THERRY: Is that not another way of saying, for each individual, each law shall unite?

DUNCAN: I guess it could be, but I didn't see it that way because laws is after each, so each always refers to it.

THERRY: So, its a different way of talking. Remember that is a very old manuscript.

DUNCAN: Okay, I'm finished up with that. But that was the point of confusion or--

THERRY: You have to bear in mind that the stuff that I've given you is very old and it comes from different languages.


THERRY: So you have to accept that difference.

DUNCAN: Alright, but I just didn't realize that that was how it was supposed to be--

THERRY: 'Cause it's written so that it has many levels to it.

DUNCAN: Alright. Now how about this law. On the face of the six points shall I sleep.

THERRY: Yeah, that stuff is for Lesson Two.

DUNCAN: How about peace being one of the prime components that crosses the barrier between Dialusion and illusion?


DUNCAN: Actually there isn't as much here as I thought there was. Either that or I'll just pick one of them here?

THERRY: Uh-huh.

DUNCAN: Alright, how about Man being the Second Manifestation of the Trinity and the Second Manifestation of the Powers of--


DUNCAN: Okay. Well, it says here, take into your heart the Precepts of Understanding.


DUNCAN: As I understood that that meant be willing to change. So don't deny the truth when you hear it. But I was wondering specifically whether there are certain precepts of understanding that that was referring to.

THERRY: They are relative to the situation and the persons for their purposes and that.

DUNCAN: Okay. Okay, it says take into your heart the burden of time's wisdom.


DUNCAN: There is a special claim of wisdom which can only be gotten through the passage of time depending upon having the passage of time through a scenario of drama in a role. Hence that is called time's wisdom for it is part of time not a part of space. What kind of wisdom is a product of space?

THERRY: Most wisdom.

DUNCAN: Really.


DUNCAN: I don't really understand that. It seems like to me that the way you gain wisdom is that you go through some kind of interaction or something.

THERRY: And where does that interaction occur? Is not you LifeForce limited to the space of common reality?

DUNCAN: In both time and space.

THERRY: But it's --no, its not through both.

DUNCAN: Its not?

THERRY: The experience happens within space. Everything else of the moment happens within the individual's World of Alfa. There is an interaction that is strictly time's. An example of that would be the things that you do not know and the things that you come to know because of maturation. That's an example however crude of time's wisdom. Strictly a matter of time and not a matter of space. It doesn't matter where you place the individual. He will not be able to conceive, deceive or understand. But when a sufficient amount of time has passed, the individual will grow and obtain the things that he needs, be they physical growth, be they mental growth, be they emotional growth, whatever, it is a product of time and therefore it's time's wisdom. Once achieving time's wisdom, then his learning more than likely will revert back to space's wisdom.

DUNCAN: I'm still having trouble understanding what is space's wisdom.

THERRY: Well, everything that you learn, you are learning within the boundaries of space. Obviously time is not divorced from this. But this area that we are talking about, the subject of this particular conversation belongs to time alone. You can put all the space in the Universe there, but its not sufficient or it will not take place.

DUNCAN: Right.

THERRY: Did that answer your question?

DUNCAN: Uh-hmm. Well, I have my own ideas. I don't know if they are correct, but at least I have an idea now.

THERRY: What is that?

DUNCAN: That most of what is going on, that these interactions, and these roles and these scenarios, that's space's wisdom. Its only time's wisdom if some of those outside things matters that its passed your time and that makes it time's wisdom.

THERRY: Right. Because in most things its a cooperation. Its time and space.

DUNCAN: Right.

THERRY: Although that is really called space's wisdom, not time.

DUNCAN: Cause obviously time is going to have to be inclusive.

THERRY: I think its called space's wisdom because the wisdom itself is relative to the circle of awareness and you are in a certain parcept of space whereas an individual in that same time, that is in a different space, will have different wisdom, different experiences and therefore it is called space's wisdom. Understand that we use maturation as an example of time's wisdom. Obviously that was a very crude way, a very crude manner. There are wisdom's that are far greater than strictly maturation. But it is an example.


