Arkashean Q&A Session -- 091
WENDY: I don't know if it's just behavior but it's the intent behind behavior as far as your attitude.
PAUL: Well still, nonetheless, it doesn't matter what you do, the Universe will not punish you. You can do anything you want and the only thing will punish you, if punishment is the right word, is that you get the rebound of whatever you evoke. It has nothing to do with any judgment over you, so from that point of view, no matter what heinous act you do, it isn't evil. It's just one more game that humans can play, whether it's a good game or a bad game or an evil game, that all depends on your value judgments.
PETER: Which ties into relative truth, which ties into one's personal Maat as it relates to Universal Maat. In other words...
SUZANNE: But you're saying something different than he's saying.
PETER: No, I'm not. Why?
SUZANNE: But you called...
PETER: I'm just linking it...I'm just further linking it to one's Maat because that person is playing a particular game that is not intrinsically evil.
PAUL: On the other hand, there is some evidence to suggest that there actually are guideposts, for lack of a better word, not so much as good and evil, but more in terms of alignment and disaligned, if you want to learn how to control and direct the forces of the Universe, there appears to be certain things that if you do, they're going to make it more inclined to be able to control and direct those forces and other things that if you do it is going to make it less inclined to direct and control those forces.
SUZANNE: And what are those guideposts?
PAUL: Well, they're kinda hard to find. But you have to kinda look at life and say to yourself, "Well, gee, if the Universe wanted destruction, does it make sense that the Universe would've have made all this creation, if the purpose of it was for someone to go and destroy it? So you'd think that, 'cause it doesn't make all that much sense...
JAY: Sure it does. The Universe is related with destruction...asteroids, volcanoes, things... the planet's destroying itself all the time.
PAUL: Only in terms of the due process of the planet renewing itself. It's not wanton destruction. It's not destruction solely for the sake of destruction.
JAY: Sure...
PAUL: So there, you can kind of say, well gee, it seems like it might not be a good thing to be going around wantonly destroying things. But you really never know, in my opinion, at this level, unless you're going to take someone else's word for it or something that you read in a book, it's almost impossible to say that this is the way that the Universe really wants it and this is the way you should do it and God says this is evil and this isn't evil. I mean people do it all the time, but it's just stories that they make up. But there's no proof then that some objective standard don't exist, but I don't think the planet is developed to the point where people think or really know what they are.
JORGE: Perhaps this is not normal, but does a person feel that they are crossing a line if they cause somebody else harm or something else harm?
PAUL: Yeah, but it's impossible to extricate that from your own personal value judgments and your own personal beliefs, because you can can never go beyond your own beliefs, you can never go beyond your own limitations, you can never go beyond your own illusions. You take them with you wherever you go. You can't divorce yourself from that.
JORGE: Not to a scientific mind. However, through intuition you can say your feeling is not yours alone, that it comes from a higher place.
PAUL: Yeah.
CLARE: Uh-hmmm.
PETER: So now you're applying different levels of reality to this one and the true set is more encompassing and that serves humanity and the species more than what's happening on this level solely so...
JORGE: And not just the species, but also life force itself.
PETER: Right, yeah.
JORGE: Which is the way everything's connected, so if you've heard the scientific viewpoint, everything's not connected yet, because the Maat of science has not yet connected everything.
PETER: Okay! [Laugh]
SUZANNE: Uh-hmmm.
PAUL: That's why you can't really condemn anybody for their beliefs no matter how silly you might think they are. Those beliefs are still in the long run what will enable them to evolve. If somebody believes that, you know, you shouldn't eat pork. It may may not be true, but it's more important that they honor their beliefs than the fact that they actually believe that they shouldn't eat pork.
DAVID: Can I ask questions? Does the uhhh belief of "All good does some evil. All evil does some good." Does that tie in here somehow?
PETER: Well, it's's a paradoxical truth, yes.
JAY: It's like Paul was saying, if your goal is to destroy the Earth, then everything you can do to that end is a good thing, it's positive. On the other hand, if you're helping to make the planet grow, you're doing bad to those individuals who are trying to destroy it and vice versa.
WENDY: Another way of looking at it is, events that are taking place of great good tend to sometimes have negative reactions to them and the same is reversed when the events of great evil, great good comes out of it.
PETER: There's a time and place for all things and a time and season for all things. [Laugh]
WENDY: Sounds like a scientist!
PAUL: Here's another intuitive thing when you start talking about evil. Is there a God of Evil? Does Satan exist or is that just a story? Or is it actually some aspect of the Universe that is, quote "Evil" unquote.
JAY: I've heard Therry say both. He said, evil is just a manifestation of man's mind. It requires us to make evil or determine evil. But then I've also heard him say that there's a separate force "evil" independent of us.
PETER: Ooh, I've never heard that.
JAY: I didn't quite buy it myself but uh...
PAUL: I believe in it, that that exists. I believe that there might be Mind Forces who we could classify as evil.
PETER: It's the usage of the same energy that makes it evil or good.
JAY: Right, that's true.
SUZANNE: The usage of what?
