Arkashean Q&A Session -- 084
UNA: I'm feeling a bit choked up. It all seems to make sense all of a sudden to me. I spent too much time pushing it all away, you know.
THERRY: It don't matter.
UNA: I know. This explanation is real helpful.
THERRY: The streams will flow. It doesn't matter if people drink out of them or not. But once they have drunk out of them, they can never be the same.
UNA: I want to stay right by the stream. When I go away, I get very thirsty. I don't know where this came from, but Blake has told me before that emotions are not, in and of themselves, bad things. They are necessary for mobility.
UNA: But we are also here to try to control them so they don't control us.
THERRY: Right. To tailor the emotions such that they become an important tool for understanding.
UNA: So, positive emotions can be encouraged. But my question is, does the logical mind fight the negative emotions?
THERRY: Ignore rather than fight.
UNA: It will know to ignore them? So, if you don't go there, so if you don't play with that emotion...
THERRY: If you don't dwell there, it won't be there.
UNA: Are there certain emotions you can label that are positive or does it depend on the circumstance?
THERRY: Depends of the circumstance. An emotion under one level could be positive but under another level, that same emotion could be negative.
UNA: Is it also true that if you express anger, is that, in and of itself O.K., as long as you can let it go?
THERRY: Correct. There are lots of ways of dealing with it. Depends on the scenarios of the moment and what your intended effect is. Some people claim they simply want to understand and some want to inflict as much pain as was inflicted on them. They want to get even.
UNA: But they say they want to understand? I don't get that.
THERRY: Right. They will say, "Why? Why do you want to do such a thing?"
UNA: Oh, in anger they will say that. O.K. Because I know I have been taught., anger is always negative.
THERRY: Correct. Anger can be used as a defense, but it is always negative. You can achieve the same thing in a positive way without using anger.
UNA: O.K. But if it does come out of you, as long as you can let it go, then it's been dealt with somehow?
THERRY: All good does evil and all evil does good.
UNA: What if you are yelling at somebody? That's not anger?
THERRY: I'm usually playing a role.
UNA: I thought so, because the next moment you are as sweet as can be. Do you ever really feel anger?
UNA: In relationships, though, let's say there's a couple who goes to counseling and they were told that to be angry at your partner is a no-no.
THERRY: That's a tool. A role to play. I don't believe in that role, but it is nonetheless, a viable psychological tool to use.
UNA: Using anger?
THERRY: Yeah, you express your anger. Personally, I don't subscribe to that, but that is beside the point.
UNA: But this couple, too, believed you never have to raise your voice, you never have to be angry. Can a couple get to that point?
THERRY: Yes, you can. You can say, for instance, "I didn't appreciate it when you did X." As opposed to, "Hey, cut that out!!" You can get the same message across without the histrionics.
UNA: But should you beat yourself up if you do get angry as long as you can work it out?
THERRY: That's a waste of time. You should never beat yourself up about anything. Nothing is worth it.
UNA: Just learn from it and move on. Sometimes I feel like I am afraid of anger like if someone yells at me and gets angry. I can't think.
THERRY: It's called intimidation.
UNA: Alright. So, is it good for me to work on it? To place myself in situations where people are angry at me?
THERRY: No, depersonalize it or, in other words, desensitize.
UNA: What kind of language would I tell myself if someone is yelling at me?
THERRY: You just don't listen to them. Just say, "Oh, there he goes. He is spinning off on his wheels again. I will be back later when you become human again." Then he'll say, " Don't you dare walk away from me. I'm talking to you!" "No, you are not talking to me. You are screaming."
UNA: And you have every right to walk away?
THERRY: Sure. I mean, why put your hand on a hot flame if you don't have to? And you never have to.
UNA: So, you said that anger is always negative. Are there other emotions that are always negative?
THERRY: There are five emotions. Anyway, they are in the Lexicon. It is like all our colors come from three primary colors and look at how many different colors we have. So imagine how much more varied if there are five basics.
UNA: So, you are saying the five basics are not inherently negative?