THERRY: Okay. A perfect example of that other one, time's wisdom, is the readiness for change as a matter of time. That becomes time's wisdom.

DUNCAN: Doesn't that also depend on--

THERRY: Its independent of space.

DUNCAN: Well, I mean I understand that, but I'm trying to understand why. It doesn't seem that it would be independent of space.

THERRY: Because it has to do with the growth, the mind, and the way it uses the language to speak to itself. It has to do with shifting values, changing priorities. That's time's wisdom, not space's wisdom.

DUNCAN: But I thought that all those things were predicated on however much crap you've put up with or however much pain, whatever you want to call it, and so on and so forth.

THERRY: That's still time's wisdom and not space's wisdom. Because it doesn't much matter where you are in space, when sufficient things have gone through independent of space, those shifts of levels of observation will occur. They are strictly time's.

DUNCAN: Alright, this "What If/But" syndrome. What if says, make sure that are some hidden windows scattered about.


DUNCAN: And those hidden windows are all in automatic pilot?


DUNCAN: What about what are they.

THERRY: That's not for this lesson.

DUNCAN: And then in discussing that it says, Illusions retain the focus of not one but many. All seemed to experience the diversity of free-will. What is the significance of seemed?

THERRY: Go look it up. Repeat.

DUNCAN: I'm still having trouble understanding why they chose to use the word seemed.

THERRY: Why? What would you want them to use? What other label in your language that would satisfy that?

DUNCAN: Well, I don't know, because--

THERRY: Are you not--

DUNCAN: I mean, I understand the definition of the word, but I just don't understand--

THERRY: Are you not trying to put limitations there that don't exist.

DUNCAN: I don't know, perhaps I am. Why does it seem that I am?

THERRY: Is that not multilevel?


THERRY: What other words could you use that would imply multilevel?

DUNCAN: I don't know.

THERRY: Is there other words in your English language that can do the same job?

DUNCAN: Appear?

THERRY: Isn't that the same as the definition of seems?


THERRY: So then why would you use the word appear there? What difference between the word seem and appear?

DUNCAN: None. But I was just answering your question.

THERRY: Would you not have the same questions or would you not have the same point of logic if it were used, the word appear.

DUNCAN: Yeah. But I guess when I look at it for meaning more than one level it makes it easier to understand. So I guess its not that bad.

THERRY: So obviously it is saying that things were believed that were not so--or not necessarily so. It depends on the individual, their values and their purpose.

DUNCAN: Well, I took it to mean the people who didn't become trapped were looking at them from their point of view. They just seemed to be doing whatever they were doing but the people didn't really know what was really going on.

THERRY: Noooo. There's one thing that you are missing in that. The implication that those who were not trapped saw something and those who were trapped saw something totally different. There's a difference between perceiving and knowing or knowing and understanding or knowing and realization. Its one thing to look at something and say "Oh yeah, this is this and this is that. But its quite something else for somebody to live through it themselves. Those who look down saw that all was of free-will. Everything came of free-will. It was of free-will that you can do this and you can do that. But it is something else to be caught in an illusion where you can no longer break away. Okay.

DUNCAN: Alright. Akhenaten selected a few individuals and taught them in that wisdom. He guided them through the method that was used to teach him as the true wisdom of the GreatForce's commandment within his heart to receive the laws of reality. What does that mean, the true wisdom of the GreatForce's commandment?

THERRY: What does it mean?

DUNCAN: I would say that they already mean Universal laws?

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: So you pick the ones that he already knew?

THERRY: In other words, you pick ones that are not caught in the stubbornness of their own ways. They are willing to learn.



DUNCAN: Alright, now, as far as I was concerned I was happy with this part on the pairings, but I didn't know what to say.

THERRY: Well, you left out a hell of a lot.

DUNCAN: What did I leave out?

THERRY: You left out--remember we've been showing you nature programs. We've calling attention to certain states and quality of life that came about as a direct result of pairings.

