Arkashean Q&A Session -- 087:

THERRY: Your trade-offs.

TILLA: Can you be more specific?

THERRY: Well, let's say you are trapped in a sexual type behavior. We'll use that since sex is what was brought up earlier. Well, a person that's sitting there in his body is screaming, "I want to get screwed!" That person has an awful lot of trouble thinking saintly thoughts. The last thing that he's going to be really willing to do is to sit down and pray because somebody else is in pain. He's...they're only going to want to take care of that sexual need. No, they have to determine, do they want to pay the price to fight that sexual need and go take a cold shower or are they just going to say, "Duck it!" and masturbate. Or go out and find someone to masturbate for them. That's their trade-off. What are they willing to do and what are they willing to pay for. It's trade-offs that will either give them or deny ability to change Automatic Pilot. Obviously, if Automatic Pilot says, "Let's go get screwed! Let's go get screwed" and you just go out and get screwed, that ain't going to change Automatic Pilot. It's just going to make it that much stronger. Yeah?

HEATHER: If you change that...if you're able one way and if it takes ten times but one time, at the tenth time, you say, "No!" And you...and that's a form of trade-off. Does that make it easier the next time this comes about?


HEATHER: Or it doesn't...wasn't there something about three times?

THERRY: No, no, that was an example of the due process of freeing yourself from something. It takes at least four (4) encounters with each omission to free yourself from that cycle.

HEATHER: Uhmm. May I use an example?


HEATHER: There's a guy at the restaurant and one time we had a fight and I realized, "Oh," I said, "I know that's it. You're...I've definitely committed myself now." We -- things come about with him all the time. We just rub the wrong way and I've been trying to shut up and up 'til now I keep thinking, you're going to have to keep going through with this with him and through with this with him until...Now it does it keep going that way until...?

THERRY: Yeah. It keeps going that way until one of you's...

HEATHER: Well, I've been trying to like...he'll say something and I'm trying to keep my mouth shut for once.


HEATHER: You know. Uhm. It doesn't always work but I feel that each time...

THERRY: No, see here's where cycles come in. Let's say cycles come in. Let's say he comes around, he says something and you turn around and snap back at him. You've committed. It's going to take at least three (3) times, three (3) encounters before that commission can be turned into an omission.

HEATHER: Even if I omit the times after? Even if I omit those three (3) times? It's still...

THERRY: That don't mean nothing. Just because you omit once, it doesn't change it. You've got to uh... In other words, you've got to omit, that is, you've got to refuse to be caught into that same behavior often enough so's that you've formed a new habit. Obviously, if a guy comes around, he yells and you snap right back at him and obviously that determines, you know, you're into it...Now the next time comes around and for whatever reason, you say, "I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut!" Obviously, you haven't kept your mouth shut. You may not have said anything to him, but you certainly haven't kept your mouth shut. BUT it's still a helluva lot better than what it was. Okay?

HEATHER: Now if it's on the other side, if I was the one that was doing the screaming, I can just keep doing that and each time I do it, I have committed myself to...

THERRY: Each time you do it is another commitment.

HEATHER: And it's going to take three or four to get out of it.

THERRY: ...Each one. That's the reason why that little sign said, "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter here."


THERRY: And that's also the reason why they'd say, "There is a Road that Man may not Walk Alone!" Because in all of those commits and omits they get lost. That is the reason why we try to train people to never react. Never. Instead, act. It is far better to act than it is to react. Because if you react, you have very little, if any control, but if you act, then you have pre-determination. That is control.


THERRY: If Automatic Pilot governs what you do, then you are reacting. You have no control. But if you are in control, then you can time and say, "No." However emotional you are, you can say, "No!" And that turns it into an omission. But just because you have one omission, doesn't mean that the next time around you're going to keep your mouth shut. It doesn't -- you don't get freed from the cycle until the emotions are no longer there. So long as the emotions are there, so long as you have to keep telling yourself, "I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut! I'm going to keep my mouth shut!!!!" - then you're not free of it. You are still fighting commissions.

