Arkashean Q&A Session -- 109
TARA: The fourth stage is when you do something and then there are consequences?
THERRY: Or begin the process. You start taking it seriously and then the fifth stage, it's too late. By that time, you need a bladder or a blotter, whatever comes closer to it.
TARA: If it's a pacing problem, going too fast or too slow, what is that attached to? In other words, if I could take events as they came and had good meter...
THERRY: There's a couple of possibilities. Boredom is one, anxiety is another. Anxiety being anxiousness rather than fear. Anticipation is the third. Uhm, I don't think the others apply here.
TARA: What would make my threshold for not...for anxiety so tender, so hair-triggered, so...
THERRY: Again, there are a number of possibilities there too. On the positive side, we could say wisdom. On a negative side, we could say stubbornness, rebellion, the "alright for you game" where you seek to hurt someone by hurting yourself. Those are the possibilities. Which one is the strongest or which one is actually in control, only you could know that because whatever I mentioned would ring a bell. And only you would know that because I refuse to...
TARA: Yeah.
THERRY: I refuse to go too deep into an individual. It's not worth it.
TARA: Whatever you said first was completely blocked from my head. Wisdom. Why would it be? How could it...?
THERRY: Why or how come could it be wisdom?
TARA: Yeah.
THERRY: People always know when they're being an ass-hole.
TARA: Yes.
THERRY: That's wisdom.
TARA: Okay. But they do it anyway?
THERRY: That's stupidity, stubbornness.
TARA: Right. I second it.
THERRY: Well, you have one consolation. You ain't going to do it twice.
TARA: Right.
THERRY: And you'll wish the duck you hadn't done it the first time too.
CARLA: [Laugh]
THERRY: That's life or the lack of it.
TARA: I don't know what the root of it is.
THERRY: Neither do I. I know what the definition of it but I don't know the fruit of that definition.
TARA: 'Cause when I reach into to say, "Is that what it is?" I don't come up with what it is.
THERRY: I don't even get that close. I always get distracted first. But then I have an advantage. This is not the only level that I'm at so...Sometimes I like traveling down to New York and aggravating these people.
MARIA: I just wanted to ask uhm....we were talking about people feeling malice towards other people. Could I be feeling that same malice towards myself?
MARIA: Because of regret of past misdeed?
THERRY: That's a waste of time.
MARIA: Uhm, I don't...
THERRY: Any time...any time you're feeling malice towards anybody, you ain't going to deal with the feelings or the subject matter until first you deal with the fact that you're doing it.
MARIA: Doing?
THERRY: Well let's say, for instance, you dropped a quart of milk and it splattered all over the kitchen.
MARIA: Okay.
THERRY: And you decide to play a game, "Shit! I'm stupid!" Well, you ain't going to be able to get over the project until you first you stop the silly game of feeling stupid because you did something wrong.
MARIA: It's the hanging on the cross stuff?
THERRY: Yeah! Things happen in life, it's just the way things go. To sit there and play the game of "bad girl/good girl," "bad boy/good boy," I mean, it's a waste of time. Simply acknowledge that something has occurred and either resolve to try not to do it again or that was fun, we've got to do it again sometime and then just let it go. If it is correct, it'll happen. If it's not correct, well maybe it'll happen anyway. But to sit there and feel malice is a waste of time. I think one who gets angry has the additional task of getting over it, so why not save a lot of time and don't just get angry anyway. Do like we do - "Oops! That was stupid!" And then goes on.
MARIA: Right. So this...when people blame other people because the discussion was on malice...feeling guilty about...
THERRY: When people...
MARIA: ...things I might do...
THERRY: When people blame other people they're usually try to claim something that is not theirs anyway and they're resenting the fact that it's not there's anyway.
MARIA: But when you blame yourself...
THERRY: It's a waste of time.
MARIA: Well what is it?
THERRY: If it was yours, why would you want to bother blaming? It's just a game. People fall into the trap of war.
MARIA: So is that warring with yourself?
MARIA: Oh boy!
THERRY: Hey, it's a common game. It's very common on this planet. A limited amount of war is kinda nice to play with. It's when you take it too far. Then it becomes stupid. I once heard that the definition of marriage is an acceptable level of war. I haven't yet been able to meet anyone who could give me a new definition, so I'll keep that one.
