Arkashean Q&A Session -- 140
CORALINE: Are the laws that govern Friendships very different from the laws that govern romantic involvements, lovers?
CORALINE: 'Cause I remember when I said to you...
THERRY: 'Cause you have to remember, there's a whole Continuum there. All of the ...the Lover-Marriage game is on one end of the Continuum and the unattached, Unconditional Friendships are on the other side of the Continuum and you have everything in between.
CORALINE: I remember when I was having such problems with Barbie because she'd be entirely different with Kevin than she was with me and I'd say, "Well, wait a minute!"
CORALINE: I mean, what's the difference here! Just because they're screwing and she and I are not...I don't get it!
THERRY: 'Cause obviously, a very important part is the purpose for the existence of that friendship or let's not call it a friendship, let's call it a relationship. The relationship may exist at some point along that Continuum of Friendship but obviously, the point along the Continuum is very closely tied to the purpose. For instance, if you happen to be walking down the street in a strange place, suddenly you come across what you call an Adonis. Well, you're going try everything that you can to get into his pants or him get into yours or whatever façade that you're going to use to get to that point, you're going to find someway of getting to know him and having him to know you. Well obviously that whole schpiel is totally different from if you're walking down the same street and you happen to meet somebody accidentally, you begin talking and suddenly you realize you two have a lot in common and perhaps you'd like to do dinner some time, you know. You maybe...
CORALINE: Your wants are entirely different.
THERRY: Exactly because the purpose is different.
CORALINE: Your purpose for that Man or woman, I would think sex is the prime uhh guiding force there.
THERRY: Obviously...
CORALINE: But with the other, sex might not enter it at all
THERRY: Exactly.
CORALINE: And you've got something else.
THERRY: And it may be still on a different point along the Continuum. You might meet somebody and for no reason that day you may end up being hornier than hell, you'd duck a snake if you could getta hold of it! So in that condition, you're walking and you meet somebody who meets your fancy...he meets your fancy, he's got two pairs of legs and something hanging in between 'em, so he's just right to meet your needs. And he may turn around feeling exactly the same way. It's a quick opportunity for a quick dip and "Hey, let's go our own separate ways!" And perhaps for whatever reason, at the end of the dip, you may both decide, "Hey, this was damned good! Let's meet again sometime." "Okay!" "How about Wednesday?" "Oh no, I can't Wednesday 'cause I have a luncheon meeting." "How about Thursday?" You say, "No, I can't Thursday, I gotta pick up somebody." Then you say, "What about Friday?" And it's goes back and forth until you guys find a mutual time, "Well maybe next week". "I'll give you a call" and you say, "Okay." You barter your day, there's no romance in it, it is just mutual satisfaction of needs. And in the process over time, you find out that you enjoy doing things together but you're nowhere's near connected together in any form. It's just not there romantically. So you guys develop a friendship and you dip every now and then. That is called Compatible Friendship. It's a basic Friendship that's here or there according to the needs of the moment and sometimes you duck one another in more ways than one. And you'll both agree to it and you'll both enjoy it. It's called a Compatible Friendship which is totally different from the first set of conditions because with the Adonis gig, you may end up being so foolish as to play the marriage game, that way you have an opportunity to play the divorce game. Whereas in the Compatible Friendship, those two games are avoided totally.
CORALINE: Friendships between people...well, that have no sexual involvement say, these friendships, people...because their needs change throughout life, they come and go with friends, they'll drop ones from an earlier time, gather new ones as they get older...
THERRY: According to the Rules of Friendship.
CORALINE: Some don't have doesn't happen with some?
THERRY: For some people, the Friendship is unconditional, it doesn't matter how much you change, you're always friends.
THERRY: Each time you meet, maybe you haven't seen one another for twenty years even but yet when you meet, it's just as though there's been met them yesterday. You know, there's no change.
CORALINE: Can a friendship start out with a lot of conditions, say and then change to being unconditional?
