Arkashean Q&A Session -- 101
THERRY: I repeat, what is the definition, "bi."
PETRA: Well, the definition, "bi" would be two.
THERRY: So, it means both ways.
PETRA: Right.
THERRY: So that makes your question rather innocuous, doesn't it?
PETRA: Well, the thing that I was thinking of is, my sexual preference seems to be towards women, but in my body I still have that shift of being attracted to men, even though if I don't act on it. So does that make me gay or does that make me bisexual?
THERRY: Don't you have both?
PETRA: In me? Yes.
THERRY: Does that supply the definition, "bi?"
PETRA: Yeah, I guess it does. But what about my...
THERRY: You want to change the nature of definitions too?
PETRA: No. [Slight Chuckle]
THERRY: Well, why don't you just cry and say, it ain't fair?
PETRA: Well, what about my sexual preferences being more for one? Is that something different?
THERRY: Yeah, it's preferences. It doesn't change the fact that both are still there.
PETRA: I remember, maybe I got this confused, because...
THERRY: You're thinking tunnel vision again.
PETRA: Alright. I remember when you were talking to Elli and you told her something about she was near being bi-sexual and then she just went back to her next lover and then you told me she was uhm gay again and she was only near being bi-sexual when she was considering not being with a woman. And I don't understand that because...would you explain what that meant then in relationship to what I just asked you?
THERRY: Well, everybody has an opportunity for certain Free Will and certain changes. Now, let's look at the continuum which we'll call it "gay" but it's not ...that's not the real name of the continuum. It's really the Sexual Continuum, the sexual genre. Alright, let's look at that continuum that we'll call "gay." If a person's gay, what does that mean? Really, what does it mean?
PETRA: Well, from this level's perspective, I would guess just means like sexually and emotionally they prefer their own sex.
THERRY: Does that mean that everything else doesn't exist?
THERRY: So, it's possible for them to love their own sex, somebody else's sex and everything else in between, right?
THERRY: Does that change them from being gay?
THERRY: The fact that there are other labels to fit their other preferences, does that change the fact that they're gay?
THERRY: That should answer your questions.
PETRA: Other labels which...I don't know...
THERRY: Other labels could be bi-sexual, could be basically heterosexual, could be a screaming faggot, could be a drag queen...
PETRA: So then that way it's labeling behavior...
THERRY: ...could be a transvestite...
PETRA: The definition I gave you was labeling emotional and sexual preferences, right? Not behavior...
THERRY: Right it's got nothing to do with the category as a whole.
PETRA: So, if...
THERRY: I mean, if a person's gay, they're gay! They can still...Again, as we said before, they're a lot of sub-categories.
PETRA: So how does that work with...
THERRY: That's where the preferences come in...
PETRA: How does that work in relation to psychic things then and where you can go?
THERRY: If you're gay, you're limited to the gay level, period.
PETRA: Well, don't the sub-categories influence anything?
THERRY: Can you...Let me ask you that same question a different way. Can you make a chocolate cake by using cement and vinegar?
PETRA: No. The only reason I asked this is that it seems to me that I'm being allowed to fly higher, but at the same time my preference is more to women even though the things inside me still change to both men and women, physically, emotionally I'm still bound more to women.
THERRY: Obviously you have a terribly wrong impression to the limitations of gay.
PETRA: Well, that's what I'm trying to understand more because...[chuckle]
THERRY: That should be obvious.
PETRA: And I know my frequency doesn't feel like most other gay people's.
THERRY: The only reason why you're doing this, is because you're thinking tunnel vision again. To you...basically what it amounts to is, you're saying, well, if you're gay, you can't be bisexual or if you're gay, you can't be a transvestite, or if you're gay, you can't be a screaming faggot, or if you're gay, you can't be this or you can't be that. You have to be just this. That's obviously absurd! If you're gay, it simply means you have sex with your own kind, your own genre, your own ethnic, your own whatever, whatever the plumbing is...but the world doesn't stop after you've had sex with your own kind. I mean it continues so therefore you can have other experiences, so therefore you can be more than one thing. But it doesn't change the fact that you still have sex with your own kind, therefore you're gay. Stop thinking tunnel. Stop putting absolutes where they are none. Just because you're gay doesn't mean that you can't become President of the United States and it doesn't mean just because you're gay you can't become an actress or an actor, whatever the case you want to be. Therefore just because you're gay, don't assume that you can't be bisexual. Or heterosexual. I'd like to have a nickel for every gay, heterosexual that exists. Arkashea would be rich indeed!