CARLA: On Star Trek one of the lines was in the Wrath of Khan "but this is a social occasion. I've often found that social occasions are only warfare disguised." [Laugh]
THERRY: So did that answer your question? Whatever of what occurs however, bear in mind that nobody's perfect, except me of course.
CARLA: If I wasn't such an egomaniac, I'd be perfect.
THERRY: Yeah, that's the way I feel. I'm glad to know there's two of us! Yeah, but I have a difference though, once I thought I was wrong but I found out I wasn't.
THERRY: How's your folks?
DARREN: Good, nothing really new.
CARLOS: The nature of being human is...
THERRY: The nature of the borning...
CARLOS: Except for the ones with rocks as parents, right?
THERRY: Right.
CARLA: Except for ones with what parents?
THERRY: See I swear they're some people that were never born, they just slime off rocks and grow up.
DARREN: (Laugh)
CARLOS: We'd be the exceptions to the rule.
DARREN: So if we were a planet of hatchlings...
THERRY: Changelings.
DARREN: No, but hatching out of ...out of shells - changelings? Well, you didn't get the point.
MARIA: Is it just because the nature of the young, they're just not the same level as the older?
THERRY: Well, not really. Let's begin at the beginning for a minute. When you elect a channel to experience the new reincarnation, the Karma of the channel doesn't fit exactly your Karma. There's usually a lot of extra. But if you are going to make use of the channel, you have to take on that extra stuff and that's usually in the process of growing up 'cause once you growed up more or less, then you can leave the parental stuff behind and then deal with all the extra stuff that you were stuck with that you still resent having to go deal with.
MARIA: You'll always have that trade-off then?
THERRY: Yeah, more or less.
MARIA: But obviously, certain situations can be better, huh?
THERRY: More or less.
MARIA: Oh boy!
THERRY: The problem of resentment with some individuals is they have the attitude that of, "Hey, this wasn't in the contract!"
MARIA: Uh-hmmm.
THERRY: They just forgot to read the fine print.
CARLOS: Yeah, they say, "I didn't pick my parents." That's a favorite line.
MARIA: Hmmm, right. But that's because of the veils. I mean, when we actually do pick them aren't we aware of the trade-offs as well as the...
MARIA: And then the veils drop and we forget everything?
THERRY: But that doesn't stop you from playing the game of resentment.
MARIA: Because you've....because you had no...because the veils have dropped and you can start saying again, "Well, I didn't pick 'em!"
THERRY: Correct.
CARLOS: When you pick your parents and decide to make an appearance, is there ever a situation where uhhh, you're just chomping at the bit to get into it, so you don't necessarily pick the best ones but they're the best available at that point when you can't wait any longer?
THERRY: Well all reincarnation processes are time-related. And you have to bear in mind that time and space is telescopic so you can't look at time from a linear point because it doesn't apply. Linear time exists only within the boundaries of a specific illusion. From Hades, linear time doesn't exist, it's parallel time or fabric time...
CARLOS: So the only time...
THERRY: ...or Orthodontik time.
CARLOS: The only instance that you would actually choose people to be your parents is if they really did meet most of the requirements you felt you needed?
THERRY: It doesn't even have to be most. It could...
THERRY: For instance, one is sufficient if that one is important enough.
CARLOS: But the more levels of difficulty you have, could that not be great if everything else that they had to offer was going to be...
THERRY: Could be.
CARLOS:...a bad fit?
THERRY: Could be, you can't say would be, you can only say could be because there's...
CARLOS: I guess what I'm saying is...
THERRY: There's such diversity. It's a whole Continuum and who's to say that it's going to be this point of the Continuum.
CARLOS: But could you literally have a situation where you've got somebody sitting and waiting and saying, "God, when is the right set going to come along?"
THERRY: No, because that whole attitude is one of linear time.
CARLOS: Yeah, okay.
THERRY: Linear time does not exist on that level.
CARLOS: And they're no mistakes made there, it's not like an "oops"?
THERRY: No mistakes made. No accidents either. You have to work very hard at claiming that channel.
CARLA: Are our parents usually people that you've been dealing with karmically before?
CARLA: When you say that you take on this extra stuff, what's the extra stuff, the extra Karma that you're taking on?
THERRY: Whatever belongs...whatever games the parents are playing or the siblings are playing that doesn't fit your specific Karma.