THERRY: They are just basic emotions. There are some positives, but they are not true emotions. They are conditions and states. They come as a result of the interaction between a bubble and the scenario of that bubble. See, the basic difference, you can always tell what's an emotion and what isn't because with an emotion you can remove the drama, you can remove the time span, you can remove absolutely everything of it, but the feeling inside you is exactly the same. So, if something happened in 1929 and you update it to 1960, the feeling inside is going to be exactly the same. That's a basic emotion. But, let's say, the mutual satisfaction of needs which many people confuse with love. Well, you can love your dog, you can love your money, you can love your neighbor, you can love your house, but it is all different. Yet it all falls under the same category. That is a condition. It's called conditional because the experience of it is conditional upon what it is attached to. Then there's the state. And there's only one state that I know of and that is unconditional love. Now, strange as it seems, love cannot be found on planet Earth. Doesn't matter where you go, you ain't gonna find it. If you find love at all, then that means that you have got it within you. Love is a state that exists inside Mind Force. No place else. The same way as evil. You cannot fight evil. It doesn't exist. You can only fight it within yourself. If you find evil on Earth, then you have brought it with you.
UNA: So, when we accuse people of being evil, it's really projection because it's really within ourselves.
THERRY: Correct.
UNA: And love as well?
THERRY: When you say 'love', are you saying ' the state of 'or are you saying 'the mutual satisfaction of needs'?
UNA: No, I am saying 'the state of '. That intrigued me. You said that is only within us as well.
THERRY: Exactly.
UNA: Can it be expressed to another?
THERRY: Yeah. But it is not something that can be given away. It is within you, so if there is love between two or more people, then the love that is within each, recognizes the love within the other.
You don't give or transfer love. It is always within each or it is simply not there. Everything else is conditional -- the mutual satisfaction of needs.
UNA: And all the demands and expectations that go with it.
THERRY: Those are the games.
UNA: Getting back to the idea of the emotions, that they feel the same and it doesn't matter the time period, are you talking about a physical feeling, an angst?
THERRY: Yeah, everybody will feel the exact same thing although they may describe it differently, but it is the same.
UNA: But it transcends time and people.
THERRY: Usually a type of hurt. And you respond to that feeling of being hurt in different ways. Depending upon the needs of the moment. There's one more condition. It's called Urning.
UNA: Urning? What's that about?
THERRY: That's a condition wherein there's an empty spot inside you. And it can only be filled by sharing yourself. It can be filled in no other way. It's where you recognize someone and you have to spend
very close time with them. What you do in that time is beside the point.
UNA: Sharing of self meaning one human to another? Or can it be a pet?
THERRY: No, it has to be a human.
UNA: Does each person pick out one person they can do this with?
THERRY: A lot of time you don't have a choice. It just happens. You just find there's a huge attraction to someone. And you want to be very close to them and sometimes you get very intimate. Very up close and personal.
UNA: Through language? Not necessarily sexually?
THERRY: It can be. It can go that far. But usually it's language, bonding or that female thing or that male thing. It can be embrace. But it is up close and personal. And that's the only way your urn can be filled.
The rest of the time it is experienced as a yearning. You keep searching. Otherwise, you don't feel whole. There's a tale says that the successful marriage or the successful friendship is the satisfaction of Urnings.
UNA: Well, I would figure I have that with Wayne. I feel I have this closeness. Can these Urnings go for a lifetime?
THERRY: They can last lifetimes after lifetimes.
UNA: Can you have more than one person filling the role? Like you might have a girlfriend and a mother.
THERRY: Sometimes. It is said that the soul-mate exists because of the intensity of Urning. When soul-mates meet and fill one another's urn, both urns never become empty again. And those two people never part.
UNA: I guess I am wondering if it fortunate if you have 2 or 3 in your life or is it usually just one?
THERRY: There's no answer.
UNA: Well, a person would feel that void until they find that person they can connect with. Just lost.
THERRY: Yes. And sometimes that feeling is confusing. Sometimes that feeling, because of various games that are being played, is confused. For instance, if you are a macho male, and you discover that your need to urn is with another male, that can be rather disconcerting. But at one point, you are very much drawn to that male and at the same time, there's a yecky feeling. Same thing for females.
UNA: So, that causes people to move on and seek another?