DUNCAN: I thought I did. I had all kinds of things.

THERRY: Alright we shall see next time we read it.

DUNCAN: I mean to my understanding pairings is in everything, not just the LifeForce, right? But Uhhm, in this thing I only applied it to the LifeForce more or less. It mattered generally. I got a question about this. It says that as the pattern of diversity continues, the levels of creation also continues. Matter became more gross. Finally, the physical Universe as we know it came into being. I thought the physical universe came into being right with the creation of matter and not necessarily with gross matter. I thought the physical universe was from the bottom of the gross matter all the way up to just below Orthodontiks.

THERRY: Obviously, it is making a differentiation between the physical matter that you would call a radio wave versus the physical matter that you walk upon. Also, there is a difference between the existence of matter and organizing that matter to create a bubble that will support life, do you think?

DUNCAN: So for this matter, for this specific case the physical universe means this part of it?

THERRY: That's what the continuum is, isn't it? It starts on the stuff that you cannot walk on and goes all the way to the stuff that you do walk on. Thing is--

DUNCAN: They're using the same words a lot of the time and they mean more than one different things, so I never know-- I never know which way we're using it.

THERRY: Okay. The thing to do is not to look at the individual words but to look at the paragraph of the statement of the whole. and that tells you how its being used. You get your usage from the context.

DUNCAN: I still have to make sure of this. Asides from the pairings which either you will be satisfied or I guess I'll have to change later, I guess that's about it.

THERRY: Do you want to discuss anything else?

DUNCAN: Yes. The one where we had the first word of freedom? And then the same situation arises again and again. In simple terms I am trying to find out how many times you have to do something before you create Predestiny.

THERRY: Three time. Once on the thought level and twice on that which is real level.

DUNCAN: So even though...

THERRY: So we did get into it. Yeah.

DUNCAN: The first one, on the thought level, might be the first word of freedom.


DUNCAN: And the second one, the first on the that which is real level, would be the first word of Karma?

THERRY: The third time, really the second time on the that which is real level, becomes second thought. Its the second word. At that point you have left freedoms and have gone into Predestiny. They're not totally condemned. You still have a measure of freedom but are you condemned to that deed.

DUNCAN: In Orthodontiks is there unlimited freedom?


DUNCAN: What's it limited by?

THERRY: Well, let me ask you a question. In Orthodontiks, do you have a physical body?

DUNCAN: I would say no.

THERRY: Therefore then can you hammer in a nail?

DUNCAN: Only if you were willing to make the right sacrifice.

THERRY: Which is what?

DUNCAN: Descent.

THERRY: Therefore are you in Orthodontiks anymore?


THERRY: Then how can you make that apply to your question.

DUNCAN: Because you still have the freedom...

THERRY: You asked about freedom in Orthodontiks. You didn't ask about freedom outside Orthodontiks.

DUNCAN: Well, ....ask in Orthodontiks?

THERRY: In Orthodontiks. That means that any behavior that you do that takes you out of Orthodontiks is no longer part of your question.

DUNCAN: Well, it says here that the concept of freedoms is a force and form of limitations that is Orthodontiksly self-imposed. Well to me that implies a descent.


DUNCAN: Well, why would you impose it upon yourself? Why are you still in Orthodontiks? I don't get it.

THERRY: Isn't that the "What If/But" syndrome?

DUNCAN: Yeah, but that's descent though.

THERRY: No, that didn't have to be descent.

DUNCAN: What else could they have done?

THERRY: They're could've stayed right there in Orthodontiks.

DUNCAN: But they wouldn't have to self-impose any limits on themselves.

THERRY: Of course they could have.


THERRY: Put up barriers. Veils of forgetfulness.

DUNCAN: Then they would've descended.

THERRY: No. Descending means to leave Orthodontiks. They didn't have to leave Orthodontiks to put veils of forgetfulness about themselves.

DUNCAN: Well, can you give an example of something that is Orthodontiksly self-imposed who then stays in Orthodontiks?