PETER: The same energy.
MARLON: It's the duality. If there's a positive usage, there's got to be a negative usage.
JAY: Right, by the same thing, it's all the same energy. I mean, it's just how you choose to use it, determines if it's good or evil.
PAUL: So, if everything comes from that original energy, every single, absolutely every single possibility, every single energy, every single behavior, every single everything comes from that original energy, unless that original energy is evil, it must be in its ultimate manifestation be good.
JAY: Right.
PAUL: Therefore evil doesn't really exist.
JAY: However, you can say, hey, if you've created creatures that are allowed to do evil with that energy, that's pretty evil.
PAUL: That means the whole thing is evil. That means God is evil then.
JORGE: Why can't it be neutral and have both?
CLARE: Uh-hmmm.
JAY: Yeah, it is neutral.
PAUL: Why can't it be what?
JORGE: Neutral and have both aspects and different varying degrees of both aspects including neutrality? Isn't by right of choice?
PAUL: You could, but then you're basically saying that God is evil. He's good too, but he's also evil. The truth is, is that he is neither good nor evil. He's simply in perfect balance which allows all manifestations to exist. Let's face it, during the course of creation, everything had to remain in balance if you have good, you better have evil, if you have up, you have to have down, etc. If there is evil, it is simply part of balance.
JORGE: I would like to say that that's pretty true because you have basically two roads, going out of Illusion...
PAUL: Yeah, but that's all man...that's all man.
PETER: Yeah, but that's not necessarily evil.
JORGE: Yeah, well, nothing is necessarily evil.
PAUL: Well, right, but what I'm talking if, you know, know there's a lot of those discussions philosophically when religious people try to determine, you know, is there a Satan, does evil exist in the Universe and so on and so forth.
PETER: There are Satan-type individuals, if you want, you know, to put a label on it.
SUZANNE: Care to mention any?
PETER: Well, anybody who works against the species growing...
SUZANNE: Uhmmm...well, then...[Laugh]
JAY: But then it gets back to what Paul's saying, if you look at Hitler, you could say, evil. Maybe not, maybe he was the instrument that was going to allow six million people or more to recognize their patterns and start breaking it. I mean you know...
CLARE: You have to equalize your Karma.
PAUL: See there's a big...One thing you can be sure of, is that sin exists. Why?
PAUL: Because sin unlike evil is completely man-made. They tell you it's a sin against God, but it's not, it's a sin against Man, what Man has decided is good and is just.
SUZANNE: I thought we don't believe in sin?
WENDY: Sin is completely subjective. Well, it's not completely that.
PAUL: Well, exactly, that's why...that's why it exists.
WENDY: I mean the word doesn't even have any value.
PETER: Well...
SUZANNE: I mean that's like evil. I mean that's subjective too...
PAUL: Sin is what somebody else forbids you to do, if they say, don't have intercourse with someone before you're married and you do, well you committed sin. But did you do evil?
PAUL: There's a huge difference. No, no!
SUZANNE: If it's against your beliefs, by your definition it's evil, then...
PAUL: It's not evil, it's not evil!!
SUZANNE: But you're going against your definition.
PAUL: It might not be the definition but it's not evil.
PETER: We're talking about intrinsic evil.
PETER: We're talking about intrinsic evil now.
WENDY: But you can't, you're now's sort of apples and oranges, because sin is, is a, say for lack of a better word, an organized religion convention and evil we're talking about, sort of outside the scope of mankind's creation.
PAUL: Okay but don't reason with sin, use an Arkashean...Arkashean value, let's say...
SUZANNE: Yeah, but you're the one who used it to begin with.
PAUL: Okay then, I understand that I know that I used it to begin with. If we decide that there's something that's forbidden to us as Arkasheans and then for whatever reason, feel like you have to do it, have you done evil?
PAUL: No, we've just...we've either transgressed our own belief system or we've committed a sin or whatever else you want to call it or we're naughty...
PETER: We didn't honor our...
PAUL: Or we didn't honor our Maat, but is it evil?
SUZANNE: Yeah, but that...Yeah it is...
CLARE: No-o-o-o!
PETER: It's not evil per se. We were only talking about that earlier as a...if we were going to broaden the definition, you know, beyond the means of what a normal definition of evil is. That's...for practical purposes it's not evil per se.
SUZANNE: Yeah, but it'd be against our Maat.
PETER: Excuse me?
SUZANNE: If like for instance an Arkashean...
PETER: Again it depends on one's definition of evil. I mean, one could call it being evil to go against one's own Maat.
SUZANNE: Well, evil could be subjective too...
JAY: I don't think you tie that...You're you said you're trying to broaden the definition. It's not a broad term.
PAUL: See, I told you if you start bringing evil into...
SUZANNE: I mean, why don't we ask Therry?
CLARE: It's not...
PETER: Not for us, but I'm saying there's some people around the world who may just...may define evil differently than we do and I'm just taking that into account.
PAUL: They're some people who don't believe in God...
SUZANNE: Why don't we ask Therry what evil is?
CLARE: I'd like to...