THERRY: Or be at war.
UNA: Oh, sort of a love-hate thing where they are attracted, but repelled.
THERRY: The sad part is when that Urning exists between you and your teacher. Because of those games that are played. It ends up that you don't make use of your teacher because of those other games. You can get past your various taboos and you don't make use of your teacher. Consequently, you feel betrayed, you have all other types of feelings.
UNA: Because, in my case, it represents people I have known, maybe father figures I have had trouble with and I put that label on the teacher. As far as the Urning, are there many out there you could come together with?
THERRY: Depends on the individual and her Karma.
UNA: So, some people never find one and others may have a series.
THERRY: Correct.
UNA: With me, I always feel more grounded if I have that one person. Feels like there is a foundation where you can kind of go off from there. A settledness.
THERRY: Yes. It's called a balance wheel.
UNA: A wheel? Why's that?
THERRY: Because regardless of how diffused you get, they can settle you down.
UNA: Am I able to do that for Wayne as well?
THERRY: I can't turn around and tell you someone else's stuff.
UNA: But he can do that for me?
UNA: So, are you saying this Urning is the same as a soul-mate?
THERRY: That's one of the powers of the soul-mates.
UNA: Is Urning a verb?
THERRY: No, Urning is a state. In the What-If-But, when he wished for the ? , that was the source of the Urning.
UNA: So, some of his kind, not just any human, but one he could really connect with?
THERRY: Because before then, there was no other humans, there was just him. And being there is such a continuum of humans, specifically homing in on humans with the same wavelength as his with the same desires and the same things in common.
UNA: Is that why we do have a like or a dislike for someone? Is it based on frequency?
THERRY: Whatever. There are a whole range of possibilities. A whole continuum of things. There's a good chance that the emotions come from a past life. There's really no way of knowing.
THERRY: Alright, let's change the discussion. Let's talk about time and it's relative aspects. The first thing that we have to realize is that time has seven (replicating the seven rivers of creations) relative aspects. They are: Orthodontiks Time (Orthodontiks Time is time whereby it's referenced only to itself. It depends on nothing or no-one ) FabricTime, LinearTime, Sidereal Time (Sidereal is time as it relates to the relative mass of the specific planet, depending on where it is in the Universe and to what specific speed to which its light travels), Psychological Time (Psychological time has got to do with how we view the passing of time as we use the planet's relative space), Biological Time (Biological Time has to do respectively with genetics and the genetic memory and the growth or lack of growth that seem to govern the life forms of the planet in question) and Psychological Time
JAY: Well, you said that sidereal time has to do with mass of the specific planet and the seed of this life. So if the planets have different seeds of life...or the seed of life is constant...
THERRY: No, the seed of life is not a constant. The seed of life has got to do with a relative area of the Universe and the dimension in which you're in.
JAY: So, is it faster at higher dimensions or slower?
THERRY: It could be either depending on the Maat of the planets you're on. The only thing that is constant throughout is Orthodontiks time. All other time varies.
JAY: Oh, I see. Orthodontiks is just time itself, right? And then if you're in different dimensions there are different laws to those dimensions, according to what dimension it is?
THERRY: That's correct.
JAY: So time is relative to the little bubble that it came from?
THERRY: That is correct...but, it would be more accurate to say that it is relative to the little bubble that it governs.
JAY: So what do you mean dimensions with that?
THERRY: Dimensions have to do with the state of existence, the state of awareness, not the state of consciousness but the state of awareness, the state of being. Remember that there is a dimension for every element, both the known ones and the unknown ones. And, the laws of each are/could be different; as such, time would also be different.
JAY: What's the difference between the state of consciousness and the state of awareness?
THERRY: Well, the state of consciousness obeys the rules that the law of illusion is the driving force of reality, that's the state of awareness and the state of consciousness. Whereas the state of being is relative to let's say the Third Dimension (a different element than carbon), The Fourth Dimension (a still different element), the Fifth Dimension (a still different element), etc.
JAY:...I thought you said the state of awareness and the state of consciousness were different. In my estimation that's not true because you're putting them together. It's like the statement of the World of Illusion is the driving force of reality.