THERRY: Well, that's going to be difficult. I'll have to think about that one. That will be very difficult to answer. Right off hand I can't think of one. I'll have to get back to you on that one. For all practical purposes we'll have to say no because I can't think of one. But I'm sure that there is one. 'Cause I know that it is possible to veil yourself and still remain in Orthodontiks.

DUNCAN: Okay. So it seems to mean that freedom is the same thing as a limitation or rather a limitation is what defines the freedom.

THERRY: Sure. The continuum of freedom is the degree of obstruction that you place for yourself. Is that it?

DUNCAN: Uhhm. So physical limitations are freedoms too eh?

THERRY: Sure. Or the lack of.

DUNCAN: So, that's why they call it the Royal dominion? So, in other words, to create a freedom you create an obstruction?

THERRY: Right. It's one way of looking at it. That's also the reason why the statement... for absolute freedom you need absolute control.

DUNCAN: Yeah. Oh, I don't know. When I started looking at it, I couldn't think of any other way to look at it besides that.

THERRY: There is no other way.

DUNCAN: So why did you say that its one way of looking at it?

THERRY: Because while there is no other way to look at it, there are a number of levels of observation that you can view it from. A case in point is that there are two levels of observation right here by simply saying that the amount of freedom versus the lack of freedom. Two different points of view. Two different levels of observation. One point of view looks at your freedoms from the point of view of how much your limitations will effect you. The other point of view looks at your freedoms from the point of view of how many limitations you Karma will place in front of you.

DUNCAN: Okay. It says here on the highest level, freedoms are directly influenced by the following... the laws of creation and their effects on that specific universal dimension, as it applies to that specific universe, its dimensional boundaries along the space time continuum. So is that more or less saying that the laws of the reality that you are in?

THERRY: Something like that.

DUNCAN: This one says... the past effects of the individual's mind as it attempted to control the creative forces throughout man's sense of predominance. That one I don't think I understand.

THERRY: The history.

DUNCAN: Are we talking about the highest levels now?

THERRY: You're talking about everything now ain't you?

DUNCAN: Well, it says on the highest level... are directly influenced by the following...

THERRY: But you have the history of the highest level don't you?

DUNCAN: Yeah, but what does that have to do with man's sense of predominance? I thought that was only applicable to this level.

THERRY: Of course not. Man didn't come to be on this level did it?

DUNCAN: I thought that was the definition of man.... the dominant species of the planet earth.

THERRY: But it didn't begin on this level.

DUNCAN: Well, I thought you would call that the family of man.

THERRY: No, no, no... wait a minute, wait a minute. Let's say you, the entity that we are now calling Skie... You mean that you weren't a man before you infused yourself in this matter?

DUNCAN: That's the way that I understood it yeah. I thought that you had to have a physical body to be a man.

THERRY: You mean that you were never a man until you were in this matter.

DUNCAN: Well, I knew that I was something, but I wouldn't call myself a man.

THERRY: What about a couple of billion years ago when man first came into the that which is real level of the planet.

DUNCAN: Then those were men.

THERRY: Wasn't that man?


THERRY: So therefore there's a history of man.

DUNCAN: But not on the highest levels.

THERRY: Of course there is.


THERRY: Why? I don't understand your lack of understanding. Try to help me understand.

DUNCAN: I don't know. I thought that what defined man was the fact of having a physical body.

THERRY: Perhaps what you are limiting yourself to is the phrase on the highest level. Is it not fact that man operates on more than one level at more than one time?


THERRY: Well, perhaps you're infusing one definition to the phrase highest level and that is acting like blinders.

DUNCAN: Well, can you give me an example of this one? ...Of the past effects of an individual's mind as an attempt to create the creative forces.

THERRY: Okay. When you, the entity called Skie come to earth, you infused yourself into matter and became man. Well, at that point, you barely jumped out of a tree. You probably were in trees. Your whole culture was probably still living in the trees and came down and roamed the surface only during the daytime. The piece of matter that you were inhabiting was probably very close to an ape. As a matter of fact there was probably no difference between them... probably. And then over the millennium your body kept changing as your mind kept trying to gain dominance over the whole situation. Would that not be so?


