Abandon All Hope: Questions and Answers

SAM: Okay. Everybody knows the entry that we're discussing now is "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter Here." And uhm so we can start the Q & A with anybody who wants to speak first.

THERRY: I'd like first everybody tell me what it says to you and then ask your question.

SAM: Do you want those people who are asking the question to state that or you want everybody to state it regardless?

THERRY: Everybody.

SAM: We might as well go around the room. Start at one end and go around.

THERRY: Who wants to jump in the pool first?

PETER: For me it means that because of the way life works, the way that Maya works, it's such an incredibly excellent trap that anytime you do anything here, you incur more Karma, so unless you have something other than your wits about you, some other way of understanding things, you're screwed. You're going to dig your hole deeper and deeper because every move you make is going to incur more karmic debt.

THERRY: That's pretty good. That's one of them.

SAM: I guess anybody can jump in when they want, we don't have to go in order.

THERRY: You got to remember that there are nine levels at least, nine levels of understanding when we take one of the entries.

SAM: Are we going to discuss every nine in this one?

THERRY: Well, maybe not. So if somebody else comes up with something else that's different. It doesn't mean they're wrong, it means they just see it on a different level.

PETER: I'll chime in with another one. The word hope is something that is based on somebody bailing you out, let's say and once you enter, hope is not going to make it for you. You're going to have to find a way out, find the answers in order to get a way out.

THERRY: Okay, that's another level.

PAUL: I think there's the implication in there that the purpose of the Descent was to make it realistic so that the Illusion would be complete and this law fulfills that the Illusion is complete, that people don't remember their origins once they get to that level.

THERRY: Okay that's a good level.

JIMMY: It kind of exemplifies the law that force used to ... "The Force evoked to create a phenomenon is the same force that is then used to maintain that phenomenon unto forever." It's like the exemplary...

THERRY: That's a good one.

CHERRY: Well would by stating, "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter" at the same moment, evoke the opposite, "Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter Need Not be" by bringing in the New Covenant?

THERRY: Correct, that's the strongest. That's the most favored level of understanding.

CHERRY: So if you can look long and hard into the eyes of your Hound of Hell you can retrace your steps.

THERRY: Correct. And you're not condemned because you fell into a hole that you don't know your way out of.

JIMMY: So why is it that initial name of it is very uhm...?

THERRY: Because that's what's written on the door that enters Earth. And the initial statement is, it need not be that way. What if there's a different way.

ARLENE: The level of observation creates the phenomenon.

THERRY: Bingo!

PETER: It's also an interesting fact that the word "enter" is used there. Because the opposite of "enter" is "exit."

THERRY: Right.

PETER: So All ye Who Exit or try to exit have a different set of circumstances perhaps.

THERRY: Correct, depending each on their own Karma. Depends on what is written in their Alliance of the Rule. But in either case, there's still a couple of levels that people haven't spoken of yet.

DAVID: Could it be that...or one level that, unless you actively intervene to stop the trap of learning how to retrace your steps and open up those windows, then pretty much you're going to be forever trapped, because the game is self-fulfilling.

THERRY: Very good. That's a good one too. What are some others? That...you knew that ahead of time because the circus of the playground turned into the circus of horror. I guess for some people that's fun but that's not one of the nine levels.

DOREEN: Therry, when I hear that, there's a part of me that really doesn't believe that statement because the other side of that is that phrase that you use with me, if you seek your limitations, you will find them. So I've had dreams where I've seen that sign and see Paul and I go, "Hey, he's there. It can't be all that bad!" And I go in and follow him.


DOREEN: So I believe that if you seek your limitations, you will find them, but at the same point, there is a way out of that path.

JIMMY: "Look! There's no way out, but there's Paul! Come on, let's go!"

THERRY: How about the level where, some of the things that you read, tells you, you're condemned. You're screwed.

JIMMY: For instance?

THERRY: Forget it, you ain't going to ever going to get out.

DAVID: I see most of the other...I see it slightly different. Most religions and beliefs tell you you're not screwed. That you're eventually going to get saved or reborn or Jesus is going to forgive all your sins or the Jews are going to go to Heaven or are the Chosen People.

JIMMY: The rapture.

DAVID: Yeah, I mean everything says you're getting off or you're going to Hell, one of the two.

CHERRY: Even some of the New Agey stuff say like Conversations with God, they say that we're just down here to remember and it's all positive, it's all good and that we choose our channels all based on things...it's a very light-hearted kind of, we're going to experience X, Y and Z, but never the word condemnation comes into that literature.

DAVID: Or kill people and die as a martyr and get to go to...get forty (40) virgins and a cow and everybody's telling you that you're going to ascend to heaven one way or the other.

PETER: Virgin cows?

DAVID: I mean Arkashea's probably the one that says you can get off but you're going to bust your ass doing it. It's a little different.

JIMMY: Hence thirteen people after...!

THERRY: Most of the religions of the world tell you that practically everything you do is a sin.