THERRY: Yes, that's one of the rules. See, again, you're dealing with a Continuum there, there's so many varied possibilities that it's mind-boggling. One thing usually, if a relationship starts as a mad Love Affair, very seldom will it turn into a Compatible Friendship. It may turn into an estranged Friendship or a cordial Friendship but very seldom will it change to a Compatible Friendship.
CORALINE: It seems that mine and Barbie's friendship, our friendship's changed radically.
THERRY: Sure because the purpose of the Friendship changed.
CORALINE: Yet I don't think that I'm less close to some ways I feel a lot closer.
THERRY: That's got nothing to do with it. Understand nothing exists in a vacuum. It's a Fabric. Absolutely every phenomenon that exists, exists within a Fabric and therefore it must serve at least one purpose on every level. If there's no purpose for being, there will be no being. Again, if you have to understand that there's a lot of laws involved 'cause it's a Continuum. Every point along that Continuum has its own subset of laws which govern the illusion of that point and it could be totally, totally different from all the other points.
CORALINE: When you meet somebody and you click instantly as friends, is more often than not that because of past life relationships?
THERRY: Yes. Or the situation is such that there's immediate mutual exchange of needs. But more often than not, yeah, it's a past life thing. Same thing if there's an immediate dislike.
CORALINE: Alright, well, I could get into a whole bunch of specifics right here but I thought we probably shouldn't do that right now.
THERRY: Again, you have to bear in mind, like all of the laws that we teach, there is a duality that is akin to them in that a phenomenon is affected by their presence and there is an equal phenomenon that is present because of their absence.
CORALINE: I don't understand.
THERRY: Well, every target behavior within every role within every situation within every happening, let's call that syndrome is being affected in two ways, by the presence of something and by the absence of something. Like for instance, you might be in a situation whereby the Presence of a Friendship could be the controlling factor of that situation. But it's also a possibility that the controlling factor of that situation would be the Absence of that Friendship.
THERRY: They would have two, totally drastically different outcomes. And that's the basis of many people playing the game of "if it wasn't for you." "If it wasn't for you being here I could've done this, this, this or had this, this, this and that." Likewise...
CORALINE: They're taking duality into effect without even knowing it.
THERRY: Likewise, they can also be saying, "If you had been there, I could've avoided this, this and that." They're two different things. Quite often, you can see a version of that when they say, "You promised! You didn't keep your word, therefore this was absent! And I demanded it and expected that it would be present." So you can see, it's all so intricately connected to Expectations and Demands as well.
CORALINE: Alright.
THERRY: Again, every one of these things, they're not in a vacuum. They're just one thread of a large Fabric called the Situation in the Illusion.
CORALINE: Alright. First of all, I didn't have all of this law...uhm, I couldn't remember exactly how the last part goes, "If a man steals your hat, give him your cloak as well. For within his reality, his need is greater than yours. A Man who possesses nothing can be possessed by nothing. A man who is possessed by nothing is possessed by all things."
THERRY: "Is possessed by the Great Force."
CORALINE: A man who is possessed by nothing...
THERRY: "A man who is possessed by the Great Force is all things or is possessed by All Things." The appropriate way is to say, "Is all things for they possess the all."
CORALINE: It seems that a man who possesses nothing, does he break through certain of the limitations of uniqueness?
THERRY: No, if he possesses nothing...Again, they're not talking about...that law doesn't address physical possessions.
CORALINE: No, it's...
THERRY: That law addresses Attitudes and Emotions. If an individual has the attitude or the emotion that money is power and therefore "I must have money and power to show my status," then obviously he is possessed by his possessions rather than he possessing a possession. Then he spends all of his time worrying about uhm the care and the safety and the whole shitload that that power rat race comes around with.
CORALINE: You see that most often with people with money. It has begun to control them, they don't control it. You can see that with people say, with vanity...
CORALINE: They no longer have control of it, it controls them.
THERRY: You see that a lot in theater.
CORALINE: In how...You mean how theater is used to show this law?
THERRY: No, the people, the actors and the actresses vie for the limelight.
CORALINE: Oh, they're possessed by the attention getting.
THERRY: Right. They cut each other apart, they do everything. 'Cause it's power again. The power again.