PETRA: Hmmmm.
THERRY: Now, if you want to use that definition and bring it up on an emotional level, leave the physical level, the sexual level totally alone. Anybody that falls in love with another man, on an emotional level, they're gay. You are in love with your own kind. I mean, that just goes to show how absurd the thing gets. Then if you want to bring it up on another level, anytime you have a thought, you're going to go bring it up to the thinking level. Every time you have a thought about your own kind, you're gay. I mean, you can get as absurd as you want, it doesn't change reality.
PETRA: So then how is the thing about limits and frequency determined upstairs?
THERRY: Well, that's a different set of laws, that you're nowheres near ready for.
PETRA: But that's why...
THERRY: You have enough problems handling this level.
PETRA: Well, that I guess answers the question as why I'm allowed to do things which I didn't think I was allowed to do, because of my sexual preference.
THERRY: Yeah, you put limits where there are none. But that's okay too, I don't care! It's your life!
PETRA: [Laugh] Now, I get to all questions that I wrote on this list, These are all the questions I didn't write on my list, aren't you happy?
THERRY: [Laugh]
PETRA: Alright.
THERRY: I think you'll be running out of tape long before you'll be running out of questions.
PETRA: You may be right, but at least I'm hoping to have...The one thing I wanted to know was people choose their own sickness?
THERRY: Relatively so. Remember a lot of it has to do with Karma.
PETRA: So...There's like a new movement now to say that people have made themselves have cancer, for instance.
THERRY: Well, everybody chooses the way they're going to die. As I said, relatively so.
PETRA: Well, what's the best way to handle that behavior when you get sick so you're not guilty about it and so you don't make other people guilty about it or if they are, you can make them not guilty about it. 'Cause some people are really disturbed because now they're sick and they think that it's punishment from God, for one or they did it to themselves and so now they're guilty about it because why did they do it to themselves. And I run into that a lot.
THERRY: Now you're asking how to make somebody change the game that they chose to play. Aren't you overriding their Free Will?
PETRA: Yes, okay, alright well then from my own...
THERRY: That takes care of that.
PETRA: Well alright but what about for me from my own...I mean, when I get a spastic colon, am I choosing that or is that a limitation of a channel or is it both?
THERRY: Perhaps you have already chosen. What happened to the law everything you do also creates your future? Welcome to your future, girl!
PETRA: So relatively that question was, "Yes." Okay. Ahh, I got one. The signs and symptoms of death which attributed to the brain's decreased oxygen supply, for instance, hallucinations of other dead individuals, is that really the person crossing to the other side?
PETRA: Do they cross to the other side as a result of them losing the oxygen and being pushed out of their channel, is that what's happening?
PETRA: What is happening?
THERRY: It is time for them to cross.
PETRA: Well, how does the spiritual and the physical mesh? I mean, there's something going on between the two. What is happening?
THERRY: Well, remember, life or all of creation is a fabric and the fabric is governed by the set of laws. Part of that set of laws are the Royal Continuums. Karma happens to be one of those Royal Continuums.
PETRA; What's another one?
THERRY: Well, that's something else.
PETRA: [Laugh] I knew you were going to do that. When you use ambiguous words, I figured it's an invitation for more information.
THERRY: I understand.
PETRA: [Laugh] Alright. Uhm, I asked you that already, you answered that. Uhm...You answered that. Alright, this one you may not think...I mean you may think it's stupid but I was thinking about it anyway. Do people who're not Arkashean grow and develop spiritually and not only in regards as to beliefs and gods? I know a lot of people have that, but psychically in regards to abilities.
THERRY: Everybody grows according to the game that they've chosen to play.