JIMMY: Unless you do what their holy scriptures tell you to do.


JIMMY: Unless you follow their holy scripture or whatever.

THERRY: They need something.

PETER: The thing is you can't follow their holy scripture for the most part.

THERRY: Correct.

PETER: Or almost no-one does or can.

JIMMY: Yeah but that's the theory, right, like you won't get out of here unless you ...

THERRY: Anyway, this one here tells you that it doesn't matter what you read, what you hear, what you see, what you experience down here. There's always a way out.

ANNA: Yeah but it talks about a special Teacher and if you don't have a Special Teacher, you won't be able to get off...

THERRY: If you don't have one, it's because you don't want it.

ANNA: Yeah but they don't know that. Whoever reads that, is not going to know who the Teacher could be. No?

THERRY: If they are true seekers, they'll know.

CHERRY: If I remember correctly, in previous conversations, you have stated that every individual on this planet gets touched by their Hound once in a lifetime.

THERRY: Correct. At least once.

CHERRY: At least once. And that way of touching could be in any number of manners but they are being touched. If 99.999 don't want to bother 'cause they're too busy having fun... I remember thinking, I mean, Saddam Hussein has been touched by his Hound of Hell?

THERRY: Uh-hmmm.

DOREEN: Probably a lot of times!

CHERRY: What exactly does that mean? It could come through dreams, a Teacher on a street corner, come through any number of possibilities, alter-realities that they choose to take on and make a change with or pass over?

PETER: Yeah, I mean actually, could you clarify what is being touched by the Hound of Hell? I mean, is it simply a nice...a nice gesture of friendship from someone? I mean is that...


PETER: What is it?

THERRY: It's when you meet yourself the way you really are. When you look into a mirror that tells you who you are, it's seldom very nice because it strips away all of your veneer and you get to see yourself the way you really are. You can't deny it, so you become fearful and you run away.

PETER: Has this always been or has this only been since the New Covenant came into being?

THERRY: Since what?

PETER: Has someone being touched once in their lifetime by their Hound of Hell?

THERRY: It's the New Covenant.

ANNA: The new what?

PETER: Covenant.

JIMMY: Covenant.

ANNA: What's that?

JIMMY: Covenant, it's like a pact.

ANNA: Like a who?

RENEE: Therry, is it always a real nasty experience or could it possibly be just like a dawning? Just something that clicks like...

THERRY: Depends on the individual and where they're at in their growth cycles...To the degree that they want to stay attached to their dreams, then when they're touched, it's not a very nice thing. But to the degree that they are really trying to grow and change, then their Teachers become angels, friends, good people. But if you're attached to your dreams or whatever, then all you see is demons and harpies.

SAM: You wrote that the levels of Lower Middle Earth operate under this edict, "Abandon All Hope all Ye Who Enter" but what do the upper levels operate under and where do those upper levels begin? Where you're not operating under this?

THERRY: Well, since we're having reference to Middle Earth, Lower Middle Earth is primarily "Abandon Hope." As you approach Middle Middle Earth, then it's "Abandon Hope Need Not Be." And as you approach higher Middle Earth, "Abandon Hope" is a lie, it's an Illusion to trap you.

DAVID: How can "Abandon All Hope" exist on any level if you have a law that says, "All power must return to its source." Hence there's almost a built-in guarantee that at some point, in some way, people are going to return.

THERRY: Yeah but it makes a difference between returning in another life or returning in a hundred million thousand lives. If you follow the adage, "Abandon All Hope Need Not Be," then you're taking a short cut, a shorter road.

DAVID: Uhh-mmm.

THERRY: There's more impact on change and it becomes a stark reality to each that if anybody's going to change or if there's going to be any change, each person is going to have to do it within themselves. Now another level tells you that, as you search around the axioms of the level that you're on, the only thing you ever look at is frameworks, the actual stark truth, you won't know until you cross the other side of life.

DAVID: Uh-mmm.

THERRY: So each individual fills in what the framework does not, in order to suit whatever it is their needs are.

JOSE: What do you mean the other side of life?

THERRY: Well this side is life, the other side is death.

JIMMY: What do you mean by framework?

PAUL: It's a pattern. You just have to...it's a pattern of laws that you have to draw your own conclusions from and then what you're going to make of it for yourself to realize that it's a reflection of the truth, it's not the truth yourself because anytime you have language, you have built-in limitations and built-in inaccuracies.

THERRY: When you build a house, what do you build first? The roof and then you attach the two by fours or two by sixes to frame it, then you attach the shell of the house and then you build the floor?

JIMMY: No-o-o-o-o!


THERRY: So you do have a framework. Everything must come in its own time, on its own level.

JIMMY: So in this instance, the framework are...Is...is what? What Paul said, laws?


JIMMY: The laws of Creation?

THERRY: Your framework's made up of laws and concepts.

JOSE: But the devil's in the details.

THERRY: Yes! [Chuckle]

DAVID: Using the housing analogy also, when you look at a house, very rarely do people ever bother looking at the framework. They just see the surface plaster and the pretty ornaments but the only way out is to look beyond the surface and look into the framework, right?