THERRY: Would you not over a period of time. The greater control you had over the matter, the greater matter was able to become adaptable for your mind and so are we not in fact talking about a whole chain of evolution.

DUNCAN: Yeah, so is that an individual or is that a group thing.

THERRY: Isn't that a history. Well, couldn't that exist on each individual as well as the group? Don't you think that each individual or the group went through the same thing? And don't you think that it's quite plausible that there was an evolution of the individual simply because it was a group. An evolution that would not have occurred simply had it been strictly individuals? Wouldn't that be a major change between the individuals surviving solely upon themselves, as opposed to finally hunting in groups... living in groups? Wouldn't there be growth and evolution simply because of the group, which would not be there had it been strictly individual?


THERRY: Therefore, let me repeat myself, since I am prone to it. Perhaps your blinders is in the phrase "on the highest level." After all, we are talking about a fabric here are we not? Alright?

DUNCAN: Okay, now how about this last one. The effect of his mind as it interacts with the Continuums of conductivity, of receptivity and of frequency, up 'til and including the level of time, space and motion.

THERRY: That has to do with the creative forces in terms of descending itself.

DUNCAN: Okay, is that all you want to say about that now?

THERRY: That's all that's necessary on that one. The difference between good Karma and bad Karma is that bad Karma will restrict your freewill even more so in terms of opportunities for growth... opportunities to change automatic pilot etc.... Whereas good Karma will increase your opportunities for growth, will increase your abilities for freedoms in terms of updating your automatic pilot.

DUNCAN: It seems like, if you think about it in terms of cause and effect, you didn't do something to improve bad Karma... you're going to get exactly what you expect right?


DUNCAN: So can you say the same thing for good Karma. If you do something good is that a definite effect that you're going improve ... your experience?

THERRY: Only bad Karma can bind you. Good Karma frees you or gains you other opportunities.

DUNCAN: Okay, so bad Karma can cause predestination, but good Karma causes you to get out of some of these traps...

THERRY: bear the freedom yes.

DUNCAN: ...So you can choose whether or not to accept those opportunities.


DUNCAN: Specifically, it seems like we've defined bad Karma as when you emotionally evoke an attachment for somewhere else.


DUNCAN: So what do we define good Karma as?

THERRY: I thought we had already gone over that?

DUNCAN: Well, we said it allows you... it doesn't condemn you, that its an opportunity more than a predestination, but we never said what it is.

THERRY: Well, what it does is that it increases the amount of freedom that you have.

DUNCAN: Yeah, but that's the effect.

THERRY: You can only judge something by their effects. When you defined bad Karma, what you defined was the effects.

DUNCAN: What?... an emotional attachment of someone else?

THERRY: Right. That's the effect of bad Karma. Now again you have to qualify that. When you say the emotional attachment you have to say the negative emotional attachments. Because obviously love is an emotional attachment. And equally as obviously it could be good or bad. So therefore the emotional attachment could be negative or positive.

DUNCAN: Okay, it says here that on the lower levels in each physical reincarnation or rather in each respective reincarnation, freedoms are primarily influenced by, and one of them is the prime steering currents that influences both mobility and the mobility to learn. What are those steering currents?

THERRY: One is automatic pilot... and the other is the limitations of the physical body.

DUNCAN: Respectively or they both have to do with both?

THERRY: They both have to do with both. Its a fabric. Like in all of this stuff we say this is that, but in reality you can't make that statement. Its simply a fabric and everything has to do with everything else, in some way.

DUNCAN: We're back to Orthodontiks. And we're talking about the descent into matter. And it says here, thus in that spark of creation, which is the LifeForce, or the MindForce which is independent of all time and space and just is...

THERRY: Now, do you know which is... you remember we said that depending on two things, there's LifeForce in Orthodontiks, but that there's also LifeForce outside of Orthodontiks?