PETRA: Well, if you've chosen to pursue psychic abilities, how does that work, do you have to...I've understood in the past...
THERRY: Every game opens certain opportunities.
PETRA: So that means...
THERRY: If the nature of your games has you imprisoned, so that you can't even think about anything but food, that leaves you with little choice to play. Now you get into Maslov's hierarchy of needs. That's a prime structure of your games.
PETRA: I started to see that the other day, but I didn't form a question for it. I know there was one in there! [Nervous laugh] Uhm.
THERRY: That answers that question, next one.
PETRA: Okay, so if you've chosen...because of Maslov's hierarchy of needs, you are at a point where you can develop psychically...
THERRY: Maslov's hierarchy of needs are the determiners and the structures of your game.
PETRA: Okay.
THERRY: So, if you choose something, it's the game itself that you've chosen. Once you choose a game, then you must abide by the rules of that game.
PETRA: Well, if you choose psychic awareness and you're able to have that...
THERRY: Then it's not psychic awareness that you choose. It is the game that allows you psychic awareness.
PETRA: Okay. There are different paths to that, correct?
THERRY: Yes, there are different games that have different levels, different abilities.
PETRA: Ah, okay. And how do people find various ones? Or how do various people be attracted to them when they haven't found one yet at all?
THERRY: I believe one of the basic laws says, "Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened."
PETRA: That's true, so that's how it works.
THERRY: That's how it works.
PETRA: Now how does...I guess it doesn't say who shall find you and who will...
THERRY: Correct.
PETRA: Because I was thinking first of all, when I...
THERRY: Even the darkest spirit can be light unto someone who is darker.
PETRA: Hmm. I never thought of that that way.
THERRY: That answers that one. Next question.
PETRA: Is it accurate to say that spiritual values guide political beliefs?
THERRY: Your question deals with a duality because it is both the presence and/or the absence of spirituality that guides one's political beliefs...depending on the agenda.
PETRA: Okay.
THERRY: Where there is an absence of spirituality, that's where you have a greater chance of being corrupt.
PETRA: Alright. This is a two-part question. The first part was, I've understood you to say that change is more effective if people's hearts are changed one by one but...
THERRY: That's the only way it can be.
PETRA: Okay. What about, for instance, something like the civil rights situation, if we waited until everybody was no longer prejudiced, minorities would still be persecuted. The system forced change in other words.
THERRY: No, it is not the system that forced change. The system contains the status quo. Change exists on a one to one basis because more and more, one to ones change, numbers increase and with numbers comes power.
PETRA: And is that the law was changed because there was enough numbers to believe in it even with all the people that were still prejudiced?
THERRY: No because there was enough numbers to do something about it. Remember on this level, might is right, 'cause this is a pretty low level. So you get enough numbers and you have the strength to do something and that gives you the power and therefore you can get it done. And that's how the civil rights came about.
THERRY: That's the basis of revolutions.
PETRA: You get enough people to believe your side, right?
PETRA: And that's why there's such a competition between political organizations, to get you to believe stuff?
PETRA: Because they realize that?
THERRY: Yup. And the same law for religions.
PETRA: Yeah.
THERRY: It's all politics.
PETRA: Okay, so you said it was accurate to say that spiritual values guide political beliefs. How? Do they...
THERRY: What are you going to do? Something that someone else tells you is right or something you feel intrinsically is right?
PETRA: Something that I feel intrinsically is right.
THERRY: Where does that come from?
PETRA: [Nervous Laugh] For me it came through my spiritual values.
THERRY: Your spiritual values guide you.
PETRA: Okay, now, I didn't understand...Well, this is my...The thing that I was thinking about was...I was thinking about Quakers, okay, traditionally have uhm, done political work. Their..their political beliefs are based on spiritual beliefs but they believe in getting involved in the system. Like they were very involved in the anti-slavery, abolitionist movement, the women's movement and all that sort of stuff.
THERRY: Yeah, they were also involved because they liked Nixon too, 'cause he was Quaker.
PETRA: Yeah, they try to forget that, but yes he was a Quaker. [Laugh]
THERRY: So the mistake that you're making is that you're trying to bring it down to specifics and the question itself is pattern-related.