SAM: You mean where the termites are?

PETER: Damn it! Herbal carpet is so nice!

DAVID: And that's why you're going to be here forever!

SAM: Another level of, "Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter" has to do with the Veils of Forgetfulness...


SAM: ...And why does Karma or the Universe dictate that you are doomed to not remember just because you descend into a lower level? Why do they have to make it so hard? What's the purpose for it all?

PAUL: If they didn't, it wouldn't be real.

PETER: We made it hard.

ANNA: The veils are for us to see...

DOREEN: Law made it. You can't get away from law.

PETER: When we as a species evoked the laws required for us to experience separation and individualization, it came with it because we wanted it to be real.

SAM: Is that what you guys think?

THERRY: Remember the end part of the Descent, in the "What, If, But" version and what it says? "We can play, we can create a new thing called reality. We can play all kinds of games, the Creator alone will see us as sleeping."

SAM: So we decide to throw away all our knowledge everytime we go around and around in circles, to make it hard?

THERRY: But see, you can't leave the Nest, you can't leave the Universal Nest. Where's the reality if you know you can leave at any time? And the answer's, "Well, we could put veils so we can hide the truth from ourselves. And we could create laws to make sure that we don't fall out of our Illusions when we're not aware of it." And then it says, "But if you don't know, won't you be forever lost? Abandon All Hope All Ye Who Enter" and the reply was, "Well, we could put in some Magic Windows so's that if the thought was right or whatever, the Magic Windows would show us the way back home. So right there, you have "Abandon all Hope" and "Abandon All Hope Need Not Be."

CHERRY: I have a question, with "Abandon All Hope Need Not be," tied into that is via Gazing into the Eyes of our Hound of Hell?

THERRY: Correct.

CHERRY: How do the windows and I know of some of the windows such as theater and music as ways for us to use mirrors to find our ways out of the trap, how are they tied into our Hound of Hell?

THERRY: Our Hound of Hell can give you a second thought and give you a thought that you wouldn't have had by yourself. Now our Hound of Hell doesn't necessarily have to be the same experience for each person. It could be simply ...their Hound of Hell could simply be an Other World Teacher.

CHERRY: Right and a window that gives the individual the opportunity to see out of their trap. Is that created via their Hound of Hell? How is the windows which are means to evolve...

THERRY: Each individual creates that for himself. If you are truly seeking, you suddenly gain an interest in something and with that interest, now your emotions come along with it and give you passion. That passion along with interest, gives you a feeling of wanting and yearning where you want to know more. In order to know more, you have to break down your Veils, you have to cross certain barriers and that's your window.

PETER: Is there a correlation between that function and the function of our Hound of Hell?


PETER: Are they connected?


CHERRY: 'Cause our Hound of Hell can give the alternate thought and possibly plant it if the individual's open to that, that can then send that individual seeking that window.

THERRY: Uh-hmmm.

PETER: Is our Hound of Hell something that exists inside of everybody?

THERRY: Uh-uh. No.

CHERRY: Our Hound of Hell manifests through different individuals?

THERRY: Through different forms.

PETER: The Hound of Hell is a law?

THERRY: The Hound of Hell is a Force. It has a different face for every need of the moment, for everybody.

RENEE: This is probably a stupid question but uhm if an individual has or has created the interest to have a window present, would that individual...How can I say this, would the individual pass by that window if their Hound of Hell didn't show them that window?

THERRY: No, it would...without their Hound of Hell it would be "Abandon Hope." With their Hound of Hell, it says, it doesn't have to be that way.

PETER: So as soon as a person's interests, attitudes and whatever else needs to be aligned in how things are aligned, in wanting or needing or whatever else it is a view of a way out, that is what evokes the force called the Hound of Hell to enter in some way?

THERRY: I don't think he's aware that he's evoking it.

PETER: It would be nice if he is aware. Is he evoking it by that?

THERRY: Uh-huh, uh-huh.

PETER: Okay. He'd have to know about it to know.

THERRY: Uh-uh.

PETER: No, I'm saying he'd have to know about it to know that he's evoking it.

THERRY: Uh-uh, no.


THERRY: Uh-uh. One of the distinctions between the power of the mind's language as opposed to the power of the emotions or the body's language is that with the power of the mind's language, you have to know ahead of time. Not so with the power of the body's language. The emotions, you can have a feeling. You can't put your finger on it because you don't understand it but then, your emotions don't need that level of understanding to get going. So when your Hound of Hell touches you, it activates in a great many instances, it activates that emotion and that emotion spins you off to a new path. But you have to bear in mind that absolutely everything that occurs, it occurs by right of choice. Just because your Hound of Hell seeks to touch you, that doesn't mean that you have to respond. You can be entrenched in your own little Hell of your own Thoughts and you don't even hear, see or know anything about your Hound of Hell and you don't want to because understanding in that case will interfere with what you've already chosen what you want to do.

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