HEATHER: It's getting free of it that's the hard thing.

THERRY: Exactly. Because now you're dealing with your trade-offs. Are you going to trade growth and free yourself by paying the price or are going to say, duck it! I'm going to commit myself to...I'm going to feel good to tell that bastard to duck off.

HEATHER: But it's all...In this particular instance, it's a matter of ego at play here.

THERRY: All the time.

HEATHER: It's always a matter of ego.

THERRY: Always.

HEATHER: And the trading off is getting rid of that.

THERRY: Or the pain that amounts of keeping your mouth shut.

HEATHER: But then you've got to...

THERRY: You've got to remember that the excessive ego is going to want to glorify itself at all times. And that means it's going to put absolutely everybody down that threatens it. And it is the excessive ego that's going to call up all of those emotions that makes it impossible for you to put your brain in motion before you put your mouth in gear.

HEATHER: Can I have a zipper and take back to New York with me?

THERRY: A lot of times a zipper will only blow your brains out.



THERRY: Those are trade-offs.

HEATHER: But this changing of the whole process where it's not oppressing everything you want to explode, it's just a real trade-off, where you no longer have the need to have to explode at someone else. That is changing your...

THERRY: At that point...

HEATHER: Auto...your pilot?

THERRY: At that point you have released yourself into omissions. You're no longer involved with commissions. When your emotions are no longer there and you simply have made the decision, "Hey, I don't want to play this game anymore!" Now you're into omissions. But the very first time that you get pissed off, because you've had enough you and you whack right back at him, now you're back into commissions again.

WAN: Learn opera.

THERRY: Right! [Laugh]

WAN: That way you can sing it out.

THERRY: [Laugh]

HEATHER: Obviously, I'm in a restaurant for a reason.

THERRY: Obviously.

HEATHER: Uh-huh.

THERRY: What better place to learn to zip up without emotions. Does that explain commission and omission in terms of, uhm, Steering Currents?

HEATHER: Yes, it does. We haven't talked about Steering Currents for a little bit. I suppose I lost track on what they were.

THERRY: Steering Currents are the impetus where your emotions and your logic come together.

HEATHER: Now as opposed to...Automatic Pilot?

THERRY: Yeah. Steering Currents is the impetus that is formed when your emotions, your value systems and your... your situation comes around. It's going to...that impetus is going to determine your trade-offs. Let's say you had this little machine, like a meat grinder, where you put in your value systems, you put in the situation and the needs of the situation, your desires, your wants and your shoulds and you mix them all together and pass it through this machine. What comes out is going to be the end result of you deciding what to do with your trade-offs. It's going to be the decision, do I tell them to go duck themselves, throw 'em a bird or do I just ignore 'em -- just a gnat flying around somebody's head that you don't really see.

HEATHER: Can I change the subject a little bit?

THERRY: I don't see why not.

HEATHER: This is something Kay and I were curious about...we talked about.. Well, in a specific, we were thinking about the man that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima. Now does he have to go through all the deaths that he caused and then all the people that were slowly dying and then the ones that remained forever. That this man.. or is it only because of his...or is only requiring of whether he knew what was right or wrong?

THERRY: Now we're dealing with a whole new ballgame.

HEATHER: Should I have brought it up?

THERRY: Yeah, that's fine. Now then, you have to understand that Karma is not limited to individuals.

HEATHER: Okay [...]

THERRY: There is a Karma that belongs strictly to the individual, there is a Karma that belongs to a group, there is a k-...that group could be two people, one people, five people, a city, a country, whatever. Okay? And there is a Karma that belongs to a planet, a solar system, a star system, etc., etc. Now the bomb belongs to the planet earth. The Karma belongs to the civilization of people that are alive today, the species man. Now the law that applies here is the same law as I slap you in the face and you turn around and slap me. It's the same law. Usually if I slap you in the face, you're going to try and slap me in the face a lot harder. Likewise, yeah, once of a species drops a bomb, then the tendency is to come back with something bigger because they're got to get even. That's what's at stake. The only difference is, as it rises higher, it's not a face that you're slapping, but existence itself. So it's quite conceivable that because of that first bomb, man will wipe himself right out.