CORALINE: It's takes many forms!
THERRY: Again, you're talking about a Continuum.
CORALINE: Right. You can't look at this law and say, "Oh, if someone takes your coat, here I'll give you mine!" [Chuckle]
THERRY: Exactly. See 'cause that's not what it...
CORALINE: It's not the literal translation that's important.
THERRY: Right, right. What they're saying is that if you place your heart in no physical phenomenon, then you cannot be corrupted. Your purpose is pure. Therefore if your purpose is pure, your love for the Universe is pure, cannot be corrupted. And if you cannot be corrupted and if you are in love with the Universe rather than with the Games of the Planet, then there are no bridges nor doors that lock you out of Alter-Realities.
CORALINE: You can be possessed by Fear.
CORALINE: And Greed.
CORALINE: Stubbornness...all those aspects of negative parts of Man...
THERRY: No, no, no. It is not you who possesses them. It is them that are playing on you.
CORALINE: Yeah I said you can be possessed by...When you...when an individual...
THERRY: But you can break that possession.
CORALINE: Well...If you desire to be a servant of the Universe, is that one of the steps?
CORALINE: Because you don't want to be a Master in Hell so much as be a servant in the Universe...
THERRY: In heaven, right, that's one way of putting it. In which case, you are possessed by nothing therefore you are possessed by the Great Force.
CORALINE: And it's not necessarily leading an ascetic life style and giving up all material possessions, it's your attitudes towards them. How much attachments you have towards things, people...
THERRY: Yes and what you do with what you have...
CORALINE: Right. You can be possessed by...well, I don't know if that would work...Excessive Individuality, 'cause that's a whole Continuum there of...
THERRY: That's what theater usually find that most likely in theater or more aware of its existence in theater, the limelight power game. And in politics.
CORALINE: I knew someone...remember when I had that phone conversation with Elizabeth Campbell when she was in New York?
CORALINE: Just recently and I thought how much I had talked like her when I was acting and having moved away from it for the last few years I'm not talking, thinking those same things. The example was when she was talking about so and so, her friend, ex-friend, whoever who's made it big, it was no thought of, "Hey it's great! She's made it big." It was, "She's cut-throat, you know, she did everything she could to get to the top and she certainly didn't do it legally and she'll sleep her way to get anything!"
THERRY: Exactly.
CORALINE: And it was all, "I'm going to do it better than her because I'm not going to do it that way!" It was putting the other down.
THERRY: Yeah, mine's is better than yours game.
CORALINE: Which is so common in theater it's unbelievable!
THERRY: Yes but that's also in politics. And a perfect example of this is, look what they're doing to Quayle! There's no call for that!
CORALINE: Just like what they did in the campaign, they'd put one another down constantly.
THERRY: Exactly. There's no call for that! But this is an example of it.
CORALINE: Right. If you want to follow this law, there must be...maybe I'm incorrect....certain roles that a person chooses to play in their life, they just simply cannot play if they want to follow these laws. Is that true?
THERRY: Yes that is true. But then, that is true for every game.
CORALINE: Well, I thought for instance...
THERRY: Again, you've got to bear in mind, Cara, you're talking about a syndrome which creates an illusion and each law belongs into a very specific game which is the interaction of that game with your personality that creates that illusion. And you have to bear in mind that you are dealing with the Continuum of both the Absence and the Presence.
CORALINE: What I'm wondering is could you...I mean, you said there are certain games you cannot play...
THERRY: With respect to the individual laws that we're speaking of...
CORALINE: Right. A person couldn't, say remain an actor in theater and not play certain games...I mean not have the Excessive Ego to the degree that most people in theater have it, not have the desire for the limelight?
THERRY: Maybe I can answer that by asking you another question, which would be more pertinent to what we're really talking about. Can you serve two masters? Can you serve more than one master?
THERRY: Isn't that what this law really says?
CORALINE: I guess I was thinking along the...I was first thinking about the theater and saying what if you just didn't have the attachment to it? I was thinking, what if a person had 20 million dollars? That doesn't necessarily make them possessed by money.
THERRY: Correct.