THERRY: Okay, obviously, they're talking about that LifeForce which is in Orthodontiks.

DUNCAN: Well, is that the spark of creation or is that thought on that level that is the spark of creation or doesn't it matter or shouldn't I worry about it or what?

THERRY: On that level it doesn't matter. Once you get out of Orthodontiks then it matters. Because once you're out of Orthodontiks thought is the creator. But once you're in Orthodontiks its a union between three things that is the creator.

DUNCAN: Okay.... Ready? Now we're back on automatic pilot. Now I remember the last time we were talking about how the pairing between thought and emotions doesn't apply to data that is stored within automatic pilot.

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: So I'm wondering... is it just behavioral responses that are programmed into automatic pilot?

THERRY: Yes. Because understand that on this level the prime purpose for automatic pilot is survival.

DUNCAN: Okay, so its behavioral responses, so how come...

THERRY: Understand, we say yes, but its really no. You don't take in automatic pilot and emotion intentionally per se. At least a wise man doesn't. But you have to bear in mind that there is a union connection between thought and emotion such that in a great deal of circumstances when you program one. you automatically program its link, its connection.

DUNCAN: So how come they're not going to know how to react?

THERRY: Because in automatic pilot... automatic pilot is not like the other aspects of memory. In memory you can go back and think about it, you can recall it and it places a copy of it in short term memory whereby you can analyze it and deal with it. Not so with the data from automatic pilot. The data from automatic pilot is an autoexec type of thing where there is no thinking about it at all. Its an absolute now and you don't get to think about it until its all over. That's the adaptive tool for survival.

DUNCAN: So every thought, every situation, every scenario and every role can be programmed in automatic pilot?

THERRY: Yes. So if in fact...

DUNCAN: Those are all behavioral responses?

THERRY: Yeah, but again, even though you are programming behavioral responses for survival's adaptation, they're not pure behavior. Emotions are in there too because of the link between the two. A case in point is that if you're driving and somebody pulls up in front of you and almost causes an accident, automatically you're going to react and say, "SHIT!" or something to that effect. Well, obviously you're not going to program "Shit," you're going to program, "SHIT!" There's a whole lot of emotions there. Its automatic. You're not going to program yourself and say "Oh, let's see, shit" or maybe that's stronger than that, "Okay, Shit!" See its not one of those things. Its simply, you get the whole ball of wax all at one time. There's no thinking, there's no nothing. So whatever you program in, is what you're going to get out.

DUNCAN: So how do you program a thought in? I mean, could these things all be construed as behavioral responses, thoughts and...

THERRY: Yeah. Yeah, because there are some set of circumstances that don't demand an emotion for an adaptive tool. A case in point... if you happen to be prejudice and if you... and because of your prejudice. Let's say have a habit of saying, "Ducking Nigger," well, every time you see a black man, regardless of whether he has offended you or not, you're automatically going to come out with that, "Ducking Nigger." You may not say it vocally to others, but you will say it to yourself. That's why prejudice is so very, very difficult to get rid of, because it is in automatic pilot. That's also why, you notice, you take a very young child who has grown up with their parents who are prejudice... they themselves may never, never see a black man, but the first time that they see one, when they're older, the response that has been plugged in from their automatic pilot which came from their parents will immediately come to fore. That's why prejudice is so bad.

DUNCAN: Okay. I know that we've been over this before, but I'm not sure why ninety percent of the continuum of freedom is dedicated toward automatic pilot?

THERRY: Because within the sphere of physical support automatic pilot becomes our Royal steering current.

DUNCAN: Physical support? What do you mean?

THERRY: Yeah... Within the realms of matter.

DUNCAN: All matter, all creation?

THERRY: From the first moment that you inhabit a vehicle of any sort, from that moment on you have an adaptive tool for survival. It's called automatic pilot.

DUNCAN: So automatic pilot is a locked in pattern that you've created?

THERRY: See you can't call it... from that point of view you can't call it a lack of freedom.