HEATHER: But I'm ...oh sorry.

WAN: Wan here. Does group Karma have to be equalized via the group or can it be equalized via an individual?

THERRY: It has to equalized via the collection of personalities within that group. Yes?

HEATHER: Laurie, uhm. Then all the leaders of countries...Roosevelt and this was not even connected with Roosevelt. No, it wasn' was Truman?

THERRY: Truman.

HEATHER: It wasn't connected with him at that time then? I mean he was the one that said go ahead, so he's got to have separate...Doesn't he have separate Karma than the planet, than the people of the planet?

THERRY: No. He belongs to that group that has to deal with, quote close quote, "the bomb."

HEATHER: What about leaders of countries in general?

THERRY: You've got to bear in mind. Just because there is Karma, that belongs to a group and the person that is part of that group, that does not negate other Karmas.

HEATHER: I mean if...

THERRY: If I'm the king of a country and I order somebody to be killed, that doesn't change the fact that while that Karma belongs to the country kingship, that does not negate the fact that I as an individual has decided to follow the ethics of earth as opposed to the ethics of Karma. It's a fabric. Different things are going on, all at the same time. And they all determine the overall Karma. They are all part of the trap of Maya.

HEATHER: Then on the level of...on time...This world has blown up many times then already...I guess we're on different.

THERRY: No, this world hasn't been blown up yet.

HEATHER: But then how can all time be going on at the same time? I always get back to that. I feel like a dunce!

THERRY: Now when you said this world, that means this dimension and this time. Now, civilizations have wiped themselves out of oblivion, but that's in the past, that's not this one. That's not this time. That's another time.

HEATHER: What about the future?

THERRY: That's there. That's not now. Right now this civilization and this world still exists. There was a time that it did not exist. But that doesn't belong to our time. That belongs to another time. And most likely there will be a time in the future that it will not exist. But that's in the future, that's not this time. The same way as you and I are here in a relatively comfortable situation, talking about Karma and time, that doesn't change the fact that in this same space, but in a different time, there are people were killing themselves and it's called a civil war. And also both of those doesn't change the fact that in this same space but in another time we've gotten a stage coach running through the house.

HEATHER: But can't that also mean that in this same space and in another time, they're 50 spaceships zipping off because of [...]

THERRY: Exactly.

HEATHER: So that's going to and thus in this same...

THERRY: But the key here is that it may be the same space, but it's a different time. In another words, it's not the same. There's a difference.

HEATHER: But the very beginnings had to be...there had to be beginnings of time, didn't there?

THERRY: Yeah, Orthodontiks.

HEATHER: And that's when the you call it, the, the rope...

THERRY: ...the ribbon...

HEATHER: ...the ribbon and the points along the ribbon, which I can sort of understand. That had to start from Orthodontiks, which was at the very beginning.

THERRY: Right.

HEATHER: If there had to be a beginning.

THERRY: Right.

HEATHER: It's still the explosion stuff, I can't...

THERRY: The Big Bang?

HEATHER: No, not that...I mean this pla...then on different time frequencies this earth has blown up?

THERRY: Yeah. Uh-huh. Obviously, the sun's not going to last forever. It's going to go Nova. And it's going to take the whole solar system with it. But that's a different time frequency. Same space, but different time. We're not worried about that. A lot can happen between now and then, if you consider time and space is telescopic. That's why you should never worry about things of a different time. Deal with the time that you're in. The evil for the day is sufficient. Don't worry about the evil that may or may not come tomorrow.

HEATHER: Well, what is it when...not to worry...they call it a phobia. And I know lots of people have it in different times. I would like to know how to not have it. If I'm walking down the street and there's someone behind me. I'll say [...] I'll do so much as stop and tie my shoe or pretend to stare and then they go [...] Now that's...

THERRY: Obviously that comes from your past life.

HEATHER: Is that called regretting of past -- or that's just reliving?