THERRY: If you view [it] as you would a laminated piece of fabric, then each lamination has its barrier and between each barrier you call a dimension. Now the laws are different or relatively different in each dimension. Like in this particular dimension [our Carbon dimension), when we say up, we mean upward and if something is going to fall, it's going to fall down where as in another [dimension that has a different element base], it's quite conceivable if something's going to fall, the center of the gravity goes up as opposed to down or sideways or whatever. So within that area, the center of gravity could easily be different within different dimensions. Does solidity make you different?
JAY: But what does that have to do with the state of awareness and the state of consciousness being different things? Are they part of the same thing? Or could the state of awareness be...
THERRY: No, the state of awareness depends on what you perceive using your psychological screens. What you perceive or what you think is, doesn't necessarily mean what is. So hence, that obeys the law that the world of illusion is the driving force of your physical reality.
JAY: Okay. How is that the state of consciousness?
THERRY: Well, the state of consciousness depends on what state of awareness you're presently in--are you awake...are you dreaming... are you under the influence of drugs or what?
JAY: It's a subset of the state of awareness, right?
THERRY: Okay, that's a good reason. Yeah, we can accept that as being a subset of the other. Sure.
JAY: How do you travel between them?
THERRY: Right at the moment, the knowledge does not exist. There are no forces, or there are no, let's say mechanical things placed that can combine the necessarily forces to open the door mechanically. The only permanent door that remains open for inter-dimensional travel is the so-called Blackhole on this side of the door that can travel through.
JAY: Are there people on the other side traveling through?
JAY: How are they doing that?
THERRY: Yes, they are traveling into our area.
JAY: Is it a mechanical device or one that somebody uses?
THERRY: Again, you're using a language that is inadequate as most language is, when you say, "a mechanical device."
JAY: That somebody is using the laws to put themselves through the dimension.
THERRY: Understand that our body is also a mechanical device...and traveling need not be from another dimension, either.
JAY: And it also has got some...
THERRY: Well again, that's according to our language.
JAY: Well, it has different body parts--our minds.
THERRY: But you're not speaking of ours when you ask me about something that's happening on the other side. See, that's part of where the confusion comes in. If we speak about what people on the other side or...what they're doing in another dimension, you can't equate that with what's happening there. You can't ask and answer, or have answered questions concerning something that's in another dimension by using the reference points of this dimension.
JAY: Huh...
THERRY: You remember from them...The best that I can tell you is that they have devises...a method of building with live stones such that they have managed to take what we would call machines from them, have them respond to their respective brain waves such that the machines themselves could almost repair themselves in a similar pattern as the bodies can repair themselves here.
JAY: Who are they?
THERRY:I won't play with words with you.
JAY: Can you travel...when you Astrate, do you go into another dimension in that way?
THERRY: That is conceivable, yes. That is one of the ways that is open to inter-dimensional traveling--Astration. That is one of the main differences between Astration and projection. Astration you can indeed go into inter-dimensional travel. But through projections, you can only go intra-dimensional.
JAY: Through one dimension...
THERRY: That is correct. I believe that is the definition of intra-dimensional. The vast difference is that in the one, both time and space is telescopic.
JAY: Astration?
THERRY: Yes, whereas, with respect to projection, only space is telescopic, not time.
JAY: But if space was telescopic, could you go to another space? Or is the definition of what makes the difference in the nature of another time? Is time in that definition and not space?
THERRY: No, space is a still shot of the time that governs each dimension.
JAY: But can't it be...If space is telescopic, couldn't you go into another dimension that way?
THERRY: No. You can't achieve the correct momentum to break through the barrier. A good way of viewing it is...are you familiar with the microfilm? The microfilm reader?
JAY: A little bit. Where you put something in and the slides are going through?
THERRY: Right and you control it by moving the hand less? You control the space on which you're viewing. Well, it's very much similar to that. Not like that, but it's similar to that with respect to inadequate thinking processes. It's a case where space itself is telescopic in that the power of the mind is capable of moving it extremely rapidly such that our awareness factor is capable of reading whatever is in that space.
JAY: Is that how people see the future or perceive while reading their space in their own dimension?