THERRY: Because that's not its purpose. Its there as a protective tool. During the "What If/But" syndrome, if you remember, during the scenario, it said that we could create a set of laws that would prevent us from falling out when we are not aware, when we don't guard. Well, that little set of rules that prevents them from falling out of their body is called automatic pilot...

DUNCAN: Well...

THERRY: That's where self-preservation comes from. You want to be able to continue to exist, you don't want to be forced all out of your body. So all of your survival instincts, they're all automatic pilot.

DUNCAN: Well, how about just at this level, if you don't look at it from that actual level ... if we just look at it from this level, its ninety percent or...?

THERRY: Yes, its ninety percent of this level. That's the reason why its abandon all hope. Because really Karma works against you like crazy. Once a poor sucker gets involved in Karma. Whew... he practically doesn't have a chance. That's the reason why you can't get out alone. You must have somebody to help you... because Karma will always work to keep you into the wraps of Maya.

DUNCAN: Is that why it was created?

THERRY: Pardon?

DUNCAN: Is that why it was created?

THERRY: Is that why what was created?

DUNCAN: Karma.

THERRY: Yes. So you wouldn't fall out of your body.

DUNCAN: Well what about... how is Karma used in Orthodontiks?

THERRY: What do you mean?

DUNCAN: I thought you said that cause and effect existed in Orthodontiks.

THERRY: Yes, cause and effect as far as law, yes. But that goes back to this other thing that we were talking about where it is possible to have veils of forgetfulness even thought you're Orthodontiks. But its not the same as when you're in matter. See the big difference is that when you're in Orthodontiks, you're not inhabiting a true physical vehicle, and therefore there's nothing for you to fall out of, but you can still wrap yourself with illusions, but you're not inhabiting, so therefore the state is different, the Karma is different, the limitations are different. Whereas once you descend into matter, then you've done more than wrap yourself in an illusion, you have in fact taken residence in a body.

DUNCAN: Alright, now communication.

THERRY: Now that's a big kettle of fish, communication because there are so many levels to it, so many purposes.

DUNCAN: Well, it says here that communication is the single most important scenario in the game called Life. I think I can understand that. But then it says that this is because communication is serial in its nature.

THERRY: Right.

DUNCAN: I don't see why that fact has anything to do with why its the most important scenario in the game called life.

THERRY: Okay, there are two things involved here. First, the absolute, totally most important part of communication is not what you tell others, its what you tell yourself, because that's what's going to determine your thoughts, behaviors, your future thoughts, your past thoughts, the whole ball of wax, right. Secondly, because it is communication every first word will modify or somehow change every word and its relative meaning, and everything that comes after it. The second word will again modify or somehow change the word, the limits or everything in the meanings of everything that comes after it. And so with each succeeding word it becomes the same. A case in point, which is rather humorous, but it still serves as a point.... is... it shows that when you modify or limit your words it changes your meanings..."

"Oh, John, let's not park here." Right?
"Oh, John, lets not park."
"Oh, John let's not."
"Oh, John,

Can you see that the whole joke of it, or the whole inconsistency or the whole premise of everything comes from it being serial.

DUNCAN: Yes, but it seems that you're going backwards. It seems that the end is limiting what's in front.

THERRY: Or in that case,

"Oh, John,"
"Oh, John, let's,"
"Oh John, lets not,"
"Oh, John lets not park,"
"Oh, John lets not park here."

See, every word that comes limits itself and each every succeeding word because of its effect upon the whole, it changes. Well this change that's occurring is the communication that your telling yourself, which in fact creates your illusions, and therefore your reality and therefore your Karma. Its what's going to determine your omissions and your commissions.

DUNCAN: So what would happen if it wasn't serial?

THERRY: Well, there is a type of communication that is not serial... its called connotative meaning. When you use strictly denotative meanings, then you are communicating serially. But when you are communicating in denotative language then it is no longer serial. Every word in the sentence will have its own meaning which will bring about its own impression. The image, the final message that is received from somebody else could be anything, depending upon whatever definition they choose to apply to all the words.