THERRY: It doesn't really matter what it's called or what it is. It could be a number of things. The point have a premonition. That premonition comes from your past life. The ability of premonition comes from things that you've already done. Now that could be a gift and it could also be a curse, depending on how it's being used. Incidentally, it also comes from drama and theater experiences.

HEATHER: Being theatrical, I won't make something of it.

THERRY: Your ability for the recognition of patterns is what gives you those premonitions.

HEATHER: I don't understand.

THERRY: Well, an individual who recognizes and is very familiar with patterns, to them, they can see one or two behaviors and they can almost predict what is going to come next. That's what premonition...premonitions are.

HEATHER: That's frightening!

THERRY: But that's also a gift. There are more things that are possible within the human mind that could possibly be dreamt of by a single human.

HEATHER: Now you got me thinking, I don't want to go back to that city at all! [Laugh]

THERRY: The city's got nothing to do with it. You'll have...if you have grown to the level where you're capable of premonitions, you're going to have them regardless of where you are. You use premonitions every single day and you don't think anything about it. For instance, if you have a certain rumbling in your stomach. You say, "Ah! I'm going to take a shit pretty soon. That's a premonition. You have another rumbling in your stomach and you say, "Uhm! I'm going to have to go eat pretty soon." That's a premonition. You hear a sound -- "Ah! I'm going to see JIM pretty soon!" That's a premonition.

HEATHER: Yeah, but I'm also -- you say it's a premonition walking around, saying, "That guy! That's it, that's it" and he's right behind me and of course, I stop. And it's...You say it could be just drama. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I don't want to have to be waiting driving me nuts daily.

THERRY: That all depends on the games you choose to play. Now you're getting back to commissions versus omissions.

HEATHER: You cannot rid yourself of that by simply saying that's a game one plays with oneself?

THERRY: Yes, that part is true. But instead of saying, you can rid yourself of or not rid yourself of, better you should concern with yourself with can I change what's programmed in Autopilot. I mean you have a fire that's burning. You're going to turn around throw your water on the 34th Street corner if it's the center that's burning? You're going to throw your water on the base of the fire if you want to do any good and the base of all fires is always Automatic Pilot. That it? Okie dokie, for now. [Pause]

IKE: This is Ike speaking. [...] The question was measuring the effect of Karma. Uhm. Okay, Skie and I were having a conversation about that when he was in Miami and he had said that uhm you can have different types of Karma. You can have good Karma, you can have bad Karma and depending on the action, would determine different things about it. So my question dealt with, being able to measure or tell the difference between, uhm the effect on the kind of good Karma and the kind of bad Karma that you're going to have. There's no way to predetermine because there''re dealing with a fabric. The best that you do with it is take note of the immediate effects that you get from your behavior. Obviously, a case in point if you're really hungry and you decide to go out and eat, well, the immediate result is that it's going to take care of certain needs that are present so automatically from that satisfaction you can measure the degree of good Karma you got. But because it is a fabric, you may turn around and eat something that you're allergic to in the process. So that satisfies both good Karma and bad Karma. But in any case, the only scale of measurement that you can give in terms of Karma is the degree to which you achieve satisfaction in the overall scheme of your life scenario. To the degree that you feel contented, to the degree that you can look back in life and say, "Hey! I'm happy. I've enjoyed what I've done, I wouldn't change anything," obviously to the degree can you say that you've measured pretty good Karma. But to the degree that you look back and have regrets here and there, well those are shortcomings.

IKE: Yeah, okay.

THERRY: Nobody can really measure the entire fabric. There just ain't no way. Because what you do will have ramifications in who knows how far in the future.

IKE: Now isn't there some, let's say, for example, if there's something that I have to learn, something in Automatic Pilot or okay...something in Automatic Pilot...I do something and I don't make the correction, that particular event is going to keep reoccurring, correct?

THERRY: Yes. It's going to keep reoccurring anyway.

IKE: Alright. Would it keep...

THERRY: It's simply a case of if you're going to commit or omit.