PETRA: Oh, okay. Well, what I was trying to figure out is, if this is true, how Arkashea doesn't get involved in politics, which is what I was referencing it to.
THERRY: Because Arkashea stays on pattern levels. Arkashea's not interested in politics. Arkashea's interested on a one to one basis in each individual to become aware of the laws of their illusion.
PETRA: You once said, you give God unto its God and Caesar's unto its Caesar's.
THERRY: That is true.
PETRA: And humankind unto humankind.
THERRY: That is correct.
PETRA: If you have strong spiritual values doesn't that...see your statement of ...
THERRY: See, what you're saying is, if you have these values then you should use these values to override other people's Free Will and force them to believe like you believe and therefore the world would be a better place.
PETRA: I didn't realize I was saying that.
THERRY: Arkashea says you know the difference between right and wrong. You don't need me to tell you. You've done or are doing what you're doing because it is your Free Will, it your choice. I'm not about to try to change you.
PETRA: I don't want to force anyone to live the way I want, so that I would say that part of your statement wasn't valid. But how about when there's mass injustice somewhere else? Are you saying they chose that?
THERRY: Are you asking me to believe that overriding people's Free Will is okay when it's mass injustice, but it's not okay on an individual basis?
PETRA: Not on an individual...Well, pattern no, but I can think of a lot of cases...
THERRY: What do you mean pattern no, but...? You either have a law or you don't have a law. I don't remember the law having a codicil to it. I don't remember the law saying, "One should not override another's Free Will, "but if.""
PETRA: If you're in Cambodia and you're having that guy Phon Phot and he's totally killing everybody and massacring his own people and everybody else just stands there...and okay, there's people fighting against them, which there were too...
THERRY: Now you're talking about when is it right to go to war. The Universe has a mechanism that is designed to take care of seeming inconsistencies. You're talking about ethics. Which are you going to follow, the high ethics Karma or the low ethics of Earth? Well, the Universe has a mechanism for that. It's called "trade-off." You use your Free Will to decide what you want to do and you pay the price. It doesn't matter if "you" is one person or if "you" is a whole nation or if "you" is a whole planet. It's still a trade-off.
PETRA: And those spiritual values govern those decisions?
THERRY: Yup. Not only the spiritual but unfortunately a great deal of the time it's not the spiritual values that govern anything, it's the excessive ego.
PETRA: That's true. I just know that my basic beliefs seem to come from stuff I've learned here, even political beliefs and the way I see the world, which brings me to a point, which isn't on here, but it was something I was thinking about this week. You know what I realized this week? You're going to laugh. I finally realized that there is no perfection in the world [laugh] that there will always be conflict. And for me that was a tremendous realization because from that realization I realized even though it was not conscious, it must've been a Steering Current that I was looking for some sort of Utopia and I figured that when that Utopia was reached that there would not be conflict. And every time I came here, which was one of my visions, probably my main vision of Utopia and there was conflict and there were problems and you were poor and all this sort of know, you couldn't get your thing together the way you wanted to...that that wasn't...something must not be right, either you weren't doing it right or something was wrong somewhere because that wasn't Utopia and I finally realized that there is no Utopia, at least not the way I was thinking about and there will always be conflict and there will always be problems and even if Arkashea was the most successful thing in the world for what we wanted it to be, it will still have its own conflicts and its own problems. So the best thing to do would be to have the best system of conflict management where the most people could get most of their needs or as many of their needs as possible satisfied. And I've been looking at people that way a lot more and realizing that that was where a lot of my arrogance was coming from, was my view of perfection and my expectations that people live up to my standards of perfections and judging them because ...against that standard, even though I realize that everyone has their own different standards of perfection. But that it was funny, because I kinda asked the Universe, you know, that I wanted to get rid of my arrogance. I mean, I knew I was arrogant and impatient and stuff, but I couldn't figure out why. And I was reading this one little article in this spiritual magazine about conflict management and the guy says there's always going to be conflict so blah, blah, blah. And all of a sudden it hit me that he was totally right. And also at the same time, kinda I guess parallel to that, that there are different ...I guess this is from school, but there are different levels of development that everything goes through including groups, planets and communities and that I was constantly...which I know you told me before, evaluating you as an adult, finished product when you were still only still in perhaps, childhood and early childhood stages. And between those three things I realized that I had really been hard on you guys and evaluated you and the people that lived here in a way that was totally unrealistic.