THERRY: No..., well..., yeah, yes. It is possible to see the future under that way but not through projection. In order to go into the future, you're traveling in time, not space and therefore you need both.
JAY: You have to Astrate to do that.
THERRY: That's correct. You need a full Astration to go into the future. Projection's in the same dimension. See, when you're projecting , you're not traveling in time, you're only traveling in space.
JAY: Oh, I see, you'll still be in the same time period, but you could be in different areas of that galaxy?
THERRY: That's correct... or in the same dimension.
JAY: The entire dimension?
THERRY: That is correct.
JAY: The higher the frequency meaning the co-periods of time, right?
JAY: What's the relationship?
THERRY: Well, there's a paradox here. You have to achieve a certain frequency before you can get into the null frequencies. In our thinking, we start nothing on null--1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ...or whatever base system we're using. Well, with reference to time, it's the complete positive heading towards the negation. It's like as the frequency rises, rises and rises, when you approach a barrier between frequencies, or what you would call time. You reach a point where there are no frequencies because they all become one and at that point it appears as if time has stood still and from that point you go either to the past, the present or the future. Understand of course, that in Orthodontiks time there is no such thing as the present, the past, or the future. The present is what is now, what we call, "The Now."
BLAKE: If you charge them with audio frequencies, and you increase the frequencies to inaudible frequencies, can you detect a barrier there?
THERRY: No. That's a barrier in so far as man's ability to hear, but it is not a true barrier.
BLAKE: What's the difference between the time factor?
THERRY: The time factor? 128.69 times ten to the 144.79.
JAY: ...sure, Go ahead.
BLAKE: If you would reach that point...
THERRY: That's the barrier of the first null position.
BLAKE: What's the null position?
THERRY: I've already explained that.
BLAKE: If you continuously increase the frequency of that...what result can you have?
THERRY: Well you have to understand that at that point you've already gone far, far, far, far, far beyond the speed of light.
BLAKE: Yeah.
JAY: 'Cause you have the speed of light [which] is 186,000 miles per second. What's that if you move the decimal to where it's only a thousand tenths?
BLAKE: That's only... let's see, that's 1.86 times ten to the... 86,000 that's [it], yeah. I think it's to the curve... 1.86 times 10 to the something!
THERRY: No, you can't go...the only thing you can do on a scope is to go fast as the speed of light which is what makes up the view things. But to go beyond it, the present day devices in this Carbon dimension can't achieve that.
BLAKE: So how can you use frequencies and serve as a mirror to people?
THERRY: You use it as a reference point. There present, the science of today thinks it's impossible to go beyond the speed of light... but, actually, it's a rather common occurrence.
JAY: Because it's light is relative to the mass of the sphere?
THERRY: Exactly. Well, no, not only because it's light is relative to the sphere, but because it's light relative to the human eye's ability to perceive it. Now, scientists say that if you can't see it, it's not there. It goes back to the skeptical parts of the scientists.
JAY: What about...let's say the light of... let's say, someone's aura. That's beyond the speed of light of the species on this planet, right?
THERRY: No, not at all. That's within the light spectrum. It's just that the frequencies are somewhat above the range of the average individual.
JAY: What frequency is the aura?
THERRY: What frequency is the Auric-system? I don't think that's relevant at the moment. Since our subject is supposed to be time, not frequency... Understand that we're dealing with the concept of ... we're scratching the surfaces of Conductivity, Receptivity and Frequency as opposed to Time, Space and Motion. We should really confine ourselves to Time, Space and Motion and not go into the higher order concepts.
JAY: We're talking about the realms above time.
THERRY: When you start speaking in terms of traveling or telescoping time, the relative frequency within the sphere, then we're getting into the higher orders of Conductivity, Receptivity and Frequency and that's not part of our present conversation.
BLAKE: Can one go ten minutes back in time without Astrating?
THERRY: No. The only time that a person can go or appear to go back in time without Astrating is through the memory factor and that's not a true time travel, it's simply a reliving within awareness factors.
JAY: So what about psychological time? Can you explain more about that?