CORALINE: So they may play the role of the rich man, yet that role does not keep them from following this law.
THERRY: Correct.
CORALINE: So a person could play the role of an actor yet not be possessed by all the negative games that go along with being an actor.
THERRY: Correct.
CORALINE: So they wouldn't necessarily be serving two masters!
THERRY: Correct.
CORALINE: Then where you just...what you spoke of a moment ago seemed to go against what I'm now saying.
CORALINE: When you said you can't serve two masters.
THERRY: Perhaps I can answer that by again asking you a question. If for the moment, you are playing the role of a truck driver, does that mean that forever more, you will play that role?
CORALINE: No-o-o! I don't think so. You could if you wanted to!
THERRY: Let's say, your illusion is the house wife.
THERRY: Well, a part of the housewife's duty is to play the role of chauffeur.
THERRY: Just because she is at the moment or he is at the moment, a chauffeur, does not mean that he or she will forever more be chauffeurs? It means that periodically within their illusion they have to consistently change roles, right?
THERRY: Isn't that the same thing? If somebody is playing the role of an actor now, does that mean, they must forever more be actors? What about when they get off the stage and they go into their private life? I think there's a phrase that they used to use. And I think it goes something like, "Hey, don't let this get to your head!"
CORALINE: It would seem very difficult for a politician to play the role of politician and hold on to this law because you really couldn't get anywhere in politics if you didn't serve another Master besides the Universe...
THERRY: Yeah that is correct.
CORALINE: I mean you could try, but you wouldn't last too long.
THERRY: No, you would have to sell off your values.
CORALINE: If you tried to hold on to certain values, you tried to follow Universal Law and be a politician, you wouldn't last for five minutes!
THERRY: Correct.
CORALINE: Not in this world, right?
THERRY: That is correct. Again, that's not to say that the very nature of being a politician forbids you from being honorable. It simply means that because of the evolvement of politics on this Planet, by the time you become powerful, you've already traded off everything you have! Consequently, when you say the words, "honor" and "politicians" in the same sentence, you're usually talking about a contradiction in terms. That's like saying, "Military intelligence."
CORALINE: Yeah [Chuckle]
THERRY: Another one that I thought was amusing is, "Jumbo shrimp." [Chuckle]
CORALINE: Yeah that's cute too! Alright. So...
THERRY: They play with words and concepts so badly that they're meaningless.
CORALINE: Disinformation. That one. Peacekeepers, that's what they call a missile when they're aiming to kill. Right. Well so, I guess with this law, to apply it to my everyday life, it's becoming more aware of things that I feel I am possessed by and working away from them. Working more to serve the Universe instead of serving myself.
THERRY: Being careful to not tarnish any honor that may be there. Which means that sometimes you have to give up playing games.
CORALINE: Example?
THERRY: Well, let's say, you're learning from Arkashea and let's say, that Arkashea has one demand on you - you cannot wear the color purple.
THERRY: Well, if you go to war because of whatever, 'cause you want to wear purple and you try to find all kinds of excuses why you should be able to wear purple because Arkashea's teaching you laws of Creation and they're supposed to be free, they're not supposed to have anything attached to them and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Well, obviously your halo has become a noose.
CORALINE: And I would think that would start tarnishing other aspects of your life.
CORALINE: Say, like a chain reaction.
THERRY: Yes, 'cause...
CORALINE: When you start selling out one area, you will sell out other areas.
THERRY: Yeah, the more you sell, the easier it becomes to sell. That's correct. Is that it?
CORALINE: No. I'm going to go over this one. "You need to learn all about your emotions before you can go up to the upper realms. Then you have to use your emotions in order to learn.
CORALINE: It's part of the Magic Circle effect.
THERRY: Yes, yes.
CORALINE: And I think, okay, that sounds fine. But what does it mean? [Chuckle]
THERRY: Sounds like gobbly-gook, doesn't it?
CORALINE: I don't quite understand it, no.