JORGE: So can we agree if that means...
PETER: We have to decide on definitions for us first.
CLARE: Arkasheans, that's what I...
PETER: For the purposes of our discussion...
CLARE: Yeah, right.
PETER: Limited to our definitions...[Chuckle]
WENDY: If the individual...
PETER: Sorry...
PAUL: Well, the problem is, when you try to do that, if I may, when you try to have a definition like that, if all of a sudden, you get smarter and you go in there and ask Therry again, his definition will change, because as you go up, as you grow, the definition changes. Because if you give somebody at Level 1 a Level 9 definition, it ain't going to do anything at all for them.
PETER: Right.
SUZANNE: Well...
PAUL: So you can never say, well Therry says it's like this and that's how it is! It just don't work that way.
PETER: Definitely.
SUZANNE: Yeah, but not all of us are at Level 1 and he knows that.
PAUL: Sure, I know.
SUZANNE: We have people at the top and we have people at the bottom. So he's going to give us a common denominator definition then.
JAY: No, he won't.
PAUL: No, he won't. ...I go in there I'll get a different answer than you will. It's not a question about this.
SUZANNE: Well, when Peter goes inside there with questions for us from the Bear, isn't he going to give us an answer for the masses?
PETER: From the Bear...
CLARE: Who's the Bear?
SUZANNE: Yeah, isn't he going to give us an answer for the masses?
PETER: We can't exactly know what his reference point is going to be for us...
SUZANNE: Well, can you ask him for...
PETER: He's going to determine...he's going to determine...Well, yeah, if I'm a little bit smarter like he's talking about and ask specifically for the masses or for the people who don't know this or haven't experienced that or don't have access to this level versus that level, what is this? But typically, we don't take him, you know, to that kind of limitation when we ask a question of him.
SUZANNE: Well, that's not going to be useful for some of us who're not at the same level as you.
JAY: He usually gives it in the context of the person and the conversation and whatever energy's in the room. I mean if you're asking a question on a very specific level and they want you to have certain information, you're going to get some answer that he probably wouldn't have given you yourself five minutes before.
SUZANNE: Yeah, but then you have to give the answer to us because it's not going to really help you know, it's not going to help me. I'm not the same level as you or else I would've been Co-Pharoah!
PETER: He'll help you...
JORGE: Ask him yourself...
SUZANNE: Well, we're not allowed to... it has to go through...
JAY: Well, there's two different levels...There's general level information and Arkashea's always works on the individual level. You know, every individual's going to get different lessons and different...The reason for being here is different, so the information's going to be different...
PETER: And how you interpret it and filter it through your own psychological screens is going to modify it as well, so... But there are some basic commonalities here when we discuss things.
PAUL: I can tell you for certain that out of 100% of the things that you can imagine, 99% of them are not evil. There's a very few limited things that Therry would define evil as...One is the absence of love, which in my opinion, is not...I don't believe that it really exists, it's all relative, so that would be relatively evil...The other thing, the only other thing I ever heard...two things, excuse me, say were evil, was when someone knowingly and purposefully does something to enrich themselves at the expense of their species and the third one is when you do something that is directed in a negative way towards the Universal Forces, like suicide. And actually as I recollect, I've heard him say that suicide is one of the few transgressions that you can actually commit against the Universe, so that might be blasphemy.
CLARE: Yeah, blasphemy.
PAUL: That might not be considered evil.
WENDY: And a lot of that is the attitude of the person.
PETER: Yeah, but that's blasphemy as opposed to evil...
PAUL: Well, that's pretty close as you can get.
JORGE: It's the last step in equalizing murder Karma, then it's not real evil.
SUZANNE: Yeah, that's the truth too because you have to go through it. That's what Therry said. He said if you murder somebody, you're going to end up killing yourself in some other lifetime or something like that cause that's the Karma...So, so then is it really evil?
PETER: Well, that's the trouble with discussing evil like we mentioned earlier or else, it's a rat's nest of possibilities and nuances and variances and reference points of relativity and this and that...
JORGE: So we need a...we need an Arkashean definition of evil that it was used in these writings...
SUZANNE: Yeah, because...
CLARE: Yeah because it's there and we don't have any way to interpret it.
JORGE: Is it misalignment to Maat, to Universal Maat that's what I heard?
PAUL: Yes, yes. All those evils in there are individually interpreted. If you know in your heart that murder is something that's wrong, then you have to try to not murder people. If you know that stealing corn from the bushel is wrong, then you have to try to not steal corn from the bushel or whatever it is.
CLARE: Try not to do evil.
PAUL: It's an individual thing. Because the relationship between the individual and the Universe is always individual. What everybody else says doesn't matter.
JORGE: A subset of individual is a group and if this writing is a group writing, if this is the value system as set forth for Arkashean behavior and Arkashean alignment to Universal Maat, then it seems that what we're talking about here is our, if it is "us" and I believe "we" are "we", therefore our belief systems, which I think is pretty much in use in most of the beliefs, that if we believe as Universal Maat, going against that would be considered evil.
PETER: Say that again, I didn't hear you.