THERRY: Okay, psychological time is 100% the controller of our awareness. It is the part that makes us either what we call happy or sad or interested or not interested or whatever. Also psychological time cannot be spoken of itself without peripheral reference to biological time, because they're like a mobile. One tracks the other.
JAY: How do they operate together?
THERRY: Psychological time is the force or one of the forces that goes toward the construction or maintenance of awareness factors.
JAY: Can you explain that a little bit more? Can you give me an example?
THERRY: Well have you ever come across an instant wherein you were doing something that you really liked...and you looked up and said, "Where has the time gone?"
JAY: When you get involved in an activity...
THERRY: Right, whereas on the other hand, in other instances, you look at the clock and say, "My God, is that what time it is? God, it's a long day." That gives you an example of what psychological time is like.
JAY: If that's right, so how does that influence or incorporate with biological time? Is it because, let's say, if you're interested in something you absorb because of the difference in physical feeling because it affects your body differently and when you're bored, it tends to drag and all that stuff.
THERRY: You try to answer that.
JAY: Well that seems to be true.
THERRY: You are correct. Quite often, the needs of the physical will train the A Happenings of your mind.
JAY: So then it stands to reason that if a person was interested and not bored that they would be healthy and physically fit too.
THERRY: You have to understand one of the prime laws of awareness. If it's not within your awareness it is not within your reality.
JAY: Right.
THERRY: It is entirely within your world of illusion--and hence it is not real. Something that is not real has no affect on you. Hence when you're in...when you're in a state of total absorption into something, the state of your biological being or astrological being or anything is not within your circle of awareness.
JAY: What do you mean your astrological being?
THERRY: Your place in the sun, so to speak.
JAY: Oh.
BLAKE: What do you mean by that?
THERRY: Your niche in the world. What you are, your I.D. factors, your psychological factors, everything, everything about you. The whole you is not within your awareness factor.
JAY: Only the things that you do are.
THERRY: Exactly. It's like...have you ever heard the old definition of meditation? It's where you view the one thing and everything about you goes black?
JAY: Uh-huh.
THERRY: Well that's what it is exactly. The only thing that is within that circle of awareness of yours is what you are absorbed in doing. And, therefore, time itself with respect to that small area is independent.
JAY: Well time is constant, so you're not aware of it so, stands still for the period of time that you're doing something, right?
THERRY: Seemingly, exactly. So under those circumstances, thousands and thousands and thousands and hundreds of billions of years could go by, but with respect to you it would only be a multi-split second, hence you get that feeling. That's why you look up and say, "Where did the time go?"
BLAKE: Is it good to do that?
THERRY: Good or bad is a relative point that doesn't enter the conversation.
JAY: Is it healthy?
THERRY: That doesn't enter the conversation either. As a matter of fact, I would say 99% of the preoccupation of people on earth is that in fact that of trying to make time go quickly because they're bored. Why do you think they have so many escape mechanisms like T.V., radio...simply because people have not learned or developed themselves within their own interests so they have to seek alternative things.
JAY: To kill time...
THERRY: Exactly, exactly.
JAY: So in a sense, what he asked and what you're saying implies that if you're absorbed in your own interests, you'll feel better or be more relatively content than if you have to be running around trying to kill time or maybe that's my value judgment.
THERRY: No, you're correct, you're correct. For an individual...why do you think it seems to be a pattern that as people get older and have less to do...
JAY: They die?
THERRY: They either die or they become absorbed into public things, meetings, clubs, different things like that?
JAY: People have less interest themselves?
THERRY: Rather than have no interest in their main idol under that condition, time begins to weigh too heavy on them. Therefore, they become absorbed in other things and therefore with normal time passing quickly they survive. They remain interested, they remain active of the blessings of man is the ability to remain active without exercising.
JAY: How do you do that?
THERRY: By being absorbed in...interests and hobbies.
JAY: I thought you have to be mentally active?
THERRY: Both mentally and physically.
JAY: In other words, you can be involved without exercising?
THERRY: If you are involved in what you think is a heavy hobby, well, you're getting a lot of exercise without realizing it. The same thing is if you're working somewhere. You're doing the same thing.
BLAKE: If you're walking down the street, how would you enter in that? Is that physical, cerebral?