THERRY: Okay. If you go back and look at the fact that the law states, "That which exists within the Chi must be Dual in its nature and triune in its effects. That includes the Illusion called Man the Specie and Man the Individual which means that Man the Individual has more than one part to him. He's divided. Not only is his mind divided, but so is his body since they both share in the phenomenon called the individual. But if you look at the law, the human body is nothing more than a chemical factory.
THERRY: It's all it is! There is no logic there! But the human mind, on the other hand, while it may function according to or by chemicals, basically, it is not a chemical reaction but it uses chemical reactions to make decisions etc. So the brain is basically a chemical factory but the mind is not. So based on that, you could see very apparently the dichotomy that exists within Man the individual. There is the logical part which belongs to the awareness factor, which is what we call thinking. But the law says that patterns repeat themselves so that means that same phenomenon must exist on the lower levels. Well the thinking process of the human body we call the Emotions. The Emotions is the logic of the physical body, the same way as the thoughts is the logic of the mind through the mechanism of awareness. So the mechanism of awareness is on multiple levels.
CORALINE: Okay, I think I'm getting a picture, maybe. Because you have...your emotions give you Mobility.
THERRY: Bingo!
CORALINE: And if you don't have control over those Emotions though, you won't be able to use them correctly to get to the upper realms.
THERRY: Correct. And thus you will modify and otherwise limit your Mobility.
CORALINE: Actually this does make sense. You learn all about them and yet you have to use the Emotions in order to's all sort of...
THERRY: Again it also...this particular law points out how you're dealing with a Fabric.
CORALINE: Right, it's so intertwined. I can see that.
THERRY: Yes, it's on many different levels. 'Cause remember, you couldn't even change your mind if it wasn't for Mobility. It is the Mobility factor that allows you to do all types of changes.
CORALINE: It's really kind of lovely, actually.
CORALINE: I don't know why it does. It's just something that seems very lovely.
CORALINE: I mean, it's's so ordered.
THERRY: Exactly. Law usually is. And again, it's a very big phenomenon whereby you have the Presence and the Absence. If you think in most situations of your life and in most Illusions, the guiding force quite often is the Presence of Emotions or the Absence of Emotions or the Presence of Thought or the Absence of Thought. How many divorce cases come into being because of a phenomenon whereby the Emotions are absent or the Emotions are present.
CORALINE: With one it could be present, one in absent. The other one could have absence, one in presence! [Chuckle]
THERRY: Exactly.
CORALINE: They could have a big problem!
THERRY: It's a whole Continuum.
CORALINE: I see. As you learn all about your emotions, in order to learn, you...
THERRY: You use your emotions.
CORALINE: ...are using them...
THERRY: Because you cannot have or you cannot live on this particular level without living, using your body, which is nothing more than Emotions.
CORALINE: So whenever you often...Most of the time, you're saying to people, "Get rid of your ducking emotions! Leave your emotions outside! We don't want them in here!" You're speaking very specifically about the negative Emotions.
THERRY: No, I'm speaking very specifically of not allowing the Emotions to have the control over the future.
CORALINE: 'Cause as you just said, you can't do anything on this level, without your Emotions.
THERRY: Exactly. Emotions are necessary. They must be guarded. They must be allowed to develop, but like any errant child, they must be taught what their place is. They must be taught to operate fully functionable, but within limits. If you do not teach your Emotions their proper limits, like any child, they will take control and you will have no...
CORALINE: Right, you lose the control, they control you.
THERRY: Right.
CORALINE: Does that fall into the other law? You are possessed by your emotions, you don't possess them?
THERRY: Exactly. But you can see if you look at all of these laws.
CORALINE: They're all...
THERRY: They're all intricately intermixed. They are nothing more than each law deals with one thread of the Fabric which makes up your illusions.
CORALINE: For instance, if you want to understand what goes on in another person's mind as opposed to your own, you need to have a certain amount of control over your emotions instead of them controlling you, in order so you can do that other law.
THERRY: Well, it goes even deeper than that. The Claim to Uniqueness demands that you can never know anything except yourself.
THERRY: Therefore if you want to know something about somebody else, you must know something about yourself and use what you know about yourself to make inferences about somebody else. And that's it.