DUNCAN: Would it still be the most important scenario in the game called life?

THERRY: Yes. Again the reason for it is not of what it tells others, but what it tells yourself.

DUNCAN: So its the most important scenario in the game called life because it determines your illusions and realities and so forth, and it happens to be serial in nature the way most people use it?

THERRY: Right. Well, in its normal creative form it is serial in nature.

DUNCAN: Yeah, okay, but I was just confused because it says this is so because communication is serial in its nature and to me that meant that that was why it was the most important scenario... its only because its serial in its nature.

THERRY: Well, in a way that's true. That... because it is serial in its nature each word that you add to a communiqué changes its meaning in some way. We went through that through the "Oh, John," scenario. Well, it is that constant change that comes around because of the change of adding or subtracting words... that governs your reality.

DUNCAN: Right.

THERRY: Not to mention the varied implications that it brings around. Well, if you go through the "Oh, John" scenario, you'll find that the words themselves imply certain things that are never actually said. Those are all communications. And they all govern your thinking patterns. And therefore your behavior and therefore your reality.

DUNCAN: Okay, do you have anything else that you want to add on the subject of communication.

THERRY: I don't know, ask questions. You know I don't volunteer information.

DUNCAN: Well, I don't have anything else that I... obviously I don't understand as far as I understand it, but I didn't have that stuck out.

THERRY: That's fine. Then we'll leave it at that for now.

DUNCAN: In this definition of phenomenon that I wrote, it says that anything that is observed is a phenomenon.


DUNCAN: But there's also a mental phenomenon, isn't there? Or is there a phenomenon only if it has a physical reality?

THERRY: No. Something... the thing that you would call mental phenomenon... no that's not a phenomenon. That's a process.

DUNCAN: Well, here's the problem. In the law that says that the level of observation...

THERRY: ...creates your phenomenon?

DUNCAN: Yeah. Well, I don't see how. If its not... if a bowl drops and two people describe it differently, that means that there are two different phenomenon, right?


DUNCAN: Well, if it's physical reality, and it doesn't have anything to do with their mental, where's the difference?

THERRY: It is their processes that gives different phenomenon.

DUNCAN: Well, I don't get it. I mean if the bowl dropped...

THERRY: It dropped.

DUNCAN: Well, I always thought it was the descriptions that were different, not what actually happened.

THERRY: No, their reality is different. Remember we're getting back to communications again. Their mental processes or the aberrations/apparitions in their mental processes, force them to see different things. More than anything else, its because of their corruption of their language... or the corruption of...

DUNCAN: Cause them to see something different?

THERRY: Yes. Everybody has selective forgetting, selective seeing, selective thinking. Some people will notice things that some people will never even see, and vice versa.

DUNCAN: Well, with that definition I can't get away from the fact that it seems like what we were talking about when say a phenomenon what is actually going on in their mind actually has nothing to do with what happened.

THERRY: Now, let's do the same thing again what we did before. Perhaps the difficulty in understanding comes from the limitations of the limits that you placed on the term phenomenon.

DUNCAN: It's possible.

THERRY: If you are placing the term only as it applies to a physical happening such as the sunset or such as a wind blowing an object, then obviously you're correct.

DUNCAN: I thought we just said that was the only things that are is physical.

THERRY: No, my definition of phenomenon is all things that are observable, all that which is real. All phenomenon belong to that which is real.


THERRY: It does not belong to that which is not real. The seeming parody here is the fact that which is real to each individual is created by that which is not real for them. That's why reality is then an interaction and not a phenomenon.

DUNCAN: That which is real?

THERRY: See reality is an interaction, not a phenomenon.

DUNCAN: Yeah, I can understand that. I don't' have a problem with that.

THERRY: And the interaction is between that which is real, that which is not real and Recursive Dialusion. So since reality is not a phenomenon, but an interaction, then you can have billions of realities all having its source from one phenomenon.