THERRY: Depends where your mind's at.
JAY: Well you can say your mind is in your body to just go up and down the street. Or are you saying you could be thinking about the past or something else. Let's just say you look at things as you walk, let's just say.
BLAKE: If you're viewing the present...
THERRY: Okay then, you're viewing time sidereally.
JAY: Is it really sidereal time?
THERRY: Well sidereal time is the pattern of growth within a respective place within the galaxy of the Universe and on a specific planet for instance, if you take an individual who's born on earth and who's born on Mars or the Moon at exactly the same moment, they would grow totally different because the growth spurts are of totally different durations and the growth force are from totally two separate areas plus the magnetic force that creates the energy that keeps the growth spurts growing are of two different intensities.
BLAKE: So you're saying that Mars or wherever that light travels at a different speed there than it does here?
THERRY: Yes... in that, there is a specific dimensional ratio between the mass of a planet and the speed of light within the effects of that planet's gravity that keeps, seemingly the speed of light the same in the entire dimension; but No, so much that it would be sufficiently noticeable. In this particular case it's not a case of the speed of the light that's trapped within the planet's gravity as much as it's a case of the growth period. Remember, biological growth, itself, is referenced to what ever time rules that planet...only in so much as the duration... not the passage. A case in point would be, we know that growth is a time that...most growth usually occurs at night, during the sleep period...or, when the sun is not bright...although really it occurs both times but the actual spurting usually occurs in the sleep period.
JAY: Of everything? Do you mean plants or...?
THERRY: Everything, totally everything. While...during the sunlight while it's being fed and while it's being nourished, it [growth] slows down. Then its [growth] activity speeds up. It's the pattern that we call Ohms law. And in the evening, when eating or nourishing activities goes on, resistance activities goes on, resistance goes down then, growth goes up, again to gain its own force.
BLAKE: You mean people grow in light physically more than the daytime?
THERRY: Yeah, they grow mentally during the day and physically during the night. Well actually they grow all the time but the real spurts of growth are in the evening during the rest state.
JAY: Yeah, that's the same thing with my plant, it grows on the days that you're not listening because you're active and then you tire yourself out and when you're rested it grows. So during the day, when you're actually...when you're active, doing something if not you're resting, all those centrifuges of activity get taken in. Is that basically what it is?
THERRY: Yeah. Science I believe has made some experiments in relation to time, biological time and they found that biological time can be changed.
JAY: How can that be done?
THERRY: Because psychological time is the number one thing. If you think a certain thing, that's what is going to happen.
JAY: In other words, if you think as a young person, let's say... and you stay physically, pretty young even though you were 90 years old. Could that be true?
THERRY: That depends on your definition of young people. I mean if you think you're an idiot all your life that doesn't mean you'll be an idiot.
JAY: No, but...
THERRY: Though the chances are good that you will be, it doesn't mean you will be.
JAY: No, what I mean is, if you have an attitude of being interested in things and an attitude of having fun...the things that younger people like to do, rather the concept here that old people turn old and live to feel old then you'll stay in that state, isn't that true?
THERRY: Yes, that is true. The younger you are mentally, the longer and happier your life will be. That is true. The faster time will pass, but, yet, the more fuller life you'll have.
JAY: Well then, your physical health will depend on that too then?
THERRY: Yes, of course. A person who is mentally lazy is also lazy in all other aspects, hence, they have a lazy metabolism, a lazy defense mechanism and a lazy everything else, and hence, they're prone to hypochondria.
JAY: Well, for instance, in psychology, like Aronson's stages of man, you know the eight stages of man...
THERRY: They were arbitrarily separations but they exist.
JAY: Well, the adult stages are...if you're prepared to stay in this young frame of mind, you wouldn't necessarily have to go through those problems that people do. Isn't a lot of that cultural, sociologically learnt stuff that you don't have to have happen if you stay interested and active in doing what you want to do?
THERRY: Well you have to bear in mind that the actual stages of learning or life according to what you call psychology happens on three facets or three separate levels all at one time. They only appear to merge, as far as they are observed by other people watching that individual. But they, in fact, never merge. It's possible to be very physically active and be mentally dead. Your lifestyle reflects that.