MARIA: So it sounds like, whatever patterns we started with, they're the ones we stay with, right? We keep meeting the same people, dealing with the same stuff with parents and...
THERRY: Until you have equalized the Karma involved, yes.
MARIA: Then you go to a new something?
THERRY: Yes, then you play a new game. It's like when you go to a circus. You get tired of one ride and you say, "Let's try that one for awhile."
MARIA: But Predestiny largely plays a part in the parents you will get, right?
THERRY: Yes, depending on how much the Walk of Predestiny is ruling the scepter.
MARIA: Oh yeah. Glo and I were talking about ...remember, was Jim Jones his name? Reverend Jones, that whole thing in Guyana, is that the correct place? We were wondering what the Karma is...people who are about to commit suicide and then they change their mind and then they're forced to do it. So then does it change from suicide Karma to murder, so the fact that the intention was there to do it, it doesn' have to actually do it, you have to commit the deed?
THERRY: That's correct.
MARIA: Okay and you have to do it willfully, so if someone forces cyanide down your throat then that's murder.
THERRY: That's not...that's not suicide, that's murder.
MARIA: So if a child even...if a two year old drank Kool-Aid by himself, can a two year old have that knowledge on some level that he's...
THERRY: He has to know if he drinks this, he will die.
MARIA: Even...can you explain that to a one or two year old?
THERRY: It don't matter what we think, if a child knows that if he drinks this, he's going to die and he decides to drink it, then it's suicide.
MARIA: But would the child have the understanding?
THERRY: It's automatically implicit, if he knows, he knows. How old do you have to be before you know something?
MARIA: Alright, let's say you're six months...
THERRY: If you're two days old or seconds old, okay, and you know that you're going to do something that's going to kill you and you decide to do it, it's suicide.
MARIA: I guess can you know on another level, but not be able to have the language ...
THERRY: Whatever you know on another level is of no interest to this level.
MARIA: Okay, so...
THERRY: Suicide Karma is this level's only.
CARLA: But they can...
THERRY: While you can commit suicide on another level, this is the level that counts as Karma because this is the life that you're trying to cut short.
CARLA: What if they know they're going to die but they don't really understand what that means? I mean it's just words, you know.
THERRY: No such animal.
CARLA: Oh really? They know what it means?
THERRY: Nobody's that stupid.
MARIA: You mean you can say to a one year old, if you drink it you're to die and they say, "What does die mean?" and you say, "You will have no more life." But do they understand that concept?
THERRY: They may have difficulty weaving it into the whole pattern of life and death.
MARIA: Right.
THERRY:...but they know death, once they know death, they know life once they know life.
MARIA: Would they know...?
THERRY: It is not necessary for them to have to be able to sit here and debate with you the fine points of life and death in order for them to know that if they do something they're going to die.
MARIA: But do they know what dying means?
THERRY: Yeah, you're not going to live anymore.
MARIA: Do they understand what living is?
THERRY: Again, you're saying that if a child is a child, then he's not responsible for anything because he doesn't know anything until he reaches a point where you think he knows something. It doesn't...what we adults feel and think is of little interest. The law's the law is the law. If you know something and you do it, you get caught at it.
MARIA: If you know something...I guess that's where I'm getting tripped up. I'm not sure about "if you know" part.
THERRY: I think what you need to do is differentiate the difference between knowledge and wisdom.
MARIA: The knowledge would be understanding the English words, let's say...
THERRY: If you know that you're going to die, you don't need to give a dissertation of twenty years of what living means and what dying means. You don't need that. If you know the difference between life and death and you choose death, it's suicide.
MARIA: Now are you saying though that the reason you know is because of other lifetimes, not necessarily because of the...
THERRY: It doesn't matter, the point is, you know. Obviously the whole thing was predicated on an "if then" situation, "if you know" it doesn't matter how young you are, it's suicide. "If you don't know," it's doesn't matter how old you are, it ain't suicide, it's murder.
CARLA: So the ones who didn't really didn't understand, it's not suicide for them?
THERRY: By whose point of view? What...where do you set the boundaries of how much somebody has to understand before you want to call it suicide.
CARLA: No, no, no, I'm just saying if they didn't understand, well then it's not suicide.
THERRY: Again, where is the boundary much do you have to understand before you know.