THERRY: That's unimportant. The only thing that's important is that you made the realization so now you can grow more.
PETRA: I've been a lot more relaxed with other people and myself.
THERRY: That's why the problems of the '60s and the '20s and a few other eras...when too many people think Utopianism, they lose reality of what really is and it became very easy for the CIA to start the drug culture simply because people couldn't find their Utopianism anywhere and they didn't want to resign and give up their ideas and go back to what was because they had already judged that to be nothing. So they went into drugs and got dark.
PETRA: Hmmm.
THERRY: The CIA achieved what they wanted, they stopped rocking the boat.
PETRA: Now we have all the problems we have now as a result of that. [Laugh]
THERRY: Well, everything has its price.
PETRA: But yeah...
THERRY: It was only a matter time before it came to light that the CIA had started and was trafficking in drugs.
PETRA: It was just funny that I hadn't never realized that all this time that is what I'd been looking for was a Utopia and I really thought that my reference point of Utopia was no problems.
THERRY: But do you know why?
PETRA: No, I guess I don't.
THERRY: You were looking for guarantees. Utopia has nothing but guarantees. There are no guarantees.
PETRA: Hmmm. Because there's no conflict and you always know what to expect? Is that why there's guarantees in Utopia?
THERRY: Yeah. It's stagnant. If you ever did find Utopia you wouldn't want to live there because they'd be nothing new. They'd be no room for change 'cause change would conflict with what's already there.
PETRA: Hmm. That's true.
THERRY: And since that would create conflict, it's inconsistency with Utopia and therefore you couldn't have it.
PETRA: Now according to law, because law is change or one of the laws is that change is constant, there'd never be Utopia because constant is consistent with Utopia...
THERRY: Exactly.
PETRA: ...And change would bring conflict.
THERRY: Exactly.
PETRA: Hmmm. But you know I even evaluated now in the Women's Movement and gosh, so many things by that standard... I mean I know they have their problems and stuff...
THERRY: Next question...
PETRA: Uhm, all right, this was one that was also based on politics. If you believe everything's Karma, do you have political beliefs?
THERRY: If you believe everything's Karma, do you have political beliefs?
PETRA: Yeah. Another...
THERRY: Give me a definition of political beliefs.
PETRA: Okay. Okay, well, let's see. In other words...
THERRY: No, no, no, give me a definition for political beliefs...
PETRA: Okay, well, I rephrased the question, you may understand it better...
THERRY: Give me a definition for political beliefs.
PETRA: ...political beliefs...[Laugh] Well, that's a good question.
THERRY: Until you give me a definition for that, you can't ask that question.
PETRA: Political beliefs is the belief in how you think things should be run on a wider scale, how do you think things should be distributed...
THERRY: That's also a spiritual belief.
PETRA: How do you...Well, yeah spiritual beliefs also run political beliefs...
THERRY: Not necessarily true.
PETRA: Not run it, how about influence it?
THERRY: Not necessarily true. The chances are, your excessive ego will influence your political beliefs a lot more than your spirituality will.
PETRA: How so?
THERRY: Because they're governed by how you feel and what you feel has a stronger emotional control via behavior.
PETRA: I got lost. The excessive ego...
PETRA:... is how...?
THERRY: Because they're going to arouse anger and that is far more powerful than passive thinking.
PETRA: The thing is...
THERRY: And in order to attach anger or emotions to your thinking, then you've got to become fanatic and that goes right back to excessive ego again.
PETRA: Alright, okay, I accept that.
THERRY: So, it's more important for you to answer that question to yourself, but before you can do it, you have to get these concepts and definitions and you have to understand them. Next question.
PETRA: The next question was how do you reconcile with wanting to making a more humane world, with the knowledge that everything's Karma? And that's where that previous question came from. I was...