JAY: Why do you say that?
THERRY: Take a look at the-- I'm pretty sure you've heard the expression, "neither brains nor brawn." Well, they go through what we would say a relatively dull life, but they're always active. They don't go through all those, so-called, stages. At least, they don't appear to unless you really look at them closely. But you will notice that they're prone to extreme variations in their emotions.
JAY: Even people who're active and don't think about things? Is that what you're talking about?
JAY: Would you explain further? I don't know if I got it.
THERRY: Okay then, for you to understand it, give me what you think are the three areas that mean 'ID.'
JAY: Well, mental, emotional and physical, correct?
THERRY: Okay. And how is there interaction between the three?
JAY: I guess from what I understand, a person's mental attitude brings about their emotional states, and, their emotional states affects their physical states. Is that correct?
THERRY: Okay. Aren't they interchangeable?
JAY: I don't know. How are you...
THERRY: Couldn't any of the three be the ruling factor in any area of time?
JAY: Oh, I see what you're saying.
THERRY: And, depending on who was ruling at that point, wouldn't behavior be totally different?
JAY: Right.
THERRY: Not only that but wouldn't..., wouldn't really the entire world of reality with respect to that individual be different? With this in mind?, Now rephrase your question.
JAY: I forgot what the original question was that I got this information. What I originally said was about the stages of growth, right? So you said that those are arbitrary.
THERRY: Yeah, 'cause you mentioned stages of growth according to psychology and you named a specific individual. Well, you have to bear in mind that Mother Nature didn't decide to do this... or didn't decide to make separations just because mankind said "Hello," so they're arbitrary. They're reference points--another way mankind uses to give himself so-called stability.
JAY: Well, so then, well some of the stages like have to do with career development and people having what they call midlife crises kind of thing.
THERRY: I will accept that only if you rephrase that to say "some of the stages appear to be" rather than are.
JAY: They are "in theory," that's what I'm saying. I'm not saying they are "in reality."
THERRY: But see, according to that theory...the theory says there's a definite separation and it is that statement that makes it incorrect.
JAY: So let's say that they appear to be separate, well what I'm saying is that it seems to me that those things are extremely culturally tied because the way that society is organized within the mode of economics and all that it tends to bring about those things, unless people recognize it for what it is and just go about their business. You see what I'm saying?
THERRY: You're talking about an axiom now.
JAY: I am?
THERRY: People don't live in a vacuum, they have to live in something.
JAY: True.
THERRY: So they live in their culture.
JAY: True.
THERRY: So therefore, everything is naturally, culturally influenced in one way or the other...or at least culturally affected. So for you to say, "isn't culturally affected" is inaccurate...of course, it is! Remember, scientifically, it takes only one exception to the rule that destroys the rule that is being used.
JAY: If you recognize the effects then, you don't have to become affected by it as much, correct?
THERRY: Well you're dealing with a place in time where the mind is in control, not the emotions or the physical. Well, if you take in consideration who is in control at the time, well, with relatives you can say anything.
JAY: Well if the mind is in control all the time, okay, then you needn't fall prey to the various cultural influences or whatever, isn't that true?
THERRY: That's true. Unlikely, but true.
JAY: Or the influence is less suspect. Is that...does that make more sense? Is that more likely?
THERRY: No, it's less likely that the mind's always in control.
JAY: Well, let's say want to use...
THERRY: Remember we got to hold this discussion within the limits of our reality, not the limits of Spock's reality. It's one thing to say, "If this, if that, if this." You might as well say, "What if the Moon was made out of green cheese..." If we want to go beyond our state of reality then there's no sense of holding a conversation.
JAY: Well I'm saying if the mind is in control most of the time...
THERRY: But, it never is..., so you can't make that statement.
JAY: It never is in control in anyone?
THERRY: Think in terms of the condition of the world and then ask me if the mind is always in control.
JAY: No..., okay. I'm thinking of myself. Firstly, if my mind is in control more often than the others [other's minds], then I'd be able to be less influenced by those cultural aspects, isn't that so?
JAY: Why not?
THERRY: Because of your "T'aint."