IKE: Alright, let's take it in both places. If I commit, will the exact same situation come about all over again.

THERRY: Yes, one way or another at some point in time. Yeah.

IKE: 'Cuz I was curious to find out if there was varying degrees as to the experience whether the emotions could be less intense or just as intense or more intense.

THERRY: That depends on the situation. One thing is for sure, if you create a situation whereby the emotional level, let's say it's 5 degrees, then what you're going to get back is 5 degrees plus any other amplifications that was brought into it.

IKE: I see.

THERRY: Is that it?

IKE: Uh-hmm.


IKE: Since Karma is cause and effect whatever was in effect in that situation, whatever degree of intensity, the emotions, whatever, that's exactly what you're going to get back.

THERRY: That plus any amplification that occurred.

IKE: Right.

THERRY: You've got to bear in mind that, when people react with one another they use amplifiers, that's what their emotions are...

IKE: Uh-hmmm.

THERRY: They amplify things. As a result of that, if somebody wants to get even with you, they never make sure that you're going to get just what you gave and no more. They're just going to satisfy their emotions and that usually ends up being more than what you gave.

THERRY: [Pause] They're not the same except for within their beta range of the frequencies, let's say the human frequency.

CORA: Would that mean that the people in the Matriary or Monastery with all males and all females don't learn as much?

THERRY: They will end up learning a helluva lot more.

CORA: Right and it doesn't matter if they have males and females [...]

THERRY: Well, see there's a difference there depending on the make-up of the group of which you speak. If the teacher or leader of that group is connected with the Universe then there won't be such a thing as an all-male. Both of them will be there. If you have a leader or the premise of the group is out of balance, then you'll be prone to have either all male or all female, in which case, obviously, there's no way you're going to apply. But if you have...but if the leader of the group is connected to the Universe and there's no chauvinism, neither positive nor negative, then yes, you will learn a helluva lot more. It's not necessary to have the plumbing of a female in order to learn equality.

CORA: Right. That's what I'm trying to understand. So I don't see why it's necessary to live with the plumbing of a male or a female or be one or the other.

THERRY: Because it's part of the illusions. You can't study and understand an entire illusion or the World of Illusion if you start out by leaving half of your ammunition outside of your sphere of influence. It's absolutely necessary to have the male and the female share equal. Earth was not designed to have one obtain dominance over the other. Again, that was religion's corruption. There's a special feeling that occurs within each human being that requires somebody to hug, somebody to get close to, somebody to really care for. You can't satisfy that with a pillow.

CORA: [Laugh]

[...] ...I thought I liked my pillows.


HEATHER: Talking about your pillow! She's got a...

DONNA: I've a pillow of Superman.


JIM: Is it safe like Superman though?

DONNA: [...] I had a boyfriend for awhile.

THERRY: The implication to that question we won't touch.

DONNA: Right. I had a boyfriend for awhile and he finally said, "Can we get that thing out of here!"


THERRY: He was a little bit unnerved.

DONNA: I know.



DONNA: I once fell in love, like you say, fell in love. Couldn't believe it, with this Zeiss projector at the planetarium.

JIM: What projector?

DONNA: Zeiss projector, you know that huge...

JIM: Ice?

DONNA: Zeiss projector.

JIM: Oh, Zeiss! Okay.

DONNA: Cuz, I was sitting in this show and the show was pretty boring, it's like [...] and I saw this projector. It was like this huge robot or little life form and it's got two lights where eyes should be, it moves in slow motion, you know. And I became in my mind, became this other Zeiss projector and we were both like moving together. [Laughter] Then I realized that...

THERRY: That's an example of how the World of Illusion drives reality.

DONNA: That's what it taught me...especially because this was like...I ...I was just in tears over it. I felt like...Happy tears, you know. I said, "You are really out there because this is the same thing you've had with men and you're having it with a projector?" You know...But that was a big lesson about Illusion for me. And I wouldn't ever take away from that feeling -- that was a real feeling!

THERRY: But that's also...that's also one of the ...